Patreon Link to the fish tank Today I get a baby betta fish for my new 3-gallon tank Fish tank wish list: Instagram SnapChat thejimmotion Patreon :) Josh James Jenny Ashley John Mattew Larry Gavin These people help me so much :) Sponsors for this video NONE Want your name on the back of my fish tank?

GETTING NEW BETTA FISH!! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 63

Betta 7 years ago 67,144 views

Patreon Link to the fish tank Today I get a baby betta fish for my new 3-gallon tank Fish tank wish list: Instagram SnapChat thejimmotion Patreon :) Josh James Jenny Ashley John Mattew Larry Gavin These people help me so much :) Sponsors for this video NONE Want your name on the back of my fish tank?

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Most popular comments

Anand Choudhary
Anand Choudhary - 7 years ago
Maung Aye Tun UU
Maung Aye Tun UU - 7 years ago
I also have this type and colour of Beta.
Totalchaos 360
Totalchaos 360 - 7 years ago
It’s a female and he called it a him
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Tanks :)
ItsAnnaLouise - 7 years ago
I got a baby one from petco as well about two weeks ago
Sloth tv
Sloth tv - 7 years ago
Hey I have a question. Can you put 1 betta, and 3 mollies in a 10 gallon?
Sloth tv
Sloth tv - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Monkeyman gaming
Monkeyman gaming - 7 years ago
Instead of cherry I though about skittle
Eva Kahn
Eva Kahn - 7 years ago
Small Pond Fishing
Small Pond Fishing - 7 years ago

10. comment for GETTING NEW BETTA FISH!!

robloxgamer_ _6578
robloxgamer_ _6578 - 7 years ago
Rocket Gamer
Rocket Gamer - 7 years ago
Cameron Park
Cameron Park - 7 years ago
Emma St.pierre
Emma St.pierre - 7 years ago
Niranjana Savdekar
Niranjana Savdekar - 7 years ago
Lucas Teves
Lucas Teves - 7 years ago
francesco scognamiglio
francesco scognamiglio - 7 years ago
Gh e kh for betta?
francesco scognamiglio
francesco scognamiglio - 7 years ago
And ph
Dragon Killer
Dragon Killer - 7 years ago
So I'm going to put a betta in a 5 gallon. Is there any tank mates. He is pretty peaceful. I'm asking cause it looks like you have maybe platies with them? Or are those mollies?
Aaron 12345king
Aaron 12345king - 7 years ago
Hey! Jerrys my Berta’s name
Laurie Hardin
Laurie Hardin - 7 years ago
Hello random person looking at the comments
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
lol hi

20. comment for GETTING NEW BETTA FISH!!

Yaleimie Pagan
Yaleimie Pagan - 7 years ago
This video was adorable ❤
Raymond Yu - Corsair PS (1359)
Raymond Yu - Corsair PS (1359) - 7 years ago
i am getting a betta fish!!! oct 15 2017
Denise Girmer
Denise Girmer - 7 years ago
Where do u get your tank lights that clip on? Love them
Brigett Robbins
Brigett Robbins - 7 years ago
Love all your tanks dude
Atomic - 7 years ago
James I got a baby betta with the same colors as urs but it's a girl
Gamalier Perez-Torres
Gamalier Perez-Torres - 7 years ago
He's soooooooo cute !!! He looks just like you !!!
Gamer BøyYT
Gamer BøyYT - 7 years ago
Simply Lydia
Simply Lydia - 7 years ago
I respect you. you are one of the few people who give there animals proper care .your animals are all really lucky . Don't listen to any negativity . I hope your Chanel gets bigger .
Christine Joy Apostol
Christine Joy Apostol - 7 years ago
Aww he's so cute!
Awesome tanks!!
Gray and Ethan Mendes
Gray and Ethan Mendes - 7 years ago
Dude, u r really cute lol
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
+lol fun awe thanks!

30. comment for GETTING NEW BETTA FISH!!

Tony Kart Racer
Tony Kart Racer - 7 years ago
Bettas are best fish! :)
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
+Tony Kart Racer ayyy ikr
Alrighty Donuts
Alrighty Donuts - 7 years ago
Is a 0.9 gallon tank ok for a betta? I'm getting one soon but all the other tanks in the petstore near my house are smaller than that
Mark Cena
Mark Cena - 7 years ago
What are you using for that tank setup?
LegitPewdiepieMemerForKids_ VeryHEALTHYAutism
LegitPewdiepieMemerForKids_ VeryHEALTHYAutism - 7 years ago
What kind of tank is that baby. Etta tank
Hope Watson
Hope Watson - 7 years ago
you make the world betta. what legend in the community man
Pahoua Lee
Pahoua Lee - 7 years ago
Male betta don't make bubble nest when you got other fish in there plus u got no female
Guadalupe Simental
Guadalupe Simental - 7 years ago
All of my bettas make bubble mess
Atomic - 7 years ago
Savanna Langford
Savanna Langford - 7 years ago
I just got an elephant ear betta like an hour ago and its a red blue and a very light mint and I named him Kyros!!!
yezlin lopez
yezlin lopez - 7 years ago
Gabriel King
Gabriel King - 7 years ago
Where Do you get your fish fry
Caroline Salpeck
Caroline Salpeck - 7 years ago
You should get a nerite snail! IMO they are much prettier than mystery snails and don't get quite as large :) they usually come in the zebra or tiger shell variations!
Jersie Manila
Jersie Manila - 7 years ago
English Fool
KylaJThomas - 7 years ago
Alex Solache
Alex Solache - 7 years ago
My betta is the same way, he hasn't made any bubble nests yet and he ven thinks his food is an enemy! ( he still eats.)
Mash Bridges
Mash Bridges - 7 years ago
溫帥 - 7 years ago
Taiwans fans it's so cute
Kaeli G.
Kaeli G. - 7 years ago
You can also train them to follow your finger/ gentle taps on the glass. My betta is terrible at finding the food before it falls, so I always do this to help him.
Alejandra Fantasy
Alejandra Fantasy - 7 years ago
I have the same tank, I just had to put tape under the thingy from making noise against my desk ( 2 : 50 )
Betta Beauties
Betta Beauties - 7 years ago
Omega one brand flakes are good too -easy to crush
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
+Betta Beauties ikr :)

50. comment for GETTING NEW BETTA FISH!!

