Female Betta Fish Care Guide & "Together Behavior"

I have had a lot of luck taking care of female betta fish. What is different about the female is the fact that a person can keep a lot of them together versus a male betta. That was enough for me to be wanting some of these really cool fish. What is interesting to me is the fact that they are carnivores and many don't know that. People at the pet stores just give you these "pellets" and it's a lot like prison food to them. I feed them dried shrimp and they love the meat on them. Also, bloodworms are a great treat too. My community tank of female bettas is thriving and healthy. Listen here on my guide to taking care of bettas of the female sex. Comment all problems and issues below. I do answer all questions submitted on my blog too. Got my test kit today, but it didn't come with a chart. Also which ph test would I do.. I found it some ended up in the box, so I have a 7.6 pH, ammonia is in between 1.0-2.0 ppm, nitrite is 0ppm and nitrate is also 0ppm. What are good level for bettas to live in. This happen to me still do water changes up your aeration and surface agitation your ammonia will remain high let it remain high once you see some nitrates and your money is high your pH will start to drop low keep up with the air and let it cycle. How do you keep your plants alive? I have an anubis and an El Nino fern. Mu anubis has had 2 leaves become transparent and and now there's another one not looking so good. My other plant seems to be ok for now, but it was well established before I purchased it. Water parameters are 0,0,0-5ppm. Temp is 72-74. Only 1 betta, 1 zebra snail. Water changes once a week. Currently they are planted in little planters. They are anchored to plastic gemstones planted in sand. I don't have a very bright light, I hear lighting is important. Debating getting something to put in the water to help. Any suggestions? The first thing I do when bringing home a new plant is to remove all the planting materials from the root ball. A lot of times I've noticed that they're root bound. If you want to need to plant in the substrate, only put the bottom most roots. You don't want to bury the top portion. What I did was anchor a few roots with a piece of petrified wood. The plant itself was hovering a good inch above the substrate. One thing to remember as well, there will be some plant melting when you first bring it home. Has anyone gotten a baby betta? From petco or petsmart? Not personally, but tons of people on this page have. They need super extra clean water, and live food would be best. The 2 that I kept one was blue with red tips and the other was all blue. Now the one with red tips has a lot more red, the blue turned more black and looks like he has gold stripes. I've had a few, they are a bit more work, but definitely fun! I know when they first started selling baby bettas, they were culls that the breeder didn't want and we're sold for a cheaper price. I'm not sure if that's different now. Yes, my first betta (the one I have now) is a baby and I've had him for only about a month. I say him but everyone else says he's a she. smile emoticon I did my research before I got the baby betta though and he's doing just great in his home. He's very aggressive and killed the ghost shrimp I put in with him and then I tried a bottom dwelling catfish type but he almost killed that one so now it's in with my iguana habitat and thriving, finally settled on a baby pleco and they are doing fine together. I have 5 babies. All were bought male yet only 2 were truly boys. One died for an unknown reason. I ended up with a plakat, HM X CT hybrid, and two veil tails. I have come to the conclusion that King Crimson may have to be put to sleep. He's not getting better, but not worse ether. I can't watch him suffer much longer. But I dunno what to do for him now. If it comes to it...What's the most humane way to put a fish to rest if you don't have clove oil? Go to pharmacy and pick up clove oil. The other methods (blunt force trauma, asphyxiation via baking soda, and freezing, etc) all are highly circumspect in my medical opinion. I always euthanize with ms222 but eugenol is OTC (and helpful for euthanizing invertebrates too). Female betta fish together female betta fish care female betta fish tank mates

Female Betta Fish Care Guide & "Together Behavior" sentiment_very_dissatisfied 12

