Doing water changes to all my fish tanks

Betta in a vase, Betta and 2 snails in a 1 gallon drum style bowl, Betta in 2.5 gallon tank, 10 gallon tank with mollies, platy, catfish, guppy, and zebra danios, breeders tub with 2 platies. Thanks for watching. Comment. Rate, Subscribe. Click this link for the updated version of me doing water changes:

Doing water changes to all my fish tanks sentiment_very_dissatisfied 42

Betta 11 years ago 41,845 views

Betta in a vase, Betta and 2 snails in a 1 gallon drum style bowl, Betta in 2.5 gallon tank, 10 gallon tank with mollies, platy, catfish, guppy, and zebra danios, breeders tub with 2 platies. Thanks for watching. Comment. Rate, Subscribe. Click this link for the updated version of me doing water changes:

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Most popular comments
for Doing water changes to all my fish tanks

life with animals and outher
life with animals and outher - 7 years ago
Small fish tanks that would be like you living in a closet all your life
Cellina Kwon
Cellina Kwon - 7 years ago
How much space do you need for one guppy?
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
The smallest size tank you should have guppies in is a 5 gallon with a filter. They are a type of fish that does fine with more fish so each guppy should have a 1.5 gallons to 2 gallons all to itself. So three guppies in a five gallon, 6 to 7 in a 10 gallon, and so on if there are only guppies in the tank.
Helena - 7 years ago
now I want a betta
Helena - 7 years ago
love your username
Kimberley Davis
Kimberley Davis - 8 years ago
Why do you have a betta and a mystery snail in a bowl?! Mystery snails need at least 5 gallons and bettas need 2.5 gallons or more.
Kimberley Davis
Kimberley Davis - 8 years ago
Wait never mind I watched you latest vids, sorry!
Mariya Azhar
Mariya Azhar - 8 years ago
what temperature do your bowls stay at? do betta fish need heaters? very nice fish and awesome video :)
LoversLane Hawj
LoversLane Hawj - 7 years ago
Got2LoveFish Same with my aquarium temp stays at 78. I have a heater for 5-10 gallon tank and works perfectly. I did water change for my firemouth cichlid who was injured (nipped tail/fin) and he went into stress/panic mode. I left him in the tank while adding new water. I didn't use suctioned mentioned, just pour out 25 % water.
Got2LoveFish - 8 years ago
Mine stay at about 78, if the temp drops below 72 any time during the year then you do need a heater.
Abir mahmood Rifat
Abir mahmood Rifat - 8 years ago
what is it called that u used to clean the glass of the fish tank??
Got2LoveFish - 8 years ago
+Abir mahmood Rifat Algae scrubber, there are many names for it though.
Abir mahmood Rifat
Abir mahmood Rifat - 8 years ago
Did u use ordinart sault or aquatic sault in this video??
Got2LoveFish - 8 years ago
+Abir mahmood Rifat I use API Aquarium Salt
Dylan Mason
Dylan Mason - 9 years ago
What is the hose/vacuum called that you take the water out with
Dylan Mason
Dylan Mason - 9 years ago
+Got2LoveFish Thank you
Got2LoveFish - 9 years ago
+Dylan Mason Siphon hose or gravel vacuume
Mario Antonio
Mario Antonio - 9 years ago
Awesome Video! check my betta too on my channel and tell me what you think about it