Betta Beauties
Betta Beauties - 7 years ago
You can put a bit of nylon stocking over the filter intake if you don't want to buy a sponge cover. I get my stockings for free when I try shoes at Payless ;)
Tommy Black
Tommy Black - 7 years ago
I agree. I got a Fluval 306 external filter. It does a fine job, but the gaps in the intake are too wide. One of my pandas perished in it, and two galaxy rasboras (very tiny fishes) were sucked right into the filter, poor things. I rescued them and they are doing fine. I put a porous mesh cloth over the intake. A bit of nylon stocking would do fine.
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
thats a great idea tanks :)
Catz - 7 years ago
Relatable, I went to petco to get a few guppies, and I ended up leaving with a baby Berta ( girl ) right now she has dark pink fins and a white body that's tinted light pink. Her name is Rosie. ( She goes nuts every time I go up to her tank, she eats like a pig lol )
TheArtCollective102 - 7 years ago
#cherrythebetta I saw the comment
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Mary Jones
Mary Jones - 7 years ago
He is so hot
Mohammed Miah
Mohammed Miah - 7 years ago
u should feed him fish flakes like crush it and sprinkle some they will eat it very easily and when he grows then u can feed him the palette
Lubna Sadeq
Lubna Sadeq - 7 years ago
Oh Almost Forgot His Color is Blue And Black
Lubna Sadeq
Lubna Sadeq - 7 years ago
I Have A Betta Hes Name Is Godzilla :-) Today Thanks Mom And Dad IMMMMMMM SOOOOOOOO HAPPPPPPPPPPY :-) :D
Lily Stilwell
Lily Stilwell - 7 years ago
Zack _181818
Zack _181818 - 7 years ago
Tasha Clarke
Tasha Clarke - 7 years ago
My life as Niamh Smith
My life as Niamh Smith - 7 years ago
When I added shrimp to my guppy tank the shrimp grabbed one of the guppies and pulled it down. The shrimp killed the guppy.
verrrr1 - 7 years ago
that pellet is too big for that betta, you should try and feed them dried blood worms
Thatsjust _her
Thatsjust _her - 7 years ago
You should do meet all my pets
Monkey BoyBrain
Monkey BoyBrain - 7 years ago
Elizabeth Thompson
Elizabeth Thompson - 7 years ago
there is special food for babies
Abel Dominguez
Abel Dominguez - 7 years ago
When I got my Betta fish he wasn't doing anything and I don't know what's going on can anyone help? when I put them in a tank you right away I went down to the bottom of the tank
Abel Dominguez
Abel Dominguez - 7 years ago
Thats so skye
Thats so skye - 7 years ago
emdoesit :p
emdoesit :p - 7 years ago
James!! The blue shrimp would look insanely cool in you're new tank, BUT that's a 1.5 gallon (from what I can tell, I didn't get to watch the whole video haha), not even the technical minimum for 1 betta. I would leave the betta alone, aside from maybe a snail. Just be careful to not overstock it !!!
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
its 3 gallons .... bettas need 2.5 gal plus he is a baby
Zestro - 7 years ago
#cherry the betta
Aura Fish
Aura Fish - 7 years ago
when i got a baby betta, i had to crush her pellets for a LONG while. if you don't wanna hafta crush up food, i had a tiny betta that could only eat New Life Spectrum's Grow pellets(and they helped her get bigger, too!)
Jonathan Sliwa
Jonathan Sliwa - 7 years ago
I keep my beta in a 2 gallon and he has plent of space
Shaina Kristjanson
Shaina Kristjanson - 7 years ago
omg ur betta is sooooo cute
Nicole Marie
Nicole Marie - 7 years ago
Yeah that's a female veiltail
Nicole Marie
Nicole Marie - 7 years ago
Pretty sure that's a lady beta
Josh _
Josh _ - 7 years ago
Wookah - 7 years ago
Uno Drinks Bleach Because Of Shane
Uno Drinks Bleach Because Of Shane - 7 years ago
For some reason I want to be a fish I can live in your beautiful tanks
karla sugey
karla sugey - 7 years ago
Im a month late :/ but #CherryTheBetta
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Its all good #jfam
Diana Monroy
Diana Monroy - 7 years ago
How in the world do your parents let you do this!? Im 19 and my parents were kinda weirded out because i got fish and things when i bought it myself...seriously whats your secret
misterTVman - 7 years ago
I feed my females and baby Bettas micro pellets, they can eat it better, it's sold right next to the regular Betta pellets normally at Petco.
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
awesome tanks
Kyle Serdan
Kyle Serdan - 7 years ago
I think he's a veiltail
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Idk yet
Keganne Keiger
Keganne Keiger - 7 years ago
Keganne Keiger
Keganne Keiger - 7 years ago
Velvet is so funny he just stays on the left side of the tank
Diamond XPM
Diamond XPM - 7 years ago
You should name it wild cherry
Helenexchristine Vlogs
Helenexchristine Vlogs - 7 years ago
Marissa Theroux
Marissa Theroux - 7 years ago
If Cherry is getting blue with blue he is a tropical betta!
EthanVines - 7 years ago
It is so cute
LPD Outdoors
LPD Outdoors - 7 years ago
NAHR KENZ - 7 years ago
cherry the betta
Priscilla Maris
Priscilla Maris - 7 years ago
Bettas stomachs are about the size of their eyes
samuel holo
samuel holo - 7 years ago
try the saltwater fish
Jessica Yanez
Jessica Yanez - 7 years ago
I had a half moon female betta and she never jumped out of the tank! but sadly she passed away her name was zebheart she was super sweet
Shawnlyq - 7 years ago
Awww sorry for your loss. But then again, how bout one more Betta :3
Jin Kim
Jin Kim - 7 years ago
he is overfed
Hair Jacob
Hair Jacob - 7 years ago
So cute
Ballerboy 98786
Ballerboy 98786 - 7 years ago
Chellenge the wild, can you sub to our channel It is fish Bros
JustRachael - 7 years ago
It's so cute omg :') also I just started watching ur vids and I love them!!
Justin Domisiw
Justin Domisiw - 7 years ago
You're so cute and also the betta
I LikeBrownies
I LikeBrownies - 7 years ago
Grow Shrooms and Scardey Shrooms
Grow Shrooms and Scardey Shrooms - 7 years ago
Mine is a Bumble Bee. Mine is not nice. I named it Koromon : Digimom (Koromon means : Brave-Little-Warrior)
rex racker
rex racker - 7 years ago
1 to 2 pellets

100. comment for GETTING NEW BETTA FISH!!