Betta 11 years ago 42,110 views

I have had a lot of luck taking care of female betta fish. What is different about the female is the fact that a person can keep a lot of them together versus a male betta. That was enough for me to be wanting some of these really cool fish. What is interesting to me is the fact that they are carnivores and many don't know that. People at the pet stores just give you these "pellets" and it's a lot like prison food to them. I feed them dried shrimp and they love the meat on them. Also, bloodworms are a great treat too. My community tank of female bettas is thriving and healthy. Listen here on my guide to taking care of bettas of the female sex. Comment all problems and issues below. I do answer all questions submitted on my blog too. Got my test kit today, but it didn't come with a chart. Also which ph test would I do.. I found it some ended up in the box, so I have a 7.6 pH, ammonia is in between 1.0-2.0 ppm, nitrite is 0ppm and nitrate is also 0ppm. What are good level for bettas to live in. This happen to me still do water changes up your aeration and surface agitation your ammonia will remain high let it remain high once you see some nitrates and your money is high your pH will start to drop low keep up with the air and let it cycle. How do you keep your plants alive? I have an anubis and an El Nino fern. Mu anubis has had 2 leaves become transparent and and now there's another one not looking so good. My other plant seems to be ok for now, but it was well established before I purchased it. Water parameters are 0,0,0-5ppm. Temp is 72-74. Only 1 betta, 1 zebra snail. Water changes once a week. Currently they are planted in little planters. They are anchored to plastic gemstones planted in sand. I don't have a very bright light, I hear lighting is important. Debating getting something to put in the water to help. Any suggestions? The first thing I do when bringing home a new plant is to remove all the planting materials from the root ball. A lot of times I've noticed that they're root bound. If you want to need to plant in the substrate, only put the bottom most roots. You don't want to bury the top portion. What I did was anchor a few roots with a piece of petrified wood. The plant itself was hovering a good inch above the substrate. One thing to remember as well, there will be some plant melting when you first bring it home. Has anyone gotten a baby betta? From petco or petsmart? Not personally, but tons of people on this page have. They need super extra clean water, and live food would be best. The 2 that I kept one was blue with red tips and the other was all blue. Now the one with red tips has a lot more red, the blue turned more black and looks like he has gold stripes. I've had a few, they are a bit more work, but definitely fun! I know when they first started selling baby bettas, they were culls that the breeder didn't want and we're sold for a cheaper price. I'm not sure if that's different now. Yes, my first betta (the one I have now) is a baby and I've had him for only about a month. I say him but everyone else says he's a she. smile emoticon I did my research before I got the baby betta though and he's doing just great in his home. He's very aggressive and killed the ghost shrimp I put in with him and then I tried a bottom dwelling catfish type but he almost killed that one so now it's in with my iguana habitat and thriving, finally settled on a baby pleco and they are doing fine together. I have 5 babies. All were bought male yet only 2 were truly boys. One died for an unknown reason. I ended up with a plakat, HM X CT hybrid, and two veil tails. I have come to the conclusion that King Crimson may have to be put to sleep. He's not getting better, but not worse ether. I can't watch him suffer much longer. But I dunno what to do for him now. If it comes to it...What's the most humane way to put a fish to rest if you don't have clove oil? Go to pharmacy and pick up clove oil. The other methods (blunt force trauma, asphyxiation via baking soda, and freezing, etc) all are highly circumspect in my medical opinion. I always euthanize with ms222 but eugenol is OTC (and helpful for euthanizing invertebrates too). Female betta fish together female betta fish care female betta fish tank mates

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Most popular comments
for Female Betta Fish Care Guide & "Together Behavior"

