DIY BIG Aquarium of plastic bottle || CrazyIndianHacker
Betta 7 years ago 207,375 views
this is is just entertainment, not for Betta fish tank. with waste material, In this video you will learn how to make an aquarium of plastic bottle which is 3oz bottle To make a big aquarium out of a plastic bottle, simply peel off the bottle label, cut off the top of the bottle, fill it with rocks and vegetation, and pour water over its contents. Create a recycled aquarium that can become the home of a small goldfish with tips from an experienced craftsman in this free video on recycled craft projects.
10. comment for DIY BIG Aquarium of plastic bottle || CrazyIndianHacker
20. comment for DIY BIG Aquarium of plastic bottle || CrazyIndianHacker
russia, korea, india.......etc :)
you are one of the good person to grow my channel
can you show me some trick to make aquarium from bottle for neon fish ?
30. comment for DIY BIG Aquarium of plastic bottle || CrazyIndianHacker
is it good to buy this product?
you are one of the good person to grow my channel
you are one of the good person to grow my channel
Wow in malaysia we call it
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