Gymtastic Kyan
Gymtastic Kyan - 7 years ago
Hi Jef
Hi Jef - 7 years ago
Kate Farley
Kate Farley - 7 years ago
that's a female beta
Museless Writer
Museless Writer - 7 years ago
I would definitely make sure that you have plenty of backup tanks. About half, maybe more of sororities I've known of have crashed. It's a tricky thing ://
param gill
param gill - 7 years ago
I had a red betta that was small it was just the same as yours it died ☹️☹️
Mckinsey Flynn
Mckinsey Flynn - 7 years ago
I just got a betta yesterday in a 10 gallon I might get more fish or like shrimp
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
+Mckinsey Flynn wow awesome :€
Jermonte Williams
Jermonte Williams - 7 years ago
The Wild Guy
The Wild Guy - 7 years ago
Put a towel or cloth under your air pump and it will be quieter.
John Robert Rankin
John Robert Rankin - 7 years ago
I like that betta
RightWingReefer - 7 years ago
Christian leal
Christian leal - 7 years ago
Dude I got a baby Betta and it's so awesome getting to see him grow up hope you enjoy yours
Twenty Øne Piløts :0
Twenty Øne Piløts :0 - 7 years ago
#cherrybetta (I have 5 bettas and I still want more
JW Aquarium's
JW Aquarium's - 7 years ago
Great video
Gunnykido7 - 7 years ago
I have that same tank...
Rrreptile Junkie
Rrreptile Junkie - 7 years ago
He is a veil tail
Robbie - 7 years ago
Random question, I want to make a 10 gallon community tank with a half moon male beta fish. What fish mates would you recommend I should use? Normally I only use bottom feeders but I was hoping I could use different breeds this time!! I was just very unsure of what ones I should use that won't be nibblers. He isn't very agressive, so far he has had his own 10 gallon tank and I wanted to give him buddies :). My other 10 gallon tank I have is a community tank with my rose finned betta (His name is Koshi) and he does alright with neon tetras from time to time not very often they nibble. Most likely will never see this comment OH WELL.
WeekNight - 7 years ago
Hey, where did you buy those lights above your tanks?
Izi's animal kingdom
Izi's animal kingdom - 7 years ago
Great setup!the one problem is ur betta food! The tetra food for bettas is not the best cuz there is "meal" witch is not good! The best food for bettas is the omega 1 betta pellets or flakes.hope I helped
BIG SHOT - 7 years ago
Curtdog - 7 years ago
i need advice i added my betta in a 20 gallon with a swordtail, 3 mollys, 6 neon tetras and 2 Chinese algae eaters he has been in the 20 gallon for about a week. i have betta flakes and normal fish flakes how should i feed the betta(i have feed him with a food divider put the other fish like his food also)
Ella McClelland
Ella McClelland - 7 years ago
what camera do you use?
kakiexo14 - 7 years ago
Curious as to what you feed your betta. I've got mine the pellets which is its favorite, the flakes & the bloodworm. Doesn't care for the flakes & ive noticed the bloodworms cause slimy affects on the top of the water needing to change it more often.
Melissa Lyon
Melissa Lyon - 7 years ago
Get a pre filter sponge for your filter. I bought a pack of 3 off of Amazon. Hikari micro pellets are good. I do a mixture of flakes & pellets for our baby betta.
Ruben L. R.
Ruben L. R. - 7 years ago
He looks like a "Veal" betta fish. Super cute
That Animal Jammer
That Animal Jammer - 7 years ago
A 20 gallon long is best for a beta sorority instead of a 20 long
Sahana K
Sahana K - 7 years ago
Could you do a video about the best beginner fish?
That Animal Jammer
That Animal Jammer - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
+Josie Brosky ayy
That Animal Jammer
That Animal Jammer - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
+Josie Brosky ayy
kyky5646 - 7 years ago
My baby betta fish is a female with red coming in on
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
+kyky5646 awesome :)
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
+kyky5646 awesome :)
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
+kyky5646 awesome :)
marianna coleman
marianna coleman - 7 years ago
Emily - 7 years ago
2 guppies, a single molly, and a betta fish is a really odd stocking decision. Guppies and mollies hey like to be in groups of 5 or more of their own species or at least in a pair and bettas should really be kept by themselves. Personally, I'd rather see the mollies and guppies with more of their kind in a 30+ gallon tank and let the betta have the 10 to itself.
I think you are doing a good job caring for your fish but that 10g is just such a weird, unconventional set up.
Sami S
Sami S - 7 years ago
Make sure you do daily water changes! Baby bettas need daily water changes until full grown (:
Fins and fur Bettas and bunnies
Fins and fur Bettas and bunnies - 7 years ago
My red female is named cherry
Fins and fur Bettas and bunnies
Fins and fur Bettas and bunnies - 7 years ago
I have 49 fish and I'm a breeder
Casey Kocher
Casey Kocher - 7 years ago
I suggest using flake food for babies and slowly transition to pellets. cause the pellets can sometimes be to big for babies. if you are going to train him I suggest starting it within a week of you getting him.
MobileGaming DKR
MobileGaming DKR - 7 years ago
ally - decat
ally - decat - 7 years ago
i got a baby elephant ear and it looks like hes waving when he swims towards you,
majkskys - 7 years ago
I can't resist buying bettas...So Cool!!✨
Brandon Russell
Brandon Russell - 7 years ago
That's a great tank for him
Connor Winfield Aquatics
Connor Winfield Aquatics - 7 years ago
You're right,the minimum for a betta is 2.5 gallons. You don't need a 5 gallon but it is preferred. But yeah bettas can live in 2.5s.
power last
power last - 7 years ago
Velvet cannot make a bubble nest because either filter is too strong and they really make them when they are alone
power last
power last - 7 years ago
Dang it should have gotten a koi betta
ELVGoesLive - 7 years ago
You should get a rainbow shark in your 20 gallon
edgy 13 year old
edgy 13 year old - 7 years ago
iridescents are territorial so he might need to use caution on tank mates
Woah Savage
Woah Savage - 7 years ago
ELVGoesLive that'd be so cool
EBxN V - 7 years ago
ELVGoesLive yes he should get 1 or two more hiding spots then he should definitely get one!!!
Xttriger 701
Xttriger 701 - 7 years ago
ELVGoesLive omg yes I hope James sees this
Joe Payne
Joe Payne - 7 years ago
ELVGoesLive yessss
Cod God
Cod God - 7 years ago
owesome tank setup
Mia Tortilla
Mia Tortilla - 7 years ago
Feed him in the morning and night and I would recommend hikari micro pellets for him
Mia Tortilla
Mia Tortilla - 7 years ago
He looks just like my baby betta
Lenny Velez
Lenny Velez - 7 years ago
still loving your vids your adorable...;) why dont you do a fund me thing to get your new light and stuff - id def donate a few buks just for a new vid!!!!
Diana Chambers
Diana Chambers - 7 years ago
hey could u please give me tips on how to keep guppie fry alive I have 2 that will have Babys and I want more guppies
Steve The Weirdo
Steve The Weirdo - 7 years ago
what heater are you using for the Betta tank, cus I'm actually ordering two of that exact tank for my Bettas and I don't know where to find a reliable heater
Steve The Weirdo
Steve The Weirdo - 7 years ago
btw you should get a shark next. It's nice to have a good sized shark in your house. Hungry creatures, fiercely intelligent. I think it would build character :)
Tandre Kitchens
Tandre Kitchens - 7 years ago
show us all ur fish tanks
Caden MA Ryan
Caden MA Ryan - 7 years ago
you should get a mickey mouse platy!! i just got one and i'm in love with him
Red Tetra Gaming
Red Tetra Gaming - 7 years ago
I had a beta named cherry
Lachlans'Aquatics - 7 years ago
Hey love your vids bro keep it up almost at 10k ;)
Funny Cece
Funny Cece - 7 years ago
If it's too big I usually crush my pellets if they're too big.
Kyle's Fish room
Kyle's Fish room - 7 years ago
nice video and good energy, I just subscribed to your channel
Darius DXD
Darius DXD - 7 years ago
Dude! He looks like a t-Rex on camera
Harley The gecko
Harley The gecko - 7 years ago
So cute!!! What brand tank is the 3 gallon?
Jordan's Fish Room
Jordan's Fish Room - 7 years ago
i got a baby betta because your bettas are cute
Afro Kitty
Afro Kitty - 7 years ago
I have a Sorority tank, and I love it! one tip, dont get bettas that are similar or the same in coloration that might cause them to fight. I have 5 bettas in my 10 gallon, 3 adults and 2 babys that are only now developing their color. Its really cute to watch them grow up and change color! I love it!
FishingInStyle HD
FishingInStyle HD - 7 years ago
Jennifer Bennett
Jennifer Bennett - 7 years ago
I have the same baby betta fish and I named him squirt because
of how tiny he was.
Noor ALI Legend
Noor ALI Legend - 7 years ago
He's so cute
Forever and ever I swear!
Forever and ever I swear! - 7 years ago
Xavior Hoyt
Xavior Hoyt - 7 years ago
Thats a female betta dumbass
Campbell Landswerk
Campbell Landswerk - 7 years ago
Fire Godz
Fire Godz - 7 years ago
Fire Godz
Fire Godz - 7 years ago
Nice vid keep it up
Michelle Morales
Michelle Morales - 7 years ago
What place did you get that 3 gallon tank
Mezza Mez
Mezza Mez - 7 years ago
They can survive in a 2.5 gallon tank but the bigger the better :) The larger the more chance he will live longer haha have you tried brine shrimp? Bloodworm? I recommend! OMG almost 10K
OmegaFisher - 7 years ago
Thass ma boi
Davie - 7 years ago
When's the next video man
Belle 12
Belle 12 - 7 years ago
You might want to get a heater if your room is cold betas like higher temps
Belle 12
Belle 12 - 7 years ago
By the way your channel is almost at 10k
Nishi Zaidi
Nishi Zaidi - 7 years ago
can Betta live with cichlid and goldfish
Nahres Rasay
Nahres Rasay - 7 years ago
Iv got a guppy tank could you check it out and let me know what you think or any advise
imacocoageek // Joseph
imacocoageek // Joseph - 7 years ago
What is the channel that's helping you with the sorority?
jess triplett
jess triplett - 7 years ago