Mike Hamada
Mike Hamada - 7 years ago
You could just give them small cone shelled ram horn snails when you think they want some meat. If you have any snail infestation that is.
Kelly Mcculloch
Kelly Mcculloch - 8 years ago
can I have one female with two Molly's and two Guppy's in a 15 gallon?
Julian Purdy
Julian Purdy - 8 years ago
Bettas usually don't take well to having a flashy fish in the tank like guppies, or other fish that have long fins. They're likely to try and hurt/kill the guppies if you get them. I have seen SOME people have luck with neon tetras with more passive, peaceful betta, but only if it's in a very large tank that has decorations/ornaments/caves/background, plants, and hardscape. This guy is saying that female bettas are peaceful and that is NOT true. They will absolutely be just as aggressive as males. It all depends on the personality and temperament of the individual fish.
Mzssiah| Trickshotter
Mzssiah| Trickshotter - 8 years ago
How would I keep a male and a female in the same tank
John Hook
John Hook - 7 years ago
Mzssiah| Trickshotter
Brady Seville
Brady Seville - 8 years ago
I heard that some people kept male Siamese fighting fish as a pet because they have more cooler appearance that the females.
Lalith Vishnu
Lalith Vishnu - 8 years ago
I am having 6 female bettas, one lionhead gold fish, 4 zebra dainos and two tank cleaner fish in a 10 gallon tank
MrsB'sBaubles&Beads - 8 years ago
Lalith Vishnu how is your tank doing?
Brady Seville
Brady Seville - 8 years ago
Is it okay to have nine or more female Siamese fighting fish?
morgan pfischer
morgan pfischer - 8 years ago
Brady Seville depending on the fish, but they can yes. As long as the other fish won't nip there fins
Brady Seville
Brady Seville - 8 years ago
Do they get along with other fish?
Lalith Vishnu
Lalith Vishnu - 8 years ago
Yes you can....
Doctor Satan
Doctor Satan - 8 years ago
I've got my Crowntail female from PetSmart and at first she was so inquisitive an active, lately as of now my crowny (named her Violette) has been, "aggressive"? I'm not sure if its because I don't feed her enough of don't give her enough attention but when I do feed her (pieces of a soft pea for constipation and pellets, she doesn't react to bloodworms) Violette has nommed or bite my finger when it's in her tank. I assume she is being playful but I could be wrong. Today, I bought her a male Veiltail (I know not the same breed, but it's all Petsmart had and he was beautiful) to keep her company. I introduced them softly and cautiously by keeping the male in his cup an placing him in my tank with Violette, their greeting was.....well concerning, they were both flashing their beardys and changing into their more vibrant colours, I thought that since they aren't the same breed will they breed and get along? I font mind baby's but I'm more concerned about their happiness, at the moment the two play a game of hide and seek an the male flasdhes her the beard but doesn't hurt her and Violette will hide but come out of hiding so she is found, what does it all mean?
Lovebetta - 8 years ago
I found out female crown tail are aggressive. I have two and they are the only only one sometimes will chase the other fish.
Abbie H
Abbie H - 8 years ago
do female and male fighter fish getting along normally ??

10. comment for Female Betta Fish Care Guide & "Together Behavior"

