Can Betta Fish Live in a Community Tank?
Betta 11 years ago 221,009 views
A lot of people wonder whether a Betta fish can live with other fish. The answer is yes and no. I was in the same boat and decided to pick this guy up and see what would happen. "Dragonscale" Crown Tail Male Betta "Rescued" from PetsMart 10G Community Aquarium
10. comment for Can Betta Fish Live in a Community Tank?
20. comment for Can Betta Fish Live in a Community Tank?
30. comment for Can Betta Fish Live in a Community Tank?
I also have plenty of plants for the tank that the guppies could hide in, a filter and all that jazz. I feel like it would be okay but id like a second opinion
thanks for the vid
i got bitten with my red pacu,my finger almost cut off.. yeah btw thanks for the video
50. comment for Can Betta Fish Live in a Community Tank?
Now for the bettas to get experimented if they will harm other fish or not. Honestly (in my experience) it depends on the personality of your betta. And you're right, Tank size and hiding spots are major factor to have a peaceful community tank.
can't put a boy beta in my tank i have a girl
100. comment for Can Betta Fish Live in a Community Tank?
Take a look at my tank and let me know what you think please.
I subed and liked!
thanks for the info, I just set up a 30 gal and I want a community tank (tetras and some shrimp etc.) with a betta, since I love bettas (I have one in its own aquaponics aquarium. Hes been with me 3 years now! I dont dare put him in the aquarium just in case. Now I know that I should try it, since there isnt a definitive answer.)
He won't eat your goldfish, but he should not be in the same tank with them because they are cold water fish and he is tropical.
He has gotten better with the Tetras and the Swordtail but not much of improvement with the Gouramis. He tries to attack the Gouramis but the Gouramis are much faster so I'm not to worried he will be able to catch them.
One thing i notice coz i have my betta for six months and when i put the corry cats he thinks hes one of them. He do what cory cats do scavanging food lol. And he follow them always as if hes a schooling fish ahaha.
heres a chart that shows fish that can be in the same tanks and not
How is the beta doing so far?
Well, that depends on the environment and the attitude of the betta fish. If the betta fish is calm enough, he can be caught in the net just fine.
Pretty soon i will have to expand my tank again
how big are they now(if you don't keep expanding the tank they'll stunt and die).
do you know how big pleco and goldfish get?most pleco get a foot long and at a certain age they attack other fish to eat their slim coat(they only eat alge when young) and gold fish depending on what kind you have (single tail or double tail) can get any where from 6 inches to 15 inches.did you do your research before going out and getting fish and if so did you think?
The fish have been happy like this for all this time. No sicknesses or death's
1) Guppies are faster & so long as there is some cover, the Betta will forget about the Guppy once he's out of sight.
2) Guppies breed fast. So long as you have a breeding population, they will replace their numbers. OTSS Only the strong survive.
Its a sorority. I have a sorority but my largest female doesnt seem to like dark colored veiltails.