Bettas in a Community Fish Tank

In this video I talk about how to keep betta fish in a community aquarium. COMMENT RATE AND SUBSCRIBE :)

Bettas in a Community Fish Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 42

Betta 11 years ago 23,723 views

In this video I talk about how to keep betta fish in a community aquarium. COMMENT RATE AND SUBSCRIBE :)

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Most popular comments
for Bettas in a Community Fish Tank

aaron123456 - 7 years ago
I like your selection of fish every body seems happy except the female betas they are supposed to be more active then males because they have less weight to carry around
flyingrabbit - 7 years ago
So, I guess its sort of a myth then that you can't keep beta with other fish.
A lot of people say the algea eaters are agressive and attack their fish.
Heavy Metal Lion
Heavy Metal Lion - 7 years ago
you can totally keep bettas with certain types of fish. it comes down to the level of aggression the fish are known for and sometimes the coloring. just research the type of fish you would like to house with your betta and you will find out if it is possible to house them together.
Simply Sharon
Simply Sharon - 8 years ago
How many gallons is your tank
Lovebetta - 8 years ago
Nice Aquascape. I have 32g community/sorority female Betta, lots of live plants.
Devin huskey
Devin huskey - 8 years ago
you so fucking dumb because your not suppose to keep more than one
walmart - 8 years ago
You can't have more than one male in a tank but you can have a group of not so aggressive females together.
W4RD1N8ER - 8 years ago
I like that tank twenty gallon am I correct? I am going to replace my old twenty with a new one maybe a 30 its leaking now so its time for a new one it is a really old marina aquarium I am also going to run the new one with a U2 filter my first under water filter ever so I am excited to try this out I have a fluval spec 2.5 with a sump filter and it has been running no maintanence for over three years now solid and grows plants real good my most stable aquarium ever! never water changed I set it up and let it go for a year just plants, I have three guppies in it since then they are still in it today.
Moin S.
Moin S. - 8 years ago
thanks for watching my video. yes you are correct it's 20g. my opinion on you getting a u2 for your new 30g is not to get it UNLESS you get a 30 gallon long tank just to get some water agitation, I believe it's just a waste of money since most fluval products are sometimes overpriced, I believe u should stick with a external canister filter since those filters are the best types of filtration an aqua can have! ...let me know if u have any more questions :)
Videogame Musician
Videogame Musician - 8 years ago
Best video I've seen yet on beta fish.
Danna Cavell
Danna Cavell - 8 years ago
+Ryan Christensen you can put females betta and male bettas with other fish depending on their attitudes. If they're aggressive no but if they're passive yes.
Cydney Thomas
Cydney Thomas - 8 years ago
female bettas can live in a community tank.

10. comment for Bettas in a Community Fish Tank

hydrorecords - 9 years ago
This is the shittiest beta video on the internets.
Nate's Pet Mates
Nate's Pet Mates - 9 years ago
Well actually, you are going off of old data. Male bettas can actually live together. They don't always fight. Female betta fish can be in sororities.
walmart - 8 years ago
males should not be kept in the same tank unless you have a divider. Only the most passive can be kept together.
The Price of Fashion
The Price of Fashion - 9 years ago
This is the worst "advice" I've ever heard! You don't even know how to sex your bettas! You know nothing about proper fish keeping!!!!!!!!!!
Jenny P
Jenny P - 9 years ago
You are definitely not an expert as in the first 2 minutes of talking you had already made multiple mistakes.
Please stop giving out bad advice and please sort your fish so they are happy! Poor things.
Jason Hughes
Jason Hughes - 9 years ago
ive never heard so much crap in one video ,5 females is the limit ? errr no 5 females is the min to help reduce aggression i have 16 females in a tank the reason your girls fins are so bad is how you are keeping them and that red one in the floating trap looks more like a male to me its ventrals are huge ----- my advice is to take no notice of this person
Jai Speaks
Jai Speaks - 9 years ago
A lot of these fish look stressed as shit, and otherwise you're fucking stupid because a lot of those "female" bettas are actually males. Also this tank is overstocked and I'm surprised you don't have more dead fish.
Brandy Ehmke
Brandy Ehmke - 9 years ago
I have a male betta fish living with a bunch of plattys in a 10 gallon and he loves it!
I just got two new male Berta's and they are sharing their 20 gallon tank, with a divider (:
Mianko Avanaagatar
Mianko Avanaagatar - 10 years ago
Also, torn fins are never good.