PanzerMaster - 8 years ago
it lived 3 year's
PanzerMaster - 8 years ago
I had a A Crown tail Male bettas and it loved 3 years without a heater or filter
John Hook
John Hook - 7 years ago
PanzerMaster Use a heater and separate your males from females
PanzerMaster - 8 years ago
If you want me to be totally honest I am a total newbie at this stuff
Patricia Serna
Patricia Serna - 8 years ago
could ask u a question I also have a crown tailed betta male also another type of female betta I put them together the male chases the female but the male has his gills out so what do I do?
Tessa Rollins
Tessa Rollins - 8 years ago
I have a 10 gallon, could I get 3 female baby Bettas? If I buy them as babies will they possibly get along better as adults?
Gaming WithMat
Gaming WithMat - 7 years ago
Erin Sheffie
Steven Plays
Steven Plays - 7 years ago
Patricia Serna - don't put them together! Chances are the Male Will kill the female baby betta! (I know I'm Very late)
Patricia Serna
Patricia Serna - 8 years ago
+Erin Sheffield at Walmart I got a male crowned taled betta with a baby female betta how what do I do??????
Tessa Rollins
Tessa Rollins - 8 years ago
+Erin Sheffield okay thank you. I probably would have walked out with all males lol
Erin Sheffield
Erin Sheffield - 8 years ago
You could get baby bettas, but the pet stores will sometimes mislabel the baby bettas. I have gotten baby bettas before for sorority tanks and it turned out that some of them were males. What happens is that as fry(babies) all bettas look the same. So it can be easy to look a young bettas that aren't developed enough and assume that they are females because they don't have fancy tails. The tails will grow and change as the babies get older. Before buying your baby bettas look an see if any of them have a egg spot. Only females will have an egg spot. If you are having trouble sexing the fish ask an employee for help.
Sepulchral Miasma
Sepulchral Miasma - 8 years ago
I have been doing male betta setups in community tanks with other fish. I've always been interested in full female sorority tank however. Is this a 10g, 20g, or more tank? How long have you had it working without issues ( have you ever had to separate any due to extensive nipping?). Did you buy all the fish from an existing female sorority tank in an aquatic shop or did you buy them all separate? Thanks.
Megan Ackermann
Megan Ackermann - 8 years ago
I don't have a filter for my two male betta fish could that be a problem for them at all
Steven Plays
Steven Plays - 7 years ago
Megan Ackermann - first off, do not put two male betta fish together because they will absolutely fight with eachother!
Allison Gonzalez
Allison Gonzalez - 8 years ago
i just got my first veiltail female yesterday.. why does it feel like she feels lonely in her pretty EZ care aquarium i bought for her? is there any information on what to do if kept alone? i know the heater's one. please help
Patricia Serna
Patricia Serna - 8 years ago
but look up a video before putting them together
Patricia Serna
Patricia Serna - 8 years ago
if your female gets lonely then get a male betta
Jaemi Gi
Jaemi Gi - 8 years ago
my betta only eats pellets. he refuses to eat dried blood worms or any other dried foods. also, bettas need a filter because they still use their gills but they breath air because they can't get enough oxygen through their gills. they live in rivers and streams in the wild so they are fine with moving water. with my experience, bettas live longer when they have a filter. just thought I would share that.
Jaemi Gi
Jaemi Gi - 8 years ago
+Junglefowl they live in swamps as well, yes.
Samantha - 8 years ago
This was super helpful! I didn't know that they are nice to other female bettas! Sadly for me, both of my female betta fish died and I am left with males, but we will get more females thanks to this video!
Julian Purdy
Julian Purdy - 8 years ago
This isn't necessarily accurate, not all female bettas are like this and it is not as easy as just dumping a bunch of them into a tank. Take care that when you do this the tank is large, has LOTS of separate hiding spaces for the different bettas, and that you are CONSTANTLY watching them when you add them in to make sure that they aren't getting violent. Also make sure you have backup tank(s) for if it doesn't work out the way you planned. Also, this guy says bettas "don't like filters" and that is VERY much untrue. A gentle or baffled filter that doesn't create a high current is excellent for bettas. ALL fish need filtration in their tanks, because otherwise you're leaving those betta to baste in their own refuse until they get sick, which is why a LOT of bettas do not survive long after they're bought. Bettas need at LEAST a 3.5 gallon, preferably a 5 gallon with heater and filter. If doing a sorority tank it should be minimum 20 gallons with plants and caves for them to hide in.
keyshawn AFRO DRAGON KING morrison
keyshawn AFRO DRAGON KING morrison - 8 years ago
so sorry to hear, hope the next Betta fish (female) u get will be happy and healthy
K B - 8 years ago
both females i bought are pesky with one another..the male in the tank is alloof but attacks them incessantly - unless he wants to mate.
Thomas Nguyen
Thomas Nguyen - 8 years ago
Thomas Nguyen
Thomas Nguyen - 8 years ago
Brooke Rigolo
Brooke Rigolo - 8 years ago
I got two females one delta tail and I'm not sure the other, anyways the delta tail ( pearl) keep bullying and flaring at my other betta ( Venus female) and Venus isn't doing anything she just swims away before she would flare her hills and fight Pearl the two are in a Ten Gallon ( If these two stop fighting in a month or two I may get another) please help its my first female community and I'm really excited to breed my betas sooner or later so please help Thank you

20. comment for Female Betta Fish Care Guide & "Together Behavior"

