Fish Room Tour

Join me for a tour of the fish room where I go in depth into each one of my tanks and stories on each of the fish. This is part 2 of my room tour. Be sure and check out the reptile side of the room as well. If you love animals as much as I do, I hope you will consider subscribing for more great videos to come. Thanks for watching! Follow me on Instagram for daily pictures: Twitter: Blog: the J Journals- funny stories and updates of all the animals

Fish Room Tour sentiment_very_dissatisfied 25

Betta 7 years ago 32,011 views

Join me for a tour of the fish room where I go in depth into each one of my tanks and stories on each of the fish. This is part 2 of my room tour. Be sure and check out the reptile side of the room as well. If you love animals as much as I do, I hope you will consider subscribing for more great videos to come. Thanks for watching! Follow me on Instagram for daily pictures: Twitter: Blog: the J Journals- funny stories and updates of all the animals

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Most popular comments
for Fish Room Tour

mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
For more information on betta fish be sure and check out This is a great resource for all things betta. You can find information on betta fin types, health concerns, planted tanks and see a lot of neat pictures. If you would like to follow me and my bettas personally, please check out the J Journals on the site. We have some great discussions and I share regularly pictures and stories of my fish. Hope to see you there!
all around channel
all around channel - 7 years ago
where did you buy your stand?
CheshireNeko1331 - 7 years ago
mama j Do you use sponge filters for all the tanks? And in your opinion what is better for a betta tank sand, pebbles or gravel?
shivam kumar
shivam kumar - 7 years ago
Do i have to use heaters because its super hot in india
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
You are good without a heater
shivam kumar
shivam kumar - 7 years ago
mama j the room temp is 42degree celcius
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Ideally it is good to keep a consistent temperature but if you room temp stays upper 70-low 80s it would be fine without. I would keep tabs on temps with a thermometer.
Angela Liu
Angela Liu - 7 years ago
i luv all of ur betas and tank set ups!
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thank you Angela!
shivam kumar
shivam kumar - 7 years ago
What light do u use for plants
shivam kumar
shivam kumar - 7 years ago
mama j thanks
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Shivam I actually use cheap clamp lights from Home Depot. I use a Phillips daylight bulb rated for 6500 kelvin. Seems to work great at a much lower price!
Amanda Chamberlain
Amanda Chamberlain - 7 years ago
love tanks
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thank you Amanda!
Anja Huesby
Anja Huesby - 7 years ago
Your plants are beautiful in all your tanks! I'm just beginning aquatic plants and you have really inspired me! Thanks!
Anja Huesby
Anja Huesby - 7 years ago
Thank YOU for sharing that video! Aquariums have been my passion for years. I LOVE betta fish and seeing other people's tanks! AMAZING!
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thank you Anja! It took me awhile to figure what plants worked best with hard water and lighting but really love having planted tanks. The fish seem to love them as well. Thanks for watching!
Ryan Thomas
Ryan Thomas - 7 years ago
Those are some nice Betta aquariums.
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thank you Ryan!
guineapigmommy 89
guineapigmommy 89 - 7 years ago
Omg you are so sweet ❤❤❤ I love how well you taken care of your babies! They are beautiful. Subscribed ❤❤❤
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thank you! That is very kind of you to say. I really enjoy all my fish. Thanks for subscribing!
KoiBoi 1113
KoiBoi 1113 - 7 years ago
Koda is SUPER COOL! I've never seen one that color before
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thanks. She is a wild type axolotl :) I love their fluffy gills! She is pretty cute when I talk to her she will swim to the surface.

