Do you NEED a heater in your aquarium?

Heater failure can be catastrophic and deadly. In this video, we discuss how to know if you need one or not. Website and stocklist: Facebook: Buy me a coffee: Don't forget to subscribe!

Do you NEED a heater in your aquarium? sentiment_very_dissatisfied 22

Betta 8 years ago 26,235 views

Heater failure can be catastrophic and deadly. In this video, we discuss how to know if you need one or not. Website and stocklist: Facebook: Buy me a coffee: Don't forget to subscribe!

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for Do you NEED a heater in your aquarium?

Salvo Smith
Salvo Smith - 7 years ago
I think also depends form where a person live . Someone living in Thailand keeping guppies of bettas doesn't need a heater . Someone who keeps fish in Canada and the fish room is in a garage needs a heater . I use heaters and where I live it's not super cold but still not tropical . I do remove the heaters in May/June though .
melon2buenos - 7 years ago
Do I need a water heater for my clown loach. I have them in my basement. The temperature in the basement is a little warm. I don't want to get a fire in my home. Please help.
Ringo Star
Ringo Star - 7 years ago
Thanks for the info Mz Jinkzd, I have had most of my glass heaters fail for one reason or another, my wife wants me to move my fish outside which presents some problems, I like a titanium heater in a sump but don't want to risk cross contamination, so I am thinking of using an underlayment floor heater with a thermostat and wood to protect the heating elements
khup lian
khup lian - 7 years ago
Hey I have a question umm do you need led lights for your tanks???
khup lian
khup lian - 7 years ago
Rachel O'leary thx but on more question how about the betta fish
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
+khup lian no
Hornet Oliver
Hornet Oliver - 7 years ago
You're so incredibly intelligent.
Do you have a degree in fish husbandry?
Lorna Fletcher
Lorna Fletcher - 7 years ago
Hi Rachel, excellent video. Was wondering if you could give me some advice please? I have A Juwel Rio 180. It is suitated next to a window (only place it can go) and weather wise it can get quite cold up here at this time of year. I have 4 fancy goldfish (2 mature ones and 2 young ones) 2 japense weather loaches, 1 pleco and a handful of snails. The tank runs btween 18 - 21c most days. Would you advise a heater in the winter months? Would the goldfish be ok with it?
_Paws_ - 7 years ago
This makes me want to buy a canister filter just so it has that kind of heater for the same reason; I fear of a heater malfunction. I currently use sponge filters and corner filters.
The fish I chose, in my aquariums, can take temps around 50° F and the high 60s as the lowest. However, since winter is approaching it would be time to invest on any five-star rated commercial heater. The weather as of yet has stayed in the 60s to 80s every other day, and the water temperature is 7° to 10° lower.
The only heater I truly own are for the small nursery tanks; 1.5gal to 5gal. I have 2 display aquariums 10gal and 20gal.
2nd Chance
2nd Chance - 7 years ago
Like to say PA rocks
dab - 7 years ago
you are so correct

10. comment for Do you NEED a heater in your aquarium?

Heather Davies
Heather Davies - 7 years ago
I really trust everything Rachel says.
Kevin Keener
Kevin Keener - 7 years ago
Never used a heater in my 10 plus years of the hobby. I live in Ga and we rarely have cold winter's. My betta tank in my apartment stays around 74-78 degrees and my goldfish tank stays around the same temp. No issues.
Hellish Venturi
Hellish Venturi - 7 years ago
Fantastic stuff as usual Rachael.
Shelley Stalker Halik
Shelley Stalker Halik - 7 years ago
I have heard the Cobalt Neo-therm heaters are the best, the king of DIY's Rays notwithstanding. What does everyone think of this brand? They say they have an alarm on them if they get too high in temperature.
ofek brog
ofek brog - 7 years ago
But if I need to cool my tank my fish tank get to hot in the summer it get to 29 and I want it in 25
Ashley S
Ashley S - 7 years ago
I had a betta, and my heater failed and killed him. So sad. Now I'm not sure if I should use a heater for my tank (I do plan on getting another betta). My temp is steady around 74 degrees
Craig Woodhull
Craig Woodhull - 7 years ago
A lot of very important info. ebo jager was once "bullet proof". . May as well just go buy yourself TWO "cheapies". One heater fails ,buy another one . My Discus NEED very warm water. 80 is low, 84/86 is perfect. Thank you for your opinion.
Woody's Discus (FB)
Craig Woodhull
Craig Woodhull - 7 years ago
Get the temp up and my babies breed like "crazy"
Up_Syndrome - 7 years ago
I only use mine in the winter
BLB13films - 7 years ago
not to sure whats going on with her hair but i kinda like it LMAO
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
my hair has its own personality many days. I am just attached to it.
mikewalf - 7 years ago
Hi Rachel, love your vids. i need help with my tank temp. Is it normal for my heater to keep coming on even though i've turned it all the way down. I've gradually been doing it for while and the temp never comes down but the light keeps coming on. What do you reckon? Do heaters still come on when the water temp is way above what the thermostat is set to. My heater is a 50 watt deltatherm from interpet, my second of the same model. Had accuracy issues with the previous one too.

Just bought a digi thermometer to get an accurate reading and it's showing the water temp as 27°C. I'd like to get it to 25°C but i've never got it below 26.5°C. At least i now have an accurate reading but do i need a new heater or none at all? Is it normal in the summer to be this high. i live in NW England, UK so we're temperate, a hot summer's day could be 28°C and in winter we use central heating. Do i need to worry about temp increase or is gradual increase ok for fish? At the moment i have otocinclus cats and amano shrimp. i would like celestial danios though and i read they like it no higher than 25°C. I'm getting another heater to test if it's a dodgy heater again or my home environment. Thanks

20. comment for Do you NEED a heater in your aquarium?

Rotsuoy - 7 years ago
I live in the deep south and have never needed a heater. I honestly didn't know how to answer my LD partner who lives up north when they asked me about heaters. I appreciate your video a ton. Thank you!
Laurrren g
Laurrren g - 7 years ago
I don't use heaters, I live in a hot & humid climate so I watch as new hobbyists in the area insist they need one and end up boiling their new fish within 24 hours of adding them to the tanks and then come back to the forums wondering what went wrong. It depends on your climate and how you keep your house. Where I live, you'd go broke trying to keep your home cool enough to need a heater, but can easily overheat the water, even on the lowest setting in a small tank.
connie maglioli
connie maglioli - 7 years ago
Rachel, I enjoy your channel so much! !! It was after a heater malfunction that I discovered I didn't need a heater for my aquariums. It stopped working, I was changing the water and noticed how cold it was to my hands. When I checked the temp it was room temperature. At first I freaked out but as none of the fish died I was too scared to put another heater in. Ever since I haven't used one for most of my fish! Thank you for confirming that!

