Dropsy in Betta Fish | Symptoms, Prevention, Life Expectancy, & More
Betta 8 years ago 23,702 views
Dropsy is a common disease in bettas, and it is important that you know the basic facts about it. As I recently lost a betta to Dropsy, it it prompted me to make this video to teach you everything I have learned about the illness. Please note that the footage of the bettas with Dropsy is my own footage. Both of my previous bettas were diagnosed with Dropsy and lost the battle. I often take pictures and videos of my ill bettas for research and education purposes. SIP Glub Glub, the betta that started it all. SIP Journey, who recently joined him under the rainbow bridge. Dedicated to any and all bettas that are fighting or lost the fight with Dropsy. New Video Every Thursday. Find Me on Instagram: officialbetterbetta Intro Music by Bensound.com All remaining music by YouTube Audio Library.
10. comment for Dropsy in Betta Fish | Symptoms, Prevention, Life Expectancy, & More
He is still swimming around but will sometimes stop on top of his filter or underneath it. He also seems to be a bit more skittish and hides if you come over to the tank
I don't know what to do
p.s. love the out takes
20. comment for Dropsy in Betta Fish | Symptoms, Prevention, Life Expectancy, & More
I don't have heaters 5 gal only 1 gal tanks not even 1 gal and my bettas don't have dropsy all my life starting from 8 I had bettas none of them had dropsy.
Does this mean the tank that she was in is infected? All of the plants,etc?
30. comment for Dropsy in Betta Fish | Symptoms, Prevention, Life Expectancy, & More
Very nice video! SIP Journey<3
50. comment for Dropsy in Betta Fish | Symptoms, Prevention, Life Expectancy, & More
Any suggestions?