Culligan the Betta Fish in his 5 Gallon Eclipse Hex Tank

Here is Culligan, my first betta fish (well, first fish, period). I got him as a gift from my boyfriend about two weeks ago. He was in a tiny cup and I didn't know anything about fish so I went out and got a pretty 1 gallon glass vase and kept him in there for about a week. Then, I read up on bettas and went out and bought him this 5 gallon aquarium. If you are thinking about getting a betta fish or currently own one in a small container (under 1 gallon), please go out and get him a bigger bowl/tank to live in. It's a myth that they prefer to be confined to small environments. I mean, would you want to live out your life in some stupid cup? From what I've read from various betta care sites, 2 gallons is the minimum tank a betta should be kept in. And of course, bigger is better. A good website for betta basics is For answers to hundreds of betta issues, I like Anyway, sorry about the lecture. Hope you enjoy watching Culligan swim around :P Oh yea.. I ordered some marimo balls from overseas but they're not here yet. When they arrive, I'm going to get one or two ghost shrimp and put them all in there. Is keeping ghost shrimp w/a betta in a 5 gallon tank a good idea? I just want them to eat whatever Culligan doesn't. Thanks for any help! UPDATE 12/31/08: Since this video, I bought a 50w Whisper aquarium heater by Tetra. I've also replaced his two plastic plants and resin rock with four silk aquarium plants of various sizes. I've also added 6 marimo balls of assorted sizes and two mini terracotta pots because I'm planning to get get 3 ghost shrimp when they're in stock at one of the petstores here. I might make a video later.

Culligan the Betta Fish in his 5 Gallon Eclipse Hex Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 23

Betta 16 years ago 119,535 views

Here is Culligan, my first betta fish (well, first fish, period). I got him as a gift from my boyfriend about two weeks ago. He was in a tiny cup and I didn't know anything about fish so I went out and got a pretty 1 gallon glass vase and kept him in there for about a week. Then, I read up on bettas and went out and bought him this 5 gallon aquarium. If you are thinking about getting a betta fish or currently own one in a small container (under 1 gallon), please go out and get him a bigger bowl/tank to live in. It's a myth that they prefer to be confined to small environments. I mean, would you want to live out your life in some stupid cup? From what I've read from various betta care sites, 2 gallons is the minimum tank a betta should be kept in. And of course, bigger is better. A good website for betta basics is For answers to hundreds of betta issues, I like Anyway, sorry about the lecture. Hope you enjoy watching Culligan swim around :P Oh yea.. I ordered some marimo balls from overseas but they're not here yet. When they arrive, I'm going to get one or two ghost shrimp and put them all in there. Is keeping ghost shrimp w/a betta in a 5 gallon tank a good idea? I just want them to eat whatever Culligan doesn't. Thanks for any help! UPDATE 12/31/08: Since this video, I bought a 50w Whisper aquarium heater by Tetra. I've also replaced his two plastic plants and resin rock with four silk aquarium plants of various sizes. I've also added 6 marimo balls of assorted sizes and two mini terracotta pots because I'm planning to get get 3 ghost shrimp when they're in stock at one of the petstores here. I might make a video later.

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Most popular comments
for Culligan the Betta Fish in his 5 Gallon Eclipse Hex Tank

very curious
very curious - 7 years ago
your new/forget about live plants
Great you are taking such good care of your betta
ReviewCam - 8 years ago
I'd opt for a heater since Bettas are tropical fish, and they're really happier in warmer water around 80 degrees F.
Cuda FX
Cuda FX - 8 years ago
if those were all real plants, this tank would have been a 9/10.
it's weird how plastic plants are still selling well, when only beginners and uninformed buy them.
Eternal Skyy Costumes
Eternal Skyy Costumes - 8 years ago
Repeating what Tazia is saying. A consistent temp. is always needed for the best betta housing. Room temperatures fluctuate a huge amount hourly/daily plus water is always 10 degrees colder than the room temperature.
Cuda FX
Cuda FX - 8 years ago
funny, my unheated tank is usually 1-2 degrees above the average room temp, from the whaste heat of a tiny 3W powerhead alone.
i fully agree on the importance of constant heating for tropical species, though.
but i'd love what you say to be true! :D then it would be a lot easier to keep species from colder regions, that require 15C/60F or even conciderably colder water.
T-Zay - 9 years ago
It can actually get really cold during winter in Florida. We were just having 50-60s temps. I still got a heater and the betta seems even more energetic.
AlexandrasPets - 9 years ago
Oh im so in love with blue veiltails! Even if they seem "ordinary' to most people, they are very special to me! <3
Chris Gee
Chris Gee - 9 years ago
lol, Culligan!  Great name!
Gergő Czine
Gergő Czine - 9 years ago
Use live plants!!!!
happytroll 247
happytroll 247 - 9 years ago
I have my betta in bowls but I'm switching my red bellied piranha to a 30 gallon so I might be putting my bettas in a 20 gallon

