Can Betta Fish Live in a Community Tank?

A lot of people wonder whether a Betta fish can live with other fish. The answer is yes and no. I was in the same boat and decided to pick this guy up and see what would happen. "Dragonscale" Crown Tail Male Betta "Rescued" from PetsMart 10G Community Aquarium

Can Betta Fish Live in a Community Tank? sentiment_very_dissatisfied 109

Betta 11 years ago 221,009 views

A lot of people wonder whether a Betta fish can live with other fish. The answer is yes and no. I was in the same boat and decided to pick this guy up and see what would happen. "Dragonscale" Crown Tail Male Betta "Rescued" from PetsMart 10G Community Aquarium

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for Can Betta Fish Live in a Community Tank?

FISH information
FISH information - 7 years ago
watch my new blue male beta video on my chanel and subscrribe
J delta737
J delta737 - 7 years ago
You can never save a betta, the stores will always replace the betta within the week
Tnt Dragon
Tnt Dragon - 7 years ago
I have my betta fish with a bunch of male guppies and there all good. Guess it all depends on how chill the betta is.
J F - 7 years ago
"Can Betta Fish Live in a Community Tank?" The question in my situation is, Can Community Fish live with a Betta?
AntivirusFire - 7 years ago
I think that betta is sick... looks ruined.
Forever and ever I swear!
Forever and ever I swear! - 7 years ago
A bigger tank will also help. My giant betta seldom pick on my gourami after i changed to a larger tank..
Forever and ever I swear!
Forever and ever I swear! - 7 years ago
I notice it depends on the bettas character. I have tried putting bettas with all sorts of fishes. Some will keep chasing other fishes, some just flare n some really bite. I also notice bettas in community tanks dont eat much. Think its bcos of the entertaiment it has..
marco aceves
marco aceves - 7 years ago
best f**** video ever
Delusion Hax
Delusion Hax - 7 years ago
i actually wanted to put my betta fish it was a crowntailed one inside of a community tank i told my mom i wanted too but she was scared then i told her its not evil like other bettas then she put it in and everything worked out fine :D

10. comment for Can Betta Fish Live in a Community Tank?

Noor ALI Legend
Noor ALI Legend - 7 years ago
Hey bro your fishes are amazing and cool
Jodi Hall
Jodi Hall - 7 years ago
Geez you have to be so rude? WORST YOUTUBER EVER!!!!
Carol Sorola
Carol Sorola - 7 years ago
I have an aquarium full of fish in my living room and I recently just adopted a betta fish so I could have in my room but I feel like he's lonely): so I'm thinking if I should put him in the aquarium with the rest of the other fishes so he won't be lonely
HolyHails - 7 years ago
Carol Sorola Gotta try it out for just a day or two and see how it goes. :)
kitty136 lol
kitty136 lol - 7 years ago
my betta is kinda boring he only stays in one spot and is kinda lonly to soo its cuz he killed my goldfish kinda hate him by doing that but he wont die like its been a 3 years -_-
Bob J-M Gervais
Bob J-M Gervais - 8 years ago
Betas are like goldfish in the sens that both can live in a community, but their is some risk to it. first, analysing the beta or the goldfish is a most, as the personnality of the fish will greatly influence the possibility of having him in a community or not. for a goldfish, if he lived most of is live in a specie tank only and he have reach a descent size already, chances are that he might eat the other fish, specially if they can fit in is mouth...the trick is to get them very young so they are small and can quickly learn to live with tankmates. the second step is to make a lot of hiding place and to brake the vision fild of the fish by adding a lot of plants and cave. if the betta/goldfish decide to bully or get bully, you have to get sure that the other fish can hide and have a safe spot. the 3 step is to make a lot of reasearch and to find some pacific fish that are faster then the betta/goldfish and won't finenipe him. best option is to have schooling fish, because it is far easier to targer one fish then a school of them... 4 step is to make sure that the temperature/condition are good for both fish and it's best to choose a fish that don't swim in the same water area. A lot of people think that goldfish can only be kept in a specie only, but guess what? mine are living with danios, corydoras, dojo loaches, they have live in harmony with minnows and now they also live with siamese algea eater (I don't recomand siamese algea eaters simply because they prefer tropical water, but they are doing okay so far...).., morale of the story is : if you know what you are doing, you know your fish, you have done the reaserch and you have a backup plan, why don't you try it and if it dosen't work, simply just act quicly. Both goldfish and betas are awsome in community tank, as long as you know how to handle the risks.
Nickolis Ou
Nickolis Ou - 8 years ago
Can you do what happen if you put an fish in liquor
Nickolis Ou
Nickolis Ou - 8 years ago
DaniëĽ Ranger
DaniëĽ Ranger - 8 years ago
i do have betta fish with gold fish... just remember dont put any fish with betta which look like betta or which has longer fins...and yup betta can live with any fish
mp equestrian
mp equestrian - 8 years ago
I just got a female Dalmatian Molly fish today and I was wondering if my male Betta would be able to go with her, I don't want to put them together with knowing if something bad will happen, please answer back, thanks!
mp equestrian
mp equestrian - 8 years ago
HolyHails Ok thanks!
HolyHails - 8 years ago
Maegan And Dorothy Hey! Here's what I would do: Place the bag/container in your tank with the Molly and let them see each other. You can buy one of those little breeder containers too and just watch how it goes. If it doesn't work out, you can more than likely bring it back to the store or give it to a friend!
RaptorPlayzGames RPG
RaptorPlayzGames RPG - 8 years ago
Do you even know how to. Take care of YOUR OTHER FISH those other fish are in such horrible living conditions 1. That Cory needs at least a 20 gallon tank and you have to have at least 5 of them (Prefferably the same species) 2. That silver hatchet fish needs to have a school of atleast 5 3. The Harlequin/Porkchop rasbora needs again atleast 5 of them I say get a 20 gallon and get 5 Corys 5 rasboras and 5 hatchets
HolyHails - 8 years ago
RaptorPlayzGames RPG Yep, this was my first tank and mistakes were for sure made.
Darlene Mangilinan
Darlene Mangilinan - 8 years ago
I also have a betta together with 4 white skirt tetras and a clown loach :)

20. comment for Can Betta Fish Live in a Community Tank?

Tim Imler
Tim Imler - 8 years ago
can u have two male betas in with tropical tank
mp equestrian
mp equestrian - 8 years ago
Tim Imler male Betta's fight, two females can go together but two males will kill eqchother
Sam Sweets
Sam Sweets - 8 years ago
For people wanting to put a betta in a community tank, here's a couple tips. Stick with fish that aren't brightly colored, your betta will be way less likely to attack. Also, 10 gallon is the absolute minimum if you're going to be housing them with other fish. Lastly, when in the store, pick a couple that you like. Then put the bettas of you choice next to eachother, and take the one that doesn't flare or acts aggressive upon seeing the other fish. This one will be the most likely to not go after other fish.
Keng Yang
Keng Yang - 8 years ago
The pet smart Bettas are peaceful. They're not aggressive. If you buy it from an Asian betta store though, different story. They're bred to be aggressive and fight. The ones at petsmart aren't.
David Apodaca
David Apodaca - 8 years ago
This is bad for betas. They shouldn't be in a tank with a lot of current and it looks like he's fighting to stay in one spot
Vincent Guzman
Vincent Guzman - 8 years ago
What if I have a paradise gourami. Will that cause problems
HolyHails - 8 years ago
Vincent Guzman Wouldn't think so. Those guys are generally pretty good about staying away from other fish.
Khloe Morningwood
Khloe Morningwood - 8 years ago
This is the best. I came here for the info I'm leaving with my day made.
Ty Koch
Ty Koch - 8 years ago
how about goldfish? i got 3 maybe 3-4" gold fish and im looking to condenced the 2 tanks
Oceanti - 8 years ago
The whole you can't keep guppies with bettas isn't true. On some occasions though they will be to aggressive. I have had one bettas too aggressive to be with guppies but I've kept many with guppies before.
Rowan E
Rowan E - 8 years ago
ur betta's fins are fucked up my dude
dirtybishop - 8 years ago
Rowan Morris sounds like he rescued him and he's getting healthier to me..
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 8 years ago
I have had them in community tanks. they a few pretty cool

30. comment for Can Betta Fish Live in a Community Tank?

