Compatible Tank Mates for Betta Fish

From Platies to Tetras, Rasboras to Corty Catfish and more, aquatic expert Tom Sarac explains which species you can safely pair with Betta Splendens. HOW TO Care for Betta Fish Video:

Compatible Tank Mates for Betta Fish sentiment_very_dissatisfied 132

Betta 7 years ago 435,609 views

From Platies to Tetras, Rasboras to Corty Catfish and more, aquatic expert Tom Sarac explains which species you can safely pair with Betta Splendens. HOW TO Care for Betta Fish Video:

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Most popular comments
for Compatible Tank Mates for Betta Fish

Jignesh Tamore
Jignesh Tamore - 6 years ago
can i put betta with gourami?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
It depends which gouramis, some of the dwarf gouramis may be bullied by a betta and the larger species may attack the betta. It is a case of watch and observe, provide plenty of live plants and decorative structure and be prepared to isolate the male betta to a suitable habitat.
D14m0nd M4n
D14m0nd M4n - 6 years ago
Are guppies also good tank mates?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
They can be attacked by a betta, especially fancy male guppies. Lots of plants and structure helps but male fancy guppy tails usually suffer and you can count on the betta eating baby guppies.
Jasmine yancy
Jasmine yancy - 6 years ago
can i keep a male betta and a female gold fish tail together
Jasmine yancy
Jasmine yancy - 6 years ago
Fluval Aquatics oh ok yea i didnt get both i just have the betta in a fish bowl. Hes so cute! lol should i put a plant in there. its a medium size fish bowl and its a baby betta. Also shpuld i feed him twice every other day?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
Jasmine, bettas and goldfish have very different temperature preferences and given the size goldfish get to and their comportment, it is not recommended to keep them together.
nAnU - 6 years ago
I always read that I should buy a less aggressive Betta. How can you tell if it is or not?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
You cannot tell, the fact a male displays at his reflection is a natural trait all male B. splendens have. The recommendation is likely related to when you buy a Betta to keep in a community aquarium, in that case as we suggest, watch and observe, be prepared to place the betta in its own small equipped aquarium.
Diego Ruelas
Diego Ruelas - 6 years ago
Thanks, mate!
Joanne Iarussi
Joanne Iarussi - 6 years ago
can I put goldfish with my male betta
Kyden Chan
Kyden Chan - 6 years ago
What about guppies
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
Guppies are not recommended, male betta splendens will very likely attack a male fancy guppy.
Keeven Caldz
Keeven Caldz - 6 years ago
My bettas tail broke and he is still alive it is possible?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
Tearing of a bettas fins can happen for a variety of reasons, in a community tank a betta being fin nipped is almost common, one of the reasons we prefer they are kept isolated.
Stacy Curtis
Stacy Curtis - 6 years ago
The people at PetSmart gave me 5 free baby guppies to put with my female betta. They didn't mention they'd be midnight snacks. I'm down to 2 guppies.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
Stacy, bettas will prey on any small fish they can eat, common to most tropical fish in fact. We suggest you isolate the two remaining guppies if you wish to keep them.
Stacy Curtis
Stacy Curtis - 6 years ago
Weird part is they only disappear at night. During the day when I'm next to the tank everyone is sweet. Then apparently at night the Gremlin comes out.

10. comment for Compatible Tank Mates for Betta Fish

Keeven Caldz
Keeven Caldz - 6 years ago
When do you put a female in a breeding time?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
Keeven, happy to help! If you can locate some, have seen them for sale on line, adding 1 large tropical almond leaf per 10 gallons is a good idea when breeding, these are leaves found in a Betta's natural habitat, the tanins leached are beneficial to the fish and will support better spawning results.
Keeven Caldz
Keeven Caldz - 6 years ago
Thank you for the information fluval aquatics
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
Keeven, some information in summary form for you: attempt the introduction when: the male has built a nest; all conditions are right (temperature, tight fitting top on tank to maintain same air and water temperatures); the female is visibly filled with eggs (the abdomen will be protrude); there is a white nipple protruding from her vent; she is dark with visible barring and most importantly is that she is flaring her gills and trying to rush at the male when he displays and approaches her (meaning she is behind a see through wall so the pair can see each other). A ten gallon tank half filled with water and one small sponge filter operating in one corner at a slow non surface disturbing rate is recommended. Heater and thermometer (temperature should be 79 to 82 deg F). No gravel, easier for the pair to pick up the eggs and put in the nest if they fall to the bottom. Some floating plants, like hornwort for example and low light level lighting. Good Luck! Let us know how it works out - Tom
Cheryl McCormick
Cheryl McCormick - 6 years ago
I have 2 gold fish w/my betta fish they keep dying on me HELP !!!!
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
Bettas really should not be kept with goldfish as the temperature requirements for bettas mean a heater is required. The comportment of a betta is also not compatible with goldfish, in terms of behavior and feeding.
AquaPlanet - 6 years ago
nice video , I have a video on same topic , you can check out mine .
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
Thank you, we will!
Vangelo mefi
Vangelo mefi - 6 years ago
What fish are good with glo fish??
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
Depending on which fish is the glofish, if they are danios then other small species of danios, barbs and tougher types of tetras.
Betta Behaviour
Betta Behaviour - 6 years ago
Guppies and bettas don't mix, so if you have guppies or a betta, its best not to put them in the same aquarium.
n o
n o - 6 years ago
Are females less aggressive?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
Normally males are more aggressive.
salty sugar • 10 months ago
salty sugar • 10 months ago - 6 years ago
Betta sorority!!!
cathy hskqns
cathy hskqns - 6 years ago
Just put 6 neon tetras in my tank with my betta. is that okay?
Alexandler S
Alexandler S - 6 years ago
at some more tetra's, healthier for them
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
Yes it's ok. We also recommend monitoring for a few days.
Lunar Rose
Lunar Rose - 6 years ago
I have 1 female betta, and I will soon be getting a 5 gallon tank. Would I be able to put a cory catfish in with her? Also, would it be better to put platys or mollies in with her? Could I do all of the above? Sorry it’s a lot of questions
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
Yes that's fine. Always monitor for the first few days.
G Ratnage
G Ratnage - 6 years ago
Can you keep guppies with bettas
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
We do not recommend that combination as male bettas will attack and damage male fancy guppy fins.

20. comment for Compatible Tank Mates for Betta Fish

Vortex - 6 years ago
I'm planning to buy a 20 gallon tank.
Is it ok to put these fish in the tank?
5 Neon Tetra
1 Betta Fish
2 Ghost Shrimps
2 Zebra Snails
4 Rasboras
3 Cory Catfish
Alexandler S
Alexandler S - 6 years ago
Neon Tetra's are schooling fish. It is healthier to have them in a larger school. I would go for 10, you can mix them with cardinale tetra's as well, they will school together. Good luck
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
Yes that's fine. Always monitor for the first few days.
Renkai Deatryx
Renkai Deatryx - 6 years ago
Would a halfmoon or crowntail be alright with 4-5 rasbora's and a few khuli loaches in a ten gallon?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
As Rasboras and Khuli fish are relatively passive, it should be OK. However we always recommend to observe your fish during the first few days to see how they share their community.
Leony Nation
Leony Nation - 6 years ago
It's not pronounced bet-ta, it's pronounced bay-ta.
Rob Betts
Rob Betts - 6 years ago
neet not net
Rob Betts
Rob Betts - 6 years ago
Carlos Delacruz
Carlos Delacruz - 6 years ago
Can i ask if is it ok for the other fish to eat a betta/live food?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
Hi Carlos, yes that's fine.
Brian Hunt
Brian Hunt - 6 years ago
I have 8 tiger barbs in a 32gallon soon to be a 40 gallon I'm guessing not a good match cause they are fin nipping fish right?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
Hi Brian, you are guessing right, as Tiger Barbs an aggressive species and should not live with Bettas.
Karens Life
Karens Life - 6 years ago
Hello I need help I moved my betta fish from a 1.5 to a 20 gallon and he bloated up because of over feeding and then started losing color and stopped moving around help!!
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
So many variables could have come into play in this situation. Was the 20 gallon tank fully ready to receive your Betta? We suggest doing a few water tests as well as making sure that the tank is at the proper water temperature and keep a close eye on your fish.
Lelouch0reki - 6 years ago
I wonder about bettas and cherry shrimp. Can they be together?
Lelouch0reki - 6 years ago
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
Hi, regarding Bettas and Cherry shrimps, we recommend discussing it with your local pet retailer for more guidance.
tyler eisnor
tyler eisnor - 6 years ago
What size tank did you use in this video I have a 5 gallon tank and I am wondering what fish I can keep with it
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
Hi Tyler, the tank in this video is a 15 gallon Flex.

30. comment for Compatible Tank Mates for Betta Fish

Sandu Anna
Sandu Anna - 6 years ago
I'm sooo sad because i was thinking my Betta is feeling lonely and I bought him 2 platyes and he killed them
Nam Truong
Nam Truong - 6 years ago
Would a glass catfish be ok in the same tank as a Betta?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
Yes that should be ok, do take note that glass catfish need to be in a school of their own kind, in our opinion that would mean at least 3 to 5 glass cats for them to feel comfortable. They are shy but when kept in a group they are less so. The aquarium size would have to be at least 10 to 15 gallons in this case.
Shailah Teelucksingh
Shailah Teelucksingh - 6 years ago
Can Gold Fish? I have a blue male betta fish
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
Shailah, not recommended, goldfish are a cold water species and get far too large to be good tankmates for a betta.
Ed Paine
Ed Paine - 6 years ago
OK to put Betta with angel fish?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
With younger angelfish, as the angels grow the tank size and required filtration may create too much water movement for a betta to be comfortable in.
Mockingbird Hill
Mockingbird Hill - 6 years ago
I have four small dojos (about 2.5") that someday will be moved to my larger tank as well as four small plecos (1.5", who will also be moved to the larger tank someday) and was wondering if a dojo and pleco would do okay with a mild-mannered betta. I have four 3.5 gallon tanks with filters and bubblers that would make keeping my four betta males so much easier if they could be housed with one betta, one dojo and one pleco per tank. I have a lot of living plants and hiding places for the fish in each tank.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
Dojo loaches reach up to 6 inches in length in aquariums and if you have a pleco, it too will likely get very large. The 3.5 gallon tank with heater and plants is great for a male betta but would not support the other fish you mention for very long.
josh Squad
josh Squad - 6 years ago
Can we keep guppies with bettas
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
Josh, not recommended, a male betta will likely attack a fancy male guppy.
Nahush Modak
Nahush Modak - 6 years ago
I know very few will notice this comment but I have a betta in a community and it's fabulous!!!
I have 4 pairs of tetra in my 50 gallon tank living happily!!!
Have a nice day!!!
Castleclasher 80k
Castleclasher 80k - 6 years ago
Can you keep them with guppies??
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
Not recommended, a betta will likely attack a male fancy guppy.
Email Linda
Email Linda - 6 years ago
The 'get inspired with art' poster ruins the video . I would love to see more videos without the advertising. Really like the close ups of the fish. Good job! Will check out your other videos soon.
The Spy
The Spy - 6 years ago
can guppies be kept with bettas? pls i need an answer
The Spy
The Spy - 6 years ago
thanks for your advice i will report if something happens
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
Not possible unfortunately. Some males are more aggressive than others. You can watch and observe and isolate the male if he attacks the guppies.
The Spy
The Spy - 6 years ago
is there anyway to tame it not to attack
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
We do not recommend that mix as male Bettas can attack fancy male guppies.
Anthony Flores
Anthony Flores - 6 years ago
My fish is betta then urs
Shan Bland
Shan Bland - 6 years ago
i have a male betta in a 20 gallon community tank with Cory cats and a 9 neon tetras
Yousuf Khan
Yousuf Khan - 6 years ago
Red eye tetra with betta?
Yousuf Khan
Yousuf Khan - 6 years ago
Fluval Aquatics thank u
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
Not recommended, Red Eyes will likely fin nip a male betta, even in a well planted aquarium.
Donna Kate Morgan
Donna Kate Morgan - 6 years ago
Thank you I would like to start a sorority in my community tank u have white skirt tetras
I have the lemon tetras
And blue plattys
Nami Smith
Nami Smith - 6 years ago
Are guppies ok with betta
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
Nami, we do not recommend that mix. Male bettas can attack fancy male guppies. We strongly recommend livebearers like platys and swordtails for this purpose versus guppies.
ms.Caddi - 6 years ago
How big is this tank???
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
It is the 15 gallon Flex Aquarium.
Mathias Andre
Mathias Andre - 6 years ago
Can I mix Betta and Mollies?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
It should be ok. Always watch and observe, be ready to isolate a male betta in case.
Jarryd Small
Jarryd Small - 6 years ago
Can you keep guppies with bettas
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
Jarryd, we do not recommend that mix, male bettas can attack male fancy guppies. Generally we suggest avoiding that combination.
MarkJoshua Oliver
MarkJoshua Oliver - 6 years ago
hi is mixing a male betta with some goldfish a great idea ? and a female betta with guppies great ? or avoid at all cost ? cause i mixed my 2 females they started flaring so i put 1 alone and the other one with the sword tails. Btw if the females are flaring should i be concerned ?
MarkJoshua Oliver
MarkJoshua Oliver - 6 years ago
oh thank you :D i just got worried when i mixed my crowntail and halfoon females together and right as soon as they saw each other its like gills out. So ill just let them figure it out i guest ty for the fast reply.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
Betta females flaring at each other is quite normal. Mark, yes, avoid the other combinations.
Callum Murphy
Callum Murphy - 6 years ago
Can molly fish live with a betta fish
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
It can be tried, it should be ok, as always, watch and observe and be ready to separate the male betta if necessary.

