Delta tail Male & Crowntail Female Betta Fish - Fights & Love

I don't know why but the beta fishes I put in my aquarium are not mingling well. Intended to get some baby beta for keeping in more aquariums. But the fight seems like it will mess whole things up. Giving a like would really help this video so give a like ..! Like or Share this video and Subscribe to my channel for upcoming videos. My Youtube channel : Connect me on Social Networks too Google+ : Twitter : Socl : Like gaming and watching gaming videos, subscribe my gaming channel for game montages, let's play and much more. Gaming Channel : All music have been downloaded from YouTube Music Library

Delta tail Male & Crowntail Female Betta Fish - Fights & Love sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2031

Betta 10 years ago 749,276 views

I don't know why but the beta fishes I put in my aquarium are not mingling well. Intended to get some baby beta for keeping in more aquariums. But the fight seems like it will mess whole things up. Giving a like would really help this video so give a like ..! Like or Share this video and Subscribe to my channel for upcoming videos. My Youtube channel : Connect me on Social Networks too Google+ : Twitter : Socl : Like gaming and watching gaming videos, subscribe my gaming channel for game montages, let's play and much more. Gaming Channel : All music have been downloaded from YouTube Music Library

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Most popular comments
for Delta tail Male & Crowntail Female Betta Fish - Fights & Love

Aaliyah_Cien Gaming & More
Aaliyah_Cien Gaming & More - 7 years ago
first of all why are you just watching them fight there fins are like you used a cheese grader and gradded their fins off!! ANIMAL CRUALTY
balık günlüğü
balık günlüğü - 7 years ago
No animals figt
Dawsony - 7 years ago
Why have you done this?
Lex Wilson
Lex Wilson - 7 years ago
Isaiah Quevedo
Isaiah Quevedo - 7 years ago
Animal abuse you horrible person
Ali Nayef Hassin علي نايف الحمقول
Ali Nayef Hassin علي نايف الحمقول - 7 years ago
You are not a human being
Niềm Tin & Nụ Cười
Niềm Tin & Nụ Cười - 7 years ago
Thank for video.
Can you show my Beatta fish.
This video:
Fish Potato
Fish Potato - 7 years ago
I was going to clean my Betta’s cage so I scooped her up in a cup full of water and set her on my desk. I went back to the bowl and grabbed it and as I walked past my desk I looked in the cup and my betta was gone. I looked around and saw her flopping on the floor. I freaked out and put the bowl down and scooped her in my hands. That’s the last time I’m cleaning her bowl. My mom usually does it anyway
Ryan Bomboy
Ryan Bomboy - 7 years ago
Poor bettas...

10. comment for Delta tail Male & Crowntail Female Betta Fish - Fights & Love

Sweet'n sour Gaming
Sweet'n sour Gaming - 7 years ago
you're autistic
Ya Rith
Ya Rith - 7 years ago
My betta fish not fight anymore I gust let him with together at 10 minutes and my stop fighting
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 7 years ago
They will after sometime unless you see the eggs in female and male building large amount of bubble nest you should not keep them together use a transparent bottle with bottom cut and top open to trap the female or use a divider between them.
Niranjana Savdekar
Niranjana Savdekar - 7 years ago
You don't know that if you keep betta fish together , they fight and kill each other
ThisWeirdAsian Kassie
ThisWeirdAsian Kassie - 7 years ago
This is N͟O͟T͟ okay. Wtf!?!
Vishal Ragh
Vishal Ragh - 7 years ago
pls don't waste innocent lives like this
Cutex19 AJ
Cutex19 AJ - 7 years ago
You're not supposed to be putting females & males together unless you're a professional breeder
chad bayley
chad bayley - 7 years ago
I'm only watching things in case I breed my betta and cant tell the difference
Lauren Rockwell
Lauren Rockwell - 7 years ago
This is cruelty.
Charlie Yang
Charlie Yang - 7 years ago
Your so fucking stupid. You can't keep two male bettas or one male and one female together. They will fight to the death. The only god damn time you can keep betta together is a betta sorority and the sorority tank has to be like 10 gallons at the minimum. Fucking do some research, god damn.
HellAngeL - 7 years ago
Sinto joseph.. your wanking hand can't hold the camera properly you nigga
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 7 years ago
ok nigga..

