Four Male Betta Fish in the Same Tank

Two of the Betta have passed, due to the alpha of the group. It seemed that the darker in blue the Betta & the smaller, the least aggressive. The more red, the more dominant instinct. 20 gallon tank. I look back and wish I had separated the dominant from the others. They probably would've gotten along real well. Broke my heart. The smallest one died first and he was the most friendly of the group and my favorite. Now, he's in fishy heaven.

Four Male Betta Fish in the Same Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 39

Betta 12 years ago 6,815 views

Two of the Betta have passed, due to the alpha of the group. It seemed that the darker in blue the Betta & the smaller, the least aggressive. The more red, the more dominant instinct. 20 gallon tank. I look back and wish I had separated the dominant from the others. They probably would've gotten along real well. Broke my heart. The smallest one died first and he was the most friendly of the group and my favorite. Now, he's in fishy heaven.

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Most popular comments
for Four Male Betta Fish in the Same Tank

haze 4293
haze 4293 - 7 years ago
the one rule with these guys is don't put males together and you did so and some died then in your comments say it broke your heart.. how stupid can you be? even when you make a vid of these fish you can see they are all fucked up n beaten.. didn't think maybe it wasnt a good idea?
Betta_ KeePer
Betta_ KeePer - 7 years ago
Those are either crown tails or there fins are fucked up
TimmyME - 7 years ago
That's horrible!
Amy K
Amy K - 7 years ago
you're an A hole. capital A
neomi beavers
neomi beavers - 8 years ago
It looks like they've shredded each other's fins, my dude. It may be healthier for them not to be in the little puddles most keep them, but these are some stressed out fish.
Alicia c
Alicia c - 8 years ago
I wish they could just get along then it would be so much easier
Alicia c
Alicia c - 8 years ago
They ripped each other apart
Cheyanne Henderson
Cheyanne Henderson - 8 years ago
well we see how well this turned out. this is ridiculous
David B
David B - 9 years ago
Broke your heart? Your heart will get along well with your broken brain now.

10. comment for Four Male Betta Fish in the Same Tank

meroko15701 - 10 years ago
I don't have the money to buy an individual tank for my two male betta and I thought the one had died in my 29 gallon so I didn't think anything of it so I threw my other male in there two. Well, both male betta were alive, and they don't attack each other? No tears on their fins, and they will swim next to each other. 
Melissa Keoprasa
Melissa Keoprasa - 11 years ago
No more fish for me! They take a lot more work than I'd anticipated, but I do love them nonetheless.
halfmoonblu - 11 years ago
This is the most idiotic and cruel betta setup I've seen on YouTube. Animal cruelty, plain and simple. A one gallon tank for each would be WAY more humane than this. You should not be allowed to have fish. Period.
jonny carrington
jonny carrington - 11 years ago
hey in their native habitat they have to survive and advance, with other male bettas around. I think thats what keep them more fit and natural I have 4 bettas too and it like one is the alpha male in the fall in to rank after that as long as their several hide place they do us fine and the do mellow out after awhile
Katie Pazdra
Katie Pazdra - 7 years ago
jonny carrington z
neomi beavers
neomi beavers - 8 years ago
Imagine four bettas in one several hundred gallon tank. That's what it's like for bettas in their natural habitat.
Melissa Keoprasa
Melissa Keoprasa - 11 years ago
Agreed, but it is a much better environment than what they were exposed to, in those little pint sized containers! I was going to keep them all in individual 1 gallon tanks, but that was cruel to me. So, I figured, let's try keeping them together. I can't afford a 5 gallon tank for each individual fish...
HaZey I
HaZey I - 11 years ago
its great they survived but there all chewed up, look at the fins, the tank is just large enough for the loser to escape thats why none of them have died but other than that ur still putting them through stress and torture...
Melissa Keoprasa
Melissa Keoprasa - 11 years ago
They're alive and well. They're getting along and have mellowed out a lot.
wandaywang - 11 years ago
how long did they live together for?

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