tiny Mindded inc.
tiny Mindded inc. - 8 years ago
What happened to his fins
Hbippy - 8 years ago
How many black skirt tetras can I have in a 20 gallon? I already have 10. After seeing your tank, I want a beta too...
Jay I. Cueto
Jay I. Cueto - 8 years ago
lol... I know, goldfish r always kinda worthless tell me about it, I wanna sell mine and no one wants it... aanndd that's a cool beta btw!!!
tonmasterboy - 8 years ago
The only mistake you made in this tank was full filled it till the top...betta get tired of rising to breath due to its weigh
ROSEMARY AFFAYA - 8 years ago
I just bought a betta fish and was told not put him with other fish,but I did and they all seem fine.
Ferret JAcK
Ferret JAcK - 8 years ago
He is still a handsome Betta. I just got a girl a few weeks ago. And for some reason the other fish died off due to, I have not clue. But my Betta and African Dwarf Frog are going strong. So I might see about testing Mystic the Betta out with other fish then Tetras.
Ron Castillo
Ron Castillo - 8 years ago
"he'll kill your other fish and you can get some new fish, that's always fun right?"
Lewis Bellinger
Lewis Bellinger - 7 years ago
ya i had a good laugh
Cherp - 7 years ago
Best part of the whole vid
Ryan Dever
Ryan Dever - 7 years ago
Ron Castillo the betta would more likely get killed by those glowing tetras .
Yen Xion
Yen Xion - 8 years ago
herichyd - 8 years ago
I put betta fish together with lemon fish in aquarium, and it turn out lemon fish biting betta's tail. So have to separate them both
Tianna Violette
Tianna Violette - 8 years ago
So I got two three gallon tanks for my birthday and my dad wants to get me some Bettas but i have guppies, if I put one guppy in a tank with one Betta will she survive?

I also have plenty of plants for the tank that the guppies could hide in, a filter and all that jazz. I feel like it would be okay but id like a second opinion
Harry Hunter
Harry Hunter - 7 years ago
5 gallons is the minimum
Madison Erickson
Madison Erickson - 8 years ago
3 gallons is about the mnimum for a betta alone. guppies should have at least tn gallons, so no:(
VIIF_5 Aria Ahnaf Sidqy Suprayogi
VIIF_5 Aria Ahnaf Sidqy Suprayogi - 8 years ago
can betta fish be with black ghost knife fish?
Tony Kart Racer
Tony Kart Racer - 8 years ago
Hahaha.... this dude's funny.
Lord VaderRose
Lord VaderRose - 8 years ago
Thank you so much bro from now on I need to dig and burry my fish that was attacked by the betta fish :(
Evan Faraday
Evan Faraday - 8 years ago
My Betta fish killed my Goldfish now I only have Betta Fish left.
Tendo Pein
Tendo Pein - 8 years ago
dude,sorry for your loss,but honestly it's
Xx_Iphone_xX - 8 years ago
Hen ash
Hen ash - 8 years ago
Your commentary was hilarious to me sir. Oh and thanks for the info.
s_ r
s_ r - 8 years ago
i have 5 female betta in 55 gallon havaly planted tank with 13 neon tetra,5 platy my bettas keep platya pouplation down
Ravail S
Ravail S - 8 years ago
What is the yellow and pink fish called? I am a beginner and I can't find any colorful fresh water fish.
Unicorn Lover
Unicorn Lover - 8 years ago
I Think Those Are Glowfish
cheese_puff 12
cheese_puff 12 - 8 years ago
my guppy died but i have sword fish now.
thanks for the vid
Cameron Schulte
Cameron Schulte - 8 years ago
Can you have them with a sucker fish
Kitsune DesertPunk
Kitsune DesertPunk - 8 years ago
The Plecostomus? If yes then yeah, No one fucks with Pleco's lol
Xx_Iphone_xX - 8 years ago
I'm thinking the same
Abdul Roh
Abdul Roh - 8 years ago
Got a snapper, red ear slider and 4 gold fishes. Def want to expand Tank maybe even get a beta fish as well. Enjoyable video!
Red - 8 years ago
put red pacu,oscar,flower horn,arowana,vampire fish,and a botcha they are friendly tho, haha joke,,
i got bitten with my red pacu,my finger almost cut off.. yeah btw thanks for the video

50. comment for Can Betta Fish Live in a Community Tank?

MckensieLynn Scott
MckensieLynn Scott - 8 years ago
Can a Veiltail Femail Betta fish be with other fish?
David Lawrence Cars
David Lawrence Cars - 8 years ago
fat slow lazy piece of poop
Paulina Espinoza
Paulina Espinoza - 8 years ago
Can I put a crab inside?
HolyHails - 8 years ago
I am not sure to be honest. It's too easy to put it in and then watch them for a bit.
Jason Tello
Jason Tello - 8 years ago
This video if hilarious!
Qwebl - 8 years ago
What kind of fish is that with the bass like stripe going down its side?
i Derp
i Derp - 8 years ago
I always have Bettas in my 30 gal community tank, a male and a female. I have yet to have any problems -- they live long healthy lives and are full of vitality. It's good to have lots of natural plants at a high density so they can hide and relax. In my experience, they don't fight the other fish unless the fish look "Betta-like"... they tend to mind their own business.
lil sneaks
lil sneaks - 8 years ago
do you sell your betta and your fish tanck
Mike Hawk
Mike Hawk - 8 years ago
I actually have a Betta fish just got her today and I have wanted to know if I could put another fish in her bowl
Kitsune DesertPunk
Kitsune DesertPunk - 8 years ago
No. 1 Inch per-gallon. Get a tank lol
Alissa Michaela
Alissa Michaela - 8 years ago
No, that bowl is too small for the betta, never mind another fish
rodgify - 8 years ago
Nice tank you have there mate, My only concern is that, the other fish you have can nip the fins of the betta, because it is a slow swimmer. Tetras,Guppies Are one of the top fin nippers.