10. comment for Culligan the Betta Fish in his 5 Gallon Eclipse Hex Tank

Delia Adriana Daza
Delia Adriana Daza - 9 years ago
I love this video. I think it's great how well decorated his tank is!
Raychel Desoer
Raychel Desoer - 10 years ago
that is a gorgeous fish and tank! OMG! 
Vanessa Dashiell
Vanessa Dashiell - 10 years ago
Please read the description before posting.....
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
he is awesome!! s beautiful! thumbs up! :D
Winterdock - 10 years ago
My female veil tail loves to flutter her tail and fins against my finger tip
She tries to get her gills and body petted but I won't allow it because I am afraid of removing the important coating from her scales
She swims in a ten gallon
My baby female  veil tail is learning the same thing
I have her in a 2.5 gallon for now (There is lots of room for her still). But I am looking for a 5.5 to 7 gallon for the near future
My half moon male is too shy to allow me to touch his fins . But he is the greatest anyway . I could tell he lived his entire life in a cup . He was very nervous to be moved to a 2.5 gallon . But by the time he got into his 5 gallon residence , he had it down , baby
2KLEEN123 - 10 years ago
Thank younfor giving your fish enough space!! People!!! Bettas need at least 5 gal.!!
Jenna Reed
Jenna Reed - 10 years ago
anybody besides me notice that veil-tail bettas are friendlier than crown-tails or half-moons?
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
hmm, the friendliest betta ive ever had was a crowntail XD
Alexa Jones
Alexa Jones - 11 years ago
hello:) beautiful setup! just warning you this betta is in risk of shredded fins:( the large spiky plant can get caught on the bettas fins, and as he struggles to get away, his fins will shred.
qaching - 11 years ago
this little kid will not give a flying fuck
Fraser Buchanan
Fraser Buchanan - 11 years ago
that is cool and nice for your betta
Nightfall She-Wolf
Nightfall She-Wolf - 11 years ago
Great video! Your betta looks happy and you decorated your tank beauitifully! :)

20. comment for Culligan the Betta Fish in his 5 Gallon Eclipse Hex Tank

Nightfall She-Wolf
Nightfall She-Wolf - 11 years ago
@CreatedbyObiGoosie what brand tank and/or filter was it? I'm going to be getting a Top Fin 5.5 gallon and I want to make sure im getting a good filter that won't be too strong for my betta.
alison harvey
alison harvey - 11 years ago
there are videos that will show you how to use a plastic water bottle to slow down the flow of the filter .... i had to do it in my tank
Obi1Goosie2043 - 11 years ago
Lovely tank and fish! I just got a Betta and he is in a 5.5 gallon tank! What kind of filter do you use? Because the filter that came with the tank is way to powerful for my Betta so I had to remove it.
Smokey Dawg
Smokey Dawg - 11 years ago
No Bettas need over 500,000 gallons of water, this tank is over stocked ;) Jp
Leesah Richards
Leesah Richards - 11 years ago
Beautiful tank setup! Love the black gravel and brightly colored plants!
Mark Kamma
Mark Kamma - 11 years ago
nice tank good size you really care about the fish since you put him in a nice tank. You can probably add some tetras since you have plants in there.
ReviewCam - 11 years ago
this has to be the most beautifully tank I've seen on You Tube.
Sush - 11 years ago
Edmund Russel
Edmund Russel - 11 years ago
lol Stairway to Heaven with violin
Edmund Russel
Edmund Russel - 11 years ago
Stairway to Heaven

30. comment for Culligan the Betta Fish in his 5 Gallon Eclipse Hex Tank

NiGhTmaReoFanGels12 - 11 years ago
this fish tank is tall hexagon fish tank it actually holds 5 gallons. i got similar hexagon fish tank for my male betta which is 5.7 gallons.
trunpetkid01 - 11 years ago
Beautifully kept tank as well as a beautiful betta. He seems very happy in his home!
Magnus Maximus
Magnus Maximus - 11 years ago
are those plastic plants?
Myself2Blame - 11 years ago
This video convinced me to buy this tank : )
Crmsnraider - 11 years ago
Still with youre boyfriend? Hope youre Betta still lasting.
Janeen Hutchinson
Janeen Hutchinson - 11 years ago
Beautiful tank!
RelaxingASMR - 12 years ago
Nice video. You treat your Betta well.
Alexandra Rodriguez
Alexandra Rodriguez - 12 years ago
This is one of the best betta videos ever. Most videos on here are blurry and the lights reflect on the sides of the tank so you can see the person video taping it. I liked and subscribed to your channel. Good job guys!!!
oddballwayne - 12 years ago
What song is this? PLEASE RESPOND!
oddballwayne - 12 years ago
@borhanus This is a hexagonal tank. Hex tanks are designed to look deceivingly small but in reality can hold lots of volume of water! This hex tank is also very tall which holds more water but may not be so good for bettas since they need shallow tanks to occasionally go up to breathe air. The owner also added many plants in there so the tank looks smaller and cramped.
ichisuke ryu
ichisuke ryu - 12 years ago
Watching that tank and your fish solo Peaceful. Sweetdreams!
Lu M
Lu M - 12 years ago
I'm in love with your tank
David Wooden
David Wooden - 12 years ago
nice , real plants would be better for betta environment, but anyways good job on the fake plants..looks beautiful..
Charlie Craig
Charlie Craig - 12 years ago
Hex Tank. Hexagon. 8 sides. Use your brain and do the maths you helm.
lcatalan93 - 12 years ago
Wow :)
Kyla R.
Kyla R. - 12 years ago
Nope, since they have long fins and come in many colours it is not recommended to keep them together.
Spoderman - 12 years ago
im not sure because i dont have a beta at the moment
Spoderman - 12 years ago
I have a guppy named Marlin
Lucy Holsonbake
Lucy Holsonbake - 12 years ago
This is beautiful. Thanks for the advice. You are a wonderful designer!
nashigoreng17 - 12 years ago
Wow he is so pretty, his fins are so flowing

