Fishtank Tales, I ADMIT IT, Aquarium fish I killed way back

Daily Dustin Video 036. In today's daily video I give you Fishtank Tales Tuesday, I ADMIT IT! I talk about the old Pacu that I used to have. Hope you enjoy today's Fishtank Tales. Support Your Boy, check out our website! Subscribe Most Recent Video Most Popular Video Support your Boy - Check out my aquarium plants for sale: Popular Video Playlists Below INSANE FISH ROOM TOURS: SMALL FISH TANK SERIES TOP 5 Fish Videos (Funny :P No Maintenance Aquarium Playlist: Sunday Videos Aquarium TIPS and Tricks aquascaping Videos INSANE German Fish Store Koi and Pond Playlist SPECIES SUNDAY Facebook: Instagram:

Fishtank Tales, I ADMIT IT, Aquarium fish I killed way back sentiment_very_dissatisfied 8

Betta 7 years ago 6,796 views

Daily Dustin Video 036. In today's daily video I give you Fishtank Tales Tuesday, I ADMIT IT! I talk about the old Pacu that I used to have. Hope you enjoy today's Fishtank Tales. Support Your Boy, check out our website! Subscribe Most Recent Video Most Popular Video Support your Boy - Check out my aquarium plants for sale: Popular Video Playlists Below INSANE FISH ROOM TOURS: SMALL FISH TANK SERIES TOP 5 Fish Videos (Funny :P No Maintenance Aquarium Playlist: Sunday Videos Aquarium TIPS and Tricks aquascaping Videos INSANE German Fish Store Koi and Pond Playlist SPECIES SUNDAY Facebook: Instagram:

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for Fishtank Tales, I ADMIT IT, Aquarium fish I killed way back

Mark D
Mark D - 7 years ago
Common Pleco. He’s not dead yet, but he hates life and me. I wish I could find him a better home. He is in my 125 with about 7000 African cichlids and I stare at him and he stares at me but we do not talk. Sometimes i offer my finger to the tank for him to rasp at me or possibly barb my forearm for some sort of retribution. But we just stare at each other
CAN-AM Airsoft
CAN-AM Airsoft - 7 years ago
Yeah.....we all have those moments in fish the time I bought 2 pictus catfish for my 29 gal.......I was lucky at the time cause I had money to upgrade a 50 gal and give them 4 more years of a happy healthy life.
Now I reverted to the classics and grew out three huge comets that are like 8-9 inches long now and fat. They live with two weather loaches....that 55 is doing well.
Plus those comets were large feeders I bought, I basically nursed them back to health with blood worms and very clean water (keeping the tank immaculate)...and well they got healthy...and now refuse to die
Charles Bruno
Charles Bruno - 7 years ago
Lindsey Smith
Lindsey Smith - 7 years ago
We had several tanks with really Big and aggressive fish and smaller tanks with frogs when we was moving to a different city in the winter. We left the tanks in a heated mobile home until we could move them to our new house. Something happened and the power went out in the fish trailer. When we came back to feed them every single tank was frozen into ice. Huge beautiful fish frozen in time and of course my albino frog. I was younger but somebody convinced me if I thawed out my frog tank he could still live. I worked for hours to de thaw him and his leg broke off. He was long dead no de thawing would’ve helped. We lost thousands and thousands of dollars worth of fish that weekend .
Stephanie S
Stephanie S - 7 years ago
I set up a beautiful 20 gallon tank when I was in Jr. High. I bought platy's, guppy's, an albino cat, an algae eater and a pleco. I took care of it all through jr. High and high school. During college, I met my now husband and ended up moving in with him and leaving all my stuff at home. I would feed the fish every couple of weeks ..ended up being every couple of months....and then just didn't go back to check for years. My tank was completely dried out with no life or water in it. I feel a bit bad cause those fish were really old before I abandoned them for a new husband and baby.
Franky Fish
Franky Fish - 7 years ago
Was 16 years old and my first tank , put a beautiful pearl gourami into my African cichlid tank ... technically "I" didn't kill it ... but they ate well that day
47trea - 7 years ago
I bought this golden killi fish, but from day one he was TERRORIZING every living thing in my 20 long. Being a real ass. I tried added more hiding places and breaking line of sight but after it killed two of my cory cats and it finding somehow to keep jumping out of my tank... I flushed him. Sorry (not sorry)
Roger Musgrave
Roger Musgrave - 7 years ago
I bought a used tank on marketplace ,didnt realize they half ass repaired it with silicone. Anyways i set it up it went through the cycling. I had some cardinals and some barbs and bleeding hearts.
In the middle of the night i heard a thump and water spilling . Not thinking i had my mom grab a bucket of water for the fish, I forgot the prime. They died, tank died i was pissed
Reptilian Gaming
Reptilian Gaming - 7 years ago
I bought a Chinese algae eater for my 55 it almost killed my goldfish but it has now been revoked to another aquarium where it is the boss of a green terror tank

10. comment for Fishtank Tales, I ADMIT IT, Aquarium fish I killed way back

John Kelley
John Kelley - 7 years ago
Actually it was a pacu in a 55 gallon, about 20 years ago. It broke the glass while I was at school. I came home to a dead foot long pacu and water every where. My parents were livid!
Copper Canyon Aquatics
Copper Canyon Aquatics - 7 years ago
D, I wish you would of had some pics of this epic 55 gallon tank to go with the epic tale! I too have a soft spot for pacu, but thankfully had a friend jump on that grenade for me, so I never personally kept one. But my friend did...