Now for the bettas to get experimented if they will harm other fish or not. Honestly (in my experience) it depends on the personality of your betta. And you're right, Tank size and hiding spots are major factor to have a peaceful community tank.
CarlsCommentary - 8 years ago
Hey man, my beta fish is really lethargic, I have a plant and a filter on him 24/7, but idk what's up, I feed him when necessary but idk why to do help
HolyHails - 8 years ago
+CarlsCommentary Cool dude! Just give him some time.
CarlsCommentary - 8 years ago
+HolyHails he was up until today, I got him a snail as a tank mate
HolyHails - 8 years ago
Is he alone?
WORD TO THE LIES - 8 years ago
What kind of water conditioner did you use for the betta fish and the other fish
Bluewind Dream
Bluewind Dream - 8 years ago
I'm soon planning on getting a Betta fish, this will be my first tank. Is putting him or her with Neon Tetras a good idea when I get the tank?
Bluewind Dream
Bluewind Dream - 8 years ago
They should do perfectly fine, however you can move the Betta of problems arise. But otherwise, good luck! :)
Tammy Che
Tammy Che - 8 years ago
Bluewind Dream I just bought a beta and I have neon tetras so they will probably turn out fine
Bluewind Dream
Bluewind Dream - 8 years ago
+Malas Wolf I have a 5.5 gallon for two Rasboras, two neon tetra and the Betta. Sadly the ghost shrimp passed away, as they do not last more than a few weeks. (People said to get them as food for the Betta, however mine accepted them in the tank and had left them alone for awhile, never going to attack them.)
Rynn Tinn
Rynn Tinn - 8 years ago
Bluewind Dream Hey, just wondering what size tank you have? (I want a betta and neons too)
Bluewind Dream
Bluewind Dream - 8 years ago
I just got them yesterday! They get along amazingly! Neon Tetras, Ghost Shrimp and Rasboras, my little Artemis is one happy Betta! :)
HolyHails - 8 years ago
Good luck dude!
Bluewind Dream
Bluewind Dream - 8 years ago
Awesome! So thankful, I just got the tank today and I'm getting the fish tomorrow, thank you for the quick reply! ^^
HolyHails - 8 years ago
Perfectly okay!
Vcvc16 - 8 years ago
can I put 7 neon tetras (one of them look really small) and 3 Guppies (they don't look anything like Bettas) and 3 adult ghost shrimp?
Vcvc16 - 8 years ago
+HolyHails he started chasing them for a sec and then minded his own business D: I took him out because I thought he was going to murder my fish :( Should I put him back?
Vcvc16 - 8 years ago
+HolyHails OK thanks :)
HolyHails - 8 years ago
Yeah man, just give it a try. Just watch them for a bit.
Mayra Rodriguez
Mayra Rodriguez - 8 years ago
did you have a filter in the tank?
Mayra Rodriguez
Mayra Rodriguez - 8 years ago
That's probably why he didn't move as much. I had a filter on my tank but my fish would always try to hide underneath it or just stay in the middle of the tank and not move. It wasn't until the day I noticed that the filter kept throwing him around that I decided to take it off. Now he's all over the place!! I do see that you have other fish that need it so it's really a give and take situation. =(
HolyHails - 8 years ago
Of course.
Connor Cole
Connor Cole - 8 years ago
Can they live in a 10 gallon with glofish
Morgan Hanson
Morgan Hanson - 8 years ago
I have four female betta fish with one male. The male and one of the females really get along great and swim together all day but do not chase each other or actually touch one another. They are in a 40 gallon tank and have lots of silk plants and hiding places. I think having the ability to get away and having lots of room makes a difference. They are so happy and thriving. So glad to get them out of the tiny plastic tubs from petco
kaya sabbatini
kaya sabbatini - 8 years ago
my betta fish was fine in a community tank but he kept the one ornament as his and if another came by he would come shooting out and then flare when he hung out with other fish he was fine though
Sarah Kupas
Sarah Kupas - 8 years ago
My beta lives with three neon tetras
It's Gumzy
It's Gumzy - 8 years ago
goldfish are worthles.I wink tell your girlfriend
Before Viet lee
Before Viet lee - 8 years ago
at 1:20 what are the fish bellow the betta call( the pink one and the yellow one)
HolyHails - 8 years ago
The pink and yellow ones? Glofish.
Wangan Savage
Wangan Savage - 8 years ago
Does the gender of the betta play a big role?
Joules the cat
Joules the cat - 8 years ago
YES, females can only live together, makes don't get along with others, it really depends on the personality of the fish.
Crystal Peterson
Crystal Peterson - 8 years ago
I have one in with guppies but I got him as a baby and he's not aggressive he's very docile it's amazing
omar serna garza
omar serna garza - 8 years ago
Is it ok if i put a male betta with 5 neon tetras, 3 ghost shrimps and 2 zebra snails on a 10 gal tank?
The Official Meme Queen
The Official Meme Queen - 8 years ago
It seems OK to me
Angerin757 - 8 years ago
I saved my betta from PetSmart. Poor thing was small and look like he was dying. Now he's living in a big tank with white sand and black lava rocks :)
will a betta fish attack a different fish
so I have
can't put a boy beta in my tank i have a girl
oh ok
oh thx for the info
dean bern
dean bern - 8 years ago
I won't tell your girlfriend
HolyHails - 8 years ago
Rondo St. Patience
Rondo St. Patience - 8 years ago
I LOVE THIS. Every time I went to Petsmart there was this awesome male betta that was staring me down and eventually I broke down and brought him home. He lives with a cory catfish and two mollies and they all love each other. Sometimes he'll chase them but he's pretty slow because he doesnt know how to swim too well.... At one point all the other fish in the tank got sick and died and he looked SO lonely so we bought him some new friends. He could never be an only child (unlike one of my female bettas in another tank. She's vicious and will kill other fish). Also, I sing to my fish and we can tell what kinds of music they like based on how much they wiggle and blow bubbles. My male betta likes ska, rap, and deathcore. Bless him.
Aquarium Don
Aquarium Don - 8 years ago
check my community tank !
mysister&i show
mysister&i show - 8 years ago
we're going to be out for a month and i think in that time my 3 bettas could die so i was thinking in moving each to a different bigger tank 2 of the tanks are 25 gallon and the other one is 55 gallon each tank has 4-5 small fish do you think my bettas will be fine?? also have a 10 gallon that i was using as quarantine but is has been without fish for more than a month but still running (didn't wanna lost the cicle)
mysister&i show
mysister&i show - 8 years ago
what could be the best option? ?
Courtney Street
Courtney Street - 8 years ago
I have a female betta I am going to try and put in my community tank. 4 platies, 3 mollies and 2 cory catfish. fingers crossed. going to watch them closely to see if it will work. I'm not a baby lol
shady039 - 8 years ago
How did that go? Im curious as I am thinking about moving my betta into my community tank.
PINEAPPLE GOD - 8 years ago
I bought a beta fish, and my sister bought a gold fish. The gold fish is about the same size as him, and a lot mor active. Do you think they can live together in a tank
Violet Taylor
Violet Taylor - 9 years ago
I have a male betta in a 40 gal with 5 female bettas, a 6 or 7 inch pleco, zebra danios, glo fish danios, platies, mollies, cory cats, and snails. The only problems I've ever really had with keeping bettas with other fish is one female is slightly aggressive, and the male that is currently in my tank is a little mean to the platies, but other than that I've had no issues keeping these fish.
Latin Connection
Latin Connection - 9 years ago
yes it will work I have my betta with discus angel and few others doing great actually runs the tank
jayscrazzy obsessions
jayscrazzy obsessions - 9 years ago
new fish that's allways fun right
jayscrazzy obsessions
jayscrazzy obsessions - 9 years ago
he smiled at me and I smiled back
yarbo - 9 years ago
"he smiled at me, I smiled at him, we sang songs all the way to the car and all the way to the aquarium." I just woke up and this made my day.
Alaura McWilliam
Alaura McWilliam - 9 years ago
I have a few tanks but I have a small 40 gallon tank with 2 comet goldfish and a few neon tetras and I rescued a beta fish from pet smart that looked like he was going to die within 1 or 2 days so I brought his health up in my quarantine tank then decide to put him in the 40gallon tank and to this day he is doing great and it is almost 2 years to the day I rescued him.
Luna harmony 1987
Luna harmony 1987 - 9 years ago
Fat slow lazy piece of poop?!?! Lolz! That's different. I only put my female in my community tank.... and they get along w/ my baby fan tail goldfish and baby black moor goldfish, along w/ a baby albino pleco! So yeah I have 3 baby fish
Luna harmony 1987
Luna harmony 1987 - 9 years ago
I like to see fish swimming.... not that much of crabs walking.... also they aren't as friendly as a fish..... you can pet a fish! Crabs usually won't allow you to pet them.
Luna harmony 1987
Luna harmony 1987 - 9 years ago
That's great! Bettas are the easiest fish to take care of..... I'm not that much of a crab person cause they are like a goldfish.... need lots of space! But it could also depend on what kind..... ever try to find out? I could help if I knew what it looked like.... how big is the tank? Does it have a filter and a heater? Perfect decorations that allow them to hide if they want to? That's what I would like to know.... and how long have you been keeping fish? Are you trying to get a different fish? If you are what kind of fish? (All of these questions don't need to be answered if you don't want to)
destiny bell
destiny bell - 9 years ago
+Luna harmony 1987 lol no it's a female betta, I have it in a tank with a little crab...but I'm not sure what kind of crab it is
Luna harmony 1987
Luna harmony 1987 - 9 years ago
Well IDK about frogs BUT.... my friend has a turtle and they can be a bit easier to care for.... just depends on what kind of fish/turtle... what kinda fish are you trying to take care of.... Better not be a saltwater fish!
destiny bell
destiny bell - 9 years ago
yep. I used to have a frog and some turtles but I think fish have different needs.
Luna harmony 1987
Luna harmony 1987 - 9 years ago
Are you a beginner?
destiny bell
destiny bell - 9 years ago
+Luna harmony 1987 I hope to make my own mini aquarium! So I have to learn all the basics...i want to make sure it's safe
Luna harmony 1987
Luna harmony 1987 - 9 years ago
Cause I Don't abuse fish
Luna harmony 1987
Luna harmony 1987 - 9 years ago
No.... I forgot to say that my 4 year old fan tail is in the tank and she lived in the tank for almost her whole LIFE! and she has never been sick in that tank.....
destiny bell
destiny bell - 9 years ago
will the goldfish die in there? Cuz goldfish are cold water fish
Greg Gammago
Greg Gammago - 9 years ago
What songs did you guys sing?
Salem Ross
Salem Ross - 8 years ago
+Im so Legit stfu
Tigel - 8 years ago
Darude- Sandstorm
Renee Sanders
Renee Sanders - 9 years ago
Thank you so much for this video. I love my betta fish so much and he looks so lonely in his huge tank my boyfriend got him. By watching your video I can now see for myself that it's time for my cute lil fishy boo boo to make some new friends!
NEB Barnes
NEB Barnes - 9 years ago
I have a beta in my 10 gallon tank. I felt he was lonely so I bought 3 red eye tetras. I suggest don't getting them, they are always nipping at each other. I am sure they probably do Chets fins too. Have yet to see it happen and they have been together now for 4 weeks. I have lots of fake plants along with 2 buildings where he can hide. I also have a floating plant attached to the top corner so that he can make his bubble nest. Which he has now done. I have seen him chase the tetras away if they get too close but for the most part they are pretty good together. My other 10 gallon tank has a half moon beta but he is in the hospital tank right now because I had fake plants which ripped a good gash from the top of his fin. He is getting better now and I have replaced every plant with real plants and put a smooth rock with a smooth entrance to a cave. He will love it when he gets back in there. His tank has 3 penguin tetras and a cory. Unfortunately the tetras just hide. Well, 2 of them do, I think they are mates. The third one is all alone kicked out of the group. I think I will have to get one more penguin tetra so that he can have a buddy. Thinking of adding maybe 2 more of something else too. Not sure.
Anilese Peterson
Anilese Peterson - 9 years ago
+NEB Barnes tetras should be in a group of at least 5-6 because they are schooling fish. they are hiding because they may be stressed. add a few more tetras and you should be fine.
Jimbo Jack
Jimbo Jack - 9 years ago
can u put a betta with mollies
billy Weiss
billy Weiss - 9 years ago
is that live grass at the bottom? if so what kind? thanks!
HolyHails - 9 years ago
Dwarf hair grass! Takes a lot of work.
Jake Eisenberg
Jake Eisenberg - 9 years ago
What about a pond with cichlids
Lolz_ rairai
Lolz_ rairai - 9 years ago
what about a black moor goldfish and a black molly fish? would they be okay with a male betta fish?..
Anilese Peterson
Anilese Peterson - 9 years ago
+Lolz_ rairai no. goldfish are coldwater fish and need to be in a tank alone or with other goldish. mollies need a heater as do bettas.
Lolz_ rairai
Lolz_ rairai - 9 years ago
k thanks
HolyHails - 9 years ago
Should be, just gotta try it. :)
Sofia Riojas
Sofia Riojas - 9 years ago
Hi am trying to start a community tank with a male or female betta and some guppies in a 10 gallon tank could you give me some advices? I dont have any fish at the moment.
Sofia Riojas
Sofia Riojas - 9 years ago
+HolyHails thank you
HolyHails - 9 years ago
Only one Betta at a time unless it's like 3+ females.
Bee Lee
Bee Lee - 9 years ago
Hey what r the yellow and pink fish?
Luna harmony 1987
Luna harmony 1987 - 9 years ago
Do you mean the tetras? The ones that look like a yellow piranha and a pink piranha as what my friend calls them.... the thin yet long fish? If yes, then those are tetras.... they are a school kinda fish and I don't like how little are in this tank
ReviewCam - 9 years ago
+Bee Lee they're glofish, which is a type of danio
HolyHails - 9 years ago
Troy M
Troy M - 9 years ago
I think they might be Tetras but I'm not sure
Yusuf Sezer
Yusuf Sezer - 9 years ago
Its not good for beta
Ismail Mortada
Ismail Mortada - 9 years ago
I just added one betta to my small tank with 4 gold fish and one fish of a type that I dunno the name and so far for few hours things are good
SUPERMUFN - 9 years ago
Sweet i just purchased a betta fish like two days ago and i have 6 glofish tetras in a 29 gallon tank. i put the beta fish inside the same aquarium and he seems to be fine. he has not shown any type to the other fish but if he does the other fish swim much faster than the beta and theres plenty of room for them to run (swim) away

