Clean betta fish tank. Ph perfect

Cleaning and checking my 10 gallon betta home 🐢🐢🐢----SUBSCRIBE HERE----► - - - - - - ▼▼▼ MORE BELOW ▼▼▼ ~~~MY OTHER CHANNELS~~~ Brandon's Gaming Channel► Brandon's Random Stuff---► ~~~MY SOCIAL MEDIA~~~ --TWITTER---► Thank You!!! Big Hugs!!! B

Clean betta fish tank. Ph perfect sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1

Betta 9 years ago 2,938 views

Cleaning and checking my 10 gallon betta home 🐢🐢🐢----SUBSCRIBE HERE----► - - - - - - ▼▼▼ MORE BELOW ▼▼▼ ~~~MY OTHER CHANNELS~~~ Brandon's Gaming Channel► Brandon's Random Stuff---► ~~~MY SOCIAL MEDIA~~~ --TWITTER---► Thank You!!! Big Hugs!!! B

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for Clean betta fish tank. Ph perfect

Jasmine Zamfirov
Jasmine Zamfirov - 7 years ago
good day, wondering if you can help i'm doing further research, i recently bought my Betta fish and it didn't survive we were told to do a 1 week cycle . He was fine in colour didnt display any issues besides being Lethargic . I went into the Pet store and explained the situation that i wanted to test for Amonia and the guy just said I'm worrying too much his ok they dont always swim around they like to take Breaks when i went to feed him i found him dead under the rocks :( . I'm still very new to having fish and would like to find proper information and research as everyone has diffrent opinions . MY gut feeling says the tank should have been left out longer and i should have tested the water ph for amonia im really worried about the other fish too they seem ok but only reieved them today
Jasmine Zamfirov
Jasmine Zamfirov - 7 years ago
Brandon's Turtles thanks Brandon yeah I got my two other Betta’s in a smaller tank as I have a baby female and large Betta half moon. I took the water to an aquatic store that really helped me out a lot they knew what they were doing so I’m greatful for that was able to save my other fish the temperature was out as in it going up down up down I think that upset my blue veil betta as in being in a new environment the disturbance of the temperature strikes didn’t help much I but a frozen bottle in now to drop it down to about 24 degrees other fish are more active and less lethargic Everything is brand new but I’m unsure of the filter I received though
Brandon's Turtles
Brandon's Turtles - 7 years ago
+Jasmine Zamfirov a lot of times with betta fish, they are in poor health at the pet store. I had my betta for almost 3 years. Had a 10 gallon tank that was well filtered. But before he went in there it was a tank to grow plants for my turtles. So it had a lot of benificial bacteria already in the rocks and water. Don't give up. Treat the water for chlorine and pH and let it sit for a little while. Maybe get some bacteria starter. Check with the type of betta you will get to set the pH right. Ammonia isn't too much of a problem as long as they are in anything larger than the tiny cups they come in, as long as water changes are regular.
Mcelyo Menezes
Mcelyo Menezes - 7 years ago
My ph is on for how do i get it to 7 fast
Mcelyo Menezes
Mcelyo Menezes - 7 years ago
Brandon's Turtles it has no fish cause i just got a new tank and started the nitrogen cycle
Brandon's Turtles
Brandon's Turtles - 7 years ago
petstores have ph up or down. you want to change the ph of the tank slowly however. too fast and fishes can get sick or die
Sadie's Animal Kingdom
Sadie's Animal Kingdom - 9 years ago
You are so cool great person, you Just earned a sub! :)
Sadie's Animal Kingdom
Sadie's Animal Kingdom - 9 years ago
+Brandons Turtles no problem! i will put you on my cool pet channels soon. sub back?
Brandon's Turtles
Brandon's Turtles - 9 years ago
+Sadie's Animal Kingdom Thank YOU!!!
TurtleGerbil 67
TurtleGerbil 67 - 9 years ago
Ghost shrimp and corey catfish would be so good in this betta tank and would be really helpful because they eat waste and plant matter which will reduce ph
Brandon's Turtles
Brandon's Turtles - 9 years ago
+TurtleGerbil 67 good idea, i have a few corey cats in my 40 gallon turtle tank, i may have to grab one to see how he does in the 10. had ghost shrimps a long time ago, might be fun to have again, the betta shouldnt eat them. lol shouldnt
Brandon Mendez
Brandon Mendez - 9 years ago
Can you give me tips about Red ear slider plez Reply
Brandon's Turtles
Brandon's Turtles - 9 years ago
+Brandon Mendez hi brandon, what do you need to know? i havent had a red ear but i do know they are a easier species to take care of. main thing is to keep the water clean, have good filtration. next you want a basking area for the turtle, he needs to get out of the water and dry off at leas once a day to kill living bacteria and algae, make sure the basking lamp is a "uvb" type bulb to assist in the creation of vitamin d for his shell health. feeding turtles is easy, only feed them every 2 or 3 days for a typical adult. that should get you started, these are just basics and you might find better or different tips along the way. good luck! if you need more infos let me know!

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