He too had a 55 gal tank with a pacu, oscar, red devil, couple syndontis catfish, and I believe a jack demsey as well. His Pacu was skiddish! Every time you would turn the light on in his room, the pacu would sprint full speed to the other end of the tank and smash his face on the glass. He eventually broke the tank (when he was about 8"). My friend replaced the tank and the Pacu continued to grow. He eventually was about 14" and no one would take him. My friend didn't have the heart to kill himself, so he had his dad catch itin a fishing net and put it out in the back yard in the snow on a cold January night. So his Pacu met a very similar fate as your own!
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
FISH TANK FAILS - Top 5 what the heck were they thinking?!
BAS Aquariums
BAS Aquariums - 7 years ago
i bought a walking cat i had no idea what i would do with that i ended up putting in saltwater to kill after he ate one of my rams
eisenklad - 7 years ago
i killed a dozen mollies. cause of death: anchorworm outbreak or the treatment itself. where the anchorworm came from? my older sister gave me a freeze dried tubifex worms... it wasnt a well-known brand.
my fish dying for some reason... since it was the new thing i tried, it was the culprit.
and sure enough.. i saw an anchorworm stuck to the tank wall. it was more than 2 inches long...
i started dosing copper but i knew. if it was on the glass, the fish had no chance...only 1 male molly survived. now guppies are in the tank.

that is why i dont feed freeze dried worms... i stick to flakes, pellets of known brands that i used.
don wood
don wood - 7 years ago
I killed an Oscar. I was an amateur and overfed him.
Everyday Fish Keeper
Everyday Fish Keeper - 7 years ago
Everybody has killed fish one way or another, it happens. I had a bumble bee cichlid i had to put down a few months ago for a swim bladder issue, i did everything i could but he was just suffering.
MISTER DABILINA - 7 years ago
When i was 16 I had a 40 breeder with convicts that I let get so bad let's just say lesson learned , it got me out of the hobby for 10 years
Javier Duenas
Javier Duenas - 7 years ago
A couple years ago I accidentally killed my favorite fish, a gorgeous solid blue cobalt discus from Wattley's hatchery down here in Miami. His mate had beat him up pretty badly when he tried to eat their fry, so I put him in a 20 galllon hospital tank with a sponge filter for a couple of weeks. I was power-feeding him too, so he healed up fast and was ready to go into the main tank already, but I came home drunk one night after neglecting my cleaning duties for two days and noticed that nasty bacteria/grease scum coating the surface of the water (the air pump was hardly pushing any air). I was too drunk to do anything about it, so I figured I'd just change this water and service the pump the next day. When I woke up late, hungover as hell, and too late to do anything for him. He was already black, curled up, and dead as a doorknob - death by suffocation. Lesson? Drinking kills discuses...
Billy Esposito
Billy Esposito - 7 years ago
dad tried moving my arowana when I was away at school. he was in a 65 gallon and was going to a 125 lets just say dad didn't know arowana's like to jump and this happened. this was my favorite fish and I was planning on moving him to the 125 when I got home a week later.

20. comment for Fishtank Tales, I ADMIT IT, Aquarium fish I killed way back

Casper - 7 years ago
My Pacu Killed my 12 inch spotted gar 1 year ago! not me thooo ( ;
Amos Neeper
Amos Neeper - 7 years ago
"the pacu was 10 in. long so it was a hardier fish... making harder for Dustin to kill." hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!
AccountTake3 - 7 years ago
several Sailfin pleco's were kept by me in a far too small tank (not at once). They all died but the last one, I gave it to someone with a much bigger tank.
Nate Gildow
Nate Gildow - 7 years ago
I'm happy that respectable fishkeepers like you can admit to making mistakes. There seems to be a lot of people that take part in criticizing/shaming without remembering that everyone makes mistakes and that's how we all learn to get better. Unfortunately in our sake the lives of fish are at stake. I watched an old video of yours a couple weeks ago about about the most abused fish(I think it was?), and when you got to the Oscars and mentioned the college kid who leaves them at home for their parents to take care of, it described my exact situation and hit me right in the feels. I started with one that I grew out of a 10 gallon tank as a baby, then to a 20, then to a 75. My parents then found someone who had two more Oscars, along with some other smaller cichlids, that were getting rid of them and decided to add them to the tank. Long story short the other Oscars bullied my Oscar and eventually killed the fish that I had raised from a baby. I felt so terrible that I got rid of all of the fish and didn't touch fish keeping for the last 4 years until now, where I've got a small high-tech 12 gallon set up, waiting to add fish in a month or so. I've never commented on YouTube before and I'm not sure if you'll read this, but I really just wanted to say thanks for the video man!
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
THANKS! Ive got ya! TANK ON!
Rattentanz - 7 years ago
Guppies. I was about 10 years old and had a pretty cool planted tank around 25 gallons. Never had any issues until I adopted 3 Guppies from a friend who wanted to get rid of his aquarium. A year later it was hundreds of them, the tank was overstocked, algae everywhere.... and noone wanted to take any from me. I couldn't get myself to kill them, so I put all fry and females in my parents pond where they eventually froze to death. I still feel bad seeing the fish happily swimming to their "freedom" in september in northern Germany. :D
White Knight
White Knight - 7 years ago
It must have been very hard on you to bottle it up for the past 25yrs. Dustin, your sins are forgiven. Go in peace!

