Comrad the papa betta fish & his albino cory babies 12 gallon Eclipse aquarium

Remember to watch in high quality. I got this tank one week ago. It's the Eclipse System 12. It's housing my 2nd betta fish, Comrad, and 3 adorable albino cory catfish (Kip, Kanu, & Kitt). It is also home to six fuzzy marimo balls. Funny story about Comrad. I wasn't planning to buy a betta fish when I walked into Walmart to buy an aquarium heater for my new tank. But I saw the bettas sulking and most looked like they were very sick. But not Comrad. He was like an inch larger than the rest of them and I thought I'd save him. Oh, and HE NEVER FLARES. I dont know what his deal is. My other betta Culligan flares all the time but Comrad is very friendly and loves it when the albino cory swims up to him. Update (01/28/09) I've added one spotted cory. He schools w/the albino cory so I don't think he's lonely. Two days ago, added 1 very small (I think its really young) African Dwarf Frog. They're all getting along very well, I'm happy to report.

Comrad the papa betta fish & his albino cory babies 12 gallon Eclipse aquarium sentiment_very_dissatisfied 9

Betta 16 years ago 57,698 views

Remember to watch in high quality. I got this tank one week ago. It's the Eclipse System 12. It's housing my 2nd betta fish, Comrad, and 3 adorable albino cory catfish (Kip, Kanu, & Kitt). It is also home to six fuzzy marimo balls. Funny story about Comrad. I wasn't planning to buy a betta fish when I walked into Walmart to buy an aquarium heater for my new tank. But I saw the bettas sulking and most looked like they were very sick. But not Comrad. He was like an inch larger than the rest of them and I thought I'd save him. Oh, and HE NEVER FLARES. I dont know what his deal is. My other betta Culligan flares all the time but Comrad is very friendly and loves it when the albino cory swims up to him. Update (01/28/09) I've added one spotted cory. He schools w/the albino cory so I don't think he's lonely. Two days ago, added 1 very small (I think its really young) African Dwarf Frog. They're all getting along very well, I'm happy to report.

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Most popular comments
for Comrad the papa betta fish & his albino cory babies 12 gallon Eclipse aquarium

Shannon Bird
Shannon Bird - 11 years ago
nice tank
Dustin Carr
Dustin Carr - 11 years ago
depends on his personality. I have a male betta, a female betta, a julii cory and 3 ghost shrimp and my male betta mostly just chills with the cory. I find them laying under the heater or in my log together.
WildlifeSketches - 11 years ago
Lovely video. very inspirational. The high standard of your aquarium is now a challenge and a goal for my own aquariums. Thanks very much. Vince.
adam tea
adam tea - 11 years ago
Would a beta fish be okay with a spotted catfish?
Batch_2 - 11 years ago
Besides the moss balls they're all fake plants. Doubt she supplements, uses CO2 or cares about lighting...
Uknown Worker
Uknown Worker - 11 years ago
The current seems strong for him.
Daniel G
Daniel G - 12 years ago
what's you watts per gallon? do you supplement the water at all and do you use CO2 ????? i'm battling algae and need the assistance!
Alexandra Rodriguez
Alexandra Rodriguez - 12 years ago
Your betta fish tank is absolutely B-E-A-UTIFUL!!!! One of the nicest betta homes I've ever seen :D Keep doing what you are doing... I also wanted to know what you used and how you planted your tank? Thanks, and you GO GIRL :P
Brazenbabe - 12 years ago
looks like the beta is stressed and needs a place to be able to hide.

10. comment for Comrad the papa betta fish & his albino cory babies 12 gallon Eclipse aquarium

Sandy Schreiber Bratzel
Sandy Schreiber Bratzel - 12 years ago
they all look lovely and happy. very nice tank set up too...very clean!
tracycakes85 - 12 years ago
Looks like they're playing tag
GUPPYFRY1 - 12 years ago
what plants are these and how well hid they do in sand ?
James Johnston
James Johnston - 12 years ago
I hate how low to the ground the filter intake is, i chopped off a couple inches of the pipe on mine.
Tony Goose
Tony Goose - 12 years ago
Nice tank
MrJabawoki - 12 years ago
Just got some albino corys and they have been accepted by my betta. He accepts they are a bit clumsy and have the odd collision with him
noah jenike
noah jenike - 12 years ago
Conrad the papa betta and his albino bitches
Kylie Copenhaver
Kylie Copenhaver - 12 years ago
So loving this!!!
amblisky - 12 years ago
betters tend to eat shrimp so they not a good combination. The best advice I got for adding new fish to a betta tank is to remove the betta, rearrange the tank (plants, decor, etc.), add the new fish and then last add the betta. This way the better is less territorial (he doesn't see it as an invasion of HIS space because everything is new to him). But in some cases the betta can be too aggressive and should be kept alone :(
V1SIONsounds - 13 years ago
Is your Betta always that active?

