FRUSTRATED With This Aquarium!!

Sometimes owning an aquarium is easy, other times even the simple things will not work! Subscribe for weekly Tank Tuesday videos. Email us clips of your fish tank to Watch our 300 gallon aquarium setup from start to finish: Our Aquarium: Size - 300 Gallon - 96x30x24 inches Lighting - 3 Kessil 90W Tuna Sun Substrate - Eco Complete Heaters - 3 500W Finnex Python Hose - CO2 Tank - PH Controller - PH Calibration Fluid - Wave Makers - Purigen - Portable GFCI - Chlorine Remover - Dr. Tims - aquascaping Tool Kit - Algae Magnet - Scraper - Suction Cups - Bluegill Food - Root Tabs - Cabinet Lighting - Fire Alarm - Leak Detector - Water Test Kit - Plants and Moss: Dwarf Hairgrass - Marimo Moss Balls - Christmas Moss - Amazon Sword - Micranthemum - Helferi - Clover - Crypt - Marimo Log - Dragon Stone - Subscribe to our channel. Follow us on social media: Shop for your fishing products at

FRUSTRATED With This Aquarium!! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 29

Betta 7 years ago 34,400 views

Sometimes owning an aquarium is easy, other times even the simple things will not work! Subscribe for weekly Tank Tuesday videos. Email us clips of your fish tank to Watch our 300 gallon aquarium setup from start to finish: Our Aquarium: Size - 300 Gallon - 96x30x24 inches Lighting - 3 Kessil 90W Tuna Sun Substrate - Eco Complete Heaters - 3 500W Finnex Python Hose - CO2 Tank - PH Controller - PH Calibration Fluid - Wave Makers - Purigen - Portable GFCI - Chlorine Remover - Dr. Tims - aquascaping Tool Kit - Algae Magnet - Scraper - Suction Cups - Bluegill Food - Root Tabs - Cabinet Lighting - Fire Alarm - Leak Detector - Water Test Kit - Plants and Moss: Dwarf Hairgrass - Marimo Moss Balls - Christmas Moss - Amazon Sword - Micranthemum - Helferi - Clover - Crypt - Marimo Log - Dragon Stone - Subscribe to our channel. Follow us on social media: Shop for your fishing products at

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Most popular comments
for FRUSTRATED With This Aquarium!!

Caleb Moore
Caleb Moore - 7 years ago
How do I send a video of my savage bluegill
Slyvester - 7 years ago
What do you set your PH levels at in both the 300 gallon and the 55 gallon tanks.
Riley Guertin
Riley Guertin - 7 years ago
BamaBass silicone the letters to some more dragonstone and put it in the tank.
no, I do not like cats.
no, I do not like cats. - 7 years ago
BamaBass what type of minnows do you feed your fish ?
Matthew Green
Matthew Green - 7 years ago
Rigged_For Fishing Bass are blowing up on frogs this time of year so they’re not going to get really good blobs just the little slurps
Matthew Green
Matthew Green - 7 years ago
You need to just mount the letters to the backdrop of the aquarium I think that would look good about halfway up so when you do your water change mount the letters on the back
Ben Johnson
Ben Johnson - 7 years ago
BamaBass you can get the lettering to stay in the tank by attaching fishing line and tying it to a object on the bottom so they will be floating in the middle or right above the bottom depending on how much line you use. This will also give them time to get water logged and eventually start to sink. Maybe when you revamp the tank attach them to something across the tank.
Chicken Wing
Chicken Wing - 7 years ago
If you get a pressure chamber or pressure cooker and put the letters while submerged into the cooker it SHOULD cause them to sink
Edel Gonzalez
Edel Gonzalez - 7 years ago
Use gel super glue and stick 1or 2 -1inch pebble to the bottom and call it a day! I've done this many times to sink drift wood many times of all sizes! #DONE..

10. comment for FRUSTRATED With This Aquarium!!

Bored_Gamer212 - 7 years ago
Be careful or even don't weight the fish my friend weight his 3 pound bass and it never ate again after that
Kryptek KoozCooz
Kryptek KoozCooz - 7 years ago
BamaBass if you use a little chain you could attach it to the bottom of the letters and the other end to the bottom of the tank so the letters would be suspended in the tank... that would look really to have those letters floating, plus if the fish bump into the letters they’ll reset on their own... if you just let them sit at the bottom I feel like the fish could knock them over a lot
Max Edmonson
Max Edmonson - 7 years ago
Hey BamaBass, try sealing the letters to two flat rectangular rocks or pieces of slate/tile so they stay at bottom and always stay straight and don't move around from the fish or current. This will most definitely work. Good luck!
Pixy's Life
Pixy's Life - 7 years ago
Get a turtle!
ClogNog - 7 years ago
Will you take videos from the comments?
StinkMD - 7 years ago
Bama get a turtal for ypur big tank
Jacob Lowe
Jacob Lowe - 7 years ago
BamaBass will Bonnie lay eggs during spawn
Donald Whitt
Donald Whitt - 7 years ago
BamaBass get some lily pads for your 375 gallon fish tank
redneck kid outdoors
redneck kid outdoors - 7 years ago
BamaBass what would be the best thing to feed a new pet bass if they won't eat
Michael Grant
Michael Grant - 7 years ago
Use white oak. That's what catfish baskets are made out of. You still have to soak them.

20. comment for FRUSTRATED With This Aquarium!!

