Cycling A Betta Fish Tank (Episode 4)
Betta 7 years ago 10,565 views
How to cycle a tank. Cycling a Betta fish takes time and patience. Cycling a tank is important as you need the beneficial bacteria to build up in the tank making the water safe for fish. To begin cycling a tank you need to add an ammonia source. That can be put ammonia or fish food. If your adding pure ammonia you need to follow the direction on the bottle. If you're using fish feed, we added a pinch of food every other day. We added Seachem Stability to the tank as directed on the bottle. We did one water change during the cycle. The tank cycled in 3 weeks. NEW Merchandise Want to support us? LIVE PLANTS use our coupon code to get 15% off aquarium plants when you order with H2oplants... use code LWP15 Tank dividers. Sponge filters Air Pump Kit Bridge Decorations Root Tabs Water Conditioner. Fluval Stratum Betta heater Betta Pellets Master Test Kit. Stability. Gravel Vacuum Thermometer Led light LETS CONNECT! Instagram ~ Facebook ~ website ~ Business inquiries only. *Disclaimer ~ This video is not sponsored in anyway. All opinions are our own. The above links are Amazon Affiliate links. We'll receive a small commission if you use these links, thank you for supporting our channel. This video content is the property of Lifewithpets72 and may not be used or reproduced without written permission.
Thank you for your video
Unfortunately because of my ignorance I didn’t know that we need to do this before
My BF got me a betta fish, so that day I went and bought a tank with a kit
So I installed everything and I add the liquid for clear water, the liquid for the chlorine removal and the liquid for the cycle and I added my fish ☹️, that was yesterday.... what’s going to happen? Is he going to die?
I was afraid to put the full dose in my small tanks (I have only put half a capful in daily). So far, my betta fish (and a snail) seem happy and healthy, but could you explain this for future reference? Thank you!
10. comment for Cycling A Betta Fish Tank (Episode 4)
blueammonia:0.25 Nitrites:0.25 Nitrates:10. I am dosing with stability everyday feeding the tank with fish food but to me that is not a normal reading... can you help me with this please? For me it looks like it is too soon to change the water what do u think?I’ll do a ten percent water change and continue to be patient!
Thank you for the reply!
thanks from Malaysia.
by the way i am newbie about 3 weeks in aquarium.n today i lost my 3 mollies
20. comment for Cycling A Betta Fish Tank (Episode 4)
Just giving my thoughts since no one else has on this comment which seems to be pretty time-sensitive and requires an answer, but if anyone a little more experienced with the hobby wanted to weigh in, I'm sure it'd be appreciated.
30. comment for Cycling A Betta Fish Tank (Episode 4)
The pH was around 8 and the ammonia was 0.25ppm ~
I use a water conditioner which said to remove up to 1.0ppm of ammonia and 6ppm of chlorine.
Should i still be concerned?
50. comment for Cycling A Betta Fish Tank (Episode 4)
great video as always !