Can a Betta Fish live with other fish.

Can a Betta fish live with other fish. It all depends on the Betta fish. You need to get a Betta fish who is not aggressive and choose your tank mates wisely. The minimum recommended tank size for a Betta community is 10 gallons. Let's connect! Website: Instagram More videos... ❤️Betta Fish tank tours. ❤️Betta Fish Haul and more!

Can a Betta Fish live with other fish. sentiment_very_dissatisfied 14

Betta 8 years ago 39,615 views

Can a Betta fish live with other fish. It all depends on the Betta fish. You need to get a Betta fish who is not aggressive and choose your tank mates wisely. The minimum recommended tank size for a Betta community is 10 gallons. Let's connect! Website: Instagram More videos... ❤️Betta Fish tank tours. ❤️Betta Fish Haul and more!

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Most popular comments
for Can a Betta Fish live with other fish.

Vip Channel
Vip Channel - 7 years ago
in channel for me..i share betta live guppy very hight
En Lin
En Lin - 7 years ago
What kind of betta is that?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Dumbo half-moon.
VortexEdge Gaming
VortexEdge Gaming - 7 years ago
Can they live with a catfish and red tail shark? They are both the same size and chase each other alot. Sucker fish shouldn't interfere and tiger barbs are calm in my tank and are always by each other. (3 tiger barbs) it is only 10 gallons and a 20 inch so I don't know.
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
If you’re talking about Cory catfish then yes but not red tailed shark, they need much larger tanks. Corys also need to be in groups of 5 or more so unless you get Pygmy cories the tank is too small.
vrylle villalon
vrylle villalon - 7 years ago
Can I put the betta with sword tail
vrylle villalon
vrylle villalon - 7 years ago
Thank you
vrylle villalon
vrylle villalon - 7 years ago
I put betta with goldfish in 10 gallon but the goldfish die
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Goldfish and betas shouldn't be in the same tank. They have very different needs.
Diegoco animation
Diegoco animation - 7 years ago
My betta is pretty active but I put a snail and 2 ghost shrimps in my 5 gallon tank and he just started to look at them very curiously but he left them alone after a while and now he doesn't even care. Will I be able to add another fish to my tank or should I just leave it like that?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
If is a 5 gallon I wouldn't add anything else. It's a good size for a betta but a little small for other fish too.
Erik Broos
Erik Broos - 7 years ago
How do betta fish and cherry shrimp??
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Betta fish will likely eat them.
Jupiter Productions
Jupiter Productions - 7 years ago
Can you do a tank mates video? For bettas? Also can you put other fish with goldfish

10. comment for Can a Betta Fish live with other fish.