100. comment for Can Betta Fish Live in a Community Tank?

Luna Moon
Luna Moon - 9 years ago
I tamid my bata with guppies. it's going well
Tropical Tank UK
Tropical Tank UK - 9 years ago
I use to have a fighter in my community tank! They all got on! But when he died I decided to stock the tank with more tetra and harlequins.

Take a look at my tank and let me know what you think please.

I subed and liked!
JanBrew Vlogs
JanBrew Vlogs - 9 years ago
I just got a new Crowntail Betta and I put it in my tank with 2 hammerheads,1 parrot fish,4 angel fish,2 goldfish,18 guppies and 1 turtle..the first day is fine but then its always hiding and it wont eat..should I put it in a different tank?
NEB Barnes
NEB Barnes - 9 years ago
+Abrew Victoria yes, he must have been nipped at. Mine did that too and I caught the tetras nipping at him. Bye bye tetras.
Brent Taratuta
Brent Taratuta - 9 years ago
My betta was aggressive towards gold fish and platys. Always stalking the platys and flaring his gills. So i bought him his own 3g tank.
nizzthe 1
nizzthe 1 - 9 years ago
I have a video with two males and two females I've had them for a while they flare every once in a while and chase but since I have a 55 they they avoid each other and the other fish I have
nizzthe 1
nizzthe 1 - 9 years ago
+HolyHails or you can have a small but really planted and lost of places to hide when they get tired of each other
HolyHails - 9 years ago
Yeah, that's a lot of room.
Slinkylabcat - 9 years ago
My sister and I bred 'em for a while, never made a dollar.  That aside, it's my opinion that male S. Fighters hate everything except their own offspring.  So no, they prob'ly don't do well in a community tank (at least 72 degrees F).
Master Of Awesomness
Master Of Awesomness - 9 years ago
Should I feed my Betta fish blood worms
HolyHails - 9 years ago
Holly Anthony
Holly Anthony - 9 years ago
Please get sand for your corys. It's so much better for them because it allows them to burrow through the sand to find food. The sharp edges of gravel files down their barbells!! Trust me you'll notice the difference in them !! :(
HolyHails - 9 years ago
Thank you! I will.
smilan21 - 9 years ago
i have quality shrimp food for my betta, but he never comes to the surface to eat..and as a result other fish end up eating the shrimp. How can i ensure he eats them??
smilan21 - 9 years ago
+HolyHails the fish shop helper was useless then!! :/ i will get blood worms next time. Thanks!
HolyHails - 9 years ago
+HolyHails Bettas*
HolyHails - 9 years ago
I would use Bloodworms. Don't think Betta's eat shrimp in the wild.
Dianne2us - 9 years ago
I saved a betta from pet smart, A lovely male and put him in the tank with my peaceful fish and he's so happy swimming around. He has good fish manners and I swear I saw him smile at me. =P
Personel Computer
Personel Computer - 8 years ago
+Dianne2us Betta love lonely
Washington A.
Washington A. - 9 years ago
+Dianne2us Keep him smiling Dianne
KeyPadLock KeyPadLock
KeyPadLock KeyPadLock - 9 years ago
+Dianne2us please be serious. this is about aquarium tank, fish and mankind!
Dianne2us - 9 years ago
I was making a joke....
KeyPadLock KeyPadLock
KeyPadLock KeyPadLock - 9 years ago
did u take drug? fish dont smile
Forestad20 - 9 years ago
nice tank how many gallons?
HolyHails - 9 years ago
10 gallon. Really small.
Jessica Ferrera
Jessica Ferrera - 9 years ago
what do you think about baby catfish from our pond in Michigan?
chogiwa - 9 years ago
If so he will kill all your fish and you can get new ones that's always fun
Kaitlin Day
Kaitlin Day - 9 years ago
I like your set up, what size tank is this?
HolyHails - 9 years ago
+Kaitlin Day Always the hardest part haha. Then you wanna put more... and more...
Kaitlin Day
Kaitlin Day - 9 years ago
+HolyHails Yeah, I wasn't going to give you hell for it though. Just wanted to compare it to the tank I have. I'm still trying to decide what to put in it. Thanks!
HolyHails - 9 years ago
10G. pretty cramped.
Micah Gavlock
Micah Gavlock - 9 years ago
how many gallons is that tank?
HolyHails - 9 years ago
Just 10.
hanzifaction - 9 years ago
Cruel *
hanzifaction - 9 years ago
I love this guys sense of humor. I agree just go for it, eh? Whatever happens, happens. You say the pet store was cute to your beta fish. Yet, you're the one who has fish with colour dye injected into them... That's interesting
ArKHaiXLEGION - 9 years ago
+hanzifaction never said it was natural but aight
hanzifaction - 9 years ago
+ArKHaiXLEGION Fair enough. So injecting jellyfish gene into fish embryos is natural I guess
ArKHaiXLEGION - 9 years ago
I hope you realize glofish aren't dye injected. they are genetically engineered.
Jacoda So Sundry
Jacoda So Sundry - 9 years ago
I call my betta The Executioner. No prisoners taken lol.
1998232v6 - 9 years ago
My Betta hates me and everyone else. I would say no for mine lol
Superdupercass - 9 years ago
I think I fell in love with you
Quickscoping Phantom
Quickscoping Phantom - 9 years ago
my beta fish murdered every other fish O-O
Melissa -
Melissa - - 9 years ago
Aren't goldfish cold water and betas fresh water??
jim smith
jim smith - 9 years ago
gold fish can live any temperature and that tropical fish live in and also cold water and fresh water are the same water different temperature
HolyHails - 9 years ago
GloFish are tropical freshwater. :) Goldfish are for cold freshwater yeah. Bettas are tropical freshwater as well. :)
Melissa -
Melissa - - 9 years ago
What kind of fish are those?
HolyHails - 9 years ago
+Melissa - They are GloFish
Melissa -
Melissa - - 9 years ago
The orange and the yellow
Rock - 9 years ago
The real question is....   what songs did you two sing?  XD
Tara - 8 years ago
They sang cupcake
Christina Mills
Christina Mills - 9 years ago
Rock - 9 years ago
haha :)
HolyHails - 9 years ago
Only him and I know. :P
koolgirl1357 - 9 years ago
LOL your comments made me laugh
Elizabeth underhand
Elizabeth underhand - 9 years ago
i had a vailtail betta in a 2.5 gallon tank with 2 teontetras, he would swim he was just hiding im the plants.. i was so worried that i try all to get em betther..  i took out the 3 small fishes.. then! He was healty again after som days! now he is swimming around the tank and have a gooooood life :D now he is 2/5 years old <3
RJ plays
RJ plays - 9 years ago
I have my beta with 5neon tettras and he always I mean always flare at them and chase them but I didn't separate them...but now I think they are getting along I guess!!
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
Great video! They can get along with guppies..mine do..but..its usually unlikely. I just get lucky w hippie bettas.
Khaun Kongchan
Khaun Kongchan - 9 years ago
Do not put them with the gold fish my dad had a gold fish and a betta and the gold fish devoured the betta
evecryred plays games
evecryred plays games - 9 years ago
They actually can't because there fighter fishes
Christian Salice
Christian Salice - 9 years ago
My betta fish
Christian Salice
Christian Salice - 9 years ago
Cool fish I have one too his name is finny
PSN Studios
PSN Studios - 9 years ago
HolyHails, you have 1 Serpae Tetra. Get one more because they are schooling fish, and with my previous betta, I bought another one and put them together, and they did nothing. And yes you are right. Get fish that do not look like a betta, good job on the video!!!!
SCPS-BUS 7 - 9 years ago
I like the pink glofish u got, I got a purple one shaped as big as your pink one
Reuben Kyle Matutina
Reuben Kyle Matutina - 9 years ago
The betta fish can live in 2-3 yrs.
Here So I dont get fined
Here So I dont get fined - 9 years ago
I put my male betta with my female betta and he just kept attacking her so we took her out
Here So I dont get fined
Here So I dont get fined - 9 years ago
Yea I know now. Thanks
Wildfire Bluebird
Wildfire Bluebird - 9 years ago
How do you know the sex of the fish ?
Wildfire Bluebird
Wildfire Bluebird - 9 years ago
Wow I see neon tetras I have those when purchasing them the lady told me this wouldn't be a good idea I'm not sure if it was because of my tank size or what? Before I got the fish I checked other aquariums out as and looked into the care of the fish . I saw other bettas with other fish
HolyHails - 9 years ago
I have a 10 gallon.
dreamur94 - 9 years ago
Looks like your little guy suffered from fin rot at Petsmart. Seeing as this video is 2 years old, hopefully he's doing better.
smokey bear
smokey bear - 9 years ago
hi HolyHails i am wondering do the glofish need the filtration system or not and what types of fish do you recommend to put in the tank??
HolyHails - 9 years ago
I think all fish should need a filter, but you can do a water change everyday if you don't have a filter. You can put whatever fish you want in your tank, you just have to do research on which ones work with what.
Jamie L
Jamie L - 9 years ago
What songs did you sing?
pHAro BxB
pHAro BxB - 9 years ago
What about when you feed them ???do all the fish in your tank eat the same food ? And do they fight for the food?
HolyHails - 9 years ago
Uh, I add a bit of everything. I don't think they care about each other when food comes floating towards their mouths.
Susan M.
Susan M. - 9 years ago
Thanks for the vid :-)  After watching this yesterday, the hubs and I decided to take the plunge and buy a betta for our community tank. We have been going back and forth about adding a betta for a few days. So far, no signs of aggression towards the resident platys.
Will Boyd
Will Boyd - 9 years ago
What type is the betta fish
HolyHails - 9 years ago
Justin Konsdorf
Justin Konsdorf - 9 years ago
That white fish on the side of the tank in the beginning is going nuts. hahaha