20. comment for Delta tail Male & Crowntail Female Betta Fish - Fights & Love

Nishan Kr. Nepal
Nishan Kr. Nepal - 7 years ago
Ryguy K
Ryguy K - 7 years ago
Seriously this is bad for bettas
Rainbow Cat
Rainbow Cat - 7 years ago
Beta fish look like anime we're fighting and feel in love after fighting
Small forest dweller
Small forest dweller - 7 years ago
Please research before getting animals.
Blacken the Cursed sun
Blacken the Cursed sun - 7 years ago
Everyone just needs to quit bitching. It's a fish for fucks sake. I don't see y'all on fisherman's pages bitchin about stupid shit like this. Some people wanted to look this up because they've never seen it. Then the video gets flamed because everyone cries about everything these days. Don't like it, get off this video and go back to Miley cyrus' page and watch that shit.
Melissa Wing
Melissa Wing - 7 years ago
What some angry fish!
ZeroGgamer - 7 years ago
Why do you asshole people hate this videos?
Addi Cat
Addi Cat - 7 years ago
they both clearly have fin rot
DarkKlasher_k1ng - 7 years ago
Shut up "animal lovers" why do you even come to this video?
안나 Oh
안나 Oh - 7 years ago
That first Betta at the beginning of the video was barely recovering ...... I know Betta fishes are "Fighting " fish but I have two and I keep them in separate tanks , cause I enjoy seeing them swimming around without competition.

30. comment for Delta tail Male & Crowntail Female Betta Fish - Fights & Love

TheGuitaronfire76 - 7 years ago
Try to follow the fish when he moves or you'll just be filming bubbles
The Awesome Sisters
The Awesome Sisters - 7 years ago
I feel so bad
XOXOsavannahzStuffXOxo Savege
XOXOsavannahzStuffXOxo Savege - 7 years ago
How could u be so cruel and put to fighting fish together knowing they will fight it's the same thing with dog fights it's horrible and sad and to all u peeps who say it's natural in the wild well they live in huge bodies of water where they rarely come in contact
XOXOsavannahzStuffXOxo Savege
XOXOsavannahzStuffXOxo Savege - 7 years ago
Sarcasmica well it wasn't Neccesarry
XOXOsavannahzStuffXOxo Savege
XOXOsavannahzStuffXOxo Savege - 7 years ago
Sarcasmica just like If your ROBLOX acc got hacked
Sarcasmica - 7 years ago
Randomly_Awesome Stuff And if they do come in contact, all of you will start crying about it.
Teddy time
Teddy time - 7 years ago
Randomly_Awesome Stuff he was trying to breed them
Andreas - 7 years ago
yeah crowntail females are harsh... they full of white with red fins... so... next time, get a noob friendly betta.
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 7 years ago
Thats for suggestion
Andreas - 7 years ago
An female betta also has a thick stomach with a little papille for laying the eggs.
Andreas - 7 years ago
The female isnt a female... a female gets three stripes
Amber Goodrich
Amber Goodrich - 7 years ago
that is so stupid I don't even do that
Vasanthi E
Vasanthi E - 7 years ago
cost of gold Betta crowntail
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 7 years ago
It depends on the season sometime its high sometime different.
Everything Arik
Everything Arik - 7 years ago
i had a delta tail as a class pet but it died and turned white
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 7 years ago
how where did you kept it.. ???
Taha Habeebuddin
Taha Habeebuddin - 8 years ago
I have betta in my room it is a koi betta :D
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 8 years ago
great one..its nice variety
Betta Aesthetics
Betta Aesthetics - 8 years ago
You need to breed them in a different tank (less bubbles, it ruins the bubble nest sometimes and floats off eggs from the father's sight). Next time float a Styrofoam cup (cut in half) into the tank and let him make a nest in it. Also wait until your female is showing breeding strips vertically not horizontal. (horizontal is can be caused by stress and other factors) Also you should of put a divider to introduce them to each other after he made his nest. The male should flare up and show off and the female will move closer to the divider and show some signs of interest. Also to prevent damaging each other to death place some hiding spots for the male and female to run to if they have to. If they show nothing but aggression and seem to be wanting to fight everytime they interact. Take the female out and divide her again. If The fish are too badly injure you should stop and let them heal and rest from 3 days to 1-2 weeks or more depending on damage[server damage will show that you left them quarreling for too long before separating them, to avoid that you should keep close and monitor behavior]. (aquarium salt is a great for fast healing but not too much).
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 8 years ago
Thanks it will help me and others out here who may be willing to know it.
white board and paper creations
white board and paper creations - 8 years ago
your a horrible person, knowingly letting them fight dont say you thought they were breeding or some crap because in the the title you say there fighting. Use some common sense, why do you think they are separated from each other at stores??????? Common sense.
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 8 years ago
I did it already.
LOLWUT? - 8 years ago
+Sinto Joseph you should've removed one of them then
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 8 years ago
I didn't knew that time about betta fish male and female also fight I thought that only female betta fish fights and that's it.
Lei Flame
Lei Flame - 8 years ago
It is a normal part of their courtship for some fin nipping to be going on with bettas. However, with a current that strong the male will be unable to build a proper nest without it being torn to pieces. Before you breed bettas you want to introduce the male to the female through a divider of some sort, inside the tank in a jar or such. This will get him used to her and give him a chance to build a nest. You also want to make sure that your tank has plenty of hiding places for her to hide from him. Their courtship can go to extremes at times. This is more aggressive behavior than actual courtship. Courtship in itself can get quite nasty, but with your filter and lack of bubble nest they're not in "breeding mode." It's almost important to remove her after they mate. Most of the time the male will end up killing the female as she often eats the eggs, which he cares for. In fact, you should not keep male with females generally unless they are mating, it doesn't work out. Even two females can show aggression among themselves, why it's best to keep three or more so the aggression can be spread around. Also, be careful with mirrors. It stresses bettas out when they see themselves. In the wild they are very territorial and fights break out over them. In the wild though the loser can swim away to safety. However, in a captive environment they can't, it usually ends up in death of one or both fish. In very rare instances with huge tanks and dense plant cover can two or more male bettas be kept together. Mirrors stimulate these territorial fights as they think they're being invaded, naturally. The best exercise for your fish it to simply give it enough room to swim around. They stay fit as long as you don't over feed them, which is also one of the leading causes of swim bladder.
Kyle Chen
Kyle Chen - 7 years ago
Lei Flame I
Fouad Abdulkadir
Fouad Abdulkadir - 8 years ago
Lei Flame
Lei Flame
Lei Flame - 8 years ago
Sometimes they do, the females are usually easy to tell apart from the males due to their fins. What are you planning on feeding the babies? They eggs hatch 24-48 hours after they mate then the dad cares for them for the next few days. Once their egg sacs disappear you need to feed them something they can eat and remove him. Micro worms are a good choice, as they're easier to catch than baby brine shrimp for the little ones. You also need to keep your tank at 80F for spawning babies.
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 8 years ago
I bought another set of pair which the shop keeper told is in pair however when I isolated the female in a container and left the male free in front of the container in the aquarium I saw the female is building a bubble nest in the container so does the female builds the nest or does the male do that... this left me in doubt on whether both are males.
Lovebetta - 8 years ago
This so so not good.
Miguel Rodriguez
Miguel Rodriguez - 8 years ago
Beta fish are the Sharks of the fish
TrinketBird - 8 years ago
Sharks are fish
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 8 years ago
What you mean by that ?
Mike Hamada
Mike Hamada - 8 years ago
Lol the amount of dumb ignorant haters who don't know shit about betta fish disliking like they would even know which is the female dumb fuck hipsters I guess
Mike Hamada
Mike Hamada - 8 years ago
+Sinto Joseph sorry about that just ignore that guy. and btw I'm not sure but I think one of my males is a different species of betta called peaceful betta you might wanna check thaws out they're actually less hostile.
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 8 years ago
don't use hate speech here
Mike Hamada
Mike Hamada - 8 years ago
+Amanda Werner I'm pretty sure you were looking at the mirror when you made that reply. if any one of us is to be an uneducated stubborn rude piece of shit it would be you. And FYI I've had my 4 bettas in the same tank for about a year and half and so far none of them have injured or attacked each other. they mostly prefer to stay away from each other also as I mentioned before I feed them separately and I don't place all the food in one spot so they won't have to compete for food you imbecile of a Buffon.
Amanda Werner
Amanda Werner - 8 years ago
You are an absolute fool and Sinto is blantant fucking proof that you are. No matter how "big" your tank is or how many hiding places, no matter what other fish, betta will always fight each other and fight other fish as well. Breeding one pair of pet store bettas in sub-optimal conditions doesn't make you an expert and neither does owning four betta fish. Five minutes on literally ANY betta fish forum, subreddit, or half-decent Facebook group will show you how much of a completely uneducated idiot you are.