ive been watching ypur videos for a while, your a smart lil youngster. But i watched your unboxing of your new betta tank and u mentioned putting dwrf frogs in it. i thought id offer my advice. i have dwarf frogs and when i first started raising them the pet stores made me think 3 gallons was enough for 2 but in reality its not. i wouldnt use anything less than a ten gallon for dwarf frogs. and you need to have at least 2. they are very social. i have 4 in a 20 gallon long and they swim around so much, that i think alot i dont have enough room for them. u could get away with 2 in a 5 gallon but i wouldnt reccommend it. 5 gallons per frog at least. and if they do have enough room you will really love these guys. they are fascinating. with that being said i will say if you buy them very small you could put them in something smaller and move them as they get bigger. As well... those little betta leafs your using... i have those in my tank and the frogs love them. they like have something to rest on near the surface. its usually where mine sleep and rest. just so you know. i do hope you get some , id look forward to seeing you do that. keep up the videos and i will keep watching.
HiddenFees - 7 years ago
there's mini pellets for bettas, that will probably be better for him because he's so small.
Edward Zhang
Edward Zhang - 7 years ago
Great fish. But I think it's a juvenile. Not a baby.
Flynn Mercer Aquatics
Flynn Mercer Aquatics - 7 years ago
Swetha Menon Exotics
Swetha Menon Exotics - 7 years ago
That tank is probably too small to successfully keep shrimp and a betta. I managed to keep my betta with three shrimp in a 5.5 gallon. There were four but he killed one. He chased the shrimp around every once in a while but they had space to get away so it was fine. In a tank smaller there wouldn't really be a whole lot of space for the shrimp to get away so I'd recommend putting something in there for them to hide in where the betta can't get in if you do end up doing it.
dbachelor's Planted Aquarium
dbachelor's Planted Aquarium - 7 years ago
that set up for your new betta is amazing! i love the details. very natural looking.. just like in the wild! great aquascape! great job man!
Harry Chambers
Harry Chambers - 7 years ago
What filters do you use
Martin Lorenzo Oconer Yuzon
Martin Lorenzo Oconer Yuzon - 7 years ago
I didn't choose him, he chose me.
Randy Hightower
Randy Hightower - 7 years ago
Have you looked in to getting a python water change set up? Might be handy if you continue to add tanks or move up to something like the 55 you mentioned on the Steenfott stream.
Little Fish
Little Fish - 7 years ago
Japa Nui
Japa Nui - 7 years ago
Hi I need help my guppies are trying to kill my new 2 fish they already killed one please help
Dora Got Deported
Dora Got Deported - 7 years ago
I went to Petco with my parents and i was looking at the fish. Then, i asked if i could have one and my mom and dad kept saying no. I started crying because i did SO much research on them, more than any other thing i had to do research for! I did all that and i got no fish. :(
Chris Wu
Chris Wu - 7 years ago
If he continues to have trouble eating the pellets u can crush them between your nails before feeding. I did that for my oldest betta when I first got her 3 years ago.
Kevin Daniel
Kevin Daniel - 7 years ago
That happened to me to with my baby betta
Cit Laly
Cit Laly - 7 years ago
Cherry was the name of my first Betta
Andrew Woodburn
Andrew Woodburn - 7 years ago
Try putting your air pump in a sock and wrap the extra fabric around it and secure with a rubber band :)
Brook Hagen
Brook Hagen - 7 years ago
Hmm, my money is on a spade tail or veil tail! SOOO CUTE! Awesome aquascape too.
Dominic Dias
Dominic Dias - 7 years ago
yoo your tanks are awesome i just started an 10 gallon and going to get live plants
Annie Hain
Annie Hain - 7 years ago
you might rethink the shrimp thing with a betta. you could get a scarlet badis or nerites
Der Frog
Der Frog - 7 years ago
Patrick Amador
Patrick Amador - 7 years ago
betta's are good jumper.. Covering your tank is my advice.. Nice Video james.
Mattea Grace
Mattea Grace - 7 years ago
Yodi Gaming
Yodi Gaming - 7 years ago
awesome tank and awesome betta!! we are so close to 10k!! hope my comments never get old xD anyways thanks so much for this video!
melanie garcia
melanie garcia - 7 years ago
Your new tank is to small to add anything else with your betta it'll stress him out and could be harmful to the other fish/shrimp
Ayran Mateo
Ayran Mateo - 7 years ago
If u can rap u can sing, do it on sc !!!!!!!!! On the snaaapppppoooo
Cichlids 5 Aquatics
Cichlids 5 Aquatics - 7 years ago
Is there any betta were you can keep more than one male?
Cichlids 5 Aquatics
Cichlids 5 Aquatics - 7 years ago
Big City Bettas thanks
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 7 years ago
Cichlids 5 there are some types of wilds like rubra or patoti that can be kept communally, but betta splendens (domestics) were bred for fighting.
yuri pak
yuri pak - 7 years ago
Your cute AND into animals ??
Livin' Life in the TTC
Livin' Life in the TTC - 7 years ago
#CHERRYTHEBETTA! Love him! So cute!
C DAWG - 7 years ago
Wow you're channel grew so fast. I would always see your videos recommended to me but idk why i never clicked and i finally did and i just watched all your vids. Keep up the good work.#FISHFAM
Gokai Green
Gokai Green - 7 years ago
Joselin paz
Joselin paz - 7 years ago
awh! your baby betta is so cute.
katie wolfy
katie wolfy - 7 years ago
feed your betta fish some blood worm at least 1 to 2 times a week they love the blood worms and they love it even more becuse they are carnivores and it helps with fin growth and helps baby bettas grow big and strong also mollys guppys and angel fish love them to ps huge fan hope that u will love the advice
LifeWithJazz - 7 years ago
hi! im new to fish keeping and i was wondering if i got a 10 gallon tank and put guppies, bettas , mollies and maybe a few balloon belly mollies how many should i put of each species and what gender of each fish should i have to not have any fighting?? can anyone help me :)
A grumpy Dog
A grumpy Dog - 7 years ago
freshwater aquatics
freshwater aquatics - 7 years ago
yes bettas and all fish rub their food on teeth in the back of the mouth instead of chewing
freshwater aquatics
freshwater aquatics - 7 years ago
great scaping you should try to breed betta
Tyler Jones
Tyler Jones - 7 years ago
Great videos, as always! I have that same 3.5 gallon tank. Put a little towel or something under that air pump, it will definitely help with the noise!
J Peveto
J Peveto - 7 years ago
That food is too big. The betta will die from not eating, feed it bloodworms
Noah Fagello
Noah Fagello - 7 years ago
Get a apple snail
Sally B
Sally B - 7 years ago
Reynad Mustafa
Reynad Mustafa - 7 years ago
my betta is alwas on the grownd what does that mean
Maria Railean
Maria Railean - 7 years ago
If you're feeding your beta fish brands like tetra beta and tetra flooding mini pallets it's actually really bad and may even cause your fish have a week immune system and have a shorter lifespan I feed my two betas Omegle one buffet pallets it's made out of whole fish like salmon herring shrimp. It's 100% more healthier than what you're feeding your beta. My betas have never spit this out. You should try it out
tanah chanthavongsa
tanah chanthavongsa - 7 years ago
aweeeh i hope it looks like my betta. its red,blue,and purple!!
Potato Skins 2
Potato Skins 2 - 7 years ago
i to have a male and female betta fish
Keegan Mory
Keegan Mory - 7 years ago
He looks like a girl bro
Alex Gomez
Alex Gomez - 7 years ago
its better to feed your baby betta some live food or frozen food like blood worms, black worms, or brine shrimp
Josh Mendez
Josh Mendez - 7 years ago
do you have a feeding schedule my feeding schedule is 8:30am to 8:30pm and somtimes I feed my ballon belly molly fry and rainbow guppy fry one extra time at 3:00pm
Ariela Olivera
Ariela Olivera - 7 years ago
U need to crush his food
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 7 years ago
Nice looking Betta Man!
Chelsea Jewel
Chelsea Jewel - 7 years ago
Ryan Mills
Ryan Mills - 7 years ago
be smart.. Petco betas are most likely inbreed and dont last as long.. next time order online from breeders... Otherwise your doing great and keep it up. Lot of children and kids abuse there betas and your doing well with care. Just remember to do your water changes often and hard! for feeding cut the pellets if they are small.
thibookie - 7 years ago
Ryan Mills Lined bettas are very inbred.Their is usually brother sister, father to daughter, mother to son breeding involved. With massed produced fish they have many different genes crossing one another. I also do think that some of their strands are bred more than others like their yellow ee bettas. But I do agree with you it's better to breed the best stock one can find. Besides he just started this hobby and he shouldn't be rushing it. I've been studying betta genetics for the past three years and I am still not ready.
Samwise - 7 years ago
Please don't attempt a betta sorority, they are terrible for the fish :(
Samwise - 7 years ago
But why wouldn't you compare the benefits? As a fishkeeper, it is your responsibility to give fish proper husbandry. A year is good, but I have never heard of sororities lasting a betta's lifespan. I think it can be done, for a little while at least, but the fish are in danger and usually stressed during their community life with other bettas. You can do what you want, but it's a big risk for the fish. I'm glad your tank is doing well though, and I hope your fish remain healthy.
keilani schwartz
keilani schwartz - 7 years ago
Samwise i'm not comparing the benefits of isolated bettas versus the community. i'm simply stating that i have had 9 females (who were all bought as babies) growing healthily with no sickness, ragged or patchy skin, fin nipping, or lethargy, and i have had them for a bit more than a year now. stress does weaken an immune system- that goes for any living thing, and it is a valid point, but it does not apply to every sorority. as long as you do your research and fulfill the amount of care and time needed to successfully create a sorority community, there is no reason to inhibit anyone from doing so.
Samwise - 7 years ago
For how long? And why? It provides absolutely no benefit for the fish, and even if you are lucky enough to find docile females (flaring doesn't necessarily mean physical aggression and vice versa), they are often incredibly stressed, which weakens their immune systems and puts them in danger of illnesses. Betta splendens, male and female, have been bred for aggression to a point that they should not be kept together.They are a lot better off in separate tanks.
keilani schwartz
keilani schwartz - 7 years ago
Samwise actually I've successfully kept a betta sorority and all the fish thrived
Anthony Ortiz
Anthony Ortiz - 7 years ago
I have a 3.7 gal tank
23roymnist - 7 years ago
He's really nice! Liking the longer vids
Amateur Learner
Amateur Learner - 7 years ago