Just to share...I had to get some scarlet badis and celestial danios for my nanos! Thank you so much for covering them! OH...and how do you remember all those scientific names?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
I am glad to hear it! And for the scientific names, that is what I have to know in order to request them from exporters, as there are WAY more common names than scientific :)
Sandra Meyer
Sandra Meyer - 7 years ago
Hey Rachel I really like your you tube videos, between you and DIY Joey and solid gold I am constantly amazed at all the info you all share with other people like me. I have had aquariums since i was old enough to remember. I have also did the small pet thing, ( hampsters, mice, parakeets, etc. ) know what i mean? never lasted long. Fish have always been my one true love. I have always had a tank. Unlike that Hampster from hell I got for my youngest. I don't really know if it ate my cat but It and the cat disapeared at the same time. hummmmmm . Fish are just amazing creatures. I just retired and have been collecting some tanks and really getting involved in keeping different fish and now have time to play and enjoy. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and general advice, you and DIY Joey and Others who take the time to connect with people have really helped me.
Thank You
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
my pleasure!
Mia Kosem
Mia Kosem - 7 years ago
I have a house that is too cold for my 10 gal nano aquarium. I also have a heater but it is not doing its job. It's set on 85 degrees but my trusty thermometer says it is only 72 degrees (still much warmer than our house). I want to get another filter that is able to heat it up to AT LEAST 78 degrees. Any suggestions?
Heidi's Fish Tank
Heidi's Fish Tank - 7 years ago
I wish I could love this video. People online constantly criticize me for not having heaters & never believe me that my house is warm enough. I live in Arizona. My house is 79 degrees 100% of the time and I have never had it drop below 77 in any of my tanks even in the dead of winter here.
Steph Smith
Steph Smith - 7 years ago
Heidi's Fish Tank I also live in az, and get crap for no heater, I'm right there with ya
Craig Woodhull
Craig Woodhull - 7 years ago
Almost ALL fish love the temp. you are providing !!!! 79 you could keep Discus ! You can keep Goldfish as well,..
Just look up your temp range for your fish
josh craigslist
josh craigslist - 7 years ago
I have been using two Aqueon Pro heaters in my two tanks, one 100W for the 20 gallon tank, and one 150W for a 40 gallon tank. These have been in full use for around a year with no issues yet. They're a little pricey but it has been worth it for the reliability.

It's also important to note that these heaters were working very hard over this last winter with no issues.
Vickie Workman
Vickie Workman - 7 years ago
good info!
Maddy Cain
Maddy Cain - 7 years ago
I recently set up a new aquarium with an old glass tube heater that my parents used to use. (not my best idea, I know) When the tank was ready for fish, I added four zebra danios. When I woke up the next morning, I only had three danios. I discovered that one jumped out of the tank onto the floor during the night. Upon inspection of the tank I discovered that the glass on the heater had cracked and water was coming in contact with the water. I immediately turned the heater off and removed it. The remaining three fish were very agitated. They kept trying to dig in the substrate like they were trying to rub something off of their bodies. I'm pretty sure that the heater was electrocuting them. I'm also thinking that this was what prompted the one fish to jump out. a few hours later, everyone calmed down and started acting normal again. I have since replaced the heater with a brand new one. I'm attributing the failure of the old one to being way to old and feel confident that I won't have the same issue with a new  heater.

I really appreciate your information, Rachel. It ever occurred to me to not used a heater for a tropical fish tank. I live in the Pacific Northwest so most of the year I think I would need a heater. We only heat the house in the morning and evening when we are home and in a ten gallon tank, I would be worried that the temp will fluctuate too much. I'll definitely consider not using my in tank heater during the summer.
Monkey Nut
Monkey Nut - 7 years ago
If I didn't use a heater it would be 12 Celsius in winter LOL

30. comment for Do you NEED a heater in your aquarium?

aliciacb8284747274 - 7 years ago
If there's one piece of equipment that always fails on me in my aquarium it's the bloody heater
Artists Rick
Artists Rick - 7 years ago
my tetra heater cooked my fish today it was 100°f in my tank I lost 4 corys and I am keeping an eye on them no heater now and I chilled the water with room temp water is it ok to use no heater if I keep my house at 75°f or 76°f I have 6 corys left and one danio and one german blue ram
Michael Orme
Michael Orme - 7 years ago
When you do large water changes surely your tap water is substantially cooler than air temp leading to a big drop in a small space of time.
Almarma - 7 years ago
For many years I used Eheim heaters without issues. Then I moved to a different country and restarted with the hobby with a new aquarium. I got a used aquarium, with a cheapo heater, and one day it suddenly failed, warming too much the water, and killed all my ancistrus and half of my neons. I ran out the aquarium without heater for like 3 months, but when the winter was about to arrive I decided to get a new one as here in Norway the winter is cold and long. Of course, the new heater is again an Eheim, but maybe I could just have continued without it, because the fishes were doing well
justin hunt
justin hunt - 8 years ago
I just came across your videos today and I've watched like 12 I love your setup is it just in like and old garage
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+justin hunt thanks man
aquadragon1 - 8 years ago
Yup the one single time i had a heater break on me it cooked me a bunch of wild fish.
shadow999991 - 8 years ago
I've had so many heater issues, it's what eventually got me out of the hobby a few years back. originally my 10 gallon (which I only had a half dozen pygmy gourami in but  was planning to up it to a full dozen) went on the fritz and fried them. then my forty eight gallon that I had gotten a mix of angelfish in who I had kept for over a year hoping they would pair up eventually (a gold veil, a leopard halfback veil, a black veil, a zebra which had grown to the size of a dinner plate in just a year, and a blusher who for some reason had never grown past the size of a quarter. yes I bought all of them at the same time, originally there were 6 but I had a lose early on) woke up one morning to them all dead except for the black veil who was on his side gasping for air, heater had struck again. pulled the heater and dead angels out and started doing water changes, 25%-30% every hour or so to try and get the temperature down and not shock the still living angel but I was sure I was going to lose him. the black veil ended up bouncing back but he got very aggressive and anything I'd put in with him would quickly be harassed to the point of death. ended up trading him in to the local fish store for a $5 store credit a few months later. warned the owner that he had become a bastard and killed anything and everything, but he said he was so big and beautiful he was sure he'd be gone by the end of the day and if not he was planning on taking him.  but yeah heaters suck : /
Johnny Z
Johnny Z - 8 years ago
I've been wondering about this, mainly because I just recently moved to Phoenix Arizona. And with the temps being hot as an oven in the summer. I'm worried that my tank temp will suffer. I'm originally from NY and I never had to be concerned with this. I have fresh water fish with average temp needs of around 75-80 degrees. And though I will run the air conditioner in the summer. My tank sits somewhat near the window in my living room. I'm thinking of taking the heater out and just keeping an eye on the temp, especially during 100 or more degree days.
KillYourHero92 - 8 years ago
Heaters are a must for me. I keep my window open for my cats so my house averages 64 degrees and I keep discus, rummy nose and some other fish that like warm waters. I have a generic Petco heater that has lasted forever! I even got it used so I have no idea how old it is. I've had a few others and haven't had any horror stories thank goodness.
Scuba Diver
Scuba Diver - 8 years ago
Ehiem has lasted the longest for me. I have 2 that have been going pushing close to 15 years. There are always the 'Monday morning, Friday afternoon' to anything manufactured.
Dæmon Græyson
Dæmon Græyson - 8 years ago
I'll get an inline heater/titanium heater if I can't keep it warm enough with just keeping my room itself warm during the cooler months.
to om
to om - 8 years ago
I keep mostly Subtropical Channas. I don't need any heaters over the whole year. On dry season simuöation i even have to put the fishes temperature down between 14 to 16 degrees Celsius between November to end of febuary where i store them in my cold basement in pvc boxes without food and Light for the time. basicly its simular to turtle keeping.