I won't respond to any more of your comments, but for the love of god, I hope someone locks you in a room with someone you hate in the near future and forces you to fight to the death for food, access to contact your family, and a place to live. I hope after days of endless fighting, when you're missing limbs and beaten half bloody, your opponent finally beats you and puts you out of your misery... That way you'll understand not only what it's like for a the betta fish of fools following your advice but also, the world will finally be rid of one more useless piece of shit on the internet.
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 8 years ago
ok then ..I got it
Mike Hamada
Mike Hamada - 8 years ago
+Sinto Joseph it's ok to place the betta with guppy Cuz the guppys are smart and they'll avoid the betta when it's near them if they have space to get away from him but if the guppy is too small or a baby the betta will eat it also .... A TURTLE !!?!? It's a HORRIBLE IDEA! turtles my not seem like it but they will kill and eat your fishes even if they're at the same size of the fishes they'll still attack the fish and badly injure it ! My advise if you believe your turtle has no interest in the fishes it's ok but just keep an eye on him.
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 8 years ago
I am keeping the bettas with few gupy fishes and it is in the planted aquarium you can see it in the latest videos the planted aquarium I think that may be enough for them and also I have a turtle too now.
Mike Hamada
Mike Hamada - 8 years ago
Oh and one more thing when you place another male for the first time they might fight and chase each other but it was temporarily for men and after a while they both chose and knew which side of the tank is theirs.
Mike Hamada
Mike Hamada - 8 years ago
One of my males I didn't buy I've just had him since he was hatched and although he doesn't wants to fight his siblings and other bettas he will if he's stressed and placed in a cramped space with another betta especially if it's another male
Mike Hamada
Mike Hamada - 8 years ago
Make sure the tank isn't too small and they have space also place rocks or allege decorations so they won't have to see each other the whole time and so that they can recognize their marked turf other wise they'll fight also if they had bad life experience and I'm not saying you but probably the person you bought them from wasn't very good at taking care of them that might startle them for good and make them hostile.
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 8 years ago
ok got it I am trying this method on my new betta pair but they are still fighting. Its a random event dude, it happens if you are lucky enough
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 8 years ago
ok got it I am trying this method on my new betta pair but they are still fighting. Its a random event dude, it happens if you are lucky enough
Mike Hamada
Mike Hamada - 8 years ago
+Sinto Joseph make sure the tank is decent sized and it's not cramped and when you buy them don't place them in the same tank all at once because whenever you place them in a new tank or recently Bought them they're quite confused and stressed out and they can't tell if they're bothering other fishes also once two male bettas are settled and calm make sure you place food for both of their turfs other wise one of them will get hungry and trespass the others and turf and it will lead to a fight.
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 8 years ago
Keeping calm a betta or such random fish is not that easy I don't know that magic
Mike Hamada
Mike Hamada - 8 years ago
+Amanda Werner 1# I've bred bettas and I'm pretty sure I know what talking about.
2# I own a medium sized tank and in it I have 2 male and 2 female bettas the two males dont trespass each other's territory and they don't fight or injure each other
3# if you believe betts will kill each other that's because your knowledge is shit and you're a horrible owner. because bettas in fish tanks only try to kill or attack each other in tanks when they're stressed and confused. a decent owner knows how to keep them calm and thus they will avoid each other instead of killing.
Amanda Werner
Amanda Werner - 8 years ago
The only dumb ignorant hater here is you. Betta fish cannot be bred without careful planning, research and experience. If you are not breeding then there is NO reason to keep two male or a male/female pair together. 99% they will fight to the point where one of then dies. They are extremely territorial and in a while live in massive rice paddies where they are hidden from each other most of the time and have plenty of space to have their own areas.

