Everything You Need to Know About Bettas | Big Al's
Betta 9 years ago 80,667 views
In this Fish Feature, you'll learn everything you need to know about how to properly care for Bettas! Links for all the products we discuss are below! VISIT US ONLINE: http://www.bigalspets.com PRODUCT LINKS: CHEMICALS: 19244 - http://www.bigalspets.com/prime-250-ml.html 22337 - http://www.bigalspets.com/betta-basics-250-ml.html 2383 - http://www.bigalspets.com/betta-complete-water-conditioner-1-25-fl-oz.html 52003 - http://www.bigalspets.com/betta-water-1l.html 4091 - http://www.bigalspets.com/multi-purpose-water-conditioner-4-fl-oz.html 5061 - http://www.bigalspets.com/multi-purpose-bio-support-4-fl-oz.html FOOD: 26193 - http://www.bigalspets.com/betta-dial-a-treat-0-12-oz.html 18508 - http://www.bigalspets.com/betta-bio-gold-0-70-oz.html TANKS: 78059 - http://www.bigalspets.com/betta-light.html 52092 - http://www.bigalspets.com/betta-duo.html 52093 - http://www.bigalspets.com/betta-trio.html 68272 - http://www.bigalspets.com/betta-falls-black.html
10. comment for Everything You Need to Know About Bettas | Big Al's
2. Those dial-a-treats are treats not food and these freeze dried foods can lead to countless diseases because they aren’t the healthiest. They should only be used sometimes as treats.
That is a common mistake. But your fish won't have a happy life. Imagine living all your life in a super small bowl!!
20. comment for Everything You Need to Know About Bettas | Big Al's
suddenly remembers that I gave my betta 6 pellets
30. comment for Everything You Need to Know About Bettas | Big Al's
Help please!!!!!!!!
the hope is they will go to a good home. Also many stores have a display with a sump and trickle system, that keeps the water nice and clean.
50. comment for Everything You Need to Know About Bettas | Big Al's
Should we add anything else to our betta's diet? Both he and his frog buddy seem content eating bloodworms and shrimp, but I worry they need greater variety in their diet...
What do u think I should do
We can't say it enough-- IT'S BEST TO KEEP YOUR BETTAS IN AT LEAST A 5-10gal AQUARIUM WITH PROPER HEATING AND FILTRATION! They'll live happier, healthier lives! And ultimately, that's what we all want for our fish!
By the way, Zoo Med also do pellets, which seem pretty good, sadly its the only thing my boy eats... apart form snail eggs.
I know that this video did try to argue against bowls but even showing a betta in a bowl is just spreading a terrible stereotype.