Choosing a Betta Fish Tank (Episode 1)

How to choose a Betta fish tank. This video is the first in a series on Betta fish care. We will start by choosing a tank and following the process through with all the items need for a betta fish tank set up. We will then move on the setting up a betta fish tank and cycling the tank. Once the cycle is complete we will add the betta fish and then go on to how to maintain a betta fish tank. NEW Merchandise Want to support us? Use our coupon code to get 15% off aquarium plants when you order with H2oplants... use code LWP15 Tank dividers. Sponge filters Water Conditioner. LETS CONNECT! Instagram ~ Facebook ~ website ~ Business inquiries only. *Disclaimer ~ This video is not sponsored in anyway. All opinions are our own. The above links are Amazon Affiliate links. We'll receive a small commission if you use these links, thank you for supporting our channel. This video content is the property of Lifewithpets72 and may not be used or reproduced without written permission.

Choosing a Betta Fish Tank (Episode 1) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 14

Betta 7 years ago 21,084 views

How to choose a Betta fish tank. This video is the first in a series on Betta fish care. We will start by choosing a tank and following the process through with all the items need for a betta fish tank set up. We will then move on the setting up a betta fish tank and cycling the tank. Once the cycle is complete we will add the betta fish and then go on to how to maintain a betta fish tank. NEW Merchandise Want to support us? Use our coupon code to get 15% off aquarium plants when you order with H2oplants... use code LWP15 Tank dividers. Sponge filters Water Conditioner. LETS CONNECT! Instagram ~ Facebook ~ website ~ Business inquiries only. *Disclaimer ~ This video is not sponsored in anyway. All opinions are our own. The above links are Amazon Affiliate links. We'll receive a small commission if you use these links, thank you for supporting our channel. This video content is the property of Lifewithpets72 and may not be used or reproduced without written permission.

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Most popular comments
for Choosing a Betta Fish Tank (Episode 1)

Clxyyn - 7 years ago
This is super helpful, I've been looking for 10 gallon tanks but I'm having trouble with actually getting my hands on one. I'm wanting to get it for a betta, and hopefully turn it into a community tank but I'm not sure if I should get a 5.5 gallon for now and just work with a betta or start right off with a 10 gal community.
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
I would get the bigger if you can. You will only spend more money in the long run if you get the smaller one and then upgrade.
Riley Roduner
Riley Roduner - 7 years ago
I am getting a female betta in a 10 gallon tank what other fish/snails could i put in with her and how many could i put a few more female bettas in whit her
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Riley Roduner
Riley Roduner - 7 years ago
Thank you could i add a snail
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
I don't recommend anymore females in a 10 gallon tank, it's too small. A female betta with 3-4 smaller fish should work but with betta fish there are never any guarantees they will accept tank mates.
ST0RM - 7 years ago
If you divide the tank how will the water on the side with no filter get filterd?!?!?!?!
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
If the divider has holes the water is filtered as normal. If the divider doesn't have holes we recommend a sponge filter on each side. If you check out our recent divided guppy tank video you will see it in action.
MrBonners - 7 years ago
Is there a maximum depth of a betta tank. I have2- 40 inch tall by 11 inch diameter glass vases.
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Bettas don’t really like deep water, 12-20 inches is better.
chrishasaclue - 7 years ago
What would be the ideal clean up crew for a betta to get rid of uneaten food, alge, or any other waste?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Nerite snail. They are great cleaners in an aquarium.
Pi Parbuckles
Pi Parbuckles - 7 years ago
I keep mine in a 2.5 gallon cylindrical tank. It's pretty heavy planted.
Muhammad Shafieq
Muhammad Shafieq - 7 years ago
How many gallon we need for 10 Betta fish.?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
30 gallons or more.
Memes 12
Memes 12 - 7 years ago
Memes 12
Memes 12 - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets Thank you!!!!
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Congratulations. If you have good filtration and keep up with the water changes you could have 3-4 snails.
Memes 12
Memes 12 - 7 years ago
Is a 3 gallons is a good size for a betta?and if yes how many snail can I add
Memes 12
Memes 12 - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets thank you
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Yes, I wouldn’t add more than 1-2 snails.