Keeping two bettas together is cruel and stupid. As with ANY type of pet, you should research and understand that animal before you obtain it. If you don't intend to give it the best life possible, then you don't deserve to have another being's life put in your hands.
gabby - 8 years ago
their fins are completely shredded... if you knew anything about bettas you would know that this is not breeding behavior this is aggressive, stressful behavior and the bettas should be separated with a divider. also i saw a few people on here saying they add mirrors and that is stressful to them also, as they think there is always an opponent. even in small doses, they do not need "exercise" they get enough just swimming.
H.Lalhriatpuii Hriathriati
H.Lalhriatpuii Hriathriati - 7 years ago
hey! Don't do like that! you could made him or her be shy
TITAN_ 0nesix
TITAN_ 0nesix - 7 years ago
Kevin_ Craft
Kevin_ Craft - 8 years ago
gabby this person is doing something so stupid he clearly does not know anything about bettas
Mystic Crystal
Mystic Crystal - 8 years ago
gabby that is true
gabby - 8 years ago
bettas are naturally aggressive and territorial its not claustrophobia, fish cannot be claustrophobic. many fish cant live in small tanks/outgrow them, if thats what you mean but that is not claustrophobia. look it up. it does not exist.+smt trunks 
batman videos
batman videos - 8 years ago
+gabby uhhhhh? some bettas are no claustrophobic sooooo the will mate yeah? =,=
gabby - 8 years ago
then how do you think they get baby bettas?? what you said literally makes no sense +smt trunks 
batman videos
batman videos - 8 years ago
I heard bettas dont breed cuase there claustrophobic they think the babies and the female would not make alot of room for thr fish so thats why they fight
Grizzy Ber
Grizzy Ber - 8 years ago
+Sinto Joseph know*
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 8 years ago
I didn't knew about that .. thanks anyway I recently saw a divider tank but it was having a transparent divider.
Janeil Foster
Janeil Foster - 8 years ago
yeah that's why when we bought them. it came with a divider to divide the 2
Janeil Foster
Janeil Foster - 8 years ago
Why do they fight though
Sofia Santiago
Sofia Santiago - 8 years ago
because they are very territorial
Abbey Wonderland
Abbey Wonderland - 8 years ago
You can't put males together or female and male cause then babies but you can put female and female together but some will fight but female and female are okay but make and male is death
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 8 years ago
of course yes they hurt each other when they feel like wanting to hurt.
Janeil Foster
Janeil Foster - 8 years ago
+Sinto Joseph can they hurt each other
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 8 years ago
It depends if they are males they surely fill fight but there are cases where male and female also fight like in my case... It's all on your luck of keeping them.
Janeil Foster
Janeil Foster - 8 years ago
Can they hurt each other. Because we bought some from Wal-Mart and the guy didn't tell us they r actually fighting fish and they'll fight each other
Keke0715 AJ
Keke0715 AJ - 8 years ago
they fight over females. male betta fish are overly aggressive towards each other. also they fight because they have territory in the wild the can be 3ft wide.
gianfranco zola
gianfranco zola - 8 years ago
because of their beauty
.. they shouldnt be kept together at all cause if they see any other fish more beautiful tham them then they start fighting thats the nature of betta fish
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 8 years ago
I still don't know about it and never researched about it. I guess these fishes have instinct like cobra.. where male completely kills female if they dislike or female fail to impress the male.
zombie killer3228
zombie killer3228 - 8 years ago
nun of you should be keeping betta fish if you have more than 1 male in your tank that will never ever work its not meant to 1 male to a tank or they will fight to the death this also includes females unless your male is very very placid or your tank is massive 300l+ hes going to fight with them no mater the only time a male should see an other betta is mating time
..... stupidity or lack of knowledge i dont know but both are just as bad in the fish keeping hobby and most of all the betta keeping hobby
zombie killer3228
zombie killer3228 - 8 years ago
thats what i was saying but some wont be told
Silly Bettas
Silly Bettas - 8 years ago
males can not be with othere bettas male or female.
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 8 years ago
I kept one male and one female but still they fight.. actually male is badly attacking the female. Sometime the fight is casual but sometime it gets very bad and male just bites off fin parts from female. I think a wrong pair is also a problem here the male is delta tail and well female is betta but something else may be half moon tail..