10. comment for Fish Room Tour

KoiBoi 1113
KoiBoi 1113 - 7 years ago
your fish look amazing!
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thank you!
Kaltrina Demiri
Kaltrina Demiri - 7 years ago
Why don’t you put the female bettas together for a sorority
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Kaltrina I have had a sorority in the past. It was a good experience but you do have to match personalities together. There is always an alpha girl and they establish a pecking order. You have to keep tabs on everyone to make sure no tempers flare and no bullying. Mine was fairly peaceful but once a couple if girls passed, I decided to disolve it and let the remaining girls live retirement in peace. Even in best sororities it can be stressful for fish. Good question. Thanks for asking!
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Haha thanks Leah
MrPrentissDJones - 7 years ago
Thank you so much for sharing, I can tell that you really care for your animals!
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thanks for watching! I really enjoy each of my animals!
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Hi Edward
Pet Craz
Pet Craz - 7 years ago
Oh,wow! What gorgeous tanks and gorgeous fish!! You really want what’s best for you’re bettas I can tell!! Thank you for the giving you’re bettas big tanks, with only one In a little more than one gallon!
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thank you. Actually now have done some upgrades and 2.5 is smallest tank.
JOHNFMKN - 7 years ago
Very nice tanks
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thank you John! I really enjoy aquascaping. Funny enough I cant keep a house plant alive. Maybe living in water helps lol.
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thank you!
Luis Rojas
Luis Rojas - 7 years ago
my favorite tank was Derek's..
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thank you. Yes that tank has been one of my original planted tanks.
quiensoyyo900 - 7 years ago
Nice video... New sub... Ey, what kind of food u use for the african dwarf frogs...??? I had 2 in the past, but they only lasted like 2 weeks, they barely eat...
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Let me know if I can help in any other way. Thanks for sub!
quiensoyyo900 - 7 years ago
mama j, thanks for answer...
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Typically I have fed frozen bloodworms, brine shrimp and occasional beef heart . I have had frogs in past that lived a long time. These two that were in the video sadly passed not long after filming. Rachel O'Leary did a great species spotlight video on adfs. I believe she had another type of food that worked well for her. Thanks for comment.

20. comment for Fish Room Tour

MiscellaneousRosie - 7 years ago
Wow!! Such beautiful fish! And it's lovely to see how much you adore all of them. Lovely tanks. I hope to get a betta one day, currently only have room for a 5gal which I don't feel comfortable putting any fish in, just shrimp lol. So jealous of Americans having such varieties of betta!
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
That is awesome to hear! Would love to see pictures. Love to see you on JJournals on
MiscellaneousRosie - 7 years ago
mama j Well how things have changed since I commented! Went to a pet store and found a baby male betta in awful conditions. Yellow water, no enrichment in his tiny tank and pretty severe finrot effecting 3 of his fins. I couldn't leave him! So I rescued him! He's currently in a 2.5 gal quarantine system until I get the finrot under control, then he'll go in the 5 gal. And once he's bigger I'll size his tank up again. Thank you for your advice!!
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
A 5 gallon is perfect for a betta. It gives you room to put in different plants and hides. Bettas are quite happy living on their own. Shrimp are really fun but important to have lots of plant coverage and places to hide or they may become dinner. Java moss works well for that. One of my favorite additions is a nerite snail. They are so pretty and help keep tank clean. I hope you have an opportunity to get into this great hobby as well. Thanks for watching and subscribing!!
Graziella Piff
Graziella Piff - 7 years ago
hello mama j, i m graziella from belgium
Graziella Piff
Graziella Piff - 7 years ago
youfish room is beautiful very nice
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Hi Graziella! How cool you are from Belgium. Thank you so much for watching! Do you keep betta fish as well?
danny pierce
danny pierce - 7 years ago
I love the scape in Sarah's tank. Beautiful pine tree look effect .
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thanks Danny!
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thanks Ryan!
GoodVibes - 7 years ago
mama j I think I will get three sterbai corydoras. I've had them in the past and they are so cute. Although I have not had much luck with them living long, are they sensitive? I was a beginner when I got them.
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
GoodVibes great question. Two things to think about is whether you prefer bottom or mid water fish and what type of substrate you will be using. I have had ember, cardinal, neon and brass tetras over the years. They are all peaceful species. Neons can be a little nippy though. Another species I would love to get is chili rasboras. They are a great nano tank fish. Endlers can also be an option. Cory catfish are wonderful bottom dwellers but need a sand substrate. They get along great with bettas and are super fun to watch. Whatever you choose remember the inch/gallon rule for stocking. Aqua advisor is a good resource for checkimg stocking options. Other ideas for a 10 gallon could be shrimp or snail. Do your research on species you are considering. There are lots of good options put there and nothing more fun than watching a community tank. Let me know if I cam help further. Merry Christmas.
GoodVibes - 7 years ago
mama j I want to move my Betta from a 5 gallon into a ten. What are some fun tankmates to have that will not affect my bioload. My betta is very docile so I'm just worried about fin nippers.
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thanks for watching! New room tour video uploading now ;)
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thank you Olivia and thanks for subscribing!
brenda ojeda
brenda ojeda - 7 years ago
love the vid, specially your bettas! :)
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thank you Brenda!

