Dropsy in Betta Fish | Symptoms, Prevention, Life Expectancy, & More

Dropsy is a common disease in bettas, and it is important that you know the basic facts about it. As I recently lost a betta to Dropsy, it it prompted me to make this video to teach you everything I have learned about the illness. Please note that the footage of the bettas with Dropsy is my own footage. Both of my previous bettas were diagnosed with Dropsy and lost the battle. I often take pictures and videos of my ill bettas for research and education purposes. SIP Glub Glub, the betta that started it all. SIP Journey, who recently joined him under the rainbow bridge. Dedicated to any and all bettas that are fighting or lost the fight with Dropsy. New Video Every Thursday. Find Me on Instagram: officialbetterbetta Intro Music by Bensound.com All remaining music by YouTube Audio Library.

Dropsy in Betta Fish | Symptoms, Prevention, Life Expectancy, & More sentiment_very_dissatisfied 15

Betta 8 years ago 23,702 views

Dropsy is a common disease in bettas, and it is important that you know the basic facts about it. As I recently lost a betta to Dropsy, it it prompted me to make this video to teach you everything I have learned about the illness. Please note that the footage of the bettas with Dropsy is my own footage. Both of my previous bettas were diagnosed with Dropsy and lost the battle. I often take pictures and videos of my ill bettas for research and education purposes. SIP Glub Glub, the betta that started it all. SIP Journey, who recently joined him under the rainbow bridge. Dedicated to any and all bettas that are fighting or lost the fight with Dropsy. New Video Every Thursday. Find Me on Instagram: officialbetterbetta Intro Music by Bensound.com All remaining music by YouTube Audio Library.

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Most popular comments
for Dropsy in Betta Fish | Symptoms, Prevention, Life Expectancy, & More

LeeAnn Jurczyszyn
LeeAnn Jurczyszyn - 7 years ago
the video was very helpful, can you make more videos and vlogs with you going to petsmart
JTS 21
JTS 21 - 7 years ago
I just got my Betta and 2 days later I found out that he has dropsy... I bought him and he’s quite grumpy..
Karens Life
Karens Life - 7 years ago
Hello I need help I moved my betta fish from a 1.5 to a 20 gallon and he bloated up because of over feeding and then started losing color and stopped moving around help!!
ThoughtProcess - 7 years ago
Bay-ta. Not bet-ta.
Naomi - 7 years ago
I think my poor betta fish has dropsy and I'm trying to keep him as happy as possible for as long as he lasts
Missy Liscombe
Missy Liscombe - 7 years ago
As I watched this I looked up at my betta and saw she had died SIP chubby cheeks
Juan Carlos Lopez
Juan Carlos Lopez - 7 years ago
Nutan kumari game zone!
Nutan kumari game zone! - 7 years ago
is that transfarable
Nutan kumari game zone!
Nutan kumari game zone! - 7 years ago
my betta have it ...what i do ...

10. comment for Dropsy in Betta Fish | Symptoms, Prevention, Life Expectancy, & More

Dave Lee
Dave Lee - 7 years ago
damn! thanks for the info! my poor female koi...
Jamune - 7 years ago
Mine just developed the first signs of dropsy, I guess he has 3 days. :(
Mylifewith Pets
Mylifewith Pets - 7 years ago
Mine too
Danielle Zinar
Danielle Zinar - 7 years ago
Loved your video I think my beta has dropsy and I am so sad on what to do I feel like she is suffering some people told me she was pregnant but it does not seem that way everything you described pointed out dropsy to me !
rainbow teeny dinos
rainbow teeny dinos - 7 years ago
Danielle Zinar even pine con scales?????!!!!!!
Ty - 7 years ago
My fish just died T_T
Ty - 7 years ago
due to dropsy
Allison P
Allison P - 7 years ago
is it common for more than one female in a sorority tank to get dropsy? four of my nine girls have it and I'm devsstated :( I've tried my best to keep them comfortable but it's been 3 days and I can't stand seeing them like this anymore :*( I think I'm going to have to put them out of their misery today. I have clove oil, what is the recommended dosage?
Simon Anton Ehie
Simon Anton Ehie - 7 years ago
I forgot to feed my betta Tyler for two days (because of college work), I fed him bloodworms this morning and didn't notice anything odd. After I gave him his water change I noticed that he had a swollen belly, I used a different water conditioner than normal today because I ran out of his one I used stress coat so I thought it could be that. It's been a few hours now and I've noticed he's breathing quite heavily.