Ky_lar Burton
Ky_lar Burton - 7 years ago
BamaBass So maybe a tackle review?
Ky_lar Burton
Ky_lar Burton - 7 years ago
BamaBass I want to see all you tackle!!
Hawksfan3986 - 7 years ago
Pre-spawn tips!
Rigged_For Fishing
Rigged_For Fishing - 7 years ago
BamaBass Can you do a Frog Fishing Video Please!!!!! I miss those!!!
Hank Xiong
Hank Xiong - 7 years ago
Lol caption this video Bama Battle (letters)
GoVolsGo Allday
GoVolsGo Allday - 7 years ago
I want to see the blue crawfish go to the bigger tank
ClogNog - 7 years ago
Some times my sunfish spreads his gill plates like a betta fish would
Rukus Mon
Rukus Mon - 7 years ago
the place i buy drift wood from they screw slate to the drift wood to keep it down in the tank. its not a bad idea looks pretty good to.
Potato For Fun
Potato For Fun - 7 years ago
For how long will you keep the bass
WereAllThatBored - 7 years ago
Sheriff looks so much heavier than Bonnie or Clyde. Stud of a fish.

30. comment for FRUSTRATED With This Aquarium!!

Calvin Althoff
Calvin Althoff - 7 years ago
If u see this reply the same thing get pet turtle
Charles Bruno
Charles Bruno - 7 years ago
Andy's Angels
Andy's Angels - 7 years ago
Drill holes on some tile skates and put screws to the bottom of each letter and bury the tile slates.. that’s what I do with most all my drift wood
JrOutdoors Tv
JrOutdoors Tv - 7 years ago
You guys should tie fishing line to the bottom and have them float in the bottom of the tank like grass
James Connors
James Connors - 7 years ago
do you think your fish like it in the the big tank or the wild better, and will you ever release them in to the wild again
mount the letters to a stainless steel or brass bar altogether and spaced right then drop in. cover brass bar with your sand and rock.
william hughes
william hughes - 7 years ago
see if you can get ahold of joey from King of DIY
cool Gamer
cool Gamer - 7 years ago
zach - 7 years ago
If you must sink them just drill a bunch of holes. Swiss cheese them till they loose their buoyancy. Then fill the voids with silicone smooth them out with the puddy knife. And a fresh paint job. But you should probably just build a stand with dowel rods to attach them that is hidden under the substrate. Otherwise you will be forever fixing them. Your fish get pretty rowdy at feeding time.
That_WRX - 7 years ago
You should boil the letters. I did that with some drift wood and it made them sink right away.
KAOSFISHING - 7 years ago
I would like to see more fishing videos from you guys..
Jason Holloway
Jason Holloway - 7 years ago
You should get a water dog
Lance Christy
Lance Christy - 7 years ago
Freeze them then flash boil works every time
Xeng Yang
Xeng Yang - 7 years ago
Maybe try boiling the letters. It usually helps driftwood sink. Or tie natural rocks to it instead. Rocks bigger than the letter of course
joe k
joe k - 7 years ago
You could use the floating letters to your advantage. You could tie a string to the bottom of each letter and let them float in the tank half way-ish up, or even a few inches up. I think that'd look pretty cool. Thoughts?
Daybird Aviaries
Daybird Aviaries - 7 years ago
Why didn't you use clear silicone?
vito fiordimondo
vito fiordimondo - 7 years ago
You were cracking me up on these letters. You’re and engineer right? Just do some quick math with the buoyancy equation. Keep up the good work and look forward to you solving these letters. It seems like we have been waiting for a year for them!
Halston Faulkner
Halston Faulkner - 7 years ago
Hey BamaBass, if you could put my question in the video that would be great !!!! Will y’all ever put a large crappie in the big 300? I know you will for the little. Will you ever put a smaller shell cracker in the 50?
Griffin All Things Outdoors
Griffin All Things Outdoors - 7 years ago
were clide
Reid Smith
Reid Smith - 7 years ago
Boil them and chill them a few times. Should help speed up the process

50. comment for FRUSTRATED With This Aquarium!!

