FAQ about keeping betta fish in a community tank

This is some general information about Betta care and compatibility with other fish in a community tank. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ★★Follow me on my Social Media ★★ Become a part of the #CreativeCritters Click HERE to SUBSCRIBE (It's FREE): https://goo.gl/SkhMM6 ★CREATIVE PET KEEPING INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/creativepetkeeping FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/CreativePetKeeping/ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/KasiaPetKeeping PERISCOPE: @CreativePetKeeping SNAPCHAT: CreativePet Facebook FAN GROUP: https://goo.gl/plD97d ★CREATIVE PET VLOGS YOUTUBE: https://goo.gl/ec91IJ INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/creativepinkunicorn Feel free to TAG me in fanart YOU make! I love to see your work! #CreativePetFanArt #BettaFish

FAQ about keeping betta fish in a community tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 79

Betta 14 years ago 149,312 views

This is some general information about Betta care and compatibility with other fish in a community tank. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ★★Follow me on my Social Media ★★ Become a part of the #CreativeCritters Click HERE to SUBSCRIBE (It's FREE): https://goo.gl/SkhMM6 ★CREATIVE PET KEEPING INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/creativepetkeeping FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/CreativePetKeeping/ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/KasiaPetKeeping PERISCOPE: @CreativePetKeeping SNAPCHAT: CreativePet Facebook FAN GROUP: https://goo.gl/plD97d ★CREATIVE PET VLOGS YOUTUBE: https://goo.gl/ec91IJ INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/creativepinkunicorn Feel free to TAG me in fanart YOU make! I love to see your work! #CreativePetFanArt #BettaFish

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Most popular comments
for FAQ about keeping betta fish in a community tank

Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 7 years ago
Click here to SUBSCRIBE (It's FREE): https://goo.gl/SkhMM6
I am posting 3 NEW videos a week!
Check out my Baby Betta playlist: https://goo.gl/zQzKr8
Matrix Berzins
Matrix Berzins - 7 years ago
I have question! I have new 180 liter aquarium - can I put Betta with Tiger Barbs together there or it's will be painful for Betta?
Drew Postma
Drew Postma - 7 years ago
Can I have male and female bettas in my tank and can I have male and female tetras in my tank and how many would you recommend my tank size is 29 gallons thanks.
Jamune - 7 years ago
What country are you from? x
Zack Dumican
Zack Dumican - 8 years ago
I didn't expect to find an absolutely gorgeous girl while looking for info on Betta fish!
Tommy Jacobson
Tommy Jacobson - 8 years ago
does anyone know what would happen if about 50 bettas were dropped in the same tank? we are trying to decide if we are going to have an all out brawl or if we will do a tournament set up. let me know what you guys think! thanks
TheHarmlessCactus - 8 years ago
I thought zebra danios nip at betta fins?
Nik Marren
Nik Marren - 8 years ago
"sooooo hot, want to touch the hiney,"- billy madison
Darrien Michael
Darrien Michael - 8 years ago
The smallest tank I would use for a betta is 5 gallons, with filter and heater of course. I've had a successful community in a 5 gallon....hold on, just listen, 5 gallons wasn't too small. The 5 gallon tank had one male betta, about 6-7 microrasboras (sounds like a lot but you just have to see them. They are teeny tiny fish, I mean REALLY small. Like the smallest fish I've ever seen. Also had 6 dwarf cories . Again, teeny tiny, SUPER SMALL. About 8 full grown red cherry shrimp (the betta tried to eat them for a couple of days and then determined that full grown they are too big to eat). This tank worked out beautifully and although it sounds like a lot of fish, you'd just have to have see them. The tank didn't look crowded at all. It wasn't a dirty tank because of all the fish either. I only changed the water once a month and even at one month the water quality was still great.
Mr. Purple
Mr. Purple - 8 years ago
Darrien Michael the tank may not look overstocked but just because the fish are small doesn't mean they stay in a tiny little area. Not trying to be critical.

10. comment for FAQ about keeping betta fish in a community tank

Six-Zero-Six Defender Of Justice!
Six-Zero-Six Defender Of Justice! - 8 years ago
I have a 10 gallon tank but it's divided for 2 male bettas. can I still get other fish?
Darrien Michael
Darrien Michael - 8 years ago
Make sure the males can't see each other. It is just cruel to keep males that way. If they can see each other, they live in a constant state of being ready for a fight to the death to begin any second. They don't get to relax. Some people do this because they like to see them flare. Just too cruel. If you must see your betta flare, put a mirror up to him and let him see himself. He'll think it's another betta and likely flare. But don't this often because it's not fun for the betta at all.

I had a 5 gallon tank with one male betta, about 6-7 microrasboras (sounds like a lot but you just have to see them. They are teeny tiny fish, I mean REALLY small.), 6 dwarf cories (again, teeny tiny, SUPER SMALL), about 8 full grown red cherry shrimp (the betta tried to eat them for a couple of days and then determined that full grown they are too big to eat). This tank worked out beautifully and although it sounds like a lot of fish, you'd just have to see them. It wasn't a dirty tank because of all the fish either. I only changed the water once a month and even then the water quality was still great.
Renéth Anoche
Renéth Anoche - 8 years ago
it started with this I guess. congrats!! you are stepping up keep making more videos!
dennis tolibas
dennis tolibas - 8 years ago
thanks....by the way, your beautiful. crush na kita agad.
raj sadhukhan
raj sadhukhan - 8 years ago
you look pretty
Marco Doyle
Marco Doyle - 8 years ago
your already supposed to put 6 or more neon tetras
and Cory catfish 10 or more
SpitnGames - 8 years ago
is this girl still around? i gots questionsss
Joel Alcazar
Joel Alcazar - 8 years ago
I had just put my bette in my tank
psycho amy
psycho amy - 8 years ago
Oh man! opss actually sorry. .you are too cool with a pretty face. .um just crush , ^_~ .ok don't get me wrong. .never mind cute girl. ^-^
Faker TUBE
Faker TUBE - 8 years ago
off topic...but uncontrolled worm like things r in my tank...cant get rid out of it
Sergio Ferrari
Sergio Ferrari - 8 years ago
Bettas are beautiful. Definitely head of the tank. I introduced my baby piraya to my king betta 3 years ago. They have been doing great up until now. When I feed the piraya the betta pickup on the leftovers.

20. comment for FAQ about keeping betta fish in a community tank

Kennan Pecore
Kennan Pecore - 8 years ago
thank you so much!! subscribed ☺
Sylvia Bond
Sylvia Bond - 8 years ago
Betta fish with glowfish?
Sylvia Bond
Sylvia Bond - 8 years ago
how to you keep glowfish with a betta fish?
Joseph S
Joseph S - 8 years ago
+Sylvia Bond If you mean the serpae tetra based glofish, you don't. They are fin nippers.
Sam Kathiramalai
Sam Kathiramalai - 8 years ago
Can guppies (male) go with male bettas (just one)
Foyez Ali
Foyez Ali - 8 years ago
Thank you so much... i must say we have got absolutely beautiful expert guide....
ramakant anaje
ramakant anaje - 8 years ago
I just fall in love with you
RPG nukes you
RPG nukes you - 9 years ago
I see mixed reviews in guppies and molys can you confirm any of this?
Jessy Dee
Jessy Dee - 8 years ago
It depends on the agression/peacefulness of your betta fish. Normally go for a slow-reacting fish just so you know it wont relentlessly chase the mollies and/or guppies.
Jacob Baldwin
Jacob Baldwin - 9 years ago
would you say that 1 male betta with my 1 molly and 5 neon tetra but I would also like to get a decent amount of neon as they are colourful and bring movement to the tank andi would ike to get some danios also but I have a question would zebra and leopard danions school together or would they separate if they separate I would only like to get one so please reply as I need help
Florian Kröner
Florian Kröner - 9 years ago
Can you be my girlfriend? <3
Amari Adore
Amari Adore - 9 years ago
You did a great job

30. comment for FAQ about keeping betta fish in a community tank

Makenna's Pets
Makenna's Pets - 9 years ago
I would like to get a 20 gallon tank, with 4 cory cats, 7 neon tetras, and 5 female bettas or 6, do you think the bettas will tear each others fins really badly because I do not want any hurt bettas?
Darrien Michael
Darrien Michael - 8 years ago
I had a 5 gallon with 5 female bettas and they did fine. I would not get less than 5 because they will fight. With two, the dominant one will injure or kill the other. With three, the weakest will be attacked by the other two. With four, they may pair off and fight.
Florin Jurcovici
Florin Jurcovici - 9 years ago
I once kept a beta and ten neons in a small, maybe 12-13 inch diameter bowl - heavily planted. The beta was never aggressive towards the neons. As the green grew even thicker, I added a female beta. I had to give her away within days - the male beta was extremely aggressive towards her - and still indifferent towards the neons.
hanzifaction - 9 years ago
Cute! I subscribed
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+hanzifaction Thank you ^_^
Mel Vang
Mel Vang - 9 years ago
guppies like to nip at bettas long tail
Lovebetta - 8 years ago
+Alisa Rain I have 1 male Betta and his friends are my guppies , tetras and long tail sword and I have Cory too. They swim and eat together in my 10g and soon will move in my 32g. More plants and bogwood so they have more room to play around. They never fight, I bought them all same time, like they are 10.
Alisa Rain
Alisa Rain - 8 years ago
They are Peaceful, it's the betta the one you have to worry about depends how big your fish tank is!
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
guppies are a peaceful fish. I have two tanks with them and a male in each and no fins have been nipped
Travel Junkies
Travel Junkies - 9 years ago
I have 6 neon tetras and 2 Bolivian rams. I was thinking of adding a male betta but it sounds dangerous with the rams being territorial as well.
Anders Sarenpa
Anders Sarenpa - 9 years ago
Zebra danios are known fin nippers, not a good betta community fish.
So are neons. Any fast moving fish is going to stress the betta out.
Also, you are supposed to introduce all the female bettas at the same time. If you have 3 acclimated bettas in there originally, and then add 3 more later, the newer ones are going to be stressed going into the new environment, and more suceptible to bullying by the other fish, making them stressed even further.

