Comrad the papa betta fish & his albino cory babies 12 gallon Eclipse aquarium
Betta 16 years ago 57,698 views
Remember to watch in high quality. I got this tank one week ago. It's the Eclipse System 12. It's housing my 2nd betta fish, Comrad, and 3 adorable albino cory catfish (Kip, Kanu, & Kitt). It is also home to six fuzzy marimo balls. Funny story about Comrad. I wasn't planning to buy a betta fish when I walked into Walmart to buy an aquarium heater for my new tank. But I saw the bettas sulking and most looked like they were very sick. But not Comrad. He was like an inch larger than the rest of them and I thought I'd save him. Oh, and HE NEVER FLARES. I dont know what his deal is. My other betta Culligan flares all the time but Comrad is very friendly and loves it when the albino cory swims up to him. Update (01/28/09) I've added one spotted cory. He schools w/the albino cory so I don't think he's lonely. Two days ago, added 1 very small (I think its really young) African Dwarf Frog. They're all getting along very well, I'm happy to report.
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30. comment for Comrad the papa betta fish & his albino cory babies 12 gallon Eclipse aquarium
50. comment for Comrad the papa betta fish & his albino cory babies 12 gallon Eclipse aquarium
100. comment for Comrad the papa betta fish & his albino cory babies 12 gallon Eclipse aquarium