DIY How to Build a Betta Barracks Rack System - Betta Fish room. Fry Growing Rack.
Betta 9 years ago 31,084 views
Today I teach you how I build this betta barracks system. It's a rack system that uses a sump to circulate the water between all the bettas slowly. I plan to build an even larger system after this one. Using rain gutters and a small pump you two could be housing 20 bettas! Matala Mat: Valves: If you've enjoyed this video and haven't already subscribed to our channel, please click that subscribe button now.
10. comment for DIY How to Build a Betta Barracks Rack System - Betta Fish room. Fry Growing Rack.
20. comment for DIY How to Build a Betta Barracks Rack System - Betta Fish room. Fry Growing Rack.
30. comment for DIY How to Build a Betta Barracks Rack System - Betta Fish room. Fry Growing Rack.
Question: Lamont and you both feed live blackworms. What is your source for those? No issues with disease? I know some people are afraid to use them.
As to the black worms. I bring them in from wholesalers. We go through 10+ pounds every week at the store. I find that all foods have problems with disease. Even flake food spoils. Some parasites etc make it through frozen foods. Sometimes frozen foods get thawed in transit and refroze which fouls them. Even live daphnia if it's from outside has parasites etc. I think you have to weigh the benefits vs the risk. Live black worms really help put weight on fish and spawn them. You could also get some issues. But if you can spawn a fish with live black worms, or not using "safe foods" really only live black worms is accomplishing the goal.
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50. comment for DIY How to Build a Betta Barracks Rack System - Betta Fish room. Fry Growing Rack.
Just my thoughts
The excuse that its "just temporary before they go to their new home" ignores the fact that unless the shop keeper is prepared to spend a HUGE amount of time educating every customer who sees their betta rack/bowls/cups the impression given and the assumption made is that this is acceptable long term husbandry for the species. That falsehood is now so deeply engrained I believe that its now the responsibility of reputable fish retailers to SHOW customers how it should be done.
I've seen some very imaginative use (post quarantine) of cascading weir based racks that combine excellent generous foot print with shallow depth (bettas don't need much depth) with constant water changes and are perfect for display of aquatic plants for sale.