Doing water changes to all my fish tanks
Betta 11 years ago 41,845 views
Betta in a vase, Betta and 2 snails in a 1 gallon drum style bowl, Betta in 2.5 gallon tank, 10 gallon tank with mollies, platy, catfish, guppy, and zebra danios, breeders tub with 2 platies. Thanks for watching. Comment. Rate, Subscribe. Click this link for the updated version of me doing water changes:
10. comment for Doing water changes to all my fish tanks
For a betta?
Goldfish are cold water fish, bettas are tropical fish and NEED heated water above 78 degrees.
I asked a question on your "4 different tricks for Betta fish" video a couple minutes ago.
My vase is the smae size as the vase at 1:09. I assume that it is ok?
I went from very small bowls they are usually in when given as a gift to a 1 gallon bowls and every time I do a water change they or two died a few seconds after being introduced to the new water and one died a couple hours later?? :( I am allowing the water to temper for a least a hour or so and I am adding water-conditioner to the tap water. And suggestions?
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