Let me make my own confession....... Back when i was a kid (about 7-9 yrs old) in the 80s, my mom got me a glass "goldfish" bowl to keep fishes. This is usually what happens when i go into the LFS..... i see something i like, i pester my mom or dad to buy with no clue that some fishes cannot be house together. I've kept goldfishes together with guppies and tiger barbs in there. The tiger barbs would nip on the fins of the goldfishes and guppies, eventually stressing them out and killing them. At one time i even kept neon tetras with baby angelfishes and baby oscars in there. LOL Needless to say that bowl was a constant war zone and a disaster!
Fast forward to the late 90s until today, my fishes usually die of old age and not because of mixing the wrong tank mates together, infrequent water changes or filter maintenance ~ you know the usual stuff that causes issues. We all grow up. :-)
Eva in LA
Eva in LA - 7 years ago
About 25 years ago I was admiring a pair of killifish in a pet store when the fish guy told me that if I liked those, I'd really like the saltwater fish. "First time aquarist? No problem," he said. "Let me hook you up with this 45g tall," he said. "It'll be easy," he said. Six months later I ditched the whole rig for a 55g and a handful of African cichlids. Any reef episode of "Blue Planet" is pretty much a parade of fish I've killed.
Republic Reptiles
Republic Reptiles - 7 years ago
I never should have bought (freshwater) 2 clown knives, a tiger shovelnose, a hybrid rtc x tsn, a black ghost knife fish, 2 common plecos, all of my previous african cichlids (except my kribs), and 2 chinese algae eaters. I never should have bought (saltwater) a tomato clownfish, an engineer goby, a green chromis, and a flower pot anemone. My saltwater tank in general was an entire mistake. Though now most of these are in better homes, I still have a couple and a couple of these had died.
Jose Sanchez
Jose Sanchez - 7 years ago
I have... but ill keep it to my self for some time more :(
MrMovieman174 - 7 years ago
I r3spec women (fish)