The way to fix this problem would be to do a fishless cycle to what the bettas bioload is, then once it's cycled add the bettas.

Also, the best tankmate for a betta is no tankmate. These are solitary fish.

If we were talking a real fish tankmate, then it would have to be a fish that is very inactive and is a bottom dweller, like a raphael catfish, but only in a tank big enough for raphaels (they get big). Another alternative would be the talking catfish.
ALifeWithLamona - 9 years ago
can betta fish live with betta fish
DMAN D - 9 years ago
i have a male betta in with rosy barbs,kuhli loaches,neon tetras,danios,and siamese algae eaters and he is happy ;D just make sure you have many plants because they like to hide
DMAN D - 9 years ago
+Julia S haha they are cute
DarkRaven Banana
DarkRaven Banana - 9 years ago
+DMAN D My betta has never hid at all its too funny. Hes a little character actually, he does little laps against the little current in his tank all day long like he's Rocky working out.
Samuel Nilsson
Samuel Nilsson - 9 years ago
Thanks for all the information.
Going to put a Betta male and about 2-3 females in a 54L tank (14gal).
Will probably get some Tetras later on aswell.
Thanks for the video!
Anders Sarenpa
Anders Sarenpa - 9 years ago
+Samuel Nilsson
Do not do that. Mixing female and male bettas, especially in that small of a tank, is a recipe for disaster. You aren't supposed to keep males and females together unless you're breeding.
Jaquevion Legreen
Jaquevion Legreen - 9 years ago
Your hot
Reshirou Krieger
Reshirou Krieger - 9 years ago
+Jaquevion Legreen her hot what?
BlueRice - 9 years ago
you have pretty eyes = )
Justin Jones
Justin Jones - 9 years ago
Well thanks for the advice! Lol
Justins Fish Tanks
Justins Fish Tanks - 9 years ago
Pretty good info. I subbed, please sub back and check out my male betta and ghost shrimp 15 gallon tank.
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
I have my blue Veil Tail Betta Fish in a clear plastic mesh breeder box, and I now have kept him there for two days  and one night, the Guppies don't seem to bother him and my Dwarf Cichlid, but the ones who DO bother him are the Gouramis, the Long Finned Red Minor Tetras, and my Swordtail. He's gotten better with the Swordtail, and the Tetras, but hasn't improved much with the Gouramis. I heard that the bigger the tank the better and a lot of hiding places, I have that. Can someone help me on how to get my Betta Fish used to my Gouramis?
AnimalLover - 8 years ago
+Darrien Michael
He died a while ago cause he got sick from another fish. I got another one and he got used to the others and no one bothers him and he doesn't bother anyone except feeding time cause the fish go crazy and eat so much, but it's nothing serious, no wounds on the fish. He is very happy and swimming around a lot.
Darrien Michael
Darrien Michael - 8 years ago
I don't believe they will "get used" to each other. They shouldn't be together.
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
+Lindz Da Finz
I have added him in there after one week and surprisingly he never attacked the Gouramis or the other fish, he was too nice though and the Guppies started attacking him and ripping his tail so I removed him to my 3.5 gallon tank, his tail did recover but not much and has a split end but he is doing fine and I don't see him not feeling well. Maybe when he dies and I will get another one I will try again but I won't buy any Guppies.
Lindz Da FinS
Lindz Da FinS - 9 years ago
Bettas are gouramis DO NOT mix. They are in the same species category, but for that reason do not mix. That's why they're bothering each other. Please separate them.
Alen Selimovic
Alen Selimovic - 10 years ago
My guppy will not eat and move a lot
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
He's probably sick, I would recommend giving him some garlic, it would make him become hungry and will start to eat more and it should also kill any parasites internal and external. Another idea is try putting some blood worms or some flakes or pellets in minced garlic for about and hour or two, one hour is most preferred. Hoped that helped.
Karl Donatella
Karl Donatella - 10 years ago
Can I put female Betta with honey Gouramis?
Anders Sarenpa
Anders Sarenpa - 9 years ago
Bad idea.
Lindz Da FinS
Lindz Da FinS - 9 years ago
I wouldn't
TheEclipse5 - 10 years ago
Not a good idea, I did that when i was younger and the betta kept attacking the gourami(s). It was a 20 gallon tank too so there was space.
Yatharth Vichare
Yatharth Vichare - 10 years ago
thanks... :)
Grimm_ Ace
Grimm_ Ace - 10 years ago
I recently put a betta in a tank, it is interesting so far. Want to talk about it? It's.. it's interesting I promise
Joe  Vensko
Joe Vensko - 10 years ago
Can i put betta's in a semi-aggressive tank. And can i put male betta's in a tank with other fish too.
Anders Sarenpa
Anders Sarenpa - 9 years ago
+Joe Vensko What are the other fish?
I would not try it. The other fish would most likely rip the betta to shreds, as they are slow moving and not an agile fish.
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
It is possible but no one can guarantee you that it will live with them. The only way to know is if you try.
TheDennister10 - 10 years ago
Ur hot

50. comment for FAQ about keeping betta fish in a community tank

Poopmaster - 10 years ago
You're so purdy.... ;D
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+Shiro “Tsubaki” Hibana I would prefer the focus of my videos to be on the animals or information, but complements are harmless ^_^
Reshirou Krieger
Reshirou Krieger - 9 years ago
+Lightning if I ever post a video on YouTube of myself and someone tells me I look nice, I would be so pleased to see that
I don't know what kind of people you're speaking for, or if it's just yourself, but someone who doesn't like getting told they're pretty, or a male variant of that if necessary, really has some psychological things they need dealt with, and I honestly feel sorry for people like that, including you

EDIT: now I'm really confused, reading other comments it seems they were being disgustingly perverted and awkward about it, not Wan. . . =?
why did you say that on this thread and not theirs?
Poopmaster - 9 years ago
LOL! Actually I didn't but when I made my sentence it sounded like I did. Still, that was just a great coincidence that we had similar bettas, heheehe
Lindz Da FinS
Lindz Da FinS - 9 years ago
+Wan Iss Matobeng awesome! Whoah, how did you know I had a flame red betta too?
Poopmaster - 9 years ago
Thank you Lindz Da Finz for keeping an open mind about this. BTW I am keeping a flame red betta fish too. His name is Sephiroth and he is so bold and dominant, living up to his name. I love the guy to bits. Hehehe
Lindz Da FinS
Lindz Da FinS - 9 years ago
+Wan Iss Matobeng I agree with you. You weren't doing anything. Just a compliment.
Poopmaster - 9 years ago