thanks for the info, I just set up a 30 gal and I want a community tank (tetras and some shrimp etc.) with a betta, since I love bettas (I have one in its own aquaponics aquarium. Hes been with me 3 years now! I dont dare put him in the aquarium just in case. Now I know that I should try it, since there isnt a definitive answer.)
Andres Frischeisen
Andres Frischeisen - 9 years ago
You actually can have bettas with guppies and it's perhaps the best fish you can have them with because they (guppies) are so fast
The Inflatable Sea Lion
The Inflatable Sea Lion - 9 years ago
I have a Betta with guppies and she's really happy :)
Naim Ayy
Naim Ayy - 9 years ago
haha way to say it how it is. good video man.
Regina Renner
Regina Renner - 9 years ago
I think its good to have onw dominate female because She streightens up all the fish. She might nip. But leave them alone it takes time to get them to get to know eachother. the dominate female also can prevent the other fish from fighting :) Just be careful and take her out if she gets too much power
Kyles Aquariums
Kyles Aquariums - 9 years ago
There are no videos on of, but do betta need to be in a ten or twenty gallon or can they be in a 100 gallon also?
MyGoldiesAndMe - 9 years ago
Wow you asshole. 2:27 and after ..
IM BAHA - 9 years ago
wtf is this betas love to bite fins on all fish that it can catch not just that accounding if its male or female males are more aggeive\