kayxx - 7 years ago
My betta is flaring sometimes but doesn't seem really aggressive can I still put other suitable fish in ?
kayxx - 7 years ago
+Lifewithpets but the other won't go to the top but they aren't bottom feeders how do I make them to see the food
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
I usually distract the bettas at one end of the tank with food while feeding the other fish.
kayxx - 7 years ago
I have only one problem with feeding my betta is eating all the food! If I try to feed the other fish the betta eats all of there food any tips ?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
That's grea! Just keep a close watch on them for the next few days:)
kayxx - 7 years ago
+Lifewithpets I just got some suitable fish and my betta seems okay with it !
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
There are never any guarantees with bettas each one is different. It usually works but not always.
musicalmarion - 7 years ago
Why are you pronouncing it Baiter - that's an American error !! : )
My Vuong
My Vuong - 7 years ago
Can I put a male betta fish and one mate in a 5.5 gallon tank?
VortexEdge Gaming
VortexEdge Gaming - 7 years ago
Fire Bird well If it's male and female then yeah but I guess 5 gallon is a little to small
Fire Bird
Fire Bird - 7 years ago
My Vuong Never
Bob J-M Gervais
Bob J-M Gervais - 7 years ago
Betas are like goldfish in the sens that both can live in a community, but their is some risk to it. first, analysing the beta or the goldfish is a most, as the personnality of the fish will greatly influence the possibility of having him in a community or not. for a goldfish, if he lived most of is live in a specie tank only and he have reach a descent size already, chances are that he might eat the other fish, specially if they can fit in is mouth...the trick is to get them very young so they are small and can quickly learn to live with tankmates. the second step is to make a lot of hiding place and to brake the vision fild of the fish by adding a lot of plants and cave. if the betta/goldfish decide to bully or get bully, you have to get sure that the other fish can hide and have a safe spot. the 3 step is to make a lot of reasearch and to find some pacific fish that are faster then the betta/goldfish and won't finenipe him. best option is to have schooling fish, because it is far easier to targer one fish then a school of them... 4 step is to make sure that the temperature/condition are good for both fish and it's best to choose a fish that don't swim in the same water area. A lot of people think that goldfish can only be kept in a specie only, but guess what? mine are living with danios, corydoras, dojo loaches, they have live in harmony with minnows and now they also live with siamese algea eater (I don't recomand siamese algea eaters simply because they prefer tropical water, but they are doing okay so far...).., morale of the story is : if you know what you are doing, you know your fish, you have done the reaserch and you have a backup plan, why don't you try it and if it dosen't work, simply just act quicly. Both goldfish and betas are awsome in community tank, as long as you know how to handle the risks.
Katpoop KATPOOP - 7 years ago
he looks like your hm dumbo with the pink face and the purple blue white
Katpoop KATPOOP - 7 years ago
I have guppies baby guppies tetras this other one I don't remember what it and these 2 other ones that was a present so I don't know what they are it's a 10 gallon and my betta loves it his name is draco
Jesus Ruiz
Jesus Ruiz - 7 years ago
at petsmart today saw a half moon betta fish tht was pur white
Wousley - 7 years ago
to be fair I wouldnt add any other fish. maybe like dwarf catfish which are staying at the bottem. otherwise the betta will get anoyed and irritated and eat himself. seen it happen.
aquarium & fish FAN
aquarium & fish FAN - 7 years ago
Blue halfmoon
Pork Ball
Pork Ball - 7 years ago
there was a betta at a pet store and it was completely fine with clown loaches and i watched it for like 20 mins straight and there was no aggression... i reserved that betta

20. comment for Can a Betta Fish live with other fish.

KoMar551 - 8 years ago
hello i have question - i will be setting up a 23 gallon tank and i want to have a betta with some platys (about 5), harlequin rasboras (4-5) and neon tetras (6-8). 23 gallon tank will be big enough for them, won't it?

another question - can glow tetras live together with bettas ?
KoMar551 - 8 years ago
Lifewithpets actually i have 6 tetras now with him and they do well together. my betta is very friendly i guess
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
In theory yes this should be ok but a lot depends on the Betta, as for tetras they tend to be nippy so I wouldn't put them in with bettas.
Love All Furries
Love All Furries - 8 years ago
Very detailed! Thanks for sharing! would you mind helping me with a question? The first time ever I seen my first in life beta, I'm guessing they were females as there were a few in the tank (around 4) along with tetras, although the tetras were chasing the betas and some of the betas fins where kind of shredded? Surely they shouldn't be in with them? Then in other tanks there were betas but one in each tank. Guessing their males? They seemed so much more brighter! Right sorry I'm rambling my question is, with the female betas they can live with other female Betas (depends on the personality I guess?) would they be okay with living with platties and guppies? Sorry for the long comment hehe xx
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
No, plastic plants are just fine.
Love All Furries
Love All Furries - 8 years ago
I'm sure I've watched it but need a refresh on it so il watch it now :D thank you! I've got a large tank it's just over 4ft and 2 foot high :) only thing with plants I have a lot of plastic, would that matter? Or do they have to be real plants? Sorry for the questions haha!xx
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
I have several videos on females living together as I have 6 living in a community tank. You can check them out on my channel. For it to work the tank needs to be large and heavily planted. My females don't seem to mind their tank mates.
dirtybishop - 8 years ago
I've just got a new Betta and keeping him in a bowl - I don't know but i guess its about 5-6 litres. No filtration and regular 25% water changes but I think the water is not good enough and he has been getting furry grey/white growths on the end of his fins. Treated with melafix and it went away but when I stopped a weeks worth of treatment it is slowly coming back. Ordered a 28ltr tank with filter hoping this will keep him happier and healthier.. any comments ? :) thanks - also hoping to introduce him to some neons perhaps. He seems active enough but not flaring regularly at all.
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
If you've no filter you need to be doing 100% water changes every 2-3 days. The water he's living in is toxic and this is what's causing the damage to his fins. He's going to love the space in his new tank:)
caronicole - 8 years ago
@lifewithpets how many tank mates do you think would be okay with a non aggressive female betta?
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
If it's well planted with hiding places and your betta is not too aggressive 3-4 other fish should be ok, however there are never any guarantees that bettas will accept tank mates.
caronicole - 8 years ago
Lifewithpets it's a 10 gallon
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
It depends on the size of the tank. What size tank do you have?
Chris Lee
Chris Lee - 8 years ago
We have beta fish neon fish angel fish and parrot fish the parrot fish killed our beta
Mrs Frizzle
Mrs Frizzle - 8 years ago
The front right corner is that moss? I seen something like it in a package without water is that how yours came? I need to find one >_<
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
It's a Marimo moss ball. We got them from Amazon.
scoobydoo316us - 8 years ago
i have had bettas for years. all mine was ok in community tanks. TILL my current male or female. both are to aggressive. tried each one on its own. have a few tanks. i am going to try again with the female in the big tank. i may try with the male with a dojo loach. it is big enough i think the betta may not bother it. but takes more space for 2 fish. so not sure. thanks for video
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Yes, that's the things with bettas, there are never any guarantees and they're all different!
Aline Greeley
Aline Greeley - 8 years ago
what kind of snail is that?
Aline Greeley
Aline Greeley - 8 years ago
Lifewithpets ok thank you :)
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Ivory mystery snail.
Dying Psycho
Dying Psycho - 8 years ago
How about female bettas?
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
As long as they're not aggressive they can live in a community tank. Check out my latest 20 gallon community tank video. It has females, Cory's and platys.
Ejirio Ramirez
Ejirio Ramirez - 8 years ago
can a crowntale betta live with guppies ?
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
It depends on your betta. Some bettas live happily with guppies but others will not.