30. comment for Fish Room Tour

JJJ HHH - 7 years ago
LOVE your fish room!! I also have bettas and they have so much personality :) Just wondering though, is creamsickle slightly bloated?
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thanks you. No she is just very eggy. Lol
Catalan Vibria
Catalan Vibria - 7 years ago
Just found your channel:
. Gorgeous fish
. Amazing room tour
. Great host

= I love your channel!! ^^

Only thing I have to express concern about is the fact that you're using a round tank for creamsicle - I read somewhere that being in a round tank can cause some mental distress and health issues, not sure whether you alrady know this / whether this applies to bettas or not / whether my knowledge is incorrect, but I thought I should let you know. :)
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thank you Catalan! I haven't heard that on round tanks. I have had that tank quite awhile and never noted a problem but will look into it. Thank you for the comment. I appreciate any input to learn more and improve things for the animals.
Katie Mimari
Katie Mimari - 7 years ago
This video is great! The Bettas look so good! I have a male half moon betta. Anyways just subbed and again great vid.
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thanks Katie! Will have a xmas tour coming out soon so stay tuned ;)
Leila Clarridge
Leila Clarridge - 7 years ago
Creamsicle: Hi mom! Hi mom! Himomhimomhimom
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Hi Leila! Thanks for watching!
GeoAquariums - 7 years ago
Beautiful Betta fish :) and awesome fish room!
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thank you so much!
boscoitalics - 7 years ago
Love all your fish & axolotols.:)
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thank you!
Mark Brown
Mark Brown - 7 years ago
Your a fish hoarder :)
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Haha yes I am Mark. Funny though I have actually downsized a lot.
Rachel Kruse
Rachel Kruse - 7 years ago
You're getting the betta bug!
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Haha yes Rachel.
riska75 - 7 years ago
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thanks so much for watching!
Ivonna Laskovska
Ivonna Laskovska - 7 years ago
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thanks Ivonna!
Lumpydog - 7 years ago
I just found your YouTube channel. Great fish room tour. Love the Betta fish. They are very beautiful. I love you way they each have their own unique nano tanks instead of racks of the same containers over and over again. I subscribed so I don't miss any new updates. Cheers.
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thank you. They each have very different personalities so it is fun coming up with new ideas for tanks.
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thank you so much George!
the lazy fish keeper
the lazy fish keeper - 7 years ago
some fine looking bettas although you may have gotten some flak because you bought them at a petco.
stay well
BrutalRiotGirl01 - 7 years ago
Thank you so much for sharing...liked and subbed...i have some bettas too. I am just starting out but my betta collection is growing lol
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
They are like potato chips. Can't have just one ;) Glad to hear you enjoy the hobby as well. They are such fun fish!
BrutalRiotGirl01 - 7 years ago
Thanks for sharing
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thanks for watching!
GunXMetal37 - 7 years ago
Have you heard of galaxy bettas ?? You should check em out if you haven't
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Yes! They are awesome.
That Girl
That Girl - 7 years ago
Freedom the veiltail is literally IDENTICAL to mine. Same color, shape, everything! And mine also has a nerite snail tank mate!
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
That is so cool! It would be funny if they were from same spawn. Where did you get your fish at?
Triple 10 Tanks
Triple 10 Tanks - 7 years ago
Great tour
D.Darko - 7 years ago
All your pets are beutiful and the tanks got some beautiful setups too! Storm looks so amazing that I had to subscribe :)
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thank you!
Sam King
Sam King - 7 years ago
No betas are kept in cups in the uk