Dillan Mckeehan
Dillan Mckeehan - 9 years ago
Good job saving him
Sev Velasquez
Sev Velasquez - 10 years ago
Petsmart& walmart are abusing Betta
Lomeli - 9 years ago
+Laughing jack I bought 3 they are very happy and seem to be doing good!!
Lomeli - 9 years ago
And Meijer as well it sucks to see how they have them some poor bettas don't even have enough water on the plastic container they are in;(
Here So I dont get fined
Here So I dont get fined - 9 years ago
Hell yes they don't care
Linda Ossana
Linda Ossana - 10 years ago
what fish do you have in your tank with the betta?
randomchewy95 - 10 years ago
I took a HUGE gamble with my community tank. I've always wanted a community betta. I have a 20 gallon long with guppies, platies, cories, two paradise gouramis, and a few other catfish. A few reasons why I risked it: my flashiest fish in the entire tank is a lone male platy that keeps to himself since the females ignore and reject him; my male and female paradise gouramis never became colorful (they were always dull and I suspect came from a bad breeder - my male has a spinal deformity and is unable to swim for too long so he rests in my plants for the most part); and all of my guppies are female and have little to no coloration. I knew a flashy (and most likely aggressive) male betta would come to a disastrous end, so I considered a female. I decided that I would try a female since they're typically more docile and have also been known to live well in "sororities" with other female bettas. I also decided that I would NOT get a betta for my community tank if it was in one of those tiny crappy cups where you can't properly observe their behavior. One amazing fish store had a tank full of six female bettas and a ton of other schooling fish. I fell in love with three of them. The three were all very timid for bettas and had some subtle coloring (one black to steel/navy blue, one dark purple, and one muddy red). I took them home, released them after an extended time acclimating. They've ended up being some of the most docile fish in the entire tank. My gouramis have not hurt any of them, but my female gourami will follow them on occasion. I took a huge gamble and it paid off, but I do not recommend trying this just to try it. If anything went wrong, I had multiple backup tanks including a spare 10 gallon that I could separate them into. 
formulafirebird1988 - 10 years ago
That was a pretty funny video
Maddy Brianna
Maddy Brianna - 10 years ago
I got a goldfish one time that bit off the tails and parts of fins on my other fish. He had to go live by himself in another tank and I was stuck with a bunch of handicapped fish. I hate goldfish.
Emmit Stewart
Emmit Stewart - 10 years ago
Except for other anabantids, Bettas are not aggressive to other fish.  The problem is that fin nippers can make life miserable for them.  I have been keeping Betts in community tanks since 1960.  In my experience they tend to be rather retiring, and seldom make as good a show as when they have their own small tank alone.  
He won't eat your goldfish,  but he should not be in the same tank with them because they are cold water fish and he is tropical.
Chris B
Chris B - 10 years ago
how big is this tank? i have a betta in with my community tank : 29.5 gallon with an orando goldfish 6 cories and two platies ..they get along pretty great
Kyle Cushway
Kyle Cushway - 10 years ago
It's only a 10G unfortunately.
Loco P
Loco P - 10 years ago
how long can betta live bro?
Dominic rached
Dominic rached - 9 years ago
I have one that is 5 years old now. I have him in a 10 gallon tank with a filter and he is perfectly fine.
dreamur94 - 9 years ago
If taken care of correctly, they can even live 7-10 years
Justin Konsdorf
Justin Konsdorf - 9 years ago
+poi po but the one before him lived 2 weeks.... so it really depends I guess. He (my current) seemed pretty energetic when I got him, so I ASSUMED he was younger. Guess I was right
Justin Konsdorf
Justin Konsdorf - 9 years ago
+poi po In my above comment on this video, I talk about the betta I currently have. Hes been in an aquaponics (grows plants on top of the tank from the waste, which the plants use, which cleans the water, blah blah blah) hes actually been with me a little over 3 years now. (got him a week after christmas 3 years ago.)
Cela West
Cela West - 9 years ago
The people at the store said 3 months, and they lied.
Ryan Limoges
Ryan Limoges - 9 years ago
+poi po both of my bettas lived to be 4.. idk maybe im just a good owner (doubt it lmao)
Loco P
Loco P - 10 years ago
iight thanks bro
Kyle Cushway
Kyle Cushway - 10 years ago
I believe somewhere from 1-3 years. 3 being rare. ;)
Cody Wyloge
Cody Wyloge - 10 years ago
my betta just killed two of those tiny zebra fish uuughhh. my betta is a monster
Mia Gentile
Mia Gentile - 10 years ago
Hi I have a question about Betta fish do they like air stones?
Kyle Cushway
Kyle Cushway - 10 years ago
Yes, I had an air stone for a while with mine. It seemed to be okay. Make sure it doesn't cause to much water flow because Bettas are not made for fast currents. :)
Dane MacFadden
Dane MacFadden - 10 years ago
The fish looks like he's freaking out.
rogelio delacruz
rogelio delacruz - 10 years ago
Worth less gold fish!
joseph traficante
joseph traficante - 10 years ago
i wanna try this cuz my beta seems lonely as shit but i have two baby electric blue Dempseys and i feel like hell fuck with them
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
Shoot I have Guppies. I have a Blue Veil Tail Betta Fish and he seems to be OK with the Guppies but he is aggressive towards the Gouramis, the Long Fin Red Minor Tetras, and the Swordtail, but I want to put him in the aquarium so bad, what should I do?
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
He has gotten better with the Tetras and the Swordtail but not much of improvement with the Gouramis. He tries to attack the Gouramis but the Gouramis are much faster so I'm not to worried he will be able to catch them.
HolyHails - 10 years ago
You'll just have to do a trail run. Set him in there for a good week and just watch when you can. Generally, the other fish are much faster than him/her.
Anna Phillips
Anna Phillips - 10 years ago
Yes. I have mine with swordtails and cory catfish
Alexander Ortiz
Alexander Ortiz - 10 years ago
The answer is always yes, if you have knowledge and experience.
LazyPangaroo - 10 years ago
my crown tail is really small is it normal or bad?
HolyHails - 10 years ago
Probably just young yet?
ZeldaMusic113 - 10 years ago
Dude, I feel your crowntail problems. The fins are beautiful but they are kinda high maintenance sometimes.
PetDynasty - 10 years ago
I did a lot of research on this before getting my 10 gallon betta community tank and I never had a problem. He has been in there for 5 years now.
Sifaka - 10 years ago
1:03 True love story.
Christina Mills
Christina Mills - 9 years ago
Tree Trunks
Tree Trunks - 10 years ago
I love my betta fish. Your aquariums awesome. 
HolyHails - 9 years ago
Thanks! It's hard to maintain the smaller ones.
Yobz Aguilar
Yobz Aguilar - 10 years ago
Yea i had 2 Betta's in the same tank with other fish and they all got along with each other. The tank is 23 gallon tank
Suzzie Bray
Suzzie Bray - 10 years ago
What kind of small live plants
HolyHails - 10 years ago
Dwarfhair Grass, I believe.
HolyHails - 10 years ago
Cade Larsen: At the time there was a Silver Hatchetfish, 2 GloFish, 1 Serpae Tetra, 2 Cory Cats, and an Otociclus.
coasterfan 2105
coasterfan 2105 - 8 years ago
I got a betta well use to he died I had him for two years :( I'm pretty sad about it
Ramirez Martha
Ramirez Martha - 8 years ago
Which fish is the clear one
Amanda Lewis
Amanda Lewis - 8 years ago
+jackiekearney ok
Lovebetta - 8 years ago
+Amanda Lewis I have 10 guppies, tetra and Cory with male Betta in my 32 g with lots of live plants they never get close, they were in 10g they swim together.
Luis Lucia400
Luis Lucia400 - 8 years ago
Amanda Lewis
Amanda Lewis - 8 years ago
your wrong guppys are great so do some more research
Dark Helmet
Dark Helmet - 8 years ago
you need more cory's they get depressed if not in a school. also, get different varieties, they recognize the other varieties as other cories
Violet Taylor
Violet Taylor - 9 years ago
+Halo 3 brute chieftain Color tetras are tropical fish and goldfish are cold water fish, so dont mix them together. If goldfish are so worthless than why do have them?
Let 'Volir
Let 'Volir - 9 years ago
Ok big question I have colour tetras like yours in and to worthless goldfish can I put on in there also it's a 20g tank
HolyHails - 10 years ago
Only a 10G.
Skye Fuego
Skye Fuego - 10 years ago
What size tank is that
Ausbmx X
Ausbmx X - 10 years ago
what wer those other fish in that tank
Megan Taylor
Megan Taylor - 10 years ago
I laughed at bits of this video. Just loved it
Hannah Banana
Hannah Banana - 10 years ago
he is creepy
Yilmaz Sahinkaya
Yilmaz Sahinkaya - 10 years ago
what kind of filter do you have. i heard bettas dont like too much current, but the other fish need oxygen. i have a 30 gallon long. i just have one filter. cascade 100 for up to 20 gallon. if i want to put other fish in there do i need more filtration?
Tristan Horner
Tristan Horner - 9 years ago
I have the top fin 20 filter myself. It's a little loud and yes you're correct. Bettas have a hard time swimming against a heavy current so I keep the filter turned downed to the lowest setting.
Kyle Cushway
Kyle Cushway - 10 years ago
It was average on noise. I didn't lose any fish in the intake as it comes with a guard for the end. I have since gone with the Marineland Biowheel, the one for 30G tanks. It's much less noisy and does a better job. It was $45 but, it was a good investment.
Yilmaz Sahinkaya
Yilmaz Sahinkaya - 10 years ago
is the top fin noisy? this cascade and aqua clear i used to have is heck of noisy. also do any fish get sucked into the intake. lost a few neons. sorry for so many questions. you have nice tank.
HolyHails - 10 years ago
I had a TopFin 20, for 20 gallon tanks. I do feel more filtration is better, as my tank was overstocked I went with a 20G filter instead of a 10G one. They don't like currents too rough, but they always seem to find a spot in the tank where there isn't current. You can always try to aim the flow the short way, so the current is cut off faster. Just try different angles or find a filter where the current isn't as much. ;)
Joseph Luis M.V
Joseph Luis M.V - 10 years ago
My betta tank mate are cory cats and nerite snail. And never have a problem.
One thing i notice coz i have my betta for six months and when i put the corry cats he thinks hes one of them. He do what cory cats do scavanging food lol. And he follow them always as if hes a schooling fish ahaha.
chaos gurl6
chaos gurl6 - 10 years ago
I thought my 1/2 year old beta for about a week, and also is living with my one guppy and his babies, but he learned and is very well mannered :)
LyneyZ97 - 10 years ago
Do you fed all of them with the same food?
HolyHails - 10 years ago
Not usually. I use freeze dried bloodworms for the more carnivorous fish and I have veggie pellets for fish which need that. Also, once in a while I give them frozen food. I think it's much healthier for them and adds to their color.
Ashlyn S
Ashlyn S - 10 years ago
This video was funny I'm glad i clicked on it
disestablismentarian - 10 years ago
one i used to have in the 90's used to nip at the goldfish tails- eventually- they would lose a lot of their fins (the goldfish would have bites taken out of their fins).  ^^
That Ginger Girl
That Ginger Girl - 10 years ago
Great video! I was laughing the whole time! :)
Ariel Nicole
Ariel Nicole - 10 years ago
your funny i subed
Bub bles
Bub bles - 10 years ago
Just flushed my beta down the toilet. He liked to eat my neon tetras. No more betas for me!
adrian - 10 years ago 
heres a chart that shows fish that can be in the same tanks and not 
Alejandro Castro
Alejandro Castro - 10 years ago
What other fish do you have. I'm not to great at identifying fish.

