DIY nano sponge filter, betta fish tank

DIY nano sponge filter, betta fish tank Hey every one check out this tiny nano sponge filter i made for the diy nano aquarium that i will be putting a betta fish in here very soon! Subscribe to my channel for more informational aquarium videos! Subscribe: Donate to support this channel: Dont have the time to optimize your videos or just need help getting your channel going ? Tube Buddy is an awesome free tool that i discovered and has definetly helped me with titles, tagging, etc and really saves time. I use the pro version which is dirt cheap, but i did start out with the free version which is still awesome to give you a little bit of help: (affiliate) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MY TOP MONEY SAVING PRODUCTS SUNSUN 302 PRO: SUNSUN 304B: SUNSUN Mini Wavemaker: Bacto Surge Sponge Filters: Ehiem Jager Heater:

DIY nano sponge filter, betta fish tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 0

Betta 7 years ago 992 views

DIY nano sponge filter, betta fish tank Hey every one check out this tiny nano sponge filter i made for the diy nano aquarium that i will be putting a betta fish in here very soon! Subscribe to my channel for more informational aquarium videos! Subscribe: Donate to support this channel: Dont have the time to optimize your videos or just need help getting your channel going ? Tube Buddy is an awesome free tool that i discovered and has definetly helped me with titles, tagging, etc and really saves time. I use the pro version which is dirt cheap, but i did start out with the free version which is still awesome to give you a little bit of help: (affiliate) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MY TOP MONEY SAVING PRODUCTS SUNSUN 302 PRO: SUNSUN 304B: SUNSUN Mini Wavemaker: Bacto Surge Sponge Filters: Ehiem Jager Heater:

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Most popular comments
for DIY nano sponge filter, betta fish tank

Ha-y-n Brian
Ha-y-n Brian - 7 years ago
Aloha Anthony! Again i find myself using the word "cute". I didnt think cute would be applicable to fish or fish related things...But i got it from watching one of Jadren Aquatics box openings that had baby corys and he used it.
I have a suggestion on the filter...instead of and no pun intended...inserting the hose what you can do is take a 3 way...again no pun intended...or is there? LMAO!!! Sorry couldnt resist.
#Smart ass ....a 3 way splitter or an L shaped tubing connector and put one end in 1 of the holes in the top row of the uplift tube, seal it, connect airline to the other end and zip tie the airline to the uplift tube. If you use a 3 way connector, just seal one of the openings so it functions like a L shaped connector. Its much more secure and wont come out like it can if you just insert it in the top. Hope this helps. Well, talking about 3 ways and inserting things into other things has put me in a certain mood so i must be going now....LMAO!!!! ROTFF!!!
Sam Melyanets
Sam Melyanets - 7 years ago
Really simple, but should be effective! Great!
Fishman - 7 years ago
As always I love diy. This is coming along nicely. Just because no one has said it yet, it's sooooo cute! lol. Have a Merry Christmas.
DebTim A CANADIAN Girl - 7 years ago
Anthony.. it's so adorable. lol I have a dozen of those.. a few round ones too. The do a great job in my Betta cubes 1 gallon!!
Awsome job.. especially from an established foam!! ❣️
E. J. Brinegar
E. J. Brinegar - 7 years ago
Dear Anthony:
You make DIY aquarist projects look so much fun!  Your nano-tank is coming along nicely and I’m hoping that your filter does the job adequately.  This type of nano filtration appears to work well for DebTim a Canadian Girl, so you should have no problems.
Thank you for sharing this DIY project with us.  I’m looking forward to seeing the completed project.
E. J. Brinegar
Unconventional Aquatics
Unconventional Aquatics - 7 years ago
E. J. Brinegar thank you for stopping in, I greatly appreciate you stopping in and always having supportive words
Weenie Hut Jr's
Weenie Hut Jr's - 7 years ago
Damn you're cool. I like that you're normal and down to earth not like these now pretty prevalent obnoxious Dustin voice copycats.
Unconventional Aquatics
Unconventional Aquatics - 7 years ago
Weenie Hut Jr's haha yeah I see that a lot these days, wish everyone would just be themselves. Thank you for the kind comments really means a lot
GDee Cichlids
GDee Cichlids - 7 years ago
Bravo!! Awesome build man. I'm impressed.
Unconventional Aquatics
Unconventional Aquatics - 7 years ago
GDee Cichlids thanks brotha much appreciated! Thank you for stopping by
Aquarium Show
Aquarium Show - 7 years ago
That looks really nice. You must of save more money doing this. Nice video.
Unconventional Aquatics
Unconventional Aquatics - 7 years ago
Aquarium Show yea this has been a huge money saver, so far I’ve spent nothing, but after the heater, plants, and fish it will still be super cheap build. Thank you for stopping by I appreciate it
Cecelia's Hobbies
Cecelia's Hobbies - 7 years ago
That's got to be the cutest darn filter I've seen. LOL I made one out of a small fish food container. Yours is cooler!!
Cecelia's Hobbies
Cecelia's Hobbies - 7 years ago
Unconventional Aquatics not yet but I plan on doing one. Thank you.
Unconventional Aquatics
Unconventional Aquatics - 7 years ago
Cecelia's Hobbies haha thank you! Do you have a video on that filter? I’d love to see it

