Compatible Tank mates for Betta Fish (Collab)
Betta 7 years ago 25,060 views
Today we look at what fish are compatible for betta fish to live with. Not all Bettas will accept tank mates but many will. These fish are my top 5 fish to live with betta fish. Platies, Cory, Harlequin Rasboras, Otocinclus and clown plecos. These fish have all lived peacefully with many of my betta fish. Want to support us? LIVE PLANTS use our coupon code to get 15% off aquarium plants when you order with H2oplants... use code LWP15 Tank dividers. LETS CONNECT! Instagram ~ Facebook ~ website ~ Business inquiries only. *Disclaimer ~ This video is sponsored. All opinions are our own. The above links are Amazon Affiliate links. We'll receive a small commission if you use these links, thank you for supporting our channel. This video content is the property of Lifewithpets72 and may not be used or reproduced without written permission.
10. comment for Compatible Tank mates for Betta Fish (Collab)
So now you know bettas cant live with platys.....well atleast mine couldn't. My betta liked hiding. Good luck with your tanks my friends.
Platys are very common tank mates for bettas, all mine have done well with them. Gouramis and bettas are not at all compatible the gouramis will bully Bettas.
20. comment for Compatible Tank mates for Betta Fish (Collab)
I've kept Bettas with Neon Tetras, Bristlenose and Clown Plecos, Cory Catfish and African Dwarf Frogs.
30. comment for Compatible Tank mates for Betta Fish (Collab)
The betta seems happy and I've had him for roughly nine months now.
My parents randomly bought me 3 ghost shrimp. I put them in the tank as soon as i got them only to see my marble Crowntail, Orion, gobble one of them up then proceeding to go after the other two. The next morning all i found was him snacking on one. Now he just lives with a gold dust Molly.
Anf there's no problem for 1 year
50. comment for Compatible Tank mates for Betta Fish (Collab)
My mollies name is pepper and I want to get a white male and name him salt
When i first introduced the female to him, he got SO excited it was adorable, and he immediately began showing her around the tank and where he hides and makes the bubble nests.
Hey Nova, what tail type is your non aggressive betta?
I have been experimenting you could say with male and females together. My male EE halfmoon was delighted when I gave him a female. I had him alone in a densely planted tank for a year. He kept a nice nest going the whole time. When I put the lady in he "danced" and followed her around, wiggling, dancing. They didn't fight. She was in there for 3 months and I only removed her, reluctantly, because the male was getting too thin. He would dance and let her eat all the food. She would eat hers and rush over and gobble his down too. I put her in with another male, a veiltail, but removed her within 2 or 3 days as he was aggressively chasing her and never calmed down.
Can it be with Callichthyidae?