30. comment for Can a Betta Fish live with other fish.

Israel  Hernandez
Israel Hernandez - 8 years ago
what is the name of that filter you have ... is it called a sponge filter ??
Israel  Hernandez
Israel Hernandez - 8 years ago
+Lifewithpets omg you replied thanks so much .. I sure will !!!
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
There is one already on our channel. I did it about 4-5 weeks ago. Also check out the latest update on this tank it's changed a lot!!
Israel  Hernandez
Israel Hernandez - 8 years ago
Thank you very much .. amazing and stunning fish tank!!
Can you make a video about sponge filter and how they function? Please and thank you !
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
It's a Jardin corner sponge filter. We get them from Amazon.
Laurent Lieser
Laurent Lieser - 8 years ago
tropicam fishs need real and living plants. plastic is just plastic!
Ludwig's Evil Regime
Ludwig's Evil Regime - 8 years ago
Laurent Lieser thank you lifewithpets! I just put some Cory catfishes in my tank and they all died in a week:( idk why I told you that... oh well. THANK YOU
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Yes if your tank has a filter. If choosing nerite snails 1 or 2 will be good but if choosing a mystery snail I'd only recommend 1. Snails produce a lot of waste. I have several videos of snails on my channel if you'd like to check them out, they'd give you more information.
Ludwig's Evil Regime
Ludwig's Evil Regime - 8 years ago
Laurent Lieser lifewithpets can you keep snails with bettas in a 5 gallon aquariam
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
'This tank has changed dramatically since this video. This is the latest video on it.
missykim - 8 years ago
Lovely tank! I love those yellow Platys. So cute <3 I have my Betta in with some Neon Tetras. My tank is heavily planted, and everyone gets along fine.
Jackson Stewart
Jackson Stewart - 8 years ago
Can a betta go with gold fish?
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Thank you! A heavily planted tank is such a great home for a Betta. This tank has changed a lot since that video. If you want to see it check out some of the later videos.
George K.
George K. - 8 years ago
I've kept a very aggresive beta in a 25 litre fish tank with 6 neon tetras for over 4 months and I didn't have any issues with the fish.
George K.
George K. - 8 years ago
dirtybishop if you put the betta in first it will claim its territory first (whole tank) and will be aggressive to the neons
dirtybishop - 8 years ago
George K. oh dear that's terrible.. can I ask why the neons first ? I'm keen to get my Betta in the larger tank as soon as it arrives to get him in a cleaner environment..
George K.
George K. - 8 years ago
dirtybishop but if you're going to have neons with a beta, add the neons about 1-2 weeks before you add the beta
George K.
George K. - 8 years ago
Some chemicals fell into the tank and killed the fish :/
dirtybishop - 8 years ago
what happened after the 4 months? I was thinking neons also with my betta in a 28ltr tank.
Heyits Stephanie
Heyits Stephanie - 8 years ago
Can I have a betta and a cleaner fish and those little snails together?
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
If your tank is over 10 gallons you can have a Betta and snails. I'm not sure what cleaner fish type you're talking about, but If by cleaner fish you mean a common pleco, then no they get way to big for small tanks.
GalaxyCat 799
GalaxyCat 799 - 8 years ago
My fish is black but tail fades to blue and is a female young adult.what type of fish can I do?
GalaxyCat 799
GalaxyCat 799 - 8 years ago
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
As long as she is not too aggressive and your tank is 10 gallons or over then guppies, platies, and Corys work well.
Günter TV
Günter TV - 8 years ago
no no no!
it isn't completly right.
the space and the socialization is ok but you have to keep in mind that this is a betta and that means that it is very susceptible to stress and in a small tank like 10 or 20 gallons he will think that fish got in to his territory which makes him swim all across the tank and that is a lot of stress for a betta i would say the perfect size for a betta comunity tank is between 26 and 40 gallons
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