How is the beta doing so far?
HolyHails - 10 years ago
Oh and a Hatchetfish. The Betta is since gone, but I replaced him with a female one.
HolyHails - 10 years ago
There's some Rasbora's, GloFish, Cory Cats, and a Serpae Tetra.
datinyone - 10 years ago
i have my betta in with some platys, a couple panda corys, and a little school of panda tetras.. surprisingly, the tetras bully each other but leave him completely alone.. he ignores the platys.. and he follows (not chases) the corys.. he's constantly just watching them.. kind of funny.. he's an amusing little fish :)
Brenda lomeli
Brenda lomeli - 10 years ago
Amy Hitchcock
Amy Hitchcock - 10 years ago
I have a plecostomus and a Beta together. The male Beta noticed him first time put him in and puffed up a little. They get along great. The Beta thinks he is just type of ugly floating rock. Bahahaha! 
5K VENOM - 10 years ago
I put my betta on my community tank and he loves it
Rainwater Grotto
Rainwater Grotto - 10 years ago
Can they go with two platys three Scissortail Tetra and a small algae eater and a yellow striped spiny eel and I also have live plants and a 20 gallon tank
HolyHails - 10 years ago
That should be fine. Like I said, you just have to watch them. ;)
Albert Tillman
Albert Tillman - 10 years ago
You did the same thing I did. I have cories, mud cats & a mickey mouse platy with live plants. They get along just fine. Man you are hilarious :).
41192tara - 10 years ago
lol "lazy piece of poop"
Edward Brown
Edward Brown - 10 years ago
I have a community tank and keep both a male and female betta -- they are fine.  Other types of fish in that tank include Neon Tetra's, a Hi-Fin Black Tetra, White Skirt Tetra and a Panda Platty.  They all live in peace........
Pol Marcellus
Pol Marcellus - 10 years ago
Sure your betta CAN live with other fish, but does it enjoy it? that is the question. I had to remove 1 of my female betta fish from my sorority tank because it didn't enjoy being in there NOT BECAUSE IT WASN'T ABLE TO LIVE THERE. Of course this is just a 3 min. video so I don't know your betta. All I am asking for is that you do what is best for him. NICE VID!
Oliver Guzman
Oliver Guzman - 10 years ago
Hahaha you are so funny dude! You made laugh so hard. I'm about to try this with my fish tank.
HolyHails - 9 years ago
Haha. How did it work out?
Angelyna Gonzalez
Angelyna Gonzalez - 10 years ago
So is ok to put them together my betta fish seems so alone
Pol Marcellus
Pol Marcellus - 10 years ago
Not unless you know your betta well and have done much research.
Jeremy Antonoff
Jeremy Antonoff - 10 years ago
How big is the tank you have them in?
HolyHails - 10 years ago
It's only a 10 gallon.
CINTHYA KNOX - 10 years ago
Omg your'e super hilarious!
Radiant Penguin
Radiant Penguin - 10 years ago
Alice In Wonderland
Alice In Wonderland - 10 years ago
I have a few female guppies, a couple female platys, and a dwarf gourami, I've done my research and found that bettas are usually okay with the female guppies (cause their tails aren't very long) and usually ignore platys but every site I went on strongly recommended not putting gouramis with bettas cause they're both "aggressive" fish. Well my gourami is probably the laziest fish I've ever seen and if anything he gets pushed around by the other fish even though he's much larger, so.... >o> do you think I should get a betta? if all else fails I can put him in a spare tank I have and put him in my room >.>
chaos gurl6
chaos gurl6 - 10 years ago
My guppy is a male :)but my guy is very well mannered :D
HolyHails - 10 years ago
I have a Gourami as well as a Betta now and neither of them bother each other. I think it would be just fine.
Justin Zdr
Justin Zdr - 10 years ago
My betta is good with my gold fish
Alma Castro
Alma Castro - 10 years ago
lmao XD. "if not he'll kill your other fish and u can get some new fish". That was my positive view on it. I just bought 4 females (betta), they get along and are friends now, but at first i thought to myself well if one of them gets killed then yay i'm buying a new fish.
Angelyna Gonzalez
Angelyna Gonzalez - 10 years ago
They die very easily if you don't take care of them we'll if u do they live for about 3 to 4 years I had a betta fish for 3 years
Alma Castro
Alma Castro - 10 years ago
yup. of course i don't want any to die. but when all my friends told me betta fish die super fast i told them then i can buy another It's been a few weeks and they are doing awesome in their 10 gallon. i'm buying a new filter this week, so excitment!
HolyHails - 10 years ago
Haha, exactly! Getting new fish is the best.
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 10 years ago
guppies aren't good to keep with bettas.not cause they are similar but they will often attack the bettas fins and either the guppies will kill the betta or the bettas kills the guppies.don't keep fin nippers with bettas or other aggressive fish.just so long as it's a peaceful fish bettas can get along with it.
George Price
George Price - 10 years ago
What are the red and yellow fish?
George Price
George Price - 10 years ago
thanks :)
HolyHails - 10 years ago
GloFish. A type of Black Skirt Tetra, just genetically modified to glow. ;)
Vintage Dorito
Vintage Dorito - 10 years ago
Your Betta Fish looks stressed.  I can tell b/c of his dull color.  Don't put him with other fish.
HolyHails - 10 years ago
Yes, unfortunately at the time of the video he was only 2 days out of his can he was in. He did brighten up however! Thanks for the concern though. :)
wendy silva
wendy silva - 10 years ago
How do u feed them cuz they eat difrent food
Fish Forever11
Fish Forever11 - 10 years ago
i put my female betta in with my guppies and she does fine so the answer is yes!
HolyHails - 10 years ago
Yay! :D
Mj Raven
Mj Raven - 10 years ago
your betta is struggling to swim freely reduce the filter flow in the tank
HolyHails - 10 years ago
Good point! Thanks for the help.
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
You should also get more rasboras, hatchetfish, tetras, otos, and corys cos they are all schooling fish and should be in groups
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
You cAn also keep them with guppies they will be fine.
Steven Davis
Steven Davis - 10 years ago
Hilarious. Good vid.
TM3000 - 10 years ago
Sometimes me and my betta sing songs together.
Jacqueline Howe
Jacqueline Howe - 10 years ago
Lol Loved your vid ;)
Maria Santos
Maria Santos - 10 years ago
I had a Betta fish in a 29 Gallon tank with 3 goldfish they got along well and they never attacked each other i had that tank set up for 2 years Betta fish can be with other fish as long as they aren't aggressive thanks for the video!
MarialeTheOneNOnly - 10 years ago
Lol you made me laugh
da chozenone
da chozenone - 10 years ago
At this Asian restaurant they have a tank about 55 gallons with about 5 male bettas and some females and they were not fighting! The tank had lots of plants and decorations
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
They must have been females, thats impossible.
Addi Borum
Addi Borum - 10 years ago
Wait how many gallons is that tank????
SNiTCH - 10 years ago
I  have a 55 gallon with 10 neons and 1 cory do they get along with bettas?
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
Most likely, but you shouldn't keep corys alone they are schooling fish, and it is cruel to deprive them of others of their species
SNiTCH - 10 years ago
Whitley Grindle
Whitley Grindle - 10 years ago
My friend has this combo and they do great! the only issue you might have is that neons might nip fins, but since you have a school they should be okay. 
SNiTCH - 10 years ago
when I was little I cryed sooooooo much when my betta died XD
zero67439 - 10 years ago
go rescue a betta fish and try it yourself
Chelle S
Chelle S - 10 years ago
LMAO that made me laugh hahaha, Anyway, glad to see your Betta fish is doing ok.
Maero M
Maero M - 10 years ago
Looks to me like he's actually being more aggressive to his own reflection :p
altondr - 10 years ago
i have female and male betta in my community tank.....other fishes i have  like glowing eye tetra  sunburst platty red swag(?) molly... so far so good....wonder what will happenned tomorrow morning......hope noone get
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
+Kevin Peterson Not necessarily, if it happened to u doesn't mean it will happen to anyone else. All fish are different, and many ppl have kept them togehter anyway
altondr - 10 years ago
+Kevin Peterson nope they go along well and the rests...... i noticed the female loves to dig  under the rocks.... sometime i saw  her under the rocks thought she is dead. i removed the rocks and  she swim right  away after i got her free.  also saw all of my fishes swim all together many times. glad the male betta is not that aggressive.
Kevin Peterson
Kevin Peterson - 10 years ago
Your female and male will eventually fight and one or both will probably die.
Author Beverly K,D
Author Beverly K,D - 10 years ago
Thanks for the advice.  Very helpful.
TheDeathlyTwilight - 10 years ago
What are the pink and yellow fish called?
HolyHails - 10 years ago
They're called GloFish. They're like a genetically made fish based off ofBlack Skirt Tetras I think? Someone correct me if I'm wrong. Anyways, they're just made to look pretty under special kinds of lights.
littletinychloe123 - 10 years ago
dont use a net to catch ur betta fish it can ruin their fins
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
+Brianna Harter That's the same for any fish lol
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 10 years ago
don't use a net if you don't know how to use it right.I've seen many people go to fast and scare the fish and just pin them on the side of the tank.