Marissa Kulbe
Marissa Kulbe - 9 years ago
I have 2 agressive ones:(
Marissa Kulbe
Marissa Kulbe - 9 years ago
+Erickson Neithann Ruaro they aren't aggressive anymore but thanks for your suggestion!
BusyPetKeeping 101
BusyPetKeeping 101 - 9 years ago
Maybe you got a male plakat betta(short fin betta)
Jimbo Jack
Jimbo Jack - 9 years ago
can i put 3 of them in a 5 gallion
Puppypop 101
Puppypop 101 - 9 years ago
No! It's not enough space!
Wendy Brownlee
Wendy Brownlee - 9 years ago
is it bad to have another kind of fish with them? He is a chinease algea eater… He seems to not like one of the females so she hides in the weeds and wont eat.
Katrina Hayes
Katrina Hayes - 9 years ago
Can I put my female betts with other freshwater fish?
MELODY MUNRO - 8 years ago
+Katrina Cat You can...I have mine in with tetras...I just tried to keep an area that was protected from the current of the filter - and lots of plants.
BindiAndFriends - 9 years ago
+Katrina Cat I would introduce them first if you do risk it! I think that they would do better with duller colored fish like my phantom tetras, adf's, and albino plecos. try fish that can defend themselves if not dull colored with bettas.
Katrina Hayes
Katrina Hayes - 9 years ago
+BirdAndFishGirl thank you!
BindiAndFriends - 9 years ago
it depends on the betta!
JH A RI EL - 9 years ago
can i make a sorority in a 6 gallon?? ill make sure it would be heavily planted with two filters (undergravel&sponge).... and how many watts of heater should i get for this size of tank thankyou
Rubber Duck
Rubber Duck - 9 years ago
+JhaXD Best answer!
JH A RI EL - 9 years ago
actually i never tried a sorority lel.... i just divided the tank and placed 2 females in it.
Rubber Duck
Rubber Duck - 9 years ago
+JhaXD Short answer. No. It simply is not enough space for more than one fish, two at most and that would result in some pretty big problems.
Kennady Mann
Kennady Mann - 9 years ago
I call you a amazing fish expert and I love your videos and you always have a video on what I want to learn❤️
Add dy
Add dy - 9 years ago
can female betta put into salt water, because I want to kill the bacteria inside the tank
Andy Hernandez
Andy Hernandez - 8 years ago
+Marissa's Animals to late
Marissa Kulbe
Marissa Kulbe - 9 years ago
No. Please don't try it.
Roel Vela
Roel Vela - 9 years ago
15 gallon
Roel Vela
Roel Vela - 9 years ago
what is the least amount of female batta fish that i can put to gether in one tank so they would not fight and kill each other ?
cardboardcastles - 9 years ago
+Roel Vela from what I'm finding with looking things up and networking with other betta keepers is that 3-4 seem to be the smallest number to consider keeping together. If you have just 2, and end up with an aggressive female, the other female has no reprieve, having more fish basically gives a small/weak female a break from being potentially targeted. I'm looking at a 10gal tank running fishless right now to get my plants growing to give plenty of hiding spots, but I'm planning on adding 4 in there. I haven't decided if my current female will get intro'd or not, but only time will tell ^_^
Ralf Nuggs
Ralf Nuggs - 9 years ago
What size tank?
Lhin Doh
Lhin Doh - 9 years ago
I was going to ask about the current. I went to pet store today and they said they hadn't heard of that.
Palmer Fish Cave
Palmer Fish Cave - 9 years ago
+Lhin Doh Pet store employees suck! I'm joking of course but not all employees know a lot about fish

30. comment for Female Betta Fish Care Guide & "Together Behavior"