What do you get all worked up for? I don't want to know about your history but this was just a simple compliment to the presenter. I did not in any hit on or harass her. You need to learn how to take it easy and get off my case. Geez!
Kanabō - 9 years ago
If girls are on the internet and the only thing someone notices is her looks, don't you think she would be offended? I actually do think expressing how you feel can be wrong sometimes people offend me so badly that I want to shout in there face or physically harm them, sometimes I know something that would make it impossible for them to talk to people, just because I feel that way dosn't mean I should express it now should I?
Poopmaster - 9 years ago
Yeah, but why? Is it wrong to express how I feel? You have lovely eyes by the way. :)
Lindz Da FinS
Lindz Da FinS - 9 years ago
+Kitsune XD you're right
Kanabō - 9 years ago
Girls aren't on youtube to get hit on.
Lindz Da FinS
Lindz Da FinS - 9 years ago
Heron 1818
Heron 1818 - 10 years ago
You are so beautiful
David Twa
David Twa - 10 years ago
bubbles n booze
bubbles n booze - 10 years ago
also on facebook peeps join WORLDWIDE Siamese fighting fish club for real info on the best type of fish ever an you can get info off real expert fishkeepers from all around the world..our aim? to compare the worlds bettas an see different bettas from all around the world an see what where missing out on an whats popular we dont care what sort of betta you put on our page....WE LL TAKE ANY ! BE INFORMED...
Wagner Bicalho
Wagner Bicalho - 10 years ago
What if I add just one female betta in a community fish tank? The other fish would be peaceful ones like danios, tetras, swordtail, mollies... Would that work?
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
+Anders Sarenpa
Nah. I don't think so, he's really sweet, he loves to play around with the other fish sometimes. Never had such a playful Betta lol.
Anders Sarenpa
Anders Sarenpa - 9 years ago
You're lucky then. Hope it works out for you, it will change one day, most likely.
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
+Anders Sarenpa
I have a Molly with my Betta and they do perfectly fine. No fights.
Anders Sarenpa
Anders Sarenpa - 9 years ago
+Wagner Bicalho
Mollies and bettas is not a good combo. Mollies have been known to bully bettas, and mollies even with other fish are a bully. Not going to work.
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
+Lindz Da Finz
I have added the Betta in a long time ago and surprisingly my Guppies started attacking him and ripping his tail so I had to put him in my smaller aquarium which is a 3.5 gallon.
Lindz Da FinS
Lindz Da FinS - 9 years ago
That is actually one of my setups! I have a female betta with a female Dalmatian molly and male swordtail with various tetras/rasboras and bottom feeders in a 15 gallon, and they're awesome together!
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
I'm not so sure about the Swordtail and the Mollies, the Mollies would probably be fine if they are not Lyretails. I am trying to get my Betta Fish used to my other fish and one of the fish I have in there is a Red Velvet Swordtail, he's gotten better with the Swordtail but I'm not so sure I can actually trust him, because from time to time he kind of flares at the fish with long tails except for my Guppies, but you can try and see if it'll work.
Alma Castro
Alma Castro - 10 years ago
Great video. Very informative and helpful.
papercandles - 10 years ago
See, everything I read said to put in the betta first before the tetras so they can establish their territory.
Anders Sarenpa
Anders Sarenpa - 9 years ago
I suggest you go to an online forum and ask there, from people's own experience. There is no particular link that I know of. Either that or you are reading wrong. Fishlore is a good site, my username there is Anders247.
papercandles - 9 years ago
+Anders Sarenpa can you link me to anything that states that? I would really appreciate it because everything I read said otherwise. thanks in advance!
Anders Sarenpa
Anders Sarenpa - 9 years ago
Wrong. You do not want to do that, if you did the tetras would be stressed while the more aggressive fish wouldn't be. Also, tetras and bettas are not a good mix.
david c
david c - 10 years ago
You're perfect just the way you are. Im about to get a betta, and your info really helped
rajendra prasad
rajendra prasad - 10 years ago
u are beautiful. can use  a bit more eye liner makes u look gorgeous. thanks for info about betta and bye........... 
Helping ED
Helping ED - 10 years ago
Thank you for the tips
oddsource - 10 years ago
Thank you for the info!
Jason Hughes
Jason Hughes - 10 years ago
Its good to see someone giving the correct info for a change :-)
webkinzsigs 4ever
webkinzsigs 4ever - 10 years ago
Thanks so much! I have a new betta that is bothering the other fish so i will get a few more white clouds.
AB W - 10 years ago
Hello, "creative pet keeper" : ) I had gotten one Betta (on a whim) and have gotten quite attached to this species! They are just so wonderfully graceful, and have awesome little personalities! I couldn't believe it. So I bought a Fluval Edge...but unfortunately, can't quite put any plants in it because of its insufficient LED lighting, my substrate, etc. So I'm ready to setup my 10 Gallon, and wanted to know how do you keep live plants without CO2, as in your lovely setup? Do I need to add fertilizers to my water once in a while if only keeping one Betta? I'd love to have some anubias, crypts, etc. but want to be sure to have the correct lighting and supplies before purchasing a second Betta. What do you do to keep your plants thriving in your tank? Thanks for your help. I'll keep an eye out for your advice/answer. : )     ~Ashley
David Adams
David Adams - 10 years ago
+Ashley W.
 I've heard Java Ferns and Anubias as well as Marimo balls do fine with Fluval Edge LED lighting because they are all low light plants. Good luck with your tank!
AB W - 10 years ago
Thanks, trunkmonkey : )  I hadn't considered a little bit of window light. Mostly because I've heard that aquariums by windows makes algae grow, but if a little bit comes through and is enough for the anubias, I'd like to try putting some in. I'll def. subscribe to your channel ; )  I love the tall grassy, background plants creative pet keeper used in her tank. Looks like vallisneria. I really wanted to know what kind of lighting she used, and if any added ferts. like root tabs,liquid suppl.'s etc. Her tank is gorgeous!!
TM3000 - 10 years ago
I don''t have a lot of experience with plants, but I've kept Anubias, Wysteria, and moss balls alive by just keeping the tank next to a window.  I have 3 anubias right now, a moss ball and 1 wysteria.  The window doesn't even get that much light, only a little bit of natural light.  Anubias does very well in low light, wysteria needs a little bit more light just like the moss ball.  

You don't need CO2 for a lot of easy to grow plants like the Anubias and Wysteria and moss ball.  I just planted them in the gravel and they've flourished.  My betta will "naturally" fertilize them hehe.  Also, the faster growing species like Wysteria will help to keep the tank clean, the slower growers like the Anubias will not help as much but they do help somewhat.  I have a video on my channel of my fish tank.

If you're not going to use a window, I'd suggest using a grow light, but I haven't used any grow lights since I used to keep carnivorous plants years ago.  I agree, bettas have amazing personality and I think they're a beautiful and intelligent fish to keep in a small aquarium by themselves or maybe with a couple other fish that they can get along with.
N7407F - 10 years ago
Otocinclus are amzing fish to have with bettas! Also, shrimp! You dont want one that will get to big though, they need to be able to hide. But there are plenty to choose from, anything from cherry shrimp to bee shrimp depending on the size of ur tank! Both these guys will keep ur tank spectacularly clean!