30. comment for Fishtank Tales, I ADMIT IT, Aquarium fish I killed way back

Lisa Foster
Lisa Foster - 7 years ago
Probably my copperband butterfly....
Blayde - 7 years ago
i have a aquaponics system on my 72 bowfront with lake malawi cichlids im growing marijuana in it
rustyroosterrusty - 7 years ago
I one time bred convicts and jewel cichlids in the same tank for some reason. It was a war zone. The tank was stressful to watch. I netted all of them and dug a hole. I then planted vegetables on top of them. You get the idea. I’m ashamed but the green peppers were huge.
Stealth Bobber
Stealth Bobber - 7 years ago
First fish tank age 11, a 1 gallon corner tank from petsmart. No filter, just an air stone. Had a black molly, mickey mouse platy, and like 3 neon tetras in there. Water would turn yellow in a matter of hours from fish waste and ammonia. I killed everything in a matter of a few days, despite doing like two water changes a day.
vilkas pilkas
vilkas pilkas - 7 years ago
once i bought 6 smal fish. dont even remember what it was, but when i came home i put them right in the freezer and after half an hour flushed them in the toilet. just becouse i changed my mind.
crazy shrimp lady
crazy shrimp lady - 7 years ago
Dustin is being haunted by a pacu! At least it wasn't a piranha. I heard they eat souls.
crazy shrimp lady
crazy shrimp lady - 7 years ago
Nom Nom!
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
I hear pacu eat testicles!!!
bobfal - 7 years ago
My GF came home with a goldfish from the fair a few months back with the quote "they only grow as big as the tank they are in". It's already growing at an impressive rate.
bobfal - 7 years ago
I think we used the same barber
K.D Breed
K.D Breed - 7 years ago
Yep we all killed fish:-( long time back low 90's i think i was 11-12 years my dad at this time one of the first discus breeder in europe and i also have a view tanks, they are beautifull guppys guramis cichlids my biggest tank at this time was 500L all runns nearly perfect but the lokal animalstore got new fish. I find little catfish ca. 7-10cm long named Sliurus glanis at this time i absolutly KNOW they can grow to one of the bigger freshys on earth i have to have this and take 3 at home into my cichlid tank 500L. After 2 weeks i have no ci hlids anymore but the cats duple there size and i love it but long story short end one of the cat eats the other 2 and get so big with around 120cm he shredds my tank on a long schoolday and died before i came home. Yes at this time i am a total idiot!!
ArkTiger4c - 7 years ago
You were lucky Dustin when i was a kid my parents werent that financially well off from an immigrant family they couldnt afford an aquarium for me my first attempt of keeping creatures was an empty ice cream container of spiders that i collected around the house i would feed them & watch them for hours day i forgot to put the lid back on back on & after that my parents some how found the money to buy me an aquarium TANK ON PEOPLE
matt ellis
matt ellis - 7 years ago
Im only a year into the hobby so im learning from yall mistakes.
Wakin Goldfish
Wakin Goldfish - 7 years ago
First time hearing you talk without being irritated. Keep it up!
Savigirl 12
Savigirl 12 - 7 years ago
Ha, just cause you are funny Dustin, I will admit mine.. I killed a huge koi angel fish named "Turkey" I had him in a 40 gallon hex. I loved him but he was mean and I couldnt keep anything with him cause he such an ahole. It was my first try at having a dirted tank and I dumped a bunch of dirty sand from the beach in his tank without cleaning it. He didnt like that... and a made him live in turkey... :( and when I was like 12 years old and had like 3 fish tanks I thought it was fun to catch the fish with the net and move them from one tank to another and they all got sick and died...
Savigirl 12
Savigirl 12 - 7 years ago
Stevebomer Ha a few reasons. He had a deformed mouth, it looked more like a beak. He came from Walmart... (i felt bad for him). His personality and looks reminded me of a psycho rabbid inbred turkey (if that even exhists lol) Also he had an awesome long dark orange marking under his mouth. He was addicted to eating earth worms and refused everthing else..(probley shouldn't a fed him those) He would swim around with the worm in his mouth and the bigger the worm the better. It would slap the sides of him and he was happiest when he had a worm to kill that pissed him off.
Early on I put a beautiful female in hoping he would mate with her he chased her so hard she tried to swim under a boulder and died. She only lasted in hour with him...
Stevebomer - 7 years ago
Lmao why the name "Turkey"?
John Hopkins
John Hopkins - 7 years ago
I had a school of turquoise rainbows in a 75, one day the dominant male died that I had had for a long time. His successor turned out to be a huge jerk. I watched him bully everyone all day long for like four months (didnt have another tank to move him), then one day I saw him kill one of the other rainbows, I was furious. The next day I found a second dead rainbow. I lost it, I caught him in the net and flushed him down the toilet. I felt bad... I have a septic system, must have been an awful death.
Patar5000 - 7 years ago
i had 2 amazing African butterfly fish, i also have 5 dogs... both jumped out the back end of the tank by the filter and ended up being dog food. was so sad haha
Christian Pilie
Christian Pilie - 7 years ago
Wild Bluegill. His name is Spike. Got him as a baby (2in) and threw him in a 55 with African Cichids and Bala Sharks. He beat the crap out of them and ate the Bala sharks whole within 4 days. Claimed the whole tank to himself. For now he’s in a 40 gallon by himself until I can get him a proper setup. Gotta wait till I can pay my roommate back for his cichlids and Bala sharks though... sorry for killing your fish Zach.
Julian Ortega
Julian Ortega - 7 years ago
I was about 12 and had a 20 gallon tall with a red tailed shark, a bala shark, a common pleco and later added a dragon fish. The dragon fish didn't last very long on account of there being 0 salt in the water. The red tail killed the bala and later died for unknown causes (probably bad water.) The pleco lasted the longest growing to about 8 or 10 inches before likely being stunted and dying in my 20 gallon tall. Never bought another common pleco though.
Da Bellman Zoo
Da Bellman Zoo - 7 years ago
Dude too many stories but my best one would be a 20 gallon long with a blue Channel cat and Oscar and an alligator gar now the Oscar and alligator gar when they got too big for the 20 gallon long which wasn't that much time I gave back to the pet shop the blue Channel cat I thought I was doing it a favor when I released it into the local Creek who knows what happened to it but I guarantee the water quality in that nasty tank of mine was probably better than that Creek wow you're right I do feel better thanks Doc Dusty tank on brother
Nike Swoosh
Nike Swoosh - 7 years ago
Tiger Barbs hated my fairly new tank. Dropped like flys in the first few days. Tried again later with more....same result. I bet they’d like my tank now though. Just no room to try. One day...
iqbalrc - 7 years ago
can't say i ever took a fish to the baby seal clubbin' shack, but that don't make me any better than you....hell, i prolly would have cried like Travis when he had to off old yeller! i did have to wrassle a 30"+ arowana in my underwear that busted out the top of a 90 show that i crammed him in.........100% my fault but he had to go. that lil' d rockin' the t-neck and rag top is one bad mutha...shut yo mouth!

