Fish Tank Christmas Gifts - Aquarium Nerds

1. LED Light - 2. Powerhead - 3. Fake Plant - 4. Sponge Filter - 5. Fish Food - Top 5 fish tank Christmas gift ideas. I'm enjoying it very much but some people just need to do more homework before saying anything about someone's fish. I'm still learning everyday but I do know for a fact that if you cross anything to a BP kkp Mammon or rose queen that it does not qualify as a FH nor have fh blood in it. That’s the exact point that we tried to convey. Lost in egos, oh well it is what it is. I got to get a few online gabs in and a few good laughs so I can’t complain. I know nekos and he actually have blocked me because I called him out on his bs. Now don't get me wrong... it's a nice fish but he never showed any proof of him breeding the parents. He just had and still have a good ass connection on anything he wants. They never go for the food, they’re usually drawn to the glass because of the warmth and moisture. However now they’re all over the house and I need to find actual good traps. Yes just with de, no other chemicals, I did replace mattresses in the worst rooms, as well as bedding and stuffed animals (was in the kids room). Found a few in my room a little later (didn't treat when I got rid of mattresses), but researched a ton because of all the animals and kids and so on. This was a winner. Christmas fish aquarium gift ideas. I've heard of heat treatment being the most reliable, but of course you can't do that with your aquariums and moving them would mean the potential spread of the bugs Thankfully they are not common where I live, but I still worry and wonder how I will treat them with all my tanks and rack system. Not saying to use it, not wanting anyone to freak out... But I use Bengal. Not the gold, the original. It's scent free and residual. I spray it all around my tanks, on top of the lids, behind the HOBs, in the cracks between the glass and the plastic, once even accidentally sprayed it directly into the water (no issues). Again, I'm not telling anyone to use Bengal or any other pesticide, just that this is what I use. We live in the woods so roaches, the tiny ones, are lining up outside to get in. I even had a 2 week long fight with a rat. I finally won that one. It wasn't pretty, but he's gone! My problems started when I used auto feeders. They came in and set up living in my feeders! I think I'm finally beating them, though. I didn't have a problem with them when I had chickens, lol They're attracted to the water, easy source for them to live off of. However, I'd suggest taking a serious approach to treating your whole house. You can treat certain rooms and use roach hotels but that only keeps them away from that spot or area for a short while. They'll be back until you take out the horde. Fish tanks are awesome for your health. I have a great method for getting rid of them. My family has used it for generations. It sounds weird, but it really works. Step one would be to get a reptile that favors roaches- Some snakes, Bearded dragons, etc. Two is to train it to hunt its prey, and recall on command. Like a rat dog, but a roach lizard. The trick to this step is to be like Mr. Miyagi- Wax on, wax off he must learn slowly. Step three is to prepare him for the mission- run drills and exersises. Step four is to send him to conquer the roach army. It works! My roach eater just came back with.. Wait.. Whats that?! HE HAS BECOME THEIR LEADER! RUN!!! Actually yes. My fish room got roaches because we left our dog’s hardfood bowl out (so their food source). They loved my HOB filters and the moisture of my fish room. So I got rid of all of my filters and switched to only canisters and sponge filters. I laid down roach traps and we put a dehumidifier in. After 2 weeks they were gone. That was 2 years ago, never seen any since. If your filtration system is solid, losing BB on no porous decorations is not significant. If you removed them altogether would your tank crash? I’d guess not. Just ensure you aren’t using soap or other cleaning products. You can use a hydrogen peroxide bath, rinse and dry thoroughly to remove algae. Thank you for add!! In the process of starting 60 gal tank. First time in years. If you guys can tell me what colorful fresh water fish I can get it would be appreciated! Looking for bottom dwellers, middle dwellers and top dwellers. Thanks in advance!!