Jeff Cruz
Jeff Cruz - 10 years ago
0:18 I have a 6 gallon tank with a beta in with mollies, gups, tetras, pleco.. they are fine :)
The Rider
The Rider - 10 years ago
my betta is on a 210liters aquarium but he doesnt like to swim much
uzi oozwala
uzi oozwala - 10 years ago
Nice tank:)
TheTerminator1919 - 10 years ago
I have 2 Angelfish(one six inch and 3 inch) and 2 silvertip tetras and a bristlenose pleco in a 29 gallon tank.  Do you think a male crowntail Betta will be fine if I add him to the 29 gallon tank?
BusyPetKeeping 101
BusyPetKeeping 101 - 8 years ago
No that tank is too small for all of them the angels need 10 gal each and 5 gallons for that bristle nose and those tetras you need more which will need 8 tetras or 6 but need 10 gal for those tetras which is already not enough
bruno ranger
bruno ranger - 10 years ago
Thankyou and very informative.
rdbetta - 10 years ago
You are beautiful and you love bettas just like me I have 8
Sean Hutchison
Sean Hutchison - 10 years ago
I was raised by goats in the mountains, it was treacherous :( 
rdbetta - 10 years ago
+Sean Hutchison I know your kind hopefully ONE day you get OVER that hard childhood you had
Sean Hutchison
Sean Hutchison - 10 years ago
you wont get laid with Betta pick up lines ;)
Sonny Clark
Sonny Clark - 10 years ago
could I just have all female bettas? in a community 20 gallion tank? or maybe 4 female and 1 male in a 20 gallion tank
or could i have 3 neon tetra 3 female bettas and 1 male some one please help me im geting a 20 gallion tank soon please help!
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
U have to keep neon tetras in groups of at least 5, as they are schooling fish.
Any less, and they are going to be stressed and will have  shorter lifespan :)
Sonny Clark
Sonny Clark - 10 years ago
so you can have 4 females in a 10 gallon tank right?
Anders Sarenpa
Anders Sarenpa - 9 years ago
+Sonny Clark
No. The minimum for a betta sorority is a 20 long. And you need 7 or more in a group, along with backup tanks for each and every betta.
El taco Games
El taco Games - 10 years ago
Females don't fight unless over a male
Mariah - 10 years ago
tetras nip. guppies don't.
Anders Sarenpa
Anders Sarenpa - 9 years ago
+Mariah B
True, and correct. Neither are a good tankmate though.
dimas0302 - 10 years ago
Just want to add suggestion. Don't ever, EVER, put with a fish who like biting fin fish like Puffer and any fish that more aggressive than the Beta fish. I got experience in this and thank god it's still alive.
virgilio pizani
virgilio pizani - 10 years ago
and smart!
virgilio pizani
virgilio pizani - 10 years ago
Sakki Durán
Sakki Durán - 11 years ago
I knew your face would match your pretty voice... :) I love your tanks bty
JuanTheTeen PetCare
JuanTheTeen PetCare - 11 years ago
How many bettas can i have in like a 5 gallon to 10 gallon. And if i had 2 bettas will they be ok(females)
Kuldeep Chand
Kuldeep Chand - 11 years ago
Did I google you?
Yes, I did.
Are you cute?
Yes, you are like one of the cutest people ever :)
Ariene Ohimor
Ariene Ohimor - 11 years ago
Bettas and guppies actually are a good combination....
sangonaomi - 11 years ago
I could use some help, please! I have a very tolerant betta in a 20 gal. community tank with a few tetras and a guppy. I also have two small oto catfish that I feed algae wafers to, but I am very worried about my betta getting to the food and overeating. I'm planning on putting more plants in the tank, and increasing algae levels so they have something to eat, but until then, should I switch to something like cucumbers or spinach, if the betta isn't interested in that? If anyone could help me, I would really appreciate it!!
Klock Worx
Klock Worx - 11 years ago
"You want fish that don't nip fins, like Tetra"  LOL.  A fair amount of Tetra have fin nipping tendencies, not the kind of fish you want with Betta.  And Neon Tetra specifically aren't that hardy of a fish, any pestering from a Betta would do them in.  Cardinals I believe are a bit hardier if you are getting any Tetra.
HoppingHammy - 11 years ago
You have some of the nicest looking tanks I have ever seen! Thanks for the great info. I've always wanted a betta, but haven't built up the confidence to try one yet! :) Your channel looks great by the way!
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
Ive actually never owned a hamster before. Ive had mice and gerbils.
Gabe Varns
Gabe Varns - 9 years ago
I do the same thing with goldfish! Bettas really are fantastic, you have a GREAT taste in pets! Should we expect you to become HoppingHammyBettas? I am just shocked to see you on a video not about hamsters! 
HoppingHammy - 9 years ago
+Gabe's Pets Hey there! :) Hehe I still don't have a betta as I haven't gotten up the courage to get one yet. But I love watching videos like this one here and learning about them!
Gabe Varns
Gabe Varns - 9 years ago
+HoppingHammy OMG Hoppinghammy I love your videos and I also love fish I would never expect to see yu watching a fish video!! Do you have a betta in with your Merimo moss balls now?
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 11 years ago
Thank you very much. I might make some videos explaining how to set up tanks for beginners and some general tips and tricks. Maybe one day you might want to try it out ;)
Steve Popejoy
Steve Popejoy - 11 years ago
Of course I liked it and look forward to more from you.
powrslave - 11 years ago
pierogi is good food
Scvon - 11 years ago
Let me appologize for my fellow fish enthusiasts. There are some SERIOUSLY CREEPY comments here and you dont deserve their bullshit.
Wobbe gong
Wobbe gong - 7 years ago
They get creepier as you go down
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 11 years ago
Oh my. I have not checked all my comments in a while O_O"
Ahsan Kabir Rubel
Ahsan Kabir Rubel - 11 years ago
I love aquarium and your tank, awesome, obviously your voice too clear to understand. Keep it up and I like to say, you are too beautiful. :) Subscribed. and I will wait for more advice from you.
tredbr549 - 11 years ago
very good advice and video
John Davies
John Davies - 11 years ago
OK thanks alex:-)
Quorstra Qq
Quorstra Qq - 11 years ago
Nope! :D
John Davies
John Davies - 11 years ago
can bettas go in a cold water set up
Stefan Robles
Stefan Robles - 11 years ago
I concur
VanillaMilkShark - 11 years ago
i know this is a month old but DO NOT PUT 2 FEMALES TOGETHER! i have a soririt of 6 and the first time i had to seperate them i had to put 2 in 1 jar, 10mins later i had an almost dead fish. she lost about 80%(no bs) of her fins. shes still recovering now a month later and still missing maybe 20%
VanillaMilkShark - 11 years ago
hahaha damn right
Peninsula Painting Projects
Peninsula Painting Projects - 11 years ago
Your hot and you have fish knowledge that's wifey material right there. SUBSCRIBED
Setia Seni Tradisional Indonesia
Setia Seni Tradisional Indonesia - 11 years ago
can i have ur no ?
Andrew Fong
Andrew Fong - 11 years ago
2.5 gallon is not big enough for anything else than 1 Betta if even that. Bettas require 5g or larger and at least a 10g if you are going to put anything else in there with him.
Daniel Allen
Daniel Allen - 11 years ago
Yea that is true. I haven't had any real predators around my pond, thankfully. If I do, will have to get some netting. But now my allola fern is taking over, which will cover the service and help protect them abit naturally. Plenty of hiding spots too.
Dom Ex
Dom Ex - 11 years ago
I use a plant substrate , ( Like tetra complete substrate) covered with grit/gravel ) 2 T5 s replaced every 12 months, weekly water change , keep an eye on your nitrate levels , when plants start spontaneously growing roots from the stems , nitrates are getting high , think about twice weekly water change

