Campbell's Live Planted Tank Tour | First Aquascape!

This is a follow up to last week's live plant haul & unboxing! This is about 2 weeks after I planted them in Campbell's tank. Some of them are growing faster than others, which is probably due to each plant's individual needs. This is without any fertilizer/root tab use, so I am pretty pleased with how they are starting to fill up his tank. If you havent seen the video where I unbox these plants, here is the link: New Video Every Thursday. Find Me on Instagram: officialbetterbetta Intro Music by All remaining music by YouTube Audio Library.

Campbell's Live Planted Tank Tour | First Aquascape! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 0

Betta 8 years ago 2,505 views

This is a follow up to last week's live plant haul & unboxing! This is about 2 weeks after I planted them in Campbell's tank. Some of them are growing faster than others, which is probably due to each plant's individual needs. This is without any fertilizer/root tab use, so I am pretty pleased with how they are starting to fill up his tank. If you havent seen the video where I unbox these plants, here is the link: New Video Every Thursday. Find Me on Instagram: officialbetterbetta Intro Music by All remaining music by YouTube Audio Library.

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Most popular comments
for Campbell's Live Planted Tank Tour | First Aquascape!

Rachel Chan
Rachel Chan - 8 years ago
may I ask what happened to his tail? :(
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Unfortunate fin tearing on a ornament. :( I had bought an ornament specifically made for bettas, but when I opened it I found it was quite rough on the inside (it was a hollow ornament). I did sand it down with some sandpaper, and thought it was smooth enough, but I found out the hard way it wasn't. :( I quickly took it out and sanded it more, and now it's causing no problems for any of my bettas, but it did a number on his fins.
Non-Stop Action
Non-Stop Action - 8 years ago
you know you can jest unplug the air tube from that light
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
I know, I just choose not to for some reason. :) I think I just like the keep all the parts together, so I just turn it off :)
Kay Wilkerson
Kay Wilkerson - 8 years ago
Love Campbell's tank, Where did you purchase the beware of betta sign? It's to cute, lol
Piranha Fish
Piranha Fish - 8 years ago
cool :)
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+piranha fish Thanks :)
MyView 10.75.69
MyView 10.75.69 - 8 years ago
that looks good, be he is really enjoying it
Paris Jean
Paris Jean - 8 years ago
I'm sorry about journey. We was well taken care of. Any tips that you have learned about Java ferns? Do they require a special light?
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+ParisJean Thank you. Java fern is actually one of the easiest aquarium plants to care for. They don't require a special light, just any regular tank light will do. They grow well in most tropical tanks without the use of fertilizers or anything, which is why they are great for beginners :) You don't even have to root them- just place them in your tank or tie them to an ornament or such and they'll start growing!
Paris Jean
Paris Jean - 8 years ago
Aww so cute!
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+ParisJean Thanks! :)
Aquarium Boy123
Aquarium Boy123 - 8 years ago
Looks great!
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Aquarium Boy123 Thanks!
Emily 264
Emily 264 - 8 years ago
you did an amazing job
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Emily 264 Thank you.

10. comment for Campbell's Live Planted Tank Tour | First Aquascape!

anfarlamb - 8 years ago
Excellent tank!! The live plants seem to be doing great. ((:
anfarlamb - 8 years ago
No problem ((:
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+BettaCare137 Thanks! I'm quite happy with them :)
Brooklin Mercedes
Brooklin Mercedes - 8 years ago
wait! what happened to Journey, Draco and Horatio!?? Are they still alive? i hope so!
Brooklin Mercedes
Brooklin Mercedes - 8 years ago
ohh ok!! so sorry about Journey. She was my favorite!!
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Brooklin Wheeler Horatio and Draco are perfectly healthy, Campbell's just the only tank with live plants right now and I wanted the live plants to be the purpose of the video more so than the tanks. :) Unfortunately, though, Journey actually did pass away last week. September 1st to be exact. :( She developed Dropsy, and she passed away less than 24 hours after her diagnosis.
Mark's Fish Keeping UK
Mark's Fish Keeping UK - 8 years ago
very cool looking tank's and Betta fish's :)
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Mark Cowen Thank you :)
BestBetta - 8 years ago
I love Campbell's tank!! I am truly very very sorry for Journey
Zully Urena
Zully Urena - 8 years ago
What kind of tanks do you have
Zully Urena
Zully Urena - 8 years ago
+BetterBetta thank you so much
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Zully Urena I have two Tetra 3 Gallon Tanks, and two Tetra 5 Gallon tanks :)
Purplesnowball 13
Purplesnowball 13 - 8 years ago
It looks so good!! The theme is really pretty. Love it!! :)
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Purplesnowball 13 Thanks!
Dolphincutie World
Dolphincutie World - 8 years ago
Awesome tank! loving the live plants and I like the floating log that's cool!
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Dolphincutie World Thanks! He really likes his floating log :)
Silly Bettas
Silly Bettas - 8 years ago
I am so sorry about journey though she was my favrite and Campbell is so cute
JacobChunioo Jacob chunis
JacobChunioo Jacob chunis - 8 years ago
+Marisa's Betta Fish ya .
Silly Bettas
Silly Bettas - 8 years ago
Yah it is terrible because she was so healthy and a beauty
JacobChunioo Jacob chunis
JacobChunioo Jacob chunis - 8 years ago
+BetterBetta I'm soooo sorry :( dropsy comes out of nowhere alot . that's sad . no replacement for her . REST IN PEACE .
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+JacobChunioo Journey passed away from Dropsy last week (September 1st). :( I noticed the symptoms the night before, and she had passed away the next morning. :( I've only really mentioned it on my Instagram, and also in the description box of my last video- so if you don't follow me or read video descriptions you may not have heard. I'm in the process of working on her tribute video, which will hopefully be put out early next week, and that's when I'll make it more 'public'. At the time I wasn't ready to announce it too much, but I've accepted it more now so that's why I feel better having waited a few days.
JacobChunioo Jacob chunis
JacobChunioo Jacob chunis - 8 years ago
why what happened?
Catherine Murphy
Catherine Murphy - 8 years ago
I'm the first viewer! Great tank setup! It's really pretty.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Catherine Murphy Yay! Thank you :)

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