50. comment for Compatible Tank Mates for Betta Fish

Abir Aftab
Abir Aftab - 6 years ago
Omar Campos
Omar Campos - 6 years ago
How is it with feeding? I’m playing on getting Neon Tetras for my beta tank and idk if there’s certain food that they can both eat or if they eat different foods
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
Omar, we like questions like this as we appreciate those that care for their fish :) Bettas will feed at all levels but clearly prefer floating food as they have up turned mouths. Neons like to feed on particles of food in the water column as they sink. Fluval bug bites for small tropicals or for bettas would be fine for both as they are slow sinking.
Hambone2020 - 6 years ago
Could I just ask Petco which fish could work with a betta? lol
why not
why not - 6 years ago
can you keep betta with gourami and even things other than fish like yabbies and shrimp?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
Shrimp fry will be eaten and some types of gourami may be an issue. If they are a smaller and peaceful type gourami and the tank is well planted it should be fine, as we always recommend, watch and observe and be ready to isolate the male betta if necessary.
Abigail x3
Abigail x3 - 6 years ago
Yes you can, I always keep my Betta in a community tank and they do great and nothing happens to them or the other fish. Always pick a Betta that's not aggressive, my Betta always minds it's own business and never nips or hurts the other fish. I always had amazing experiences with them in a community tank. I have like 5 tanks running and they are all doing great.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
Abigail, that may be your experience and thanks for sharing, but always watch and observe, in many cases depending on the fish in the community bettas can be fin nipped and sometime a male betta is far too aggressive for some its' tankmates.
Love Gymnastics
Love Gymnastics - 6 years ago
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
Not recommended as they are typically coldwater species of fish, incompatible in regards to the required aquatic environment.
Addison McQueen
Addison McQueen - 6 years ago
My male betta loves his molly tank mates, but my female betta hated all of her tank mates and she had to be separated. It's funny how she's so aggressive and he's not at all
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
Addison, such is a betta, watch and observe. You did and took the right action, well done.
Jakob Schilling
Jakob Schilling - 6 years ago
My male Betta Splendens lives alone with in a 30l Tank just with a Devil Horn Slug
Ace Khmer
Ace Khmer - 6 years ago
What about a female betta? Are females more aggressive?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
In general the female is less aggressive than a male but also makes for a better community fish as it has fins that are of less interest to other fish that might nip at its fins. There are always exceptions, some females can be more aggressive than others so observing is always recommended.
Raven Shine
Raven Shine - 6 years ago
How big does a tank have to be for 2 bettas?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
You use a 5 gallon aquarium and install a divider to house two male bettas. Two females should be ok in a 5 gallon, make sure to incorporate various plants. Males and females should not be mixed together other than under controlled conditions for the purpose of reproduction.
Demont Venable
Demont Venable - 6 years ago
Can I keep a Betta with tetra(Glofish)?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
Demont, glofish are not a species but are a commercial term to describe the fish. Is the tetra a serape for example or a black tetra originally? It is the species commonly known as a black tetra is not suitable to mix with a betta.
Demont Venable
Demont Venable - 6 years ago
The Glofish Tetras
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
Which species of tetra?
Ninjara930 - 6 years ago
I was thinking getting my niece's she Betta a tank mate so she not alonely. I don't what to get.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
We suggest you stick with the one female betta, that is really a minimum size of tank. In fact moving up to 1 to 2 gallons for the female betta is a good idea.
Ninjara930 - 6 years ago
Fluval Aquatics she's in 1/2 gallon tank
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
What size of aquarium is the betta in?
Caitlyn Brack
Caitlyn Brack - 6 years ago
Will guppies get along with bettas
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
Male fancy guppies are at risk of attack from a male Betta splendens, not a recommendation we advocate. Somewhat larger livebearers like platys and swordtails and bottom feeders like corydoras catfish species are better choices.
Blackrose199717 - 6 years ago
I have a shy male betta and he's in a 2.5 gallon tank right now and I'm being gifted with a 10 gallon tank do you think he'd benefit being in a community tank?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
It is likely that he better off having is own private 2.5 gallon. Male bettas have fins that are prone to being nipped, they are not that fast moving and can be affected by stronger filter currents, which would mean adjusting the filter flow rate or setting up tank decor to diffuse it. If you go with some of our recommended species it will likely be fine but do consider that compatibility and the right mix of fish is very important in a community tank.
Gabriel Lewis
Gabriel Lewis - 6 years ago
Thanks for the video! Very very helpful! How big was that tank in the video?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
Gabriel, thank you. That is the Flex 15 gallon model.
Ulakiest - 6 years ago
How does this apply for female bettas? I have one with a few male guppies and a Gourammi, and she's been rather docile.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
The content here applies to what most ask about and in fact should have been clearer in the video. That said female bettas are usually far more likely to be tolerant of other fish but exceptions do exist. I have had females that were highly aggressive and did need isolation.
Raindrop Services
Raindrop Services - 6 years ago
Just the info I was looking for. Thanks...
Praseetha Babu
Praseetha Babu - 6 years ago
we can put gold fish in Betta tanks
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
Not recommended, temperature, feeding and aquarium size requirement differ too greatly.
Margaret Corbett
Margaret Corbett - 6 years ago
Also, Clown Loaches are bad Betta companions. Sadly, one viciously killed my Betta.
DankMemeTrain - 6 years ago
Can you keep minnows and danios with betas?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
They are not the best choices as they fast swimmers and would out compete the betta at feeding time. Minnows are likely cold water species that would not fare well at the temperature range required by a betta.
Bary Baragon
Bary Baragon - 6 years ago
I have had a betta for almost a year now, she lives with my Iridescent Shark for a while and i'm planning on moving her to a different tank because the newer filters I got are kind of messing her up. I wanted to make it a community tank but I wasn't sure what would be safe, this helped a lot!
Abby Mathis
Abby Mathis - 6 years ago
Can you put just like umm... Regular small frogs in with betas
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
Frogs in general are predators of fish, really depends on the species of frog you are considering, a dwarf aquatic species perhaps, in general we would avoid mixing them with fish.
Demi God
Demi God - 6 years ago
My normally calm female betta seemed lonely so I got her some guppies as tank mates and she tore the survivor's tail to ribbons. :( I wish I could keep more fish than just one betta.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
Good move, some bettas are more aggressive than others and isolation is the best strategy for them.
Demi God
Demi God - 6 years ago
Thank you for such a quick reply Fluval! I think the long flowing tails and fins of the male guppies may have reminded her of a male betta and she attacked. That's my thought on it. I'm just going to keep her in a 10gal by herself and have a seperate guppy tank since she is so aggressive. :)
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
Demi God, we're sorry to hear that, however typically these two species can mix fine together.
Rukia Kuchki
Rukia Kuchki - 6 years ago
If you want a community tank with bettas, The best way is to get the betta in its adolescent stage introduce them to compatible tank mates some people say that there are bettas with temperament issues if you get them as adolescents there's less chance of an aggressive betta.
Nightwing the nightfury
Nightwing the nightfury - 6 years ago
Can a Bettta go with Bala sharks?
Zack Stalter
Zack Stalter - 6 years ago
What about goldfish with betta
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
Zack Stalter, typically Bettas, being tropical, require a higher water temperature (75-78 degrees). Whereas goldlfish are a cold water species, so we don't recommend you keep them together.
Fresh Falcon
Fresh Falcon - 6 years ago
My Betta lives with catfish:
Shawn Gates
Shawn Gates - 6 years ago
I have my betta in a 30 gallon tank. Just today I added 2 cory catfish, 6 neon tetras, and 1 clown loach. The betta was very curious and checked them out thoroughly while they were still in the pet store bags adjusting to the water temp. but he never flared up or acted aggressive towards them. Now they are in the tank with the betta and exploring the different artificial plants and rock caves I have for them. The betta, again, came very close to investigate but never attacked or so much as flared up at the other fish. And they seem to be quite happy. The cory cats hid in the rock caves shortly but soon enough they came out and went exploring the bottom. And the clown loach hid in the rock cave for some time but he too came out to explore. And they all get along. Thanks so much. I am very happy with my aquarium now and I wouldn't have been able to do it without your help. Because of this video I learned which species can be suitable with bettas. And from there I researched more on those species and found sand is a better substrate for cory cats than sharp gravel. I've done a good bit a research and tried my best to ensure all of my fish are happy and comfortable. And so far its been a success. They seem to love it!! Thanks again. Couldn't have done it without your expert advice.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
Happy to hear that Shawn! Glad we could help!
Justin Weber
Justin Weber - 6 years ago
I put 4 wild shiner minnows in my tank and they seem to get along with my betta. The minnows are also great for keeping the tank clean.
kokohaha360 - 7 years ago
Do the betas go well with angelfish?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
We wouldn't recommend that as Angels can be aggressive.
Jesse Babyak
Jesse Babyak - 7 years ago
what about gold fish. I know they prefer colder water and my tank sits at 70* year round. I have Mollies, Platies, goldfish, black skirt tetras and a very cool double tail betta. but with non-aggressive fish gang up on a betta if given an opportunity?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
We wouldn't recommend goldfish as they are coldwater fish.
Kaide Comal
Kaide Comal - 7 years ago
two bettas in one tank is that OK ??
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 6 years ago
Hi Kaide, we wouldn't recommend that, unless it's a male and female during mating season....and even then they would need to be separated right after.
kiran shankar
kiran shankar - 7 years ago
thank you for the reply
kiran shankar
kiran shankar - 7 years ago
Hi, i have a tank with angel fish,pleco and black telescope i just want to know if i can put a betta fish in my tank
kiran shankar
kiran shankar - 7 years ago
thanks for the reply
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
The Angel may nip at the Betta's fins. Best to inquire with your local fish retailer.
Fardin Mahmud
Fardin Mahmud - 7 years ago
i watched this video and kept my betta with my neon tetras and he killed all of them
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Hi Fardin, we're sorry to hear that. There may have been something else contributing to the loss as it's proven that Neons are compatible. We ourselves have kept the 2 species together successfully for years.
Steve Alas
Steve Alas - 7 years ago
I have a 135 gallon tank with 12 clown loaches (2-6in) and one 8 in pleco. None of them swim toward the top of the tank. They're all at the bottom. Could I add a Betta and have him be safe? If so, would I have two females in addition? Thank you.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Hi Steve, great question and we would refer you to your local pet retailer for something specific like that. They would need to know your filtration type and size, for example, as bettas typically do not fair well in larger tanks with powerful filtration.
crazy works
crazy works - 7 years ago
Can i keep a goldfish with a beta fish..
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
It's not ideal as goldfish are coldwater fish, while bettas require a warmer environment.
Fernando Uriza
Fernando Uriza - 7 years ago
Where did you get your tank?
TheHappyDrum - 7 years ago
i had a small silver fish my beta killed it
Ramiro Valdez
Ramiro Valdez - 7 years ago
What about zebras or neon tetra
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Those are fine Ramiro.
OllieEdmunds - 7 years ago
Is this tank marine or tropical
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
It is a freshwater tropical aquarium.
Is Bored
Is Bored - 7 years ago
Rimaz - 7 years ago
I have below fish in a community tank:
1 Male Betta
1 Albino Tetra
3 pairs of Neon Tetras
4 pairs of zebras

recently Zebras start dying. 2 have already died in 2 weeks. One found dead close to the intake of the filter with tails and fins bitten. Other one found close to the filter but only part of the body was found. and I kept it for couple of hours to see what happens and that was vanished.

So my question is, Does any of the fish in my tank are killing them and eating or are they dying due to some disease and eaten by all of them when they are dead?

also some other zebras in the tank with small parts of it's tails are bitten. (earlier I had two tiny gold fish with these and I removed them thinking they are the ones after the zebras. But even after removing one zebra dead. Please help me.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Sorry to hear of the problems and fish loss. We strongly recommend you start with basic water testing, ammonia, nitrite, pH, and water hardness. Let us know the values, we can work from there.
ST0RM - 7 years ago
1 betta and 1 Cory how many gallons
ST0RM - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics ok thank you
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
If it is a small species of corydoras a 5 gallon would be ok. Corys do like to be kept in groups, adding a couple more would be ok in a minimum 5 gallon.
lalacaca2 - 7 years ago
Goldfish & betta?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Not recommended, goldfish are a coldwater species and get far too large to be kept with a betta.
Diegoco animation
Diegoco animation - 7 years ago
How big is that tank?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
15 gallon Flex.
Penguin Dude
Penguin Dude - 7 years ago
Hey I'm getting some stuff for my betta what kind of shrimp or snails would you recommend?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Some bettas may attack shrimp so stick with larger species if you are willing to risk it. For snails the common ramshorn should be ok.
IceTea - 7 years ago
What size tank did you use in this video
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
15 gallon Flex aquarium.
Karl Frederick Mir Fernandez
Karl Frederick Mir Fernandez - 7 years ago
I have 4 panda corydoras, 6 zebra Danios, 6 guppies, 1 Otocinclus and some shrimps somewhere. I have Hydrilla Valisneria and Bacopa as my plants.. I also have a moss wall and some xmass and Java moss stuck on 2 rock caves and driftwoods

In your opinion can I add a betta? Ow BTW I have a 15g tank 24x12x12
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
We would not recommend a betta in your nicely stocked 15 gallon.
Phil Cuore
Phil Cuore - 7 years ago
i had a school of neon tetras and guppies ... their number declined each week ... so im quarantining my Betta ... im on a 5G tank with drift woods and many plants for their hideout ... it fails terribly ... bad Betta !