100. comment for FAQ about keeping betta fish in a community tank

Dom Ex
Dom Ex - 11 years ago
The Number one problem with Bettas , is size of tank, and that just because the fish can breath air , does not mean it much live in a cup of water.... 30 Litres is a bare minimum.
Epixelle - 11 years ago
Thanks cpk!
Double R
Double R - 11 years ago
ur hot where u from?
Veovre - 11 years ago
good 1
Santonyes - 11 years ago
Hello guys, check out my community tropical fish tank! 54L with guppies, platies, neon tetra's, corydoras and live plants! Thanks! /watch?v=AINyoaxXqO4
Gorgeroth Evans
Gorgeroth Evans - 11 years ago
Really wish you would do more fish videos.
Hasrul Mohamad
Hasrul Mohamad - 11 years ago
hard for me to catch up wht u've said, cz u r so hot! haha
Orlando Torres
Orlando Torres - 11 years ago
Hello CreativePetKeeping!!! how do you feed your Betta??? I have one in my 55G tank I think he can't see the food floating. Also other fish seem to be faster and eat the food. I have 6 neons, 4 zebras.. + the Betta. Thank you.
alphardae - 11 years ago
Hi, I'm planning on having a female betta and about 2 corydoras a 5 gallon tank. Is that okay? Can I add more female betta? Thanks!
Waterdraakje achtenzeventig
Waterdraakje achtenzeventig - 11 years ago
Zebra danio's are NOT a good ID to keep with betta's. Danio's come from a much different habitat they like to be cooler and are very busy swimmers wich can stress your Betta quit a bit.
ragnarokable45 - 11 years ago
i added my tetra and betta all at the same time. lol
DJ M3M1 - 11 years ago
my tetras never jumped
DJ M3M1 - 11 years ago
i had one with tetras and he would stay inside a castle pretty much the hole time i loved him he was peaceful
alphardae - 11 years ago
Hi, I was wondering if female bettas can be kept with other fish, like swordtails or neon tertas? Thanks
mark cilia
mark cilia - 11 years ago
I know this for a fact that neon tetra's nip at the betta's fins
rC goDdess
rC goDdess - 11 years ago
i have a 5 gallon tank with 1 beta fish (boy) 2 neon tetras, 1 flame tetras, and 1 glofish tetra, and they are getting along just fine. :)
ashley blair
ashley blair - 11 years ago
We're do you get your info from
weshal fahmi
weshal fahmi - 11 years ago
I love beta,,trust me..^_^
marce mellow
marce mellow - 11 years ago
You are so cute :-)
Taigaboi - 11 years ago
thank you for info + you're gorgous
London DumbRide
London DumbRide - 11 years ago
You are Hot!!! And a fish tank lover. Perfect :)
bettafish blue
bettafish blue - 11 years ago
If I have a 10 gallon how many if any females bettas can I have? If I get a 20 gallon how many female bettas can I get? Thanks nice vid helped me out :)
jcmtz0814 - 11 years ago
Forgat to mention I have a 55 gallon
jcmtz0814 - 11 years ago
You think I can have 2 female bettas with my 7 gouramis , BKF and two tiger barbs plis reply
Wobbe gong
Wobbe gong - 7 years ago
No, if you have 2 tiger barbs they will nip the fins of of everything, tiger barbs must be in a group of at least 8 to dull their aggression
Rui Direitinho
Rui Direitinho - 11 years ago
you are very beauty
Big Ant
Big Ant - 11 years ago
Wow lol beautiful huh!!!?!!!
PinkPeony92 - 11 years ago
I like the way she says bettas.
Keith Hendrix
Keith Hendrix - 11 years ago
Ram Saini
Ram Saini - 11 years ago
if i keep one male betta and one female betta in the same tank will they start breeding???
njw1383 - 11 years ago
Great video very informative
Chris Thongsavanh
Chris Thongsavanh - 11 years ago
Betas don't fight with other fish only males vs males and male vs female. They don't need a minimum of 5 females because they don't nip and they aren't aggressive to other types of fish. Learn your stuff . I would happen to know as marine biologist also studying freshwater that they are friendly learn ur stuff idiot
jay langdon
jay langdon - 11 years ago
Kristen Driscoll
Kristen Driscoll - 11 years ago
I had to remove my gold tetras from my male betta's tank recently because they began to nip at his tail :(
Kristen Driscoll
Kristen Driscoll - 11 years ago
From what I've learned, bettas should be kept at a water temperature of about 76-78 degrees. Also, being brightly colored your betta could easily become prey for birds and such being outside in a pond. Just a thought.
Palmer Fish Q&A
Palmer Fish Q&A - 11 years ago
This isn't fair.. Your a hot female and I'm doing the same thing but you have more subscribers. I work with FishinnPost though hehe. check out my vids.. I'm cooler than you (kidding of course). p.s. black nail polish is cool
Dat Le
Dat Le - 11 years ago
I just wonder if u feed all of them the same food or u feed separately?
Or Hasson
Or Hasson - 11 years ago
Hi ! thanks for the explanation... nice tank you have there... do you know if betta can also live in peace with swordtails? my betta shows himself off in front of them but dont seem to bite or harm them...
melkel2010 - 11 years ago
Hi! I'm planning a 20 gallon planted and divided tank for my 3 Bettas. They're in 10 gallon divided for now. Our water PH is 8 and they're good with that. But plant info always says acidic water for plants. (Fish info always says alkaline :P) Is that strict rule or are there plants best suited for Betta tank at such high PH? (2 boys 1 girl. I boy was miss-marked and is a Plakat but I wouldn't send any of them back to little dishes on shelf. They love all the space so far & they're so flirty!) TY
Rex Pepper
Rex Pepper - 11 years ago
do more videos!!!!!!!!!!!!! come on im sick of seeing dustins ugly ass. haha id much rather watch your videos!
Neil Mahadeo
Neil Mahadeo - 11 years ago
do you have any videos of betta living in their natural habitat ???
Ribit ODST
Ribit ODST - 11 years ago
I'm sorry what was that beautiful?^__^
Daniel Allen
Daniel Allen - 11 years ago
I just got some white clouds a few weeks ago. They are a speedy cold water fish. But I'm not sure if a siamese fighter/Betta will tolerate being outside in the pond? What do you think?
De Fool
De Fool - 11 years ago
I heard Oscars house Bettas in ther mouths for protection
myles christian
myles christian - 11 years ago
We just bought our first beta fish and he's awesome!
myles christian
myles christian - 11 years ago
My gf thinks you're so cute. Where are you from? I said Canada an she said Minnesota
Hasheem K
Hasheem K - 12 years ago
Ur hot
David L
David L - 12 years ago
Great info.
Mac Dre
Mac Dre - 12 years ago
u gotta a bf.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 12 years ago
Ur welcome :) Definitely be careful of adding iron because too much can cause algae to grow so start off with small amounts at first.
xskoobastevex - 12 years ago
i got the 25 litre fluval chi tank i was thinking of putting a betta and 2 females into the tank you think that woule be okay ? i got my male today and he seems to be swimming around and looks very active
Maizy - 12 years ago
your the hottest girl i've ever seen interested in fish. HA!
Leevang08 - 12 years ago
Nice vid!!!!
Leevang08 - 12 years ago
Hey your kind of cute!!!! Love your fishes!!!!!
Jack Haas
Jack Haas - 12 years ago
I have kept many bettas for years now and some might disagree with this but.... it is a MYTH that male and female bettas get along. they only get along during breeding and even then there is some violence. But the other information in this video is true and helpful
BrittieJ - 12 years ago
I keep my male Betta in a 29g tank with 7 Zebra Danio
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 12 years ago
I add an iron plant supplement about once a month for extra nutrients and I do weekly water changes as well as have good/strong light on my tank. That's pretty much it. I hope it helps. ^_^
Aod Gnay
Aod Gnay - 12 years ago
divine0g0d - 12 years ago
Thomas Knox
Thomas Knox - 12 years ago
The only thing I would say is that the temperature that suits white cloud minnows is a little cool for betta splendens.
sunshineandish - 12 years ago
pretty lady..nice video too..their great fish.
PSonak - 12 years ago
Aaaaaaannnnnnnnnddddddd Thumbs down.
David Moore
David Moore - 12 years ago
My experience is that they can be kept with any small, peaceful schooling fish that don't have flowing fins (male bettas see these fish as competition, and will often harass them to death). Nippy fish like rainbowfish and a lot of the active barb species are not a good choice either, as your betta will lose his fins in a hurry. Neon/cardinal tetras, harlequin rasboras, cherry barbs, and white cloud minnows work great in a betta tank. Avoid gouramis unless you have a bigger tank with hiding spots
David Wooden
David Wooden - 12 years ago
nice !!
BaraCentipede742 - 12 years ago
Pretty as Betta Fish..
llorensl - 12 years ago
Fish smish. What's your number?
matikal - 12 years ago
I just wanna say: you're beautiful
moriez87 - 12 years ago
best looking fishtank people on youtube so far
Alexis Chaz
Alexis Chaz - 12 years ago
i think im inlove with you
The Solitary Outdoorsman
The Solitary Outdoorsman - 12 years ago
When it comes to betta sorority tanks, I would go so far to say that they need at least 20 gallons, 40+ would be better, but still quite risky. Other potential tank mates, as you said, would be certain tetras, but many species need larger tanks. I've had good luck with 7 neons and some ghost shrimp with my male betta in a 10 gallon, but he had already proven to play nicely with tank makes before I got him. All bettas are different, and some won't tolerate anyone else. I liked this vid though.
Azure Dragon
Azure Dragon - 12 years ago
sorry too, eveybody has right to express whatever as you did it, just I think the person of the video tries to share with us in gently way her experiences about tanks and that´s a good detail from her..anyway good luck for you :)
MrTeacherDude - 12 years ago
Yes it is. Very sorry about that.
Azure Dragon
Azure Dragon - 12 years ago
your comment is stupid and unrespectful
lcatalan93 - 12 years ago
Omg my mom decided to just drop a female beta in my already male betas fish tank and its not that big and he bit her I was like nooo you crazy women lol so now she is separated cause idk what do help !!!??? :0
zivosevic - 12 years ago
I need urgent private classes about Bettas...
Nathan White
Nathan White - 12 years ago
No sarcasime
Nathan White
Nathan White - 12 years ago
Wow soooo Hot!!
Marissa Vargas
Marissa Vargas - 12 years ago
I have a 15 gallon tank how many bettas and tretas should I get ?
tigreauneon - 12 years ago
what about 5 females and 1 male???
ohhfxckitskatherine - 12 years ago
She's only saying that you can keep a sorority a females. Which is 5 or more female bettas. They'll fight at first because they have to establish a pecking order but the aggression will be spread out between all the females so they won't become too injured. I'm fairly certain she knows not to put more than 1 male in a tank no matter the size of tank.
Eric Cartman
Eric Cartman - 12 years ago
I dont know if the other posters mentioned this, but she's pretty.
iiiRollSushiii - 12 years ago
put that fish in your coochie and let me suck it out
Montano - 12 years ago
I'd give her soft mmm time to heal
Montano - 12 years ago
I vanna bang her
Art Maknev
Art Maknev - 12 years ago
Is there some special air filter and/ or heater that you can recommend for me for a 10-20 gallon tank, which works well for betta and tetra? thanks. a
Randy Enciso
Randy Enciso - 12 years ago
Thumbs up if you got hard!
John Paul Mariano
John Paul Mariano - 12 years ago
Hi. I'm John and I like aquatic fish. Jk :)
mKwi9FUG8N - 12 years ago
She is really pretty
betta fish
betta fish - 12 years ago
MsPixelatedPaint - 12 years ago