razzleberrycat - 9 years ago
Great video! I have a question. I've kept goldfish before, but never bettas. I'm planning to have a single betta in a 20 gallon long (I figure WAY understocked will make it easier for me to learn betta care!). If it is moderately/heavily planted, would you say it's better to do water changes, or never do them and just top off for evaporation? Like I said, I've owned goldfish, so I don't mind the water changes, but I've heard it can throw off the co2 balance for the plants and make things worse? =/ (I don't trust my tap water, so it will be 100% reverse osmosis water which I can get really cheaply here.)
Puppypop 101
Puppypop 101 - 9 years ago
I would say just make little water changes every two weeks.
Wolf18889 - 9 years ago
Can u put a goldfish with them?
Tessa Rollins
Tessa Rollins - 8 years ago
Goldfish are kinda flashy, which intimidates them, so not gold fish or flashy fish or anything that looks similar to Bettas such as mollies. Good luck
Wolf18889 - 9 years ago
ok, thx
Killer Pheonix
Killer Pheonix - 9 years ago
Rohan Jadhav
Rohan Jadhav - 9 years ago
I have a pair of female and male.. But the male is harming her plzz help..!!
MELODY MUNRO - 8 years ago
+Rohan Jadhav If you know that the female is being harmed - why do you need to ask for help? how is it not obvious what you should do?...for frak sake - research BEFORE you buy your fish.
Puppypop 101
Puppypop 101 - 9 years ago
Please remove her!
Rubber Duck
Rubber Duck - 9 years ago
+catmint Or she will kill him.
catmint - 9 years ago
+Rohan Jadhav you cant place a male betta with a female. he will either kill her or breed with her and then kill her.
Tropical fish
Tropical fish - 9 years ago
I feed mine mini dried krill
Katie Teel
Katie Teel - 9 years ago
I have two female bettas and one male. I'm wondering if they can live together in a five gallon tank. should i keep them in their own individual tank or not?
Puppypop 101
Puppypop 101 - 9 years ago
No!! That is not nearly enough space and it's extremely risky to put the male in with the females! It's even risky to put the two females in together in a little tank, because if one is aggressive the other will die!
Nicholas Rodwell
Nicholas Rodwell - 9 years ago
Great fish thanks man.
Shen V
Shen V - 9 years ago
Dearest: Betta Guru,

I am getting married and want to have my flower centerpieces with a minimum of 3 female betta fish in the vase. My questions is.... will it be really harmful to the betta fish if I have a string of lights inside? I remember you saying on your youtube video that they don't like light too much. I bought 13 "Submersible Waterproof LED Vine Lights" that I want to put in so my guest could really see the fish during the reception. I bought 13 because I have 13 tables/centerpieces. My reception has dim lighting and I want the centerpieces to look amazing and stand out. The vase is about 20 inches high, but I may even go with a 24 inch high vase. My florist will have the centerpieces done the night before. So I told him to turn the lights on when he drops them off at the reception. The "Submersible Waterproof LED Vine Lights" comes with a battery operated remote. I am estimating the lights will be on for at least 7 hours. 

Another question I have is the food for the flowers. Should I just use water conditioner for both the female betta fishes and the flowers? Will flower food harm the betta fishes?

And lastly, can I put 5 female betta fishes in 1 vase? If not, what other types of low maintenance colorful fish can I use for my centerpiece? I really wanna be able to have fishes that are pink, coral, yellow and/or white and/or orange. And also I want to be able to use those "Submersible Waterproof LED Vine Lights". 

Please let me know. I appreciate your expertise. Thank you kindly!