Channa are air breathers and also hate regular water changes while it makes them sick or aggressive so even while I have around 3 x 180G, 6 x 100G and 12 x 65G i have a fairy low bill on water or electicity. My room also is completly filtered with air and dual corner HMF Filters.

Food is also no big deal with channas, adult Snakeheads only gets feed once per week, sub adults any two days. The only pain in the ass with them is that if they depend to fight they kill each others in a couple of hours so if you are at work it can happen you can lose a 200 Euro fish.
Also aggression and canibalism is very likley. I breed mostly with my F0 Asam Auramanticulata aka golden Cobra and if the fry starts to leave the parents after around 8 to 10 weeks with already close to 10 cm of size they go for each other like nothing if one is only around 10% smaller. For this is also the army of 65G than its very bad to lose to many to canibalism while any F1 fish is worth around 50 bucks.
Renek Jorgenson-Massad
Renek Jorgenson-Massad - 8 years ago
Hi Rachel, love your channel. Would like to see more about how you choose other aquarium equipment like lights, siphons...etc. Also, I live in Minnesota so during the winter, I set my heaters down to 70-72. During the summer it gets quite warm here (believe it or not) so I do not need to use heaters. Thank you for advocating for using research to set up an aquarium....and not what customers are told in the pet store or what is commonly seen in fish keeping.
Luis Martinez
Luis Martinez - 8 years ago
Hi Rachel. Thank God I've never had a heater failure. I have discus so I think i have no choice but to have one. Interesting video. God Bless
Jeremiah Natte
Jeremiah Natte - 8 years ago
I have been debating not using one on my 20gal xhigh neon tank. that room already gets pretty warm with my reptiles. like, upper 70s low 80s. the heater is just there as a redundancy.
Karen J Gray
Karen J Gray - 8 years ago
I''m cursed, or maybe blessed, with an apartment where the heat is usually about 30 C, year round. That's too hot for me and too hot for many fish too. No thermostats here. Gets even hotter on some summer days, especially given the place faces south and west. Big time solar heat gain.
Some winter days, it can get quite chilly in the bedroom where I keep a lot of my nano tanks. I hadn't ever had to use a heater for any tank until this year when a severe cold snap dropped the bedroom temp to 16 C, and less at night. Too cold for me, never mind the poor fish. So now I have heaters but they are rarely actually on, as the cold snap lasted only a couple of weeks. My biggest problem is cooling the tanks. I have fans running on the fish tanks more often than not.
nuimaleko7 - 8 years ago
I chose the species for my tank because I didn't want use a heater. I have giant danios, white cloud and golden minnows, black neon tetras, cories, dogo loaches and Siamese algae eaters. Obviously I don't breed in my 55 gallon display tank, so that is not an issue. The tank is in my living room and i like things warm, so the thermostat for the heater/air conditioner unit is always set on 75 during the winter and 80 during the summer. When i do water changes, I try to make sure that the new water is about the same temp as the old. The fish have never been stressed.
The TriggerFreak
The TriggerFreak - 8 years ago
Cool stuff.. learned a lot. Thanks!
Alex Tan
Alex Tan - 8 years ago
Hi, I'm from Malaysia. I'm currently facing a problem whether to buy a heater for my discus tank or not because I was thhinking that heater can reduce the probability for my discus to get sick. Besides, I wonder if I install the heater beneath my diy wet dry filter, I wonder will the temp of 28-30 degree celcius will affect the beneficial bacteria in my filter? Thank you.
Daniel Yang
Daniel Yang - 8 years ago
I think this needed to be said. I see too many people online reflexively (like robots) advise that heaters are a necessity without knowing anything about the person and where they live. Personally, I don't think small temp fluctuations are a bad thing, either. However, some people like to make it sound worse than an ammonia spike.

50. comment for Do you NEED a heater in your aquarium?