100. comment for Compatible Tank Mates for Betta Fish

David Carter
David Carter - 7 years ago
It just buffers at 0:06 infinitely
Selva Prabhu
Selva Prabhu - 7 years ago
I am having danios and tetras.. can it go with betta
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Danios will out compete the betta for food, not a recommended tank mate in our opinion.
2roly2 - 7 years ago
My 3 merigold swordtail fish Alvin , Simon , & Theodore get along great with my male betta Nigel .
DaNk Punkz
DaNk Punkz - 7 years ago
Can they live with platies and guppies?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Platys yes, male fancy guppies are at risk of being attacked.
Cuttlepluff - 7 years ago
My curious, cautious female betta went into a 15 gal. after starter wcm minnows and a janitor spotted pleco were put in to get things ready. I didn't realize the store might have sold me aggressives even if I said my goal was to finally add a betta at the end. But it worked out! I bought her as a juvenile, and she and the white clouds get along well. For now they are nearly the same size. As for the cranky janitor, the other four stay out of his way when he's working.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Thank you for sharing, good stuff, always important to regularly observe and be aware of what is happening!
Rabindra mallick
Rabindra mallick - 7 years ago
Hlw sir

fighter fish
can live together with
goldfish tank??
Rabindra mallick
Rabindra mallick - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics okk sir thanks a lot
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Not recommended, goldfish get too large, prefer lower temperatures vs. a betta and are fast and aggressive at feeding time. Do not keep a betta with goldfish.
Keith Foster
Keith Foster - 7 years ago
I put my male betta in a 30 gallon with 9 guppies and 1 female betta but the male went crazy when he got in and chased the poor guppies and had to remove him. got any tips?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Keith, isolate the male as you have.
Varun Shah
Varun Shah - 7 years ago
I have betta in community tank. But I had a lot of dead spots in tank and that's why I am planning for a wave maker. Can u please help if betta will accept the new equipment
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Male bettas due to their relatively large fins are not good at navigating current, we think your plan will be a problem for the betta.
Apocalypse Gaming101
Apocalypse Gaming101 - 7 years ago
Can you keep bettas in community tanks?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Please review the video for tank mate suggestions, they do not mix well with many fish. Due to their long fins and limited swimming ability in aquariums that house community fish you need to observe and ensure all is well, in some cases they need to be isolated.
Stephanie P
Stephanie P - 7 years ago
Which Flex tank are you using in this video?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
The 15 gallon version.
Wobbe gong
Wobbe gong - 7 years ago
What plants are those on the driftwood
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
They are artificial plants
Wobbe gong
Wobbe gong - 7 years ago
So could you keep black neon tetras, a betta, panda corys and a few plates in a 20 gallon fish tank
Wobbe gong
Wobbe gong - 7 years ago
what about a female betta
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Yes that should work out. As always, observe the male betta in particular and isolate him if necessary.
hmm ok
hmm ok - 7 years ago
Hi all, my community 60L tank has 3 angel fish, 4 guppies, 4 neon tetras and is well planted...can I add a beta fish? I've heard they fight with neon tetras and angel fish?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Any male Betta splendens can be aggressive and might have to be isolated. Angel fish will outgrown a 60L aquarium and will have to be moved into at least a 120L + aquarium. Guppies are generally not a good choice either. In this aquarium as it is presently we would not advise adding one.
Zekrom YT
Zekrom YT - 7 years ago
They're still better than me and my roommate.
Marlene Martinez
Marlene Martinez - 7 years ago
I want to get a 3.5 gallon for my betta because my dad put in my betta in his goldfish tank while I was in Mexico he put it in with his fish GOLDFISH and I told him THE GOLDFISH IS LIKE FOLLOWING MY BETTA AND MY BETTA HAS A Beautiful DRAGON SCALE BETTA and the goldfish is bitting his tale of AND MY DAD IS SO FU*king ignorant and he says IF THE FISH DIES WELL IT DIES and I'm so freaking pissed becuase betas are a little bit more cleaner than goldfish since goldfish poop allot btw the tank my dad put the goldfish in is a 3.6 but the goldfish is really small
[] Doveen the Fox[]
[] Doveen the Fox[] - 7 years ago
Would Zebra Danios, a Blue Dwarf Gourami, mollies, feeder guppies, and small plecostomus be great tank mates?
[] Doveen the Fox[]
[] Doveen the Fox[] - 7 years ago
Thank you! Also, what are ancistrus? Are they loaches or cory cats?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Zebra danios are very quick and would out compete the betta and dwarf gourami at feeding time. In general avoid gouramis with bettas, the dwarf may suffer an attack. A plecostomus is not recommended for a smaller aquarium, make sure to chose a small species of ancistrus. Common guppies would likely be ok but their babies would be predated by the betta. In short, we prefer our suggestions in the video.
Jrom Morg
Jrom Morg - 7 years ago
Tom sarac can mollies and guppies can live in same glass tank. Can they breed without strain
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Yes they can, the strain is not an issue for reproduction within each group.
ArtDigistique - 7 years ago
Thta male betta looks like my male betta I used to have (R.I.P. Storm).
Dawson Taylor
Dawson Taylor - 7 years ago
What about an angle fish
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Typically get too large and may bully a betta, although if there are lots of plants and structure it may be ok, as always observe and be ready to isolate the betta if necessary.
Rahil Thakur
Rahil Thakur - 7 years ago
Can we put betta fish with discus together??
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
They do like the same type of water conditions. That said we as avid discus keepers do not mix them with other species, discus are generally best off only kept with other discus due to sensitivity to a number of diseases.
Lucrecia Roberts
Lucrecia Roberts - 7 years ago
Nice video. I learn one thing tougher on totally different video everyday. It can always be stimulating to read content material from different writers and practice slightly something from their store. I’d want to use some with the content material on my video whether you don’t mind. Natually I’ll give you a hyperlink on your net video. Thanks for sharing.
petyweestraw - 7 years ago
Well I just went out a got a 55 gallon for my Beta.
Thomas K
Thomas K - 7 years ago
can you put a goldfish in with them?
Thomas K
Thomas K - 7 years ago
ok thanks
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Not recommended, they prefer different water conditions and have different requirements.
Tomblue Tom
Tomblue Tom - 7 years ago
This gentleman looks so peaceful and kind!
Fresh Falcon
Fresh Falcon - 7 years ago
Very nice video thank you.
Your shirt is a little bit tight.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
You are most welcome, comment noted. I have some new shirts and more importantly I am working on reducing the source of tightness :)
Lake Sarah
Lake Sarah - 7 years ago
i say behtah because thats how its spelled. betta.
Putri Norma
Putri Norma - 7 years ago
can I add red tail shark?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Also not recommended, far too large a fish for a 5 gallon. If you like that style of fish a trio of glass catfish (they need to be kept in groups) but in a 15 gallon or greater....
Putri Norma
Putri Norma - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics thanks for your reply.. may I ask again, can I keep black ghost fish in 5 gallons tank like that? just 1 black ghost fish
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
A red tail shark grows far too large and will become very territorial, not recommended.
Amd 13
Amd 13 - 7 years ago
I got a 40 gallon tank with 6 neon tetras, 3 zebra danios and 2 rummynose tetras can I put a beta in my tank
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
While that is a very low fish load and we are certain the betta even if aggressive would not be an issue for those tank mates we would caution that given the speed and feeding aggressiveness of any danio you would have to make sure the betta receives proper nutrition, they are slow feeders comparatively and in a 40 gallon that might just be an issue.
Geen Naam
Geen Naam - 7 years ago
Do platy and betta eat the same flakes ? And if not how do i give the betta different food so the platy don't eat it
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
If the two fish are in the same aquarium you will not be able to control who eats what unfortunately. The good news is that yes, Bettas will eat flakes as a platy would, however, we strongly advise you feed some other foods as well, bug bites are a great choice due to the natural insect content and perfect granular sizing, some frozen food such as bloodworm from time to time is also a good idea.
Scott Carlson
Scott Carlson - 7 years ago
I was wondering if my betta fish that I have had for a while would go great with fresh water aqaurium angelfish
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Scott, Angelfish get large and feed aggressively. If the aquarium is at least 30 to 40 gallons and planted it may be ok but you will have to observe to ensure the betta has the chance to feed adequately and doesn't get bullied by large angels.
Kaled harbi
Kaled harbi - 7 years ago
Could i place them with Goldfish ?
Kaled harbi
Kaled harbi - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics alright thanks i got another question for you , i recently bought the fluval water conditioner , and i was wondering could i use it while the fish are in the tank ?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
We advise against doing that.
Amrit Sharma
Amrit Sharma - 7 years ago
Can I keep guppies like 66 with a betta pair ( male and female)?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Female and male bettas should only be together in an aquarium for breeding purposes, they are then separated after spawning. Guppies are not recommended as betta tank mates.
víхєn grímm
víхєn grímm - 7 years ago
This is way too many fish for such a small tank.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
You are most welcome. We always advise observing your fish and when it comes to tank mates and male Betta splendens we always recommend being ready to isolate the male betta, some of them are more aggressive than others, we are sure the employee is following a better safe than sorry approach which we understand. Good luck and please reach out with any questions you may have.
víхєn grímm
víхєn grímm - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics perhaps you are right about that. I'm new to the aquarium hobby and in my 1 year of experience I keep getting conflicting advise. For example, I went to purchase 6 neon tetras for my 30 gallon and when the employee realized I had a male betta they flat out refused to sell me the fish. They advised me that no other fish is permitted to be a tank mate for male bettas even though I had reassured them that there were plenty of hiding spaces. I'm not sure what to believe. Sorry for jumping to conclusions. I'm sure you all have the experience and well being of the fish in mind. Thanks for the videos.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
This aquarium is actually under stocked, perhaps you are not aware of the volume.
Fish Legend
Fish Legend - 7 years ago
Can sun fish live with Berta
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Not a recommended combination.
TheCyanDragon - 7 years ago
But be careful, because not all bettas are good in a community tank. Some will attack the other fish and some, like in the video, are perfectly fine. It all depends on your bettas attitude
Dtt4 - 7 years ago
Finally, someone who pronounce Betta right.
FishFish - 7 years ago
Hi! I have a couple questions for you, if you don"t mind helping me :)
I have a 10 gallon right now with 2 male guppies, 2 female guppies and 1 guppy fry, and one small amano shrimp. I have an 18 gallon tank already cycled and ready to go.. After it's cycled, can I do five platys, a male betta and four cory cats? There will be black sand, some driftwood, 2 moss balls, along with java moss. I will feed all of them tropical fish flakes. Anything else I need to add?? Thanks!
FishFish - 7 years ago
Thanks so much! Sounds great to me. I'll purchase some BugBites from a PetStore. I will :)
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
That combination of fish should be fine. Always make sure to observe and isolate the betta if necessary, some can be aggressive to other fish. Flakes are ok but we always recommend some variety, so BugBites in the smallest granule is a great natural protein source for Bettas and other fish, its composed of 25% black soldier fly larvae, in other words an insect protein source which is very natural for bettas...Good luck, keep us posted Emily!
Nadia Prentki
Nadia Prentki - 7 years ago
beautiful,tank nice shape fluval
Thies Richardson
Thies Richardson - 7 years ago
Can I have some glofish in my betta tank
Glenda Redfearn
Glenda Redfearn - 7 years ago
Thies Richardson. What kind of colorful fish can i have with my one male beta
Emiru Emiru
Emiru Emiru - 7 years ago
Ivwould like to know what non-fish aquatic species could you put with a betta?? Creatures like shrimps?
Random Person
Random Person - 7 years ago
Could I house a male or female Betta with molly fish. The tank is a twenty long and I'm trying to convince my cousin to rehome her betta fish to me or buy a larger tank because currently she believes her Betta is "happy" and "healthy" when in reality, I see signs of early signs of fin rot and he seems very lethargic
monte brown
monte brown - 7 years ago
Thank you
SB Pets
SB Pets - 7 years ago
can u have minnows and danios with bettas
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Not a recommended mix, danios are very fast moving and will out compete the betta at feeding time.
monte brown
monte brown - 7 years ago
Can you keep Betta's with Scarlet Badis?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
The Badis is a shy species that requires plenty of cover and does prefer similar water conditions to a betta, warmer and a pH range of 6.5 to 7. That said it is a small fish and the betta if aggressive may attack it, as always, be prepared to isolate the betta.
Loryska - 7 years ago
I bought my female betta when she was very young, and I put her in a 10gal tank with two gouramis, a school of male livebearers, a small zig zag eel and recently two cories. I guess because she grew up with these fish, she sees they are not a threat to her territory. But when I added the cories, it took her a week before she stopped pestering them. But otherwise, she seems quite content with her tankmates.
Paul Davenport
Paul Davenport - 7 years ago
Straight away there are issues with your suggestions. Sucker mouthed Catfish or Plecos evolved in streams and rivers with significant flow, the complete opposite of Betta fish habitat. This would probably lead to lack of oxygen for the Pleco or a very uncomfortable environment for the Betta.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Paul, yes we are aware of where many species of fish evolve but do take note we did not say plecos but did say "suckermouth catfish like ancistrus and otocynclus" which do well in regular "type" currents generated by standard clip on filters. The filter output should be directed at the wood ancistrus like to inhabit. If you watch our video on ancistrus you will note we have several breeding colonies and they are kept in approximately 25 gallon tanks with wood and one hang on power filter. Certainly no lack of oxygen for the fish we mention and in fact they reproduce in those conditions. For the betta the output directed at decor does diffuse and does provide the betta with plenty peaceful lower water movement zones it would prefer.
david w
david w - 7 years ago
i have my betta in a heavily planted 10gallon with 7 small lemon tetras (im setting up a different tank for them). i see him flare up and get super close to them sometimes (alot on the first day) but never actually nip at any of them and never chase them. is that just him "claiming the tank" ?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
The betta is displaying which in fact is expected. Keep observing, if he starts to nip and chase you may want to consider keeping him isolated.
Soleman Mohammad
Soleman Mohammad - 7 years ago
can i put angle fish with betta....
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Always observe, if the tank is large enough with plenty of hiding places you can try that, most of the time it should be safe to try.
Erika Wisdom
Erika Wisdom - 7 years ago
I have to tell you that there is video in the internet that they put betta fish to fight , its wrong its repulsive. Please report the video. The name its:" My Betta fish fight", pl;ease take a look and report because its sad to that to the poor fishs.
DIEGO VALLES - 7 years ago
would shrimp be able to be kept in the same tank as a betta
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Bettas will actively predate shrimp fry and smaller species can easily be attacked by a betta.
Ayush Dangol
Ayush Dangol - 7 years ago
can i house the betta with 5 balloon molly and 5 swordtails?? ...plzz reply ✌✌
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
It should be ok, as always, monitor the situation and be prepared to isolate the male betta if necessary.
Rachna Narang
Rachna Narang - 7 years ago
A gold fish with Betta?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Not recommended, the gold fish gets far too large and prefers cooler water.
Rachel - 7 years ago
You mentioned species that can't be kept as they'd harm the betta. What about the species the betta would attack? I had some beautiful guppies, my male betta didn't take too kindly to those guppies lol. But they were ok. None seriously injured and were moved to another tank.
Rachel - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics yes I did a bit more research and ended up going with neon tetras. That's worked really well.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
While bettas vary in temperament, let us remember they are called fighting fish for a reason so there is always a chance they will act aggressively towards safe tank mates for them. As you mention, fancy male guppies is one we always recommend staying away from, other anabantids, like various smaller peaceful gouramis you might be tempted to try are generally to be avoided as well. Good question however and as we always recommend, be prepared to isolate a male betta in case.
imamigi - 7 years ago
I put my betta fish with mollies and they started to rip his fins.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
As we regularly recommend always be ready to isolate a male betta.
Uno Talamor
Uno Talamor - 7 years ago
Please give me a list so I can go directly to the petshop. Thanks
Sushanta Kumar Samal
Sushanta Kumar Samal - 7 years ago
Can I put gouramis
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
We do not recommend it.
Spongebob Squarepants
Spongebob Squarepants - 7 years ago
well most of the times it depends on your betta's personality, mine is pretty shy, and when it comes across my longfin leopard danios or neon tetras, he just acts as if they weren't there, and then goes back hiding behind his favourite plant
The Budget Aquarist
The Budget Aquarist - 7 years ago
checkout my video on 4 betas in a 15 gallon tank.
Mary Peterman
Mary Peterman - 7 years ago
can I put bettas and goldfish together if it's a bigger tank like a 10 gallon tank
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Not a recommended mix, goldfish prefer cooler temperatures and get far too large to be housed long term in a 10 gallon.
Breton fry
Breton fry - 7 years ago
hey so i have a 10 gallon tank with 2 kissing gourami in it would it be fine to keep a betta in with them and theres a few guppies in there aswell
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
The kissing gouramis will outgrow the 10 gallon and should be kept with larger fish in at least a 35 gallon aquarum. Guppies are also a problem if they are fancy male guppies with large tails, the betta may well attack them.
Asian Arawana
Asian Arawana - 7 years ago
15 yrs ago I had 3 tanks(50,20,10 gallon) where I tryed to breed 2 males and 5 females. I should had just put all 7 in a 50 gallon just to see their story .
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
There are some important details to pay attention to when breeding bettas. We suggest reviewing some of the helpful ones on youtube as an example. Typically a female is isolated from a male in a 10 gallon that is filled about 1/2 with water, well conditioned with various quality foods and when she starts aggressively displaying to the male and he has constructed a nest, is introduced. Various live plants and other hiding places should be present, once the spawning is complete she is immediately removed and the male is left with the spawn till they start to free swim. Water temperature at 80 deg R, minimal sponge filter output and water chemistry that reflects somewhat softer water with a pH of about 6 to 6.4
rodriguez krezja
rodriguez krezja - 7 years ago
can i get one betta fish and i only have 2 black tetras in my tank
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Black tetras are fast swimming and could potentially fin nip the betta, we suggest a few danios are other species of tougher medium size tetras as alternative choices to the betta.
CecilDaBomb1117 - 7 years ago
are Chinese algae eaters compatible
CecilDaBomb1117 - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics ok thanks
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
As they grow they can get aggressive, we feel they would not be the best long term tank mates.
Mustafa Nawab
Mustafa Nawab - 7 years ago
Can I put molly's in
Mustafa Nawab
Mustafa Nawab - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics what should I put with molly's
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Mollys are sometime kept with elevated levels of salt, those specimens might be a problem, if not they should be fine with a betta.
Chandra_Sama - 7 years ago
She can love you good.. But I can love you "Betta."