Shen*:) happy
Shen V
Shen V - 9 years ago
Due to the Betta Guru, I will not be using betta fish for my centerpieces. I will have gorgeous flowers with fairly lights in the vase instead. Thanks Betta Guru for your suggestion.
randi halvorson
randi halvorson - 9 years ago
music is Life
music is Life - 9 years ago
+Shen V orrr you can get short square glass and put a small candle in there that floats on the water and seveal decrative rocks on the bottom along with the light u purchased, plus will the guests take home the fish? or u? if they do will they even take care of the fish??
Crystal B
Crystal B - 9 years ago
+Shen V I wouldn't do this. It will most likely harm the fish. 5 in one vase? 1 in one vase is too much. Fish aren't decorations.
Forget Meh Not
Forget Meh Not - 9 years ago
Please do not do this... Flowers alone are absolutely beautiful and even for just one this is an extremely cruel setup. The female betta would most definitely kill each other as they need atleast 5 females per 10 gallons of water.
Jacey Wright
Jacey Wright - 9 years ago
I have a question is it better to have more bettas in the tank because I got two females from different times and they chase each other around and they don't seem very nice to each other. Please help!!!
Taylah !
Taylah ! - 9 years ago
You need at least 6+ fish so that they can form a level of hierarchy between them, if you just have 2, 3, or even 4 it will most likely end in a disaster.
Nick Tedjokoesoemo
Nick Tedjokoesoemo - 9 years ago
I've mix 13 female bettas in 10 gallons aquarium with 8 corydoras at Monday. At Tuesday, 1 betta die. His fins are broken/ Fin rot(its not a disease because mhen i buy it, its very healthy). Who is the Killer?
Nick Tedjokoesoemo
Nick Tedjokoesoemo - 9 years ago
Thx for the answer
Madelyn Sealey
Madelyn Sealey - 9 years ago
you have way too many fish in that 10 gallon. buy another tank or the rest will die sooner or later.
Cyska Siberians
Cyska Siberians - 9 years ago
I used to love keeping female bettas together. My favorite thing about them was that they all seemed to have personalities of their own. I started out with two and shortly after introducing them to the tank, they had established that one was the boss and the other was her follower. When I got the third one, she was the follower of the original two. The fourth one was more of a shy loner and kept to herself a lot. They were just so interesting to watch. Another tip in regards to pet stores is that most pet store employees mispronounce "betta". They say it like "bait-tah," but it is actually pronounced "bet-tah". :)
Wild Betta
Wild Betta - 9 years ago
Hi! there can you help me plz'' i am in trouble i will tell you my story i caught one betta fish and she is wild i caught her with her babies and she is not eating her name is bubbles and she is in 1 gallon tank i used all my pocket money on it then also she is not eating i am an Arabian so that's why i don't have any blood worms,daphina,micro worms etc. i just buy a tropical fish flakes she is not eating i don't have money till next month so please help me what to feed her i am in trouble i like my fish and i don't wan't to make her die
The Guppy Gulch
The Guppy Gulch - 9 years ago
Shall we correct all the incorrect information in this video?

Female bettas are just as aggressive as males.  But, having smaller fins allows them to get away from each other and other fish.  They also are naturally given to occasional submission, which sometimes averts disaster.  <- this is why they can sometimes be kept together, or in community aquaria
They do not school, no matter how many of them you put in a tank.
Their primary diet in the wild is insects and insect larvae.  This makes them insectivores, not carnivores.  Although they do love shrimp ;)
ALL fish require a filter, even bettas.  Every fish deserves clean water and you can't have clean water without some form of filtration, be it plants with a powerhead, or at the very least a sponge filter.
74 degrees is freezing for bettas.  77 is the bare minimum for them and even in that they are below the ideal temp, which is 80 degrees.  Look at the habitats they come from in the wild.  74 is way too cold.

Advice like this is how so many new betta keepers end up with dead fish.  A good sorority setup involves a 20 gallon tank, more hiding places than there are fish, a heater set at appropriate temps, and an excellent filter, baffled to redirect the flow for a smooth surface to allow the fish to breathe.

I mean you even said yourself, your females killed a male betta.  How is that not aggression?
Ocean King Do
Ocean King Do - 7 years ago
How many gallons
doggiesarus - 9 years ago
Hi Chris, I am subbing because I saw this video on female bettas. I have a 20, cycled, thickly planted with killies, 3 female bettas, some pristella tetras and a brunocephalus. Female bettas are really wonderful fish who seem to have their own personalities.
Jack smith
Jack smith - 10 years ago
+Chris Aquariumzilla I have a 10 Gallon tank, would having 3 female bettas and some other fish (maybe 2 swordtails or some neons) work? If  can have can have just 2 or 3 female bettas together what fish would you recomend keeping them with?
Thanks in advance... lol that rhymed xD
cardboardcastles - 9 years ago
+Jack smith old comment, so who knows you may not come back to see this, lol, but I had luck in teh past with keeping neon tetras with solo females. They're quick enough that they could get away from her when she was being moody. I also kept a ghost shrimp or two in there, but eventually my females would eat them.
KyleNewtonKahneFan41 - 10 years ago
I will call you cool.