mylyingeyes - 8 years ago
longest running heater for me is fluval. I agree that if you can stand your fishroom to be 76 degrees or whatever than go that route. my fishroom has saltwater fish, goldfish, tropicals and turtles. so every tank has a heater. they all like something different. what i need next is a recliner like you have got.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+mylyingeyes recliner is highly recommended
Kae Hume
Kae Hume - 8 years ago
i live in an environment where the climate changes suddenly even within one day so i use heaters just to be safe except in my goldfish tank, and even then i use heaters for them in the winter time. i agree with you though!
Beth88892 - 8 years ago
living in the uk temperature fluctuates a lot even in the summer and our house is never warmer than 20°c so for me a heater is needed
Grandmaster - 8 years ago
what is the temperature in your fish room?
Grandmaster - 8 years ago
You certainly don't need a heater!!! Thanks for the answer. Keep the good work!!
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
84 in the warmest section, 77 in the coolest. It is balmy
Freedom Cycles
Freedom Cycles - 8 years ago
well said Rachel. I have Ancistrus pleco's and when my heater died and by the time i noticed the drop in water temperature they were not happy puppies, Fortunately had a new one ready to swap it out. I think they are a must for single tank setups, especially if your tank is near an open window. Thanks for your videos and We all have to respect Murphys Law when maintaining such a Biotope/ecosystem in our living rooms. also love you recent trimming a scape video
ThordunnHeat - 8 years ago
I usually water change with slightly colder water than the tank water, my african cichlids go crazy and swim right through the "cold stream" and this triggers spawning almost every time.
Jeff K
Jeff K - 8 years ago
I know most people keep their african chichlid tanks warmer than necessary. I have been keeping them at 70 degrees without issue.
Jeff K
Jeff K - 8 years ago
not if you live in hawaii
Mayra Sanchez
Mayra Sanchez - 8 years ago
I only use heaters during the winter months. I usually don't turn on the house heater so my poor fishes would be shaking in their scales. :-D I do worry about the heaters failing as you said.
James King
James King - 8 years ago
I agree with your logic. Most experts say a very narrow range of temperature is required for many species. I have always believed in the seasonal shift you discuss. Big powerful heaters can kill fish when they fail in the on position. I only use heaters that are lower wattage than suggested. I do not use any larger than 125 in my 50 gallon tanks. I have had best luck with non submersible heaters . Catastrophic failures are absolutely devastating to me when they killed fish that I have had more than 10 years, like my clown loaches. You have a wonderful commentary with your videos. Thanks for sharing with us. We share the earth with very many beautiful and interesting and unusual creatures .
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
Sometimes I think too much, but I have even neon tetras that are over 10 years old. I really think allowing some seasonal shift really prolongs life span. Needless to say, my fish room is pretty balmy, and it certainly isn't the same environment as the average aquarist, BUT its something to really think about. If you can monitor the environment and see what you CAN definitively provide, I think most of the time heaters may not be warranted.
ayrxson - 8 years ago
I don't use heaters in my tanks in my house. (We run heater/AC in the house year round so the temp is constant in my house.) But we don't have a huge range of fish either. Some bettas, tetras, snails and shrimp. Everyone is happy.
s_ r
s_ r - 8 years ago
my house stays between 70 to 76
hatnixzuverlirn - 8 years ago
hi. I never had trouble with eheim heaters so far. sometimes I used heaters coming with the tanks. but they always died after some months.
but the eheim I still use after more than 20years and its working...
there are two forms I use. 1st the one without thermostat. u can only use them in larger tanks causeing too much heat for smaller tanks... but they , as they heat in rhythms I can choose, provide the ability to get wintertimes,as they just lift up the tanks temp some degrees over ur roomtemp.
2nd with thermostat... as they are well chosen for the tank in size the temperature was steady.
but today I place my tanks in the living room so I don't need any heater... maybe for spring or fall when we don't have the house heater on... but it's just a backup system.
Avsfreak24 - 8 years ago
I'm not gonna breed fish( My parents won't let me and I don't have the room ) so I think I'm gonna stick with a heater for now. In my tank I have a Powder Blue Gourami, 2 Hatchetfish (Currently working on giving them to a friend because I got bored of them and want to try something new), 2 Cory Catfish and a Cherry Barb. Can someone tell me if any of these fish need a cool down period because if so I'll put them in another tank or give them to a friend or a mom and pop store if they'll take them
Auzzie - 8 years ago
I never buy heaters,simply because I live in Guam,and it's really hot here
Dodi Wenners
Dodi Wenners - 8 years ago
Good video- I use heaters in the winter months, most all tanks have double heaters. I use Ehiems and still have old green ones around. I keep most tanks around 76-78 up to 82 for discus. I pull heaters in summers.
Trying out some new brands ( testing) but on most tanks I run 2 heaters- lower wattage heaters, and commercial grade heater controllers. I have 12 tanks only...
Patrick Cabeza
Patrick Cabeza - 8 years ago
I've always used heaters because I never allow the temp in house to go above 72° and I prefer to sleep cold running the ac to 65° at night. The eheim jagger are probably my top pick as they seem to run most accurately and almost no fluctuation. Also good experience with fluval m line though some experimenting with the settings are necessary and there can be mild fluctuations in temp. Lastly, while I've never experienced a huge malfunction with hydor, I find the temp fluctuations with these to be the greatest.
Airhawk360 - 8 years ago
I've got some basic heaters I got from wal mart (Although I think one of mine is actually a fluval not from wal mart) I havent had any failures or troubles so far, although I've only been in the hobby 6 months. I kind of have to use them because while the summer is more than adequatly warm, winters get real cold here and the heating in my appartment sucks.
missesraisin - 8 years ago
I'm not sure why I use a heater for my indoor aquariums they sit right next to bowls of Beta fish. I know why I use the heaters for my outdoor aquariums, the temperature drop at night.
Aquariums by Mike
Aquariums by Mike - 8 years ago
ive had all but old faithful ehiems fail on me. Never used inlines. Fishroom here is heated by space heater in basment. Beat other cost options in the end.
Miss Minka
Miss Minka - 8 years ago
I don't think this is good advice for the general public. Most people like keeping their houses between 65 and 70 year round, which is too cold for most tropical fish.
I think it would be better to say 'you need a heater unless' instead of 'you don't need a heater unless'. Saying you don't need one just gives people excuses to not get one when they very much do need one.
Miss Minka
Miss Minka - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary Maybe this is just me being pessimistic, but people always seem to take the lazy way out and love to twist words to work for them. All I can see from this is people saying you said room temperature is fine and not taking into account that you have an entire room heated for your fish.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
I disagree. I asked people to research, see what they can provide, and
make an educated decision instead of being sheep. To me, that is ALWAYS
good advice.
Danny's Aquariums
Danny's Aquariums - 8 years ago
Hey Rachel,
I bought 2 15 gallon tanks, I run a spongefilter and a heater.
I want to breed freshwater fish in it, do you have any suggestions?
Avsfreak24 - 8 years ago
Danny's Aquariums Maybe get a bigger tank for when the frye grow up and get bigger (probably a 29 or something around that size). But it all depends on the fish your breeding. You can find plenty of forums on breeding freshwater fish too. One more thing, if you do breed them, make sure to have a filter that you can change the flow of because the current can destroy eggs or make it almost impossible for younger frye to move. Once they get older then you can gradually increase the flow. Again, it all depends on what species your breeding and what your willing to spend on food, more tanks, etc. Hope this helped
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 8 years ago
My snails have deformed shells that look like they've been broken... Is this because they have too little calcium? My water is soft and acidic..
Hillary for President
Hillary for President - 8 years ago
I drop a bird cuttlebone for calcium for aquarium snails.
Put a big rock or an aquarium decoration on top of the cuttlebone to avoid floating. I replace the old cuttlebone with a new one every month so the cuttlebone will stay fresh.
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary Ok so what should i feed them? They don't seem unhealthy in any other way
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
It is from the soft, acidic water. Buffering up the hardness can help prevent that, but other than patching them, there is not much you can do otherwise. A calcium rich diet will help with new growth, and the thickness of new shell but the integrity of the growth is maintained through the water.
Manuel Puentes
Manuel Puentes - 8 years ago
I'm trying to start a community tank but how do I feed them ??? All together or separate
lacroixp10 - 8 years ago
I live somewhere where it gets cold for 5 months of the year and my tanks are spread throughout the house so heaters are not an option for me. I have had good luck with the life span of the Eheim/Jager but I find the new ones do not keep the temp as stable as the old ones. I may have hit a bad batch as I bought both at the same store within one month so I'm sure they came out of the same shipment. Most other brands I tried failed too quickly. I have recently tried the Cobalt Aquatics Neo-Therm heaters and find the temperature to be extremely stable. They have a 3 year warranty so they have potential to be durable. I have a Fluval E series on order and have high expectations after trying the C.A. Neo-Therm.
Theo Singh
Theo Singh - 8 years ago
This video was so informing and actually kinda comforting as I myself haven't used heaters and my fish were healthy for years despite many of friends telling me to get one but i didnt as here in Durban South Africa it is always quite warm . However I messed up and added fish without quarantine causing a Ich outbreak. I had to add a heater to speed up the ich life cycle as my fish recovered I'm gonna disconnect the heater as I'm also really paranoid about heater failure!
MetalFamily - 8 years ago
Hey Rach !!