He is still swimming around but will sometimes stop on top of his filter or underneath it. He also seems to be a bit more skittish and hides if you come over to the tank

I don't know what to do
Iyla Lopez
Iyla Lopez - 7 years ago
Thank you so much! I recently got a beautiful make Betta and I have gotten a heater after being told it's important to have one, and a 1 gallon tank for him, is 1 gallon too little?
LaurensDesigns - 7 years ago
musicalmarion - 7 years ago
Useful video, but such annoying background music over the narrative.
Ruiner - 7 years ago
Thank you! Currently trying to nurse a Red Betta back... Great info. Liked/sub'd :)
p.s. love the out takes

20. comment for Dropsy in Betta Fish | Symptoms, Prevention, Life Expectancy, & More

RaNdOm PlAyS
RaNdOm PlAyS - 8 years ago
My betta Had Dropsy and she was not doing very well it was getting sooo bad so i gave him up
karljoe davies
karljoe davies - 8 years ago
So you have 5 gal tanks i think and you have heaters and other stuff and your bettas have dropsy how?
I don't have heaters 5 gal only 1 gal tanks not even 1 gal and my bettas don't have dropsy all my life starting from 8 I had bettas none of them had dropsy.
deep sea siren
deep sea siren - 7 years ago
betta are tropical fish you need a heater
rainbow teeny dinos
rainbow teeny dinos - 7 years ago
BestBetta rude dude
Pork Ball
Pork Ball - 7 years ago
How can you keep your betta in a 1 gall and feel fine about it
BestBetta - 8 years ago
karljoe davies good job! No one cares even if you keep ur Betta in a 1 gallon. You have to get a heater or ur Betta will not survive. It can pass away in a few months. No one talks to BetterBetta like that.
Heather Perez-Hollis
Heather Perez-Hollis - 8 years ago
Unfortuanrly, Big Red has passed away from dropsy in the last five minutes. I've never experienced this in all my years of having beta fish. So I didn't realize the symptoms until yesterday. I did notice some bloating several days ago but didn't know what I was looking at.. Big Red lived over two years.....