10. comment for Choosing a Betta Fish Tank (Episode 1)

mr. doom
mr. doom - 7 years ago
hey.. go girl! u doin a great work...
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Mark Cena
Mark Cena - 7 years ago
Would a fluval spec 3 be good enough for a betta? It's only 2.6 gallons
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
It would be ok, they only thing with the fluvial spec tanks is that the filter flow is usually too strong so you'd need to find a way to reduce it.
Dragon Killer
Dragon Killer - 7 years ago
"tanks are usually cheap" searchs fish tanks $150 FOR A 3 GALLON!?!?!?
Dragon Killer
Dragon Killer - 7 years ago
NECESSARY FILMS for nevada???? I want a new tank with either some tetras, guppies, mollies, or platies.
NECESSARY FILMS - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets I believe it’s ending November 18th
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
They have one several times a year. I think it’s on at the moment.
Dragon Killer
Dragon Killer - 7 years ago
wait a minute they have a $1 per gallon sale!?!?! WHEN PLZ TELL ME I WANT A 10 GALLON
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
I don’t know what country you’re in but in the USA tanks are cheap especially if you do the $1 per gallon sale at Petco or shop at thrift stores which is where some of my tanks have come from. My 75 gallon with stand and lights was brand new from Petsmart $150.
algerome28 - 7 years ago
i bought 2 at petsmart of the 2.5 gallon tank but they dont sell the lids at the store nd also tried petsmart. ive had the tanks for 3 weeks and havent set it up yet coz im waiting for the lid i bought on amazon.
oneandonlyMFB - 7 years ago
Hey, Sheila (I hope I spelled your name right, apologies if I didn't)! I've been looking to get a betta fish, and I've been doing a lot of research. I stumbled upon your channel and it's been so helpful! My one question is, do you have any recomendations on what is the best 5-6 gallon tank for a betta? Thanks!
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Hi, I don't sorry. We never buy kit tanks so I'm not familiar with reviews etc. I know a lot of people like the fluval spec but the filter flow on that is very strong so it would need to be adjusted.
Notice Me Genki
Notice Me Genki - 7 years ago
You mentioned that betta fish like to jump, and I've heard of fish that are very insistent on jumping and smack themselves onto the tank lid. My question is, is there a way I could cushion my lid so that if that happened my betta wouldn't hurt themselves?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Not that I'm aware of. Bettas typically only will jump if there tank water is toxic and they're trying to escape it.
DasGeheimnisvolleIch - 7 years ago
This series comes just in time, since I just want to give all my bettas new tanks. I'm not to happy with my current setup. Thank you so much :)
Pepsi - 7 years ago
my aunt used to have 3 gold fish in your background tank at the begin .they live 9 years after my aunt die they are in the pond now
Brad Rawlings
Brad Rawlings - 7 years ago
What light would u recommend for 2.5 gallon aquarium?
Buzsaw Bowser
Buzsaw Bowser - 7 years ago
Have you seen the video proving that Bettas can be mixed into community tanks as long as they have places to retreat from other males and enough females to share?

It was a really interesting video. Made by a girl called AquaZone Aquarium Services Mtl Izabella
Go ahead and give it a watch. :)
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
I had already seen it and personally don't think it proves anything. The tank is very nicely set up and heavily planted a good environment for bettas. The bettas fins in her videos are very damaged which is likely due to fighting and nipping. Whilst this may appear to work for her I definitely wouldn't recommend it.

20. comment for Choosing a Betta Fish Tank (Episode 1)

aliciabeme - 7 years ago
I love this series! Thank you!
Ella Plumley
Ella Plumley - 7 years ago
I have my betta in a 2.65 gallon and I just got at a garage sale a 5 gallon tank with lid, filter, and air pump so I will be moving him into that soon. :)
TheGolemHunter - 7 years ago
Like the video. Do you know how to expand my bettas home without getting rid of a tank? Its a 2.5 with everything in it but bugs me a bit because it does not look too big. I can buy a bigger tank someday but what would i use the 2.5 for?
cynthia dameron
cynthia dameron - 7 years ago
Will the series also include appropriate tank mates for Bettas?
Daniel Rodrigues
Daniel Rodrigues - 7 years ago
Was waiting for this ever since you mentioned it in a previous video
Daniel Rodrigues
Daniel Rodrigues - 7 years ago
Awesome series lifewithpets
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 7 years ago
Really great info. I hope a lot of new betta owners see this!
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Thanks, it's been a lot of work, but I hope it really helps people.
James Victor
James Victor - 7 years ago
Ive got my betta a 10 gallon tank . I do weekly water changes and do everything for it . Hes got finrot and fungus on his lips . I did salt treatment but it never worked so im using MetroPlex .
James Victor
James Victor - 7 years ago
Marie sadly not
Marie - 7 years ago
James Victor is he better now?
Grimalkin Felidae
Grimalkin Felidae - 7 years ago
Bigger is always betta! (HUEHUEHUE)
20L (5gal) is perfect for a betta, but nothing is bad about something bigger. Love that you're also covering cycling! So many people know nothing about the nitrogen cycle and keep their poor animals in tap water.
If you want schooling community fish like tetras, make sure you have at least another 40L (10gal).