Can you a question and answer or tell us more about yourself !!?? :)
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
you mean like a live one? I can always put the call out for questions to be answered, but not sure if I am ready for live streaming haha
PsychedelicBabe - 8 years ago
In the uk you do we have different temps to you guys over the pond and far away
PsychedelicBabe - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary girl I know your not a snob hahahaha but yeah I have 3 names for you if you need them haha
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+PsychedelicBabe I am not a snob, just a little clueless. Youtube is a big place haha
PsychedelicBabe - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary I have a few people who would accept the challenge who are waiting to be nominated so let me know I'll give you there names and you can check there channels out and see if there worthy or not hahaha
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
I forgot about that! Things have been so hectic. I have to think of who I would nominate, which is what has been holding me back. I am not very aware of many channels who haven't already done it.
PsychedelicBabe - 8 years ago
+Rachel O'leary yes they are .... I'd love to have your temps Rachel so I didn't have to use heaters there a pain in the backside and I'm forever replacing them hahaha love the new hair colour too very Christmassy
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+PsychedelicBabe yea but your ranks are probably indoors
Jacob Allen
Jacob Allen - 8 years ago
I use the aquatech ht 100 series heaters and over the last 5 years none of them have failed. But one of them is getting some condensation on the inner wall, probably from a very small leak. I'm looking into a replacement any suggestions?
Steve Smith
Steve Smith - 8 years ago
Rachael I've just started my own 50g tropical tank and after putting my fish in it went slightly cloudy how can I fix this thanks Steve (new subscriber)
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Steve Smith water changes and patience, it's probably a bacterial bloom (new tank syndrome)
Thor's Aquatics
Thor's Aquatics - 8 years ago
Only during the winter then off in the summer month
Ken Lee
Ken Lee - 8 years ago
Re: Failures... Thermostat or element?
Laranda Lee
Laranda Lee - 8 years ago
This is something I have wondered about for a long time but didn't feel confident enough in going against the "mainstream" advice on. Thanks a lot, will save me on electricity. Unfortunately some of my tanks are in less than desirable locations for temperature regulation and I will keep the Betta's heated too because in my experience they seem very sensitive to low temps & and the smallest of shifts.

Speaking of, my water and electricity bill has shot up since getting into the hobby. No heaters help, but any other money saving advice you could give us on aquarium maintenance would be super helpful. Thanks!
Guy Green
Guy Green - 8 years ago
I have several tanks and use Eheims for 10+ years with no trouble. Now I won't be able to sleep thinking one will fail Argh!
DMAN D - 8 years ago
Do you think cpd breed better at a certain temperature?
DMAN D - 8 years ago
I have used aquaone heaters for years now and I have never had a failure with one.
Crazy Aquatics
Crazy Aquatics - 8 years ago
and the stand looks amazing dear.. amazing piece of art and different idea actually. one of my friend hear is doing that kind of cool stuff. say hello to him and good wish's for both of you.
Crazy Aquatics
Crazy Aquatics - 8 years ago
i don't use heater, and they are doing just great looks happy actually.... but i am going to make a new tank 360gal probably going to use a heater in that.
shizdank - 8 years ago
i use a heater in the vat of rodi water and in a couple other tanks like poso snails, but thats about it.
Jeremy Sims
Jeremy Sims - 8 years ago
so, I live in a semi tropical area, (brisbane, Aust)

I had a 6 foot, by 4 foot but 2 foot tank

i had a small heater as it was meant for just a back up (mostly due to the size of the tank, and the good insulation of my unit, and that the tank had the fridge on one side (and the back of a fridge is always nice and warm, and some of that warmth was free tank heating, this set up ran with my stunning and tame sailfin pleco, and a heap of cichlids, and an interesting black ghost knifefish that loved tofu (found out one day when a vegan friend made tofu dogs, and the knifefish went nuts doing laps at the top of the tank!, became his little 1st of the month treat)

middle of winter, and I had to leave town for 5 days, I had someone come in mid week to feed the fish, and make sure everything was okay, and they opened a window to air the place a little, well, those 3 nights it was below 10c (below 50F) and not much warmer in the day, (they were some of the coldest days in years)
they lack of size in the heater, and the cold overall temps meant the heater struggled and tripped the power,
I came home to half a tank dead, and some very clearly unwell fish,
I had lost a good 20 full size yellows and blues, and my knifefish when I returned
i was doing a water change until midnight that night (rainwater) with the gas oven on, and heaters to try and get the room temps ups (thus the tank temps) in a gentle as possible way,
by the monday, all bar my fully grown, sailfin pleco had passed, I took the day off work, and took her to my local aquarium experts who had some large tanks, and could provide the care
he lasted two weeks, and would right to the end great matt (the owner) each morning as she'd done for me (she loved head pats)
that store was so great, the team there tried their best, and whatever it was, (the cold or some complication afterwards) they never charged me, they understood how much it hurt at the time (not to sound cold, but many of the fish, were just fish, but there was two that were pets, and I loved, they had character) after that it took me close to 8 years to get back into the hobby
Brian's Opinion/Comments
Brian's Opinion/Comments - 8 years ago
Thanks for sharing. Great update and information.
Anthony Ragan
Anthony Ragan - 8 years ago
Right now, I have just two tanks. The 20-long uses a 100w- Visitherm built in a style they don't make anymore, but it's been super reliable. I do have a separate temp controller on it, though, just in case... The 10g has a Fluval E-series that I've been happy with, even if it is the bulkiest thing, ever. I'd like to be able to do without heaters, but my tanks are in an apartment living room, and it's just not practical. (Electric ceiling coil heat, terribly inefficient) How do you heat your fish room? Centrally? (Never mind, just saw the answer. :) )
AmyCummingsIrishDanceMom - 8 years ago
Awesome news. Thank you. I'm going to ween my fish off heaters slowly, one tank at a time and see what happens.
Real Bajan
Real Bajan - 8 years ago
Do you thing I need a heater in Texas? for African Cichlids  125g and a 36g planted tank with angles, gourami mollies, sword tales, tetras and amazon swords? Still trying to figure out other plants to keep under low light.
Jayce - 8 years ago
I've had a number of heaters fail in some way. So I've stopped using them for the most part. I use heaters in my african community, and my bettas. Pretty much all my other fish I choose sub tropical or cold water fish that won't require them. I do have heaters on standby if really need be. So far this system works just fine. Oh and I use hydor or ehime. Fluval (only one so far to explode...) and all other commercial heaters have had issues.
christine lanphere
christine lanphere - 8 years ago
Thank you Great Video!
Damion Markham
Damion Markham - 8 years ago
I need heaters my house is cold. Ehiem or whatever I can aquire is what I run
Rico Suave
Rico Suave - 8 years ago
I use Ehiem and cobalt aquatics heater mainly in the winter months for when it's water change time waters wayyyyy to cold
Jess MacDougall
Jess MacDougall - 8 years ago
thinking about what to stock my tank with when I give it a make over
Bobbie Hanks
Bobbie Hanks - 8 years ago
I have both heated and unheated. after experiencing heater failure, I now make sure I use the lowest watts possible to raise the water temp the amount necessary, or split between 2 smaller heaters. best to know if one doesn't turn off, the fish will be toasty but not cooked!