If a fin is torn, then you have done something wrong.
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
+Michael Koory
Yes there are multiple fish but the fish don't nip him. He's not old I had him for a few months. The heater is at 79 degrees F.  The water is deep but not as deep and he likes to lie on top of my power head when he's resting, also the filter doesn't bother him that much.
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
+Michael Koory My Betta Fish's fins are torn, what's the problem? I hold live plants and rocks.
Mianko Avanaagatar
Mianko Avanaagatar - 10 years ago
You can have any gender and any number of betas together as long as the tank is big enough (just glancing through the comments). In the wild they wouldn't just kill each other.


You can not have multiple Bettas in a small tank, but potentially you could have dozens in hundreds of gallons.
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
+Jack smith
Yeah, you sometimes have to find the right Betta to keep in a community, even though it's not the type of breed of Betta you want or color.
Jack smith
Jack smith - 9 years ago
+AnimalLover Bettas generally don't mix well with any other fish although they can tolerate certain breeds but would much rather live alone, in their own territory. And also they are all different most are aggressive but every now and then you may find a more tolerant fish. 
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
+Jack smith
I've kept a male Betta with fish that look like him and he did perfectly fine.
Jack smith
Jack smith - 9 years ago
+AnimalLover Wild and domestic bettas are very different fish. Male domestic bettas can not be kept together as they have been selectively bred to fight with each other, hence the name 'siemese fighting fish' but can be kept with non fin nipping breed of fish or fish that dont look like them. Female bettas on the other hand are able to live together but only in groups of 4 or more and can be just as agressive as males. In a 10 gallon you could fit about 5 female bettas or one male with some neon tetras, paties ect.
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
+Michael Koory
OK thanks.
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
+Michael Koory How many gallons to keep 2 Betta Fish?
grapestking103 - 10 years ago
U have all males bettas In one tank bro