I saw an axolotl in my local petstore, and I feel like it was stressed. Should I buy and take care of him?
Jadon H2O
Jadon H2O - 7 years ago
big fan of yours and i love your tanks and ideas.
Bria MacDonald
Bria MacDonald - 7 years ago
He is amazing just like my Betta but tiny <3
straight savage
straight savage - 7 years ago
can you do a care video on your molly's
Spooky Doggo
Spooky Doggo - 7 years ago
The food might be a little bit too big for him. Try crushing it or finding smaller pebbles for him. He is so cute! I can't wait to see him when he's older!
Jeanne Peters
Jeanne Peters - 7 years ago
Jackie E
Jackie E - 7 years ago
try feeding him some live brine shrimp fry, they're really good for young bettas!:)
Lia White
Lia White - 7 years ago
tip: rule of thumb for how much to feed a betta is the size of their eye (which is roughly the size of their stomach) they also offer baby betta pellets in hikari brand, which is my personal favorite brand of food for bettas
Nate's Pet Mates
Nate's Pet Mates - 7 years ago
Actually, the minimum of gallons for a betta is very opinionated so there is technically no set minimum of gallons for a betta.
Aquatics And furries
Aquatics And furries - 7 years ago
You have come so far with the hobby in such a short space of time. Go you
thibookie - 7 years ago
It's recommend to feed young betta fish frozen brine shrimp or you can hatch your own.
Haley Carson
Haley Carson - 7 years ago
Typically when you add other fish to a betta tank, especially one that small, you need to add the other fish first. Otherwise, the betta will become even more territorial as it used to be completely HIS home and anyone else is invading. Adding the betta to a tank with other fish in it already can lead to more success as he must adjust to the aquarium as it is with the fish.
kristina stokes
kristina stokes - 7 years ago
thanks I trying to start my own fish tank you inspired me
KeYara Heard
KeYara Heard - 7 years ago
Nikola Namike
Nikola Namike - 7 years ago
He is so cute .
Angel Perez
Angel Perez - 7 years ago
Potato Skins 2
Potato Skins 2 - 7 years ago
can you leave me a sub because i subed to you
DS - 7 years ago
# Challenger
DS - 7 years ago
mod me
Nida Janjua
Nida Janjua - 7 years ago
chris oliver
chris oliver - 7 years ago
can you breed betta fish ?
Octavio Mendez
Octavio Mendez - 7 years ago
Josh B.C.
Josh B.C. - 7 years ago
you pellets are too big for a juvinili betta
ToxicTurtle - 7 years ago
Baby bettas need to eat more than adults so they can grow!
Jwtanner 05
Jwtanner 05 - 7 years ago
Hopefully ur Berta has a lot of personality like mine
Eddie Wicks
Eddie Wicks - 7 years ago
He's so cute!!!!!!! #challenger
jon97gamer1 bluesparkgames
jon97gamer1 bluesparkgames - 7 years ago
hey, just letting you know that's is a female beta. I know a lot more about betas than the pet store I raised 20 my self
jon97gamer1 bluesparkgames
jon97gamer1 bluesparkgames - 7 years ago
it may be a male but very unlikely
Angel Navarro
Angel Navarro - 7 years ago
Jwtanner 05
Jwtanner 05 - 7 years ago
Cherry betta
Andy Fuentes
Andy Fuentes - 7 years ago
this cute
Luis Andrade
Luis Andrade - 7 years ago
how did ypu2 cycle the tank so fast can you help plz?
Kennedy Crosby
Kennedy Crosby - 7 years ago
You need to feed the frozen food if you want him to grow fast since it doesn't have a lot of fillers and it has all of the protein and nutrients that he needs
Xenia Esparza
Xenia Esparza - 7 years ago
Bradythefishguy tv
Bradythefishguy tv - 7 years ago
I have a small betta just like that but it is a veil tail female
vOblivionEon - 7 years ago
I suggest a large shelf for all of those tanks I know how annoying they get after awhile
CALEB R CLAAR - 7 years ago
On Friday I have to go to my grandmas for a week and she doesn't have wifi so I can't watch YouTube!
Theofrance  Pitou
Theofrance Pitou - 7 years ago
CALEB R CLAAR ok and ?
CALEB R CLAAR - 7 years ago
lola mccormack
lola mccormack - 7 years ago
Where did you buy your cube tank from??
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Here is a link
Killer Shark
Killer Shark - 7 years ago
Congrats always a pleasure getting a new fish
Dequan Glover
Dequan Glover - 7 years ago
They give Betta fish flakes
Crazymangaming -_-
Crazymangaming -_- - 7 years ago
were did u get this fish tank and I mean the smallest one
Alex N
Alex N - 7 years ago
Just saying, you can feed them tropical fish flakes. My betta loves em. But you probably already knew that. #challenger
Anthony Zavala
Anthony Zavala - 7 years ago
He's cute
Rockofus •
Rockofus • - 7 years ago
I have a Cory Catfish and I might give you some advice I had him for 1-2 Years Now
Kitzo - 7 years ago
Last time i saw his videos he only had one tank.. he's caught multiple tank syndrome!! XD ive got it too!!
Al's Critters
Al's Critters - 7 years ago
I suggest you put a black background, a cheap method is taping black construction paper. The black background will bring the color of the plants and fish more out. The bettas itself will get try to get "darker" so it can "blend".
Shoe_Spots23 - 7 years ago
I recommend feeding him blood worms. That what I feed my young bettas
Thibault Boeraeve
Thibault Boeraeve - 7 years ago
please don't put only 2 shrimp in there they won't breed and probably die
Aqua Apprentice
Aqua Apprentice - 7 years ago
Congrats on the new betta, always fun to raise a fish from a baby to an adult. Curious to see if his color changes dramatically over time.
GaminWithShane - 7 years ago
Why don't you get a female betta? But the male betta will kill the female
Glaceon pokemon #471
Glaceon pokemon #471 - 7 years ago
Fish are friends not food- Shark pack
Glaceon pokemon #471
Glaceon pokemon #471 - 7 years ago
btw the fish don't really need lights
Petlover2017 123
Petlover2017 123 - 7 years ago
Good idea to train them when they are babies
Danielle Jessome
Danielle Jessome - 7 years ago
can you show us how to clean a tank?
Blake Martin
Blake Martin - 7 years ago
#cherrtthebetta #challanger great vid an I just got a moss ball today and just aquascaped my beta tank
Shannon Conboy
Shannon Conboy - 7 years ago
#CHERRYTHEBETTA! James you touch your hair too much... Its distracting... ;)
Shannon Conboy
Shannon Conboy - 7 years ago
Update: .. How do you train a fish?
Kimsotus Orelius
Kimsotus Orelius - 7 years ago
Great rescue, the fact that #cherrythebetta now has more water volume allows him to stretch his legs and will be a thriving environment for him. Good work! #operationbettarescue
Planeta Animal
Planeta Animal - 7 years ago
vOblivionEon - 7 years ago
Hey man I've been watching you for a good bit of time, and I actually have a few tanks and reptiles myself. I would just like to say keep up the good work, and know you're lucky to receive some of the free things you get
vOblivionEon - 7 years ago
Or no answer
Lalo's Tanks
Lalo's Tanks - 7 years ago
You should start a reef tank
Ava Lynne Phillips
Ava Lynne Phillips - 7 years ago
Damian Garcia
Damian Garcia - 7 years ago
I want to breed guppies but only have a 20 gallon tall and they reproduce fast my mom won't let me have another tank nor a pond in my backyard. Help please
Damian Garcia
Damian Garcia - 7 years ago
thibookie thanks
thibookie - 7 years ago
Damian Garcia then simply don't breed. If you already have the guppies then remove the females and keep the males. It may be difficult to re-home or sale the fry if they are a common variety of of their pet store quality. The best thing you can do is start a breeding layout and show your mom to show your serious, study guppy genetics and learn how other breeders handle their fry and breeding stock. Also job n fish forms they are very helpful.
noahpikielny - 7 years ago
Hydro Guy
Hydro Guy - 7 years ago
PuffyTigerToy - 7 years ago
Yaya a baby
PuffyTigerToy - 7 years ago
Also you should crush it more
PuffyTigerToy - 7 years ago
SAME but mine is clearish color
Wolf top 666
Wolf top 666 - 7 years ago
U should look up male betta fish living together with females love the vid it shows how the males and females can live altogether
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 7 years ago
Wolf top 666 they can't. Some people can make it work but it's really not a smart idea. These fish were bred for hundreds of years to be aggressive. It is asking for trouble.
Wolf top 666
Wolf top 666 - 7 years ago
Yea but then you could sell them
Steve The Weirdo
Steve The Weirdo - 7 years ago
Wolf top 666 And have a crapton of babies.
Banana_Pants - 7 years ago
"Alright I'm probably going to get a betta in a couple of weeks, (next day) hey what's crack-a-lackin I got a new BETTA FISH OMG!"
Heidi Kleinsasser
Heidi Kleinsasser - 7 years ago
omfg 5:10 to 5:14 ... cutest thing in the enitre video. so nice when guys are gushing over their fish.. (same as me lol) :)
Joe Rask
Joe Rask - 7 years ago
U said u were getting glofish at 5k
Zeo Hobbies
Zeo Hobbies - 7 years ago
#CherryTheBetta! Also Amazing vids! Love the new 3gallon cube! #Challenger! Plus p.o box?
_Dylan _
_Dylan _ - 7 years ago
chris meza
chris meza - 7 years ago
I have a baby betta fish I feed him betta flakes
musicalmarion - 7 years ago
James isn't adorable just such an adorable word ? Lol he spat that food out haha
Jackson H
Jackson H - 7 years ago
I've tried those pellets with my betta and he just likes the flakes
michael a
michael a - 7 years ago
hi j, the new betta looks like a young veil tail. as for how much to feed....his stomach and eyeball are the same size, so take care not to overfeed :)
Ike Long
Ike Long - 7 years ago
Gray Kun
Gray Kun - 7 years ago
Love your video
THE ALE23 - 7 years ago
Avery Haller
Avery Haller - 7 years ago
You might want to put a sponge over the intake of the filter. I've had some issues with betta fins getting ripped from these filters but it's just a suggestion. Btw beautiful baby betta
Aqua Apprentice
Aqua Apprentice - 7 years ago
Avery Haller I agree! This is a good tip.
Janice Abreu
Janice Abreu - 7 years ago
They sell micro pellets for babys. Maybe you could get him some for him to eat better. ☺️
Epic Dees Besas
Epic Dees Besas - 7 years ago
J_ GamEr
J_ GamEr - 7 years ago
I also bought a baby Betta and it looks the same.
Nvperk - 7 years ago
Ieva Sereiva
Ieva Sereiva - 7 years ago
You should crush the food and even maybe soak in water first. Plz don't add any shrimp in. That will make the bioload go up. And bettas should be in 5 gallons or more of water... if u want shrimp add them to at least a 5 gallon. Cute fish !
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 7 years ago
min for a betta is 2.5 gallons.