50. comment for Delta tail Male & Crowntail Female Betta Fish - Fights & Love

sofia binda
sofia binda - 8 years ago
I get for breeding purpose put those betas wanted u to take them out of that tank if they always are coming to the front and for breeding u fish that have been together since very young
Taylor Freytag
Taylor Freytag - 8 years ago
idk, I tried starting a betta sorority, and I had three bettas. they fought each other as soon as I put them in! now one betta is in the 10 gallon, and I divided a half gallon, for the others because that was all I had. now my one female Berta lives with 5 goldfish, and they are all bigger than her, but she is really docile, so they all get along.
donna Jeter
donna Jeter - 7 years ago
add lots of plants for hiding for all bettas/ other fish in community tank so introductions go smoother. with few hiding spots the more they can see each other and fight. the tank should be an 20gallon or more for 4-6 betta females if only going to be girl bettas. male bettas can work out in community tanks if selection of fish and temperament of both betta and others are calm non aggressive. still planted tank works the best not bare bottom.
phuckyofeelingz2017 - 8 years ago
Taylor Freytag
zombie killer3228
zombie killer3228 - 8 years ago
its kind of odd they are always going to be fighting after all its in there name but say you have 3 and 2 are aggressive they will pick on that more placid 1 till its dead so you get 5 min id keep 6 to 10 in fact i do i have 8 in my community tank and 2 males in a divided tank of there own .. so back to topic say you get 10 then they 2 aggressive s have 8 others to bother meaning instead of 1 getting it day in day out it gets a brake an they bug the other 7 with females unlike males it really is the more the better
Taylor Freytag
Taylor Freytag - 8 years ago
+dave mac thank you
Taylor Freytag
Taylor Freytag - 8 years ago
Alright, I think my problem was that I only had 3 females, next time I go to pet smart I am going to purchase more

zombie killer3228
zombie killer3228 - 8 years ago
5 females minimum or they are going to fight alot the more the better no males in with your f emails atol unless there a breeding pair or your males very very placid and still its risky and the only time a female should be with a male is to mate then you must take her out and leave him to deal with eggs and babys or he will kill her
Taylor Freytag
Taylor Freytag - 8 years ago
+Sinto Joseph​ they were all females, I have a male, but he is in a 1.5 away from the ten gallon, but I appreciate it!
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 8 years ago
+Taylor Freytag male bettas fight very bitterly ... I think they both died for the female.. you should keep only one couple not two male bettas
ONOLION _ - 8 years ago
I have a crowntail male
Sekai Dongyi
Sekai Dongyi - 8 years ago
The uglier the fighting fish, the stronger/smarter it is, same with humans
bbgg1212 _bryanjuan
bbgg1212 _bryanjuan - 8 years ago
Sekai Dongyi frrr
Xx_Iphone_xX - 8 years ago
Hahahah how? -_-
Brad Zamora
Brad Zamora - 8 years ago
My Double tail male got his ASS handed to him by my crowntail female...

