Do Betta Fish Need Filters in their Tank? - Question being answers today: do Betta tanks need a filter for them to live happily? Hmmm... What do you think? Can anyone help me understand the difference, if there is one, of the good bacteria/beneficial bacteria between a fish tank, a betta tank, and a turtle tank? I don't believe there is a difference no. Beneficial bacteria works the same way in these closed aquatic systems. I used my cycled turtle tank media to kick start both my betta tank and my community tank. It's all one in the same. I think there is only one cycled tank in the house and we have 7. SEVEN with another empty. I swear I am just learning about the nitrogen cycle and I want to cycle all of the tanks. Maybe in a pm can you tell me more about the cycling of the 140 turtle tank? It's all the same, their waste causes ammonia which causes the same bacteria to form. I've set up a tank for my fighter a 28 litre and it's on 4th week of cycling all going well had bacteria bloom which was told is good but on leaves of annubis and heater is like dust looking stuff any ideas ? There is a snail in there and one Danio Can I see your planted Fluval Chi!? Also, is the light good for growing plants? If not, what light should I get?? Got this big guy at a local Petco. He seems a lot happier now than he was in that cup he was in. Need a name for him though.. Please help, I've had bettas for a long time and have never had this problem before. My youngest betta has something between his ventral fins, we think it may be Lymphocystis but not sure. It wasn't there yesterday. Any help or advise please. He's still eating, I give him a few pellets a day with with a couple frozen blood worms as a treat after water changes. He's in a fully planted, heated 5.5 gallon. Yeah she didn't really care much for him I had to I was taking care of her fish plus mine I was wondering if it was due to the fact she didn't care for him much. 'm thinking I was freaking out for nothing, it's gone now. Dropsy is a symptom and not a disease. Hopefully they aren't sick, tho! A picture will help if you're curious. I'm no good at telling the difference between eggy and bloated, but it doesn't seem like they have dropsy. Dropsy is when their scales lift. I'll let someone else confirm if they're eggy, but if they're bloated you should skip feeding for a few days to see if the swelling goes down and then feed them daphnia if you can get it. They're insectivores, so peas are hard for them to digest.

Do Betta Fish Need Filters in their Tank? sentiment_very_dissatisfied 13

Betta 11 years ago 17,848 views - Question being answers today: do Betta tanks need a filter for them to live happily? Hmmm... What do you think? Can anyone help me understand the difference, if there is one, of the good bacteria/beneficial bacteria between a fish tank, a betta tank, and a turtle tank? I don't believe there is a difference no. Beneficial bacteria works the same way in these closed aquatic systems. I used my cycled turtle tank media to kick start both my betta tank and my community tank. It's all one in the same. I think there is only one cycled tank in the house and we have 7. SEVEN with another empty. I swear I am just learning about the nitrogen cycle and I want to cycle all of the tanks. Maybe in a pm can you tell me more about the cycling of the 140 turtle tank? It's all the same, their waste causes ammonia which causes the same bacteria to form. I've set up a tank for my fighter a 28 litre and it's on 4th week of cycling all going well had bacteria bloom which was told is good but on leaves of annubis and heater is like dust looking stuff any ideas ? There is a snail in there and one Danio Can I see your planted Fluval Chi!? Also, is the light good for growing plants? If not, what light should I get?? Got this big guy at a local Petco. He seems a lot happier now than he was in that cup he was in. Need a name for him though.. Please help, I've had bettas for a long time and have never had this problem before. My youngest betta has something between his ventral fins, we think it may be Lymphocystis but not sure. It wasn't there yesterday. Any help or advise please. He's still eating, I give him a few pellets a day with with a couple frozen blood worms as a treat after water changes. He's in a fully planted, heated 5.5 gallon. Yeah she didn't really care much for him I had to I was taking care of her fish plus mine I was wondering if it was due to the fact she didn't care for him much. 'm thinking I was freaking out for nothing, it's gone now. Dropsy is a symptom and not a disease. Hopefully they aren't sick, tho! A picture will help if you're curious. I'm no good at telling the difference between eggy and bloated, but it doesn't seem like they have dropsy. Dropsy is when their scales lift. I'll let someone else confirm if they're eggy, but if they're bloated you should skip feeding for a few days to see if the swelling goes down and then feed them daphnia if you can get it. They're insectivores, so peas are hard for them to digest.

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Most popular comments
for Do Betta Fish Need Filters in their Tank?

Finns And Spinns
Finns And Spinns - 7 years ago
Thing is, you still need to do water changes even WITH a filter. It's true that bettas don't like a strong current but as you mention a sponge filter is a great solution. You can also put a baffle on your filter to cut down on the current.
Victor Cruz
Victor Cruz - 7 years ago
what do u think I should get a filter or a psiphon
Alaura McWilliam
Alaura McWilliam - 8 years ago
I have a 40 gallon divided and planted tank... do you guys think I would "need" a low power filter or would my air stone and siphon work?
smile Conwemma
smile Conwemma - 8 years ago
I had a filter and my betta freked out so I needed to turn it off
Madi Bendy
Madi Bendy - 8 years ago
I'm thinking of using your no filter technique because my filter is making weird sounds and I've already tried cleaning and everything so I'm going to try this...
Sylvia Bond
Sylvia Bond - 8 years ago
do bettas need a air stone?
Isabel Barclay
Isabel Barclay - 8 years ago
If you have a filter its not necessary but if you don't have a filter then ya. for beta fish, air stones would be a lot better than filters. Air stones don't cause overwhelming current and they provide the surface agitation needed for gas exchange. If I were you I would buy an air stone, it's cheaper and once its installed you never have to deal with it agin, but if you buy a filter you have to constantly buy filter pads and deal with changing the nasty filter pads lol.
Dorothy Mount
Dorothy Mount - 8 years ago
they don't need the filter
Victoria Dobson
Victoria Dobson - 8 years ago
I agree
Lazy Weeb
Lazy Weeb - 8 years ago
Even tough they live they dont thrive

10. comment for Do Betta Fish Need Filters in their Tank?

