Betta 7 years ago 3,174 views
I'm always trying new things. Always looking to make my tanks better. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. This time I failed. We try, we learn, we move on. Thank you for tuning in! Please rate, comment, share and sub. YOU are appreciated ... YOU ROCK! Visit Universal Rocks here: (use "JayWilson" code for 15% off) Visit the "Ben O'Cichlid" Facebook group here: Follow on Instagram at: ben.o.cichlid Thank you for tuning in!
Thanks for watching Efrain. Always appreciated.
I'm gonna check out the Crystal Wall.
Thanks for watching.
Thanks for all the support in 2017, much appreciated.
10. comment for Fish Tank EXPERIMENT FAILURE!
Great ideas.
Where are live plants?
Joys of the hobby lol
Thanks for tuning in. Always appreciated!
your tanks - are the samples i am follow! Best wishes from lithuania ! ;)
If you really want to go with a sump system Ben, Reach out and I will be more than happy to help, I will give you the pro's and cons of just about every type of sump out there! From the Foam Sump, to the Bio Ball Sump, to the Fluidized bed sump. Need to know what you want, why you want it and then I will tell you the 2 best options to achieve it.
Happy Holidays and I hope 2018 is an epic year for you.
Thanks for watching.
20. comment for Fish Tank EXPERIMENT FAILURE!
The hat is from Sweden and was a gift from my son who spent a summer there as a coach/player in their baseball league. His team, the Lumberjacks, won the national title. I believe the three crowns symbolize the three original kingdoms that combined and became Sweden.
Mi like the idea of sumps but I hear they can be a little noisy. Another reason I have not experimented with a sump is the carpet in my living room, I can't afford accidents in my living room. Maybe some day I will get a chance to try one out.
Happy holidays :)
Thanks for tuning in.
Thanks for tuning in!
30. comment for Fish Tank EXPERIMENT FAILURE!
Merry Christmas to you and I hope 2018 is your best year ever.
Thanks for tuning in Dave, it's very appreciated.
Merry Christmas my friend!
Thanks for tuning in CG, much appreciated!