Anyway, I just bought two females and I'm gonna put them together in a small tank I have. They're both pretty little, so I'm sure they'll be fine.
Madelyn Sealey
Madelyn Sealey - 9 years ago
me too! it's just as much animal abuse as anything else. 
XDubstep Shark Extra
XDubstep Shark Extra - 9 years ago
Damn I hate people who don't know about fish but still get them!!
Madelyn Sealey
Madelyn Sealey - 9 years ago
not in a small tank - they each need their own space. please don't confine them to a small tank.
Spring Howell
Spring Howell - 10 years ago
I have to males...I wish I got females so they could be in same tank...
XDubstep Shark Extra
XDubstep Shark Extra - 9 years ago
females are like males they will kill each other you need at least 5 female Betta for them to get along
Becky J
Becky J - 10 years ago
How do you introduce them together?
Randall Heng
Randall Heng - 10 years ago
I also have six female fish
corey crandall
corey crandall - 10 years ago
were did you get your fish?
Pol Marcellus
Pol Marcellus - 10 years ago
Please, PLEASE! The female bettas should be the SAME SIZE. It is not good AT ALL that there is a giant betta in there. You were lucky. Nobody else do this though!

50. comment for Female Betta Fish Care Guide & "Together Behavior"

Katelyn Babinsky
Katelyn Babinsky - 10 years ago
Christine Wise
Christine Wise - 10 years ago
Is it ok to introduce females into a sorority tank gradually or is that something that needs to be done all at once?
Christine Wise
Christine Wise - 9 years ago
Thanks you I went a whole different route though I didn't do the sorority and just kept 1 of the females. Then later I got another and bred a pair and have 4 beautiful white and burgundy 1 has blue females
The Guppy Gulch
The Guppy Gulch - 9 years ago
+Christine Wise
it's best to do it all at once. That way no one will have established territories or dominance, and they can get their own pecking order going. While it is occasionally possible to introduce females slowly over time, you need to start with at least 5 girls and it still tends to lead to more aggression issues than doing one big drop.
Khloe Cash
Khloe Cash - 10 years ago
i have 2 males with my 6 females and they are not aggresive guess i just picked the right 2 :)
Khloe Cash
Khloe Cash - 10 years ago
cool are they m or f????
Christine Wise
Christine Wise - 10 years ago
Ok cool thanks I got a new 10 gallon tank with decorations and plants I plan on getting 5 I've got 3 now all separated
Khloe Cash
Khloe Cash - 10 years ago
when you introduce them you want to get a "breeder net" and put it in the tank then put the new female in there for at least 24 hours prior to letting her go in there :) hope that helps i have 6 female and 2 males in my 55 gallon betta tank :)
i got 2 more females today
Alicorn Princess 22
Alicorn Princess 22 - 10 years ago
Betta fish loser? Aww....nah. You're not. I LOVE Betta fish. :D I've raised a lot of very beautiful ones. I just bought. Female one recently and she's doing great. She's a Female Crowntail. So, can some female bettas really live together?
Tobyguybashman - 10 years ago
So female have no long tale and male have long tale I get it so mines is a male yes
M. Yates
M. Yates - 10 years ago
There are males with short fins.. naturally the betta Splendens have short fins. Called Plakats.
pchdreamer - 10 years ago
This guy is the bomb when it comes to betta care! I had a male red veil tail beta that unfortunately died of dropsy due to me feeding it the wrong thing 9under the suggestion of the shop I bought it at!). Since then I decided to get some females and do as this guy suggested, feed them dried shrimp (and from time to time I go outside and find ants or aphids as a treat and live enrichment) I feed them no more than the size of their eye each time. Iv had them all nearly a year now and are doing exceptionally well. I use a sponge filter which keeps a gentle current and oxygenates the water to make it crystal clear. Just today I went out and bought my first blue crown tail and she is proving to be the most dominant yet, aside from being the smallest! All together I have 4 female and another red male (who is in separate tank). Id love to give the shop an educational talking to as they keep them in betta boxes and feed them to the point their abdomens are bloated! in addition no heating so they are all looking very lethargic. Poor Critters!  
Youngwoon Kim
Youngwoon Kim - 10 years ago
Hey, your bettas looks healthy. Do you use a filtration system in your tank? 
ep82 guy
ep82 guy - 11 years ago
pretty cool vid man 

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