If you check out my other videos you will see my tank is completely peaceful and now a Betta sorority. Bettas will swim all over a tank whether it's 10, 20, 26 or 40 gallons!! They are very active fish. Your Betta will be stressed if the water flow is too strong, or they have unsuitable tank mates but other than that they enjoy space! I have found Bettas that live in a community tank don't care about territory but then that's because I make sure they're very peaceful otherwise I wouldn't add them to a community tank. If a Betta is too aggressive then they will chase, fight and get stressed for territory but in my opinion it shouldn't be in a community tank if that's the case. That is why I always stress it's depends on the Betta and his aggression level and why choosing suitable tank mates is important.
Minty Tv
Minty Tv - 8 years ago
Minty Tv
Minty Tv - 8 years ago
what fish do you recommend
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
I have found guppies and Platies work well. Although many will say guppies don't work. A lot depends on your Betta and how aggressive he is. Corys work well too but they need to be in groups of at least 3 but preferably 4 or more. There are never any guarantees with bettas. I wouldn't recommend adding any fish in with you Betta if the tank is under 10 gallons. If it's 10 gallons or over then try adding 2-3 fish and see how he reacts.
Matthew Richardson
Matthew Richardson - 8 years ago
Do you feed each fish species a different food? And if so, how do you feed them?
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
I find Corys are usually a good option for Bettas , neons tetra are a bit more hit and miss. If you have a large enough tank then the betta might be ok however it all depends on the aggression level of your fish.
Matthew Richardson
Matthew Richardson - 8 years ago
+Lifewithpets do you know if bettas can live with corydoras or neon tetras?
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Thanks for watching. I feed a very varied diet and they all eat the same food.
omar serna garza
omar serna garza - 8 years ago
Is it ok if i put a male betta with 5 neon tetras, 3 ghost shrimps and 2 zebra snails on a 10 gal tank?
omar serna garza
omar serna garza - 8 years ago
+Lifewithpets ok thanks
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Personally this would be too overstocked. Bettas don't usually do well with neons. The bio load on this would be too much. Snails produce a lot of waste. Whilst the number of fish is ok, Bettas are very territorial and so it would be better to only put another 2-3 fish in. You also have to take into account the aggression level of your Betta. Not all Bettas will live with other fish.
VillagerSparky - 8 years ago
My Betta hates other fish but gets on happily with Nerite Snails for some reason. Funny how Bettas have such diverse personalities, isn't it.
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
+VillagerSparky Yes, all my Bettas live with nerite snails, even the really aggressive ones. Thanks for watching!
Kacey Tristelle
Kacey Tristelle - 8 years ago
My betta fish is not aggressive,so yes i can put another fish!
Kacey Tristelle
Kacey Tristelle - 8 years ago
+kawaii cupcakes productions ikr :(
GalaxyCat 799
GalaxyCat 799 - 8 years ago
aw poor little babies ;-;
Kacey Tristelle
Kacey Tristelle - 8 years ago
+kawaii cupcakes productions lol i used to but they died for some reason,i fed them daily ;p....
GalaxyCat 799
GalaxyCat 799 - 8 years ago
oh,sooooo your a grandparent?cuz of the breeding :P
Kacey Tristelle
Kacey Tristelle - 8 years ago
+kawaii cupcakes productions They ended up breeding but after i had to take the female out cuz she was nipping on the male's fins
GalaxyCat 799
GalaxyCat 799 - 8 years ago
How did it go?
Niamh Leong
Niamh Leong - 8 years ago
You're tank is so gorgeously decorated!! X
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
+Niamh Leong Thank you! It's changed a lot since this video. It now has my female Bettas living in the community tank. I plan on doing an update on it soon.
2happyaquariums - 8 years ago
you tanked look amazing
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
+2happyaquariums Thank you!
Dakota14breyer - 8 years ago
I have an issue with a community tank I recently had. (due to an accident, it crashed and the betta died. R.I.P. Fred Astaire) In the tank, I had a normal betta of about 2" in size head to tail, and 4 pygmy catfish, two of which are still alive.
The issue I had was that since the catfish eat shrimp pellets that I crush for their tiny mouths, Fred would come over and eat a lot of their food resulting in bloating and a fat betta. I tried to separate him during feeding, but the catfish didn't eat all of their food at once since they filter constantly. I figured that after 10 mins I could let him back in, but he just went back to the food. Is there any way to avoid this?