100. comment for Do you NEED a heater in your aquarium?

dbachelor's Planted Aquarium
dbachelor's Planted Aquarium - 8 years ago
Very informative video.... I don't use heater in my aquarium because in our country the Philippines, the weather is hot. :)
Emmit Stewart
Emmit Stewart - 8 years ago
I have a heater in my guppy tank because It is in the room with my cactus collection, which I keep cold to promote dormancy in winter. (Cacti need a cold, dry dormant period to form flower buds.)  My other tanks are in a room I keep at 80 degrees winter and summer.
NYC Bettas
NYC Bettas - 8 years ago
This is a great informative,video, and I totally agree with you. Most Fish need a cool down period. For instance, my wild betta mouthbrooders never hold full term while the temperature is over 60° outside. I only use a heater all year round in my discus, blue electric ram, Cardinal tetras tank. The heater I used is a cheap heater I purchased on ebay for like $20, and it has been running for 2 years.
allisonjane913 - 8 years ago
I have heaters in my 2 tanks in the living room. Living in Wa state we've been getting snow lately and I'm bad about keeping my living room warm since I prefer to curl up with blankets vs running central heat. If I kept my living room warmer I'm sure I wouldn't need the heaters. Though right now I'm battling ich in my smaller tank so I'm grateful I have it going.
Sha - 8 years ago
I've never had a heater overheat for me and I've had my heaters for about 6-10 years. My thing is I'm pretty sure most of them aren't actually working though bc when I unplug them they aren't hot lol. Even when the light flicks on and off
Golden Kappa
Golden Kappa - 8 years ago
I don't use heaters for my tetras because I keep them in my living room and they seem to be doing well without it
Jay Workman
Jay Workman - 8 years ago
I've got two Colbalt Neo-Therms that are closing in on 3 years and seemingly going strong (knock on wood). I've even accidentally left them running during PWCs on a handful of occasions. The other side of that coin is the Colbalt Easy-Therm I had on my quarantine/hospital tank that lasted less than a year.
Jose Colon
Jose Colon - 8 years ago
Hey good subject I needed this bc my house be hot I got African cichlids n my tank be 86 n in the summer is worst wats a good idea to bring the temperature down to at least 80? ThAnk u
Noveske O2369
Noveske O2369 - 8 years ago
I do have heaters in my tanks but I turn them way down to only come on when it's drops below 65 degrees I do not have heaters in my shrimp tanks I it seams the cooler it get the happier they are but I do live a state that doesn't get snow
Donna - 8 years ago
Living in the UK heaters are a must even though my central heating is permanently on, set at 24°

I use heaters in all 8 bar two tanks (goldfish 280L and golden wonder killifish fry tank 7L ).