50. comment for Culligan the Betta Fish in his 5 Gallon Eclipse Hex Tank

Lindzuniverse - 12 years ago
My betta is now in a 2.5 gallon filtered tank (it's not heated but I've checked and the water stays between 75-80 degrees) I was wondering if I could put an African dwarf frog in with him? I know they can get along but is the size ok?
porcelanaboo - 12 years ago
Very beautiful, and you should be very proud of yourself for doing your research and giving him such a beautiful home. Hope to see the set up with the ghost shrimp. I tried it once and the betta killed them :) Now i only have one betta in a 10 gallon community (5neon 2cory) super nice
lolboysz - 12 years ago
Do beutiful nice tank and fish
Sailor Williams
Sailor Williams - 12 years ago
So shiny....
xGovernmentxHookerx - 12 years ago
I think this setup is so beautiful. It took my breath away! =)
borhanus - 12 years ago
i find it as a lifeless tank for betta .give him a companion
borhanus - 12 years ago
how this tiny tank can hold 5 gall almost 20 litter of water
FINN - 12 years ago
I have one of my Bettas in the exact same tank! It's probably my favourite tank because it's so easy to clean - I've had it set up probably three or four months now and I barely have to do a thing besides water changes. I have to say I like your setup a lot more than mine though lol, it's very pretty :)
Laura Sullivan
Laura Sullivan - 12 years ago
name of the tank is in the title. the filter comes with it
boze44 - 12 years ago
Your betta is so pretty! My betta's fins keep getting shorter D:
Blake Driesen
Blake Driesen - 12 years ago
What kind of betta is it
Elise Valdivia
Elise Valdivia - 13 years ago
@zooyorkadriant well i think that it is big to them he seems happy
Fabulous - 13 years ago
nice to know some people respect the bettas
EEKSPLEE - 13 years ago
Ohh he looks so happy and healthy <3
TelePhotoLens - 13 years ago
Lovely fish.
AcidfartProductions - 13 years ago
somelikeitcold1 - 13 years ago
56madguy - 13 years ago
he dosnt even use a quarter of the tank
56madguy - 13 years ago
myn is in 4 gallons
Jessica Yung
Jessica Yung - 13 years ago
He's pretty
Asianleful - 13 years ago
@Luxornv I think he's dead by now.
Deborah Sayer
Deborah Sayer - 13 years ago
You've such a pretty tank! How do you keep it clean? Cause some people do 100% water changes and others just 50%..
fish4ever24 - 13 years ago
u know what i luv it so much im gonna subscribe
TechNick - 13 years ago
is 10 gallon to big for 1 betta?
luna h
luna h - 13 years ago
this is really nice. I appreciate the tank the decor and Culligan. I just got my fish first time for pet and all. but i have him in a little box type fish tank. no frills cause don't have enough to get him a better home yet. I wish he could have friends cause for me he's alone. but as they say they are the fighting fish. sounds nuts. my friends say that in Japan they put these little guys to fight each other. Thanks for the great video with petting and all. It's been only 4 days or so
Sadistic Steel
Sadistic Steel - 13 years ago
u dont need to give him a heater unless ur thinkin bout breeding him.
andyjohns0n - 13 years ago
@andyjohns0n naaahhh dude just put him in 98 degree water he 'll be fine its when the water goes from hot to cold they gp into shock
Boby Bobby
Boby Bobby - 13 years ago
@SocomSniper16 i know i do
andyjohns0n - 13 years ago
@AaahItsHannah yes betta fish like really hot water usually around 98 degrees
Rykiier - 13 years ago
Bdafan274, so being a man means harming animals that have no control over where or what situation put them in? You're pathetic. I'm in love with animals, and I guarantee I could kick your ass. I have a beautiful red crowntail Betta named Alpha, unfortunately he's in a one gallon bowl as the 5 gallon tank and heater I ordered are in transit.
Hannah L
Hannah L - 13 years ago
I live in Southwest Florida, do I need a heater?
tams mac
tams mac - 13 years ago
Hey, I have the same filter I think.. I little tip on the current if you find it's too strong is right where the water exits the filter, place an aquarium really helps.
kingofallsaiyans123 - 13 years ago
who the hell will dislike this video it was beautiful -cry-
Segolene Pihut
Segolene Pihut - 13 years ago
Where did you get that tank? Thanks!
TVPchallenge - 13 years ago
He looks so happy! What a beautiful tank & fish! ♥ He seems to like swimming through that 'current' at the top (1:25). He turns around and does it again at 2:00, and 2:23, lol. Aw, how nice that your BF got this for you as a gift - sounds like a sweetheart ;) Music adds a nice touch too, while watching him swim =)
MyameeGirl - 13 years ago
@Sketchya0 Do you remember where you got it, the fish toy connected to glass bubble for fish tank?
Jayson Yu
Jayson Yu - 13 years ago
nice betta olease do visit my channel too
Mark Beshai
Mark Beshai - 13 years ago
you do beutiful tank set ups!and pick the right betta to go along with it!
666nightwolf1 - 13 years ago
This is so nice and colorful
cwarrking - 13 years ago
I was driven here by your comments on your Marimo from the UK. Some had arrived brown? I was told to place in water in the fridge for a week then give them a nice place to come back. Because they live on lake beds they require much less light than we assume and I've been told over heating and too much light are the worst for them. Next time order from Arizona Aquatic Gardens online. They have a great price and mine arrived in perfect condition and larger than I imagined about 3" in diameter.
Trustthapo - 13 years ago
@MrGman0909 Bettas need ten gallons of water to thrive; five gallons is at the MINIMUM. Imagine living in a space the size of your kitchen your entire life.
tdcr08 - 13 years ago
he is amazing my first betta was the exact same color i loved him and than he died from neon tetras attacking him in the night time i was so upset, the pet store never told me how many were ok to put in with him... they were eating his fins but he was a champ got everyone of them before he passed him self i could tel he was dieing and there was nothing i could do so they told me to put aqua salt in a bag of water and put him in the freezer that he would slowly just go to sleep and die :(
tashybellgoesrawr - 13 years ago
@laffableComedy 5 gallons is great for a betta. Especially considering they get shipped in little baggies. This guy is definitely in heaven.
jdustman1 - 13 years ago
Good job, very pretty tank!
eszereme3 - 13 years ago
So pretty! I ordered that tank and I'm gonna copy your theme somewhat, except for I'm getting sand and prolly blue flowers. But I really like the way yours looks.
awhatzable - 13 years ago
hey your betta fish is a long tail :)
Raymond Holt
Raymond Holt - 13 years ago
is the fish still ok?
677sniper - 13 years ago
lol i have the same tank for my betta :)
witchy Denise
witchy Denise - 13 years ago
he looks like mine I called him Angel I got him yesterday. he is so smart and will look me in the eye when I go to his tank.
S0XF0X - 14 years ago
He's lovely! Have you tried doing live plants with your betta yet? I've got my guy with living plants and he just loves them!