...they still boned though. Now I have a bunch of little double-crown tails. lol
Zachary Brown
Zachary Brown - 7 years ago
Brad Zamora crowntails are more aggressive than any other breed. A female crowntail can and will kill a any male expect a male crowntail if it comes down to fighting
zombie killer3228
zombie killer3228 - 8 years ago
they are always aggressive no mater if its time for lovings or not sometimes the female can die from the courting just depends on your males temperament and you should have alot more than 1 female 5 minimum and the male should not be in with them
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 8 years ago
+Brad Zamora That's a lucky chance ... keep trying
Juliana Danielle Aure
Juliana Danielle Aure - 8 years ago
ha ha 3:17 Fish: Hello camera, hello Youtube. xD lel
Chantelle Tran
Chantelle Tran - 8 years ago
can u subscribe to my channel pls i have been working hard on my 3 videos
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 8 years ago
+Chantelle Tran You should keep making videos on your community interest then people will automatically subscribe you. I am not the one to subscribe but those who like your videos should.
Abbi Smith
Abbi Smith - 8 years ago
This is animal abuse
Chloe Dollard
Chloe Dollard - 8 years ago
why do you do that. you ass
Chi ro
Chi ro - 8 years ago
My21ChemicalRomancez Pan!cAt9InTheAfternoon
My21ChemicalRomancez Pan!cAt9InTheAfternoon - 8 years ago
2:36 XD
Knuck's The Echidna
Knuck's The Echidna - 7 years ago
He or shes like help me nibba
MoonCrow - 8 years ago
by the way she looks sad and stressed
MoonCrow - 8 years ago
picka boo
My21ChemicalRomancez Pan!cAt9InTheAfternoon
My21ChemicalRomancez Pan!cAt9InTheAfternoon - 8 years ago
Alexander Sicolo
Alexander Sicolo - 8 years ago
+Adriana Meyers "I see u mothafucka"
Rin Kath
Rin Kath - 9 years ago
I'm not saying that it's okay to make them fight, but it's in their nature, so it's somewhat acceptable.
black widow
black widow - 7 years ago
Nantha K
Nantha K - 7 years ago
Rin Kath """
Krystal paint OwO
Krystal paint OwO - 9 years ago
NO!! THIS SHOULD BE ILLEGAL! betta fights are sad even though they were what the species was ment for =(
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 9 years ago
+rosemarydmc sytman art & gamezz Is there any law written for that I would be curious to read it.
Lili Mohamed
Lili Mohamed - 9 years ago
ado orang ko
Puppypop 101
Puppypop 101 - 9 years ago
Poor girl, her fins are all ripped up! Take better care of them!!!
Maria Huerta
Maria Huerta - 7 years ago
Stfu he didn’t know he was a beginner
I HATE SNAKEU WHY ? Cuz Snakeu You Got No Jams
I HATE SNAKEU WHY ? Cuz Snakeu You Got No Jams - 9 years ago
I have a Crowntail female betta fish born: September 11 2015 now she is 6 months old and looks like the one in this video! I had 2 goldfish when I was 5 2012 I'm now 9 but the two goldfish passed away as I gave them too much food. The name of my Crownfish betta is Blue Lily Chinese name:黄蓝绿
Night Sky Studios
Night Sky Studios - 9 years ago
Ooh, pretty aquarium! I have a 20 gallon aquarium with a male Betta fish and 10 Glowlight tetras.
Brilliant Bettas
Brilliant Bettas - 9 years ago
why are you doing that :(
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 9 years ago
+Brilliant Bettas Ofcourse for mating them and having more bettas ... buddy
tyneesha bon
tyneesha bon - 9 years ago
I used to have a beta fish the aquarium \ cage was in front of a mirror and it would always stick out its gills at it's reflection so we put something there so it could not see itself
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 8 years ago
bettas are usually kept in small containers or aquariums where ever I have seen but I have provided them this big aquarium. They survive well in small aquariums for long time if cared well and kept alone.
Lei Flame
Lei Flame - 8 years ago
Exactly, in small does mirrors are okay, but generally speaking it's not good for them. A betta gets enough exercise in a bigger tank, and if it's diet is watched they're in good health.
zombie killer3228
zombie killer3228 - 8 years ago
the recommended is about 30 min a week of a mirror so he can get all pumped its good for them reminds them what they are but in same it can stress them out if you do it to often
X X - 9 years ago
+Elena Lund i have a floating mirror too. I wouldn't need one if I didn't have a background. There are mirrors behind my tank so I could've saved some money by removing it.
Weird Bitch
Weird Bitch - 9 years ago
This is late, but that is actually good. To take care of it, bettas need to excersize their fins. You can buy floating fish mirrors for them. Owning one myself, my betta was happy when he got to play with it!
Jojo Du
Jojo Du - 9 years ago