Pony Painter
Pony Painter - 8 years ago
Would a three gallon tank need a filter? I was gonna buy a 3 gallon, but my mom doesn't want to run a filter. I don't think it needs one... Right?
Luke - CSGO & More.
Luke - CSGO & More. - 8 years ago
+Pony Painter nope but do water changes every 3-5 Days, Sorry This Is A bit Late... But Please Do Get A Heater... (79°F/26°C)
Heey J
Heey J - 9 years ago
Thank you for great video. Can you do a video where you change betta fist tank in regular bases? Thank you.
Brian C
Brian C - 9 years ago
I went through a couple of betta fish years ago and I agree that they really dislike strong currents in the water. Especially in a smaller tank. I think I had a 5 gallon and a 10 gallon. The five gallon had one of those biowheel filters but it was still too much current and the fish didn't like it at all. I kept the water clean but the fish was stressed.

In hindsight, I think if people want to use a filter with a betta, they need to find some way to try and spread out the water return so it's not rushing in like a raging waterfall and causing strong currents all through the tank.
Navjot Singh
Navjot Singh - 10 years ago
Betta is a Labyrinth fish and it can live in water which is very low in oxygen. Sometimes people wrongly interpret this and think they can even live in bad quality water. In nature, Betta lives in stagnant water which may be very less in oxygen but is very rich in vegetation and hence the water quality is very superb. In tank, Betta won't like high current caused by Filter pump but that doesn't mean they don't need clean water. If you do  partial water change, you are only making the water Nitrites and Nitrate free. But what about Ammonia which kills the fish in a hour or so? If you do full water change, you are getting the water free of beneficial bacteria without which your fish won't thrive well.
bryan depew
bryan depew - 7 years ago
Navjot Singh was
Legendary Nacho
Legendary Nacho - 7 years ago
Navjot Singh What about those Water things they sell at petsmart? The spray for the bettas water
Navjot Singh
Navjot Singh - 9 years ago
+Ashley W. Some sort of mild filtration is always a sensible decision to take, followed by weekly 30% -50% WC and controlled but quality feeding will ensure your fish will thrive for years. Thank you for endorsing the view..all views are welcomed!!
AB W - 9 years ago
+Shinku SoulDestroyer Yeah, but who wants to take the risk of ammonia spikes and possibly inducing disease? Unless your doing 100% w/c's every 3 days (even in a 5G with one fish), and basically stunting beneficial bacteria trying to establish itself on the substrate, decor, etc. by scrubbing and cleaning everything down excessively to avoid a cycle, guarantee there will be some spiking of ammonia going on. It's like Russian Roulette with your fish's health and breathing.

Why go through all that, just to go filter-less, when you could just cycle the f%#$'n thing, and do normal water changes once a week?!? A cycled tank is a healthier tank. Period. More balanced, natural protection against spiking "nasties", and ensuring that your fish live healthy, long they ALL deserve to. If taking the time to cycle, and testing water quality each week via testing supplies/kits isn't a priority to an aquarist then why bother keeping them at all? You're just asking for trouble...and torturing a living creature with fluctuating levels just because you don't want a filter. It's ridiculous, and I'm sure most experienced, and reputable aquarists in the hobby agree.
Shinku SoulDestroyer
Shinku SoulDestroyer - 9 years ago
rofl, water changes get rid of ammonia too. The bacteria thing is only if you're trying to establish a cycle which can not be done without a filter anyways (unless it's a heavily planted tank with fast growing plants). In small tanks like 5 gallons and under, it's perfectly fine to go filterless as long as you keep up with water changes. You don't really need to cycle for a tank that small that is only housing one fish.
GrandtheftDan03 - 10 years ago
As long as they have the right food, habitat type, heat and lighting level they're pretty much like surfing
Yilmaz Sahinkaya
Yilmaz Sahinkaya - 10 years ago
 doesnt a betta need some some of oxygen in a water that a filter provides?
DPineAppleSquad - 8 years ago
Yilmaz Sahinkaya they go up to the surface to get some air
Mitchell Keuhl
Mitchell Keuhl - 10 years ago
I do a 100% water changes every week with no filter or heater for my betta is that ok?@Chris Weber
Mitchell Keuhl
Mitchell Keuhl - 10 years ago
i also keep their habitat at room temp around 77 dagge
Joeby Whler
Joeby Whler - 10 years ago
I had my betta for over a year without a filter and he's still healthy
Btw just got him a filter today :)
Tanya S
Tanya S - 10 years ago
They are fine without a filter. The only purpose of a filter in a betta tank really, is to establish a cycle. No filter = no cycle. But as long as the water is being changed regularly, you're doing the work the BB would be doing otherwise.
There is almost as much waste in a filtered, cycled tank as a tank with no filter, so that part doesn't matter. You'd still need to syphon the gravel, unless it was a heavily planted soil base tank.
Andrew Hu
Andrew Hu - 10 years ago
i have a ten gallon with no filter how often should i clean it?

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