also shrimp don't really add much to the bio load cause they mainly feed on the bio film and left over food.
candleangel - 7 years ago
That food is probably too big for him to eat. Put a couple of pellets on a paper towel and crush them with the back of your fingernail
Shin 제니
Shin 제니 - 7 years ago
that is true same goes for blood worms
Marionette And Friends
Marionette And Friends - 7 years ago
Ryan Russell
Ryan Russell - 7 years ago
#challenger the betta is so cute
Marionette And Friends
Marionette And Friends - 7 years ago
your Bata is butifull
The Aquarium Show
The Aquarium Show - 7 years ago
damn you grow so fast! wow!!! i started youtube like one year ago and i have 42 hahaha
bboy billo
bboy billo - 7 years ago
i am pretty sure that he is a veiltail
LegendxNick - 7 years ago
I thought you were gonna wait a week!
Liam Pawlak
Liam Pawlak - 7 years ago
first comment ever simply because I actually just bought a betta like you. He is in my 10 gallon currently. Named him Ban... he is a beautiful purple.
jilly love
jilly love - 7 years ago
The food is to big, I would recommend from personal experience to crouch the pellets up and then feed it to your Betta fish until he grow to be bigger. That is what I did for mine and I had no problems! :)
jilly love
jilly love - 7 years ago
*crush not crouch
Alex // Minecraft videos
Alex // Minecraft videos - 7 years ago
Hi so you were asking about what type he is and since he is growing a blue color he maybe a wine red betta but I'm no betta expert haha. Search images of wine red Bettas and you'll know why.
Fishygold - 7 years ago
Crush the betta food pellets for Cherry
Phantom Slayer
Phantom Slayer - 7 years ago
I've always had good luck keeping bettas and ghost shrimp together.
f lozano
f lozano - 7 years ago
awesome video bro!!
Michał Kanigowski
Michał Kanigowski - 7 years ago
will you be doing videos about other animals or you will be focusing on fish only?
Rosa Torres
Rosa Torres - 7 years ago
wooo new video!
Hunter's channel
Hunter's channel - 7 years ago
Mason - 7 years ago
Nichlas Charran
Nichlas Charran - 7 years ago
Hey bud I'm ordering discus today also I see u use tetra fin I recommend getting omega one flakes there the best fish food I ever tried
Adam Hasmy
Adam Hasmy - 7 years ago
wow cherry so cute,when are you gonna put blue shrimps in it?yes,a video about curing,I'd love that,can't wait to watch it.perhaps a video about how you clean your 20 gallon tank?and also is the space of the tank very important for bettas?keep up the good work Patrick :)
ayekatelyn - 7 years ago
i was waiting for this video since i saw your snapchat of getting the betta!
Katherine waddell
Katherine waddell - 7 years ago
also you should go to a exotic fish store and an exotic pet store
The Toxic Fish
The Toxic Fish - 7 years ago
Katherine waddell he should exotic pets are cool and interesting
Petlover2017 123
Petlover2017 123 - 7 years ago
Soooo cute now I want a baby one I have a grownup one
saul Barker
saul Barker - 7 years ago
Get a female betta
Gamezfordayz - 7 years ago
HELP I've got lots of little white worms on my glass what do I do
Katherine waddell
Katherine waddell - 7 years ago
you should get a 50 gallon tank and combine all your tanks fish into a giant community tank
Ryan Dever
Ryan Dever - 7 years ago
Katherine waddell 50 gallons isn't that big the bettas would kill eachother .
Amelia's Menagerie
Amelia's Menagerie - 7 years ago
Almost to ten k! So proud of you :) #Cherrythebetta :D