You look so dumb I am 11 and I know more than you and why would you put her in one he is not ready note the male isn't ready eather : before you breed them get a 10 gallon and a foam cup cut it it half fill the 10gallon about half way and put your male in and set a jar in the tank and put the female in the jar when the male stops building the bubble nest let her out no filters at all then the name will chase her leave her in there for at least 2 hours do not leave untended the male will rap around her and then squeeze the eggs out some times it takes a few embraces for the eggs leave the female in there until nothing is come out and when the male squeezes the female she will lie at the top motionless for a few seconds the male will then pick the eggs up in his mouth and put each 200 eggs in it's own bubble they will hatch In 1 or 2 days take the male out when the fry are free swimming feed them micro worms till 9 weeks old then brine shrimp never feed male In progress
Sarcasmica - 7 years ago
Jojo Du YouTube is 13+.
WinterSoulz Aj-Vlogs
WinterSoulz Aj-Vlogs - 7 years ago
Jojo Du ikr
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 9 years ago
+Jojo Du I too know it jojo but its about the chances. Sometimes male and female fight sometimes they mate. In this case it was a fight and no breeding
kyzl Pearl Rea
kyzl Pearl Rea - 9 years ago
d21lewis - 9 years ago
I have a huge 55 gallon aquarium with a lot of fish, snails, shrimp, etc in it.  I had four betta fish living together for months.  I introduced a female betta and within 24 hours, all of the males were dead!
Lozxa - 8 years ago
My male betta lives with 7 females in a 20 gallon
Lozxa - 8 years ago
Sorry this is late but the males would have faught with each other for the female
d21lewis - 8 years ago
It's huge to me.  :(
anirban mondal
anirban mondal - 8 years ago
+d21lewis 55 isnt any huge tank..its the ideal beginners tank. i have one of 50...betta is very peaceful with my other fishes
Daniel Lomeli
Daniel Lomeli - 8 years ago
+Sinto Joseph you can put female betta fish in a fish tank with other fish, gold fish, glofish, clown fish as long as they are not aggressive, but a male betta fish MUST stay alone. The worse you can do for a betta fish is to put a male with a female together. You can put BABY betta fish together though until they are about a month old, then there kill switch turns on
Zaos - 9 years ago
They most likely were fighting for the female
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 9 years ago
+d21lewis strange you mean female betta fish killed them all or they themselves fought with each other.
Allen Cao
Allen Cao - 9 years ago
this is actually natural at first
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 8 years ago
Allen Cao not when you put them in the same tank
Yellow$weg - 9 years ago
leafy broght me here
Jacob M33
Jacob M33 - 9 years ago
Let the hunger games begin!!!
Caden Braly
Caden Braly - 9 years ago
thats a VEILTAIL ( vail tail) betta!
Juan Carlos Borges
Juan Carlos Borges - 9 years ago
My friend almost always breed betta's, they have a few exchanges till the female submits, but I have had females really take bites out of the males lol
Mariam A
Mariam A - 9 years ago
they are fighting fish of course they will fight instead of mating
Kookie Munster
Kookie Munster - 9 years ago
My female one pretended to be dead. Beta fish are smart fish.
Mrs Frisby Is Moria
Mrs Frisby Is Moria - 9 years ago
Why are you making beautiful fish fight?
therubyplaysYT camron
therubyplaysYT camron - 7 years ago
Sinto Joseph wait are they male and female
therubyplaysYT camron
therubyplaysYT camron - 7 years ago
Carina Russell
Carina Russell - 7 years ago
Patricia Baldwin ikr
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 8 years ago
Sinto Joseph Idiot! You don't breed them like that!!!
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 9 years ago
+Patricia Baldwin I am trying to mate them but my business got failed some how so its a fight show
Max Chu
Max Chu - 9 years ago
No she wont die, and the babies will still develop even in the rare case of her death but that has never happened that i know of.
Mrs Frisby Is Moria
Mrs Frisby Is Moria - 9 years ago
+Max Chu but if the female dies doesn't the babies die
Max Chu
Max Chu - 9 years ago
They are mating. They fight before they mate
Paris_litt - 9 years ago
You are mean to your fish
Tah Chee Chiam
Tah Chee Chiam - 9 years ago
Their mating dumbass
Konrad dragon
Konrad dragon - 9 years ago
omgo rude
Sibani Mohanty
Sibani Mohanty - 9 years ago
Never put a two bettas in the same tank
WinterSoulz Aj-Vlogs
WinterSoulz Aj-Vlogs - 7 years ago
Sibani Mohanty you can if they are all female
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 8 years ago
This is but they are fighting I removed them I bought new betta pair now and I keeping them separate and after that I will put them together once they are quite mingling.
Stephanie Parke
Stephanie Parke - 8 years ago
it ain't breeding behavour
BusyPetKeeping 101
BusyPetKeeping 101 - 9 years ago
He is breeding them
Kara Woof
Kara Woof - 9 years ago
two things:

