FISH TANK TOURS || Betta Fish Planted Tanks

Tank tours introducing the plants, the fishies, and everything in between!! hope you guys like it!! make sure to like and subscibe ily all!!!

FISH TANK TOURS || Betta Fish Planted Tanks sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1

Betta 8 years ago 4,151 views

Tank tours introducing the plants, the fishies, and everything in between!! hope you guys like it!! make sure to like and subscibe ily all!!!

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Most popular comments
for FISH TANK TOURS || Betta Fish Planted Tanks

The Mini-Movie Making King
The Mini-Movie Making King - 7 years ago
Hey I have a betta! His name is Rainbow! Will you help me make sure I didn't put to much stuff in his tank? I'll make a video! Please? You are a cool youtuber! Bye!
The Mini-Movie Making King
The Mini-Movie Making King - 7 years ago
Shawnlyq it is called Rainbow My Fish
Shawnlyq - 7 years ago
I could! :3 But I don't see any fish videos :<
Debbie In Manchester
Debbie In Manchester - 7 years ago
do your real plants attract snails on them
Maa Maa
Maa Maa - 7 years ago
amazing girl love fish :P
CuJu - 8 years ago
Beautiful tanks! Yuko's tank is so awesome I love the aquascape!! <3 <3
Tiliquatics - 8 years ago
thank you so much!!! and thanks for watching <333
UNKUHNOODLES - 8 years ago
Super- enjoyable and informative!!!!
JC Fish Family
JC Fish Family - 8 years ago
GORGEOUS TANKS! I subscribed!!
colinbarsby - 8 years ago
Super Vid. Great to see you enjoying it so much.
Nicole Hitt
Nicole Hitt - 8 years ago
Wow those tanks looks stunning also what happened to marco's fins?
Nicole Hitt
Nicole Hitt - 8 years ago
Tiliquatics hmm that's weird lol but bettas r funny little things love ur vids btw
Tiliquatics - 8 years ago
he is a rosetail so they usually look like that. but his fins are a bit weird and they have gotten a bit worse. they arent degrading or anything (so not fin rot or fin biting) instead it looks like they have split, like a crown tail. not sure what to do, as im pretty sure they have split from flaring?? or getting really excited when he sees me. ive been keeping the water super clean to make sure there isn't any fin rot c:
The Pet Place
The Pet Place - 8 years ago
So beautiful

10. comment for FISH TANK TOURS || Betta Fish Planted Tanks

Hannah Renee
Hannah Renee - 8 years ago
Where do you get your bettas?? I have a hard time finding bettas that are pretty like yours/ in good condition.
Tiliquatics - 8 years ago
i got them at petbarn, which is actually a chain, which the only live animals they sell are fish, they have a whole wall of bettas! though my next bettas im hoping of getting them from an imported breeder from queensland c:
Cyn Pet Vlogs
Cyn Pet Vlogs - 8 years ago
I love your planted betta community tank! Gorgeous. I wanted to let you know that I gave you a shout out in my latest video.
Shawnlyq - 7 years ago
Do I get shoutout too? :')
Tiliquatics - 8 years ago
Cyn Pet Vlogs wow thank you so much!!!
Molly Stromsness
Molly Stromsness - 8 years ago
You have such beautiful tanks! Your plants are lovely, and it's obvious you care for your fish a whole lot!
Your betta fish look so lively, I'm just curious, how do you keep them so entertained? I have a betta and he always seems to sit in the same spots until I sit next to his tank, then he's all hyped up and ready to take on the world!
Molly Stromsness
Molly Stromsness - 8 years ago
Okay! Thank you so much for the advice!
I just got him his first heater yesterday, and I was able to set it up today, and he is already acting a lot better! The tank he is in (at the moment) is a small 2.5 gallon tank, and I would love to put more plants in there, however I would hate to overcrowd his tank (I plan on getting one more plant and maybe a nice piece of drift wood).
Again, thank you much!
Tiliquatics - 8 years ago
Cactus hey that's perfectly normal!! My bettas do get super excited when I get to the tank but when I'm watching them from afar they are a bit more chill and rest more often. They are still quite active though usually swimming around the whole tank. First check the temperature as that may affect their energy levels 25-26 Celsius is a good temperature. Secondly, give them lots of plants and change their tank decor up every couple of weeks or months. My bettas LOVE their plants and are always excited when I put in a new one haha. If that doesn't work check the filter flow because of it's too strong they may not want to swim!
dbachelor's Planted Aquarium
dbachelor's Planted Aquarium - 8 years ago
Great tank tour! Beautiful plants! they are doing well
Alyssa Rose
Alyssa Rose - 8 years ago
Is it possible for me to keep my two male Bettas together?? I know that males shouldn't be kept with other males but my Bettas like I said before are very lethargic and bored that is until I put them near
Each other. If they're able to see each other they're much more active and happy seeming. I have a like 8 gallon tank I was wondering if I could put both male Bettas together
Shawnlyq - 7 years ago
8 gallon tank will most likely result in death in either of them. If you have a 50 gallon with lots of hiding/nursing spaces, it might have a lil' higher success rate.
Tiliquatics - 8 years ago
Alyssa Rose that should be a last resort I believe, usually they should be active as long as you have a heater filter and decently sized hiding areas. I keep my tanks covered so that they can't see each other and I do remove it every now and then to watch them flare but not often. (Like once a week or less lmao) It's a bit risky because it might stress them out or it might make them more active!!
DebTim A CANADIAN Girl - 8 years ago
HI Tili.. your tanks looks so beautiful!! You are doing a lovely job! =D
j03yYunG Aquariums
j03yYunG Aquariums - 8 years ago
Nice collection of Bettas.
Tiliquatics - 8 years ago
j03yYunG Aquariums wouldn't call it a collection bc it's just two lmao but I hope one day I can get a collection!!!! Thanks for watching c:
Brian and Xman's Aquariums
Brian and Xman's Aquariums - 8 years ago
tanks are looking great
Tiliquatics - 8 years ago
Brian and Xman's Aquariums thank you for watching!!!! I rly appreciate it
Miranda Random
Miranda Random - 8 years ago
Aww the tanks and fish look beautiful :) I love the log hide :D
Miranda Random
Miranda Random - 8 years ago
Tiliquatics I'm glad he likes it :) it's always good to take precautions!
Tiliquatics - 8 years ago
Miranda Random Yuko loves it too! Though I had to sand it a bit before putting it in just in case it would rip my Yuko's fins :v
ShadeofDeath - 8 years ago
Great video! I've recently started watching some of your videos and I'll watch more when they come now!