Does this mean the tank that she was in is infected? All of the plants,etc?
rainbow teeny dinos
rainbow teeny dinos - 7 years ago
Heather Perez-Hollis I have a filter and the current is very very weak I am so srry I don't remember the name of the tank though
Heather Perez-Hollis
Heather Perez-Hollis - 8 years ago
Big Red was 2.5 years old!
Heather Perez-Hollis
Heather Perez-Hollis - 8 years ago
Thank you so much. Okay so I don't need to put the bacteria clearer stuff they have talked about online in the tank? Just a good rinse? Also do you use a water filter for your betas? I never have but of course always had a heater... I've read that water filters create a current and it's hard for the betas to fight that... If you use one, which one do you use? Thank you so much for your quick reply.
Heather Perez-Hollis
Heather Perez-Hollis - 8 years ago
Thank you so much. Okay so I don't need to put the bacteria clearer stuff they have talked about online in the tank? Just a good rinse? Also do you use a water filter for your betas? I never have but of course always had a heater... I've read that water filters create a current and it's hard for the betas to fight that... If you use one, which one do you use? Thank you so much for your quick reply.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Hi, I'm sorry about Big Red. It's possible the tank could be infected. Dropsy isn't necessarily a disease, but a symptom of one, so the disease that caused Dropsy could be infectious- it most often is, so it's best to clean everything up. If the plants are live, they should be fine,  but plastic or silk plants should be rinsed off.
Heather Perez-Hollis
Heather Perez-Hollis - 8 years ago
I couldn't find a clear answer online.
Stephen Moss
Stephen Moss - 8 years ago
My female betta has been bloated for about 3-4 weeks. I thought it was dropsy but, maybe not if yours died quickly after that. Very informative video. Thank you.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thanks and you're welcome! I've heard a few stories after posting this video about people's bettas living longer with Dropsy- the facts I've read before that I used in making this video stay true to me, but others have had better luck. If your betta is bloated but doesn't have pinecone scales, it could be constipation (which should be cured with a few days of fasting) or maybe swim bladder if she seems to have difficulty swimming. Swim bladder, thankfully, isn't fatal and your betta can still live a happy life with it with the proper care. If she does have pine cone scales, she may be one of the lucky bettas who can fight the disease. Hope this helps!
Nuria Salazar
Nuria Salazar - 8 years ago
is dropsy contagious? because my betta has dropsy.
Nuria Salazar
Nuria Salazar - 8 years ago
BetterBetta thanks so much, i did remove all of the fish
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Lps Galaxy It can be, so it's best to remove any affected fish from a tank s/he may share with other healthy fish. Dropsy is a symptom of a disease, so if the specific disease causing Dropsy is contagious, then it makes Dropsy contagious. Most of the time, the disease IS contagious, but it's impossible to know for sure- so it's best to treat it as it is. Hope this helps. I am sorry about your betta having to have Dropsy.
Arcticpaw's Place
Arcticpaw's Place - 8 years ago
my betta go dropsy he lived a month or two after the first bloating. he went down then started to bloat again
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Arcticpaw's Place After making this video, I've heard a few stories of bettas living much longer than a few days after their diagnosis. I haven't experienced anything other than about a 2-day window myself, though one time my male betta Horatio had Pinecone scales for a few days- then they went down and he has been fine ever since. There is so much more to learn about Dropsy!
Pekoe The Hamm
Pekoe The Hamm - 8 years ago
HELP! is it contagious??
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Elyse Vader It can be! Dropsy is not necessarily a disease, but it can be a symptom of one. So if the thing that causes Dropsy is contagious, that makes Dropsy contagious. It's best to remove any fish that has Dropsy away from others to be safe, and it can happen to other fish too, not just bettas.
shanice turner
shanice turner - 8 years ago
my betta is very active
shanice turner
shanice turner - 8 years ago
thanks for the information
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+shanice turner You are welcome :)
Castellano702 - 8 years ago
this might sound like a dumb question but ..is it possible to acclimate betas to salt water??a friend recently gave his betas and i hate to see them in those tiny bowls ..i have a 1,000 gallon tank and they would have more than plenty of room to swim around if it is possible to acclimate them to salt water ..

30. comment for Dropsy in Betta Fish | Symptoms, Prevention, Life Expectancy, & More