but seriously. I say Bay-Dah~♡
Gymtastic Kyan
Gymtastic Kyan - 7 years ago
what betta would you recommend

rose petal
Elephant ear
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
I like halfmoons but the choice is yours, go with what you find most interesting - Tom
Rebecca King
Rebecca King - 7 years ago
I have my boy living with Cory cats and a few rasboras but he seems to over eat in the community setting...any advice for not over feeding a community tank?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Rebecca, mixing fish together that are compatible in terms of how aggressively they feed would be one. As you mention it is the male betta that overeats try smaller more frequent feedings.
DragonLovingGirl6 - 7 years ago
I have two bettas in two different tanks and both do very well with Endlers livebearers. I have my male in a tank with males (when I bought him he was in a tank with them too) and my female betta with the females.

My female is from another store than the male and was originally kept with other females and they chewed off her fins. She still has a bald spot on her tail where they chewed it down to the body, but the rest regrew into beautiful pink fins and my olders Endler female swims along with her everywhere.
DragonLovingGirl6 - 7 years ago
Plus other betta handlers have told me that those large, colorful tails/fins that irritate male bettas. Endlers are kinda colorful, but their tails aren't nearly as flamboyant.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Endlers are fast moving and as such can easily avoid any assaults by a betta. Fancy male guppies with large tails on the other hand are not and at far greater risk of attack.
Akash Ujjwal
Akash Ujjwal - 7 years ago
can i keep betta and Mollies together ????
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Should be ok if the mollies are not accustomed to being kept with a higher salt content, check first. The bettas will eat the molly fry.
Cuda FX
Cuda FX - 7 years ago
one mention i missed, is that the neon tetra, shown in the thumbnail, is not a good choice, as they're better suited for bigger (1m/3ft +) tanks, and schools of 20+.
groups in the hundreds make for a dazzling display <3
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Sorry, we forgot one other point to help you out, that is not a neon in the thumbnail but a cardinal tetra.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Neons do well in small schools as well and do make a good choice, in fact in some bodies of natural water we have seen them schooling in smaller numbers. Plants and structure help and as we always say, observe and be ready to isolate the betta if necessary.
gaming bob
gaming bob - 7 years ago
can you keep a betta with a rainbow shark
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Absolutely not recommended. The shark will grow too large and very likely become strongly territorial, to which the betta has no defence.
Gymtastic Kyan
Gymtastic Kyan - 7 years ago
i am getting a betta soon and i am thinking about getting these with it(tell me is safe/okay)

Kuhli Loach or Clown Loach
Cardinal Tetras
Gymtastic Kyan
Gymtastic Kyan - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics thanks x
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
If the aquarium is over 10 to 15 gallons and contains plants the Cardinals should be ok, should be in a school of approximately 6. The clown loach gets far too large for a smaller aquarium, the Kuhli is a good choice. Always observe and be ready to isolate the male betta in case he is overly aggressive.
Tony Rodriguez
Tony Rodriguez - 7 years ago
You "Betta" start saying it correctly
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show - 7 years ago
I keep my betta in my 55 gallon community. I do have some "fin nippers" but they leave him alone due to where they usually stay at. My betta is a half moon. dwarf guromis can be housed with caution if the tank is huge.
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show - 7 years ago
so far u have 1 betta (male), 6 zebra danios, 1 black skirt tetra (had him for over a year. his entire school died), and a male dwarf guromi (how do you spell that?)
Kweenqy X
Kweenqy X - 7 years ago
υм ι нєαя∂ тнιѕ αѕ α fα¢т :fємαℓє вєтα ¢αи ℓινє тσgєтнєя

ιѕ тнαт тяυє?
The Gymnastics Kid
The Gymnastics Kid - 7 years ago
Don't get neon Tetras with bettas!

Reasons why?

1.Tetras are known to be fin nippers
2.Bettas don't normally like colourful fish

That is what my local pet store daid
JoJo Burge
JoJo Burge - 7 years ago
I have a Betta I got him tank mate but he kept puffing him self up I had 1 white cloud mountain I saved the fish why I had one
Julie Brown
Julie Brown - 7 years ago
how about female Betta's???
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Not for a male betta unless the intent is for reproduction after which the female has to be removed right away or risk damage due to the male.
MoonFeather - 7 years ago
Just warning people glow light tetra are sometimes not good tank-mates for Betta's actually well any tetra can be very nippy they are fast moving and from the barb family (fin nipping fish)blue neon tetra can work, I had a Betta in a 10g with a few glow light and Neon tetra he was fairly aggressive but they would nip and nip at him till I moved him to a pond (it's over 20g and he is happy and healthy). Then I saw a half moon mislabeled as a crowntail and I felt sorry for him because all the fish around him were dead so I bought him and quarantined him then put him in a guppy fry holder to get used to the water before he meets the fish I released him and he was scared then they started nipping at him around his face I was really worried they would have killed him but I took a risk and put him in my 25g guppy and bristle nose catfish tank and he happy and eating well if you want a Betta in a community tank then have a back up tank they are both fine and in big tanks I can't stress it enough have a backup tank please that was my problem I didn't and it could have ended badly by the way my Betta fish is really friendly would he be ok with dwarf gourami but Betta are great fish I would recommend having one there fun to watch and have great personality.
Acirrus - 7 years ago
what about neon tetra i want to keep it with my giant betta
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
In a well planted 15 gallon + you can try it but observe and be ready to isolate the betta if necessary.
GUPPYKIWI - 7 years ago
Another idea is to introduce the Betta after the other fish have been living in the tank a while so the Betta does not have a sense of prior ownership and doesn't pull rank on the other fish.
GUPPYKIWI - 7 years ago
Also, the larger the tank, the better so the Betta is not constantly bumping into the other fish and occasionally nipping at them. It's also smart to have dense foilage so a cornered fish has a place to run to.
Mylifeaslily102 - 7 years ago
Baytah not bedda
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
We suggest you hear the president of the IBC, this is a reply we have previously responded with in the name of accuracy, (International Betta Congress) pronounce Betta, he is American, I am Canadian, in fact there is no dialect, it is the correct pronunciation. Please use the link where he is interviewed, you will note that the narrator does pronounce Betta as we do in the video as well:
Mooly Nicholsin
Mooly Nicholsin - 7 years ago
i have a 10 gallon tank with one male veiltail betta in it, this video is very helpful for the types of fish that can go in but im still unsure how many can fit comfortably. if any, i have looked online but i cant find anything. if someone has an answer i would love to hear it!
Mooly Nicholsin
Mooly Nicholsin - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics thank you so much! this info. is very helpful :)
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
You can have a small community in a 10 gallon, less is better here. A pair of platys, a trio of small corydoras and a half dozen harlequin rasboras would make for a comfortable mix.
Laura Garnham
Laura Garnham - 7 years ago
I made the mistake (on poor advice :/ ) of putting my betta and guppies together, over night he managed to kill two of them and half destroy the tail of a third :( he is now, temporarily inhabiting a water jug, and I will go and buy him a new home as soon as the pet store opens. Be warned, they don't mix!
Maddie Fanmail
Maddie Fanmail - 6 years ago
Only female bettas can go with guppies because females are less aggressive.
Abigail x3
Abigail x3 - 6 years ago
Laura Garnham but I keep guppies with a Betta and I had them for 3 years now and he doesn't touch them at all , the trick is to pick a Betta that isn't that aggressive, mine is an angel. Also have loads of hiding places like rock caves, and a lot of plants.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Laura, sorry to hear that, we always recommend against that mix as well as always advising to be ready to separate a betta, there are chances they act aggressively which means they must be separated.
Sukhraj Sangha
Sukhraj Sangha - 7 years ago
Are guppies good with bettas
Sukhraj Sangha
Sukhraj Sangha - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics ok thanks
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Not recommended, have a look a few posts above, Laura just had a very bad experience with that.
Super Fortman
Super Fortman - 7 years ago
My betta is with zebra danios
Super Fortman
Super Fortman - 7 years ago
I mean it looks fine.....
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
We don't recommend that mix, the betta will not compete with danios at feeding time.
Alexandy Gomez
Alexandy Gomez - 7 years ago
love the shape of the tank
Daniel Mc Sween
Daniel Mc Sween - 7 years ago
Alexandy Gomez I want to make a diy version
TheTruGamer732 - 7 years ago
Are guppies fine?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Not recommended, a male betta is fairly likely to attack male fancy guppies and it could be lethal, not advised.
midhun mv
midhun mv - 7 years ago
I have a 8'' globe contain 4 guppies, 2 gold black molly,1 blue zebra,1 gold zebra,1 pink zebra,2 Auratus Cichlid all of tiny size.
I wish to keep a betta my question is should I keep betta on a separate globe ? or which of the fishes is apt for a companion for the betta? or should I move some fishes(which fishes?) from the globe so that I can keep a betta in it too.?
@Fluval Aquatics or anyone who can guide me is much appreciable.

Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
There seems to be a lot of fish in this small 8" globe. I would recommend keeping the Betta in a separate tank.
Shyam Popat
Shyam Popat - 7 years ago
can't they stay in plastic bag for 3 day?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Bettas would survive for 3 days with plenty of oxygen in the bag. The lesser the period of time the better, remember that over 3 days it is likely the temperature of the water may be significantly lower, which will also stress the fish.
alroy chettiar
alroy chettiar - 7 years ago
how big was your tank sir
alroy chettiar
alroy chettiar - 7 years ago
i live in india sir i needed to know what kind if fish can i keep in a 1.5 foot tank ?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Alroy, here is the link to the product page for the 15 gallon, please review as all the available specs and information are included:
alroy chettiar
alroy chettiar - 7 years ago
inches sir ?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
It was the 15 gallon version.
Lennard196 - 7 years ago
How did you lower the flow of water? The flow is too fast for betta's? richt?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
There is no flow regulator on the Flex filtration system; but if you are concerned aout the flow for a Betta, you can simply re-direct the output nozzles in one direction, leaving the balance of the tank a little calmer.
Iron Spectrum
Iron Spectrum - 7 years ago
can i put a betta and 2 neon tetras in a 2.5 gallon tank?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Hi Josh, no problem mixing a betta with 2 neon tetras.
ikswozaw ekim
ikswozaw ekim - 7 years ago
What about Danios and Guppies?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Danios can fin nip, with guppies that do not have large fins it can be tried, always observe and be prepared to separate them.
Diana Daniels
Diana Daniels - 7 years ago
Anna: why is it necessary to be so nasty? Asking a question about pronunciation is perfectly reasonable. The Internet seems to have encouraged increasing numbers of people to be rude.
Anna Karlavage
Anna Karlavage - 7 years ago
I've got a juvenile silver dollar with my female betta
Playr Joe
Playr Joe - 7 years ago
can I keep a female fancy guppy with a male betta
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
There is no real issue keeping a female guppy with a male Betta.
Flickster The Flox
Flickster The Flox - 7 years ago
are bettas ok with white skirt tetras?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
They would likely not be a good choice, medium sized fast moving and potentially fin nipping, in our opinion, not recommended.
Sarkazmo Loafy
Sarkazmo Loafy - 7 years ago
The prime factor in whether a Betta will be compatible with a tankmate is the Betta itself. Some are laid back, never start any trouble, others are murder machines that'll try to kill everything in the tank, snails included. Sometimes they even start out nice but snap and go off on a murder spree. Happened with a beautiful blue veil I had. I ghost shrimp pinched his tail and went for a Betta ride. The next morning every shrimp was killed and he actively tried to kill the big snail in his tank until he succeeded after weeks. I'd have taken the snail out but I thought for sure he was safe. :(
Ryan Dever
Ryan Dever - 7 years ago
Can you mix a shortfin betta male with a peaceful angelfish ?
Isaac Ixtupe
Isaac Ixtupe - 7 years ago
My bettas just made a nest in my community tank. I need help...should I do? I have a 29 gallon tank. Or where can I get more info such as website or books. Anything would help.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
That is expected of a male betta and no specific action is required because of it. You can always separate the male to a specific aquarium set up properly for breeding and introduce a conditioned ready to spawn female at the right time if breeding is what you wish to attempt.
Anthony Pashkov
Anthony Pashkov - 7 years ago
Great video, thanks! What is the size of the tank displayed and what minimum size of a tank would you recommend for adding tank mates?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Anthony, it is the 9 gallon Fluval Flex, and if its a few small specimens they could be kept in 5 gallon or more.
Damian Perez
Damian Perez - 7 years ago
Me gustan estos documentales
Michael Clarke
Michael Clarke - 7 years ago
how can I prevent fish ick?
Michael Clarke
Michael Clarke - 7 years ago
how can I prevent fish ick?
Michael Clarke
Michael Clarke - 7 years ago
Thanks a lot!
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Michael, ick is a parasite so the best prevention is to first make sure any new fish you purchase does not have any visible white spots anywhere. Second, on arrival place new specimens in a quarantine aquarium (no substrate, a few clay pots for hiding) for two weeks (with proper filtration and heating of course), if no ick is visible after that period it should be ok to introduce the new fish to your intended aquarium.
Makaveli - 7 years ago
Mine kinda worked I have a red crown tail with 3 guppies 2 platy. He would be by himself didn't like the company but didn't mind it. If anyone got too close sometimes he would flare up not chase or anything just warning them. So I had to separate. Didn't work as I had hoped. It was nice looking at different colors in one tank
Scott Believer
Scott Believer - 7 years ago
What about putting one female Betta in a 29 gallon tank heavily planted with Amano shrimp ?
Scott Believer
Scott Believer - 7 years ago
Thanks. !
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
The shrimp fry would be eaten and some females could attack small shrimp species.
Liam does stuff 12
Liam does stuff 12 - 7 years ago
How about glass catfish
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
They are peaceful but need to be kept in groups of at least 3, we don't see a problem with glass cats.
m T
m T - 7 years ago
where did you get that tank ? I really like , how many gallons
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
It is the 9 gallon model and also comes in a 15 gallon size.
Rippin Bass
Rippin Bass - 7 years ago
Can I put mollys with my beta
Rippin Bass
Rippin Bass - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics thank you
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Yes mollys are compatible with Bettas.
Miguel Borbon
Miguel Borbon - 7 years ago
Hey guys i just started a sorority tank and they get along pretty well. :)
Wobbe gong
Wobbe gong - 7 years ago
Could an african dwarf frog and an otocynclus be in the same tank
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Frogs are predatory, it may eat a fish that small.
Alesia Bakken
Alesia Bakken - 7 years ago
does anyone know if betta would be OK with glo tetra
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Yes, it would be alright to mix a Betta with Glo Tetras.
Sonya Smith
Sonya Smith - 7 years ago
bettas keep chasing my platys
Isaac Ixtupe
Isaac Ixtupe - 7 years ago
I have a male and a female Betta. The female Betta is pregnant. Are they ok to have them in the same tank? Also I have 4 GlowLight Dinios, 4 Neon Tetras, and 2 Amano Shrimps. Will they all mix in well in a 20 gallon tank?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
No (unless they are separated in that tank), there is a specific procedure for breeding male and female bettas, the female must show willingness to approach the male, and is then removed right after as she will be attacked by the male after spawning, the males takes care of the eggs and fry until they are free swimming, after that he needs to be removed. The glowlights are tetras and they mix well with neons and amano shrimp.
AudreyA - 7 years ago
Can I out other fish along with my Betta fish in a 3.7 gallon tank because I would love to but I want them to have enough room?
just another day
just another day - 7 years ago
hi there, nice video, i have a tank thats got one male betta and about 40 neon tettras, i find they keep my betta happy. i move him from his home to his breeding tank, that way im keeping him happy. i have him in the breeding tank at the momment, he's just moved the eggs in to his nest and looking after them, pop over to my channel and take alook, its live, so you could tell me what you think :)
Rayven Coronel
Rayven Coronel - 7 years ago
so its final i will pit a betta on my 5 gallons tank.and add it with coryfish.
Grace Whaley
Grace Whaley - 7 years ago
Is there a minimum size for tank mates? I have a 3 gallon tank, so I'm worried that's too small for any more fish.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
At 3 gallons, we recommend not mixing in fish. The "rule of thumb" depends on species and your preference, but you should allow 1 gallon of water for every 0.5" of cold water fish or 0.5 gallons of water for every 0.5" of tropical fish. Fish are usually sold as juveniles so you will need to allow some extra space for your fish to grow.
Lily - 7 years ago
How about guppies? I really don't want to stress my betta out...
Jarod Boening
Jarod Boening - 7 years ago
Would a beta be ok with gourami in a 54 gallon aquarium. Will it get along with a little larger community fish if it is a calm, less protective beta?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
We don't recommend Betta splendens males in general with larger community fish as they are relatively defenseless with the large fins and naturally impaired movement.
AstonishingAidan •
AstonishingAidan • - 7 years ago
i have 1 gallon tank

the fishes are

Golden Das
Logan Ody
Logan Ody - 7 years ago
If I have a 15/20 gallon tank (not sure which) how many neon tetras can I have in with a betta
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
A school of 8 to 10 would be ok with 1 male betta, preferably with a good planting of live plants.
Nathan Wahid
Nathan Wahid - 7 years ago
Can I put a betta with fancy guppies?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
We do not recommend that as male bettas would likely attack male fancy guppies.
Jaden Huang
Jaden Huang - 7 years ago
i have 1 question for all of you,should i put tank mates with my betta with a 2.5 gallon tank.I personaly think i shouldn't because i think the tank is not big enough to hold tank mates.PLEASE TELL ME!
Jaden Huang
Jaden Huang - 7 years ago
Ok thanks for the help.I will try to get a bigger tank in the future.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
The male betta does not require tank mates and that is a border line size aquarium to consider doing that in. A few small corydoras catfish could be added.
Vishnu P Vichu
Vishnu P Vichu - 7 years ago
can i put neon tetrass with the batta
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Yes but hopefully the aquarium is 5 gallons or greater, recommended to keep live plants or similar tank decor.
Vishnu P Vichu
Vishnu P Vichu - 7 years ago
sry betta
Wobbe gong
Wobbe gong - 7 years ago
How many gallons is that tank?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
That is the 15 gallon version of the Flex.
Duo GameS
Duo GameS - 7 years ago
mine betta eats my tetras :(
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
If you have a very aggressive betta you should keep it in isolation, some are very aggressive.
Prosandconsofbreathing - 7 years ago
I have a male betta & I would like to put a Dalmatian molly on with him. Would that work?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Yes but mollies usually prefer some salt addition to their aquarium, therefore we prefer Platys as a choice.
Amedeo Claudia
Amedeo Claudia - 7 years ago
my betta killed my pygmy cory catfish
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Sorry to hear about that, although it is highly unusual. As we always specify, be ready to isolate an overly aggressive betta or equally if the betta itself is being picked on.
Wafflestien91 - 7 years ago
What aquatic species can I keep with a Betta that aren't fish.... Crabs, Mollusks, Snails, etc.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Snails are no issue, mollusks can be tough to feed and some crabs are very predatory.
Wafflestien91 - 7 years ago
What are some fish I should keep clear of when I get a Betta?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
In general fast swimming fish that may fin nip and out compete the betta at feeding time.
MrStillings - 7 years ago
What about Angels?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
They are cichlids and do get quite large, not an optimal tank mate in our opinion.
MYSTIK GEOME - 7 years ago
Can female bettas be kept with neon tetras
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
In a 5 gallon plus tank with plants and decor likely yes. Always be ready to isolate an aggressive betta if needed.
JPs VlogUK
JPs VlogUK - 7 years ago
I am looking st getting some anyway , I just hope they are sold here once the UK at a good price
Tawhid Yacoob
Tawhid Yacoob - 7 years ago
thanks for your advice
ArtOfCamelot - 7 years ago
What size is the tank in this video?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
It is a 15 gallon.
Tawhid Yacoob
Tawhid Yacoob - 7 years ago
which fishes should we not keep with betta fish?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
There are many but as some abbreviated advice, do not keep with bettas: fast swimming potentially fin nipping species (ie tiger barbs, larger danios); territorial sm/md to large cichlids; larger tetras (ie bleeding hearts, black tetras, etc..).
PuffyTigerToy - 7 years ago
Zebra fish? Guppy?
PuffyTigerToy - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Zebra danios are such fast swimming and aggressive eaters that we doubt the betta would have time to feed. Guppies with fancy large tails are likely targets for attack. Both of these are not recommended.
Jules Dolan
Jules Dolan - 7 years ago
Can they be kept with a fancy goldfish? Like a lion head?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Jules, no they should not be as their temperature requirements are very different as are size incompatibility and filtration requirements.
Nick Motta
Nick Motta - 7 years ago
Looks like this is the 15 G Flex model.  Pardon my ignorance, but is this a sustainable 'population' of fish, in this particular tank?  Not trying to be passive aggressive at all, just actually wondering if I could try and replicate a similar number of fish (same/similar species) in this model.  Looks great and seems to have a good balance of fish and space.  Also, I assume all these particular fish in this tank, enjoy similar conditions, temperature, flow etc.  Thanks for any help.
Nick Motta
Nick Motta - 7 years ago
Thanks for confirming. Appreciate your time and reply. Keep the videos coming!
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Yes it is a very realistic option for a small community tank. Fancy male bettas with their large fins usually prefer a little less current but adjusting the output nozzle and arranging tank decor can create a more subtle water movement.
tiger xx slayer
tiger xx slayer - 7 years ago
can gold fish be betas mates????
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
That is not recommended, the temperature, feeding and size makes them not compatible. Please review the video for some good suggestions for Betta tankmates.
Lushiano Fajardo
Lushiano Fajardo - 7 years ago
can a gourami fish be in a 9 gallon tank or 15 gallon tank?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Yes there are some really nice dwarf species such as the Honey Gourami that do well in smaller tanks such as this. Make sure to diffuse the current output of the pump by placing some driftwood or rock structure in its path and preferably incorporate a copious growth of low light level plants.
ssuraaz gautam
ssuraaz gautam - 7 years ago
can we keep betta fish with guppeis
ssuraaz gautam
ssuraaz gautam - 7 years ago
oh ok thx
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
It is not recommended as there is risk in a male betta attacking a male guppies fins.
TrailRidingGamer - 7 years ago
Is a placostumus good?
TrailRidingGamer - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics thanks
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
We would recommend a smaller species of ancistrus, often commonly referred to as bushy nose pleco.
Matthew Smith
Matthew Smith - 7 years ago
Silver tipped tetra?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Yes, should be ok, do great in a small school like most if not all smaller tetras. In this case the group is recommended so they chase each other as would be normal for them to do.
Aline Greeley
Aline Greeley - 7 years ago
what about guppies
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Not recommended with Bettas as male guppies can have their fins seriously attacked by a male betta.
One Punch Man
One Punch Man - 7 years ago
is female betta the same?can live with other fish?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Female bettas are in fact a better choice as a community fish, better mobility for one thing, so they are less prone to be fin nipped and in general less aggressive versus a male.
Ariana Clark
Ariana Clark - 7 years ago
would neon/glow tettras be okay? they're small and speedy but are peaceful and I've never heard of them nipping...
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Adriana, they should be but provide some plants and decor, if anything if the male betta is aggressive he may chase them in this case. As always recommended, observe and be ready to isolate any aggressive fish, their temperaments do vary.
The Rickiest Rick
The Rickiest Rick - 7 years ago
ive got goldfish with my betta
anusboiii - 7 years ago
How would two or three female Black Mollies do with a female Betta?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
We see no issue but do remember the female betta will predate any molly fry it can.
Jay Just Gamin
Jay Just Gamin - 7 years ago
I say bae-touch
srez !
srez ! - 7 years ago
can I keep guppies???
srez !
srez ! - 7 years ago
srez !
srez ! - 7 years ago
bro at my place I don't get tank pants and bio soil
srez !
srez ! - 7 years ago
True I just tried and he passed away
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Not recommended as fancy male guppies can have their tails attacked by some male bettas.
Hasna Syakira
Hasna Syakira - 7 years ago
i have 11 betta fish, 5 male, i mix it with lemon fish chiclid, platy and tiger barb, but they were doing fine, as long as i keep them full
E Johnson
E Johnson - 7 years ago
Hi there, I wanted to know what kind of predator fish could be placed in a 29 gal tank along with a Neon Gourami, Blue Ram, Cory Cat Fish, but predominantly to keep the Platy population in check due to a recent explosion? ~ Thank you
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Rather than consider a predator for what you are looking to control, why not just keep male platys for example?
Cichlids 5 Aquatics
Cichlids 5 Aquatics - 7 years ago
I recommend female Bettas because they are less aggressive and don't get bullied as much
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Female bettas are an excellent choice, good recommendation!
nicholas buttigieg
nicholas buttigieg - 7 years ago
will discus work with betta?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
We do not see a compatibility issue and they both like soft, acidic warmer water. Just ensure the betta is free of any disease, discus are rather sensitive.
my channel
my channel - 7 years ago
can i keep goldfish with betta
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Not recommended for many reasons.
rebecca durbin
rebecca durbin - 7 years ago
i was told that (depending on the beta) that a african dwarf frog is a good bunk mate. my betta has mostly been alone in a tank. my kids in my classroom named it shark. they 2 12 -3 years.
Georgia Kleyn
Georgia Kleyn - 7 years ago
are guppies compatible with bettas?
Georgia Kleyn
Georgia Kleyn - 7 years ago
+Fluval Aquatics ok, thank you!
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
We don't recommend guppies as male guppies can have their fins attacked by some male bettas.
Davit King
Davit King - 7 years ago
I have a planted betta tank and I want to get snails and/or shrimps. Is that okay?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Select larger shrimp species and be advised their young will be eaten by bettas, snails are ok.
Kelly Criscuolo-DeButts
Kelly Criscuolo-DeButts - 7 years ago
The only problem I've had keeping platies with a betta is the betta got too fat from eating platy fry all the time.
Yen Xion
Yen Xion - 7 years ago
Bettas ok with discus? Can I keep my King betta with one discus and 7 cardinal tetras in a 130-litre tank?
Yen Xion
Yen Xion - 7 years ago
You just got a sub!
Yen Xion
Yen Xion - 7 years ago
Thank you
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
I keep and breed discus, one adult discus per 25 to 30 gallons is fine. The cardinals and 1 betta are really not much of an addition in terms of space demands.
Yen Xion
Yen Xion - 7 years ago
Yes I agree too! are you sure I am not overstocked?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Yes, the tank size is ok but we would suggest no more fish are added.
Yen Xion
Yen Xion - 7 years ago
Thank you! is that tank size acceptable to keep that amount of fish?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
While discus get quite large they are peaceful with other species of fish, it should be ok if the betta is healthy.
Lick my Nevamind
Lick my Nevamind - 7 years ago
wat about guppies
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
We don't recommend it as fancy male guppies may have their tails attacked.
Mohd Najwan Aqil Nobli
Mohd Najwan Aqil Nobli - 7 years ago
ive tried it before to mix in the same tank and the betta keep biting my neon tetras.. so u need to discovered more about betta that can live with it.. but the purpose i commented this about the neon tetras only but not the other fish that u were said
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
This is always possible when it comes to mixing a betta with other fish, precisely why we always recommend when questioned about what can be kept with a male betta, to observe and be ready to isolate the betta if necessary.
Paula T
Paula T - 7 years ago
can you guys make a video about axolotl care and whatnot? I know I may sound stupid cuz y'all talking about fish but if you do know stuff about them please make a video

