Fishtank Tales, I ADMIT IT, Aquarium fish I killed way back
Betta 7 years ago 6,796 views
Daily Dustin Video 036. In today's daily video I give you Fishtank Tales Tuesday, I ADMIT IT! I talk about the old Pacu that I used to have. Hope you enjoy today's Fishtank Tales. Support Your Boy, check out our website! Subscribe Most Recent Video Most Popular Video Support your Boy - Check out my aquarium plants for sale: Popular Video Playlists Below INSANE FISH ROOM TOURS: SMALL FISH TANK SERIES TOP 5 Fish Videos (Funny :P No Maintenance Aquarium Playlist: Sunday Videos Aquarium TIPS and Tricks aquascaping Videos INSANE German Fish Store Koi and Pond Playlist SPECIES SUNDAY Facebook: Instagram:
Now I reverted to the classics and grew out three huge comets that are like 8-9 inches long now and fat. They live with two weather loaches....that 55 is doing well.
Plus those comets were large feeders I bought, I basically nursed them back to health with blood worms and very clean water (keeping the tank immaculate)...and well they got healthy...and now refuse to die
In the middle of the night i heard a thump and water spilling . Not thinking i had my mom grab a bucket of water for the fish, I forgot the prime. They died, tank died i was pissed
10. comment for Fishtank Tales, I ADMIT IT, Aquarium fish I killed way back
He too had a 55 gal tank with a pacu, oscar, red devil, couple syndontis catfish, and I believe a jack demsey as well. His Pacu was skiddish! Every time you would turn the light on in his room, the pacu would sprint full speed to the other end of the tank and smash his face on the glass. He eventually broke the tank (when he was about 8"). My friend replaced the tank and the Pacu continued to grow. He eventually was about 14" and no one would take him. My friend didn't have the heart to kill himself, so he had his dad catch itin a fishing net and put it out in the back yard in the snow on a cold January night. So his Pacu met a very similar fate as your own!
my fish dying for some reason... since it was the new thing i tried, it was the culprit.
and sure enough.. i saw an anchorworm stuck to the tank wall. it was more than 2 inches long...
i started dosing copper but i knew. if it was on the glass, the fish had no chance...only 1 male molly survived. now guppies are in the tank.
that is why i dont feed freeze dried worms... i stick to flakes, pellets of known brands that i used. this was my favorite fish and I was planning on moving him to the 125 when I got home a week later.
20. comment for Fishtank Tales, I ADMIT IT, Aquarium fish I killed way back
Let me make my own confession....... Back when i was a kid (about 7-9 yrs old) in the 80s, my mom got me a glass "goldfish" bowl to keep fishes. This is usually what happens when i go into the LFS..... i see something i like, i pester my mom or dad to buy with no clue that some fishes cannot be house together. I've kept goldfishes together with guppies and tiger barbs in there. The tiger barbs would nip on the fins of the goldfishes and guppies, eventually stressing them out and killing them. At one time i even kept neon tetras with baby angelfishes and baby oscars in there. LOL Needless to say that bowl was a constant war zone and a disaster!
Fast forward to the late 90s until today, my fishes usually die of old age and not because of mixing the wrong tank mates together, infrequent water changes or filter maintenance ~ you know the usual stuff that causes issues. We all grow up. :-)
30. comment for Fishtank Tales, I ADMIT IT, Aquarium fish I killed way back
Early on I put a beautiful female in hoping he would mate with her he chased her so hard she tried to swim under a boulder and died. She only lasted in hour with him...
50. comment for Fishtank Tales, I ADMIT IT, Aquarium fish I killed way back
Started with 2 and ended up with thousands... like they say don't put things in the wild (being an environmentalist I now know that) but they ended up in a man made lagoon... but we have no natural occurring freshwater here (except swamps) so I really don't think they could habe done anything.
EDIT: I also, before killing the 2 goldies, had bought a bichir! Yes, and they were all living very uncomfortably in a 3 gallon tank. Suffice it to say the bichir died after realizing that it wouldnt eat any food that wasnt alive
There was a company with a community tank in the reception, I added a sm pacu to it, knowing it would get too big. When it grew to about 5-6" the owner was impressed. Told him it would keep growing, perhaps take it out or it would need another tank. Set up 2nd tank in his office, no decor, light, just filter & water. It kept growing & he would show it to people that came to his office. After a few month he lost interest & it still kept growing. This client was taking more & more of my time, Pacu kept growing & growing.
suggest to get rid of it, told him had a bigger tank for it. I really don't have bigger tank, pet store wouldn't take it, it was like little over 2 feet by now. I realized all this as I was heading back to my car with it. what I did was get a really big net & smashed it in the parking lot a few times until it finally died.
I felt bad killing it like that (or at all) bs I knew better. So there, I got it off my chest too, lol.
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