Tom Fish
Tom Fish - 7 years ago
Hope some day you'll die and become a fish feeder and feel what they feel ! You horrible !
xXwaynerXx Walk man
xXwaynerXx Walk man - 7 years ago
You could always silicone the letters each to their own little stone or piece of tile if you want to place them in random places in the tank. You could also silicone them all to one stone or piece of tile if you want them sat in a specific place
Slivex - 7 years ago
I've been gone for a while what happens to the other bass
Panfish - 7 years ago
I am frustrated with mine too. I am trying to breed Green sunfish and all they want to do is attack each other.
Bill Bussler
Bill Bussler - 7 years ago
Why not just let the letters float. You could tie some flurocarbon to it with enough weight to anchor it down and the letters could float about mid tank. Then at least you could have it in the tank while they water log enough to sink.
Dominick Brown
Dominick Brown - 7 years ago
That pond needs a filter
Adam machado
Adam machado - 7 years ago
Outlaw welcome to the bama bass family
PC9JEFF - 7 years ago
Pure silicone sets up under water and it will also set up in the freezer and against wet objects.
Steve McKenney
Steve McKenney - 7 years ago
screw the letters to a piece of slate. then you can set it the way you want and it will sit in the tank exactly the way you want it to sit.
Steve McKenney
Steve McKenney - 7 years ago
I have never laughed at letter failures so much! LOL
Kevin Zeh
Kevin Zeh - 7 years ago
Outlaw??!! Oh no! Keep him away from the dip!:)
chucknorisclone - 7 years ago
It can take a while for the letters to re-water log. I have a piece of wood i moved to a new tank that i let dry for a day and it took 3 days to resink. I would leave one of your letters in as a test.
Kevin Zeh
Kevin Zeh - 7 years ago
Buy some tungsten bar stock in heavier wights like four or five oz. Paint them the same color as the letters and glue the bar stock to the bottom of them.
Depraved Essence
Depraved Essence - 7 years ago
The wood is already treated so it's not going to absorb water.
Cheyenne Quinn
Cheyenne Quinn - 7 years ago
Boil them in hot water
Jimmy Kuros
Jimmy Kuros - 7 years ago
The 'B' in Bass is upside down.........LOL.......entertaining video
ripalip 2960
ripalip 2960 - 7 years ago
Maybe you could get some letters made out of concrete or stone?
Eric Draven
Eric Draven - 7 years ago
Earth magnets
CrazyNWildBaby - 7 years ago
I have never seen someone have so much trouble sinking wood. lol. If sinking fails, I like the suction cup idea so they can stick to the wall.
Cesca's Reef
Cesca's Reef - 7 years ago
Nice video enjoyed watching :)
Everythingoutdoors - 7 years ago
Tell Liz to tell her baby to come on so you can put a croppie in the tank
MitchClark Vlogs
MitchClark Vlogs - 7 years ago
When r u getting them 2 sharks back?
Kathryn Ledbetter
Kathryn Ledbetter - 7 years ago
Hang the letters behind the fish tank wall
Howabouthetruth - 7 years ago
IDEA/SUGGESTION FOR YOUR "BAMA BASS" WOODEN LETTERS: Use some kind of metal strip that you KNOW is heavy enough to overpower the buoyancy of the wood letters. Carefully do a lay-out for where you'll need to drill holes through the metal strip so that the letters will be spaced properly when screwing the metal strip to the bottom of the BAMA BASS letters. ALSO, PRE-DRILL SMALL PILOT HOLES IN THE WOOD, SO THE SCREWS DON'T SPLIT THE WOOD. INSTALL THE SCREWS UP THROUGH THE BOTTOM OF THE METAL STRIP INTO THE BOTTOM OF THE LETTERS. Maybe even leave enough space a 1/2" to 3/4" space between the metal strip and the bottom of the letters, enough to HIDE the metal strip under the tank gravel, yet the letters will still be in full view above the gravel. The fish won't be able to move it, because it will all be a single piece, and the whole thing can easily be removed ( for easy cleaning ) or re-positioned elsewhere in the aquarium. PROBLEM SOLVED. ( If you were to decide to leave a space between the bottom of the letters & the metal strip to leave room for gravel to hide the strip as I suggested above, you could still use the silicone to alleviate any "play" that may result where the screws run through the