i love your videos btw keep up the good work :)
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Paula, thanks very much! We fully understand the request, we don't have any axoloti at the moment in the Fluval Aquatic Cave but that could change and if it does.....we heard you, compliments help too!
jessica c
jessica c - 7 years ago
i have a baby girl betta which i got from petco and i was wondering if i can put the same type of fish you named in this video, with the baby betta i have now i'm just concerned because she's small
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Hi Jessica, it is likely your female betta is at least an inch long, if she is we would not worry.
Brianna Walker
Brianna Walker - 7 years ago
and how many fish maximum can I have in a 32 litre fish tank??
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Hi Brianna, the old general rule is 1 inch of fish per gallon (3.78L) in a mature stable aquarium. However there are many variables that affect the rule, we really prefer you consulting a trusted fish knowledgeable source for more specific guidance. 32 liters is a small aquarium that should only contain small peaceful species of tropical fish, for example a small school of 6 yo 8 neons or harelquin rasboras and a small species of corydoras ( a trio would be ok), a few live plants would also be beneficial.
Brianna Walker
Brianna Walker - 7 years ago
I have got 4 neon tetras at the moment
Brianna Walker
Brianna Walker - 7 years ago
so I can have them together??
Brianna Walker
Brianna Walker - 7 years ago
do siamese fighting fish go well with betta??:\
Brianna Walker
Brianna Walker - 7 years ago
can you put a female betta and a male betta together??
and thanks for the advice and answers to my question!!:) :)
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
They are one in the same if the Betta is Betta splendens, 1 male per aquarium.
Kendall Lindsay
Kendall Lindsay - 7 years ago
So I have 2 male platties and I want to combine their tank with my betta. You think thats okay? The platties are rather large...
Kendall Lindsay
Kendall Lindsay - 7 years ago
Okay, thank you for the advice
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
If the aquarium is 5 gallons ore larger, yes that should be fine. Always monitor though, some male bettas are very aggressive and may need to be isolated.
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 7 years ago
I have a male crowntail betta. he lives in a community tank with a snail, mollies, swordtails, and a tetra whose school died.
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 7 years ago
"pugsly" the tetra follows the betta like a puppy. they get along perfectly.
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 7 years ago
I say bay-tah
Curtis: with no last name
Curtis: with no last name - 7 years ago
what about neon tetras and cardinal tetras
Curtis: with no last name
Curtis: with no last name - 7 years ago
sure thanks, thats exactly what i have got
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
They should be ok, make sure they are adults and have a school of 5 to 6 of them, the aquarium should be at least 5 gallons in size with heater and filter...
Jenny_ - 7 years ago
Can 2 emerald corys live with a betta in a 5 gallon?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Jenny, yes that is ok. Provide the corys with a sand substrate, avoid sharp edged or coarse gravel.
Aqua King
Aqua King - 7 years ago
Warning: My neon tetra decided to go territorial and killed all my other neon tetra!! I now keep green neons and they are much calmer, also tetra can get all sort of deseases that can spread to the Betta like -fin rot... Small bristlenose pleco would be fine I think until 10 months of age, and also most people keep them with male and female guppies and they are calm but it all comes down to individual species, some Betta will even kill your fish just to have the tank to himself, hope I helped , but this is just my opinion on what I've seen in the past.
Chandrashekar A.V
Chandrashekar A.V - 7 years ago
hey wats up do these bettas live vith koi fish
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Koi get to be very large fish and prefer much cooler water versus a betta, no we would not recommend it.
Tom Critter
Tom Critter - 7 years ago
you say platies are good, but what about guppies?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
We do not recommend guppies as males with large fancy tails are subject to attack from some male bettas. Platies are a little larger and a little tougher, they usually mix ok but do not take any combination for granted, observe and be prepared to isolate a male betta.
Fawnstorm Aj
Fawnstorm Aj - 7 years ago
I kept a goldfish and a beta together and they were fine o3o
Paula Patrīcija Dembovska
Paula Patrīcija Dembovska - 7 years ago
can I keep an axolot and a betta male in the same aquarium ? (with some peaceful fish)
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
An axoloti is not recommended, it will predate live fish, a male betta would be an easy target. Water temperture requirements are also different.
Austin Bertuca
Austin Bertuca - 7 years ago
If I have a male betta and a Cory in a 5.5 gallon tank, could I add 2 tettras/platty to the tank? The male betta is not in the tank yet.
Austin Bertuca
Austin Bertuca - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics thanks for the help. I've been looking around and couldn't get a definite answer and what one would be better.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
If the tetras are a smaller peaceful species, yes.
James Dundas
James Dundas - 7 years ago
what about the Harlequin Rasboras do they work well with them
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
James, yes, we like that choice.
geezpaiige - 7 years ago
Can you have guppies with betta fish?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
We don't recommend it, Bettas will predate baby and small guppies, plus they may attack a male fancy guppies fins.
Tony Jacob
Tony Jacob - 7 years ago
can u put guppies and gold fish
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Goldfish are a coldwater species and get far too large, not a recommended mix.
gopal shankar
gopal shankar - 7 years ago
can we put turtle
gopal shankar
gopal shankar - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics thanks
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
No you should not, in fact aquatic turtles will prey on any fish they can.
Thomas Oegema
Thomas Oegema - 7 years ago
Can you keep a red cherry shrimp with a betta in a 10 gal
Betta Beauties
Betta Beauties - 7 years ago
Even with lots of hiding spots, my bettas hunted and ate the cherry shrimp :/
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Bettas will bother small shrimp and actively predate their young, larger shrimp species could be tried.
Jada Clark
Jada Clark - 7 years ago
Can you keep those little minnoes with a betta fish?☺
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Do you mean the platys in the video?
J Brown
J Brown - 7 years ago
could you keep a male betta with some long finned varities of tetra, such as long fin black widow, congo tetra and diamond tetra?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Jessica, we don't recommend any of those three tetras, too large, too fast and would potentially attack a male Betta splendens fins as well as seriously out compete the male betta at feeding time. We recommend smaller more peaceful species.
Tait Johnson
Tait Johnson - 7 years ago
Can glofish live with bettas
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
If the glofish are zebra danios we feel they are a bit fast moving, go with something a little calmer, how about Harelequin rasboras?
ObscureChan - 7 years ago
My betta hates all fish.
SuperAsdke - 7 years ago
How would Bettas react to a Violet Goby, and Pictus Catfish?
SuperAsdke - 7 years ago
A Gobioides broussonnetii
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
The pictus is not recommended, as for the goby, can you provide a scientific name?
Truck - 7 years ago
cory cat with betta?
Truck - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics also my fish are diring rapid
got 3 neon tetras to put with my cory and they died I have a aqueen 2.5 tank
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Shree Jalaram
Shree Jalaram - 7 years ago
which al type of fish can be kept with famale betta
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Good question, we recommend you follow the same logic for female bettas. While they do not have the same limitations as fancy varieties of domestic Betta splenden male varieties with their potentially huge tails, the comportment is similar towards other species of fish. The one exception is the fact that you can keep several females together in aquariums of 5 gallons and up, but, make sure to use adequate decor and preferably some hardy species of live plants, same caution, always observe as some females are much more aggressive than others, be prepared to isolate an aggressive fish if necessary.
EquusHeart - 7 years ago
Where can I find a good quality betta? I don't really trust the pet stores.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
There are some pet stores that do buy from private breeders, while more expensive the fish are of higher quality and painstakingly raised. We suggest networking with more specialized fish shops, you will likely come across some good sources. You can also try on line resources for bettas, the International Betta Congress is a good place to start and you can join,
Phoenix Falcon
Phoenix Falcon - 7 years ago
will a female betta leave my red cherry shrimp alone and eat the pond snails?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Small shrimp are at risk, snails are not.
Manish chandel
Manish chandel - 7 years ago
I have in my aquarium 4 Red swordtails, 4-Rummy nose Tetras and 6 Neon Tetra's.... Want to get a betta also, will that be a good idea?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
A female will not have the long and more taxing fins domestic male Betta splendens have to deal with and in that sense would make a better community fish, they feed more competitively, etc..
Manish chandel
Manish chandel - 7 years ago
The aquarium size is 15 gallons......( Sorry i failed to mention that),
Also should i go for Male betta or the female?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Assuming your aquarium is large enough, in this case, 15 gallons or greater, we see no problem with that combination, but, as always recommended, observe the betta, some are more aggressive than others.
feliciiaab - 7 years ago
Would it work to have a betta, a few guppys and a few neontetras in a tank? Obviously adapting the tanksize to what is needed for the fish.
feliciiaab - 7 years ago
Okay, thank you again for the answers. It was really helpful!
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Yes, that mix would be ok, but always observe the betta, some are more aggressive than others. Like the Spanish Water Dog, also a great breed, thank you!
feliciiaab - 7 years ago
Thank you for the quick reply! Ah, okay, then I will avoid keeping them together! Could I keep betta, platys, neontetras instead? And maybe those corys if the space allows it? Actually it's a spanish water dog, he's a really sweet little thing. German Wirehaired Pointer is a great breed, I understand why you like them!
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
The guppies we don't recommend, their fry will be eaten by a betta and males may have their tails attacked, adult neons are fine, always recommended to observe and ensure the betta is not overly aggressive...btw, is that a German Wirehaired Pointer in your avitar? My favorite breed, have one too - Tom
Radhika Kinare
Radhika Kinare - 7 years ago
can Molly's be with betta
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Shilpa, Molly's are sometimes kept with salt addition, whereas a betta would not be, we advise our recommended species as better choices.
Ari Suseno
Ari Suseno - 7 years ago
hi, how many betta fish (male & female) in one tank ?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
One male to a tank. Females can be kept in groups but they need decor, live plants and some room. They should be observed, some females (as in males) are much more aggressive than others.
MYSTIK GEOME - 7 years ago
can I keep them with neon tetras
MYSTIK GEOME - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics thanks for replying so fast and for the advice I liked and subed
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Yes it should be ok, but never assume, some bettas are more aggressive than others. Make sure it is a minimum 5 gallon and provide plants and decor.
Thomas & Minstrel Eventing
Thomas & Minstrel Eventing - 7 years ago
Thank god someone actually pronounced it right
Thomas & Minstrel Eventing
Thomas & Minstrel Eventing - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics that's ok
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Lily, thank you.
Mark Baines
Mark Baines - 7 years ago
whats the substrate in this tank?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
We used sand in this aquarium.
David Riccio
David Riccio - 7 years ago
how many gallons is that tank???
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
This is the 9 gallon Flex.
Jesus is Lord
Jesus is Lord - 7 years ago
I was asking to!!!!
rbc21 - 7 years ago
i suggest not mix betta with guppy and angelfish coz betta's just hate their guts
Tsukuyomi tomaki
Tsukuyomi tomaki - 7 years ago
Can an albino , neon rainbow fish , red tail shark and a zebra fish work well with a male betta?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
We would not recommend that, too fast moving. Rainbow sharks can get territorial and do get too large, we feel the betta would not compete well for its food with these fish and would likely get attacked at one point by the shark.
Hunter Congdon
Hunter Congdon - 7 years ago
and so no angle fish?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
You would have to been more specific, if you mean rope fish, again, large.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Angel fish get fairly large so we would avoid that mix.
Hunter Congdon
Hunter Congdon - 7 years ago
also what about a rope eel
Hunter Congdon
Hunter Congdon - 7 years ago
yeah I hope you see that
Hunter Congdon
Hunter Congdon - 7 years ago
how about rope eels and bettas
LaCheekyWolf 365
LaCheekyWolf 365 - 7 years ago
Do guppies do ok with bettas? Because I have guppies and I'm wondering if the do ok with bettas.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Bettas will actively eat baby guppies and may attack male guppies with large tails, not recommended.
Leroy Sinclair
Leroy Sinclair - 7 years ago
Yay I have platys
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Should be fine but always observe, as we say all the time, some male bettas can be more aggressive, have a back up plan if you have to isolate a particularly aggressive male.
Nephilim - 7 years ago
Woah my Betta went nuts when I put it in an aquarium tank, killed 2 tetras but he's ok now
F.O.X - 7 years ago
what about shrimps
F.O.X - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics damn. oh well i'll have to get something else
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
The smaller the species the higher the risk factor, we would avoid shrimp.
Darth Belal
Darth Belal - 7 years ago
I had a Betta in with Angelfish and never had a problem......
Yesenia Pelayo
Yesenia Pelayo - 7 years ago
What about mollies and rainbowfish? are you they okay to keep with a betta?
Yesenia Pelayo
Yesenia Pelayo - 7 years ago
ok thank you
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Rainbows are fast moving and would likely devour all food before the betta was aware it was in the tank, therefore not highly recommended. The mollies may have been kept with a sizeable dose of salt added to their water, not the best for bettas, we suggest following our suggestions in the video.
Abeer Sanduja
Abeer Sanduja - 7 years ago
can a betta live in a 3 galllon tank with 4 fancy guppies
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
We don't recommend that combination, the betta will actively predate any guppy fry and might attack fancy male guppy tails....
Sa Re Ga Ma Pa sujata
Sa Re Ga Ma Pa sujata - 7 years ago
cane guppy fish stay with Betta fish??
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
We do not recommend it as male bettas may attack male fancy guppies and they actively eat guppy fry.
deeptendu chandra
deeptendu chandra - 7 years ago
I plan to have a betta male and a black ghost knife fish. are they compatible? what other fish i can keep with them? it's a planted tank full of plants.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
The black ghost knife can get to almost 2ft. in length, we would not recommend that combination. Larger loaches, larger Tetra species (Congo), head standers and fish of that nature are much better choices.
Lee GameZ LGZ
Lee GameZ LGZ - 7 years ago
depends on the Individual fish's personality! I've had some that are fine with other fish and one that spent all the time attacking other fish! Had to give that one it's own home!
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
We agree, this is why we always recommend observing and being ready to take action if necessary. These recommendations are general suggestions that usually work out.
MARIA TAVAREZ - 7 years ago
what about fancy guppies with the big fan tails??
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Maria, we don't recommend it.
Hoki Kia
Hoki Kia - 7 years ago
hi i gt a question about wild bettas like macrostoma or channoides.. what other fishes able to share a 3 feet tank with them.. considering the bettas prefer brackish water
Hoki Kia
Hoki Kia - 7 years ago
sure thanks for the tips
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
We are not sure where you have heard that but in fact these fish prefer softer more acidic water, not brackish water. Loaches, corydoras catfish, rasboras are examples that can work with these fish, taking care to ensure they are appropriately sized, macrostoma can easily get to 4 inches in length.
robinsonscondo sales
robinsonscondo sales - 7 years ago
Can it be with guppies
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
We do not recommend it. Bettas actively feed on baby guppies and male guppies with large fins are at risk.
kamran jaseem
kamran jaseem - 7 years ago
can you put a betta fish in a goldfish tank please answer my question
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
We do not recommend that, bettas need warmer temperatures than goldfish in addition to the fact that goldfish get far too large.
filthyanimal - 7 years ago
I once had a blind veil tail betta kept with a small group of zebra danio without an issue, though I've been told danios can be fin nippers! I suppose a crowntail betta would have had more trouble with them. Another thing to keep in mind is the aggressiveness of your particular betta, as I've had one bully the corydora cafish away from their food pellets. Always have a backup tank incase your betta decides to be a butt! Sometimes they just don't mix well with other fish for whatever reason.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
We agree! Always be prepared to intervene if necessary.
Alexandra Johnson
Alexandra Johnson - 7 years ago
What would be good to put with a Betta in a 20 gallon tank? He is pretty docile. I had him with an algae eater and he didn't mind himself all.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
A group of harlequin rasboras would work and perhaps a pair of platys. The platys are livebearers so do keep in mind the betta would prey on newly born livebearer fry.
Stumack - 7 years ago
I had a betta with small mollys one time, it wored mostly fine but one of the male mollys tryed to mate with the betta when I put him in. After a few minutes the betta had enough and started fighting the horny molly. He ripped a bunch of scales of off him. Luckily the molly didnt try to mate with him again and they lived peacefully after that incident :)
jen22 - 7 years ago
My betta seems very calm and docile and only stays in one corner of his 10 gallon tank, do you think i should try adding a tank mate? I want this larger tank to be utilized and the betta just stays in one spot.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Jenna, you might want to try a trio of small corydoras, such as pandas.
Emma Mccormick
Emma Mccormick - 7 years ago
Can bettas have coral in their tank
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Real coral is not recommended as real coral is principally composed of calcium carbonate, this would harden the water. You can however find plastic decorative coral, this would be ok.
Isabelle Riedell
Isabelle Riedell - 7 years ago
can I still keep any of the fish you mentioned in a 5 gallon tank with my betta?
Isabelle Riedell
Isabelle Riedell - 7 years ago
Okay thank you.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Yes you can, limit the quantity.
Sara King
Sara King - 7 years ago
lovely tank I've always been told betta's don't mix with other fish
Sara King
Sara King - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics ok that's good to know
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
They can but never assume it will work out, always observe and be ready to isolate the betta if necessary.
s_ r
s_ r - 7 years ago
i kept guppies with betta perfectly fine.depends on betta and guppies
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Bettas will actively predate baby guppies and male guppies with large fins are at risk from being attacked.
Arnold May II
Arnold May II - 7 years ago
I always wondered this
la nena _
la nena _ - 7 years ago
how about a mystery snail?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
We see no issue there.
Nita Kivimäki
Nita Kivimäki - 7 years ago
betta and glofish?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Not recommended, due to the size of goldfish and their temperature requirements being very different.
Arowana 11
Arowana 11 - 7 years ago
Arowana 11
Arowana 11 - 7 years ago
How do u keep a pair of betta
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Apart, males will vigorously chase females in most cases and it can be damaging to the female. Females are typically introduced only when conditioned for breeding and in a specific set up for it.
Chonni Wichittrakanrung
Chonni Wichittrakanrung - 7 years ago
Would it be ok if I put a male betta and 5 neon petras in a 6 gallon round tank?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
No problem mixing 5 neons with a male Betta
Ricardosr - 7 years ago
how about neon tetras with my female Betta
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
No problem mixing neons with a female Betta
Lovameixx Wu
Lovameixx Wu - 7 years ago
i put my betta in my 16gallons goldfish tank... he is doing fine...
Crystalpony98 - 7 years ago
Can I have the beta and another beta in the same tank???
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Bettas do not do well with other Bettas especially two males. You can keep a male and female together during breeding season however you should seperate them once mating is finished.
Movarr - 7 years ago
hi this is Mo-var from you tube i have a female veil tail beta fish and i want to start a community fish bowl its a half gallon
i already have a heater and all the supply what should i do
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
A half gallon is a little small to start a community tank. We would recommend you upgrade to a larger aquarium (i.e. minimum 5 gal).
HerpZilla Reptiles
HerpZilla Reptiles - 7 years ago
it really depends on the Betta too. I keep my male with Six white cloud minnows and some ghost shrimp in his 6 gallon tank because he's a good boy, I had some neon tetras and corydora's in there too but I moved them to a much bigger tank of mine and got some relatively inexpensive "feeder as they call them" cloud minnows and ghost shrimp. but some Betta's might absolutely devour "or at least try to" any fish. and absolutely no fish with long flowing fins like guppies! this can actually trick your Betta into thinking they are also Betta's and we all know that won't end well for the guppy.
Shey's Betta
Shey's Betta - 7 years ago
I don't get how you can promote this. Bettas are stressed out by other fish. They should be kept on their own ... the tank mates acceptable are snails and shrimp (if he doesn't eat them).
I had bettas in community tanks and they all died quickly. Now that I'm experienced (12 years later) I keep all my bettas in tanks to their own and they get old af!
If you love your betta, give him a single home. Also... the tank in the video is way too small vor Platies and Corys!!!
alichi - 7 years ago
I had rotten luck with male bettas in an 5g endler/snail tank. I finally just switched to a female betta and gave my 2 other males I tried before (both at different times ofc) their own tank and then just added my girl to my community tank. Her temperament was MUCH better than my males who would flair up at anything and even go after my snails.
Brianna DeCotis
Brianna DeCotis - 7 years ago
ive seen some videos and sites on the web about african dwarf frogs will they be a good species for bettas alot of people say they can be kept with a betta i have my betta in a new 10 gallon tank he is a male and do want to start a community tank but i would like to have some cool looking creatures that aren't fish as well any advice?
Nikitas Grammenidis
Nikitas Grammenidis - 7 years ago
can I put my male betta in a 5 gallon tank with guppies
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Yes you can
Jayden Cool
Jayden Cool - 7 years ago
What about blue gouramis?
Tara - 7 years ago
Woah I never knew this was a fluval channel. I thought it was a normal aquatic channel! Not a bad thing ;)
Grimalkin Felidae
Grimalkin Felidae - 7 years ago
I have a Fluval Accent and I have a fantail and a betta. I've watched them incredibly closely since putting them together a couple of months ago. Skittles (my goldie) completely ignores Borealis (betta). Borealis also tends to just hide in the décor most of the time anyway. Temp is good for both species (24C) and Borealis knows when I feed them so he hangs around the top at that time haha so feeding both is not an issue. Love my fishies and I'm prepared to move the betta if it goes south
Melissa H
Melissa H - 7 years ago
is there a specific way to introduce new fish to a Betta? sorry if that's already answered
Melissa H
Melissa H - 7 years ago
Oh I see! That's not bad. Well at the moment I don't have any fish, but I've had a few Bettas in my life, I just never even thought about compatable tank mates. I figured introduction with a Betta would take much much more then what you mentioned. Thank you for the response!!
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Hi Melissa, I would recommend you simply float the bag containing the new fish for 20 minutes and then simply add it to the tank. What type of fish are you introducing?
Elijah The Eagle
Elijah The Eagle - 7 years ago
Also an algae eater and a couple snails
Elijah The Eagle
Elijah The Eagle - 7 years ago
My big tank has