50. comment for Fishtank Tales, I ADMIT IT, Aquarium fish I killed way back

Jeowasnt HERE
Jeowasnt HERE - 7 years ago
I bought a African water frog and boi was i not ready I was 8 when I got her I got a tank and she was healthy I took good care of her but but BUT I got the wrong tank u see um my tank was a two or three gallon vertical tank and it had a bubbler so I thought its fine it cool and the bubbler ran up a pipe thing it was transparent so we can see if anything was wrong with it and one day I came from school to feed her and to my surprise she was health and happy on a fake plastic leaf ok fast forward a bit to lets say 8:00 or 12:00 I went to check her out I didnt see here I was wondering where she was so I asked everyone in the house "where's my frog" and they replied with y would I touch that so I came back and remember about how that clear pipe was in water and ment for the bubbler yah um she got stuck and I tried to get her out and long story short she broke her leg and me the 8 year old decided to leave her on the plastic leaf and then died the next morning because she drowned her leaf wasn't stable so she fell in and coukdent swim up so she drowned and I cried for a month her name was froga btw
J. D.
J. D. - 7 years ago
Common pleco back in the day when they were a dime a dozen, took him to a LFS once he reached a solid foot long. Fast forward 30 some years... moved back to my hometown and took my sister's kids to the LFS to cash in on their free goldfish tickets. Had to upgrade that 10 gallon pretty quick, 4 years later I'm planning on getting a pond for them... they're huge! Never let feeder goldfish grow up, they eat everything... but they've grown on me so I guess I'm stuck for about 20 some more years... geez! lol
shayna cope
shayna cope - 7 years ago
1993 I was 12 had a 5g. With a piranha feed him worms from my grandfathers garden thanks for another great video
Brant - 7 years ago
Bit off more then you can chew..... lol . Learn from your mistakes, that's all we got. I've got a 180 and want a dovii sooooo bad but I know 300 at minimum and a 600 is better. I do want a pacu, need a pond for those or RTC, aripama. We all gots are dreams, sounds like once you're greenhouse gets going you can have it all. You've earned it, stay green dustin!
Mary Combs
Mary Combs - 7 years ago
I had a koi that was about a foot long, he lived in a good sized pond about 200 gallons. But in the winter when I moved from home my mom put him in a 30-35 gallon tank so he wouldn’t freeze outside . Yep he didn’t last long. He was so big he couldn’t turn around in the tank.
Demorius Ford
Demorius Ford - 7 years ago
Can you do how to setup a fry tank
DogHumpsMonkey - 7 years ago
I learned about cycling a tank by watching my fish dissolve. A lot of fish. So many fish. But cheer up, dude. At least you grew into those teeth! Not that I should be saying anything, at that age I looked like that fuckin’ kid from Bad Santa
Jon Fox
Jon Fox - 7 years ago
I got to Piranhas from Canada and I was moving and I let my brother have them and he fed them everything until the exploded PS don't ever your brother your fish
Seth Pennel
Seth Pennel - 7 years ago
The Sam fish only in a bigger tank an in slower death Let them go in a small pond
Juan Palacios
Juan Palacios - 7 years ago
chinese algae eater
Vicki K
Vicki K - 7 years ago
LMAO@ the cute little Pacu
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
Evil boy
Raymond Flannery
Raymond Flannery - 7 years ago
A Red Belly Freakin Pirahna and I screwed up as well by “delaying” water changes
Bronwyn Lines
Bronwyn Lines - 7 years ago
Bahahaha Dusty shrink session
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
Thanks doc
Victor Cocco
Victor Cocco - 7 years ago
Fireball newt , he always got free crawled all over the house .
Glen Livet
Glen Livet - 7 years ago
JGO - 7 years ago
I had 3 Oscars in a 29 long tank I also had African chiclids in with my grouamis not good the tank was to small and we lost power in. Michigan and they died the grouami held out for a couple of days after but soon also died
Aqua addict
Aqua addict - 7 years ago
Me during watching this I'm 12 and I have a 120 gallon fish tank in my room and I am about some more big tanks and two huge ponds cool to see the young dusty well the fish I shouldn't of bought was a brackish water pufferfish that I had in true freshwater and that is what I was told its a freshwater fish it will be fine till I did delayed research and noticed my problem it live for I day and like 10 hours and it laid dead on the bottom of my 20 gallon fish tank but now I keep monster tanks with huge fish and I want my second chance with that puffer and I hope to do so on my birthday this year
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
Bring it man!
Clearwater Beach Home search Merry Donovan
Clearwater Beach Home search Merry Donovan - 7 years ago
Wow. That's so depressing
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
Imagine it you were me
Nikki The Fox
Nikki The Fox - 7 years ago
Guppies. Never again.