Zakarias May
Zakarias May - 8 years ago
my old betta, BlackBeard. A purple red and white dragonscale. had the dropsy for longer than over 5 days. i felt terrible so i had him put down. I have found that the Dropsy comes in only my male bettas? out of all my females they have only died naturally from old age. all my male bettas was owned at different times. The water PH is right, the heat is right and there is nothing there to stress them? everything was clean? i have no idea why all my males was gettin it. but i did come up with thinking from the amount of bubble nests they made, it was from gulping down too much air?
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Zakarias May I'm not sure what causes Dropsy, I've heard lots of different theories. I wish we could find a definitive one, and also a proven cure. I feel lots of people have lost a betta to Dropsy
deckMage CCG
deckMage CCG - 8 years ago
Awesome video; thank you! It is always sad to see such a beautiful life go, as Bettas are so incredibly charismatic and entertaining. But thank you for your video; it's very necessary to know what is happening so you can at least prepare yourself emotionally. Thank you!
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thank you. I did want to make something educational out of her passing. Glad it could help others and it was appreciated.
Courtney Meadows
Courtney Meadows - 8 years ago
I need some advice on my beta it doesn't look like dropsy but I have no idea what it is it almost looks like he has scratched the scales off of the top of his head.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
It's very possible he scratched himself on an ornament or plant. If it doesn't get any worse (and you slowly see improvement) I wouldn't worry yet. If there are any overly sharp ornaments or plants in his tank, maybe remove them, just in case it is what caused it. Hope this helps!
BestBetta - 8 years ago
Hi Sydney! I'm obviously a commenter on every video but I've had 3 bettas and none of them experienced dropsy. Does this mean I have been taking care of them properly? I'm not so hot in taking care of bettas but I love them❤️.
BestBetta - 8 years ago
BetterBetta I have your channel to help me if I ever have to deal with it!
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
It sounds like you are doing a good job! Dropsy isn't fun- you are lucky you've never had to deal with it!
John Ocasio
John Ocasio - 8 years ago
i hop this dos not hapen to mi batta fish
Animal life
Animal life - 8 years ago
My Molly had that
Leo Madness
Leo Madness - 8 years ago
I'm not sure if my betta might have dropsy he has scales on the top of his head that's poking up like a pine cone but nowhere else would that still be dropsy or am I doing something wrong ?
Leo Madness
Leo Madness - 8 years ago
Thank u that's good to hear and I will be fixing that problem than and i understand I just got new ornaments and put them in there after a while when I was cleaning the tank
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Leo Madness I think you are safely Dropsy free, as Dropsy usually does the opposite- pine cone scales all over the body, but rarely affecting the head. The scales on the head could have been raised up by a slightly rougher ornament he brushed up against (which should heal up fine on their own) or, in worst case scenario, it could be Popeye, which would be extremely noticeable- one eye red and swollen, and can often lead to the scales around the eye becoming raised. This can he treated with certain medications and it usually not fatal if treated in time, but I wouldn't worry. What likely happened in your betta's case is he bumped into an ornament and scratched himself. I'd assume you're doing everything right and enjoy your first betta :) And Thank you!
Basketball Star21
Basketball Star21 - 8 years ago
I hope my beta doesn't get dropsy! Do you know what age they would get it? My beta is about a year old.
Basketball Star21
Basketball Star21 - 8 years ago
BetterBetta Thank you so much! I just did a 25% water change today, and added new decorations and gravel. I left more water in so that I could have more bacteria, so I wouldn't have to recycle my fish tank! Thanks for the advise.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Basketball Star21 Unfortunately Dropsy is unpredictable that way, I had Journey one year when she got it, but another betta of mine was 2 years and 7 months- but I've heard others catching it after being over 3 or 4. The best is to try to keep your betta as healthy and in optimal conditions and try your best to prevent it!