10. comment for Doing water changes to all my fish tanks

Papalicious - 9 years ago
Can I use drinking water for my betta? Or is that bad 0-0
Thnks FOB
Thnks FOB - 8 years ago
Thnks FOB
Thnks FOB - 8 years ago
Isabelle wilkinson How do you get rid of the amonia
Isabelle wilkinson
Isabelle wilkinson - 8 years ago
You can use water straight from the tap so long as you put water conditioner in it to get rid of the ammonia, which is deadly to fish
Makayla  Davidson
Makayla Davidson - 10 years ago
Do you habe to put salt in the betta tanks
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
You do not have to but a little bit of it does help to add some natural electrolytes and such to the habitat.
Danica Huntington
Danica Huntington - 10 years ago
Is an animal cracker container a good tank?
For a betta?
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
any that is over 2 gallons is a great betta home, perfect size and cheep!
Spring Howell
Spring Howell - 10 years ago
But I have a qeustion. Can you put a male betta with a goldfish? I have a male betta and. A goldfish but I don't know what gender my goldfish is
Miss Shinku
Miss Shinku - 9 years ago
Goldfish are cold water fish, bettas are tropical fish and NEED heated water above 78 degrees.
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
It is difficult to tell the gender of a gold fish until they are full grown. Normally bettas and gold fish don't go good together because the goldfish gets so much bigger, they should be fine for about a year but the goldfish will get to big for the betta.
Spring Howell
Spring Howell - 10 years ago
You have one giant beutiful tank for one betta but cram a betta in a small vase? Wy not just get them both a huge tank
Miss Shinku
Miss Shinku - 9 years ago
2.5 is not huge at all... Big for a single betta would be like 10 gallons, huge would be 30+.
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
That is what I got them, they both had a 2.5 gallon tank, this video was 2 years ago.
Fresolina Dominguez
Fresolina Dominguez - 10 years ago
Why you yusin bowls and vases its a good habitat but a reaeaeal lack of oxegyn
Chocolate Dip
Chocolate Dip - 9 years ago
Bettas have lungs and breathe air from the top of the water. That is why they have upward facing mouths.
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
Check out my most recent videos. Every one is in a tank larger than 2 gallons with a filter and heater.
Juanjose Quiroz
Juanjose Quiroz - 10 years ago
Do you think bettas can live with other fish in the same tank ?
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
Betta fish are very territorial so they will need plenty of space. They can live with other fish as long as they are not colorful or have big fins ( male guppies, mollies, etc.) because they could see them as another betta and attack and even kill. It also depends on the bettas personality, some bettas are fine with other fish some will attack anything, even a snail, that is in its territory. If you  house betta fish with other fish the tank should not be over crowded at all, The biggest thing is that every betta fish is different, it may also be best to introduce the betta to a tank after the other fish have settled in.
sygy - 10 years ago
good job u actually have a good sized tank for ur betta unlike most people. congrats. looks nice.
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
I am glad I upgraded too, the bettas seem a lot happier and have more things to do with more space. 
sygy - 10 years ago
i mean for the aquarium, not the bowls. glad u upgraded them
Katelyn B
Katelyn B - 10 years ago
I just wanted to write one more comment.
I asked a question on your "4 different tricks for Betta fish" video a couple minutes ago.
My vase is the smae size as the vase at 1:09. I assume that it is ok?
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
no it is not, that is way to small for a betta, that betta is now in a 2.5 gallon and much happier and not as stressed, I highly highly recommend getting a bigger tank for him, I used to have bettas in small tanks but now I know that that is not good for them and they all have at least 2.5 gallon tanks
Golden Natural
Golden Natural - 10 years ago
Great video!  After every water change, my betta fish die!  :( 
I went from very small bowls they are usually in when given as a gift to a 1 gallon bowls and every time I do a water change they or two died a few seconds after being introduced to the new water and one died a couple hours later??  :(  I am allowing the water to temper for a least a hour or so and I am adding water-conditioner to the tap water. And suggestions?
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
Golden Natural
Golden Natural - 10 years ago
Hi thanks for the reply.  I removed all decorations and cleaned the bowls really well.  I also changed the brand of water conditioner, I don't think I was using enough.  However, I changed 3 of betta's water last night (scared to death) but they lived!  :) So as of right now I am a HAPPY fish momma!  :)
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
make sure that the water is the exact same temp and that any thing in the tank is not harming them, if there are any new decorations or anything clean them off really well and make sure the tank is clean, also don't have any natural objects like wood, rocks, or sea shells, if you do they need to be boiled in water and then soaked in water for like two weeks to make them safe, I hope this helps, and make sure you have enough conditioner in the water