metal strip. For that matter, use the silicone at every junction to make everything a nice tight fit with no movement or play. ) TIP: IF YOU CAN REMOVE THE TUNGSTEN WEIGHTS, YOU COULD STILL USE THE EXISTING HOLES YOU ALREADY DRILLED INTO THE LETTERS, AND USE THE RIGHT SIZE "BOLTS" INSTEAD OF SCREWS. AGAIN.....SILICONE COULD STILL BE USED TO MAKE EVERYTHING FIT SNUG & SOLID WHEN THE SILICONE DRIES. I believe it's looking like that is your only alternative to get those letters to stay in proper position on the bottom. Ya have to keep in mind, if you use some other method where the letters will be UN-attached from each other...........they WILL get moved & jostled around somehow, probably by the fish feeding aggressively. But if the letters all share a common base, any movement will be impossible. USE DARK COLORED METAL & HARDWARE......OR PAINT BARE SILVER COLORED METAL WITH A BROWN OR BLACK WATER-PROOF NON-TOXIC PAINT ( if such a thing is available ).........
Colby Miller Outdoors
Colby Miller Outdoors - 7 years ago
Where did you purchase your aquarium?
3DayRespawn - 7 years ago
Maybe when you drilled the holes, added the sinker, and silicon, you created small air pockets that is causing it to float? Or at least making it hard to sink.
Laura Campbell
Laura Campbell - 7 years ago
What do you feed the catfish
Richard P.
Richard P. - 7 years ago
All them expensive weights going into to the letters. Shame.
Bavarian_ Fish_Hunter
Bavarian_ Fish_Hunter - 7 years ago
you can waterlogg em again
David Shrider
David Shrider - 7 years ago
What I have done in the past is screw a nice size piece of slate to the bottom and bury it under the gravel, so you'll not only have the weight of he slate but also the gravel above it. slate is super thin so it could be completely undetected .
Angel Carreño
Angel Carreño - 7 years ago
Tie some rocks into the back of the letters
Alex Tchieng
Alex Tchieng - 7 years ago
You should get a saltwater tank
Alex Tchieng
Alex Tchieng - 7 years ago
You should put weight on both sides for proportion
Jackson Griffin
Jackson Griffin - 7 years ago
Have you ever considered making a saltwater tank with Redfish and Snook?
Stephen F.
Stephen F. - 7 years ago
You should put suction cups on the back of each letter and stick them to the back wall of the tank.
Tony Fisher
Tony Fisher - 7 years ago
Have you thought of using magnets to hold down the letters.
Wet Pets
Wet Pets - 7 years ago
Hey all you have to do is drill small holes in the letters to allow water into the letter the reason they are not sinking is bc the seal or coat of gloss on the letters keeps the majority of the water out alright thx put this in vid when it works
Cowboy Fishing
Cowboy Fishing - 7 years ago
Boil the letters.
Matthew Clark
Matthew Clark - 7 years ago
Should melt the wats and pour them into the holes
Trash Can
Trash Can - 7 years ago
Add a redtail to your big tank
Joseph Martinez
Joseph Martinez - 7 years ago
Get a canister filter for that pond they sell them pretty cheap on amazon get a canister with a uv light and make sure you use carbon as a bio media inside as well as ur sponges and lava rock or whatever you may use the uv light, filtration and carbon will help clear that water up
DAWSON YOUNG - 7 years ago
What do u feed the minnows?
Hunter Zeringue
Hunter Zeringue - 7 years ago
You could have a piece of metal with holes in it and tie the letters like that and let them float or hover in the back but cover the metal with the little rocks and make it look like that
Elizabeth Ann
Elizabeth Ann - 7 years ago
Liked for the Titanic music.
Savage Ness
Savage Ness - 7 years ago
Just drill a hole and put weights in the bottom so it will sink
Rocko Huntsman
Rocko Huntsman - 7 years ago
You should superglue some 1 or 2 ounce weights on the bottom of the letters and just hide it under the sand
the lizard den
the lizard den - 7 years ago
You should tie some suction cups to the bottom of the letters
Dakota Ducks TV
Dakota Ducks TV - 7 years ago
trenchline production
trenchline production - 7 years ago
What kimda paint did he use because that could be keeping it from be coming waterlogged
RioFubeca - 7 years ago
more Milo!