50. comment for Fish Room Tour

Fishy Wishes
Fishy Wishes - 7 years ago
mama j I have had bettas in the past. I just never had one in a planted tank. I think that would be fun
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Oh that is awesome you are considering a betta! I hope you will enjoy it as much as I have. Have a great holiday season.
Marcin Siwek
Marcin Siwek - 7 years ago
very nice fish
Marcin Siwek
Marcin Siwek - 7 years ago
thank you, Happy Thanksgivingcheck me out here as well: luck with the betta :)
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thank you Marcin! Happy Thanksgiving
Water Pixiie
Water Pixiie - 7 years ago
They are all so pretty
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thank you! Bettas are such interesting fish because of variety of fin types and colors.
Water Pixiie
Water Pixiie - 7 years ago
Freedom is so pretty
Airy74 - 7 years ago
I'm gonna suggest something because I can't tell: you should put something between each tank so all the bettas can't see each other, it will stress them out to constantly see eachother and flare. And why does Patrick only have a 1.5? Is there a reason maybe I missed in the video he has below the minimum of 2.5?
Edit: looks like there's more than just Patrick in too small of tanks. In case you don't know bettas should have at least 2.5 gallons per betta, which is the accepted minimum. Other than that it looks like you're doing everything right with heaters and filters, ect. I understand if the smaller tanks are temporary but you really should consider upgrading.
KoiBoi 1113
KoiBoi 1113 - 7 years ago
I have been told by multiple different individuals that 2.5 is a common misconception, and that 1.5 is the true minimum and is sometimes preferred by some bettas. I personally have a betta I kept in a 2.0 gallon tank and he certainly perfers the 2.0 over the 10 gallon I had him in.
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
What cute names.
Airy74 - 7 years ago
mama j I used to have a 1.5 until I could afford something larger so I know how many water changes you constantly have to do to keep the water at good parameters. I'm glad you are aware as well, you'd be surprised how many people aren't. Im glad you are going to get everyone upgraded as you can as well!
And that does sound a little crazy they like each others company but I completely understand. I have a pair I rescued from someone who kept them in a tiny little divided tank that wasn't even half a gallon with a see through divider. I haven't been able to get either one to flare and if I put something between their tanks they freak out until I move it because they are just so so used to eachother. Funny enough, their names are Yin and Yang.
Thanks for answering! I hope you and your fish babies have a good day and a good life!
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thank you for the suggestions. I have dividers and use them periodically especially if a fish exhibits any signs of stress. The bigger thing you see when fish are next to each other regularly is that they become accustomed to one another and dont flare as often. Interestingly enough, many of my fish like having a friend next door and become depressed when have been moved away from each other. I do have to match up personalities. As for 1.5 tanks. Yes I am very aware of ideals for bettas and have done a lot of research. The smaller tank is not bad in and of itself but you have to realize that you have to do really frequent water changes to maintain the parameters. In larger tanks it is much easier to keep consistent so yes bigger is better. I try to upgrade them as soon as can. Thanks again for response.
Fat Jan
Fat Jan - 7 years ago
Your bettas are beautiful. You should breed them and sell them.
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
I have considered breeding but idea of changing 100 jars every day seems a bit overwhelming. It sure would be fun to see the progression of fry. Maybe one day ;)
Jacob and the Camera
Jacob and the Camera - 7 years ago
These are nice fish but why do you buy low quality bettas from petco
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
I have found some really nice fish at Petco and other lps but for me it is about connecting with the fish that I buy. I can tell a lot about a fish from watching them in the store and see how they interact with me. I appreciate a good quality betta but think every fish is important and deserves a chance at a good home.
L JonSpill
L JonSpill - 7 years ago
Love your betta’s - Storm’s story is amazing, nice to see you saved him. He is amazing!
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thank you! I am amazed at the variety of colors and fin types in bettas. No doubt that is why they will always be my favorite fish.
Enceladus - 7 years ago
I liked Derek's crib. That one was sweet.
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thank you. That was one of my original planted tanks.
Max Aquino
Max Aquino - 7 years ago
Subbbed :) love your vids mom
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thank you Max!
