I'm always trying new things. Always looking to make my tanks better. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. This time I failed. We try, we learn, we move on. Thank you for tuning in! Please rate, comment, share and sub. YOU are appreciated ... YOU ROCK! Visit Universal Rocks here: (use "JayWilson" code for 15% off) Visit the "Ben O'Cichlid" Facebook group here: Follow on Instagram at: ben.o.cichlid Thank you for tuning in!

Fish Tank EXPERIMENT FAILURE! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 4

Betta 7 years ago 3,174 views

I'm always trying new things. Always looking to make my tanks better. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. This time I failed. We try, we learn, we move on. Thank you for tuning in! Please rate, comment, share and sub. YOU are appreciated ... YOU ROCK! Visit Universal Rocks here: (use "JayWilson" code for 15% off) Visit the "Ben O'Cichlid" Facebook group here: Follow on Instagram at: ben.o.cichlid Thank you for tuning in!

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Most popular comments

Efrain's Cichlids
Efrain's Cichlids - 7 years ago
Great video Ben, i put a black background in my new tank and both fx6 intake are hide lol
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Exactly what I'm doing in the new project.
Thanks for watching Efrain. Always appreciated.
AQUA FUNK W/ ANGEL FREAK - 7 years ago
I appreciate you putting on your experiences out there for all of us out here to learn from. new subscriber
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Thank you, very much appreciated.
Matthew Moore
Matthew Moore - 7 years ago
Yeah the Rocky model from Universal Rocks is the way to go. I like the Crystal Wall as well. Looking forward to your other projects.
Matthew Moore
Matthew Moore - 7 years ago
I looked into the Crystal wall and it still came out a little to much for me. Plus it doubled in price compared to the Rocky. With my Tangs I have to silicone it in. So I’m having to do it when I switch setups. Good luck Ben. I always enjoy your vids!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
I like how thin it is which was one of the reasons I purchased it. Putting equipment behind it pushed it forward and cut too much into the 18" the fish had front to back.
I'm gonna check out the Crystal Wall.
Thanks for watching.
Gator Boy
Gator Boy - 7 years ago
Thanks for sharing more of this “live & learn” project Ben! Glad the dolphin made it out alive. Your fish look great pal keep up the great work!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Thank you Gator Boy. I don't mind being the community guinea pig, LOL!
Thanks for all the support in 2017, much appreciated.
Triple 10 Tanks
Triple 10 Tanks - 7 years ago
Learning is the best part of this hobby
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
That's the truth!
Mark Copley
Mark Copley - 7 years ago
anything is good if its hides the equipment
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
I agree, thanks for watching Mark.
jane jackson
jane jackson - 7 years ago
Seems as if we are always trying to clean up the appearance of our tanks. Nothing wrong with trying.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
I have to agree. Part of the fun of the hobby is that next tweak. Thanks for stopping by.
JustMyFish - 7 years ago
Thanks Ben . Your fish are looking amazing mate. Love that linni Lol I know I spelt that wrong. You cant go wrong with a sump.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
You're welcome and you spelled it right. The face of a linni is quite unique. I'm considering a sump project in my new tank with a HOB overflow box. Could be fun. Thanks for stopping by!
aquascaper 4lyfe
aquascaper 4lyfe - 7 years ago
White worms on my glass could anyone help?
aquascaper 4lyfe
aquascaper 4lyfe - 7 years ago
Ben Ochart thanks seems to be planaria flat body worm I've noticed them multiplying quick but they are all small
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
I used to get small white worms, years ago, they would go up the glass after I'd vacuum the substrate. I think if you search in YouTube or google it you'll get some info that could help.

10. comment for Fish Tank EXPERIMENT FAILURE!