Great video! Can you do something like this for goldfish? Bettas and goldfish are two of the most widely abused animals kept.
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Thank you. I may do something like this in the future for other fish, but this has been an awful lot of work.
JPs VlogUK
JPs VlogUK - 7 years ago
Here now watching you

30. comment for Choosing a Betta Fish Tank (Episode 1)

Dolphincutie World
Dolphincutie World - 7 years ago
Great video! That's very awesome you are doing videos like this it will help others a lot. When I first wanted a betta you where the first channel to learn from. Just want to say thanks!
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Thank you!
dbachelor's Planted Aquarium
dbachelor's Planted Aquarium - 7 years ago
Nice series :)
elephantsarefriends - 7 years ago
You are amazing! I bought a 10 gallon aquarium a month or 2 ago, and still haven't set it up because I'm scared I will mess something up. Thank you for this! I can't wait to watch the rest of the episodes.
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
I hope this will help you get it set up and start enjoying fish.
Leilicorn - 7 years ago
In Australia tanks are so expensive
Venkat Raman
Venkat Raman - 7 years ago
Glass or acrylic which is best?? And what will be the cost of 100 gallon acrylic aquarium??
Venkat Raman
Venkat Raman - 7 years ago
Thank you.
T Buzz
T Buzz - 7 years ago
I would say glass
tecto12 - 7 years ago
Yesss !!! I'm already loving this series :)
Chris Schamahorn
Chris Schamahorn - 7 years ago
I have a 5 gallon tank with 4 neon tetras in it, do you think it would be ok to add a beta ?
Chris Schamahorn
Chris Schamahorn - 7 years ago
Any idea if I added 1 nerite, how many shrimp I could add ?
Chris Schamahorn
Chris Schamahorn - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets ok thks, I guess I'll add some shrimp and/or snails then
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
No it wouldn't make any difference.
T Buzz
T Buzz - 7 years ago
A female betta would not make any difference. I would not add any more fish. Your fish tank is already stocked enough with the neon tetras.
Zuki - 7 years ago
Chris Schamahorn neons need like,10g with a betta male or female would be more
Chris Schamahorn
Chris Schamahorn - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets what about if it was a female betta ? Would that make a difference ?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
I wouldn't add a betta if you've already got 4 neons in the tank. I think it's too small for a betta and neons. I think it would be stressful for the betta.
Asherly EverAfter
Asherly EverAfter - 7 years ago
It really just depends on your Betta. One of my Bettas did well with my guppies and the other one would eat them.
Tibbetts 2002
Tibbetts 2002 - 7 years ago
The 5.5 gallon was made by Aqua Culture. I have two of them
Giancarlo Soto-Cervantes
Giancarlo Soto-Cervantes - 7 years ago
Thanks for this video, I think a lot of people think that you can put a betta in a unfiltered 1 gallon tank. I am not accusing I have actually done it and I Deeply regret it. on my birthday I wasted 40 dollars on buying new 5.5 gallon tanks and now my bettas are ssoooooo happy. Please please buy at least a 2.5 gallon for your betta fish( For any starting betta fish keepers)
Livin' Life in the TTC
Livin' Life in the TTC - 7 years ago
Very good video!!! Well edited, and well explained!!! Loved it!!!
Joy Barton
Joy Barton - 7 years ago
Love this video looking forward to the series! I got 5.5 for one betta and want to move my other guy from his 2.5 to a 5 gallon as well. Makes such a difference. Thank you.
The Toxic Fish
The Toxic Fish - 7 years ago
You should do a part of how to pick a betta fish with good health
T Buzz
T Buzz - 7 years ago