100. comment for FRUSTRATED With This Aquarium!!

Caleb Farnham
Caleb Farnham - 7 years ago
If you were to let your fish go in the wild would they be able to survive?
Jason Reyes
Jason Reyes - 7 years ago
The titanic music w sheriffs face made me die.
Jason Reyes
Jason Reyes - 7 years ago
Bamabass, how long is the molting process? When will the crawfish habe a fully functional exoskeleton?
Babe  Ruthless
Babe Ruthless - 7 years ago
That pond needs a new filter! That water is filthy! Not hating! It would just be easier to enjoy that pond if they can see the fish better!
Evanbass08 - 7 years ago
Can I feed my Large Mouth Bass Creek Chubs of just shad?
Richard Carpenter
Richard Carpenter - 7 years ago
We had Bream Breed in a pond not that big, get some more and it is fun to Micro Fish in it too.
TheFishingFL - 7 years ago
Love the tank Tuesday videos! You should have the letters floating at different heights on some fishing line!
Brandon Forrest
Brandon Forrest - 7 years ago
You could Put the letters in boiling water then put them in cold water. Repeat it a couple of times
Joe Tippett
Joe Tippett - 7 years ago
Show more fishing, tank Tuesday was awesome, but that's all your posting it seems
mary beth Mabe
mary beth Mabe - 7 years ago
What kind of wood is it? You may need to look up the buoyancy of the type of wood to counter it's floating rate. A long piece of PVC pipe halved lengthwise and silicone the letters to it. The open side of the pipe would snug down into the substrate, the letters should stay. if needed then also affix some slate/ rock/tile to the pipe.
JJ Reed
JJ Reed - 7 years ago
Why don’t you guys try to drill the letters on the wall behind the tank to make the impression that they are in the tank
J T - 7 years ago
try magnets under the tank and on bottom of letters
Tyler Aumsbaugh
Tyler Aumsbaugh - 7 years ago
What gallon of tank would you suggest for a bass like Moby and a couple 3 inch blue gills
chadwell86 - 7 years ago
Get a small piece of aluminum pipe and silicone the letters to it. Fill the pipe with gravel from the tank. Problem solved.
vikesfan63 - 7 years ago
I don't understand, You can get some flat rocks that would look really good and silicone them to the bottom of the letters.
4th Dimension
4th Dimension - 7 years ago
glue the letters how you want on a flat rock an burry it under the sand u wouldn't tell
Shane Ford
Shane Ford - 7 years ago
I used the same silicon on my salt tank and no problems. nice video!
Aj Teater
Aj Teater - 7 years ago
Bama bass what part of Alabama are u from I'm from Cullman
Jonathan Foster
Jonathan Foster - 7 years ago
I would like to see the blue crawfish eat a minnow and can I get 16 likes on this comment because today is my 16th birthday
Thomas The Train
Thomas The Train - 7 years ago
What if you made a neon light fixture that reads Bamabass behind the aquarium, like the open signs stores use
Jason Hollingshead
Jason Hollingshead - 7 years ago
Where was mcoy
ClogNog - 7 years ago
Tight the letters to rocks
Trace martin
Trace martin - 7 years ago
I hope y'all get a crappie Please give me a shout out
Ben Wafford
Ben Wafford - 7 years ago
You could use fishing line and tie rocks to weight the letters down. And then hide the rocks under the gravel so you can't see the rocks
Chuck B. Jr
Chuck B. Jr - 7 years ago
could you let your Subs know to turn there phones sideways better pic.
Alan Au
Alan Au - 7 years ago
another method would be to hollow out the back of the letters so it'd be less bouant... router or dremel works well
Zac S.
Zac S. - 7 years ago
Sorry for the trouble but I found a long time ago aquariums aren't a good environment for these type of fish (I had cichlids)
OHIO SNIPING847 - 7 years ago
And what a coincidence my oscars names are Bonnie and clide could I send you a video of my pacu eating
Alan Au
Alan Au - 7 years ago
try glueing slate to the bottom...
Bear Skunk
Bear Skunk - 7 years ago
How do the bass avoid eating the gravel in your tank?
Tim Baker
Tim Baker - 7 years ago
I'm not completely through the video yet but I see the letters still wont sink completely I'd try drilling a hole and then keep it in warm water. That's what I did with my driftwood. Just weigh it down in the water like you been doing
Ricardo Quezada
Ricardo Quezada - 7 years ago
They would water log better if you drill them with really small holes
Bill Bussler
Bill Bussler - 7 years ago
Ricardo Quezada - the best way would be to steam them, the smaller vapor molecules penetrate the wood better than liquid.
Junior Googan squad
Junior Googan squad - 7 years ago
We shout out to Junior google squad I love thing to say and I love Bonnie and Clyde and share if I am a little bass I forgot his name both of them
Adam Reagan
Adam Reagan - 7 years ago
I've never drilled wood and had it crack. That's what a drill does. It pulles the wood out. That's why you drill pilot holes when you put screws in wood.
nick.m - 7 years ago
If ur redoing the tank just silicone the letters to the back
Paulpro PP
Paulpro PP - 7 years ago
The big tank still has dark patches of un even light
Fishy Wishes
Fishy Wishes - 7 years ago
Moby is awesome!! Great video!
James Fuller
James Fuller - 7 years ago
Just fix the letters on platforms at the bottom of the tank then cover the bases in your substrate... If you just sink them this way the fish will be forever knocking them over.
Boombox Gamer
Boombox Gamer - 7 years ago
Well... DARN IT!!
Clayton Lyga24
Clayton Lyga24 - 7 years ago
Are you going to a smallmouth video this spring or summer like you said?
Melt those weights down and form a base.
DeltoraGamingYT - 7 years ago
Catch a little turtle for a new tank
Thomas Myers
Thomas Myers - 7 years ago
Vacuum chamber!
Kuduguy - 7 years ago
If you were to just start glueing weights onto the bottom of the letters, the weights would be hidden in the gravel
Stephen Moore
Stephen Moore - 7 years ago
get you a pressure cooker and force the air out of the letters... and some wood even when water logged is still buoyant...
The New Captain
The New Captain - 7 years ago
melt down the lead first. Can fit more lead in less space
Olive aka Olivia the lupus girl!
Olive aka Olivia the lupus girl! - 7 years ago
Eeee! So cool!