Cichlid Experience
Cichlid Experience - 7 years ago
Tank looks great.
Great ideas.
Where are live plants?
Cichlid Experience
Cichlid Experience - 7 years ago
Ben Ochart good to know. I was debating trying them because of one of your other vids.
Joys of the hobby lol
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Hello CE and thanks for the kind words. The plants were moved to the 60 gallon grow-out because the bigger Haps were just destroying them. The smaller guys don't nip them as much. Anubias is supposed to be too bitter for ACs but my fish didn't get the memo.
HalfMan HalfCichlid
HalfMan HalfCichlid - 7 years ago
Tank looks spectacular Ben. Colors really pop. Sounds like you are making some very good moves with sump and acrylic. If I can help in any way on the sump let me know?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Happy Holidays to you my fish friend. I'll be starting off with an FX6 on the new tank but I'm seriously looking into a sump with that HOB overflow box you mentioned to me previously.
Thanks for tuning in. Always appreciated!
Vinfish F
Vinfish F - 7 years ago
Simple fix just get the 300gal or ??
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
A 300 gal would be epic
Donatas Nuobara
Donatas Nuobara - 7 years ago
Hello Ben. I am thankfull for all info you are sharing with us! I have started with african cichlids new tank (~600lites) and you -
your tanks - are the samples i am follow! Best wishes from lithuania ! ;)
zintime7 - 7 years ago
Beautiful fish and beautiful tank.
Gina Corno
Gina Corno - 7 years ago
Sumps have their place for sure, But they alone IMO arent enough. many people do it and many people are successful at it. Butch from SEC has his 600 Gal up and running with 2 48" Sumps, he is pushing about 9000 GPH and in a short tank like that it works fine. But I am a tall tank person my 540 Gal is 36" Tall, there is no way that a sump only is going to clear all of the debris in the tank therefor Mechanical filtration is added which Pulls from the bottom of the tank and my Sump which is a Fluidized Bed Filter takes care of the Bio. So the moral to the story is Plan your build then build your plan, one must think things through thoroughly!

If you really want to go with a sump system Ben, Reach out and I will be more than happy to help, I will give you the pro's and cons of just about every type of sump out there! From the Foam Sump, to the Bio Ball Sump, to the Fluidized bed sump. Need to know what you want, why you want it and then I will tell you the 2 best options to achieve it.
Gina Corno
Gina Corno - 7 years ago
LOL...............You do that Ben................Merry Christmas Sir!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Someday Gina Corno I'm gonna show up and pick your brain (and get the whole thing on video for future generations
S Cal
S Cal - 7 years ago
Glad you fixed the problem Ben. Sorry for my opinion I thought you were heading in the right direction by hiding your equipment. By the way, what kind of light are you running in this tank? Happy holidays
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
No need to say your sorry S Cal, all changes, all mistakes (and victories) ultimately are on me. I appreciate your support and encouragement.
Happy Holidays and I hope 2018 is an epic year for you.
Jimmy H Fishes
Jimmy H Fishes - 7 years ago
I agreed, bigger tanks needs to be running on a sump
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Hi Jimmy. The new tank might not be bigger but I think a sump might be a fun project to share with my Youtube friends.
Thanks for watching.
Willie Fistergash
Willie Fistergash - 7 years ago
I find myself always looking to add something to my system, it seems like i get bored and just need to do something with the tank, move rocks & plants, remove this and that and im constantly looking online for fish stuff, i guess im addicted to the hobby LOL anyone else have this problem???
Willie Fistergash
Willie Fistergash - 7 years ago
The tank i have was intended to be a salt reef tank but i decided to go with AC’s, my tank has an full length internal overflow wich takes up a lot of swiming space for the fish, my advice to those that may be interested in a sump is to either drill your tank at the top and get a slim overflow or get a hang on back overflow box! But yeah its nice to have a sump where you can put your heater and just drop in your chemical filtration media! Also anyone that decides to run a sump you need a backup emergency pump ready to go, i had that situation 2 months into my new tank when the return pump froze up and had install the backup until i cleaned the main pump!

20. comment for Fish Tank EXPERIMENT FAILURE!