Finally getting a lot better at keeping all the animal habitats clean... if you ever get pet rats, I suggest wiping down the shelves daily.. helps a ton!
Petlover2017 123
Petlover2017 123 - 7 years ago
Where can you get baby bettas
Petlover2017 123
Petlover2017 123 - 7 years ago
Chitownst1 Gaming I think I will.
Chitownst1 Gaming
Chitownst1 Gaming - 7 years ago
Petlover2017 12345678910 your welcome!!
Maria Railean
Maria Railean - 7 years ago
Petlover2017 12345678910 my Petco carries tons of them. I'm guessing most do
Petlover2017 123
Petlover2017 123 - 7 years ago
Cthulhu Reptiles true
Cthulhu Reptiles
Cthulhu Reptiles - 7 years ago
Petlover2017 12345678910 not every store carrys them tho
Petlover2017 123
Petlover2017 123 - 7 years ago
Chitownst1 Gaming cool thank you!!!
Chitownst1 Gaming
Chitownst1 Gaming - 7 years ago
Petlover2017 12345678910 petco
Petlover2017 123
Petlover2017 123 - 7 years ago
Your betta is so cute
Caleb Nagle
Caleb Nagle - 7 years ago
The beta are so cute
Nicole S-J
Nicole S-J - 7 years ago
Can you do a video on your other betta doing tricks ?? Or teaching your betta to do tricks ?? So cute
Heyits Stephanie
Heyits Stephanie - 7 years ago
ur new betta looks exactly like mine only that mine is a female
Heyits Stephanie
Heyits Stephanie - 7 years ago
yes ik keep up the good work i wanna see u grow out ur hobby im so excited to see how it comes out ❤✨
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Wow thats awesome
TheSaestar - 7 years ago
i actually have that same filter! i don't use it anymore since it was for a 1 gallon and the flow was so little that i found it useless, but i still use the air pump. mine is also super loud, and i only use it for a bubble bar at the back of my community tank far away from my room so i can sleep at night. also, that light looks sufficient for the betta at least! they prefer not to have super bright lights, but i don't know what the lighting requirements for those plants are :o! super cute new betta though! pellets should be fine- as far as i know, they feed all the bettas in stores like petco with standard pellets.
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Its okay tanks so much :)
Matthew Rahnama
Matthew Rahnama - 7 years ago
Fry update!!!!!
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Okay :)
Deezil Wood
Deezil Wood - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
CinnamonRollyPollie - 7 years ago
Aaaw he's so cute! I have a baby too, her name is Azura. :) You should feed him three times a day, but small portions. (Well that's what I feed her at least.) Can't wait to see how beautiful he'll be when he grows up ^^
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Tanks so much :) wll do
Lilacsky_ - 7 years ago
Arul Rajeev
Arul Rajeev - 7 years ago
U rock!!!! #cherrythebetta
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Cheryl Newberry Fatta
Cheryl Newberry Fatta - 7 years ago
hey how do i stop my big goast shrimp from eating my small goast shrimp?????
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Maybe seperate them
Flamingo Rocks
Flamingo Rocks - 7 years ago
Females don't make bubble nest only males do. It's a betta rule and they use their saliva to make the bubbles. #cherrythebetta
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 7 years ago
Flamingo Rocks Not true. I have several females on my rack right now that have bubblenests. One of my females two nights ago made a nest, dropped eggs and was putting them in her nest.
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 7 years ago
females actually can make bubble nest.
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
He is just a baby aaa cherry
Ryan Ruffer
Ryan Ruffer - 7 years ago
To me it looks more like a female
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Its just a baby
MasterOG - 7 years ago
And also to my previous comment u have the same looking Betta as I do he does well with snails and other fish but not the shrimp I don't think it's a good idea to put shrimp with the baby Betta
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
tanks the tank is too small for other fish maybe a micro spider crab
Cian - 7 years ago
sweet boy,sweet betta ...nice!
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Ian M.
Ian M. - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Debbie Clayton
Debbie Clayton - 7 years ago
Adorable betta! Where did you get the 2.5 aquarium and who makes it? I love it. Very smart to be concerned about betta jumping; I learned that the hard way when I had a betta jump out of a hole probably only the size of a quarter.
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Tanks so. much its 3 galllons here is the link
RussianTorts - 7 years ago
your betta is either veil tail or it is a plicot
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
PSN Studios
PSN Studios - 7 years ago
Cory catfish care videos will be awesome for me! I was considering to buying some Cory catfish.
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Will do :) maybe on the weekend or friday
Javier - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
guppy Friend
guppy Friend - 7 years ago
nice betta fish i gone buy male betta fish
PSN Studios
PSN Studios - 7 years ago
I don't know why but every time I kept bettas and shrimp together, they never fought. The first time I put both the Betta and shrimp in a tank, they just stared at each other, and the Betta flared for a few seconds, but after that they got used to each other.
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Wow awesome I might just try micro spider crabs
Justin H
Justin H - 7 years ago
Cherry is a cute name for your beautiful red betta! Maybe put ghost shrimp in there so he won't be as aggressive since they don't have color. Maybe a mystery snail would be cool for the tank also. Keep up with the awesome fish videos!
Justin H
Justin H - 7 years ago
A micro crab?
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Awe tanks so much i think ill keep a crab in there with him
RussianTorts - 7 years ago
Bubble nest only means the betta is ready to mate aRe ready to mate
Darius DXD
Darius DXD - 7 years ago
I think he is a vailtail but I could be wrong
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Ooo we can find out when he gets bigger
RussianTorts - 7 years ago
i just got new fish yesterday they are so cute
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Wow awesome
PunchProductionz - 7 years ago
I could make you a wooden lid for you other tank with the betta, I just need some measurements
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Ooo i might get a clear one but tanks
AquaHobby by xMuffinCore
AquaHobby by xMuffinCore - 7 years ago
Hey James, i'm from Germany and i watch your Videos for a couple weeks now :) i realy like your tanks and i also have 6 fish tanks at the moment :) i'm in the hobby since i was 4-5 years old and i want to give you some tips..