20. comment for Comrad the papa betta fish & his albino cory babies 12 gallon Eclipse aquarium

CherubHorse - 13 years ago
Excellent tank :D
OurPetsAreFamily - 13 years ago
@VipStephan yeah I was I'm sorry to report that in the last day my Betta turned against everything in his tank. I woke up yesterday morning to find everything in his tank dead except him. I don't get it :( That last night he was schooling with him. And seemed just fine. I had 2 Cory catfish and a school of shrimp in there. Now I just have a Betta. :(
Vipstephen - 13 years ago
@OurPetsAreFamily sounds like you're taking goo dcare of them! good job! keep it up!
Tommyr - 13 years ago
Gotta LOVE Cory cats! Great fun!
magroves - 13 years ago
this is so awesome to watch. I had a betta fish and always wanted to keep him with cories but I didn't have room for a decent aquarium in my room so I could 't put anything else in mine but the betta. He was my buddy for two years. One day I will get another betta and a real aquarium and some catfish to be in the tank, too. Your betta is beautiful! And my friends said "the tank is so clean"
Koryuhoka - 13 years ago
The water movement is too strong for the Betta. They like calm water and can die of exhaustion from water that is too busy. Beautiful tank. I have a 15G that I want to set up like this. Thanks.
OurPetsAreFamily - 13 years ago
I just added 2 cories in with my Betta and he never flared at them. Now I think he seems to think he is a Cory too. He stopped eating from the top and follows the cories around and eats from the bottom. Silly Bruno. Benny and Benji love there Betta friend and Bruno loves his cories ;)
MissMeliss - 13 years ago
wow! I love your tank! Looks so nice, clean, and full of plants! fake or real?
rerhodes1 - 13 years ago
where did you get your sand? I have been looking all over for that kind of sand with no luck.
Helms97 - 13 years ago
how many gallons is the tank and where did u get it? please reply!!!

30. comment for Comrad the papa betta fish & his albino cory babies 12 gallon Eclipse aquarium

Ironiic zero
Ironiic zero - 13 years ago
nice tank. my first betta didnt flare either
MyFishCare101 - 13 years ago
Pretty boy!
Sebastian Stormborn
Sebastian Stormborn - 13 years ago
@tikibirds have u ever seen THE DITCHES IN RICE FIELDS WHERE THE BETTAS LIVE AFTER THE RICE PADDIES HAVE BEEN DRAINED? guess not......... so, the betta's still alive?
Laura Stripp
Laura Stripp - 13 years ago
@stalematesibling They do NOT live in ditches. They live in rice paddies which is a hell of a lot bigger then a ditch
eharesdxd - 13 years ago
i have a blue betta just like that except he's mixed in with white
Mary Lasnier
Mary Lasnier - 13 years ago
such a happy betta!
Matt German
Matt German - 13 years ago
looks great you should put a hiding, chill spot for the betta though they hate always having to swim
Stephen Leano
Stephen Leano - 13 years ago
What kind sand are you using and what kind of substrate are you using if you are sing one?
s2ktuner - 13 years ago
are those cory catfish's nipping at his fin's? might wanna keep an eye on that.. other than that nice tank! check out my tanks in my channel and let me know what ya think too
Hal Udontneedtoknow
Hal Udontneedtoknow - 13 years ago
just my $0.02 but he needs a hiding spot, and you might want to tune the filter down a tad. Otherwise looks like an awesome tank. I wish all my bettas had a setup like that.
benny lopez
benny lopez - 13 years ago
fancy tank . i keep mines in a fish bowl , keeping it simple.
CYPRODS - 13 years ago
is this background music supposed to be..........classy? r u shittin me LOL
Talamishni - 13 years ago
filter looks to strong for the betta
F1shguy - 13 years ago
What are the light green plants called with like semi-broad leaves near the front of the tank. They look nice and i want one so if you could get me the name i would appreciate it.
homiezide - 13 years ago
He's trying to attack them but they're too fast LOL!
Nelson axb
Nelson axb - 14 years ago
wow very nice setup! how do you know which fish are compatible with Bettas?? i just bought a betta fish and Im still new to all this lol =]
Sharon Thomson
Sharon Thomson - 14 years ago
What a gorgeous Betta - really long flowing fins, and the space you've given him is obviously appreciated, as he looks really happy. I know this vid was posted quite a while ago - is the wee fella still alive today?
Geek Chorus
Geek Chorus - 14 years ago
@LizSagara It's cool to see some people actually care about our mistreated Betta friends.
onelasttitan - 14 years ago
@rainypassion101 i would say depends on your betta's personality but i have a 2.5 gallon tank with my betta and 7 small guppies and they are perfectly fine.
98Shuriken - 14 years ago
I like those round bush plants you have in the tank and I also Like the sand nice combination