Usually you want to look for an active betta. Make sure the betta doesn't have any white spots or fungus on it. Also make sure it is swimming properly and not floating around lifelessly.
aby f
aby f - 7 years ago
Great video Sheila! It's very informative. Thank you for informing new betta fish owners on how to setup the ideal betta fish tank. So many misconceptions on the little guys on how to properly care for them. I cannot wait for this series!
Nana \\
Nana \\ - 7 years ago
My sister has a betta in a vase, i want to buy her a five gallon, a sponge filter, proper food, tank decor, heater, better food, everything she needs for him along with a care sheet, does this sound like a good idea to help educate her?
Nana \\
Nana \\ - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets okay :) I will mention this channel and the series in the care guide i write, so she can come see this channel and learn more
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
I think that's a great idea. Have her watch this series too!
PilleR - 7 years ago
My betta boy lives alone in a filtered, heated and heavily planted 12 gallon tank that sits beside my computer screen :)
Msmjj777 - 7 years ago
I wish I saw this video way before I started the hobby exactly last year today lolSo far I have 3 tanks just because I kept upgrading smh I could of saved a lot of money
Christina Israel
Christina Israel - 7 years ago
Wish this series was done before my betta died.
T Buzz
T Buzz - 7 years ago
oh no :(
Space Sheep
Space Sheep - 7 years ago
Christina Israel same
DerpyCOWfish - 7 years ago
I hope to get a betta one day but I'm starting with my goldfish first and keeping my 20 ish litre as an isolation/hospital tank till I have all the goldfish I can keep in my 215 litre.
till then I can only dream.....
jaiana Thomas
jaiana Thomas - 7 years ago
T Buzz
T Buzz - 7 years ago
Definitely go for it! Betta fish are such interesting fish with different personalities :)
Ms Lady
Ms Lady - 7 years ago
I have a question, my bettas has white fins but I noticed that the tips are black. I also noticed that's his body is turning blue ish. I can't tell if the fins are fin rot or if he's just changing colours.
Ms Lady
Ms Lady - 7 years ago
I don't want to treat him for fin rot if I'm not too sure that it even is fin rot. I wouldn't think it's good for the fish.. which brings me to another question, if I were to medicate him for fin rot but he didn't actually have it, would that hurt him?
Ms Lady
Ms Lady - 7 years ago
T Buzz the tips seem fine I think. They just look ruffled. He lives in a 3 gallon tank with a filter, no heater because its always warm anyways. He has two plants in his tank, if that matters
T Buzz
T Buzz - 7 years ago
Do the tips of his tail look raggedy? If the tail looks kind of rough and torn up, it could be fin rot. Tell me about his environment, is he in a bowl or a filtered tank?
Sona Avakian
Sona Avakian - 7 years ago
So glad you're making this series. I have a question, how can I get rid of brown algae? My tanks been set up for months and my water quality is great but ever after I rinse the algae off the sides it grows back. Thanks!
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
I couldn't have put it any better than this. Thanks for answering.
aby f
aby f - 7 years ago
Sona Avakian I know you asked Sheila but I thought I'd give you my little piece of advice. Usually brown algae is caused in newly setup aquariums, it's a algae called diatoms. Generally it's caused by an abundance of nutrients, low oxygen levels, inadequate lighting, and an excess of silicates and nitrates. To prevent brown algae, do weekly water changes (this will vary depending on your tank size, stock, etc), provide good lighting, gravel vacuum the substrate weekly, and remove algae when you see it starts to form. Hope this helps!