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
Nets are fine
Jass Jake
Jass Jake - 10 years ago
Well, that depends on the environment and the attitude of the betta fish. If the betta fish is calm enough, he can be caught in the net just fine.
littletinychloe123 - 10 years ago
i learned the hard way trust me :)
HolyHails - 10 years ago
I'll remember that. ;)
Alex Cerritos
Alex Cerritos - 10 years ago
No worries man I already rescued a betta :)
Joshua Small
Joshua Small - 10 years ago
can you mix them with clown fish
HolyHails - 10 years ago
Nope. These are fresh water fish only. :(
tippy nguyen
tippy nguyen - 11 years ago
lol yes its always fun to get new fish but its sad when a fish die
Jessica Seagle
Jessica Seagle - 11 years ago
nice vid! I just successfully rescued and added a betta (since named khoshekh) to my community tank of tetras. Aside from some initial flaring, everyone is doing fantastic. Now he no longer has to live in his tiny bowl, and I have a prettier and more interesting tank. win win. 
FlexedOut - 11 years ago
Hahaha great vid man. Isis the same thing one time. He was the last beta at walmart and I had to save him. Came home, put him in my community tank. Never had any problems with em.
ItsYaBoyPETE - 11 years ago
Ive had my 2 betta fish in a 10 gallon with other goldfish. They havent fought for 8 months, and beleive it or not. Not one Death!!!
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
+PeteOG Just get the tank size they need once the fully grown from the start. Then u won't need to stress them by moving and u want waste money buying more tanks
ItsYaBoyPETE - 10 years ago
my goldfish are 5 inches long and my pleco is also 5 inches. They keep going tho!
Pretty soon i will have to expand my tank again
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 10 years ago
how big are they now(if you don't keep expanding the tank they'll stunt and die).
ItsYaBoyPETE - 10 years ago
mines currently getting pretty big. I dont know how big they get but i do know when you expand the size of your tank, it gives the fish an opportunity to get bigger
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 10 years ago
do you know how big pleco and goldfish get?most pleco get a foot long and at a certain age they attack other fish to eat their slim coat(they only eat alge when young) and gold fish depending on what kind you have (single tail or double tail) can get any where from 6 inches to 15 inches.did you do your research before going out and getting fish and if so did you think?
ItsYaBoyPETE - 10 years ago
the pleco sucker fish.
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
What do u mean cleaning fish? What species?
ItsYaBoyPETE - 10 years ago
i have 7 goldfish and 3 cleaning fish and a betta
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
+PeteOG a 10g is too small for a goldfish anyway
ItsYaBoyPETE - 10 years ago
hasnt seemed to be the problem yet. not one death and i used to have a 10 gallon but upgraded to a 20 gallon
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
Yes, but assuming u kept a betta with goldfish even in a 100 gallon, the goldfish would still grow to big to house with a betta
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
+Jen Jung Goldfish dont need massive filtration, a normal filter will do. And if the tank is heavily planted or has normal filtration it wont cause too much current.
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
+Ebonyfox2 It could have been 2 females, or one male and a female
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
+David Micklow Its not the temperature, its the size difference. How do you think people in warm countries keep goldfish in ponds?
ItsYaBoyPETE - 10 years ago
to be honest, i have no clue. i bought them both from different stores and when i first got home, i had them in seperate tanks. when i finnaly decided to put them together, i started off with only one first. The first beta got used to my gold fish and wasnt showing aggression towards them. After a day, i put my 2nd beta in a see-through container in the tank, so he can see the other fish. After 30 minutes i released him. They haven't fought nor attacked eachother or any other fish. There fins have grown beautifuly and are not damaged.
Ebonyfox2 - 10 years ago
Wait you have TWO beta fish in the same tank and they haven't killed each other? How the heck did you manage that?! Have you noticed any damage tot their fins or anything?
ItsYaBoyPETE - 11 years ago
i keep the water at a constant warm temperature. Sometimes the water cools alil.
The fish have been happy like this for all this time. No sicknesses or death's
David Cavalari
David Cavalari - 11 years ago
You shouldn't keep Bettas with Goldfish. Goldfish are cold water fish and Bettas are tropical, warm water fish.
IMAGyne Betta
IMAGyne Betta - 11 years ago
That voice thoo Lol
Sonny Clark
Sonny Clark - 11 years ago
so you can have 4 females in a 10 gallon tank right?
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
Most likely, but every fish is different
HolyHails - 11 years ago
Yeah that would be just fine. ;)
Austin Nichols
Austin Nichols - 11 years ago
kyle i was dieing!!!
Austin Nichols
Austin Nichols - 10 years ago
+Cppodcast-Road to 10k sabs no! "dieing" as in "tool and die"
Radiant Penguin
Radiant Penguin - 10 years ago
Nathan Bollom
Nathan Bollom - 11 years ago
Thanks man I needed that, but aren't all fish worthless I mean you can't eat them nor resell them and if you do your not really banking then, oh we'll just a thought in my head thanks for the vid man
I hae my betta with two garra rufas and he is very lovely and happy, I have no worries about fightings and whatsover.... We share the same story...
Karen Anne Thom
Karen Anne Thom - 11 years ago
Fabulous story - you gave him a Betta life :) 
HolyHails - 8 years ago
L3GENDS 0F B0SS7 3 Unfortunately I no longer live in that apartment and I had to give my fish to family members. He died before I moved. But, no worries, new fish for me!
L3GENDS 0F B0SS - 8 years ago
HolyHails is he alive still?
HolyHails - 11 years ago
Haha, I sure did. He's still alive and well. ;)
festdir - 11 years ago
Guppies are fine with Bettas for two reasons:
1) Guppies are faster & so long as there is some cover, the Betta will forget about the Guppy once he's out of sight.
2) Guppies breed fast. So long as you have a breeding population, they will replace their numbers. OTSS Only the strong survive.
Trevor - 11 years ago
Faith Weaver
Faith Weaver - 11 years ago
as a child we always had tanks with multiple fish types. The #1 pic for us was one male betta. We never had a community tank without a male beta and bala sharks.
Joshua Borges
Joshua Borges - 11 years ago
Good job.
Za Orange Frog
Za Orange Frog - 11 years ago
that was awesome
FireStar_Betta - 11 years ago
Im glad im not the only one that feels sorry for betta fish in the tiny little bowls....I just bought a baby and introduced him to my 27gal community tank, he has no clue how to handle himself in a large tank and cant swim in the current(from the filter) but he hasnt attacked anyone and infact was scared of my tetra lol
Erick af
Erick af - 11 years ago
I have 2 female betta fish in 1 tank and they like eachother! :D
Raffi Jefri
Raffi Jefri - 11 years ago
Beta fish can live with other fish in community tank..but make sure there is no baby fish inside the tank or otherwise it consume it as its food...
Ben AndTheBunns
Ben AndTheBunns - 11 years ago
I have two female bettas in my community tank
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
+holyhailss Its only a sorority if the female bettas are the only fish there :)
Jennifer Loma
Jennifer Loma - 10 years ago
+Ben AndTheBunns
Its a sorority. I have a sorority but my largest female doesnt seem to like dark colored veiltails.
Ben AndTheBunns
Ben AndTheBunns - 11 years ago
i dont know? i think its called community, but you may be right :)
HolyHails - 11 years ago
Is that called a sorority?
craigathonian - 11 years ago
I've had Bettas,male and females in a 35 gal. community tank for years.  The trick is nothing small that look's like food and nothing that has nipping habits like zebra danios.  Even the guppies were fine!  Each fish has thier own personality, they cold be the biggest grump or the nicest peaceful angel...they are all different.  The females can be meaner than some males.  So just have fun and learn each fish's individual personality...which in a community tank really blossoms! 
Betta Boy
Betta Boy - 11 years ago
Thanks I'm probably going to get one now. The only reason I didn't get one earlier was because petco said that the hatchet fish would kill the betta
HolyHails - 11 years ago
Nope. My Hatchet is the most relaxed one in my tank. Once in awhile the Betta flares up at him, but that's just because my tank is overstocked.
Betta Boy
Betta Boy - 11 years ago
Do your hatchet fish chase him
Sue Demiralay
Sue Demiralay - 11 years ago
The anser is no bettas like to be alone
HolyHails - 11 years ago
Discus too? They don't bother him?
Michael Rushton
Michael Rushton - 11 years ago
I have had my betta in my community tank for 2 years gets on fine hes in with tetra and discus fish atm :)
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
yep I always like to spread the information I have learned
HolyHails - 11 years ago
Thanks for the info. ;)
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
It really depends on the bettas personality, but don't put them with large fish, male guppies or aggressive fish like gourami's, I agree with what you said in your video, just adding a little of my knowledge to it.

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