Years ago I learnt a valuable lesson in not to go by the cheapest choice, especially not Chinese imports. I bought a cheap Chinese heater online which failed after a month, cooked my poor fish to over a 100F, £150 worth of fish gone overnight. Only trust recommended brand names with great reviews now and replace them when the manufactures warranty runs out, I won't take any chances..
Twichl - 8 years ago
The only aquarium I have running it my turtle tank and with turtles you ABSOLUTELY must have a heater for hatchlings and Asian turtles (unless you keep your house 80 degrees year around). Warmer temperatures and stability help keep the turtle's immune system strong. With this, I've had good luck with my titanium heater for the last 8 months... fingers crossed it stays that way ;)
But for my, eventual second shrimp tank, a heater won't be nessecary.
Michelle Lucia
Michelle Lucia - 8 years ago
Just found your channel.and I am binge watching!!!!I just love it! I am a fancy goldfish enthusiasts and yes I do use a heater.Thanks for the great videos #goldfishunion
Michelle Lucia
Michelle Lucia - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary so sorry.Yes fancy's are not an easy keep.I just took a great lost after a horrible pond season this summer (loss of cycle and battling gypsy moth plague that killed my filtation).I am starting with a new crew.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
I already have goldfish :) Just not fancies for quite a few years now after an unfortunate pond heater failure :(
Michelle Lucia
Michelle Lucia - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary yes come over to the dark side.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
I am going to have to get some fancy goldfish soon. I adore shubunkins, just have to clear a 75g for them. Welcome! You will now watch the evolution of me doing youtube for the past year, haha.
John John
John John - 8 years ago
I have minnows and guppies, so, no heaters for me. Both species love the winter cool down (62 degrees is my lowest) and spawn like crazy when spring comes. And the coloration on my minnows is more intense during the winter. Actually, I have more trouble keeping them cool during the summer than keeping them warm during the winter. From June till September, there is a fan hitting the surface 24/7.
Carlos Díez
Carlos Díez - 8 years ago
Oh Rachel! Some people will think we are crazy!
Big truths in your words! Totally agree ;)
Buddy Mayfield
Buddy Mayfield - 8 years ago
Do you have Fish Pimp tattooed on your knuckles?! That's freakin awesome. I've mostly only used aqueon glass heaters, but recently have noticed they do fail, but the light will still come on as if it's heating. Have started to switch to their pro versions. Which would you suggest to try something new?
Lynda York
Lynda York - 8 years ago
Yikes about the top fin heater!
Buddy Mayfield
Buddy Mayfield - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary awesome tattoo. yeah i remember his cobalt heater incident which was very terribly unfortunate. my worst scenario was only (thankfully) they have just stopped working. however a top fin heater that came with my girlfriends tank wasn't leaking water, but it was arcing current inside the heater with visible sparks after a short period of use.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
Yes, yes I do have Fish Pimp on my knuckles
. As far as heater recommendations, I really do'nt know
what to recommend. The titanium heaters with the separate controllers
(external) are my preference, or hydor inline heaters have worked for
me, and are all I have running at the moment. I would google "fish tank
heater failure" to learn what to avoid, in all honesty. I am
apprehensive about throwing any company under the bus, but there are
some doozy stories out there. One by our buddy, UaruJoey which is well
Cole Schramm
Cole Schramm - 8 years ago
Great video! We use heaters in our tanks. IMHO, heater controllers are a must, if you're going to use in-tank heaters. They are a fairly cheap investment, that provide a secondary failsafe. I personally use JBJ True Temp Titanium Heaters w/Controllers in all our tanks.
Cole Schramm
Cole Schramm - 8 years ago
reign4life I've only had an issue one time, with a 1000 watt heater from JBJ. I called the company, they looked up my warranty registration information and immediately sent out a new heater. They didn't even request that I send the old heater back. I'm running 13 of them in our fishroom. I've heard good things about Ranco and Finnex contollers, too. I think the most important thing is to use a controller as a means of protection against heater failure. Even the most expensive heaters fail WAY to often in this hobby. Been in this hobby for 17 years now and the only for sure thing about heaters is they either just stop working completely or they stick on and cook your fish. Just a matter of time and what steps you can take to prevent it.
reign4life - 8 years ago
Odd how those have terrible online reviews.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
Those are the ones I have been using as well- this is not an endorsement, LOL
BEARDZ Z - 8 years ago
I dont use any heaters, Australian temps and South American temps are similar
Jerk Of All Trades
Jerk Of All Trades - 8 years ago
Can I motor boat?
Kala C TheNanoChick
Kala C TheNanoChick - 8 years ago
My husband enjoys keeping the house at penguin room temperature at night so I'm forced to use heaters lol
epicexposure - 8 years ago
My apartment here in NYC gets quite chily at times. Defiantly use and need a heater. Considering it's winter right. I have heard of horror stories involving faulty heaters. So, I'm constantly worried and often check the temperature of all my tanks. At times, I shut them off after a certain point in the desired temperature. Then I plug them back in. I do make sure the temp does not go below it's point, however.
Marissa Karto
Marissa Karto - 8 years ago
I have 2 red eared slider tanks a 75 and a 40 gallon. I use the Fluval E series 300, I had one for over 5 years and it worked great, I replaced it this year though because it was really dirty and the backlighting on the thermometer wouldn't work. But the temps were also spot on and it worked great. I replaced it with the same model.
Dan Greve
Dan Greve - 8 years ago
Eheim and started using these little archaea heaters for nano tanks, super tiny.
Rossland Fishguy
Rossland Fishguy - 8 years ago
for the last decade i would say the Eclipse Elite heaters are the only heaters ive been willing to buy from your standard retail supply. Like all retail products they fail. Double up!. I like them because they simply shut off when they die. I have cooked tanks with just about every other brand including Fluval. Ive just started using the new Submersible Fluval heaters. So far i really like em, Digital LED thermostat is a nice touch. I when i can i always use an inline heater. Junk hanging in the back of a planted tank looks silly. Tho its winter in Rossland so atm. Every tank has two heaters running horizontal, with twice the wattage per gallon required, all on back up 6 hour supply. If the power goes out, its only about 2 to 3 hours before my house is below Zero. I only run a the air pump and heaters of the supply. so i can literally be gone all day with no worry aside from dead bio load inside my canister.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
Let me know YOUR experiences with heaters- good and bad
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Hassan Saleh
Hassan Saleh - 8 years ago
i use a heater for my fish room but my problem is near tank to heater is warm and far tank is cool and levels of aquarium too help me plz
Avsfreak24 - 8 years ago
Hassan Saleh Put your heater sideways and have some water flow on it. This will help get the heated water to the whole tank.
F Zm0
F Zm0 - 8 years ago
I don't use heaters, it killed :(
All of my angles died
Jackie Varughese
Jackie Varughese - 7 years ago
F Zm0 What's the temp of the tank ?
F Zm0
F Zm0 - 8 years ago
justin hunt I have a heated room !!
justin hunt
justin hunt - 8 years ago
F Zm0 ya u have to use a heater with angels man they are warm water fish
the lazy fish keeper
the lazy fish keeper - 8 years ago
for several years have not used a heater my average room temp is about 75. but just recently started to use a couple for tanks with my platys and mollys. can't remember the brand working for now.
MA FishGuy
MA FishGuy - 8 years ago
that's why I'm glad I can heat my room
Quintin Lourens
Quintin Lourens - 8 years ago
i use heaters in my tanks in the house, but dont use any in fishroom. i keep the fishroom temp at 32 degrees celcius, so my top tanks range between 27 28 degrees, and bottom tanks about 24 degrees celcius
Ronald Last
Ronald Last - 8 years ago
More than once I've heard it said that energy can be saved by heating a fish room rather than the individual tanks. I wish someone would explain to me how this works because for me it seems wrong, at least if you are comfortable with a room temperature that is a few degrees lower than the needs of the fish... (The economics of buying individual aquarium heaters is, of course, a different story...)
Lynda York
Lynda York - 8 years ago
What types of fish do you have, Ronald? Most of the species I keep, like Corydoras catfish, danios, tetras, and loaches, like low to mid 70s so my house temp is perfect for them.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
Also- to clarify, between my lights, dehumidifiers, and the wood stove, the room stays about 80 in winter- top row tanks are 77, middle 75, bottom 72. In the summer, top row is 82ish, middle 80, and bottom 77. So in the winter, if I have a cold area in the fishroom- it is easy to just set my space heater 77, that way none of the tanks dip down below 70. Most tropical fish do just fine as long as they are in the 70s- wiht the notable exceptions I mention in the video. My bsement is not cold, to be clear, so it makes WAY more sense with MY application to supplement heat in the room then add the potential for heater failure in tanks.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
i use a 1500w heater for the entire room, versus 100+ 250 w heaters. The heater kicks on as needed, and doesn't fail and kill my fish.
Ronald Last
Ronald Last - 8 years ago
O. K., maybe I'm wrong, but I still don't understand how you need less energy to heat aquariums indirectly than directly, not that that's saying much...
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Ronald Last I have 100 tanks, half of which would require at least 1 250w heater, if not two. That is a lot of power consumption when I can run a single heater to raise the room a few degrees
jason rothfeld
jason rothfeld - 8 years ago
I keep my house relatively warm (around 75) so I can get by without a heater.
visualkeirockstar - 8 years ago
i use heater in all of my tank except one. The one without heater is the goldfish tank.
Justin Loitz
Justin Loitz - 8 years ago
atm i use eheim jager heaters and havent really had a problem but if i ever decide to change things up im probably going to go for more cooler water hillstream species
pothuss - 8 years ago
i live in central FL and we do not have really cold winters. in the summer months i keep my house at 77 to 78. and in the winter months our house stays at about the same temp. so i do not use heaters in my fish room. i worry more about my tanks over heating. if my ac go's out. i have a backup generator for power outages.
Moontanman - 8 years ago
I mostly keep native fish but in mixed tanks I still allow a winter cool down, mid sixties, if it is a slow gradual decline is usually no problem. Quick blips can be a problem for any fish...
Catfish Cave
Catfish Cave - 8 years ago
I've been using ebo-jager/eheim heaters in all my tanks for 25 years - a couple are that old! I tend to underheat my tanks - temps are set between 70F and 74F - which means in the summer temps will be between 5 & 10 degrees warmer than winter. I do that for all the reasons Professor Rachel mentioned - fish naturally have temperature fluctuations in their environment. Also, I choose the smallest heater that can possibly work in a specific situation - this way it clicks on/off less, which makes it last longer.
I'm curious Rachel - how do your Hillstream loaches and other cool water fishes do in your fishroom? (Fabulous I'm sure - I just wonder if the warmth affects their lifespan)
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Catfish Cave they are great as they are on a freestanding rack rather than a wall of tanks (less warm that way)
Nathan - 8 years ago
So for turtles my system design includes a singular heater in the central sump that filters the enclosures of 4 separate groups. Obviously, the species/subspecies within this system all require similar if not identical water temperatures.