100. comment for Culligan the Betta Fish in his 5 Gallon Eclipse Hex Tank

jbecks97 - 14 years ago
Brittany Alemane
Brittany Alemane - 14 years ago
i have to ask.. where did you get that amazing glass bobble toy? i absolutely adore it and would love one for my halfmoon boy :)
Madison Maciejewski
Madison Maciejewski - 14 years ago
He is GEORGEOUS! he looks just like my first... R.I.P. Aqua :(
Luxornv - 14 years ago
That's a beautiful fish. I see this video was added a little over 2 years ago, how's the fish holding up?
BeardieDragonGirl - 14 years ago
beautiful color m fish and nice tank. I thought the music was pretty cool too.
Hirid - 14 years ago
thanks for actually taking care of your pet betta fish i have mine in a 20 gallon community tank
dogsarebetter - 14 years ago
Really pretty tank! I thought about a 10 gallon for my future betta but now I think I'm leaning towards 5. he seems pretty content in this one.
JETSTA916 - 14 years ago
awesome website u led me to
I am the Stickfig
I am the Stickfig - 14 years ago
We, literally, just got a fish that looks a lot like yours. (STORY TIME) One of my relatives had the fish and figured that it was to much of a hassle to take care of, so she came to our house and put him on the porch (she probably knocked but we didn't hear). And it is FREEZING outside. When Dad noticed him, he looked, felt, and acted dead. We pretty much gave up until dad started heating the cup he was in and pretty much shocked him back to life! (I was watching this video when he came in)
withramya - 14 years ago
This is the best betta video around
BakaniBoko - 14 years ago
@ninja6kid bettas usually kill their "friends". They like to be alone.
shaelikestaquitos - 14 years ago
Hey how's the filter on the tank? I've been debating on whether or not to get this tank, and it seems to have mixed reviews (about the filter)
txw8065 - 14 years ago
lol my betta ate my two ghost shrimp after allowing them to live peacefully with him for two weeks, ah well fresh food....
Angel Avila Ramos
Angel Avila Ramos - 14 years ago
What is the song, please???
Will Perrigo
Will Perrigo - 14 years ago
I want one so bad
Nicole Stu
Nicole Stu - 14 years ago
can you tell me what you're doing in the water so that it is so clear? because I have a betta and the water becomes cloudy very quickly
TheNinjacat10 - 14 years ago
omg now i want a betta but i have gold fish
Rebecca Schreur
Rebecca Schreur - 14 years ago
Oh! I have a toy thing like thatt!! Do they really play with it? I have a betta, and i have 3 of those...I have no clue where they are, but if they like them, i'll go find them! So does he really play with it? That would be a cool video- him playing with it.
SpartanGaming - 14 years ago
i have a female betta and her name is rainbow because shes colorful i love your fish too.
Angel Avila Ramos
Angel Avila Ramos - 14 years ago
Please!!!, what' s the sound???, is very beautiful!!!. Thank you very much.
Mesatalia - 14 years ago
Beautiful home but the updates sound awesome too. I'm a new beta owner now and my fish live in large vases for now till I can afford better tanks. That 5-gallon is a really nice one and your Veil Tail is the most beautiful one I've seen yet! Around here we only get the muddy mixed colors, like the one my son has (I have a vid of him and my Rose Tail). BEAUTIFUL fishy and beautiful home ^_^
AccioSarah - 14 years ago
What a beautiful betta! I was planning on getting a betta fish in the next couple of weeks, but after reading that website you posted, I'm going to have to do a little extra planning! Thank you for posting!!
Carles Dijón
Carles Dijón - 14 years ago
Kasatka-L - 14 years ago
Is he still alive? :)
jack wolanin
jack wolanin - 14 years ago
thats what I call a happy betta
Anthony L
Anthony L - 14 years ago
i never knew plastic plants could look so beautiful. i always use real plants. this vid has changed my mind. i still prefer live plants though
meg n
meg n - 14 years ago
GORGEOUS! both the tank and the betta
Dara - 14 years ago
very beautiful tank
Surre Alistic
Surre Alistic - 14 years ago
Cool, your tank setup is beautiful :D
Yolo Swaggins
Yolo Swaggins - 14 years ago
awwww he naps godbless all ur fishys i hope they live until atleast u die
Sketchya0 - 14 years ago
@MrNightwatcher12 Pretty sure it is a toy starfish that is connected to a glass bubble with a string. I have a fish version of it. (Made out of glass, string is plastic.)
mazdagoesbroombroom - 14 years ago
you should make another video =] the calming music goes along with your betta fish
MrNightwatcher12 - 14 years ago
what is the toy that you were talking about at 1:09= 1:15. Where did you find it?
nikki10111 - 14 years ago
whats the name of the song?
I am the Stickfig
I am the Stickfig - 14 years ago
I'd love a tank like that! It'd be hell to lug around though. =/
sven forier
sven forier - 14 years ago
thats how betta's should be kept he is beautiful
Jason L
Jason L - 14 years ago
The Nunez
The Nunez - 14 years ago
so peaceful
cheryl4967 - 14 years ago
i have the exact same tank for my betta ... it is definitely not as nicely decorated as yours but has given me inspiration :O) did you know that bettas are actually lateral swimmers meaning side to side and not up and down so rectangular tanks are actually better for them
Sabine Moore
Sabine Moore - 14 years ago
lloll i live in aussie QLD i think mine needs a cooler
T Buzz
T Buzz - 14 years ago
