Cleaning a betta fish's tank! REQUEST

this is me cleaning my betta fish's tank request from "camcool10" he has some good videos of fish. check out my other videos of betta fish and if you are intrested in turtles i have a lot of videos! music by Guns n Roses-Rocket Queen

Cleaning a betta fish's tank! REQUEST sentiment_very_dissatisfied 7

Betta 14 years ago 3,718 views

this is me cleaning my betta fish's tank request from "camcool10" he has some good videos of fish. check out my other videos of betta fish and if you are intrested in turtles i have a lot of videos! music by Guns n Roses-Rocket Queen

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Most popular comments
for Cleaning a betta fish's tank! REQUEST

ThunderWaffles - 12 years ago
Not a torture bowl, it's a coffin
MyameeGirl - 12 years ago
@miracoli5 Live, yes.... thrive? Hardly. That's what most people with tiny bowls like to tell themselves. Try living in your bathroom all your life without any more space than that. You could live, but thrive? Again, I say hardly... That's just my opinon.
MyameeGirl - 13 years ago
That's not a tank. It's a torture bowl for bettas.
joshua jung
joshua jung - 13 years ago
u just dont poor a random amount of water conditioner in bowl and! the Bowl is awfully small...
soaddictedzz - 14 years ago
at 1:40 it looks like theres a condom in the tank lol but anyway nice tank
Sabine Moore
Sabine Moore - 14 years ago
hey mate i hav a betta he is a male his name is Gyra i just got him on wensday an today he was an still is make bubbles in his tank is the tank to small for him? there bubbles all around the tank
Haley Garrett
Haley Garrett - 14 years ago
@tjrouge is it a girl betta

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