Ep. 1 My Choice Of Betta Fish Tank Mates
Betta 12 years ago 124,806 views
Decided to finally man up and make a video where Im talking. In this video I talk about the tank mates I decided to choose for my 20 Long Betta set up. I talk about how the betta fish interacts with my school of neons, otto catfish and ghost shrimp. http://www.bettafishfacts.tumblr.com
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20. comment for Ep. 1 My Choice Of Betta Fish Tank Mates
good one
try Petco, they're basically in every city and even though it's a chain store they always have beautiful bettas. I have 3(separate of course) and they are all unique and beautiful!!
30. comment for Ep. 1 My Choice Of Betta Fish Tank Mates
50. comment for Ep. 1 My Choice Of Betta Fish Tank Mates
Dont get a bowl get a tank with a good filter (Ive recently got a 6 gallon) but anything above 2 is good enough but the bigger the better. Make sure your tank is cycled! Mine wasnt fully cycled and i had high nitrite levels because of this. I do 25 percent water changes every 2 weeks because i only have 1 betta. Dont do 100% water changes because it takes out the good bacteria and will undo the cycling of your tank. Bettas also need a heater i set mine at 80F and he seems happy with that. Obviously put dechlorinator/conditioner in your water and your set.
You'll probably know this but dont put 2 male bettas together
Good luck
Ok, thank.you :-) I believe we're getting a 10 gal tank so I'll get it set up and get the betta and a cat fish and see how that works out..hope.I luck out and get not so aggressive one
or could i have 3 neon tetra 3 female bettas and 1 male some one please help me im geting a 20 gallion tank soon please help!
i've got one male and two females in a 200l planted tank and the male is way too lazy to chase them, well once in a time he does but the females are more agile and he instantly gives up, they are more female loving when they are younger but most of the males won't be fast enough to really bother a female even in a smaller tank, they have to put too much effort in the chase
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