R.A.D. House Reptiles
R.A.D. House Reptiles - 7 years ago
Hey Ben, I enjoy your videos. Informative without being pretentious, keep it up. Also what is the story behind that hat you wear frequently?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Thank you R.A.D., very much appreciated.
The hat is from Sweden and was a gift from my son who spent a summer there as a coach/player in their baseball league. His team, the Lumberjacks, won the national title. I believe the three crowns symbolize the three original kingdoms that combined and became Sweden.
jack jill
jack jill - 7 years ago
Never hurts to try something different. Hate you lost a fish in the process. Looking forward to the new tank and how it works out for you. Good video.
redjack56 - 7 years ago
Your tank and background look great. I've never really been that much into the 3-D backgrounds myself, the biggest reason for me is the loss of tank real estate then the cost. I would rather spend the extra money on more fish. I've been using textiles as backgrounds for years and have been very happy. I just apply my textiles to something like interior shower board and I'm good to go plus you can find textiles in hundreds of different colors. The filter tubes don't bother me too much and I also keep some real rocks in my tank that help with any fish line of sight issues.
Mi like the idea of sumps but I hear they can be a little noisy. Another reason I have not experimented with a sump is the carpet in my living room, I can't afford accidents in my living room. Maybe some day I will get a chance to try one out.
Happy holidays :)
Thomas Medina
Thomas Medina - 7 years ago
Well said Ben as always great information and insight.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Thank you Thomas. Much appreciated as always.
John Fox
John Fox - 7 years ago
I have 3 tanks- 55, 37, 20- would love to go bigger- I'm limited w haps due to tank size- do have a peacock tank tho- thankful for your videos, also IFG, Adam C, many others- have learned so much and appreciate all the info and time to let others know your experience- have a Merry Christmas and good luck on the new project!
Gina Corno
Gina Corno - 7 years ago
I dont think i would call it a mistake, or a failure but lack of execution. Now IMO and this is what I would have done in your position is Blow the whole Tank down, and silicone the background in accept for a small Gap about 2" Up from the Bottom and 4" Long. This is what i did with my 72 Gal Bowfront, all heaters and intakes are back behind the background and You can actually see all the wast being sucked in through that opening on each side. So again not a failure just a poor execution so to speak!
J Mo Cichlids
J Mo Cichlids - 7 years ago
Good video Ben, I think we just need bigger tanks to hide our tank equipment
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
That seems to be the direction we're all headed for
Etienne philima
Etienne philima - 7 years ago
your tank is full of deep scraches
Etienne philima
Etienne philima - 7 years ago
ok yea the min you zoom in i saw it and its not even my tank and itr was bothering me
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Yes, I bought it used and was assured, "They will not show when filled with water." Nope! I've learned to live with them and concentrate my attention on the fish.
Thanks for tuning in.
Rommel R
Rommel R - 7 years ago
It looks fine to me. I wouldn’t worry about it too much. But if you would like to do a sump on your tank then go for it. Should be fun and of course have fun with this hobby. Merry Christmas!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Hello Rommel. Thank you. The sump would be for a different tank that I'm in the process of setting up. Thank you for watching and commenting!
mancaveproductions00 - 7 years ago
Looks fine don't stress about it. .just look at the fish
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
You read my mind. That's what I'm going to be doing (until the next project, LOL )
Thanks for tuning in!

30. comment for Fish Tank EXPERIMENT FAILURE!