Jake Todt
Jake Todt - 7 years ago
Axolotls aren't salamanders the are a Mexican newt
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
I'm sure they are referred as that as well, but the axolotl books I have all refer to them as a Mexican salamander. Maybe that is because they are kin to a tiger salamander. The difference with axolotls is that they stay in a juvenile state through adulthood. Either newt or salamander they make a great pet and sure are interesting to watch. Thanks for the reply.
Kripke The Chameleon & Friends
Kripke The Chameleon & Friends - 7 years ago
Great room. I use to have a decent size fishroom back in the days and downsized bigtime after I moved a few years ago. I'll prob upload a video of my current set-ups. I'll show some Youtuber Love and Subscribe you # 222
Tyler Steier
Tyler Steier - 7 years ago
If I were a fish i would want to be kept by you
Tyler Steier
Tyler Steier - 7 years ago
mama j totally a compliment! :)
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Haha Thanks Tyler. I will consider that a compliment ;)
Poojith Lucky
Poojith Lucky - 7 years ago
u have so sweet and beautiful bettas.o my god I became fan of urs
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
How sweet. Thanks for watching!
D.P.K Fish Aquariums
D.P.K Fish Aquariums - 7 years ago
Awesome video n beautiful bettaa u have just found ur channel in my recommendation n sub hope to see more beautiful vids.
MasterAquatics - 7 years ago
Loved the video. Subbed!
Jean TESC - 7 years ago
Tanks look great! Lovely fish.
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thank you Jean!
Christopher Stinnett
Christopher Stinnett - 7 years ago
Awesome fish tanks . I like how you name your fishes .
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
It is lots of fun thinking of names. Thanks for watching :)
nozii06 - 7 years ago
I really love you betta tanks, they're just perfect for them, well done !
L.R.Bretz's Aquatics
L.R.Bretz's Aquatics - 7 years ago
Looking great!
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thank you!
Michael Hill
Michael Hill - 7 years ago
Great looking fish! Loved Jameson's tank the best, but I'm a sucker for Corys. Where did you get your Dragon stone? Was thinking about getting some
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thanks Michael. I actually got that stone at a lps in Nashville (Aquatic Critter). I have checked with Rachel before on and thought she had good prices. Have also seen it on Ebay.
Carlene Pool
Carlene Pool - 7 years ago
beautiful fish and tanks and you seem like such a nice person ( subscribed :)
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thank you Carlene! That is so kind of you to say. So thrilled to hear you subscribed :)
zain orton
zain orton - 7 years ago
Why don't you cover the tanks on the sides so that the Bettas don't get Strssed out looking at each other ?
Steenfott Aquatics
Steenfott Aquatics - 7 years ago
Tanks look great :)
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thank you!
siddharth mohapatra
siddharth mohapatra - 7 years ago
How do u treat your sick betta
siddharth mohapatra
siddharth mohapatra - 7 years ago
mama j velvet and internal parasite
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
What illness do you need to treat?
allyson simmons
allyson simmons - 7 years ago
Not sure if they have Beta shows, but to surely have some show fish. They're beautiful
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thank you Allyson. There are aquatic shows in different states but unfortunately none around here. It would be great fun to go to one.
Maxwell Sonnemann
Maxwell Sonnemann - 7 years ago
Another sub from me!!!!!
COOPER'S CICHILDS - 7 years ago
New sub great job
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thank you so much for subscribing!
Hunter Trivette
Hunter Trivette - 7 years ago
Your tanks are great! Sweet Bettas! I Subscribed!!!
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thank you Hunter!
Kieran Bartlett
Kieran Bartlett - 7 years ago
Great video I have just subscribed please sub back ;) I have just added 2 new fish to my tank.... please check the video in the link and let me know what u think Thanks :)
Rajiv Nair
Rajiv Nair - 7 years ago
you have really beautiful well maintained tanks :-) what is the wattage of the heater you have used in the 1.5 & 2 gallon tanks ? I'm looking to get one for my 2g tank. thanks!
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Rajiv they are 25 watt Hydor adjustable heaters. You can get them off Amazon for around $16. I can try to add a link to them after work today. By far most economical and reliable heater I have used.
Babet The girl
Babet The girl - 7 years ago
How big is storms tank?
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thanks for watching!
Babet The girl
Babet The girl - 7 years ago
mama j Thank you ❤️
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
It is a 5.5
Adam Reeves
Adam Reeves - 7 years ago
You have some beautiful fish there! I love your fish room, very jealous!