Halonic Healer
Halonic Healer - 7 years ago
Always enjoy tank Tuesday
Brownies Gaming and fishing
Brownies Gaming and fishing - 7 years ago
What type of bait should I use to catch bass and bluegill
thegregorypenis - 7 years ago
Tie them to a fucking rebar in order and sink it
Bryce Valle
Bryce Valle - 7 years ago
Why not use some 8oz or 10oz lead snagging sinkers? I think it would look really Cool! I imagine they would need coated with something. Love the weekly videos!!
Richard Downer
Richard Downer - 7 years ago
I love watching your videos. thank you.. I would love to get a big tank for my house and do the same.. looks like a lot of fun, and work.. I'm into that. thank you for your time, videos, most of all Thumbs up :-)
jake thasnake
jake thasnake - 7 years ago
Can you use the silicon to put decoratins on the sides of the tank or would it be too unbalanced/ heavy.
Rob Keeley
Rob Keeley - 7 years ago
Maybe you trapped some air inside when you put in the silicone.
Mauricio Torres
Mauricio Torres - 7 years ago
U should put a small pacu in the 300 gallon
blah blah
blah blah - 7 years ago
Bamabass do you like turtles?
Little Minnow Man
Little Minnow Man - 7 years ago
I hit the sub botton and I am a long time suber I have a channl it's called little minnow man check it out. I have a cool vid it's called feeding my pet bluegill minnows
Ian Ratliff
Ian Ratliff - 7 years ago
What you should do is hang them on the back of the glass
Colton Defelippo
Colton Defelippo - 7 years ago
Try doing those letters on a piece of plexiglass. drill holes in the plexiglass, screw the letters onto some bolts and bury the plexiglass in the gravel. You already drilled the holes. You can use those same holes. the bolts and plexiglass will act as an anchor.
Josiah Carl
Josiah Carl - 7 years ago
Silicon them to some rocks to hold em down
HuntandFish Michigan
HuntandFish Michigan - 7 years ago
You guys should see how the fish in the 300 gallon tank react to a fish feeding call.
THE B.O.A.T - 7 years ago
Where can I legally get baby pet bass?
Radfin Outdoors
Radfin Outdoors - 7 years ago
BamaBass just mount those letters to a thin flat piece of stainless and the gravel on the bottom of the tank will hold the letters down. You could even adjust how high or low they sit doing it that way
Holden Kesler
Holden Kesler - 7 years ago
you should put a gangster place in that pond
Holden Kesler
Holden Kesler - 7 years ago
Zackary Yarbrough
Zackary Yarbrough - 7 years ago
Jest make the lettering out a rock
Michael Martinez
Michael Martinez - 7 years ago
How did u first start fishing for bass and why
Monsta Fishing
Monsta Fishing - 7 years ago
What kind of wood are the letters made of?
BCC _227
BCC _227 - 7 years ago
You could always put suction cups on the back of the letters. That I would think would hold them down with no problem. No different than putting a glass temp gage in the tank. It's a thought Bama Bass.
Casper Jakobsen
Casper Jakobsen - 7 years ago
just drill it to a slate
madellyn Canton
madellyn Canton - 7 years ago
You should get a uv clarifier for the pond so the water can be crystal clear
Carlo Ferraro
Carlo Ferraro - 7 years ago
Bama bass you should move the fish somewhere for a bit drain the tank and silicone the letters to the bottom of the tank
Zack Harder
Zack Harder - 7 years ago
I love that name, and you’re videos! Can’t wait to see the new tank look.
James McCallister
James McCallister - 7 years ago
I think that you should just attach the letters to a board(s) and cover the board(s) with the tank gravel. It would make it easier to get them in and out all at once too.
RC MAN 23 - 7 years ago
All u have to do is pour boiling hot water on the letters for a couple of days then put some weights in them and u will be good
Gerardo Rojas
Gerardo Rojas - 7 years ago
Bamabass what about attaching magnets on the letters and setting them on the back of the tank like and algae cleaner
Aiden Fleming
Aiden Fleming - 7 years ago
Thx for the vid
Michael Grant
Michael Grant - 7 years ago
If you determined to use them, one other opinion is to use a dial rod to connect bama and then bass together. Also may can put a frog in between the letters. One soild peace. If that dont work. you going need white oak.
Carolina Shore Fishing
Carolina Shore Fishing - 7 years ago
Why not drill a small tile plate into each one? Probably can find an old tile lying around somewhere. That's what I do with new driftwood pieces until they're fully waterlogged then I remove it.
buritto yeet
buritto yeet - 7 years ago
You guys should add a turtle to the tank. When you guys do the revamp of course.
Ryan Victoriano
Ryan Victoriano - 7 years ago
you could always get Bama Bass made out of a sheet of stainless steel for a reasonable price! that way it will sink and look good in the tank you could even add a waterproof LED to light it up! who else would like to see that??????
Drew Stevens
Drew Stevens - 7 years ago
stainless steel often has a layer of oil
barrycounty outdoors
barrycounty outdoors - 7 years ago
Ryan Victoriano nice idea
Andrew Jirak
Andrew Jirak - 7 years ago
who else misses not bass fishing through the ice.....
Angelo D’Amato
Angelo D’Amato - 7 years ago
Instead of putting the letters in the ground you should glue them to the back of the tank
ThatRoanHorse - Care, Riding, & More!
ThatRoanHorse - Care, Riding, & More! - 7 years ago
Angelo D’Amato YESH
Tad Dimmitt
Tad Dimmitt - 7 years ago
I am a new subscriber I love these vids.
Tate Hunley
Tate Hunley - 7 years ago
Tate Hunley
Tate Hunley - 7 years ago
Turn those Nama bass letters into fire wood
Keenan Moore
Keenan Moore - 7 years ago
Drill em to a board of some sort and cover the base with rocks.
Xavier Sancho
Xavier Sancho - 7 years ago
Silicon them to some slate rock
Luc Chaffiot
Luc Chaffiot - 7 years ago
You need to get a filter for that pond to clear the water up.. that would be sick!!
DeadShock 2700
DeadShock 2700 - 7 years ago
Very cool video!! I did some research about your water logging problem, and what you tried is all I could find. Except for one thing that said it could take many years (I hope not). That’s all I can find, I’m sorry. On the side note I would like to see how Moby would react to mini lures.