P.S. there were no behavioral issues with the 5 fish. They got along fine except for the food issue.
Dakota14breyer - 8 years ago
No, not really, but I do have his origional cup, so I guess i can try to scoop him up.
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
+Dakota14breyer Thanks for watching. I'm sorry for the loss of your fish. When feeding my community tank I use tiny shrimp pellets for my Corys. I usually drop those in first and then feed the Betta. I keep him distracted for as long as I can. I don't know if he doesn't see the shrimp pellets or whether he's not interested but it's rare he eats them. Do you have an area in your tank the Betta couldn't get to the food? Maybe behind a rock, in a cave or closet to the base of plants. Somewhere he may not notice it.
Fur and Fins
Fur and Fins - 8 years ago
Great video love the community. Tank!:) great job
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
+Fur and Fins Thank you.
Laura O.
Laura O. - 8 years ago
Your fish and aquarium are beautiful.. loads of good info in your video, thank you =D
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
+Laura O. Thank you!
Betta Bet
Betta Bet - 8 years ago
How do they sleep at night without nipping or something :P?
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
+Betta Bet Fish usually rest once the lights go out, unless you have nocturnal fish in your tank. In the evening I put a blue LED light on in their tank. It's interesting watching them all find a place to rest. I turn the lights off before I go to bed. All is peaceful. Not all Betta fish are suitable for a community tank. Some are just too aggressive. Choosing the right one is key but there are never any guarantees.
Olivia C.
Olivia C. - 8 years ago
Awesome video!
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
+Olivia C. Thanks:)

50. comment for Can a Betta Fish live with other fish.

Betta Fish
Betta Fish - 8 years ago
swimming off with snail food - lol
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
+Betta Fish I know right! He does it all the time....poor snail!
Puppypop 101
Puppypop 101 - 8 years ago
Very nice video! Do you have any tips for housing female bettas in a tank together? I am thinking of getting 5-7 in my 10 gallon.
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
+Puppypop 101 Thanks for watching! A 10 gallon is a good sized tank for 5 female Bettas. I wouldn't do 7, I think that would be overstocking the tank. It needs to be planted and all the females ideally need to be added at the same time. There are never any guarantees though! Females can be difficult to house together. I hope it works out for you!
Fish4Eves 2
Fish4Eves 2 - 8 years ago
Can a 10 gallon tank with a male or female? With guppies
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
+Fish4Eves 2 It depends on how many guppies are in the tank and whether they are male or female. It would also depend on the aggression level of the Betta.
BusyBettas - 8 years ago
Great video! Lots of information
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
+BusyBettas Thanks! I left some information out so I had to put it in the description box!!
Neon Tetra Aquarist
Neon Tetra Aquarist - 8 years ago
Great info!
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
+Neon Tetra Aquarist Thanks!
TheDollCorner - 8 years ago
Great video!!! Love your channel! And I kept a male betta with guppies. He is a very calm so they worked well together(:
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
+BettaBound Thanks! Yes, it can be done and I'm glad it worked out for you.

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