FAQ about keeping betta fish in a community tank
Betta 14 years ago 149,336 views
This is some general information about Betta care and compatibility with other fish in a community tank. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ★★Follow me on my Social Media ★★ Become a part of the #CreativeCritters Click HERE to SUBSCRIBE (It's FREE): https://goo.gl/SkhMM6 ★CREATIVE PET KEEPING INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/creativepetkeeping FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/CreativePetKeeping/ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/KasiaPetKeeping PERISCOPE: @CreativePetKeeping SNAPCHAT: CreativePet Facebook FAN GROUP: https://goo.gl/plD97d ★CREATIVE PET VLOGS YOUTUBE: https://goo.gl/ec91IJ INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/creativepinkunicorn Feel free to TAG me in fanart YOU make! I love to see your work! #CreativePetFanArt #BettaFish
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10. comment for FAQ about keeping betta fish in a community tank
I had a 5 gallon tank with one male betta, about 6-7 microrasboras (sounds like a lot but you just have to see them. They are teeny tiny fish, I mean REALLY small.), 6 dwarf cories (again, teeny tiny, SUPER SMALL), about 8 full grown red cherry shrimp (the betta tried to eat them for a couple of days and then determined that full grown they are too big to eat). This tank worked out beautifully and although it sounds like a lot of fish, you'd just have to see them. It wasn't a dirty tank because of all the fish either. I only changed the water once a month and even then the water quality was still great.
and Cory catfish 10 or more
20. comment for FAQ about keeping betta fish in a community tank
30. comment for FAQ about keeping betta fish in a community tank
So are neons. Any fast moving fish is going to stress the betta out.
Also, you are supposed to introduce all the female bettas at the same time. If you have 3 acclimated bettas in there originally, and then add 3 more later, the newer ones are going to be stressed going into the new environment, and more suceptible to bullying by the other fish, making them stressed even further.
The way to fix this problem would be to do a fishless cycle to what the bettas bioload is, then once it's cycled add the bettas.
Also, the best tankmate for a betta is no tankmate. These are solitary fish.
If we were talking a real fish tankmate, then it would have to be a fish that is very inactive and is a bottom dweller, like a raphael catfish, but only in a tank big enough for raphaels (they get big). Another alternative would be the talking catfish.
Going to put a Betta male and about 2-3 females in a 54L tank (14gal).
Will probably get some Tetras later on aswell.
Thanks for the video!
Do not do that. Mixing female and male bettas, especially in that small of a tank, is a recipe for disaster. You aren't supposed to keep males and females together unless you're breeding.
He died a while ago cause he got sick from another fish. I got another one and he got used to the others and no one bothers him and he doesn't bother anyone except feeding time cause the fish go crazy and eat so much, but it's nothing serious, no wounds on the fish. He is very happy and swimming around a lot.
I have added him in there after one week and surprisingly he never attacked the Gouramis or the other fish, he was too nice though and the Guppies started attacking him and ripping his tail so I removed him to my 3.5 gallon tank, his tail did recover but not much and has a split end but he is doing fine and I don't see him not feeling well. Maybe when he dies and I will get another one I will try again but I won't buy any Guppies.
Bad idea.
I would not try it. The other fish would most likely rip the betta to shreds, as they are slow moving and not an agile fish.
50. comment for FAQ about keeping betta fish in a community tank
I don't know what kind of people you're speaking for, or if it's just yourself, but someone who doesn't like getting told they're pretty, or a male variant of that if necessary, really has some psychological things they need dealt with, and I honestly feel sorry for people like that, including you
EDIT: now I'm really confused, reading other comments it seems they were being disgustingly perverted and awkward about it, not Wan. . . =?
why did you say that on this thread and not theirs?
What do you get all worked up for? I don't want to know about your history but this was just a simple compliment to the presenter. I did not in any hit on or harass her. You need to learn how to take it easy and get off my case. Geez!
Nah. I don't think so, he's really sweet, he loves to play around with the other fish sometimes. Never had such a playful Betta lol.
I have a Molly with my Betta and they do perfectly fine. No fights.
Mollies and bettas is not a good combo. Mollies have been known to bully bettas, and mollies even with other fish are a bully. Not going to work.
I have added the Betta in a long time ago and surprisingly my Guppies started attacking him and ripping his tail so I had to put him in my smaller aquarium which is a 3.5 gallon.
Wrong. You do not want to do that, if you did the tetras would be stressed while the more aggressive fish wouldn't be. Also, tetras and bettas are not a good mix.
I've heard Java Ferns and Anubias as well as Marimo balls do fine with Fluval Edge LED lighting because they are all low light plants. Good luck with your tank!
Thanks, trunkmonkey : ) I hadn't considered a little bit of window light. Mostly because I've heard that aquariums by windows makes algae grow, but if a little bit comes through and is enough for the anubias, I'd like to try putting some in. I'll def. subscribe to your channel ; ) I love the tall grassy, background plants creative pet keeper used in her tank. Looks like vallisneria. I really wanted to know what kind of lighting she used, and if any added ferts. like root tabs,liquid suppl.'s etc. Her tank is gorgeous!!
You don't need CO2 for a lot of easy to grow plants like the Anubias and Wysteria and moss ball. I just planted them in the gravel and they've flourished. My betta will "naturally" fertilize them hehe. Also, the faster growing species like Wysteria will help to keep the tank clean, the slower growers like the Anubias will not help as much but they do help somewhat. I have a video on my channel of my fish tank.
If you're not going to use a window, I'd suggest using a grow light, but I haven't used any grow lights since I used to keep carnivorous plants years ago. I agree, bettas have amazing personality and I think they're a beautiful and intelligent fish to keep in a small aquarium by themselves or maybe with a couple other fish that they can get along with.
or could i have 3 neon tetra 3 female bettas and 1 male some one please help me im geting a 20 gallion tank soon please help!
Any less, and they are going to be stressed and will have shorter lifespan :)
No. The minimum for a betta sorority is a 20 long. And you need 7 or more in a group, along with backup tanks for each and every betta.
True, and correct. Neither are a good tankmate though.
Yes, I did.
Are you cute?
Yes, you are like one of the cutest people ever :)
100. comment for FAQ about keeping betta fish in a community tank