50. comment for Comrad the papa betta fish & his albino cory babies 12 gallon Eclipse aquarium

Samuel Jackson
Samuel Jackson - 14 years ago
art and fish it warms my heart to see someone care about their fish you are truley amazing
BakaniBoko - 14 years ago
@BakaniBoko Also do NOT be fooled if you see these at petsmart or petco, they are usually labled as moss balls, but the are NOT marimo balls (marimo = algea NOT moss). At these large chain stores what you find is Java moss wrapped around a piece of cork and are usually 10$ for ONE! If you want real marimo look in small privately owned fish stores or online. Moss balls do not inhibit the growth of other algea like real marimo, which is why a lot of fish keepers want them, besides their neat look.
BakaniBoko - 14 years ago
For those that were asking the balls are called marimo balls (meaning "Algea Ball" in Japanese), and they are actually balls of an algea species named Cladophora, they are not a moss. There are places that grow them and sell them wholesale for the aquarium industry. Look on ebay, one company in the UK , Aqua8 I think they are called grows and sells them and are really great. I got three big ones (about 5 or 6 years old, 5 cm in diameter) for under 10 dollars, including shipping.
shaelikestaquitos - 14 years ago
i love corydoras and bettas :D i tried introducing corys to the tank with my other betta, and it didn't quite work out :( back then i was uneducated and attempted this in a 2 gal. tank, so obviously none of them had enough room :/ after about a day i had to separate them because the betta was ripping at the cory's tails. i gave away my corys to my friend. i have a new betta now, and i'm getting a bigger tank. this betta is mellower so i'm going to try to reintroduce corys ^-^
joshua jung
joshua jung - 14 years ago
@xDAVMANx thx yo
joshua jung
joshua jung - 14 years ago
Hey Do the corys clean da sand?
Mesatalia - 14 years ago
I've read if they don't flare at all then there's a problem, like temperature, the PH, Ammonia levels too high, not feeling well, too much current (they like still water) .... However from what I see his tail and anal fins are displayed well most of the time so I don't think you have to worry. My RT betta's dorsal only goes up if he sees our other male or if something makes him super happy and excited. They don't flame their gills (beard) unless they see a possible threat, like another male.
koalarunner - 14 years ago
Love the layout!! What kind of plants are those?
kevin monteiro
kevin monteiro - 14 years ago
and also where did you get the sand?
kevin monteiro
kevin monteiro - 14 years ago
what filter do you use?
cheryl4967 - 14 years ago
@boboblocks marimo balls are actually balls of algae and not moss ... they compete for the same nutrients as other more unpleasant algae needs too which can help keep a tank algae free :O)
soaddictedzz - 14 years ago
aww its like there playing tag and the bettas it
Nathan W
Nathan W - 14 years ago
@littlemissruckess, those are Marimo balls. They are just little balls of moss.
n8ti - 14 years ago
oh :p my mistake ^^ but, how long is the tank ? more then 40 cm ?
n8ti - 14 years ago
how long is the tank ? and how much gallons ?
evothefool - 14 years ago
@CtrlDae this accrues mostly with small fish that see other kinds of fish with long colorful fins like for example a betta, thats why most ppl tend to keep bettas alone, but also because bettas are aggressive fish
evothefool - 14 years ago
@CtrlDae lol peaceful as in a fish who does not kill others yes but fin nipping has nothing to do with peaceful fish peaceful fish only means the fish can be with other types of fish and can be schooled as you see in the vid they are fin nipping the betta so yea lol
hockeyboy yolo
hockeyboy yolo - 14 years ago
are those live plants
Nathan W
Nathan W - 14 years ago
I watch this videos almost everyday. Very entertaining.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 14 years ago
@elastonova69 actually thats a happy active betta :)
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 14 years ago