Fish Tank Christmas Gifts - Aquarium Nerds sentiment_very_dissatisfied 0

Betta 7 years ago 1,632 views

1. LED Light - 2. Powerhead - 3. Fake Plant - 4. Sponge Filter - 5. Fish Food - Top 5 fish tank Christmas gift ideas. I'm enjoying it very much but some people just need to do more homework before saying anything about someone's fish. I'm still learning everyday but I do know for a fact that if you cross anything to a BP kkp Mammon or rose queen that it does not qualify as a FH nor have fh blood in it. That’s the exact point that we tried to convey. Lost in egos, oh well it is what it is. I got to get a few online gabs in and a few good laughs so I can’t complain. I know nekos and he actually have blocked me because I called him out on his bs. Now don't get me wrong... it's a nice fish but he never showed any proof of him breeding the parents. He just had and still have a good ass connection on anything he wants. They never go for the food, they’re usually drawn to the glass because of the warmth and moisture. However now they’re all over the house and I need to find actual good traps. Yes just with de, no other chemicals, I did replace mattresses in the worst rooms, as well as bedding and stuffed animals (was in the kids room). Found a few in my room a little later (didn't treat when I got rid of mattresses), but researched a ton because of all the animals and kids and so on. This was a winner. Christmas fish aquarium gift ideas. I've heard of heat treatment being the most reliable, but of course you can't do that with your aquariums and moving them would mean the potential spread of the bugs Thankfully they are not common where I live, but I still worry and wonder how I will treat them with all my tanks and rack system. Not saying to use it, not wanting anyone to freak out... But I use Bengal. Not the gold, the original. It's scent free and residual. I spray it all around my tanks, on top of the lids, behind the HOBs, in the cracks between the glass and the plastic, once even accidentally sprayed it directly into the water (no issues). Again, I'm not telling anyone to use Bengal or any other pesticide, just that this is what I use. We live in the woods so roaches, the tiny ones, are lining up outside to get in. I even had a 2 week long fight with a rat. I finally won that one. It wasn't pretty, but he's gone! My problems started when I used auto feeders. They came in and set up living in my feeders! I think I'm finally beating them, though. I didn't have a problem with them when I had chickens, lol They're attracted to the water, easy source for them to live off of. However, I'd suggest taking a serious approach to treating your whole house. You can treat certain rooms and use roach hotels but that only keeps them away from that spot or area for a short while. They'll be back until you take out the horde. Fish tanks are awesome for your health. I have a great method for getting rid of them. My family has used it for generations. It sounds weird, but it really works. Step one would be to get a reptile that favors roaches- Some snakes, Bearded dragons, etc. Two is to train it to hunt its prey, and recall on command. Like a rat dog, but a roach lizard. The trick to this step is to be like Mr. Miyagi- Wax on, wax off he must learn slowly. Step three is to prepare him for the mission- run drills and exersises. Step four is to send him to conquer the roach army. It works! My roach eater just came back with.. Wait.. Whats that?! HE HAS BECOME THEIR LEADER! RUN!!! Actually yes. My fish room got roaches because we left our dog’s hardfood bowl out (so their food source). They loved my HOB filters and the moisture of my fish room. So I got rid of all of my filters and switched to only canisters and sponge filters. I laid down roach traps and we put a dehumidifier in. After 2 weeks they were gone. That was 2 years ago, never seen any since. If your filtration system is solid, losing BB on no porous decorations is not significant. If you removed them altogether would your tank crash? I’d guess not. Just ensure you aren’t using soap or other cleaning products. You can use a hydrogen peroxide bath, rinse and dry thoroughly to remove algae. Thank you for add!! In the process of starting 60 gal tank. First time in years. If you guys can tell me what colorful fresh water fish I can get it would be appreciated! Looking for bottom dwellers, middle dwellers and top dwellers. Thanks in advance!!

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Most popular comments
for Fish Tank Christmas Gifts - Aquarium Nerds

Palmer Fish Cave
Palmer Fish Cave - 7 years ago
Here is the list:
1. LED Light -
2. Powerhead -
3. Fake Plant -
4. Sponge Filter -
5. Fish Food -
Lucas Baluyut
Lucas Baluyut - 7 years ago
This video was amazing but for number 1 I would put a aquarium or a canister filter
logan roast corner
logan roast corner - 7 years ago
new fish
logan roast corner
logan roast corner - 7 years ago
new aquarium
AquariumCop - 7 years ago
Love it

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