They actually do in a sense, males will develop a pale tiger like striping on their body when stressed. Some bettas will become pale all over as well. Females bettas will develop a pale horizontal stripe and can become pale as well. Some betta color variants can change gradually overtime, without being stressed. Such as the marble or fancy. This is simply genetic.
SUMIT G - 12 years ago
good video, keep it up girl.
gangsta19x - 12 years ago
spetta betta
spetta betta - 12 years ago
can i put female betta with guppies ??
djfusion83 - 12 years ago
Do bettas Chang colors when they get stressed out?? Oh yeah u good looking too.
Capt. Zach Truong
Capt. Zach Truong - 12 years ago
teachers nowadays lol
Texans Astros
Texans Astros - 12 years ago
I bought 2 blue dwarf Gouramis from Walmart two weeks ago. They have sores on their sides now so I removed from my 10 gallon tank. I thought maybe my gold Gouramis was nipping but the sores look like lesions. I quarantined both. What should I do?
Jehuty989 - 12 years ago
Large docile fish also do well with bettas, I have a large bala shark and gold gourami with my halfmoon betta and they have been together for 2 years now.
Gorgeroth Evans
Gorgeroth Evans - 12 years ago
Can you come to the UK so we can go on a date lol.
kentman37 - 12 years ago
My betta fish is kept with; rummynose tetra. redtail shark. 3 emperor tetra. peacock goby. thomasi dwarf cichlids. 2 swordtails. 2 albino corydoras. and tiger barbs. They all get one really well! The betta has a little bit out of his back fin from when I first got him, its not healed a massive amount though. I have a separator coming so putting my betta in that will help him regrow. How long does it take do you know?
millionaire tan
millionaire tan - 12 years ago
I am here for babes
MisterJ - 12 years ago
pretty.... but the voice is kinda annoying
Warren Kerry
Warren Kerry - 12 years ago
Wow....she is beautiful and she loves bettas... Perfect catch!!
hardboiled89 - 12 years ago
I hope your still talkn about females towards the end there. Females can live together regardless of group size or tank size. Males on the other hand, mabe two in a minimum of 55 gal. they will find eachother though, and they will fight to the finish.
Jose Rodriguez
Jose Rodriguez - 12 years ago
Thanks alot for this info and u look very pretty
Reaghan T
Reaghan T - 12 years ago
:O Your PRETTY!!!!!!!!
glenn prato
glenn prato - 12 years ago
Wilson Tan
Wilson Tan - 12 years ago
I was looking at the you more than the fish tank.
daniel gamez
daniel gamez - 12 years ago
Are mollies,platies,and dojo catfish ok with 2 bettas. And what if your females fin doesn't grow back soon.
RealityIsTheNow - 12 years ago
I can't hear what she is saying. She is too distractingly beautiful. Like...walks down the street causing traffic accidents beautiful.
AndehX - 12 years ago
the females are not as bad as the males. I have 6 in my community tank and they get on fine with each other. You probably have something else in your tank thats causing them to be aggressive.
Catya Fapen
Catya Fapen - 12 years ago
Awkward coming from MrTeacherDude
betta fish
betta fish - 12 years ago
can you pot a ghost catfish and a male betta ?"???????????
Fuchsia5 - 12 years ago
What are the plant in the tank behind you? If they're alive (which I presume) how do you setup a tank for bettas with real plants?
Tavo Alvarez
Tavo Alvarez - 12 years ago
go kendra go kendra
Coolnicknameguy - 12 years ago
you betta marry you hottie
Coolnicknameguy - 12 years ago
your lucky my betta youses gupies as chewtoy
Coolnicknameguy - 12 years ago
if your rich and dont mind wasteing the money, just get waterconditioner and put like 7 drops for every 1 gallon of tap water or fill up 5 or so milkjugs with water, caps off and let them sit for 24 to 48hours so all the bs u dont want in your tank evaperates
Coolnicknameguy - 12 years ago
my betta does well with corry cats
Leslie C
Leslie C - 12 years ago
I just saw a video where someone puts spring/ bottled water in the tank while cleaning it. Is that good ?
Leslie C
Leslie C - 12 years ago
Love your betta videos :) I'll be getting a bigger tank too for my betta with guppys :)
Luch - 12 years ago
You posted this on my Birthday!
ravire6020 - 12 years ago
Shes beautiful. :)
pwrap - 12 years ago
yes i said shit-ton.....it's roughly a ton, but with a lot of "other" shit added.....have a good what ever the fuck it is you do....lol
Ragitsu - 12 years ago
Grow up.
MrTeacherDude - 12 years ago
Do your next vid in a bikini. Thanks.
Dacster Drizz
Dacster Drizz - 12 years ago
nice cjeck out some my vids
Eric Stone
Eric Stone - 12 years ago
how is your chichilid doing can a ram go with tetras and other small fish such as a small loach please respond i want a ram
wolverine1865 - 12 years ago
well ive owned 5 bettas, and only 1 was aggressive. ive kept all the others with colourful fish and they have never once shown any aggression towards them
triface72 - 12 years ago
i want to feed my betta live fish. what could i use?
luisbetanzos - 12 years ago
Thanks for sharing your videos.
happycatguy - 12 years ago
it could also be that she is two years old!!!!! and now for some odd reason she is swimming again
pwrap - 12 years ago
really??..i have a community tank that rocks a shit-ton of fancy guppy's and a female betta balloon mollies, danio's, and bamboo shrimp, clown loach, and some others in a 55 gal hex tank. i have never had a problem with fin nipping......care to explain??
anthony motta
anthony motta - 12 years ago
your hot
RulfusTheBear - 12 years ago
RulfusTheBear - 12 years ago
5 Gallons to 10 max for EACH Betta if you don't want a dead fish. Be sure to do other research about every new fish you buy. Do Not base a new fish purchase on a video such as this. You will waste your money and cost a life. BTW Amonea levels can be lowered by cleaning your substrate and not overfeeding. Also Since you are new at this I would suggest you hold from giving advice to viewers whom dont have any expertise as yourself.
RulfusTheBear - 12 years ago
Massacre can occur any time a Betta is introduced to another in the same tank, but in order to keep them in a community tank peacefully remember to have the adequate ph levels. If you need a low ph bogg wood and sand as a substrate works well, and if you water need to be hard, adding rocks and after a good feeding the hardness should spike right up!
hattrose hat
hattrose hat - 12 years ago
@Ninix23 no thx i don't kill ppl i love C:
Limcamilka - 12 years ago
Hi, I just found 4 baby guppies in my tank I put them in a breeder trap, now what do I do how many times a day should I feed them, what should I look for in health Help me
hattrose hat
hattrose hat - 12 years ago
i want to buy a biger tank to my betta and buy him a female , but my mom won't ! you have any ideas about how i can persuade her to buy one? ...
IonZincJr - 12 years ago
pretty girl~
TheEdwardacevedo1 - 12 years ago
@TheGhostfeather Yes that would be the easiest and less time consuming way to go. I agree with you on that, but I personally like to watch my generations develop. Selective breeding is a huge undertaking. You must be fully committed and have a ton of free time. As ghostfeather said, purchase a pair of HMPK's from a reputable seller
Bill Snyder
Bill Snyder - 12 years ago
@rajpalarman17 Just get a pair of HMPKs.
Bill Snyder
Bill Snyder - 12 years ago
@TheEdwardacevedo1 Why not just start with a pair HMPKs,skip all the generation breeding!
NorseCreation - 12 years ago
long live white clouds !
Limcamilka - 12 years ago
How can you tell if a betta is calm when buy it?.
john hodgson
john hodgson - 12 years ago
@CreativePetKeeping Neons and Bettas are fine. My 3year old spendorous has lived with neons + cardinals all its life. =D
fish78u78 - 12 years ago
ploease watch my betta breeding video
AndehX - 12 years ago
@AndehX you can keep male bettas with pretty much anything except other male bettas, and any sort of fin nipper, like tiger barbs for example. Also male guppies might be mistaken for another male betta, so be careful putting them together.
AndehX - 12 years ago
If you're keeping female bettas, then you can keep as many as you like as the females are not aggressive at all. Males on the other hand are aggressive towards other male bettas, but in general, the male betta isnt an aggressive fish. This is quite a common misconception people have about male bettas. They are only aggressive towards their own species, and anything that looks like their own species, since they have relativly bad eye sight.
henshooten - 12 years ago
can i also add that each Betta has a different personality being some are more/less aggresive than others and when breeding one on one compatability between male and female is a must ie i had a male that was very agressive so matched him with a feisty girl and a few weeks later i had lil bubba bettas (be prepared you dont want an accidental breeding of 100s of babies to care for without a plan) and same goes for bella my quiet girl matches up to mitch who is a really layed back betta
henshooten - 12 years ago
@happycatguy i have had simmilar to this and found its just particular females are quieter than others BUT>>>> does she have a white edge on her fins or large white spots as this would indicate it is finrot ,id suggest a course of betta medicine and feed her live bloodworm for a few weeks to boost her imune system,although bad finrot is cureable SO DONT PANIC and its somewhat lucky its a female because once a male gets finrot his colours are never the same again GOOD LUCK MATE
AReadythen - 12 years ago
make new videos on fish/bettas
happycatguy - 12 years ago
My female beta fish won't swim unless I shake the tank lightly so she is alive I think she has fin rot but I'm not sure can you tell me? Oh here is something else you might need to know, her tank use to be very dirty but I cleaned it.
BassBouss01 - 12 years ago
Your so hott, please make more videos
e. det
e. det - 12 years ago
wooo u so viewwtifull:) im from Malaysia n i like betta imbellis... for me wild betta is the best....
TheCheese909 - 12 years ago
Dwarf Gourami do well with bettas as well. We have two of them along with a Veiltail male betta in a 10 gallon and they get along great.
Blake Driesen
Blake Driesen - 12 years ago
jow my betta tank look to you i sent a vid of it to you
Tou Thor
Tou Thor - 12 years ago
@shacks29 5 or more is better. She is right. I've raised bettas for a long time. I like to keep them separated, but I've done communities before. If you have more bettas, the aggressiveness gets distributed among the bettas which means less fighting. With just two or three bettas they will most likely kill each other or really hurt each other since they only have that one betta to focus on. And as she said a large tank and plants reduce a lot of the aggressiveness.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 12 years ago
@shacks29 I have a male betta with 6 neon tertas in a 10gal right now for about 3 months and they haven't touched him yet. Also, my male never bred with the females. I would destroy his bubble nest all the time so he was too busy rebuilding it to care about the girls. And I got the idea of keeping more females from keeping African cichlids where its recommended to keep more fish to reduce aggression. Im just going off my personal experiences as well...not saying it works every-time.
shax - 13 years ago
Actually Neon Tetras are fin nippers, especially when you keep them with a long fin Bettas. I should know I make this mistakes 2 times,another thing is why did you recommend 5 or more female Bettas? They will fight or nip - I don´t think keeping more Bettas is a resolution at all. Do you know what happend after a Male Betta breed with a female Betta in a (Betta) Comunity tank? MASSACRE!!!