Did you condition them? If so, how?
and you say "intended to get some baby beta for keeping in more aquariums" you do realize they can have anywhere between 100-700 offspring on average, right? I even know one breeder who's females put out 1000+.
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 9 years ago
+Kara Woof wow ... these fishes are very costlier too.. that number is really inspiring..!!
Jack Feld
Jack Feld - 9 years ago
4 minutes of my life I will never get back
Depresticles - 7 years ago
I just wasted my life read all your comments
Jr Maldonado
Jr Maldonado - 9 years ago
+WeiЯdly you just wasted even much tine of your life replying to his comment aswell as reading my comment.
WeiRdly - 9 years ago
You just wasted even MORE time of your life you'll never get back by typing this useless comment.
VaperGaming55 - 9 years ago
some betta fish fight other ones
Breakz XBL
Breakz XBL - 9 years ago
Lydian Quinn
Lydian Quinn - 9 years ago
What's the name of those plants in the tank?
JiMbLiiM_SaN - 9 years ago
+Sinto Joseph YOU!! Were sold in the nearest local aquarium shop!! Dickhead!!
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 9 years ago
+Lydian Quinn I don't know about it they were just sold in my nearest local aquarium shop ..!
Aatish Khan
Aatish Khan - 9 years ago
I have free googerley eye fish i
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 9 years ago
+Aatish Khan Why don't you make a video and let me see it ..?
Bruh chan
Bruh chan - 9 years ago
I'm laughing at the comment section. The male is from what it looks like a half-moon but his tail is highly damaged. Sometimes the fins stick together which can lead to fin rot, however, it can self heal or aquarium salt will fix it. Also with the gravel eggs falling can be hard for the male to pick up with gravel in the way in general doesnt mean it's impossible for him to find a few. The bubbles can pop the nest and will become a problem for the fry depending on the current it's producing. femaless should be placed in a clear container (next to the males tank or in the males tank let the still see each other) after 40 min if breeding does not occur. It saves their energy and helps keep both fish alive and not beating each other to death. I've bred hms and to be honest getting a plain tank with only a hiding spot, sponge filter, cut foam Cup is the way to go. Also using a plastic bins (idk the actual name) helps keep the temp constant (glass texts to fluctuate more), which will help fry survival rates.
Bruh chan
Bruh chan - 9 years ago
+Sinto Joseph I use Indian almond leaves. Some sink some float. You can get the leaves to rest at the bottom of the tank;however, you should use them sparingly and by the gallon of water you have the fish in.
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 9 years ago
+Licka Narwhal leaves...? how they sink to the bottom of the tank .. you mean you don't use gravel but use floating leaves ..?
Bruh chan
Bruh chan - 9 years ago
I don't use gravel in my breeding tank. I use leaves :)
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 9 years ago
+Licka Narwhal Very interesting you have breed them... ok which gravel you used ...?
Bruh chan
Bruh chan - 9 years ago
** tanks
Volpierein - 9 years ago
1. Please do more research before trying to breed 2. The male is a veiltail and not a delta 3. Yes different tail types can interbreed 4. The male can not making a bubble nest with those bubbles 5. The male couldn't even find the eggs if they had any with that gravel. 
You don't just throw in two bettas hoping for them to bred, especially if you just bought them not too long before.
Volpierein - 9 years ago
No gravel is suitable. You don't put in gravel when breeding.
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 9 years ago
+Volpierein That's something new... male is not delta and gravel is not right.. then which gravel is suitable I have the stoned gravel...
Saffirea - 9 years ago
I got a crown tail betta female and your female is to big and it's dorsal fin looks more like a male.
Schroeder's Reptiles&Aquatics
Schroeder's Reptiles&Aquatics - 9 years ago
+Sinto Joseph that's not Is not true....all the betta strains can breed with one another. It's just taboo to do so cause then your tainting bloodlines
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 9 years ago
+Saffirea No its female but because of different types they are not possible to be breeded
sophie horse
sophie horse - 9 years ago
I would like to say this is not how to breed betta fish, please do reasearch before you try to breed them there is many videos on YouTube that will teach you how to breed them. :)
sophie horse
sophie horse - 9 years ago
I'm glad I could help, good luck breeding them :)
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 9 years ago
+sophie horse Oops misunderstandings... I will follow your tips and try remove the female if they lay any eggs..
sophie horse
sophie horse - 9 years ago
Female betta fish are known to eat the eggs whereas males will look after them, what are your sources for your info I'm just wondering?
sophie horse
sophie horse - 9 years ago
In wouldn't recommend that but it might work its beacuase betta fish natrally fight, and if the water is too higher then the try will get swim bladder disorder, then male needs to boule the bubble nest and you actually need the keep the male on with the fry insted of the female, please do proper research but good luck with your betta fish breeding :)
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 9 years ago
+sophie horse I actually decided from my research that I will put male and female of same breed in one tank and then wait for them to lay eggs and then I will remove the male out of it.. I think it will work..
sophie horse
sophie horse - 9 years ago
I have been keeping and breeding betta fish for nearly 7 years now
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 9 years ago
+sophie horse Thanks ... I will research and then breed them... do you keep bettas at home or breed them ..?
Tyrrantx - 9 years ago
They'r fighting because they do not have the same breed type.
M. Yates
M. Yates - 9 years ago
+Tyrrantx That's nuts.. they are the same breed, Splendens.. it's tail types that are different and they can spawn with different tail types.. they are fighting because he does not have them in the proper spawning set up and had not conditioned them properly to get them in the mood to spawn..
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 9 years ago
+Tyrrantx thanks for telling i will buy next time the same breed..the shopkeeper kind of tricked me..
Stephanie Myers
Stephanie Myers - 9 years ago
Where'd she go..dumb boys. Lol.

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