@wrinkster22 wtf
T Buzz
T Buzz - 14 years ago
@lllllllllll10 a good temperature would be from 72-82 degrees F
asdfghj - 14 years ago
OH I REMEMBER!! sorry! lol theres Fahrenheit and Celsius! srry its just coz i read something that said at their rm temp is 77 degrees (F) and i thought they meant Celsius so i got confused coz thats really hot...LOL and now i remember Fahrenheit...srry for wasting ur time while yu read this xD any way 30 degrees celsius IS really hot!
asdfghj - 14 years ago
Gawd how hot is degrees i may be wrong, im 12 years old.. :l What's a good temperature setting for a betta fish anyway?
asdfghj - 14 years ago
How hot is room temperature??? Here 30 degrees is only what we get in the summer on an extra hot day and 30 degrees is very hot!! (to me anyway) So room temp right now might be about 20 degrees or something?? yea
Myles Prower
Myles Prower - 14 years ago
Pretty nice tank you got there.
T Buzz
T Buzz - 14 years ago
check out my betta fish :] just put a video up thanks
XxBubbleBearXx - 14 years ago
This is BEAUTIFUL!!!! Thanks for being such a nice betta mother. God bless you!! :)
moony239 - 14 years ago
also, try biogold betta food. it's really good for him. they say it's better than flakes.
moony239 - 14 years ago
i think this is a great environment for a betta! he's gorgeous, by the way.
MyDadsToe - 14 years ago
He/she doesn't look very happy. ;(
LadyDizcordia - 14 years ago
@cleanmills I hope youre putting them in different tanks, bettas cant got together dumbass.
Stephanie Davis
Stephanie Davis - 14 years ago
the previous comment i made was not for the person of the video, but for a commenter on the video.
Stephanie Davis
Stephanie Davis - 14 years ago
Go home child, your pethic call for attention is sickening.
RichyRichaaaard - 14 years ago
I respect you for making an effort to care for your fish correctly.
RichyRichaaaard - 14 years ago
@happyfingers9 ....Breeding betta's is easy to mess up, as they are both aggressive. Once again, don't come at me making accusations about my intelligence when you don't even know what the fuck you are talking about. Buy a male and female betta, put them together in a aquarium, and see what happens. Dipshit.
RichyRichaaaard - 14 years ago
@happyfingers9 Why don't you try googling it first before you assume shit. A male will attack a female, and depending on how aggressive, and old the female is, she will attack back/flare. UNLESS the female is ready to breed "in heat" which then she will show vertical stripes also known as fear stripes at the sight of a male betta. Even then, there are chances the male will attack, and females have been known to kill males....
RichyRichaaaard - 14 years ago
@bratbassistcopy Plastic is bad for betta's cause it can tear betta's fins with sharp edges, which invites in infection and bacteria. Go with silk/material plants. They are safer, and they also flow a little with the water. Live plants are best, but only if you research them first and a prepared to maintain them.
RichyRichaaaard - 14 years ago
@happyfingers9 You can't put males and females together, they will fight. Females cant go together either unless you have 6+ females to form a pecking order, and at least 30 gallons that are heavily planted. Even then the top fish will constantly harass the lower ranking fish which will cause them to die from stress, illness caused by their immune system being lowered by stress, or they will get get killed. Betta's are best alone, or with a bottom dwelling peaceful tropical fish like Corydoras.
tonacolorado - 14 years ago
He is sooo cute! Thank you for this video - I have a 5 gal hex also, and this helps me out a ton.
Spayce Wayster
Spayce Wayster - 14 years ago
this make me hungry for fish sandwich. what time i come for dinner? I take mine blackened.
Dragontrap - 15 years ago
You actually want either real plants or silk, not plastic for your beta; plastic plants can destroy a beta's fins/tail or do worse damage
KnowEverythingAboutNothing - 15 years ago
i got a male and female in the same tank (50g) along with 20 guppies, 1 red tail and 2 plecos, they're doing fine
erovelst - 15 years ago
Happy fishlet :)
TheNinjacat10 - 15 years ago
@pinkfloyd1212 i agree cuz u never know is ur fishy is bad or good but one thing i hate is that the petco guys say u cant let them be togethere i mean what do they know about feelings?
nosyiam - 15 years ago
Can a betta be kept in a 5 gallon half hex tank with 2 or 3 ghost or cherry shrimp? If so which shrimp is better? Thanks
TigerlilsTanks - 15 years ago
Your tank is very nice!
Thomas Varsavsky
Thomas Varsavsky - 15 years ago
having 4 males ad only 2 females is very dangerous. Bettas are meant to be kept in a ratio of one male to 3 or more females. If not the bettas will not divide their agression and they will attack each other
jjstiphens - 15 years ago
if i may suggest could try put in some live floating plants that suits bettas, coz my friend is a breeder and he told me that the plants help remove ammonia and the fish mostly sleep in or on the leaves of the plants. :D
omega7arts - 15 years ago
I don't think betta's like plastic/fake plants,...
Litameena-chan - 15 years ago
Oh! sorry forgot to add that you could probably get 2 African Dwarf Frogs to live with your betta if you chose not to get the ghost shrimp! =]
Litameena-chan - 15 years ago