@GoPartyInBleach you can! I used to have a 10gal community tank with lots of bettas and lamp eye tetras (have a video posted if ur interested)
evothefool - 14 years ago
your betta is getting his fin nipped by those other fish....
cheryl4967 - 14 years ago
the music made me want to punch someone ... that may be my own personal issue though :O) your tank looks really great with the white sand and the plants ... the betta is beautiful as are the other ones too ... nice video :O)
markbatch - 14 years ago
hey there consensus great tank best i seen all bettas should live like that take note all those with bettas in small boring tanks do the rite thing give them a good home
Romeo Martinez
Romeo Martinez - 15 years ago
damn your beta is beautiful as hell
Romeo Martinez
Romeo Martinez - 15 years ago
damn your beta is beautiful
buddhas know best
buddhas know best - 15 years ago
I just love this video. The music is sweet, the aquarium is beautiful, and the fish are so playful. Great tank.
laura Laurix
laura Laurix - 15 years ago
Hello! And I have a beta lafel happy as yours .......
picatsoforfma - 15 years ago
I'm sad. I tried adding cory cats yesterday and my betta bit a chunk out of one of their tails so I'm taking them back today :(
Kevin Adler
Kevin Adler - 15 years ago
WOW!!! You're water is pristine!!! Great job!!!
intricate08 - 15 years ago
Be careful with that, I've read people say their Eclipse filters burned out because their water levels were low or dropped. So just keep an eye on it.
BryGuyMcFly - 15 years ago
Nice setup.. @TheConsensus what kind of sand is that in there? When I look at Petco or Petsmart websites, I can only find course gravel for freshwater. That sand almost makes it look like it were meant for marine life. I like it! Please share where you got it and what it's called :)
SilvanCleric - 15 years ago
Poor Betta can't keep up with his little friends. But he looks like he's still enjoying himself.
Litameena-chan - 15 years ago
Aw! They all look so cute and happy! =] I love how the corries are just zipping around the tank and Comrad was zipping with them! =] Your tanks look so stylish! =0 When I get my own tank I hope I can make it look as appealing! =]
keeponrowing - 15 years ago
lol i like the way the betta and the cories play with each other.
Shayleem - 15 years ago
it looks like their eating your betta fish alive :O
redstarmode - 15 years ago
Nice set up dude! u should add small crawfish or ghost shrimp so they can clean the sand....they should eat the poop... lol!
picatsoforfma - 15 years ago
I love how active your betta is. He seems to love the room and the heater.
gregg symonds
gregg symonds - 15 years ago
Thats too funny....its like the Betta is tryin to immitate the cory's.... would not surprise me.. Betta's are very smart fish.
Mollbean - 15 years ago
aw it's like he's trying to be a cory..
crystal.faery - 15 years ago
No one is telling you to watch the whole thing. Frankly, I enjoyed it =/
Ritche A
Ritche A - 15 years ago
nice tank and set up! i find the betta seems to be happy with the 3 "funny" corydoras they just seem to play with him looking like they're trying to make friends (or clean him up) LOL!
Jason Chen
Jason Chen - 15 years ago
is it good to get a betta a 10 gal tank? cuz i had one in a 1 gal and it was happy and active.. but my friend has his in a 13 gal tank and it barely moves..
clickity333 - 15 years ago
i think your tank is very nice. all of the stuff in it complements your betta
shax - 15 years ago
nice set up....but your corys acting weird the swim around like guppys lol my corys are on the ground most of the time...
Andrea Guzman
Andrea Guzman - 15 years ago
that looks more like the 6 gallon i just got then 12 gallons
yami2ki - 15 years ago
very nice setup you have there :3 I just got 2 albino corys for my Betta tank, they're so adorable are you using sand as your substrate?
soaddictedzz - 15 years ago
are those real plants?
soaddictedzz - 15 years ago
but my fish tank is 6 gallon eclipse but still its gud
soaddictedzz - 15 years ago
i have this tank :) it is very gud

100. comment for Comrad the papa betta fish & his albino cory babies 12 gallon Eclipse aquarium