3 adult guppies 1 male 2 female

Around 25 baby guppies in total
Elijah The Eagle
Elijah The Eagle - 7 years ago
Will a female be good with these fish because I have a female
Killian Hackett
Killian Hackett - 7 years ago
Our male betta died recently after only a few days in the tank we have 3 guppies but they didn't seem to bother him , we also have barbs I suspect it was them are they non compatible?
Souvik Sinha
Souvik Sinha - 7 years ago
I have a male betta in gold fish tank & he is doing great
PugsterJosh - 7 years ago
Can you keep a school of neon tetras?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Yes, go with adult neons in a 10 gallon and plants, should be no issue.
Rebecca Redshirt
Rebecca Redshirt - 7 years ago
Currently, I have a male betta in a 3.5 gallon tank. I know my tank is on the smaller side, but I was wondering if there is anyway I could still have a tankmate or two with my betta? If so, what would be the best type for a tank this size?
Rebecca Redshirt
Rebecca Redshirt - 7 years ago
Thanks for the response! I was pretty unsure about getting some fish for my betta, but now I have an idea on where to start, thank you. :)
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Rebecca that is perfectly fine for a male betta. Yes, a group of 2 or 3 dwarf corydoras catfish for the bottom would be nice, use a fine sand for the corys, they will love it, avoid coarse or sharp edged gravel.
Northernvlogsquad - 7 years ago
So would guppies and a beta be okay?
Nahush Modak
Nahush Modak - 6 years ago
Not unless you want your betta to look like vin diesel!!!
No betta and guppies should not be kept together!
The betta tries to eat and chase them away as their vibrant colors (or colours!!) Are like a threat to betta
Hope this helps!
priyanka sarvaiya
priyanka sarvaiya - 6 years ago
No. Bettas will kill guppies
Blackrose199717 - 6 years ago
I have a really shy Betta do you think he'd do better in a community tank? He's living in a 2.5 gallon tank now and he just hides under his bridge but I'm being gifted with a 10 gallon tank and would like for him to be out more. Any suggestions?
Finny Bean
Finny Bean - 6 years ago
Daniel Mc Sween
Daniel Mc Sween - 7 years ago
Loreal L. The latter sounds like a great idea. It'll be a surefire.
I think you want to take a risk for an interesting tank though. My advice would be to start with the sorority divider plan. Then in a while divide the betas in half with only one divider (one male per side) . See how the males get on with each other and the females they are with and you'll know if you can go ahead or not. When you're doing risky things like this make sure and observe them for a while and pay attention for any foul play. *perhaps put all the females on one males side to spread out the aggression too.