20. comment for Bettas in a Community Fish Tank

Morganna - 10 years ago
You shouldn't put bettas with guppies or mollies or any other fish that have long and colourful fins. Please do your research and stop sepwing BS. Plus, I have a feeling that at least one of your betta "girls" is acually a male.
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
+Supernova It is a male. I have a male Betta in my community and it holds guppies and a molly, he does perfectly fine with them and won't even chase them or flare at them.
Бек Шейхзаде
Бек Шейхзаде - 10 years ago
You have at lest 2 male bettas there. Crown tail, and veil tail betta (which was on the bottom, you called him "female"). And its obvious that veiltail betta was bitten a lot by others.
RightWingReefer - 10 years ago
Iv kept bettas all my life, bread thm. U name it.
Faith Revenge
Faith Revenge - 10 years ago
My betta is perfectly fine with any type of freshwater fish (have a 17 gallon tank) :P He's a male too which surprised me xD 
Jason Hughes
Jason Hughes - 10 years ago
this is scary if you think this tank is fine lol
Me Keely
Me Keely - 10 years ago
You know nothing about fish.
toxic tears
toxic tears - 10 years ago
you do a video on fish. and lets see how much better it is.
pratze86 - 10 years ago
you dont know anything about bettas or fish in general. Really you should be ashamed of this stupid peace of advice! Look up the water conditions the fish you throw in 1 tank together do prever... its totally the oposite! Bettas like soft water and Mollys and Gubbys like hard water... how can you call yourself an expert? Its very very poor advice!
Gabor P
Gabor P - 9 years ago
+pratze86 This is the problem with kids now days ! They buy the " Just add water and fish " Then they become expert and have no idea what they talking about and if you tell them they just swear and cussing they don't understand ! Many beginner adults too ! Fresh water good plants good add water look they are so hungry give them more give more bobble and air to them cause look they take a gulp from the top of the water ! Next morning when the water is all cloudy and all fishes on the top of the water they wonder why ! May be needed more heat of food they starved to death ! Many like that and they wonder 100% fail and why ! First is the stores that don't having experts but part time 14-16 year old kids who have no clue and second is this kind of misleading videos and many people like them cause look this kid is so skillful and clever ! Not 1 week is a life span of an aquarium if you want to really keeping it ! They should start with plastic and fake fish first and when the tank has no algae or the plants will grow then get a fish and learn what kind and what is the requirement of the fish means where they come from what kind of water they need ETC ! Too bad a lot more idiots are out there then normal educated people ! And those who knows about fish keeping !
RightWingReefer - 10 years ago
Bs bettas don't care
pratze86 - 10 years ago
I am stricktly against holding bettas together in any constellation. These keeping from birth on together things may work but they are very bad for the fish because of the hormones they release to stop their mature development. I am not rude, I am disgusted how someone can make a video in an educational style and not even able to detect female from male Plakat fish. I used to breed bettas for several years, I know how these fish behave and I know what potential of tragedy this tank has. I take any bet that this tank has not worked out the way he showed it in this video.
SasuNaru and other junk Dogs anime animal crossing
SasuNaru and other junk Dogs anime animal crossing - 10 years ago
Are you stupid? Whats with the rude comments? You are the one who knows nothing! Males cant be together even from birth! His tank is fine.
pratze86 - 10 years ago
+pratze86 oh and btw your "female" is a plakat male! Have fun with it! Tell us the truth: All your bettas still alive in this tank? I bet not. Btw you can see how your crowntail "curls" his finns? Your water is way to hard.... You keep Tetras with Gubbies and Mollies? Learn something about water conditions man! really!... just saw... you have 3 males in there!!!! the white egg-spot on the belly is to try to hide from the other male. Dude you have to seperate your 3 male betas!
pratze86 - 10 years ago
oh just btw bettas can be together in a tank if they never had been appart from when they were born together. Otherwise its just not possible. And even this is not a good idea because the betta group will release hormones into the water to stop each others to become mature. So no mather how you twist it: Bettas always alone!
Sandra C
Sandra C - 10 years ago
1:03 Is that an albino Chinese algae eater? You're in for a nasty surprise in the future.
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
+Sandra C
Oh yeah, I thought you were talking about the white Mollie.
Sandra C
Sandra C - 9 years ago
+AnimalLover On the bottom, right in front of the castle, that IS an albino Chinese algae eater.
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
+Sandra C No those are Mollies.
Radiant Penguin
Radiant Penguin - 10 years ago
What is it?
Sonny Clark
Sonny Clark - 11 years ago
could I just have all female bettas? in a community 20 gallion tank? or maybe 4 female and 1 male in a 20 gallion tank
or could i have 3 neon tetra 3 female bettas and 1 male some one please help me im geting a 20 gallion tank soon please help!
Ty - 10 years ago
You can most of the time females get along well . But don't out a male in unless you want breeding . Have fun with your fish sorry this comment is a bit late though
Sonny Clark
Sonny Clark - 11 years ago
could I just have all female bettas? in a community 20 gallion tank? or maybe 4 female and 1 male in a 20 gallion tank
some one please help me im geting a 20 gallion tank soon please help!
pratze86 - 9 years ago
+AnimalLover females are just as teritorial as males. They seem to be fine because the breeders never seperate them and they get transfered to the petshop as a group, too. If Bettas are kept from birth together all the time without seperating them for even a single day they will "seem" calm. This is because nature arranged it the way that if there is to little space for growing up bettas in their habitat they will release hormones into the water which keeps them from maturing. The moment they are in a new environment (when you put them in your home tank) they start to mature and then you have the fighting all over the place. Petshops that sell male bettas in groups with females are just insane. BTW I am all against keeping them as a group from birth because this is not natural and bad for the fish. It works but it is bad.
Gabor P
Gabor P - 9 years ago
+Sonny Clark Look ! They are in the closed small place the males are fighting ! Bigger place they just chase off each other as any other fish ! Females are a bit more tolerant to each other cause they only compete for food cause the interesting fact about them the males builds a bubble nest and spawning time he picks the eggs up as the female release them and the male guarding them until they free swimmers ! Also they like the most warmest still waters cause they mostly comes from south east Asia and from rice fields ! There the water is murky and very warm and shallow ! The male can't build a nest in flowing water at all ! I guess by now you know why ! Paradise fish and gouramis also air breathers and bubble nest builders like the Bettas ! See he can't even say the name he calls them Be'tas like the Greek Alphabet ! So yes in your 20 gal make sure no air bubbles going and yes 4 female and 1 male just fine ! They do not need daily water changes and it's fine weekly or even bi-weekly ! Do you keep plants in your tank or just bear ? Anywho they love the live mosquito larva ! they also like most fish food since they are slow swimmers and they don't need to chase down the food ! So to Bettas in the community tanks as long as no fast swimming and fin nippers are there it's okay but if you have any water movement in your tank they won't breed ! But if just keeping them with other peaceful fishes it's okay as long as nit so strong the water current cause after a while they looking for where to hide and they may die cause they have to take breath from the top and so on so on ! It's a fine line what community setup you want to put him in ! Trust me get a 5 gal put some plants in it not a lot and 1 male and a couple of females ! If they spawn the best is to take the females out cause the male chases them away from the babies ! Stressing both the males and the females and he can't care for the fry so well then ! a little delicate move let's say ! I see you wrote this a year ago but also here is some people in the comment section who sounds like experts and may be you should try them also ! Remember the success is when you have happy healthy fishes and if you can breed them ! Patience ! PS: Try this guy here pratze86
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
+Sonny Clark I would just stick with females if you want a group of them, cause females can sometimes hurt he males. Correct me if I'm wrong.

