Different betta fish tank sizes

I show off a few different sizes of betta aquariums. Different people recommend different sizes for betta tanks. The more room you give your betta, the happier they'll be and the longer they should live. Thanks for watching.

Different betta fish tank sizes sentiment_very_dissatisfied 36

Betta 9 years ago 33,259 views

I show off a few different sizes of betta aquariums. Different people recommend different sizes for betta tanks. The more room you give your betta, the happier they'll be and the longer they should live. Thanks for watching.

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Most popular comments
for Different betta fish tank sizes

Detra Isham
Detra Isham - 7 years ago
The apsoulute minimum for a betta fish is 2.5 but with my experience they do best in a 5 to 10 gallon. They also need a heater if your house isn't constantly warm.
khristine marie edullantes coo
khristine marie edullantes coo - 7 years ago
khristine marie edullantes coo
khristine marie edullantes coo - 7 years ago
Mr. SpaghettiMonster-2
Mr. SpaghettiMonster-2 - 7 years ago
I have the tank at 1:44. I was told it was a tank specified for a betta, but obviously that is wrong. I want to get him a bigger tank, but as of now i just had my dad go out and buy treatment for my 75 gallon after 2 of my fish got ich and died, infecting my tank. Until then, little Timmy has to swim in there. At least he's healthy, unlike my sisters who was in the same tank, but in darkness and she never cleaned it. Im trying to recover her betta. They have 10 gal aquariums at my walmart, so im thinking of getting a divider and giving them each 5 gallons
Aura Fish
Aura Fish - 7 years ago
i have one of those .7 gallon tanks, and i honestly hate it. food gets stuck in the grate at the bottom and refuses to come out, even with running water through the grate. plus, i love decorating the tanks, and that thing is just too small. i don't go smaller then 1 gallon anymore because i love decorating my tanks with lots of live plants.
Eric Mezenberg
Eric Mezenberg - 7 years ago
Get a 5 gallon, great for 1 betta and lots of plants and nicer decor.
Gavin Stoodge
Gavin Stoodge - 7 years ago
Love the tanks but I couldn't help but notice how small that cage was for your guineapig/ rabbit. If that's a guinea pig, please get it a large c and c cage they are great I had one for my guinea pigs that I made for $20! And if it's a rabbit same thing but bigger!! Yeah haha I had that plant too for my turtles in their 25 gallon and it barely took up an inch of the space!
n o
n o - 7 years ago
Although I don't agree with tanks below 1.5 gallons, it's better then them being in a cup at pets smart. Although I like 5 gallons better because it gives you more options for tank mates. Nice video!
n o
n o - 7 years ago
Eric Mezenberg I just meant a snail or some shrimp.
Eric Mezenberg
Eric Mezenberg - 7 years ago
n o 10g is the best IMO, lots of good tank mates there, I have 3 African dwarf frogs with 2 female veiltail bettas in a 10g.
2roly2 - 7 years ago
I bought a 20 gallon tank for my Betta Nigel . He loves it and with the new circulation pump . Nigel uses it as a mouse wheel he loves swimming against the current . With so much space , I bought him some friends & 3 girl friends .
Hazel Johnson
Hazel Johnson - 7 years ago
Dude bettas can't live in a half gallon aquarium they need at least a 3 gallon
Eric Mezenberg
Eric Mezenberg - 7 years ago
Hazel Johnson did you notice that he had no fish in the small tanks and said it was way too small.
Just Got Jug
Just Got Jug - 7 years ago
I'm trying to find a fish tank for under 25 dollars at Wal-Mart or petco. any suggestions? What size would be good for 25 dollars
Hickster58 - 7 years ago
CBC Fusionz You can buy a 10 or 5 gallon setup from walmart for $30, not sure what else they have or petco. Petsmart has some great tanks for around $25.