50. comment for Choosing a Betta Fish Tank (Episode 1)

Odyssey Farm
Odyssey Farm - 7 years ago
Hi Sheila! This video couldn't have more perfect timing. I've had bettas for years, then took a break, and am now getting back into it. I've always done individual tanks with gravel and silk plants, but am now in the planning stages of a planted 20 gal long divided tank, and possibly a female sorority/community tank as well. Your tanks are stunning, and were the inspiration behind it, but I do have some questions I was hoping to run past you somehow. I plan to buy your dividers and sponge filters as well. Is there a way to get in touch with you outside of YouTube? Thank you!
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Thank you. Yes you can contact me through the business email address in the description box or DM on Instagram.
JesusTheGoat - 7 years ago
When will you be selling cherry shrimp? I'm intrested in purchasing some. Love your videos btw!
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Thanks. It won't be for a while yet. We need to build a big colony first.
Animals Supreme
Animals Supreme - 7 years ago
For those who might have a bad day my betta has a hammock but my apple snail always uses it
Animals Supreme
Animals Supreme - 7 years ago
aby f lol
Mocha Poodle
Mocha Poodle - 7 years ago
Animals Supreme cuteeeee
aby f
aby f - 7 years ago
Animals Supreme My betta has a hammock but I use it instead.
Goobie Collier
Goobie Collier - 7 years ago
i'm so excited to watch the whole series!!
JessicaLuvsMakeup - 7 years ago
It's sucks that your don't ship to Canada
JessicaLuvsMakeup - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets yeah cause I really wanted to buy one cause I'd probably cut a finger off or mess up
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
I wish we could!
KC Concepcion
KC Concepcion - 7 years ago
I already have 2 happy bettas in planted tanks but I'm really looking forward to this series. I find that every video I watch, I learn something new about bettas and taking care of them and the tank. I already know this is gonna be a great and helpful series! I hope anyone that's wanting to get a betta will watch this series first! ☺️
Dude King
Dude King - 7 years ago
In england from maidenhead aquatics a 15 gallon tank costs £100 about $120
Monkey Nut
Monkey Nut - 7 years ago
My 125 was 350... and that was on sale !!
Bri Bri
Bri Bri - 7 years ago
Dang! Where I live it would be about 30-35 dollars
Adam Potts
Adam Potts - 7 years ago
Dude King my 135 liter Aqua One tank cost me £419.99 !!
Mysmall petshop
Mysmall petshop - 7 years ago
yeah mine was £90 from there but they often have sales :)
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Wow, expensive!
Monkey Nut
Monkey Nut - 7 years ago
Awsome, I'm just after a betta too. In my 10 litre
James Straub
James Straub - 7 years ago
Looking forward to this very helpful series.
Lexi :3
Lexi :3 - 7 years ago
Very excited for this series!!!
Michael Agostino
Michael Agostino - 7 years ago
Excellent video! I think this is going to be a great series to watch, looking forward to more.
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Thank you!
Indo Betta Fish
Indo Betta Fish - 7 years ago
best tank for betta fish. we just second bottle used for our fish
Anthony Ragan
Anthony Ragan - 7 years ago
What ratio of vinegar to water do you use for cleaning?
The Fish Nerd
The Fish Nerd - 7 years ago
Good advice! Better to have more tank than you need than not enough. :)
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Chlexie L.
Chlexie L. - 7 years ago
Thank you Sheila!! You have always answered any question I asked while trying to care for my betta and I just wanted to tell you how much I've appreciated being able to have that help. As you suggested, I do the daily water change on his tank now that he's in a smaller one and can't use the filter. It has been going extremely well. Even though it's smaller- it's longer, so he has more vertical space. I bought the Bug Bites....he has zero interest. Loves frozen shrimp and dried bloodworms only
Paw Print
Paw Print - 7 years ago
Wonderful series and as always very informative. Gonna help so many beginners in the hobby to buy the right tanks for their bettas.
Brianna Saffie
Brianna Saffie - 7 years ago
Love the idea for this series! It's going to help me so much (:
Jodi Bradley
Jodi Bradley - 7 years ago
Yay I am happy to have found this series! New subbie
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Victoria Bingham
Victoria Bingham - 7 years ago
I have one male crowntail betta at home in a 15 gallon with cories shrimp lots of mystery and nerite snails (babies included) and yellow lab babies who are growing out in that tank. At work the biggest tank I can get away with is my 2.5 it's an upgrade from the original .5 they allowed last year. The 2.5 only has a 5 or 6 month old female crowntail, but there is some weird fuzzy stuff growing on the wood plants and sand.. idk if there's anything I can do to get rid of it. When I set the tank up at home and had it there for a while this never happened.
T Buzz
T Buzz - 7 years ago
That is probably from the driftwood. Don't worry about it, its not harmful. Just keep cleaning the white film off and it should disappear in a few weeks.
Victoria Bingham
Victoria Bingham - 7 years ago
T Buzz I do have driftwood in the 2.5 gallon. There's also a sort of film that gets on the glass. Would that also be from the driftwood?
T Buzz
T Buzz - 7 years ago
Do you have drift wood in there? When you first put drift wood in a fish tank, it will have a white fungus growing on it. Just keep removing it manually and it will eventually go away.
Brea Pitchford
Brea Pitchford - 7 years ago