Jeffrey Lei
Jeffrey Lei - 7 years ago
just curious. would you prefer 2 x125/130 gallons or 1 220 gallon tank? I am having hard time deciding which one to get for new year :D
Eric K
Eric K - 7 years ago
Get the 220! Always go bigger if you can. You’ll wish you had if you didn’t
Jeffrey Lei
Jeffrey Lei - 7 years ago
my peacocks and haps are seriously outgrowing my 75G. although i would love to try predator haps in the future, I really love the option to have 2 125 for breeding colonies and grow outs. I currently have 5 tanks, 1 75 1 40 2 20L and 1 10. I have a lot of juvie peacocks and haps currently in my smaller tanks. my family is probably gonna freak out on me if I do get both 220 and 125 haha.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Jeffrey, that's a GREAT problem. For me it would depend on what I want going to do. If I intended to keep monster fish, then the 220 for sure. But let's say you wanted a planted community and a peacock tank, then the 2x125 for sure. I now have 4 tanks running and I love the options it opens up for me. How about a 220 and a 125???
Tracy T
Tracy T - 7 years ago
Sorry for the loss of your fish. I am glad you got to the problem in time to fix it. The end result looks good. I have two 75 gallon, 1 mnbuna and one peacock. I just have a black background and try to keep it simple, also I am cheap
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Thank you Tracy. My new tank is just a black background and I really like the way it looks. You also have a nice Christmas and I thank you for stopping by!
Ry Mac cichlids
Ry Mac cichlids - 7 years ago
Jeez seems like everyone is having problems recently I have ich in my tank now. The tank still looks awesome and the fish look healthy I am not going to mess with my tank until all my fish guys are good thank you for the share ben merry Christmas my friend
Ry Mac cichlids
Ry Mac cichlids - 7 years ago
Ben Ochart I acted real fast use api super ick and I separated the fish in my med tank
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
I'm sorry to hear that Mac. If you act fast you can knock our ich without a problem. I've had success with Kordon Ich Attack product. I needed something gentle because I have those loaches in there.
Merry Christmas to you and I hope 2018 is your best year ever.
The Fishy Life !
The Fishy Life ! - 7 years ago
Wow the fish are looking amazing!!! Can't wait to see your new tank!!!! Have a great holiday weekend ✌️☮️
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Hey Fishy Life! Thank you and thanks for tuning in. You also have a safe and fun holiday (and thanks for taking the time to watch).
IFG - 7 years ago
Is that a rostratus in there?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Yes, I grew him out and he's starting to show some egg spots and the anal fin is getting a point, so, fingers crossed. Thanks for stopping by Eaven and thanks for the one-man-show guest spot on your channel. Always a pleasure to work with you.
Joe T
Joe T - 7 years ago
Right there learning with you Ben! Tank and fish are looking Swwweeet! Happy Holidays!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Hey Joe, we're always learning, right?! Thanks for tuning in and you too have a GREAT holiday!
Dave Mac
Dave Mac - 7 years ago
+1 on the inline heater. I've had a Hydor 300W for 14 years and still going strong on my 65g cichlid tank. Just make sure it has the 5/8" fittings. But the sump on my discus tank is a lot easier to maintain and more versatile. Plus you could set up a time out spot in it for overly aggressive or beaten up fish.
Dave Mac
Dave Mac - 7 years ago
I know the feeling. Always wanting to tinker with something. My latest is trying out anoxic filter baskets to control nitrates.
Steven H
Steven H - 7 years ago
Ben Ochart +2 On hydor in-line heater. Running two 200w on my 135gallon tank and have shown very reliable and keep temps exact. Get them now!! Great video Ben thanks for posting
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Dave, those are GREAT points. I will never get any rest or save any money so long as guys like you make these great comments that get immediately searching the web (LOL!).
Thanks for tuning in Dave, it's very appreciated.
KG cichlids
KG cichlids - 7 years ago
I think it looks great Ben! Great job on correcting the mistake!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Hello Kevin! Thanks for watching. Have a GREAT holiday with your family.
hardlivinglife - 7 years ago
Feliz navidad ben
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Gracias amigo y prospero ano nuevo!
Denny's Aquatics
Denny's Aquatics - 7 years ago
Hey Ben, I’m sorry it didn’t work out for you, but you seem to have a good handle on it. You appeared to be kinda worn out in the video lol. Yes it is true you can hide the equipment much better in a sump. What happened to the hog? Take care buddy.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Hello my friend. Good eye, the HOG2 has been moved to the new tank project. I am a little worn out. I'm staying up late and waking up early. Always lots to do. I'll get a good night sleep tonight.
Merry Christmas my friend!
the cichlid guru
the cichlid guru - 7 years ago
Had you though6 abut inline heater.tank looks nice as ever
the cichlid guru
the cichlid guru - 7 years ago
Ben Ochart .np
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
I'm considering ...
Thanks for tuning in CG, much appreciated!
Libertybell Cichlids
Libertybell Cichlids - 7 years ago
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Thank you Libertybell!
Animal Lover
Animal Lover - 7 years ago
I thought school was over!

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