10. comment for Different betta fish tank sizes

Leilicorn - 7 years ago
My new tank that I bought for a future Betta is 17L - around 3 gallons. I know it is above the 2.5 mark, but I want to know if he will be happy. I am planning in getting one close to 7 gallons later, because Australia is expensive.
Leilicorn - 7 years ago
Hickster58 :) alrighty, thank you for replying.
Hickster58 - 7 years ago
Leilicorn Mine seem to be happy in their 2 and 3 gallon tanks
Val's Craft and Designs
Val's Craft and Designs - 7 years ago
They deserve more then a tiny tank because the bring happiness t us
Saltine Cracker
Saltine Cracker - 7 years ago
can someone give me the link for the one at 0:50 i cant find it on amazon
Hickster58 - 7 years ago
Fact Planet
Fact Planet - 7 years ago
Whats the smallest freshwater fish i could get? We have a 90L fish tank with 10 goldfish in and all of them have grown tremendously since. Im looking for a new freshwater fish species to put in a new tank in my bedroom. The tank will probably be about 50L but i don't want the fish to grow too big. Any ideas?
Hannaxx G
Hannaxx G - 7 years ago
The MLG Doge Virus. Guppies multiply so fast. But maybe he should try neon tetras
Austin Hebb
Austin Hebb - 7 years ago
Fact Planet you need a bigger tank with all of those goldfish
KAWAII FOXY - 7 years ago
You should get guppies
Hickster58 - 7 years ago
Fact Planet Smallest I can think of of rasboras and sparkling gouramis, both get to only around an inch.
Katie Wilson
Katie Wilson - 7 years ago
I have my betta fish Milo in a one gallon for now but someday I'm going to get him a bigger tank there is a 5.5 gallon tank at Meijer's and it is only 13 dollars the one gallon was 12 dollars but my mom dident want to drive to Meijer's lol so for now he has to deal XD I feel bad for him :( but I think he will be fine I'm getting my temps. soon so one day when I get my license then I can spoil him with the 5.5 gallon.
Saltine Cracker
Saltine Cracker - 7 years ago
u live in michigan
Ella Taber
Ella Taber - 8 years ago
My mom wont get me a bigger one
Andrew Sweeney
Andrew Sweeney - 7 years ago
Melody S I want to get another tank and my patents won't let me. Even tho it's would be going in MY own room and I would be paying for everything
Melody S
Melody S - 7 years ago
Ella Taber $10 for a 20? Its only 45$ for a 10g tetra brand at walmart
Ella Taber
Ella Taber - 7 years ago
Go to walmart for 10$ 20 gallon tank
Melody S
Melody S - 7 years ago
Saltine Cracker im sorry to hear, maybe she's the crazy one? Who would be paying for the tank tho, because honestly that could be a reason why she doesn't want to get one since they can be quite pricy, have you offered to pay for half? Or pay it youself?
Saltine Cracker
Saltine Cracker - 7 years ago
when i did that she just said "those people are crazy you don't need all that just throw him in a tupperware box"
Melody S
Melody S - 7 years ago
Ella Taber show your mom some videos about betta care and smother her with facts,
Ella Taber
Ella Taber - 8 years ago
I only have a 1.5 gallon tank
Melody S
Melody S - 7 years ago
Ella Taber show your mom s
L3GENDS 0F B0SS - 8 years ago
I'm planning to spoil my beta I have a 40 gallon tank and a 2.5 gallon tank which one should I put him in?
Hannaxx G
Hannaxx G - 7 years ago
L3GENDS 0F B0SS7 3. U can always use spitters or dividers so he still has room but not so he is overwhelmed by the space
Type 40
Type 40 - 7 years ago
40 Gallon is a bit much for a Betta to be honest
Hickster58 - 8 years ago
L3GENDS 0F B0SS7 3 Either will work, but I'm sure he would love the 40 more than the 2.5, lol:D
Pranking Vs. Scaring
Pranking Vs. Scaring - 8 years ago
Wow absoloutely beautiful white betta, I am looking forward to getting one :)
Hickster58 - 8 years ago
Pranking Vs. Scaring Thanks:)
Lovebetta - 8 years ago
Nice one.
Hickster58 - 8 years ago
Lovebetta Thank you!

20. comment for Different betta fish tank sizes

allie moran
allie moran - 8 years ago
I like your tanks
Hickster58 - 8 years ago
allie moran Thank you:)
Platinum Falls
Platinum Falls - 8 years ago
I have a 30 gallon with 4 female bettas, 3 cory doras, and 3 platties.
Makenzie Bailey
Makenzie Bailey - 8 years ago
Platinum Falls also, along with the 5 minimum for cories, it's better if you keep a sorority of 5 female bettas at least. They've probably already set up their order, but if anything ever happens and you're getting more female bettas, I'd really encourage a 5 minimum for those, too. Not trying to lecture or anything since it sounds like your tank is working fine, but just for future reference with a sorority because of how potentially dangerous they are.
KingQueen Cersei
KingQueen Cersei - 8 years ago
Platinum Falls nice! You should probably get some more corydoras, they like to be in groups of 5+. And I think you've got the room for it.
Hickster58 - 8 years ago
Platinum Dunes Sounds like a cool tank!
Blazing Bettas
Blazing Bettas - 8 years ago
Just came across your channel, really loving it
Blazing Bettas
Blazing Bettas - 8 years ago
what a beautiful betta! I'm sure it really enjoys that lovely tank
Toxic gamer
Toxic gamer - 8 years ago
I just bought a 2.5 gallon tank for my Betta fish
slickpaw07 Aj
slickpaw07 Aj - 8 years ago
Toxic gamer very good
Link From hyrule
Link From hyrule - 8 years ago
Toxic gamer nice
ryantrench - 8 years ago
The owner of Marina should definitely be out in jail wtf
Mr. SpaghettiMonster-2
Mr. SpaghettiMonster-2 - 7 years ago
ryantrench no one should be going to jail for owning a fucking tank tf
EXPLICIT _MUSIC - 8 years ago
you should not keep your first fish tank on that it is not leveled it has a chance of breaking or cracking search it up
EXPLICIT _MUSIC - 8 years ago
No problem
Hickster58 - 8 years ago
I've had them on it for almost two years, no issues yet. if they are bigger tanks, then I could see an issue happening, but thanks!
Kay Wilkerson
Kay Wilkerson - 8 years ago
Love when people give bettas the space they need to show their real personalities. Nice video.
Eric Mezenberg
Eric Mezenberg - 7 years ago
I have a 10g with 2 females, I know that you normally shouldn't have just 2 but they get along great and are docile and don't nip ever.
Hickster58 - 8 years ago
Robert Kowalke
Robert Kowalke - 8 years ago
it's Bay-tuh no biggie though, and it is a fish so it's not a Betta Fish (We know it's a fish). Sorry just too many horrible terms around the world regarding the best lil fish in the world.
Link From hyrule
Link From hyrule - 8 years ago
Robert Kowalke Bruh it's betta
Robert Kowalke
Robert Kowalke - 8 years ago
Yeah I know lol been a huge problem in the hobby for years.  It's very hard for a breeder to listen to people explain things about an animal they can't even properly say.  The name is actually standard in the original texts from when it's classification was 1st published.