20. comment for Doing water changes to all my fish tanks

Danny Hoogenboom
Danny Hoogenboom - 10 years ago
wich fish u gave salt to wich aquariums? don't see u have sea water aquriums?
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
no aquarium salt will not harm any fish it will  boost all of there health by adding electrolights, improving gill function and helping to prevent most diseases
Danny Hoogenboom
Danny Hoogenboom - 10 years ago
+Got2LoveFish hello thnx for ur anwsere so infact i can use aquarium salt for my fishtanks? I got platys . Black mollies .gouramis etc. Would not harm them?
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
No I don't have salt water aquariums, the salt is aquarium salt, and now also Epsom salt, the aquarium salt goes in every tank to help the over all health of all the fish and the Epsom salt goes in the tanks with live plants because it is good nutrition for the plants
Danny Hoogenboom
Danny Hoogenboom - 10 years ago
ah wait nvm saw 2 bowls without salt :P
Danny Hoogenboom
Danny Hoogenboom - 10 years ago
hello , did u put in every bowl a bit of salt ? does fish can live on that ?
baltofanforever - 10 years ago
So with my 5 gal betta tank I don't have to remove everything to do a water change just use the siphon
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
yeah, every once in a while, like a couple of months apart, take out the décor and clean it and do a larger water change but not the two at the same time, but yes that should be fine as long as you don't have over crowding
Divine_Shona - 10 years ago
I don't believe when ppl say you have to put your betta in at least 2.5 gallon tanks, in case you did not notice when they came from the store you bought them from they were in a little tiny container probably for weeks or longer so I think they are fine in something smaller than 2.5 gallons, I think both my betta's are only in a One gallon
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
They can survive in less than 2.5 gallons, yes and at the store those containers are just for convenience to sell them, but really the more room the better because they live solitary lives they should have more room to explore and keep themselves busy, the less space they have the more board they get and also the water can become bad more quickly and such. So yes they can live in something smaller but that does not mean they are happy or living a good life  ):
Jeannie Marissa
Jeannie Marissa - 11 years ago
Wow you give them a luxury! And I'm considering using live plants, do u recommend them for black moors and standard goldfish?
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
Thank you very much, and gold fish are known to eat many live plants, some plants that I don't think they will eat though are jungle vallisneria and some others that I cant think of, you will have to do some research on which plants gold fish wont eat 
CheyPaws - 11 years ago
And the 1 gallon
CheyPaws - 11 years ago
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
+cheyann1032 Ok I fixed it for you! 
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
oh that's weird, are you doing it on a computer, if not that is probably why
CheyPaws - 11 years ago
it wont let me press it
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
you can close the words in the top right corner of the box it is in
CheyPaws - 11 years ago
Take that words from the vase so i can see it
Christian Osuna
Christian Osuna - 11 years ago
Such a good job
Erick af
Erick af - 11 years ago
Wow you have a lot of fish, liked the video and that's for sharing! :)
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago

30. comment for Doing water changes to all my fish tanks

Brooke Bridgland
Brooke Bridgland - 11 years ago
Ok seriously why do u tell us to up size our tanks when u keep ur betta in a vase and a fish bowl? I'm not trying to cause a fight I'm just curious on why u would do that?
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
this is a old video, I now have only 2.5 gallon tanks and larger look at my more recent videos
Keeler L
Keeler L - 11 years ago
I like ur vase idea
Jared Anderson
Jared Anderson - 11 years ago
Ok, how much?
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
like $10 I thik
Jared Anderson
Jared Anderson - 11 years ago
What are u using to suck the water out into the bucket?
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
a siphen hose they are sold at the fish section in pet stores
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
I do not use that bowl any more, only for quarantine if I have too, but I normally did 50% one week and 100% the next and switched off, again I only use that tank for quarantine now.
wrmaldonado - 11 years ago
How often do you change the 1gal betta bowl water? 100% weekly?
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
no, which tank do you think I had multiple in?
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
oh, thank you very much
Tono M
Tono M - 11 years ago
even sorry
Tono M
Tono M - 11 years ago
i meant that you take very good care of fish and that you will do water changes often and some pople dont een bother to do water changes frequently
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
I did not know what you meant
Tono M
Tono M - 11 years ago
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
Tono M
Tono M - 11 years ago
anyone can tell that you take very good care about your fish and tanks!
Deserae Morrison
Deserae Morrison - 11 years ago
Ok thx
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
I have upgraded from that, bettas should really have a 2.5 gallon, It is actually cheaper than that bowl too.
Deserae Morrison
Deserae Morrison - 11 years ago
Is the round bowl any good for a betta bc I might get on but I have a 30 tank for my other fishes
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
ya, no problem
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
I love it too, and I don't know I am going to research that.
Crazyhermitcrab - 11 years ago
Can u make a guide to making a breeders tub?

50. comment for Doing water changes to all my fish tanks

Crazyhermitcrab - 11 years ago
This is my favorite video in the world. I can watch this again and again, how can I give my snails calcium?
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
Ya I know, but that is the only tank with out salt right now.
Meatwardo - 11 years ago
Just wondering why do you keep a betta and 2 snails in a bowl? That's kinda overstocked.
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
Thank you very much!
Leslie Gutierrez
Leslie Gutierrez - 11 years ago
Nice video :) you have really nice decoration setups :D
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
at the water line it is easier to use a paper towel or even better a towel that does not give off fuzzies, like Whiz-away-wipes, that is what I use, but my glass cleaner, it does not say on it and I don't have the package but I think it is aqualon or whatever that brand is, it was at petsmart.
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
2.5, that is my favorite betta tank.
CoralPeachy - 11 years ago
Great video! How big is the betta tank (the first one you changed the water on)?

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