Jana OGrady
Jana OGrady - 13 years ago
I havea 15 gal tanks and 3 male platies. Would it be okay to add a female betta??
Hollow Moonshine
Hollow Moonshine - 13 years ago
how many betta should be in a 10 gallon
AnimeWolvez - 13 years ago
Can you keep like one betta and four to five guppies in a small tank?(the tank is about medium but smaller a bit)
bram van de veerdonk
bram van de veerdonk - 13 years ago
why is it so special to keep a betta in a community tank? i have 2 males in a community tank fun to see but they don't hurt the other so much also got discus fish and stuff. but if you do a betta in a tank it's no problem only maybe with other males in small tanks ore baby fish but there don't swim so much.
Jesus Camacho
Jesus Camacho - 13 years ago
i have a question i have a 55 gal tank i just got n i have one angel fish banded rainbow bi colored banjo cuckoo synodntis discuss kissin fish mono panda cory threadline rainbow gourami one silver dollar a pleco and 3 orange tuxedos do you think they will get along?
jadonx - 13 years ago
Do you find you need to keep the p.h low for the betta's . Good video and I like the warm lighting on your pretty face x.
LegitimatelyBrown - 13 years ago
What kind of snail would you prefer with the Betta fish?
TheEdwardacevedo1 - 13 years ago
Its a good idea to keep like she said 5 or more females no less. That allows them to develop a hierarchy among themselves. I've heard of community male betta tanks and have actually seen one with 2 males but then again it was a 55g tank. Goes to show how much space the males need to coexist.
TheEdwardacevedo1 - 13 years ago
@rajpalarman17 you can pretty much breed any type of betta whether it be plakat, veil tail, halfmoon, double tail etc. If you're planning on breeding a halfmoon and a plakat you should get some pretty interesting fry. If you continue selective breeding between the generations you will end up with a halfmoon plakat, which are amazingly beautiful
vinny050 - 13 years ago
nice aquarium ;)
nikka chan
nikka chan - 13 years ago
well, sense bettas are aggressive fish, bettas have to be kept alone by its self. if you put a female in with the male, and its not the same size, than the male will eventually kill the female. in order to have female and male bettas put together. you need decorations, or houses for female to hind but, be careful because the male might mate with one another and all the other fish will eat the eggs.
breyershowstar - 13 years ago
yes if its just one male betta then it should work. you can have a male betta in a community tank but there can only be one. male bettas are by far more aggressive than females. i have a male betta in a community tank and they seem fine. i havent found any dead fish and its been over a year.
Vipstephen - 13 years ago
I am cycling my 29 gallon tank with 7 head and tail light tetras currently....and I really want a male betta...can this work??
New American Fishkeeper
New American Fishkeeper - 13 years ago
Just don't put gouramis in there! The male could see them as a breeding competetor and ttack them because they are so closly related.
Rajpal Arman Singh
Rajpal Arman Singh - 13 years ago
@CreativePetKeeping Hi, Erm, i would like to know if i can breed a halfmoon and a plakat? Will the offspring be deformed??
defconxomega - 13 years ago
She needs a drink of water lol
nedsmob81 - 13 years ago
thumbs up if u think she is a keeper! no desrespect...
Mihai Stanescu
Mihai Stanescu - 13 years ago
thank you !
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@WhiteFishKepper yes, all bettas can breed :)
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@SeaMonkeyPrincess Thanks for sharing :) Im glad to hear it works out for others as well.
SeaMonkeyPrincess - 13 years ago
Oh and I want to say that a male betta can be successfully kept with female guppies. I have done just that. I can say, with pride, that my male OHM is doing just great with his company of 5 female guppies in a 10 gallon tank. It honestly depends on the individual betta male's level of aggression and how you introduce them.
SeaMonkeyPrincess - 13 years ago
Heh, I always hear the name pronounces "bay-tah" instead of "beh-tah". Nice to here it pronounced properly for once. Though I must say, it does sound odd to my ears after hearing it pronounced the other way for so long.
gavinistheawesomest - 13 years ago
Nice to see someone who pronounces the name correctly
Wildguitar007 - 13 years ago
Hey cool video, I was wondering how many minnows could be kept in a 25 gallon tank? Thanks:)
imKenyo - 13 years ago
Its has very good information!!! tnkx for the vid
Elitebetta - 13 years ago
Very nice informative video keep up the good work. Please do check my videos I got a couple of beauties as well.
Spectoral - 13 years ago
That was great :) Thanks for the video, girl! Great tips.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@overheat999 Do u mean like Redtail sharks or bala sharks? Depending on the type they can be very aggressive. I have a redtail shark in my cichlid tank and he is super aggressive. Also they usually need roughly a 50 gal tank and other semi aggressive fish. I think they do best with cichlids.
Microcosmical - 13 years ago
@myPs3RuLeZ123 Sounds like your bettas had bloat. The best way to prevent it is to make sure their water is very clean (with a cycled filter) and the temperature is warm enough (around 80 degrees F).
Jen Jung
Jen Jung - 13 years ago
My tank is has 10 guppies. So should I get a male or female Betta? Plz answer. Anybody, tankssss!!!!!!!
cozmoz365 - 13 years ago
I personally found it's best to keep male Betta's on their own with no other fish as they always fin nip in the end. Also I have found the Betta's fins never fully grow back.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@DarkStardustDragon74 every fish is different. Some are just lazy. Oscars have a larger brain and are a bit more intelligent so it makes sense that they would be more interesting. I still like bettas though :p
TheHermitcrab101 - 13 years ago
@myPs3RuLeZ123 what you are discribing is dropsy for that i would choose tetra fungus guard hope it helps
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@myPs3RuLeZ123 did u try giving them medicine? I know there are a couple different medicines that treat multiple diseases if ur not sure. Did u try looking it up on google to figure out what it is?
dttruon - 13 years ago
@SickKnowledge82 i don't think you should be keeping any fish if this is your opinion based on your limited experience. i'm gonna give you the benefit of a doubt that you probably weren't listening and/or reading comments carefully to fully understand the different methods and experiences shared by other folks on this forum. read on!
bima poetiray
bima poetiray - 13 years ago
i like fishy girls.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@SickKnowledge82 I used to have more then five bettas and tetras in a 10 gal (at least 8 females alone). For that tank I had one filter, plants, and I did weekly water changes. The water quality was great. If people can keep a betta in a water bowl (that isn't even close to a gallon of water with no filtration) what makes u think they wont do well in a 10 gal tank with mechanical, chemical, and biological filtration. If u maintain it then it will work.
SickKnowledge82 - 13 years ago
@Darkoh5 5 Bettas in a 10 gallon? WTF You do know the water quality is probably dung unless you have some sort of secondary planted sump. The Betas in your tank are probably pooping themselves to death.
Justin God Chan
Justin God Chan - 13 years ago
@CreativePetKeeping man i love bettas! i've decided to get at least a 40 gallon for my new fish. if you could be a fish what would u be? I'd be a clown loach lol. Cuz I'm weird
pelon198712 - 13 years ago
love does big eyes
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@JavyDamas hehe thanks :)
Javy Damas
Javy Damas - 13 years ago
Dennis Nakashima
Dennis Nakashima - 13 years ago
Useful information, thank you. You are also very attractive !
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@eostr2 not if u don't let them breed. If u destroy the bubble nest the male will be too busy building a new one each time to bother with breeding.
Elizabeth Song
Elizabeth Song - 13 years ago
If you keep female and male bettas together, don't u end up with baby bettas?
Shaun Nebula
Shaun Nebula - 13 years ago
you can also try a different style of food (pellet, flake, crushed) or food brand itself. Some betta I have had rejected some "betta pellets" and were picky eaters!
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@Darkoh5 what is ur water temperature? a fishes metabolism is dependent on the water temperature as they are cold blooded animals. The colder the water the slower their metabolism is (which may be the reason they dont want to eat). Also u can try feeding them dried blood worms, in all the years I have never seen a fish refuse those.
KWESI - 13 years ago
@CreativePetKeeping I got my 5 Betta in a 10 gallon and when i give them food they just spit it out. I am thinking if i need a water heater but the other Betta community tank a had a couple years ago was just fine without a water heater. Please i really need help fast.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@capsulecorporation Ive had a betta that had some purple in him but never a fully purple one. My favorite are ones that have a mix of colors, are all yellow or all white and thanks :)
Justin God Chan
Justin God Chan - 13 years ago
have u ever gotten a purple betta? they are soooooooo rare. I've only gotten a purple mixed with other colours, never a solid purple yet. Btw you are smoking hot. Bonus points for being a fish nerd (I am one too)
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@CreativePetKeeping I keep the temperature at 78 and I put in Aqua Safe Plus which is by tetra to rid of the chlorine
Timothy Early
Timothy Early - 13 years ago
You're kinda cute. I'm going to buy more betta fish thanks to you!
EatMySchwartz61 - 13 years ago
Cute and know how to take care of aquariums? Ahhhh such a good combination
Scagnettie Noyb
Scagnettie Noyb - 13 years ago
you have done a great job and allot of info I have subscribed THANK YOU
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@kingjulio3 what is the temperature of the water also did you put something to get rid of the chlorine in water?
KINGJULIO3 - 13 years ago
i had three bettas and to of them died i had them less than a week and wen i clean there tank i put warm water also i plzz respond wen i put em in i notice they swim really fast and stop swimming
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@tweety27ist will do!
Leckchen Yudeen
Leckchen Yudeen - 13 years ago
good work.....keep it up betta gal
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@elcholo212 It really depends on how aggressive your bettas are. I know that putting more then one male wont work as males are too hostile twords each other. My tank worked with one male because he is very calm. Even I doubt that putting more bettas will work for the guppies so I have refrained from buying females for this particular tank. I would try your calmest male or female with the bettas and watch the fish. If they attack the guppies then separate them. Good luck.
elcholo212 - 13 years ago