He's GOREGOUS!!! The plants you chose really bring out his color! You did a wonderful job decorating your tank tand the music is so beautiful and relaxing! =] I hope he has a long and wonderful life! =]
chuzziii - 15 years ago
That is so sweet. Culligan looks so happy. I think you did a beautiful job of decorating your tank. I have had a betta for over two years and I have been thinking of moving him into my 29 gallon tank but I wasn't sure he would be ok living with large gold fish?
LiveFastDieYoung013 - 15 years ago
One word of reccomendation or correction if you will, for bettas bigger is not always better, i deteste the small bowls and would never keep and animal in the them but also be careful on the depth of your tank for betta must always make trips to the surface to breath and the deeper the tank the further they have to travel and it can be very streesful and sometimes lead to death if the tank is to big so watch out
silentlyinmyheart - 15 years ago
Aww this vid makes me happy! And I love the lecture in the info too. The same thing happened to me when I first bought a betta in a cup. I bought this TINY bowl to move him into because I thought it was okay, but then I started reading all about bettas online, and within the week he was all set up just like Culligan. My betta only lived for around a year though, he wasn't very healthy from the start. :( Anyway, great video, and thanks for trying to educate others.
mushroomcloud316 - 15 years ago
Very beautiful Betta indeed, but they even more beautiful when they angry. (Kind of like my girlfriend). Anyway im not suggesting you to put them to fight, my tips is put a small mirror outside of the tank (in front of them). When they see it, they gonna think thats another fish, & they normaly gonna show their true color & ready to fight. Try it. Ooh.. You might want to have you camera ready too. Dont put the mirror too long, 5-10 minutes is good enough.
Mini Matt TV
Mini Matt TV - 15 years ago
hope u realise the 'common' goldfish get huge! and need far more room then regular fish to be properly health and happy due to the amount of waste they produce
koipondity - 15 years ago
very cute!! I also live in Florida- have three bettas (without heaters)!! : ) Have you gotten any more fish since this one?? How did it work out with the ghost shrimp?
cutietwo22 - 15 years ago
I wouldn't worry about a heater. I live in NC and i've had my betta for 4 years now with no heater. Very nice setup!
mmmxpoptarts - 15 years ago
I love your set-up! I have the same tank, but it's hardly as beautiful as yours!
Windskar88 - 15 years ago
I have that same tank but I have some Goldfish :D
Cheeky & Lippy Street
Cheeky & Lippy Street - 15 years ago
Nothing for a 2 gallon - that's JUST enough room for a betta. If you get a bigger tank I would get some cories - they are super funny =)
Sam Johnson
Sam Johnson - 15 years ago
one time i put a mirror in front of my bettas tank and my fish started freking out
danielh8u - 15 years ago
gdgd very gd plz get a slightly bigger tank in time and add a few other fish such as plattys or guppies evenneon tetras
picatsoforfma - 15 years ago
Is the room lit bright enough for him not to see his reflection?
pavy415 - 15 years ago
I usually keept a beta in a pint of water i bought a specially desingned betta tank that holds a pint and he was happy and healthy there. Now i have a betta in a 1.5 gallon tank with many decorations he is not that big of a fish like bearly an inch
KittyCat323 - 15 years ago
Why not? they should put him a heater just in case the room temperature gets cold. and the water is warm
batlady2 - 15 years ago
Its been a while since you made this video. Do you still have Culligan? I think he is probably one of the luckiest Betta's ever. Does he still look as pretty as he does here? His tail is in perfect shape. Its really hard to keep their tales in perfect shape like that. I got a beautiful half moon Betta last year and I swear I kept his water clean just like I was suppose to but still he got fin rot and now his beautiful tail is almost all gone. I've got him on meds. I hope he recovers.
shyheim333 - 15 years ago
i just got mine i named him leonardo leo for short
negaws - 15 years ago
how do u feed it? just bought mines and it spits food back out!
Jason Chen
Jason Chen - 15 years ago
im so sad... mine jumped out of his tank today... i came home and thought it was a dried up leaf.. but my mom found out it was my fish..
BRIS FUNES - 15 years ago
Hi there. I'm a newbee to the Betta Fish..well this is my first fish ever. I bought him the same tank that you have yours in and I introduced him to the tank just yesterday. How often do you change his water and clean the tank? what is the process to change the water and so forth without harming him? thank you much.
chyrd - 15 years ago
and you are dumb
chyrd - 15 years ago
only as much as he can eat in a minute or two
chyrd - 15 years ago
and obviously no other males
chyrd - 15 years ago
get him some female friends and he will build bubble nests...
Yeeeboi - 15 years ago
my betta Died :( R.I.P jr@#@#@:( :(:( nice looking betta thou my grandpa found a 20gallon fish TANK i soo happy and big al's fish store is getting these really good deals you should go buy some friends for 4 ur beta.. by 2mmrow
Ranchie S.
Ranchie S. - 15 years ago
hes pretty =]
blaine200 - 15 years ago
i got the same platic plant as u the one on the right side of your tank.i have it in my 29G tank....i just love bettas....i have 2