Thank you, and keep on trying!!
Xtream Gaming
Xtream Gaming - 7 years ago
Use a 2 ounce weight
Ty - 7 years ago
Will someone make this man some metal letters. For the love....How long has he been trying to get them in the tank?? Haha
Sam Garrard
Sam Garrard - 7 years ago
Put 4 weights in each letter. That should work.
eddiekytia - 7 years ago
I mentioned siliconeing the letters to slate stone or tiles about 3 or 4 different videos they would have stood perfectly straight and they would not have been able to been bumped around then you could have grown some weeds through them or behind them
eddiekytia - 7 years ago
It would have been easier and cheaper to silicone the letters to a piece of slate or even a tile
Orandadanda - 7 years ago
Why not use clear silicone?
Cam Aquatics
Cam Aquatics - 7 years ago
Roll Tide
ScottPlays - 7 years ago
Tie them to a bar and hide the bar under rocks
Jake Warren
Jake Warren - 7 years ago
You need to put suction cups on the bottom of the letters instead of the weights.
jay bee
jay bee - 7 years ago
In my tanks all wood items are anchored to slate with adhesive. Love your videos.
Fire line Fishing
Fire line Fishing - 7 years ago
How did you get those catfish
Liam Peters
Liam Peters - 7 years ago
Drew Stevens
Drew Stevens - 7 years ago
those are wild fish
Liam Peters
Liam Peters - 7 years ago
Fish hatchery
Fire line Fishing
Fire line Fishing - 7 years ago
Liam Peters what is it called
Liam Peters
Liam Peters - 7 years ago
A place that breeds exotic fish. Look it up it’s cool
Fire line Fishing
Fire line Fishing - 7 years ago
Liam Peters
Liam Peters - 7 years ago
Fire line Fishing hatchery I think
Michael Candelaria
Michael Candelaria - 7 years ago
I’m going to email u about the idea
Lane Williamson
Lane Williamson - 7 years ago
i thoght the leters wood break i was rong but i am worred about that meterel that you put in the letters the stuff you selld it whiff i think it coud kill the fish
Braden Burdett
Braden Burdett - 7 years ago
You guys made me want a tank really bad so I asked for one for my b-day and I have cichlids in it. THANK YOU
chase andersen
chase andersen - 7 years ago
drain the tank half way silicon the letters to the back glass let it dry and re fill you do not need the to sink
Michael Candelaria
Michael Candelaria - 7 years ago
I have a really good idea of how to get the letters to stay on the bottom that requires no glue no drilling and no extensive labor It’s easy to explain but I don’t know how to explain it but it’s the easiest thing
bass accoutant
bass accoutant - 7 years ago
Diamond plated steel. Sexy and it's gonna sink!
NURZ ALPHA - 7 years ago
you should put a lily pad in the top if the tank and then put a frog on the lily pad and see how the bass react
Paul Gibson
Paul Gibson - 7 years ago
Adhere them to tile and bury the tile in the substrate!
Zach Robinson
Zach Robinson - 7 years ago
Could you go trout fishing
Fishing Master Awesome
Fishing Master Awesome - 7 years ago
Put them in the bucket again
Bryson H
Bryson H - 7 years ago
You should get a lizard or a frog and put it in your tank and see if the bass will eat it since it’s winter
stardayz87 gaming
stardayz87 gaming - 7 years ago
Can you like my comment bamabass
RetroXDplayer - 7 years ago
Tie the leters down to a large rock with fishing line in one week it will sink at least my big piece of driftwood did for my 125
Fishing North Alabama
Fishing North Alabama - 7 years ago
Put wait on each side
CalhounOutdoors - 7 years ago
Silicone the letters to a tile and burry it
Michael Grant
Michael Grant - 7 years ago
Use white oak, that's what catfish baskets are made out of. You still have to soak them
tamann34 - 7 years ago
Why don’t you screw the letters to a 2x2 and drill out a ton of holes in the bottom of that and fill it with weights
Brandon Doten
Brandon Doten - 7 years ago
Glue some rocks to the bottom of the letters.
Shaden0040 - 7 years ago
Please do not weight them by gill hook. Weigh them in a net, and substract the weight of the net from the total weight to get the fish's weight.
Cade Norman
Cade Norman - 7 years ago
To get the letters to sink you need to take a pressure washer and put the end of the pressure washer right in the letters and turn it on
Jeff Wang
Jeff Wang - 7 years ago
Reminds me of stories of people trying to DIY suspending jerkbaits from days gone by. Speaking of which, wouldn't it be awesome to have the BamaBass lettering suspend?
ThatRoanHorse - Care, Riding, & More!
ThatRoanHorse - Care, Riding, & More! - 7 years ago
Lol they would just sink then
Steven Berchtold
Steven Berchtold - 7 years ago
What should i feed my catfish and my freshwater sharks?
redstreak1 - 7 years ago
If you can't get the letters to sink, how about, one way or another, tying them up to large rocks in decorative fashion?
Raymond Flannery
Raymond Flannery - 7 years ago
Shaden0040 - 7 years ago
I still say get some slate squares, 5"x5". Drill a hole in the center of each with a diamond drill head and wet it as you drill, and use galvanized screws to screw them to the bottom of the letters. Cover the screw heads with silicone 1. Bury the slates in the substrate. Lead is toxic over time, slate is not. Trust me the way to go is slate tiles. Ceramic would crack when drilled.
MG Fishing
MG Fishing - 7 years ago
Hey bama bass I sent a clip a month ago to the email but I'm not sure if you got it can you help me?
Cacnea Chase
Cacnea Chase - 7 years ago
Wouldnt the bouyant force of the letters be more lighter in the big tank because of more weight
Michael Berkey
Michael Berkey - 7 years ago
Would like to see some more actual fishing videos
You will need activated carbon or a poly filter for the tannings,
jeff safron
jeff safron - 7 years ago
Love your vids
Tommy Kane
Tommy Kane - 7 years ago
Use stones to make the letters sink
Paddy _ 17301
Paddy _ 17301 - 7 years ago
How’s Liz doing
Call of the Wild
Call of the Wild - 7 years ago
U should try to feed the Bonnie and Clid and sherif seafood
Tommy Kane
Tommy Kane - 7 years ago
You should get a actual crappie
Timothy Hinton
Timothy Hinton - 7 years ago
Not to sound rude but I laughed my ass off when that letter floated in the tank...twice.
King Trill
King Trill - 7 years ago
Very exited for a new aquascape video
