Betta 7 years ago 67,144 views
Patreon Link to the fish tank Today I get a baby betta fish for my new 3-gallon tank Fish tank wish list: Instagram SnapChat thejimmotion Patreon :) Josh James Jenny Ashley John Mattew Larry Gavin These people help me so much :) Sponsors for this video NONE Want your name on the back of my fish tank?
10. comment for GETTING NEW BETTA FISH!!
20. comment for GETTING NEW BETTA FISH!!
Awesome tanks!!
30. comment for GETTING NEW BETTA FISH!!
50. comment for GETTING NEW BETTA FISH!!
100. comment for GETTING NEW BETTA FISH!!
what camera do you use?
I think you are doing a good job caring for your fish but that 10g is just such a weird, unconventional set up.
of how tiny he was.
also shrimp don't really add much to the bio load cause they mainly feed on the bio film and left over food.
Finally getting a lot better at keeping all the animal habitats clean... if you ever get pet rats, I suggest wiping down the shelves daily.. helps a ton!
when you add new fish in your tank and you put them in, do also 2-3 times a little bit of tank water in the cup/bag because the fish in the shops have different water parameters and it helps your fish to aclimate better
also you can turn off the lights when the fish are aclimating because they are very close to the lights and have no place to hide (very stressful)
i like your big betta he looks very healthy but he is acting weierd because he don't do well with other fish (i know he left them alone and live and eat together) but bettas get stressed by the other fish, they live alone in tons of plants in rice fields and don't habe this much contact to other fish..he will just live fine in community tank but will die alot earlyer
the food for bettas is very important.. i highly recommend live food or frozen food or same food like bloodworms or atemia dry (not live and not frozen) sry don't know how to explain in english
when you look on the back of your pellet and flake food for bettas take a look at the things that are in the food, when they are plants or grain etc. in the betta food it's not healthy at all for them..
i hope you read the comment and like the tips you can ask me if you want to know something about fish care :)
You could breed them, also you don't really need to acclimate, just dump the fish in and never put the water from the bag into the tank, you could ruin and kill all your fish
1 do you want to get an arowana
2 can you do a video on how to breed bettas
1 do you want to get an arowana
2 can you do a video on how to breed bettas