Started with 2 and ended up with thousands... like they say don't put things in the wild (being an environmentalist I now know that) but they ended up in a man made lagoon... but we have no natural occurring freshwater here (except swamps) so I really don't think they could habe done anything.
bobfal - 7 years ago
I found adding a few barbs soon solved this predicament.
Kolton D
Kolton D - 7 years ago
I’ve had a handful for about a month, no spawning yet
Nikki The Fox
Nikki The Fox - 7 years ago
J. D. Lol! I cringe at the word! Personally most seem to like to huddle at the top which kinda makes me think they don't make an attractive tank.
J. D.
J. D. - 7 years ago
guppies are the reason i now hate livebearers
Zane Rowland
Zane Rowland - 7 years ago
I actually just had to flush my blue lobster. He was fine for about a month until one day I came home and my angelfish was torn to shreds. Needless to say, he had to go before he got my other angel.
WolfN Crows
WolfN Crows - 7 years ago
I bought a bala shark for my 10 gallon. In that same tank I also bought a pleco. The common pleco. Both had to die. This was before I knew anything. But before that I had two channel catfish and a bluegill in my 10 gallon. Now these days I do my research and try to make sure my mom doesn’t buy random fish.
Alpha Aquarium
Alpha Aquarium - 7 years ago
I have a confession to make.. I too had a sweet bowl cut.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
Viola Hops a lot i had an amazing bowlcut- I would get it again
Everyday Fish Keeper
Everyday Fish Keeper - 7 years ago
HA! me too
MISTER DABILINA - 7 years ago
Same here
Alpha Aquarium
Alpha Aquarium - 7 years ago
Viola Hops a lot nice! Really hoping they make a comeback lol
Viola Hops a lot
Viola Hops a lot - 7 years ago
Alpha Aquarium I had one too ( bowl cut) when I was young. And I was a GIRL!
Dw Dwdoe
Dw Dwdoe - 7 years ago
I flushed a ghost shrimp down the toilet while alive because he was attacking and eating my cherry shrimps
Dw Dwdoe
Dw Dwdoe - 7 years ago
50cents ill never get back
Who said Aqua?
Who said Aqua? - 7 years ago
D man I’m 12 I’m planning in the long run
Who said Aqua?
Who said Aqua? - 7 years ago
I got a Oscar and power fed him in a 10gallon and he went to the Ohio fish rescue.
NuKeD Koala
NuKeD Koala - 7 years ago
I’m only 14 and my biggest mistake was putting my 6” blood parrot in with 3 goldfish in a 50 gallon tank. The blood parrot killed all of the goldfish. Now I still have that exact blood parrot and he’s doing amazing in my 90 gallon tank with my Oscar, convict, sun catfish, and Senegal bichir
nays needle
nays needle - 7 years ago
When I was maybe twelve? my little brother swapped one of his toys for a friend's fish tank and gave it to me for Christmas... awww. I got two goldfish and put them in there with some gravel and plastic plants. When the water started to look nasty I would put the goldfish in a bowl of water, take as much water out of the tank as I could, take the tank to the kitchen and scrub the whole thing until it was nice and clean again, including the gravel. Then I would take the tank back to my room, put it back on my piano and refill it with nice clean water, and put the fish back in. No filter, no dechlorinator. I didn't know about those. Amazingly the fish survived about six months.
That Jmister Kid
That Jmister Kid - 7 years ago
I bought 5 discus and they told me to only feed them bloodworms...they lasted a month
World Wolf
World Wolf - 7 years ago
Nice torture thread, hence the comments.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
People are in pain
Ethan Johnson
Ethan Johnson - 7 years ago
I put a crawdad from a nearby pond in a 20 gal where over night it managed to kill almost all of my fish
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
Been there
Matthew Davis
Matthew Davis - 7 years ago
I kept a betta fish in a 10 gallon aquarium with three Cory cats, the betta fish ended up picking all the fins off of one of the fish. I put the betta fish alone in a 1 gallon aquarium, and the Cory cat is still kicking without most of its fins missing. I feel so guilty all the time, should have moved the betta sooner
Eric Konkol
Eric Konkol - 7 years ago
I bought discus when I was 12. That was a big mistake. One died within a week, another died a year and a half later, and the final one died three years after that.
Eric Konkol
Eric Konkol - 7 years ago
I've had a few tetras over the years that have had twisted spines that slowly got worse. When they couldn't swim anymore, I'd net them and pinch their heads off. I don't know if that was because of my water quality, or a genetic thing, but it has never happened to more than one fish at a time.
Alex Osuna
Alex Osuna - 7 years ago
2 goldfish, amonnia spikes wouldnt kill em, so i had to get the turtle to do it, bloody mess, shouldve never happened
EDIT: I also, before killing the 2 goldies, had bought a bichir! Yes, and they were all living very uncomfortably in a 3 gallon tank. Suffice it to say the bichir died after realizing that it wouldnt eat any food that wasnt alive
james h
james h - 7 years ago
