Fish Shipment, Betta Fish Shipment, Importing Fish, Fish Unboxing.
Betta 8 years ago 62,549 views
Fish Shipment, Betta Fish Shipment, Importing Fish, Fish Unboxing video. I unpack 5 boxes of fish in the middle of the night! The airport run was brutal but it is done! Lots of fish in there from Koi, black ghost knife, bolivian rams, pearl danios, flame tetras, Kuhli loaches, black neon tetras, borneo Sucker Loaches, Panda, Goldfish, Cherry Barbs, Discus etc. If you've enjoyed this video and haven't already subscribed to our channel, please click that subscribe button now.
Your a true fish friend to everyone
10. comment for Fish Shipment, Betta Fish Shipment, Importing Fish, Fish Unboxing.
20. comment for Fish Shipment, Betta Fish Shipment, Importing Fish, Fish Unboxing.
30. comment for Fish Shipment, Betta Fish Shipment, Importing Fish, Fish Unboxing.
As for tank mates, more mild things like neon or green neon tetras, corydoras etc tend to work out best. But really you can't know until you've tested your betta. Think of it like a dog, most dogs do well with other dogs, and cats etc. But then there are dogs that just don't get along. I hope that helps.
Most people (especially The Protesters and Government Bureaucrats) have NO IDEA what it takes to run a business.
50. comment for Fish Shipment, Betta Fish Shipment, Importing Fish, Fish Unboxing.
and here is a video on how to build the betta barracks.
100. comment for Fish Shipment, Betta Fish Shipment, Importing Fish, Fish Unboxing.
Loved the vid! Is there any way to special order things for folks? I've got some spp on my wish list that I don't know of any way to obtain other than someone, with your contacts, being able to find...but of course, I don't want you to have to order 400 of something that would NEVER sell at your store...
You enjoy it , so doesn't feel like work
Do you order fish in the hundreds because that is the minimum purchase quantity since you are ordering directly from the farms, or do you sell them that fast?
I've been in the hobby for just a few months now, and have been thinking about finding a second job at a local fish store. What traits/qualities and knowledge do you typically look for in an employee?
Good vid
It also depends on numbers you need in fish also. If you only need 50 cardinals once a month. You'll someone different than if you need 200 a week etc.
Great vid i want to see a lot more
But I guess you can't tell me where you get them!
Because they look so nice!
Can you tell me how much the Betta's costs?!
And congratz with the 10k subscribers!
You're the best YouTuber!
My dream is to own a fishstore when I'm older!
I love em