Thank you for doing this series! I just got my package from you and I am so impressed!
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Thank you!
DaxxLexx - 7 years ago
I bought my fish tank before I thought about what to keep in it. It's a 7.5 g cube shaped tank with a raised base, it really nice looking. At that size I thought a betta was the best option. My other betta tank is just a regular 5.5 g. When I've told pet store employees about them they always say that they're very lucking betta fish, but after having my fish for awhile, I personally don't think I would be comfortable keeping a betta in a 2.5 g. I don't think it's bad if other people do though, every time I go to the pet shop they're other people buying those little sad .5 g tanks, seeing a 2.5 g tells me at least the person has done their research on betta care.
Shaina Kristjanson
Shaina Kristjanson - 7 years ago
thx a lot that really helped me
MintChocolate - 7 years ago
This is such a helpful series! People have this misconception that proper Betta fish care ( providing a filtered tank the right size, feeding a variety of foods Etc.) has to be expensive or difficult and that's just not true. I hope this series can help people understand a bit more about how to provide these beautiful fish with a healthy environment. They are so often mistreated and neglected and much of the time simply because the owners don't know that they're doing something wrong or don't have the right information
MintChocolate - 7 years ago
Rumer Priestly It doesn't have to be. I found a 30 gallon tank complete with (broken) light and hood for $12 at a thrift store, replaced the broken light for around $20, $17 for a hang on back filter, two bags of natural aquarium gravel at Walmart was around $5 each, live plants cost anywhere between $3-$8 and depending on the size of your tank and if you only have a betta you don't need it that heavily planted at first. Walmart sells a 10 gallon aquarium kit complete with an LED light and filter that's reasonably low-flow for a Betta for under $30. that's the most reasonable price for an aquarium kit that I found. Generally speaking, I think it's best to get the tank itself secondhand and then buy the important accessories first and accumulate the plants and decorations slowly over time, taking advantage of sales and (fish safe) diy alternatives to typical hides and decorations. Kits sold at chain pet stores usually tend to be extremely overpriced and it's best to stay away from them. Especially if they're marketed towards bettas. there's no way 2.5 gallon tank kit should be the price that most box stores sell them for. They're not even a proper size
Rumer Priestly
Rumer Priestly - 7 years ago
MintChocolate it is rather expensive, though. I've gone for most of the cheapest methods and I'm still looking at over £100 to set up my betta tank, and that's before the fish!
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Thank you. I really hope this series will help people with their bettas and any who are looking into getting a betta fish.
blackleg san
blackleg san - 7 years ago
Hi isit normal for hm male betta to stay on the floor?
blackleg san
blackleg san - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets abit ya u think maybe it cause of the temperature ?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
When you say sunny, what is the constant temperature, does the temperature drop at night?
blackleg san
blackleg san - 7 years ago
T Buzz 2 gallon tank with no heater as my country is sunny
T Buzz
T Buzz - 7 years ago
It is not normal. Can you tell me about his environment? Is he kept in a bowl or a heated fish tank?
blackleg san
blackleg san - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets do u know why? It not cuz of swimming bladder i think
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
No, that's not normal.
Hope Z
Hope Z - 7 years ago
Yayyy a video series!!!!! So excited
Noah Fagello
Noah Fagello - 7 years ago
I want the next video already
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Thanks! It will be up tomorrow or Thursday.
Special C
Special C - 7 years ago
I have one 5.5 gallon for my Betta fish Kevin and a 4.5 for my new betta fish witch is shipping right now
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Great tank sizes!!
MissLadyFair Pets
MissLadyFair Pets - 7 years ago
This is great! I agree 100% with getting the bigger tank! Bigger tanks in my experience are easier to keep, especially when it comes to the water parameters! My smaller tanks are more "work" than my bigger tanks
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Thanks! I don't have any issues with my smaller tanks in fact I think they're much easier to care for but I don't want to encourage small tanks. Also I think if you're a beginner just starting out, small tanks can be difficult to balance. This is series has taken a long time to do! We've been working on it for about 5-6 weeks!!
Gorgeous Bettas
Gorgeous Bettas - 7 years ago
Yes! I love this series already! Love this video! How do you not run out of video ideas?! Lol
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Will Stogden
Will Stogden - 7 years ago
mr. Shroom
mr. Shroom - 7 years ago
Nice video exited for more.
Atomic - 7 years ago
Great video !! I'm excited for the new series !
Atomic - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets after I move my guppys into my ten gallon I'm going to put a betta into one of my two gallons !
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Mackenzie Frankel
Mackenzie Frankel - 7 years ago
And I lover the new series
Mya8D - 7 years ago
Great series!!
Mackenzie Frankel
Mackenzie Frankel - 7 years ago

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