Fish Tank Filter Showdown: Hang on Back Filter vs Canister Filter!
Betta 7 years ago 1,679 views
Hello Fellow Fish Keepers, We did a video comparing sponge filter with hang on back filters. Now it's time to look at how canister filters compare to hang on back filters! Feel free to share your opinions in the comments section. How we filter our fish room: Thanks for watching!
Over ten years ago I found a Marineland canister filter on sale at Feeders Supply and purchased it. I set it (unopened) under my 75-gallon tank, thinking I would eventually switch from hang-on-the-back filters. I failed to do so, purchasing more hang-on-the-back filters, rather than go through the trouble of the change-over. Now, the unopened, Marineland canister filter is obsolete, since Marineland changed the design of this model. I unable to get store credit for it in any pet store.
Thank you for another very informative and enjoyable video.
E. J. Brinegar
10. comment for Fish Tank Filter Showdown: Hang on Back Filter vs Canister Filter!
Our Aqua One HOB’s (not Aqua clear) are totally silent. As a person with disabilities I find them so easy to clean even when I take to whole system apart to clean out the pipes. I have looked at canister and I know it is too difficult. I have ‘0’ Ammonia & Nitrites. We turn them off at night, fill with water, open top and Pothos in the media. The aquarium water is healthy, fish happy. Jane Sth Australia
I built a custom HOB using a large plastic bin that can hold 10 gallons of bio media connected to a 275 gph power head.
Best of both worlds. No leaks when power outs & its cheap, priceless
A canister rates at 900 gph flow rate will suffer 45-60% reduced flow rates from both head pressure when canister sits on floor then needs to pump water up 4 - 5 feet away into tank. Thats why many people need 2 canisters to regain flow for larger tanks.
Hang on the back filters do not loose head pressure loss. HOB rated at 250 gph is 95% there.
Thats again why you'll see experienced hobbyist use a canister with just coarse sponge & bio media they only service every 3-6 months & have a HOB to just handle fine filtering, water polishing with carbon added.
Makes the job simple & easy.
"Keep your fins wet!"
Anyone with 3 or more set ups would agree
20. comment for Fish Tank Filter Showdown: Hang on Back Filter vs Canister Filter!
Good tip...thanks.
Or you can be creative, create a rock wall around any sponge filter or use a wall of plants to hide sponge filters. Be creative
30. comment for Fish Tank Filter Showdown: Hang on Back Filter vs Canister Filter!