I remember when I was really young I spotted a freshwater shrimp that I just had to have at the LFS. Well it was bright red, grew claws and about 2 inches long. I started seeing dead fish it the tank and they were split and gutted. So I transferred it to the only available tank which held a wild caught perch. Few weeks went by and I noticed a "ghost" of the shrimp. Oop's turns out the shrimp was a crayfish and it molted. I'm guessing the perch liked his lobster dinner. LOL
Mad Fish Diva
Mad Fish Diva - 7 years ago
Bless your heart. As we say in the south.
Babar Tahir
Babar Tahir - 7 years ago
Justin I serviced tanks for a guy long time ago.
There was a company with a community tank in the reception, I added a sm pacu to it, knowing it would get too big. When it grew to about 5-6" the owner was impressed. Told him it would keep growing, perhaps take it out or it would need another tank. Set up 2nd tank in his office, no decor, light, just filter & water. It kept growing & he would show it to people that came to his office. After a few month he lost interest & it still kept growing. This client was taking more & more of my time, Pacu kept growing & growing.
suggest to get rid of it, told him had a bigger tank for it. I really don't have bigger tank, pet store wouldn't take it, it was like little over 2 feet by now. I realized all this as I was heading back to my car with it. what I did was get a really big net & smashed it in the parking lot a few times until it finally died.
I felt bad killing it like that (or at all) bs I knew better. So there, I got it off my chest too, lol.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
Jesus- I am not alone- wow. Sucks - I will redeem us with a pacu vat!!
Mocha Shaka Khan
Mocha Shaka Khan - 7 years ago
Bought a pearl gourami for my 20g long tank with a betta, a mollly, and a guppie. Had to put him down cause everyone in the tank feared him, he basically had most of the space to himself.
DReis 7
DReis 7 - 7 years ago
Once I had a juvenile black bullhead catfish with about 12 or 15 small fancy goldfish in a 50L tank, in 3 day the bullhead ate their eyes and fins but he left them alive ... in the end I had to flush them all...
The #1 Kill Joy
The #1 Kill Joy - 7 years ago
When i first started out as a kid i went through my fair share of goldfish (unintentionally) as my LFS choice was a garden centre or a chain pet store ( we have 'pets at home' in the UK) and they only care about money so they were like, yeah sure put 2 fancy goldfish in a 3 gallon. I later got a 15 gallon, but still massively overstocked it and had many a problem before i hit the age where i started to learn more about fish keeping and got into it properly.
CREAM 757 - 7 years ago
I bought the same as you. Red belly pacu, in a 55. Still have him.... he made me buy a 225 haha.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
CREAM 757 ha ha that is tight
GracesObsessions - 7 years ago
Hehe 7 months ago I got back into fish keeping after 6 years(was seven when I had my first fish) and I figured that you buy a tank, filter, decor, food, that’s it. They lived for two months and eventually died because I didn’t condition the water, and every month I would scrub EVERYTHING including decor and gravel and the filter cartridge. Those mollies, platys, goldfish, and betta died a painful death. I know better now and currently have 3 tanks that I preform weekly water changes on.
Baby Tear Gardens
Baby Tear Gardens - 7 years ago
I used to have 3 Oranda goldfish in a 55 gallon. I basically went down in flames. I took very good care of them and they still died. I would never consider keeping them again unless I had them in a 210 or something like that.
Hope Z
Hope Z - 7 years ago
Bought a Senegal bichir... Didn't go well
Jizzy Jay
Jizzy Jay - 7 years ago
I was hella into tanks before cars n girls hahaha
One Step Ahead
One Step Ahead - 7 years ago
I Bought a red tailed black shark that killed 30 other fish over night, I flushed him still alive.
DReis 7
DReis 7 - 7 years ago
wow that's sick
Mr. Bill
Mr. Bill - 7 years ago
thankfully the statute of limitations has passed lol
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
I dont feel good about it
Rich's Fishes
Rich's Fishes - 7 years ago
man I thought I was big time during those years when I moved up to a 29 gallon tank! A 55 at that age was a dream of mine!
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
Rich's Fishes haha- first 55 is special
Seth Westmoreland
Seth Westmoreland - 7 years ago
Bought not one, not two but three oscars and jammed them into a 100 gallon with three silver dollars, two convict cichlids and a partridge in a pear tree....needless to say after about two months of having to do constant water changes something had to give!
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
Seth Westmoreland perfect
Daniel Dulu
Daniel Dulu - 7 years ago
I unsubscribed, I am so scandalised I do not know how I can go on respecting you. Just kidding. I had a 20 gallon quite a few years ago and I got myself a feeder goldfish to break in the tank. Yes that is wrong. It gets worse, The room I had it in was too hot, no AC and that fish finally died when the combination of dirty water ( water changes?) and a constant high temperature did it in. I am much better at fish keeping now thanks to you.
Travis Ptack
Travis Ptack - 7 years ago
Common pleco long story