10. comment for DIY nano sponge filter, betta fish tank

Brent Bennett
Brent Bennett - 7 years ago
Awesome as usual bud
Unconventional Aquatics
Unconventional Aquatics - 7 years ago
Brent Bennett thanks brotha, I appreciate you stopping by
George fish tank
George fish tank - 7 years ago
What kind of heater I would do one that sticks to the bottom of the tank
Unconventional Aquatics
Unconventional Aquatics - 7 years ago
George fish tank I will check those out today, going to my LFS here in a min
Paul Beck
Paul Beck - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas!!
Unconventional Aquatics
Unconventional Aquatics - 7 years ago
Paul Beck Merry Christmas too you as well, thank you for stopping by
JRPy Fish-n-Game
JRPy Fish-n-Game - 7 years ago
Nice deal on the nano sponge filter. Merry Christmas!
Unconventional Aquatics
Unconventional Aquatics - 7 years ago
JRPy Fish-n-Game Merry Christmas to you as well, greatly appreciate you stopping in✊
Angelo's Fish Tanks
Angelo's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
Awesome lil diy
Unconventional Aquatics
Unconventional Aquatics - 7 years ago
Angelo's Fish Tanks thanks bro
NYGOLD - 7 years ago
Santa called he has some work for you next year. LoL Cool little filter I dig it.
Unconventional Aquatics
Unconventional Aquatics - 7 years ago
haahahaha im dying!
Cyn Pet Vlogs
Cyn Pet Vlogs - 7 years ago
For sure make a tutorial for this or I'll just steal yours. :P
Unconventional Aquatics
Unconventional Aquatics - 7 years ago
Hahaha i will put a tutorial togehter then! lol
Ry Mac cichlids
Ry Mac cichlids - 7 years ago
Wow that’s really cool ant I would love to see a vid on how you make the sponge really good job on the tank sounds like your having fun with it which is what it’s all about merry Christmas to you and your my friend #fishfam
Unconventional Aquatics
Unconventional Aquatics - 7 years ago
Thanks brotha, i appreciate the support you always give me really means alot, i will definetly put together a tutotrial. Merry Christmas to you and your family as well✊ #fishfam
Red Dirt Cichlids
Red Dirt Cichlids - 7 years ago
Man its looking good
Unconventional Aquatics
Unconventional Aquatics - 7 years ago
Thanks brotha i greatly appreciate it!
Chris Cichlids
Chris Cichlids - 7 years ago
Unconventional Aquatics
Unconventional Aquatics - 7 years ago
thanks brotha i appreciate you stoppin in as always

20. comment for DIY nano sponge filter, betta fish tank

Bettaxfish 1
Bettaxfish 1 - 7 years ago
I’m not sure if you have a lid but you do need one. I love this and it’s great! It looks amazing. Your betta will jump out so make sure you have it.
Bettaxfish 1
Bettaxfish 1 - 7 years ago
Unconventional Aquatics always ~
Unconventional Aquatics
Unconventional Aquatics - 7 years ago
its going to have a lid of floating plants lol thanks for stopping by, you know i appreciate it
Bettaxfish 1
Bettaxfish 1 - 7 years ago
I love the lights in the tank.
Bettaxfish 1
Bettaxfish 1 - 7 years ago
THIS IS GREAT!1!1!1!!!!
Bettaxfish 1
Bettaxfish 1 - 7 years ago
Hunter's channel
Hunter's channel - 7 years ago
Great idea!

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