I'm actually planning on ordering a 13 gallon tank that comes with a built in filter and comes with a heater, it looks pretty good although it's pretty expensive xD

Also I love your bettas! and I also really hope my plants can grow as well as yours do when I get there
ShadeofDeath - 8 years ago
Just checked and apparently they don't offer international postage now
:/ And it was such a good tank too... and no it wasn't a Fluval, it was
some brand named JBA. It's too bad since it's so hard to find sellers
who sell internationally (I'm in Ireland)

Oh well guess I'll have to continue my search, if you know any sources I could buy a tank from it would be greatly appreciated! :)
Tiliquatics - 8 years ago
ShadeofDeath awh you're so sweet!!! Is the 13 gallon a fluval? That would look gorgeous omg. Thanks for watching!!

20. comment for FISH TANK TOURS || Betta Fish Planted Tanks

Alyssa Rose
Alyssa Rose - 8 years ago
Where did you buy your tanks from and how much??
JackieFuckingChan - 7 years ago
hi alyssa
Tiliquatics - 8 years ago
Alyssa Rose the Nano tank I got online ( secondhand) for hILARIOUSLY cheap. Originally it would be 81.00 but I got it for 20 dollars with filter heated lid lighting and some substrate and rock decor. But tbh that tank has been a bit problematic so I would not be willing to pay more than 40 for it otherwise. The 10 gallon I got as a gift for my birthday a couple years ago that's been lying around. And the last tank I got at a garage sale for 15 dollars. I never buy tanks new at pet shops because there are so many cheaper options!!
Neon Tetra Aquarist
Neon Tetra Aquarist - 8 years ago
It's perfectly normal! Take it from me
Tiliquatics - 8 years ago
Neon Tetra Aquarist haha!!! I never expected them to be such bullies. Thanks I'm relieved now hehe
BusyBettas - 8 years ago
Marco is my fave
Tiliquatics - 8 years ago
BusyBettas oh my gooood I'm a huge fan of your videos!!!!! Thanks for watching ahh
King Aquarium
King Aquarium - 8 years ago
This betta looks a bit like mine with the colours!
Tiliquatics - 8 years ago
King Aquarium awesome!!! I love Betta colours hehe
Caelantree 04
Caelantree 04 - 8 years ago
yea they do usally do attack each other but when you have 6 or more that stops they might do it sometimes and then they school so yep
Jack smith
Jack smith - 8 years ago
Tetras do chase and nip amongst themselves, its fairly normal. Tanks looking good!
Tiliquatics - 8 years ago
Jack smith haha yeah I'm relieved now!!! Thank you so much <3
KaPets - 8 years ago
Great video! This gave me an idea of my tank looks.
Tiliquatics - 8 years ago
KaPets awesome!!! Fishkeeping is so unique!! That's why I love it hehe

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