Blackwater Aquarium Setup for Bettas
Betta 6 years ago 61,155 views
Blackwater Aquarium Setup for Bettas - this is in the Mbu studios setup for albimarginata bettas with some rasbora espeis filled with catappa leaves. Support us by buying from our online store: Support us on Patreon: Some items I endorse but don't sell online: Aquaclear Filters: Eco Complete:
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But this was neat, learned some new stuff as always from your vids, thanks!
10. comment for Blackwater Aquarium Setup for Bettas
Love the video and thanks for the idea of creating shards of light, looks like there’s over hanging branches.
Really don’t want to come across as rude, but being an Autistic person, I found it too difficult to hear what you was saying when the techno music busted in.
Please don’t ban me, just hoping the techno comes in between the chat.
Thank you and your great team for making my fishlyfe better.
I’m now seeing shenanigans from my fish as the frolic amongst the plants throwing eggs everywhere.
I added some angelfish (7) to my aquarium that already had Guppies, Platies, Ancistrus and Cherry Barbs. My cherry barbs dying one, by one...! Could it be agression?
They do not have fighting injuries, But they are always hidden, more than previously i think.
I would like to hear your opinion. Thank you.
20. comment for Blackwater Aquarium Setup for Bettas
Hey Cory can u get a Black Ghost knife for the 800 gallon
It is a cool fish to have and relaxing to watch
U unboxed some before so pls keep one of u have or will get more
30. comment for Blackwater Aquarium Setup for Bettas
Quick advice, how were you successful at keeping guppies and shrimp together? Any advise?
I need some advice ... Currently I have a cheap kit from walmart (again for the kids) and I am realizing that the intank filter it came with it not adequate. I bought an aquaclear 20 and some extra sponges I would like to setup (like you suggest on your optimization video), however is there any way I should switch them out? I had 6 mollies and only 2 are left. I did not realize it but I had super high ammonia issues (guessing it was related to poor bio bacteria. Any ideas?
50. comment for Blackwater Aquarium Setup for Bettas
Very cool scape, guys, well done.
Thanks, and love your channel!
I love the brown water tanks... Maybe some day for me. Right now I enjoy breeding my guppies, and have just two planted tanks.
EDIT: Oh, it is 2 tanks side by side with barely in space between them.
Do you have any videos on tank sizes? What you prefer and what's worth passing up?
The only things I don't understand is, why the music at the end? I can't hear anything you're saying because it drowns you out. Other than that, fabulous video, great to see the process of some of these tanks!
Good work
Another great video loving the podcast
100. comment for Blackwater Aquarium Setup for Bettas
I hope they spawn!
Your fishroom is awesome, the wood looks great!
Keep up the good work guys!