30. comment for Bettas in a Community Fish Tank

Pikubird Ok
Pikubird Ok - 11 years ago
that molly man, i feel for it 
Gabor P
Gabor P - 9 years ago
+Pikubird Ok Long gone I think ! The salt and pepper molly right ! I bet in 2 weeks all fishes were dead in that set up !
Ryan Christensen
Ryan Christensen - 11 years ago
Never put more then one betta in a tank and never keep bettas in a community tank if you have gouramis guppies hatchet or paradise fish and big no if you have cichlids. dwarf cichlids are fine.
Lovebetta - 8 years ago
+jackiekearney can I add 1 male? I sometimes put male in a box hanging so my female can come and release their eggs, I saw in one video that they do it. Ty
Lovebetta - 8 years ago
+ORANGE FISHHEAD me too, I have 32g heavy planted, with 7 tetra, 3 guppies, 6 Cory, snail and 3 shrimps, have 5 female Betta and they sometimes hang together, I put anubias on the top sides of my tank too so. They have more room on top too.
MELODY MUNRO - 9 years ago
+Ryan Christensen I disagree with you. I have 3 betta females in a community tank with tetras, guppies and corydoras and have had no problems. The trick is to provide enough space - mine are in a 40 gallon and loads of plants.
Gabor P
Gabor P - 9 years ago
+Johanan Micaiah Try it with a peacock bass or even a convict or Oscars or any others above 5 inches ! LOL
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
+Ryan Christensen I keep my Betta with gouramis, guppies, mollies, etc. and he does perfectly fine. He does flare at my large gourami at times but he doesn't do any damage to the fish.
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
You can keep them with cichlids and guppies.
daniel okelly
daniel okelly - 10 years ago
i do gouramis and betta problem
Eric Ninja 88
Eric Ninja 88 - 10 years ago
this does not apply for all betta lived just fine in my African Cichlid tank.....
FreshwaterTanks - 11 years ago
of course no for cichlids but for keeping more than one female betta I believe if fine :)
FreshwaterPro Abrar
FreshwaterPro Abrar - 11 years ago
What fishes do you have
kkk - 11 years ago
Oh they look awsome could you do a video on them please?
FreshwaterTanks - 11 years ago
LOL well my trick to making bettas really chill is to acclimate them first in a breeder trap, then fatten them up so they are a bit lazy to chase other bettas and guppies, I know it sounds funny but it works :)
FreshwaterTanks - 11 years ago
Nope those were Pentazona Barbs, Community fish, Great alternate for Tiger Barbs. Those barbs never nip at the bettas fins :)
kkk - 11 years ago
Do you have tiger barbs in your tank?
XxiAmFallenAngelxX - 11 years ago
Holy shit, a male betta living peacefully with guppies! And are those tiger barbs? You might have the most docile betta I've ever seen. Your fish are literally breaking all the rules. That's awesome.
TheRick2325 - 11 years ago
nice bettas

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