when you add new fish in your tank and you put them in, do also 2-3 times a little bit of tank water in the cup/bag because the fish in the shops have different water parameters and it helps your fish to aclimate better
also you can turn off the lights when the fish are aclimating because they are very close to the lights and have no place to hide (very stressful)

i like your big betta he looks very healthy but he is acting weierd because he don't do well with other fish (i know he left them alone and live and eat together) but bettas get stressed by the other fish, they live alone in tons of plants in rice fields and don't habe this much contact to other fish..he will just live fine in community tank but will die alot earlyer

the food for bettas is very important.. i highly recommend live food or frozen food or same food like bloodworms or atemia dry (not live and not frozen) sry don't know how to explain in english
when you look on the back of your pellet and flake food for bettas take a look at the things that are in the food, when they are plants or grain etc. in the betta food it's not healthy at all for them..

i hope you read the comment and like the tips you can ask me if you want to know something about fish care :)
Deluxe GamerYT
Deluxe GamerYT - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Max W
Max W - 7 years ago
When James use to respond to everyone's comment :[ growing up so fast
Jason Fyfe
Jason Fyfe - 7 years ago
Max W I
DOMO NATION - 7 years ago
He heart my comment :)
DOMO NATION - 7 years ago
yeah, kinda sad :(
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Max W I try
The Toxic Fish
The Toxic Fish - 7 years ago
Max W yup
a̲̅t̲̅h̲̅u̲̅l̲̅ b̲̅i̲̅j̲̅u̲̅
a̲̅t̲̅h̲̅u̲̅l̲̅ b̲̅i̲̅j̲̅u̲̅ - 7 years ago
Max W true
Margo Dickenson
Margo Dickenson - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Shaurya Subramaniam
Shaurya Subramaniam - 7 years ago
#Cherry the betta
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Ayyy :)
Becki L
Becki L - 7 years ago
Glad to here you're getting advice from lifewithpets. They're one of my favorite channels.
Jordan board
Jordan board - 7 years ago
almost 10k subs!
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Ayyy :)
Jellybot19 Vlogs
Jellybot19 Vlogs - 7 years ago
i can send you a ramshone snail or pond snail i breed them for pea puffer food and when they get to big i cant feed them to the puffer
Jellybot19 Vlogs
Jellybot19 Vlogs - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild ok
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Ooo that would be awesome maybe later
Oscar's Fish Tanks
Oscar's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
The betta is a male veil tail
Oscar's Fish Tanks
Oscar's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
Also water change the tank every week for every tank
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Maybe not on this tank
Jaimy Tube
Jaimy Tube - 7 years ago
You should give him Betta flaks
PetsPlants Life
PetsPlants Life - 7 years ago
how did u put a betta in with other fish.
PetsPlants Life
PetsPlants Life - 7 years ago
thanks so much, your the best
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Ill make a video about it
Oscar's Fish Tanks
Oscar's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
James why didn't you just get a bunch of females???
You could breed them, also you don't really need to acclimate, just dump the fish in and never put the water from the bag into the tank, you could ruin and kill all your fish
Oscar's Fish Tanks
Oscar's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
Also I'm breeding 2 pairs right now, And I'm planning to breed a really expensive pair, I almost bred my pair in 4 days, I put the male and female in a tank together with a place to hide and a place to make the nest, my cat took the female out of the tank but I managed to save her but the male didn't want to spawn with her anymore and beat her up, so I know what I'm talking about I bred a pair of bettas successfully twice in a row 6 years ago.
Oscar's Fish Tanks
Oscar's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
I work at a fish store
Oscar's Fish Tanks
Oscar's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
Breed bettas, its easy to make money I'm breeding 2 pairs rn hopefully they spawn, bettas don't make nests usually unless they can see the female
Jerry - 7 years ago
Where did you get your 2 lights on youre 20 long???
Oscar's Fish Tanks
Oscar's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
they r like 24$ on amazon
Chap Stick
Chap Stick - 7 years ago
I bought a baby betta a few years ago that looked exactly like yours and his name was Sir Swimy II. I bought pellets that were meant for babies so they were really small. You could probably buy some at a pet store or you could just buy normal flakes and crumble them up.
Lizards'n Spiders
Lizards'n Spiders - 7 years ago
For me ur light is ok, cus all i really care is if the light can sustain life (plants)
Sushanta Kumar Samal
Sushanta Kumar Samal - 7 years ago
Don't you get a predator fish
That Animal Jammer
That Animal Jammer - 7 years ago
I saw him on snapchat
Blu Fantastic TM
Blu Fantastic TM - 7 years ago
nikil chotuck
nikil chotuck - 7 years ago
Blu Fantastic TM
saveing animsls day by day
saveing animsls day by day - 7 years ago
The Nizz
saveing animsls day by day
saveing animsls day by day - 7 years ago
The Nizzy Family
The Nizzy Family - 7 years ago
Blu Fantastic TM v. Fishtank
Logan Daniells
Logan Daniells - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Laisha Zecca
Laisha Zecca - 7 years ago
you should get a bearded dragon they are quite expensive but they are so worth it! they are like dogs but in reptile form :)
Unicorn Powerz
Unicorn Powerz - 7 years ago
So adorable :,)
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Aquarium Show
Aquarium Show - 7 years ago
So far i had 2 babies and they both died. The filter killed 1 in the other one was sick. Hope you have better luck,
Fins and Fur
Fins and Fur - 7 years ago
Usually you should feed baby betas frozen or live food. And also, it looks like it is a veil tail. Great video! :)
Matthew E.S
Matthew E.S - 7 years ago
TGB TheGreatBryceton
TGB TheGreatBryceton - 7 years ago
I love the beta tanks
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Tanks its really awesome
C L - 7 years ago
yes your baby betta is adorable and cute
Alexandra U
Alexandra U - 7 years ago
Your videos are honestly so helpful. From your updates, tips on how to care for fish and such, to getting more pets they help the viewers with how to care more with theirs.
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Awe tanks so much :)
TGB TheGreatBryceton
TGB TheGreatBryceton - 7 years ago
#chalanger for life
Tetra 430
Tetra 430 - 7 years ago
Ash Wolf
Ash Wolf - 7 years ago
Damian Garcia
Damian Garcia - 7 years ago
nice vid you are my favorite youtube you helped me a lot I wish I could subscribe to you 1 million times
Jazz Gaming
Jazz Gaming - 7 years ago
Gonçalo's Pets
Gonçalo's Pets - 7 years ago
spoiler at 00:05
Davis Melbyvlogs
Davis Melbyvlogs - 7 years ago
Andre Gomez
Andre Gomez - 7 years ago
66th like
Chase Weaver
Chase Weaver - 7 years ago
I see that betta bed
Jorge Calderon
Jorge Calderon - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Jorge Calderon
Jorge Calderon - 7 years ago
7ChattyPotatoes - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Isbettxo - 7 years ago
I'm so happy you will be doing videos on bettas because I have 3 lol && just yesterday I went to petco to look at some because I think I want a 4th one lol
Abdullah Younas
Abdullah Younas - 7 years ago
awesome video but one thing that is really awesome is this video is long as 7 min:) :)
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Tanks so much :)
Norma J
Norma J - 7 years ago
He is so cute!! I am planning on getting another 3 gal and getting another male betta. They are by far my favorite fish
Ridge Balolong
Ridge Balolong - 7 years ago
Someone's been collecting bettas! Love it James!
David Depaz
David Depaz - 7 years ago
love this video and your cherry is so cool and adorable
Gelatinous - 7 years ago
How do you afford this #challenger
James Victor
James Victor - 7 years ago
I would suggest feeding him bloodworms and still a little bit of pellets . Your betta is absolutely amazing though !
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
I will :) tanks
Insert Name Here
Insert Name Here - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
MaddenMobileGames - 7 years ago
He is a nice betta
BJW Aquatics
BJW Aquatics - 7 years ago
BJW Aquatics
BJW Aquatics - 7 years ago
I have a 10 gallon with perfect heat and filtariation do you know what could cause this
N Lilley
N Lilley - 7 years ago
#cherrythebetta that's a beautiful looking Betta :)
David Depaz
David Depaz - 7 years ago
oh and it would be good if u feed cherry peas or cutecumber so he can grow faster and so he can get more color so if you atebintersted just search in you tube how to prepare peas or cutecumber for tropical fish.
David Depaz
David Depaz - 7 years ago
I would be cool if u got a female so u could reproduce velvet and so u cloud have more bettas but cherry is really amazing so who cares if he is a male cherry is cool
Yohw B
Yohw B - 7 years ago
hurray cherry the new fish!!!! welcome to the fam haha. love you james!! #Challenger
Inaki Lopez
Inaki Lopez - 7 years ago
Can I ask two questions
1 do you want to get an arowana
2 can you do a video on how to breed bettas
Inaki Lopez
Inaki Lopez - 7 years ago
Can I ask two questions
1 do you want to get an arowana
2 can you do a video on how to breed bettas
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Arowanas would be awesome
BJW Aquatics
BJW Aquatics - 7 years ago
TheDarkNinjaPlayz - 7 years ago
I have that same beta
Stormy Mist
Stormy Mist - 7 years ago
Lucero Aguirre
Lucero Aguirre - 7 years ago
#challenger Yay more fish! how's your leopard gecko doing?
Bre Decker
Bre Decker - 7 years ago
How much was the new tank plz let me know. :0!???
Emily Nichols
Emily Nichols - 7 years ago
B. bunny .D I ordered the same one on Amazon for about $30
Ezekiel Leal
Ezekiel Leal - 7 years ago
B. bunny .D he got it for free from someone who sent it to him.
iiDxnger RobloxTrollz
iiDxnger RobloxTrollz - 7 years ago
He is so awesome!
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Yo guys im going live check out the link right here
Newbie0n3 Playtime
Newbie0n3 Playtime - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild i have 20 red n 20 blue sapire n 8 cambodian n 2 giant all is female when i put all in 1 pond attack on betta 1 begin, until they have the primary queen they will stop fight n btw giant become the dominan queen in my pond after 2 week no one fight n all become 1 nation
Lia White
Lia White - 7 years ago
female betta need to live in sororities (5+) because they need to figure out the pecking order (two will just fight)
ThatCrazyygirlll - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild Your new betta is so beautiful
Damien Gill
Damien Gill - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild u should get 2 female betta
Cory Keepers
Cory Keepers - 7 years ago
One of my favorite videos!
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Cory Keepers
Cory Keepers - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Cody Ulbricht
Cody Ulbricht - 7 years ago
Can't wait to see the growth and how nice it will look growing up in the proper tank size and with all of the nice plants he will be awesome. #Challenger
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Awe tanks so much
FPS Aquatics
FPS Aquatics - 7 years ago
Nice fish man
Koala Turtle
Koala Turtle - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild pun is real
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Beckett Jarnagin
Beckett Jarnagin - 7 years ago
I don't know I was checking out your channel and I was looking through your playlists and clicked on a playlist and saw this video(:
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Beckett Jarnagin
Beckett Jarnagin - 7 years ago
How did you decide to make your YouTube channel? The reason I'm asking is because I just got a 10 gallon tank and I have been watching your videos and you are inspiring me to create a YouTube channel.
MaddenMobileGames - 7 years ago
Beckett Jarnagin sounds just like me!
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
+Beckett Jarnagin I wantes to learn and to teach wait his did u get this video lol

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