Lindsey Lane
Lindsey Lane - 15 years ago
oh my god, your tank is like an orgasm for my eyes, its pretty!!
THE BRANDINO - 15 years ago
no heater needed, they adjust just fine....they are kept in tiny cups in almost freezing retail stores all summer long in most cases. The light from the tank will keep the tank a fairly stable temp along with the fact that you live in a warm climate...just dont leave the light on all the time. :) Get him some freeze dried worm treats and he'll live a LOOOOONG time.
shax - 15 years ago
Thats how you keep a betta right!
avmarr - 15 years ago
He's very beautiful and your tank is lovely. The only thing I would watch out for is the pointed plant, the points could snag his delicate fins and tear them. I recommend silk plants or just very dull edged plastic ones. PS I'm so glad you made this video. There are alot of uneducated betta owners that mean well but are totally suckered in by the lies and myths that people, and even most pet stores feed to potential buyers.
Sean117Ply - 15 years ago
What r u talking about theres enough room for a betta
Teera Sujithamrak
Teera Sujithamrak - 15 years ago
i got mine at Petco :)
Alekz Hernández
Alekz Hernández - 15 years ago
U love ur Betta...I can see it
seeyou414 - 15 years ago
Very beautiful tank.
NeoHedge1 - 15 years ago
Gorgeous setup and a lovely Beta. My favorite color is blue and that much on a fish is kinda rare. I have a blue beta that has withe on it's fins, another that's red with blue neon on it's body and a little on it's tail, and I just got a crowntail that's black, blue, red, and a little neon green.
Espeon02 - 15 years ago
man i can't get over how beautiful your tank is.. i just got a gal tank lol i don't have a whole lot of decorations to fill it yet.. culligan is very handsome too.. check out my tank and tell me what you think :)
Teera Sujithamrak
Teera Sujithamrak - 15 years ago
i wish i could get a big tank and have a sorority of female betta.
Andrea Guzman
Andrea Guzman - 15 years ago
your tank is very pretty. I have two bettas. ONe female and one male. my male is in a 1 gallopn but i was going to buy him a 5 gallon very soon once i get the money. Im hoping someone gets it for me for my birthday comming up because everyone knows i want him to have a bigger tank. My female is in a 55 gallon tank with lots of other fish. She loves it. She even schools with the platy sometimes. Its so cute. I love your tank setup.
Espeon02 - 15 years ago
lol i got a bit carried away too when buying my fish plants and stuff >.> but hes a happy betta now :)
Laura C
Laura C - 15 years ago
Beautiful tank set up!!
Toledough - 15 years ago
WoW what an amazing shade of blue!!!
Teera Sujithamrak
Teera Sujithamrak - 15 years ago
I got mine at Petco. They are available at Petsmart, some Wal-Marts and Target. Target overprices them though. It's called the Eclipse Hex 5. Gravel filters are messy, I would recommend a hood filter. The tank you see here comes with the filter. A lot of bettas don't eat flake food. Flake food is messy because particles fall in the water. I recommend betta pellets. You can get them at Petco, Petsmart, Wal-Mart. They are like less than $2 and you get the same amount as flakes.
adimepeace - 15 years ago
I just bought a male betta fish and I also purchased a 1 gallon fish tank (I do plan on purchasing a 5 gallon tank soon. Where did you get yours??) that comes with a gravel stone filter. My filter makes small bubbles and goes out in the filter tube.. I was wondering if that will bother my betta? and also my betta is not eating his fish food flakes.. what food do you recommend I should feed him with?
Teera Sujithamrak
Teera Sujithamrak - 15 years ago
Well he's getting up there in age. Feed him every other day. Culligan was starting to get fat so that's what I did and he's looking average again. Also, can you upgrade him to like a 3-5 gallon container? Give him some interesting decorations to catch his attention and he might be more inclined to explore.
Teera Sujithamrak
Teera Sujithamrak - 15 years ago
i can't tell how big your bowl is. is it 2.5 gallons? if it is, it's alright for your fish but if you can upgrade, you should definitely consider it :) thanks!
Xtine t
Xtine t - 15 years ago
thats such a kool fish tank with all the colours..etc, im real keen to my buy fish kool lil house things and live plants
marko5588 - 15 years ago
nice...i suggest placing a mirror beside the tank on a regular basis to wake him up...he looks a little...bored, also the mirror would be his exercise. Place the mirror every 1 -2 days.
xxsuperxrad - 15 years ago
He's gorgeous. Great job taking care of him. =]
Crystal Cruz
Crystal Cruz - 15 years ago
omg! ur betta fish is soo beautiful!
Sebastian Andres Alarcon Lopez
Sebastian Andres Alarcon Lopez - 15 years ago
wow 5 stars
Jared'sToyBox - 16 years ago
Hahah, true. If you go to Petco you may actually find some halfmoons there :) I think Petco has recently started selling halfmoons regularly and they are only $17! I got a gorgeous turqouise one there 2 weeks ago and he's great.
Teera Sujithamrak
Teera Sujithamrak - 16 years ago
a lot of stores have it for 49.99 but i got this for 39.99
Teera Sujithamrak
Teera Sujithamrak - 16 years ago
thank you :):)
Teera Sujithamrak
Teera Sujithamrak - 16 years ago
i did the frozen bloodworm thing. he loves it!! all my bettas love it haha they go nuts
Teera Sujithamrak