100. comment for Fishtank Tales, I ADMIT IT, Aquarium fish I killed way back

Omid Saranj
Omid Saranj - 7 years ago
Neon tetras........never again lol
bobfal - 7 years ago
How come I've always fancied some neons
Lisa Peterson
Lisa Peterson - 7 years ago
I second that!
Jeff Schmid
Jeff Schmid - 7 years ago
toolhog10 - 7 years ago
My parents put a tiny pond in the backyard and didnt want to put fish in it. So, I went fishing in the river and brought a couple decent sized bass home. They lasted overnight and in the morning they were found dead outside from jumping out.
XoePro - 7 years ago
Yo D, if I get some plants could you throw in some duckweed and salvinia?
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
XoePro duckweed
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
XoePro ja
Cody - 7 years ago
Very similar story for me, except it was a baby iguana... I had no knowledge on they're needs and it got very sick. Story ends same as yours... Worst fish mistake I've made was stocking my first serious planted tank with Buenos aires tetras... They devoured every plant to the stem within a few days.
Liz Ward
Liz Ward - 7 years ago
Stupidest thing I have done is believed the LFS that betta fish don't need any maintenance , filtration or heater, Naive me put said betta fish in direct sunlight in the middle of an aussie summer 35+ Celcius (95+ F). Needles to say My betta died. Still haven't learnt apparently when I started with guppies the LFS said i did't need to separate the pregnant females, 2 weeks later they drop fry. The fun of being a beginner. Hey Dustin. I have had a major hard time growing java moss, I am currently growing an anubias as a floater ( all good there), Just the java moss hmmm. Love the content. Thanks from down under
Stevebomer - 7 years ago
Same here, I somehow managed to kill java moss, never mind not growing it.
The Hand Of Truth
The Hand Of Truth - 7 years ago
Liz Ward For some reason Java moss doesn’t grow well in my tank either. Do you have any Siamese Algae Eaters or any other fish that scrapes the hardscape?
Roger Dedham
Roger Dedham - 7 years ago
I killed an A hole Chinese algae eater 7 years ago. He wasn't sick I just hated him and no LFS in the area that would take unwanted fish. I feel bad today,but back then I did what was best for my community tank.
Speedy Outdoors fun fish tank fun
Speedy Outdoors fun fish tank fun - 7 years ago
lol mine got killed by my 2 year old bother got to the 5 gallon quarnee tank and fed fed fed,
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
they are such cruel fish
Crustacean Kyle
Crustacean Kyle - 7 years ago
I did the same thing. Bought a young pacu and put it in my 44 gallon with a female convict cichlid. To be fair, his death wasn't necessarily my fault, since he wasn't moving very well in the first place when I bought him. But I did contribute to a miserable death. The convict would nip his scales off, and he was so weak, he got stuck on my filter's suction intake thing. It's gonna stick in my head for as long as I live
John Crowell
John Crowell - 7 years ago
Same for me pacu, only I had two in a 55!
Robbin Yahood
Robbin Yahood - 7 years ago
around the same age a 20 or 30 gal with two male betta. The one bullied the other so bad that he hid in the filter all day. So i decided to get some goldfish and those gold fish massacred the one betta that didnt hide. Eventually my mom got tired if the fish and she turned the heater up, which eventually killed all of my fish. sad day
Aesyir - 7 years ago
Man your mom sounds like a mean person.
John Phillips
John Phillips - 7 years ago
I had "Chinese Snake Heads" Back in the 80's, 3 of them. Could not afford to feed them when they got huge(i was 18) could not give them away to anyone, so......... I put them in a bucket and left them outside in a cold Washington State winter, took two days to die. I make better choices now( for the most part lol)
Jeff’s Aquatics
Jeff’s Aquatics - 7 years ago
Oh yes the pacu. I have a similar story. Mine was the size of a quarter when I got it from Walmart. I did research found out they eat nuts in the wild. So I got a bag of Spanish peanuts. Broke them up at first so it could eat them. 2 years later I have this 14” monster in my 55. I moved him to my outside pond and he never made it back inside, Before it got too cold for him. If only I would of had a larger aquarium to keep him in. He was a good fish.
sean mulhall
sean mulhall - 7 years ago
the stupidest/worst thing i ever did with/to a fish was i hade a 12 inch redtail that died i walked to the end of my dock were a very large largmouth bass lives this guy is a monster i through the redtail catfish in the pond so he can eat it and as soon as it hits the water it swims away into the depths of my spring fed lake keep in mind that redtail was flooting at the top of the aquarium and was not breathing didnt resist when i picked it up or anytime on the 5 minute walk down to the lake. so yeah i wonder if its still alive
theajtruth - 7 years ago
sean mulhall Ha! It tricked you
Fabian Szabo
Fabian Szabo - 7 years ago
i had some upside-down catfish (no i am not talking about dead catfish) [Synodontis], literally didnt want to come out for food and ate my plants until i messed up the whole aquarium to get them out, i somehow left one in there and found him when i rescaped the tank, i have to admit that i ended his life just as fast as i bought him
Charles Bruno
Charles Bruno - 7 years ago
Dustin YOU ROCK but eagles fly high in Philadelphia PA
abraham daniel
abraham daniel - 7 years ago
I bought oscar right before hurricane sandy and u could understand what happened mid storm
Daniel Dulu
Daniel Dulu - 7 years ago
steve lacanne
steve lacanne - 7 years ago
abraham daniel You had to eat him otherwise you wouldve starved to death?
joel maldonado
joel maldonado - 7 years ago
had some feeder fish(goldfish) and they survived and got to big. I mean like 6 to 8 inched big. They where overcrowding the tank so I flushed them. one by one.
Glen Livet
Glen Livet - 7 years ago
Lmao! Now that's savage!
Kyles Wild World
Kyles Wild World - 7 years ago
omg god damn it man lol
joel maldonado
joel maldonado - 7 years ago
abraham daniel the first one was scary. But with each flush it gets easier.
abraham daniel
abraham daniel - 7 years ago
joel maldonado thats depressing
Heather - Varuna Aquatics
Heather - Varuna Aquatics - 7 years ago
Glad you feel better, that is quite a confession!
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
Heather - Varuna Aquatics thanks doc
Rion Barnes
Rion Barnes - 7 years ago
First comment!

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