imalyssaj_ - 8 years ago
Thanks sooo much for this video! My poor female Betta Luna has dropsy and has had it for 2 days now.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+xxalyssa Your welcome, glad it could help. I'm sorry Luna has Dropsy :(
Silly Bettas
Silly Bettas - 8 years ago
will the scales on top of the head pop up aswell
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Marisa's Betta Fish Along the back is probable, but not directly on top of the head, at least not in the cases I have personally experienced.
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 8 years ago
can goldfish get this? our neighbors had a goldfish that it's scales looked like that and was bloating
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Yes they can, unfortunately Dropsy can affect many different types of fish.
Sydney Elizabeth
Sydney Elizabeth - 8 years ago
I just got my first betta yesterday it was a make crown tale do you have any suggestions for a new betta owner? Btw he's doing great
Veronica Owl
Veronica Owl - 8 years ago
Hello, can I cycle new clean water in a big jug or in a bucket for 4 weeks? My tanks has white hair algae and I don't overfeed my fish. I am guilty of always deep cleaning its 4g tank every week because my betta produces so much waste, even though I gave him two pellets every two days in a week. I also keep him in a bin as well because I thought it was much bigger and spacious than any tank, also because it was $4 compared to buying a 2.5g for $15 . Please help and thank you. I'm also afraid my baby will get sick at any moment because of this.
Veronica Owl
Veronica Owl - 8 years ago
Thank you!!!!
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Veronica Owl I think cycling water directly in the tank (or bin in your case, which is very creative) is best, as the beneficial bacteria grows on the tank walls/ornaments/filter and such, not the water itself. I'm sure if you simply wash the ornaments you add to your tank in the discarded, 'dirty' water, and avoid washing the heater and filter if you have one, and not overly disrupting the substrate, you shouldn't have to worry. Just always remember to acclimate your betta after every tank change to avoid any shock from the water changes. Lastly, although algae is a fishkeeper's enemy in tank cleaning, to my knowledge it does not harm the betta as it is a live plant (even Marimo moss balls which are intentionally added to tanks are literally balls of algae). Even though it may be troublesome, the algae itself shouldn't make your betta ill. It's excessive growth could be due to the betta's large waste contribution providing it with lots of nutrients to grow. It may also be stimulated by sunlight, if your tank is in front of a window or other sunny spot. Hope this helps! :)
CorgiPlush - 8 years ago
You need more subs! This is amazing!!
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Sophiarulus AJ Thank you so much! This makes my day :)
MyView 10.75.69
MyView 10.75.69 - 8 years ago
that is pretty scary, when i get a betta i hope it doesn't get Dropsy thanks for sharing how to prevent it.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+MyView 10.75.69 No problem! Glad it can help someone.
Kay Wilkerson
Kay Wilkerson - 8 years ago
Excellent video, very good information
Bella and Bettas
Bella and Bettas - 8 years ago
I had a female pass with dropsy, but she had it for over a week :/
Very nice video! SIP Journey<3
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Bella And Bettas Some bettas are true little fighting fish. SIP to both our bettas. And thank you.
Puppypop 101
Puppypop 101 - 8 years ago
Very good info. One of my favorite bettas just passed from dropsy too... He had a fungus and I was treating him and he was getting better but the change to a hospital tank and the medication must have stressed him out too much and he got dropsy
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Puppypop 101 Thank you. Dropsy is so unfortunate. SIP to both of our bettas.
M P - 8 years ago
Yay almost to 1 K
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Momo P. It's exciting! :)
Emily 264
Emily 264 - 8 years ago
thank you so much for this helpful information

