Do Betta Fish have Teeth or Bite?
Betta 10 years ago 5,899 views - This Betta buffet food is the best I’ve used. It’s made by Omega One and I won’t use any other than this now. Omega One Betta Buffet: Will my Betta fish bite me with his teeth or do they even have teeth? Answering this question today. I do wish goldfish weren't available in most pet stores. It is a really goog point even if its a joke. Or at least if they were more expensive. People would hopefully think twice about treating them as disposable. Yeah ;) , of course it is impossible to buy the prooper tank about 300L minimun for a goldfish . The 90% of ''goldfish keepers'' buy small plastic ''tanks'' with plastic plants or sharks. I see that a lot of people gave advice on tank size but I didn't see anyone saying that he will need daily water changes until you are able to upgrade. Depending on how soon you're able to upgrade it's be a good idea to remove most or all of the decor from the bowl as well because he needs more swimming room. Gorgeous fish, would love to see him in a proper setup :) Bear in mind 160 litres is really the minimum for a fish like this even if he is small now he will grow a lot. And long term he is likely to need even more space than 160 litres. Beautiful! Seems really receptive to you! 😊 I'm sure you've gotten the idea that a bigger tank is needed, my suggestion is that if you're tight on funds, a clear plastic tote might be an alternative! Fish looks awesome! meanwhile you can remove the decoration and you will see the water level going down, refill and you just gave few extra litres to move :) *75 gallons or more 40g like everyone suggests is just to small for these guys when they are fully grown. I understand a lot of people here suggest the 40g because it's a more affordable space but its not fair to the fish to put them in tanks smaller than what they truly need. they are pond fish and need to be in pond sized tanks. it can be nice as a grow out, but to many people buy them as such then it becomes the perminant tank. it's also to easy for the fish to become stunted. I've only seen a small handful of people in this group suggest appropriately sized tank (you included) and it makes me sad. I usually say minimum 40 gallons, not all of the fish are going to grow large even with good care as goldfish are a genetic lottery basically. But I think large goldfish should be given far more swim room than a 40 gallon tank. If a fish happens to max out at 6-7 inches its probably fine but many grow bigger than that. What's even worse though is thinking smaller tanks than 40 are okay :( it pains me to see fish cramped up in 20 gallon tanks especially a 20 tall. I have the same breed fish and it acts exactly like yours, so energetic all the time and playful loves food.. but needs a bigger tank! Mines in a 20L petshop said it was ok but everyone here said its way too small. On another page someone was asking what type of goldfish they had, it clearly had a very short single tail with little spread... Everyone was telling him it was a comet and when I said it wasn't they said there's no difference between commons and comets. I'm sure there's a very noticeable difference, isn't there? Betta teeth Betta fish bite
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