hi there big question i have a 10 gallon thank and a 20 gallon thank n the 20 i have 6 guppies u can c my video n my channel n let me know if it look ok. well right now n my 10 gallon im breeding my dragon with a halfmoon betta. after i finish with the i wana put all my bettas together with a nice setup of plants and hide outs cuz i have a total of 11 bettas males and females but each are n container i think is 1/2 but im wondering if i can put my bettas n my 20 gallon together with the guppies?
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@BlackChevy65 Anubis is best
xX_PR0DIGY_Xx - 13 years ago
@Creativepetkeeping Can I keep my male Betta in a 10 gallon tank with 6 tetras please respond
Harry Glaser
Harry Glaser - 13 years ago
@Paws24live goldfish are coldwater, cory cats prefer groups of 3 or more
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@Artrokz It always helps to have a top on the tank to prevent fish from jumping out. Sorry to hear that.
Microcosmical - 13 years ago
@orieoman Haha, that's a creative way of explaining it. No, goldfish pee isn't poisonous...it's exactly the same as any other fish. The problem is that goldfish are carp, and so they product MORE waste than other fish, not a different kind of waste. :p There aren't many fish hardy enough to live with the amount of waste goldfish produce, and most that would be can't live with goldies because they are tropical, while goldfish are coldwater, so they have completely different temp. requirements.
xX_PR0DIGY_Xx - 13 years ago
Can I keep a Betta and 1 black kuhli loach and 4 tetras in a 10 gal tank
Matt German
Matt German - 13 years ago
@Paws24live Goldfish pee is poisonous to other fish so they are only supposed to be kept with other gold fish that is all if you want your fish to last a long time, check out my videos! Thanks
Hess B
Hess B - 13 years ago
Thanks for the info. Do the Betta's eat the same flakes as the tetras/ community fish since they are in the same tank?
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@Paws24live goldfish are coldwater fish and cannot be kept with bettas
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@ShinyHunterExtreme If they are tired they will rest on the bottom of a tank or on a plant. The filter is important to keep your tank clean and does not bother them. Ive never tried breeding bettas but if ur worried about the filter moving the water too much then get a sponge filter.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
If they make a bubble nest, break it or remove it. You can have one male and I guess anywhere from 5 to 12 females. Probably a little more if ur filtration system is good. Its best to just try and see what works.
eneri noel
eneri noel - 13 years ago
who many bettas male n female can i have in a 20 gal tank, and what if they start a bubble nest?
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@tegrofreven Same here :) My guppies are is good shape and my male is too busy exploring the tank or begging for food. He does not care about then at all.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@MyFishCare101 My male is a big sissy. I just moved my algea eater to another tank because it started to chase the male around so he would hide under a plant all day. Bettas are like pitbulls...everyone thinks they are some crazy killers but they are all unique and have different levels of aggression.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@RcAntax Ive never tried and dont have a extra tank to do so :(
Lexi Renée
Lexi Renée - 13 years ago
Thanks for the video! also, you are so pretty! i have never seen ur face before. Nice video, subscribed
suteners2111 - 13 years ago
you are beautiful ! I stared at you all the time ;)
RcAntax - 13 years ago
You should do a tutorial on how to breed bettas!
Vaughn Riley
Vaughn Riley - 13 years ago
i'd watch her all day :)
MyFishCare101 - 13 years ago
This is great! Bettas are so different though, I have one that does like guppies/long finned fish and I have another who really doesn't care who he shares his tank with lol
kc worker
kc worker - 13 years ago
"these guppies wouldnt do so well" my guppies are with my betta in my 20gal as we speak.. all males and one a blue tux guppy with a huge tail. the betta could care less about the gupps
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@Eurus12 Giant Vallisneria, it grows like crazy lol :)
ChiefOfLife - 13 years ago
I always say their name as bay-ta, buts thats just me
robby305 - 13 years ago
wow your hot
Dtt4 - 13 years ago
You're Beautiful!
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@drunkenp0t yup :)
DRUNKENPOT - 13 years ago
can u use a sponge filter for betta fish ?
Aidan Cota
Aidan Cota - 13 years ago
@CreativePetKeeping no i kept them together for 3 years.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@vett3l0l Thank you :)
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@tropix579 Females can kill the male but if the male breeds and makes a bubble nest for the eggs he will be overprotective and might kill the females. Its kinda tricky. What works best is to get as many females and and other fish as you can for the size of tank you have.
killerforlife100 - 13 years ago
@killerforlife100 fvsrgfvwgvbrwfdfrferf45g 43
killerforlife100 - 13 years ago
I seen betta with gold fish in Same
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@killerforlife100 Bettas are tropical fish while goldfish are cold water fish. It is impossible to keep them together without one or the other getting sick or dying.
killerforlife100 - 13 years ago
Betta get along with gold fish please respond
Ruben Kuiper
Ruben Kuiper - 13 years ago
i love the tank on the background, looks awesome!!
Ruben Kuiper
Ruben Kuiper - 13 years ago
@whiteboypatrickkelly goldfish like warm water better and grow older and bigger in it.
moormandrm - 13 years ago
my neon tetras got eaten with in 10 minits in my 20 gallon tank with a 3 inch killie fish and i got 5 tetras all gone a wast of money
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@killerforlife100 In my experience the bigger the better (with tanks) so if u can, get a 30gal tank.
killerforlife100 - 13 years ago
For a bigginer what's better a 30 gallon or 10 gallon please respond
killerforlife100 - 13 years ago
Pirlygiry HELllllllllllllllll NNNNNNNnNNNOOOOOO
batlady2 - 14 years ago
@martyb0y1690 I have been keeping fresh water fish for 15 years and bettas for 13. And I've spent hundreds of hours reading and researching all I can about them. Both on line and with books I've collected and still refer to. I currently have a 12 year old 30 gal tetra tank and 4 betta tanks. lack of space keeps me from getting more. I have no video to show of my tanks because even though I know a ton about fish I am an idiot when it comes to computer tech stuff okay? I'm working on that to!
batlady2 - 14 years ago
@martyb0y1690 uh huh, have him send me a copy of his qualifications and talk to me about fresh water aquarium fish. Until then I have to rely on other experts. Most of the sources I use come from books and on line sources who also are as qualified as your "uncle". And when the majority of them are saying the same things then common sense tells me to draw my conclusions based on all their opinions. BTW you are on the internet. Am I suppose to believe all YOU say?
batlady2 - 14 years ago
@martyb0y1690 Palties are a brackish water type of fish so are sword tails. I challenge every one to google and research the care and needs of all these fish to see the proper water chemistry and food requirements. YOUTUBE is not the best place for research. I can provide links to any one interested just contact me at my inbox. And 8.0 is way to alkaline for bettas. They originally hale from acidic waters their bodies are designed for those waters through years of natural evolution.
batlady2 - 14 years ago
@martyb0y1690 But why invite problems when all you have to do is do a bit of research before you get them? I've got a tank filled with different breeds of tetras. They are all 6 years old. I had a power outage and the temp dropped a lot in the tank and I lost a couple from that. But that is the only time I did. My current Bettas are all going on 3 years now and the ones I had before them made to 4 years and one to 5. And Bettas and other tropicals need different foods. Its easy once you research
batlady2 - 14 years ago
@martyb0y1690 Nearly all Barbs tend to be nippers but the Rosy ones are the worst. And there are some Tetras that will nip too. They are drawn to the Bettas long fins for some reason. Also live bearer fish like Platies and sword tails like salt in their water and more brackish hard alkaline water but betta likes soft acidic no salt in water. Even though they are raised in captivity their bodies are made for the original waters they hale from. They can adjust to a 7'0 PH but it wont' be the best.
batlady2 - 14 years ago
One more thing to remember. Some other tropical fish tend to nip at the Betta's fins. Especially Barbs. They will keep on till they totally strip the fins away. Also causing stress to the Betta. Also water flow needs to be very mild for Bettas. They are designed for very slow moving almost still water that is also very quiet. Sponge filters are better for them. Another reason they need their own tank.
batlady2 - 14 years ago
@martyb0y1690 I advise every one to really do research about keeping female Bettas together and also to have a back up plan for in case it does not work out. If some are being picked on badly they will need to be removed because bad stress can kill some fish in a matter of days. I saw this with my own eyes. Bettas have the potential to live 6 years if housed properly and taken good care of. Most all of mine lived over 4 years.
batlady2 - 14 years ago
I'm sorry but I have to disagree with you. In my experience with Bettas, which is 12 years of keeping them and researching every thing about them, both male and female should be kept by themselves even females. Its not just about torn fins. Its about the lesser agressive ones getting stressed out so bad they die from fear. I tried keeping several females in a 30 gal with loads of hiding places and plants. It was a complete disaster. Your way wont allow them their full life span of 4 years.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 14 years ago
@zelda1bmw thanks :) I don't know if the color and type of bettas affect their attitude but when you buy ur female and its in a cup, put it next to another cup with a betta. If it tries to attack then don't get that one. Try to get the ones that back away or don't care. Those are the less aggressive ones. If the females are all in a tank at the pet store, just watch them for a while and you will see which are the more aggressive ones and not to get those.
Brittany Loyall
Brittany Loyall - 14 years ago
Could you do a video on training kittens?
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 14 years ago
@hcseanwu A male will work only if the tank is large and you have a good amount of schooling peaceful fish with small fins. If the tank is well planted it will also help because fish can hide if the male harasses them too much.
AnimalLoveBug101 - 14 years ago
Oh i have a Betta. His name is Romeo and he is my baby. I love bettas they are alsome. And well they have little attutudes and personalittes. I could not live with out my Romeo.
Krishna Balroop
Krishna Balroop - 14 years ago
um i need advice on a auto feeder cause skool and stuff
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 14 years ago
@Shaney1337 Thanks but for now I don't have room in my tanks for bettas :(

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