Teera Sujithamrak - 16 years ago
yea i actually did remove the spiky plant i was afraid his tail would get slashed i replaced it with some silk ones :)
Teera Sujithamrak
Teera Sujithamrak - 16 years ago
i want to try live plants in a new aquarium i got but havent gotten around to it. i dont know if i have enough substrate in that one actually. i saw some beautiful halfmoons at aquabid, i agree they're really pretty. they're expensive though and ppl want them anyway so i feel like i should rescue the common veiltails LOL
Teera Sujithamrak
Teera Sujithamrak - 16 years ago
thanks! its from the sea garden collection. "red heml plant" i think.
Teera Sujithamrak
Teera Sujithamrak - 16 years ago
thanks for your advice! i got a couple mystery snails instead
Teera Sujithamrak
Teera Sujithamrak - 16 years ago
aww that sounds nice i want some female bettas but i dont have room for another aquarium haha
Teera Sujithamrak
Teera Sujithamrak - 16 years ago
You have to take the entire top off if you want to, say, scrub algae off with an acrylic-safe cloth. Other than the top being inconvenient, yes its easy to clean. I havent had any visible algae growth and I use a syphon to do water changes which is really simple.
Luci Papke
Luci Papke - 16 years ago
Culligan may eat any ghost shrimp you put in there.... I know my betta's love eating cherry shrimp (although ghost shrimp will be a bit bigger and more camoufaged than cherries...) Nice tank and nice fish =) keep it up!
gmcummings - 16 years ago
Nice video! Great music! Awesome fish! I saw your video on the PETCO reviews...I had to watch it again in full size :) I got my kids the same tank for Christmas...I have 3 female bettas and some danios to keep them company.
m1lkhoney - 16 years ago
I'm not usually a fan of colored plants, but I'm really liking the pink in this setup. I might try that in a few of my tanks. Beautiful fish and a beautiful tank.
Jared'sToyBox - 16 years ago
Gorgeous little setup you have there! It's great to see that you did your research and gave this sweet little betta a palace to call his own. I wish more people would treat their fish better. You should try live plants if you ever get the chance. Some are low light and easy to care for. The betta would love the real plants and they also look the best. They also aid in filtration. I would also recommend getting a halfmoon betta sometime! They are the best and most gorgeous.
Teera Sujithamrak
Teera Sujithamrak - 16 years ago
thanks! i got the one on the front left at walmart, the front right at petco and the pink one on ebay. i have all but the pink one listed on ebay, let me know if you want the listing URL. the listing also includes a resin rock.
Teera Sujithamrak
Teera Sujithamrak - 16 years ago
Thanks! It's called "After Winter Dreams" I believe. Its in the Youtube Audio Swap.
Teera Sujithamrak
Teera Sujithamrak - 16 years ago
Thank you :)
Teera Sujithamrak
Teera Sujithamrak - 16 years ago
Thank you!
Teera Sujithamrak
Teera Sujithamrak - 16 years ago
Thanks :)
Teera Sujithamrak
Teera Sujithamrak - 16 years ago
Yea, I read that plastic ones can so I changed to silk.
Teera Sujithamrak
Teera Sujithamrak - 16 years ago
What's your tank temperature? It shouldn't be below 75. He may be stressed but maybe you can tell me more about his tank and what water you have in there as well as any water conditioners you may have added
KHALABEBE - 16 years ago
I have red that fake plants damage the bettas tail
Rafael Bocorny
Rafael Bocorny - 16 years ago
Your tank is really nice too! Your betta is beautiful, congrats!
Teera Sujithamrak
Teera Sujithamrak - 16 years ago
Idk if its just because my tank is newish (3 wks) or because I have only 1 fish in a 5 gallon tank. I use AquaSafe by Tetra to prep my tap water and add aquarium salt. I let the water age approx. 5-7 days. Other than that, I use a gravel siphon to vacuum debris every time I do a water change. All my water changes are only 20-25% water changes. My tank is filtered w/carbon activated cartridge. I don't know if I helped at all but thats what I do. Good luck with your fishes!
Teera Sujithamrak
Teera Sujithamrak - 16 years ago
Thanks :) The hex 5 is good so far. I have never had any other tank to compare but I'm pleased with this tank. The only thing is it is inconvenient to clean because the entire top must come off. The filter works great for a betta, its gentle and efficient.
Teera Sujithamrak
Teera Sujithamrak - 16 years ago
Cool, they're fun. I've never been much of a fish person but Culligan keeps me company by my computer. I really enjoy watching him swim around :)
Teera Sujithamrak
Teera Sujithamrak - 16 years ago
It's called Tetra Whisper Heater. I think the watt is 50, which seems kinda much for a 5 gallon but Tetra says its safe for aquariums 2-15gallons. Its the only one at Wal-Mart, I wanted to go to Petco but have been super busy this week or I could've saved like $5 on a heater. Oh well. I'm gonna go check out your video now!
Teera Sujithamrak
Teera Sujithamrak - 16 years ago
Thanks :) I like your tanks too I just went and got him a heater tonight
ohjoannabanana - 16 years ago
You have a very pretty tank and I love Culligan's bright blue coloring.
Tinwelende - 16 years ago
Ghost shrimp in this tank would probably work well. They will have a lot to hide in as well, if they want to, so that's good. Good luck! :)

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