50. comment for Dropsy in Betta Fish | Symptoms, Prevention, Life Expectancy, & More

Lindy Diddle
Lindy Diddle - 8 years ago
I am so sorry you lost your bettas to dropsy! From what I've read online dropsy is a serious bacterial infection, and by the time a fish pine cones, or shows other symptoms, then it's in the final stages, and is usually lethal. However, I recently bought 4 fish medications, and one does list that it treats dropsy and that is Kanaplex. It's for bacterial & fungal infections. Kanaplex can, and in some cases should also be safely combined with API Furan-2 to make it even stronger. Now I'm not saying I have used it to treat dropsy, or that I know anyone that has had experience with it working on dropsy. However, Kanaplex is the only fish med I found that claimed it could treat dropsy, and maybe this info could be helpful to you, or others.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Lindy Diddle I've also read that it is known to be bacterial, but definitely an extremely hard to treat bacteria as it is extremely hard to detect before it is too late. I've heard Kanaplex come up a few times, too. Everything you read has so many different treatments and various levels of success.. If only Dropsy was more straightforward - and curable!
Gold Chemical
Gold Chemical - 8 years ago
Thank you for making these videos
Savage Bettas
Savage Bettas - 8 years ago
I miss journey being in the beginning of the video
Gold Chemical
Gold Chemical - 8 years ago
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Excellent information.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Lifewithpets Thanks!
Animal Lover
Animal Lover - 8 years ago
ive delt with dropsy with lots of bettas. One of them had it 4 times it came and went and came and went. She lasted for a few weeks i was SO surprised that she was so strong through it. This was a very educational video. i hope lots of betta keepers see this. Dropsy is in fact what caused my sorority to split up, now days by bettas just have fin clamp. Thankyou for making this video for people, i hope you keep it online forever
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Animal Lover Thank you very much. Your betta certainly was a fighter. Dropsy is definitely frustrating. :/
Claws and Paws
Claws and Paws - 8 years ago
yes I was sure it was dropsy and I did have a few that I did this on but they still did pass away I have done it on quite a few Bettas but only a small portion of them survived
Lovebetta - 8 years ago
Thank you for sharing this, I learned something. I am new in Betta/freshwater , have only saltwater for over 3 yrs.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Lovebetta I'm glad it could help!
Space Pets
Space Pets - 8 years ago
Awesome video, very informative
Claws and Paws
Claws and Paws - 8 years ago
I am so sorry about journey but I know it is extreme but there is a way to help a Betta with deposit. you have to drain the fluid out of their swim bladder with a needle. it doesn't cure it completely but I had 5 Bettas that lived well over another year after I did this and we're still blowing bubble nests and were their normal selves
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Grace Seeberger I've heard of aspirating, however although it does keep the swelling down, it still - like you mentioned - does not cure Dropsy. It wouldn't be something I'd be comfortable doing, for the results are often not as good as yours were and it puts the betta under tremendous stress. Are you 100% sure it was Dropsy that your betta had, and not SBD? SBD would yield your results of a much extended life through aspirating. If it was for sure Dropsy that your betta had, you are a very lucky person! Unfortunately with Journey though, she died incredibly quickly overnight, so I didn't get the chance to try any sort of treatment.
Dolphincutie World
Dolphincutie World - 8 years ago
Great Video! I learned a lot from your video.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Dolphincutie World Thank you :)
Blazing Bettas
Blazing Bettas - 8 years ago
this video was so helpful! If any of my children get dropsy I'll definitely come to this video for help
Rose Smith
Rose Smith - 8 years ago
Blazing Bettas I
ReviewCam - 8 years ago
Maratzr1 - 8 years ago
BetterBetta is it ok if my betta eats a lot then has almost pine coned scales is this ok and how to prevent him from eating my algae wafers for otos
Fantasia's Betta Channel
Fantasia's Betta Channel - 8 years ago
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Blazing Bettas Thank you very much! I'm glad it can help you - hopefully you won't need it though.
InfinityPets - 8 years ago
I had a betta that got dropsy form expired food
Vianus Nguyen
Vianus Nguyen - 8 years ago
omg thats scary
InfinityPets - 8 years ago
It didnt look weird it just was expired according to the bottom and my beta got dropsy and died
Vianus Nguyen
Vianus Nguyen - 8 years ago
InfinityPets ohh so does bacteria get into it?
InfinityPets - 8 years ago
Fish food expires
Vianus Nguyen
Vianus Nguyen - 8 years ago
InfinityPets what???
Najee Hines
Najee Hines - 8 years ago
hi again better beta
Linn Andersson
Linn Andersson - 8 years ago
I've been thinking for almost a week that my betta has dropsy. She hasn't gotten worse when it comes to her scales, it looks like she has an ucler on her right side (kinda like someone took a pair of tweezers and removed a few scales). I feel like if she had dropsy she would've passed already? She hasn't trouble swimming and her poop looks normal. She does have some kind of parasite on her mouth which I'm treating.
Any suggestions?
Linn Andersson
Linn Andersson - 8 years ago
Thanks! Hopefully she'll make it
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Linn Andersson The lost scales could simply be a small injury (scraped on a plant, bumpy ornament, etc). I do think your betta is probably Dropsy-free. :) Dropsy bettas act ill usually, lethargy, clamped fins sometimes, not eating, bloated - your betta seems overall healthy except for the view external issues that should clear up with your treatment. I wouldn't worry :)
Silly Bettas
Silly Bettas - 8 years ago
good job and I font know about dropsy and now I do.
Robert Kowalke
Robert Kowalke - 8 years ago
So sorry to hear about Journey ;( Always sad when loose a favorite swimmer. S.I.P Journey! Good Video!

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