Teera Sujithamrak
Teera Sujithamrak - 15 years ago
i got them off of ebay from a lady in the UK
Dean Collins
Dean Collins - 15 years ago
just the right amount of fish, some people stuff like 12 small fish in the Eclispe 6, but this is Eclipse 12 and you have a just about the limit, cool!
Teera Sujithamrak
Teera Sujithamrak - 15 years ago
yea haha not in this video though idk what he was thinking that day, he's a lot more mellow than this video would make it seem
Teera Sujithamrak
Teera Sujithamrak - 15 years ago
This tank retails for around $79-$100. I got it on sale for around $79 I think.
Teera Sujithamrak
Teera Sujithamrak - 15 years ago
No, they actually don't need anything. Marimo balls are a type of algae.
Teera Sujithamrak
Teera Sujithamrak - 15 years ago
Thanks, it's Caribsea from either Petco or Petsmart. Its the only freshwater sand brand they carry so be prepared to shell out like $30 for it. But they give you 20 lbs :)
Teera Sujithamrak
Teera Sujithamrak - 15 years ago
Yes, albino cories prefer their water temperature around 70-80 degrees, preferably around 78 degrees (fahrenheit). I use Tetra Whisper Heater for 5-12 gallons Its available at Walmart for less than $15. :) Btw, plecos can grow upwards of 16" when fullgrown so he'll need to be transfered to a much larger tank in the future. I have 2 otocinclus catfish now in this tank& they serve the same purpose as plecos & only grow to 1.5" so if you're looking for something smaller to replace the pleco later
FLAVICOLE - 15 years ago
do you need a heating lamp for that tank because I want to get that exact tank and those albino cory and a plecotomus?
Teera Sujithamrak
Teera Sujithamrak - 16 years ago
they're all silk plants except for the marimo balls and java moss. i dont do anything w/the sand the little corydoras clean it :)
Kellie  Hennessey
Kellie Hennessey - 16 years ago
your tank is soo clean!
Teera Sujithamrak
Teera Sujithamrak - 16 years ago
thanks, i still like the idea of the biube but can't make my own quieter filter, i am just too lazy. if the biube came w/a gentler filter and allowed sand substrate i would totally get one still. i like the way sand looks in your biube, its very sleek
heiðinn - 16 years ago
Looks like you really took to the fish keeping thing. You seem to have a gift for it as well. Nice tanks and fish. Keep it up.
Tony Aruzza
Tony Aruzza - 16 years ago
That tank is too small for tetras, at least, lengthwise. Also, brightly colored fish will cause the betta to flare excessively, causing him to be overstressed, which will lead to his death.
Teera Sujithamrak
Teera Sujithamrak - 16 years ago
I did but I returned it because of the noisey filter
Teera Sujithamrak
Teera Sujithamrak - 16 years ago
Yay I'm glad I could help, I had such a hard time deciding which tank I should get.
Teera Sujithamrak
Teera Sujithamrak - 16 years ago
thanks! i got this tank from Petsmart, not sure if you have those where you're from but its called the Eclipse System 12. Most fish stores would carry them. I purchased this for about $80, it was on sale.
Jacob Yanicak
Jacob Yanicak - 16 years ago
Teera Sujithamrak
Teera Sujithamrak - 16 years ago
Yea, I thought about it but I'm pretty much at full bio load now that I added a spotted cory and african dwarf frog :)
Teera Sujithamrak
Teera Sujithamrak - 16 years ago
its actually the only kind Petco carries that is suitable for both. i think that's why its so expensive compared to the other brands.
Jacob Yanicak
Jacob Yanicak - 16 years ago
jus wonderin...........isn't caribsea sand for salt water aquariums
m1lkhoney - 16 years ago
Teera Sujithamrak
Teera Sujithamrak - 16 years ago
I really enjoy watching the cories and have just added a peppered cory. They all school together as if they were the same type.
Teera Sujithamrak
Teera Sujithamrak - 16 years ago
Thank you! The sand in this aquarium is CaribSea Aquarium Sand in Moonlight White. You can purchase it at Petsmart
olensiin1 - 16 years ago
Great aquarium, beautiful betta and cute cories. What kind of sand are you using on the bottom?
Panziety - 16 years ago
great fish tank! thats one happy betta!
johnvuu - 16 years ago
good job! i think i might get some corys for my betta too!

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