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thanks Adam
the bogan fish mother
the bogan fish mother - 7 years ago
Storm is his colour
the bogan fish mother
the bogan fish mother - 7 years ago
New subscriber. Great room.
nick910ish w
nick910ish w - 7 years ago
Love this! The dwarf frogs don't bite his fins do they? I've heard them being pretty nippy with each other while being kept in a tank together. I love your tanks!!
nick910ish w
nick910ish w - 7 years ago
Aww! Well, I'd make sure to keep an eye on both of the species in the future! I heard it's 50/50 with them and that the African Dwarf Frogs get larger as they grow up! They're very pretty if you look them up when they're adults! Have a good day! Subscribed! :)
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Mera typically no the frogs don't bother the betta. Frogs, however, are not the brightest bulbs in the pack so sometimes they will lunge at something that brushes in front of nose. Storm was swimming over bridge one day with frog underneath. Frog thought his fin was dinner and grabbed him. What caught my attention was Storm bobbing up and down. I looked over and saw froggy on the other end! Poor Storm was a bit traumatized but has learned to keep fins in clear distance haha.
Stacey12 Stacey
Stacey12 Stacey - 7 years ago
Love African Dwarf frogs!! They are too stinking cute:)
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thanks Stacey! Great name by the way ;) I spell mine exactly the same. The ADF's are such a great addition to the tank. I love their comical antics and poses. Thanks for watching!
Denise  Pollitt
Denise Pollitt - 7 years ago
Subbed. Love all the fish and all the tanks but Jameson my absolute favourite.
Hannah blah blah blah
Hannah blah blah blah - 7 years ago
New subscriber ☺️✅
H20 Fish's
H20 Fish's - 7 years ago
Nice fish miss
tiffany - 7 years ago
all your tank are so pretty!!! I would love to have one like those.
Andy Thao
Andy Thao - 7 years ago
I really love all your bettas but the bigger tanks you can make a diy betta tank divider so you don’t have to use a lot of electricity for heater and sponge filter
Chris Schamahorn
Chris Schamahorn - 7 years ago
Great looking fish and setups, what size tank is the one with the beta and dwarf frogs ?
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thanks Chris! The frogs are in a 5.5 gallon tank.
Henrique Xibil
Henrique Xibil - 7 years ago
Kiki's FishAddict
Kiki's FishAddict - 7 years ago
enjoyed your fish room and all the positive comments that you mention for each betta..the tanks are looking great....and your arrangement and colors are keeping should be fun and even some work....but fun...and enjoyable....keep up the great tanks....
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thank you for nice comments! It is a lot of fun.
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thank you so much to all the new subscribers!! I have been so thrilled to see that. I have several ideas for upcoming videos. Leave me a comment if there is something you would like to see in the future. Again thank you for subscribing!
angelique gonzales
angelique gonzales - 7 years ago
i have a betta fish so it would be okay to put a dwarf frog with my betta fish? what do you feed the dwarf fish?
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
During the day the swim around mostly on bottom of tank. You will occasionally see them shoot up to the top for a breath of air. In the evenings they become very animated striking funny poses. They are a lot of fun to watch eat. Overally a fun aquatic species to have.
angelique gonzales
angelique gonzales - 7 years ago
what do the dwarf frogs do in the fish tank with your fish?
Aby F
Aby F - 7 years ago
I enjoyed looking at all your beautiful fish. I find it amazing that you have them all in a heated and filtered aquarium considering you have so many! I find that when people have several small aquariums, they do not bother filtering the aquarium. So great job on giving proper care. ✨
Fonseca Corals
Fonseca Corals - 7 years ago
Awesome fish room!! I subbed!!
Jadren Aquatics
Jadren Aquatics - 7 years ago
Beautiful setups and awesome Bettas! New Subscriber
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thank you so much!

100. comment for Fish Room Tour

Crucelis Fajardo
Crucelis Fajardo - 7 years ago
does sarah have pop eye iv never seen a betta with pop eye,i jus found you and you earned yourself a suscriber
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thanks so much for subscribing! No Sara is perfectly healthy. Her eyes looked funny on video because of high lighting and angle of camera. In popeye the eye protrudes out like a bubble. Thank you for the concern :)
mama j
mama j - 7 years ago
Thank you. I really enjoy the hobby.
V Betta
V Betta - 7 years ago
That was great! Each betta was my "favorite".

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The "Fish Room Tour" video is part of the Betta aquarium category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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