Do you think that it's a larger risk using a single higher quality heater to heat several enclosures, or multiple less-expensive heaters used to heat individual enclosures? Sorry if that's hard to understand. Thanks.
Nathan - 8 years ago
Lynda York absolutely. I suppose what I mean is say I had a budget of $300, and I wanted to heat 3 enclosures. Should I spend the full of the $300 on a singular, high quality heater and make it part of a sump system, or buy 3 less expensive heaters for each individual enclosure.

There's a trade off between a higher volume of heaters so that failure is less damaging to the collection, or a lower volume of high quality heaters so the failure is just less likely all around.

I don't know of the actual figures so $300 could be a dumb number but it's just what I came up with.
Lynda York
Lynda York - 8 years ago
So, instead of, say one 100W heater, is it safer to use 2 50W heaters? I'd think so - but I'd still get the best quality of the 50W heaters I could find. Better to be safe than sorry, don't you think?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Nathan M go with the best quality you can
Mac's Fishroom
Mac's Fishroom - 8 years ago
Hey Rachel O'leary I have been watching your channel for some time now. listening and drooling over the fish room.
My main question is will your be some day jumping into the dark side and trial a marine set up??
Mac's Fishroom
Mac's Fishroom - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary I am completly hearing you in that department. Like all things new options are always around.

for me I am jumping in mainly for the expericance of it. Plus having former been living around the Great Barrier Reef it must be done.
Thank you for the reply.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Mac Mackintosh unlikely as of now. I haven't even made a dent in the fw side of things
BigFly Multimedia
BigFly Multimedia - 8 years ago
I have 2 20+ year old Visi-Therm Glass submersible heaters that are still going strong. I also have many heaters less than 2 years old that are dead. They do not make them like they used to. Are you heating your fish room with gas or electric?
BigFly Multimedia
BigFly Multimedia - 8 years ago
I am heating my basement fish room with our forced air furnace and cooling it with central air in the summer time. I try to maintain a room temp of around 74f year around and low humidity. I am working on heating only every other or every third tank. The radiant heat from the warmer tanks are keeping the other tanks around 75f. I may consider an electric base board heater for next winter if gas prices keep climbing.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
I don't use central heating at all, ever, unless we are traveling. The central chimney starts in the fish room and i use the central fan to blow the hot air throughout the fishroom and entire house. It works pretty darn well. I also have a generator for the fish room for power outages (air supply). We do all repairs ourself, but not much to go wrong on a woodstove! Only time things got hair was when our well pump died, we had to hire someone to help us extract it for repairs, as our well is quite deep.
Dan Greve
Dan Greve - 8 years ago
I was wondering how you considered for a backup in case your single heater system failed, for example power outage or heater failure. the wood stove answers that question, much simpler. Can you repair it yourself if there is a failure? do you use central heating as a backup or will the space heater work?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+BigFly Multimedia woodstove for the most part, then a small electric space heater
347PJS - 8 years ago
I have a cobalt heater in my ram tank and shrimp tank but been think of getting a hydro in line heater
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Great topic Rachel, I'll likely reference this video in a series I'm doing coming up about breeding fish on cheap. Choosing sub tropical species to keep costs down etc. Thanks for sharing. I have a tank in my living room without a heater right now and I love it.
dylans little hobies on youtube
dylans little hobies on youtube - 8 years ago
id say if you have a tropical fish you should have a heater how ever say you have a 10 gallon tank then get a 5 gallon heater this makes sure you wont cook your fish have a heater thats half of what you need
L.R.Bretz's Aquatics
L.R.Bretz's Aquatics - 8 years ago
I agree.Thumbs up! Got to think of what the fish goes through in the wild year round <3
Mark's Ark Aquarium's
Mark's Ark Aquarium's - 8 years ago
I have heaters in all my tank's.I try to have the smallest watt's possible.So far the fluval heater's seem to be the best choice for me.I buy a lot of used tank's, and have had trouble with most used heater's that come with them.the exception to that is a fluval 200watt I have in a 55gal and a Marina 50 watt that came  with 1 of my 10gals.I think a lot of problem's people have is not acclimating the heater to the water for 30 minutes before pluging them in.or exposing them to air when doing waterchange's.Thank's for all the video's and information you provide to the aquarium community.
fedor111111111 - 8 years ago
My fish room is too cold to go without heaters. I started one without for a while and every few days I came home to a dead fish. I put a heater in on Saturday and everything(left) is much more active, and so far no deaths. I need to find a reliable space heater for my room cause you're right, those tank heaters make the electric bill a bit crazy. I've had luck with eheim jagers.
Monica R
Monica R - 8 years ago
I live in Florida even today in December the temp can get to 90. The heaters I have are rarely used. Informative video.
what about a daily shift if it decreases a little at night. is that dangerous?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Monica R not if it's a small amount
Lynda York
Lynda York - 8 years ago
I don't have any heaters in my tanks except for my shell dwellers. I did get one that goes under the gravel so I'm going to test that out in one of my tanks. I'll let you know how that goes :) thanks, as always, for another informative video, Rachel. You rock.
Bear Necessities
Bear Necessities - 8 years ago
I keep heaters in all 7 running tanks. My room stays around 68-72 all year round due to the tanks/computer in my room which I think helps heat the room so they do not come on as often as they would if it was just one tank. It's also a pretty small room and if I keep the door closed I don't need to worry about it. I honestly could probably get away without them as long as the power never went out. I have yet had one go bad on me, knock on wood. At the moment all of my heaters are Aqueon heaters and they have served me well.
Ryan Osborne
Ryan Osborne - 8 years ago
good call
m2hmghb - 8 years ago
I've got an Aqeuon glass heater and keep a second for backup. I buy the backup on sale and check to make sure it works before putting it away. I keep my aquarium in my room and due to illness I have the temperature fluctuate between 64 and 75 degree Fahrenheit so there is no choice but to use a heater with the gold gourami's I keep.
Young Aquarist
Young Aquarist - 8 years ago
I wish I could just heat my fishroom but it happens to also be my bedroom. I didn't know Central American chiclids need a cool down period. Great video
DanMcLeod Mcleod
DanMcLeod Mcleod - 8 years ago
Rachel how much dose it cost for all those tanks
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+DanMcLeod Mcleod I don't have my own meter. For our house, the fish room, the welding shop, 4 humans, a pool it's $350/month
pecktec - 8 years ago
I wish I had a fishroom like that. All the individual heaters are a pain to keep up with.
Darya - 8 years ago
Great video, always wonder if heaters were really a must for all tropical fish.

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