In the wild betas are kinda together but can have more than a square meter of territory for themselves. The fifty gallon can't really compare. Maybe add some pants and read up about reducing aggression in fish. If you want I could give you the skinny version here.
Loreal L.
Loreal L. - 7 years ago
I have acquired two male bettas now in separate small tanks. They need a larger tank so I upgraded to a 50 gal tank. Can I successfully add these two mails with other females or am I asking for trouble? Should I simply divide them off at each end and put sorority in the middle?
bboy billo
bboy billo - 7 years ago
Daniel Mc Sween same
bboy billo
bboy billo - 7 years ago
Daniel Mc Sween
Daniel Mc Sween
Daniel Mc Sween - 7 years ago
bboy billo yeah I always find myself in the pet store as well. I find pet stores quicker than Harry Potter gets the snitch.
bboy billo
bboy billo - 7 years ago
Daniel Mc Sween Ok you convinced me i am going to get 1-2 more.If we had start this conversation 4 hours ago i would have get them today because i was in my local pet store to get hamster food and fish food lol
Daniel Mc Sween
Daniel Mc Sween - 7 years ago
bboy billo Ime they're really hard to breed. They're native here where I live and I've got five and they haven't bred yet. I've had a dozen before. Get a few they play with each other like Koi do and it's really nice to witness.
bboy billo
bboy billo - 7 years ago
Daniel Mc Sween hmm i was thinking about getting 1 more but i don't want babies
Daniel Mc Sween
Daniel Mc Sween - 7 years ago
bboy billo should get a few more of the fish at 1:19. These like emerald corydoras company
EreBeMonsters - 7 years ago
What size tank is that in the video ?
bboy billo
bboy billo - 7 years ago
My betta and my two male long tail fancy gyppies are doing great together i also have 3 neon tetras and one of the fish that they show on 1:19
madi_ sway
madi_ sway - 7 years ago
Personally, I have kept my half-moon male with 3 male fancy guppies and 1 female. He is very docile and likes the company of other fish, so he got along well with the guppies, despite their long flowing fins and bright colors. Some bettas are far too aggressive, and will kill guppies on sight, so if you try it, try using a clear separator and see how the betta and guppies react to one another.
Lee GameZ LGZ
Lee GameZ LGZ - 7 years ago
depends on the individual betta's personality! some are fine but others may need "solitary confinement" lol
luvygirl20 - 7 years ago
umm you shouldnt. i had my betta with a few guppies and the first month it was the guppies bothering my betta, then it became my betta attacking my guppies. there was a period of peace for like 2 weeks but it ended when the betta got more aggressive. i have to isolate them now.
Jenni __
Jenni __ - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics Makes a healthy snack for the betta tho lol
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
We don't recommend it for a few reasons. Bettas will actively eat guppy fry. Fancy male guppies are at risk of attack, especially from a male betta. The recommendations in the video are far better choices and in fact as always we do caution about how some individual bettas can be significantly more aggressive, always observe and be ready to isolate the betta if necessary.
Northernvlogsquad - 7 years ago
DeeGeeDee lol yeah, because I wanna have my guppies safe for breeding and have a nice beta
DeeGeeDee - 7 years ago
I want to know the answer to this too...
Crazzy4Tools TV
Crazzy4Tools TV - 7 years ago
BC in the house
dexter collins
dexter collins - 7 years ago
what's the best fish for a fifty gallon tank
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Dexter, there really isn't a "best fish", there are many choices. What are you into? Smaller schooling fish, predators, bottom dwellers, etc...would suggest you approach the decision that way, let us know what you prefer....
Alex Kniefel
Alex Kniefel - 7 years ago
Will a betta get along with a fish like a killifish
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
There are many killifish, from extremely tiny up to 6 inches in would have to be specific but in general we offer better choices in the video.
Endfinx - 7 years ago
Can u put a guppy w/ a betta
Endfinx - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics oh I thought a betta would try to eat a small fishs will put anything he can think he can fit in his mouth in it
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
We generally do not recommend guppies with bettas, the video provides you with recommended choices.
Anita Santana
Anita Santana - 7 years ago
i have a question. I got a 40 gallon comm tank for my beautiful red double tail betta, Rambo. i wanted him to have more room and plenty of live plants. I added one cory catfish and 7 glolite tetras with no issues. shortly after i was told that congo tetras would be perfectly suitable tankmates so i added 2 female congo tetras (because their colors are much duller than males). so far they all coexist nicely. Rambo does like to chase the congos from time to time but never flares or seems very agressive at all. just seems like hes exercising to be honest. and they never show any agression toward him. no harm done. but they are very fast and i worry about when they grow bigger. might they come to nip at his fins as the get bigger and faster or would they remain docile?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Anita, it is tough to predict but there is risk with Congo tetras, they do get large and are very fast. In keeping male and female congos together its normal for males to display and chase and nip each other and females, as you have only females (hopefully not a juvenile male) it should be ok now, but we don't recommend that combination. We are far less worried about Rambo chasing the female congos, he is far slower than they are....
Vineeth Vijayakumar
Vineeth Vijayakumar - 7 years ago
can we keep a male Betta and 4-5 guppies in a natural planted 10gallon tank ?

Also, while buying a make betta, how can we know the age of Betta's and if they are healthy ?

and how to select a Betta that is ideal for a community tank.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
There is no real way to know how a betta will act towards other fish in a community tank unfortunately. There are better choices for tank mates, generally guppies are at risk with a betta. As for health and age, young males will have a smaller body for thing and for health, look for good response to any food dropped in, healthy movement in the container or aquarium and clean non blemished ragged fins, no spots or red patches on the body. Lethargic fish not swimming about or displaying would not be a good sign, they should look alert.
angel reyes
angel reyes - 7 years ago
I am new to have fish tanks but can someone tell me if its ok to have a betta fish in a 10 gallon tank or should i buy a betta tank
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
It is perfectly fine to keep a betta in a 10 gallon, you do not need a specific betta tank (you should maintain the temperature we recommend with a heater and thermometer). Just be careful if you mix in other fish, this video does give you some suggestions.
angel reyes
angel reyes - 7 years ago
APinchOfDecay ok thanks!
APinchOfDecay - 7 years ago
That's a sweet spot for a betta! 2.5gal is the smallest you can keep a betta in, So you're doing good so far!
Al's Critters
Al's Critters - 7 years ago
If the betta is able to live with other fish you need a minimum of 20 gallons, preferably a 20 long tank(30"). Bettas are warm water fish and like 78F water, thus the fish chosen must also be compatible
FreddyIzLive - 7 years ago
are mollies and Dalmatians compatible bettas in a 5gal tank? xoxo xoxo - 7 years ago
What Bettas do better in a community tank, males or females? xoxo xoxo - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics Okay thanks!
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
When you say Betta we will assume the fancy domestically bred Betta splendens. A female is a better choice in that she doesn't have the fins and limitations of a male's spectacular fins. That said always observe, some females can be aggressive too and may chase or bully smaller or shy species of fish.
Savannah Wolfson
Savannah Wolfson - 7 years ago
I'm really enjoying your movies! Lots to learn. Are all Betta tank mates compatible with the kinds of plants you keep with your Betta fish, such as Java Moss? Total newbie over here.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Thank you, we appreciate that. Bettas will not bother or be affected by plants, in fact some floating plants are a good thing for males especially as that helps them build a bubble nest.
AthenaLolita2 - 7 years ago
What size tank is that?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
That is the Edge 15 gallon model.
Arif Khan
Arif Khan - 7 years ago
I have white half moon betta. I put pair of otocinclus with him. A month after my betta eats one of otos fins and then he died. Mine is very aggressive I mean forget about platy or neons.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
We agree, that betta should be kept in isolation.
Sofia Castillo
Sofia Castillo - 7 years ago
would glofish be okay?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
If you mean danios, they are not the best choice, they are very fast swimmers and would likely out compete the betta for any food put in the aquarium.
Rainbow GHOUL
Rainbow GHOUL - 7 years ago
can glofish and guppies go with a betta fish? please answer it would help alot
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
glofish if they are danios would out compete the betta for food, not our recommendation. Fancy male guppies could have their fins attacked by a male betta, so also not our recommendation.
Smurf aka Sam
Smurf aka Sam - 7 years ago
So some neon tetras and a beta are good together? Or no?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
If the aquarium is at least 5 to 10 gallons with plants and decor a small school of adult neons should be ok. As we always mention though, make sure to observe the male betta, some are more aggressive than others, be ready to isolate him if necessary.
Nabhan Jailani
Nabhan Jailani - 7 years ago
what abouf ghost knife?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
We would not recommend any knife fish, they get too large.
Jamil Rahman
Jamil Rahman - 7 years ago
Could i keep neon tetras with a male betta in a 5 gallon and if so how many neons could i keep?
Jamil Rahman
Jamil Rahman - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics ok thanks for the help
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
We estimate approximately 6, not more. Make sure to keep plants as well.
Big butts
Big butts - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Congrats! Start by isolating them in a 5 to 10 gallon aquarium with a heater and an air pump driven sponge filter. Feed them a minimum of 3 to 4 times a day the amount they consume in about 2 minutes, small regular feedings will sustain the best growth and health. Best results are always achieved when feeding them live brine shrimp at least once a day. Move the group to a larger tank in a month or two depending on how many there are. Best of luck, enjoy!
yomus master
yomus master - 7 years ago
my betta keep niping my mickeymouse platy..
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
In this case make sure you have plenty of live plants and structure, if he persists in chasing and nipping the platy we advise separating them, some male bettas are more aggressive than others.
Chloe Tan
Chloe Tan - 7 years ago
yomus master some bettas are more aggressive than others, make sure ur tank is big enough and that you introduce them properly! there are a ton of videos about it other than this ones
DaniëĽ Ranger
DaniëĽ Ranger - 7 years ago
can we keep gold fish with betta
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
No it is not recommended, goldfish are a coldwater species and grow far too large to be kept with a betta.
Cat Krugar
Cat Krugar - 7 years ago
can guppies and bettas be kept together?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Fancy male guppies are at risk of attack from a male betta. Guppy fry would also be on the menu for bettas.
willowct2002 - 7 years ago
Are the GloFisH ok with a beta?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
If they are zebra danios then not a good choice, they will rapidly consumer all food, the betta will not compete at feeding time, generally really fast moving species can be an issue with bettas.
KAYDEN COOL - 7 years ago
Can I have guppies with my betta???
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Bettas will eat guppy fry and will likely attack fancy guppy male tails, not a recommended mix.
Slytherin Blight
Slytherin Blight - 7 years ago
can I put one with my angelfish x
Slytherin Blight
Slytherin Blight - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics thank you I'll get him tomorrow
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
An angelfish in a 30 gallon+ size aquarium with plants and decor should not bother a betta.
Paul Rafael
Paul Rafael - 7 years ago
my Betta killed my goldfish
DatzKid - 7 years ago
Does it matter what the color of the fish is?
DatzKid - 7 years ago
+Fluval Aquatics Ok thx
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
We have not seen that to be an issue. Fast moving medium to large species of more territorial aggressive fish are to be avoided as well as smaller slower moving fish with long fins like fancy male guppies for example.
Hailey - 7 years ago
Try to avoid fish that are too bright
Bilal Sayed
Bilal Sayed - 7 years ago
neon tetras eats bettas fin? is that true?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Neon tetras are not a fin nipping species, we have yet to see this happen.
Delilah Gonzalez
Delilah Gonzalez - 7 years ago
can anybody tell me if I put in a 30 gal tank my betta fish with congo tetras, chineese pleco loaches, african and dwarf frog, will that be a good community for my betta fish?
Delilah Gonzalez
Delilah Gonzalez - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics okay thanks
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
We don't advise a betta with Congo Tetras. Isolating the betta in his own enclosure within the 30 gallon tank to allow the advantages of filtered water and correct temperature might be an option you can consider.
Matthew Celotto
Matthew Celotto - 7 years ago
What kind if tank is that and where can I get it?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
That is the Flex 9 and is shipping in various countries. Please visit fluvalaquatics. com, select your country and then the support tab. You will have contact options, pleas