ZZ430T56 - 7 years ago
I would guess you need at least a pound of weight to sink those. Maybe screw them to a piece of angle iron
Michael Berkey
Michael Berkey - 7 years ago
ZZ430T56 iron rusts which pollutes the water and could kill the fish
Tim Van Auken
Tim Van Auken - 7 years ago
Maybe try and silicone them to some of that dragon stone? It could look pretty cool. Just a thought?
Michael Jordan
Michael Jordan - 7 years ago
Why not just drill slightly undersized holes for bigger weights and pound them silicone needed
Michael Jordan
Michael Jordan - 7 years ago
Could also drill secondary diagonal holes out of, or near the original ones and add smaller weights into those before pounding the last one in. (Lowering the weight mass for better stability)
RIP McCoy, we miss you buddy.
Josh Vignolini
Josh Vignolini - 7 years ago
Why not just put suction cups on the letters
Avsfreak24 - 7 years ago
Josh Vignolini that's a good idea. Cause then they could put it on the side and they wouldn't get knocked over by the bass or bluegill
Day5 Aquatics
Day5 Aquatics - 7 years ago
I was rooting for your letters to sink. You could try screwing the letters to pieces of slate rock with some stainless steel screws. I use those to weigh down larger pieces of driftwood. You can bury the slate in the substrate and it won't be so noticeable.
bigginksu - 7 years ago
This is a great idea! Even though they are waterlogged, they are just too buoyant - even with the weights he added.
Ben's Channel 2004
Ben's Channel 2004 - 7 years ago
700th view
Interp66 - 7 years ago
Another awesome tank Tuesday!!!
B Vlogs
B Vlogs - 7 years ago
Could always build a base for the letters to sit on and have the base weighted so it sinks.
Joseph Martinez
Joseph Martinez - 7 years ago
B Vlogs good idea
Ky_lar Burton
Ky_lar Burton - 7 years ago
never clicked off of a LunkerTv video so fast
Klunko52 - 7 years ago
I miss the old Googan Squad
Owen - 7 years ago
Really? I think the googan squad is funny
Jason Reyes
Jason Reyes - 7 years ago
I was going to check out this channel until the douche references. I don't give views to d bags. Should I still give it a chance?
Radfin Outdoors
Radfin Outdoors - 7 years ago
Matt Jones im not jealous i think i just got used to his demeanor in the beginning is all
Matt Jones
Matt Jones - 7 years ago
Radfin Outdoors nope, he finally got his PTSD under control and wasn't depressed all the time. He's always been an out going person. I think you're just jealous
Radfin Outdoors
Radfin Outdoors - 7 years ago
He's like waay too hyper to watch it's kinda obnoxious and he didn't used to be that way. I think he just grew more comfortable talking to the camera but it's a little much for me now too watch every video
buritto yeet
buritto yeet - 7 years ago
Lebone Jamse I'd like to know what makes him a douche because I personally find him alright.
Treyton Johnson
Treyton Johnson - 7 years ago
Jon's the only one I care to watch. Rob's a douche, and Peric is the worst. Nothing against Flair
Snake Eyes
Snake Eyes - 7 years ago
Ky_lar Burton I've seen people click off of Peric, but not Rob.
Casey Vonk
Casey Vonk - 7 years ago
Lebone Jamse ha, I've never seen anybody say that about rob...he's alright but yes, very much a douche
Lebone Jamse
Lebone Jamse - 7 years ago
I have. Rob is a douche I could care less for the goon squad. Morons.
Tommy Kane
Tommy Kane - 7 years ago
Whataboutbob? - 7 years ago
Silacone the letters to some slate, Also you guys should get a turtle.
ChicagoTRS - 7 years ago
Those darn letter...cracking me up...sink! sink! sink!
rippen lips tv
rippen lips tv - 7 years ago
Darn not first
B Vlogs
B Vlogs - 7 years ago
Just silicone the letters directly to the bottom of the tank when you guys take everything out to revamp the tank.
B Vlogs
B Vlogs - 7 years ago
Ok so silicone them to the back glass about 2 inches up to allow for substrate, its really not that hard Lol
Slyvester - 7 years ago
But then the substrate will cover part of the letters. But it is a good idea.
Three - 7 years ago
Love your videos 5:25 "What!" too funny keep it up .
303 Bassin
303 Bassin - 7 years ago
I just got a peacock bass in my tank!!
James Connors
James Connors - 7 years ago
Sanchez Rodrigues
Sanchez Rodrigues - 7 years ago
Can you get another bluegill for Cherif
303 Bassin
303 Bassin - 7 years ago
The Top Water King
The Top Water King - 7 years ago
Whenever you catch a crappie I have a few names for it Jesse Walter or Hank
JASON JONES - 7 years ago
Love the vids
Tommy Kane
Tommy Kane - 7 years ago
JOSEPH GERARDI - 7 years ago
How do I send in clips
Texas inshore Angler
Texas inshore Angler - 7 years ago
I just got a new 55g aquarium what should I put in it I was thinking bass bluegill and crappie
CockatielFanatic - 7 years ago
well keep them,but upgrade to a REALLY big tank when they outgrow it.
Texas inshore Angler
Texas inshore Angler - 7 years ago
CockatielFanatic the bass would be the size of Moby and I already have a 4 inch crappie and 3 inch bluegill
CockatielFanatic - 7 years ago
All 3 of them?No.
Especially if the bass will be the exact size of bonny and clyde when bamabass got them,And same with bluegill and crappie.
You should buy them from a pet store when they are really small.
But i highly doubt they sell bluegill and crappie.
Catch those guys small.
Since they will out grow it.
Get a 350 gallon tank when they do,
You should get ONE peacock bass for a start.
Crazy-_- Mike 207
Crazy-_- Mike 207 - 7 years ago
Try zip tieing a rock underneath and Barry the rock in the gravel
Tanner's hunting adventures
Tanner's hunting adventures - 7 years ago
I have some fishtank videos please show them thank you
Arcade claws 152 !!
Arcade claws 152 !! - 7 years ago
Tanner's hunting adventures
Tanner's hunting adventures - 7 years ago
Hi I'm 6 th I love your videos you are amazing check out my channel.
koda Riley
koda Riley - 7 years ago
Tie some clear mono on to the letters and put a weight at the other end of the line and they will sink
Texas inshore Angler
Texas inshore Angler - 7 years ago
CritterMan05 - 7 years ago
Ty Fishing
Ty Fishing - 7 years ago
The Fruit
The Fruit - 7 years ago
Ty Fishing no
NatesFishingLife - 7 years ago

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