Try my hardest though lol Oh well
Hickster58 - 8 years ago
Depends on who you ask, many people say betta differently. Many people also say betta fish, all depends on where your from.
Kyle Smith
Kyle Smith - 8 years ago
cool / you should go to house of tropics in glen burnie Maryland

30. comment for Different betta fish tank sizes

Kenneth Reyes
Kenneth Reyes - 8 years ago
Your tank reminds me of a little shallow river with the gravel.
Kenneth Reyes
Kenneth Reyes - 8 years ago
Please move that black and white betta fish from tht tank, move it to a different tank that isnt being used.
Kenneth Reyes
Kenneth Reyes - 8 years ago
For the first tank that is.
Martell C
Martell C - 8 years ago
I just appreciate the people who don't use small fish bowls for Betta fish
Fifuln - 8 years ago
ah I know, I used to keep mine in a small tank and I watched some videos and it made me open my eyes and I was dissapointed in myself so I bought a 6.5 gallon tank and he lives peacefully with my 3 other fish in it
Link From hyrule
Link From hyrule - 8 years ago
Maria Garcia same
Maria Garcia
Maria Garcia - 8 years ago
i have mine in a 10 gallon
Hickster58 - 8 years ago
Thank you, same here.!
Kyle Smith
Kyle Smith - 8 years ago
how much is that tank
Kady Krzeminski
Kady Krzeminski - 8 years ago
hi, I know i'm late!

I have the first tank, which I got from petsmart. It came with a light, a filter, a hood, and a filter cartridge it was 28 dollars on sale, and when I bought plants, water conditioner,a heater, food, and gravel it was 100+ dollars. my betta loves it. as mentioned, it was 5.5 gallons, and I have 1 little "house" in it, 1 silk plant, 1 glow in the dark plant, and about 5 pounds of gravel in there. I do 1/2 water changes once every 2 weeks, and change the filter cartridge every month. my fish lives on a diet of flakes, pellets, and brine shrimp. he is very healthy. honestly, a 2.5 gallon is the minimum to me. my betta used to be in a half gallon bowl and he was miserable. I would say this is good for 1 male or a sorority of 2 females.

hope this helped! :)
Kyle Smith
Kyle Smith - 8 years ago
I have a betta too and I'm gonna try to do this idea
Matilda Collins
Matilda Collins - 8 years ago
Sounds alright. but it'd probably prefer 5+ gallons. Tues. I'm getting a 10 gal. at Walmart for $14
Iraq Lobster
Iraq Lobster - 8 years ago
+Hickster58 I have a 3.5gal tank with a filter,a heater,rocks, 3 live plants, a baby snail and a multi coloured LED lights is that a good tank
Hickster58 - 8 years ago
boscoitalics - 9 years ago
such pretty bettas! my blue betta lived a year and a bit in m y 5 gallon tank.i hope to get another betta next week. can bettas live with other tiny fish or will they eat them?
justin johnson
justin johnson - 9 years ago
+Hickster58 you should watched fishforme2 and thats the real deal
Hickster58 - 9 years ago
+The fish rule today It'll still keep water cleaner, and that's why I do multiple water changes each week
Hickster58 - 9 years ago
Thanks:) I wouldn't put other fish with bettas in anything smaller than a 10 gallon. Different bettas have different personalities and some won't bother anything else and others will attack everything.

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