TWO NEW BETTA FISH!! OPEN FOR MORE:) HEY I made this vlog because you guys like always request them! I got two more betas for ANOTHER BETTA SORORITY... so hope you enjoy and also give the video a big thumbs up! IT HELPS ALOT! My last video! Social media instagram- Kr_youtube twitter- Kr_youtube snapchat- Kr_youtube the hunt- kryoutube Hope you enjoyed the video! like,comment and subscribe EDITOR- FINAL CUT PROX CAMERA- CANON REBEL T3I -Kayla R-

GETTING NEW BETTA FISH!! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 93

Betta 9 years ago 82,020 views

TWO NEW BETTA FISH!! OPEN FOR MORE:) HEY I made this vlog because you guys like always request them! I got two more betas for ANOTHER BETTA SORORITY... so hope you enjoy and also give the video a big thumbs up! IT HELPS ALOT! My last video! Social media instagram- Kr_youtube twitter- Kr_youtube snapchat- Kr_youtube the hunt- kryoutube Hope you enjoyed the video! like,comment and subscribe EDITOR- FINAL CUT PROX CAMERA- CANON REBEL T3I -Kayla R-

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Most popular comments

Rafael Fidalgo
Rafael Fidalgo - 7 years ago
Pretty sing and lysds
Johnny Cage
Johnny Cage - 7 years ago
Bradley Carrillo
Bradley Carrillo - 7 years ago
You really have a good betta
ireland Rose
ireland Rose - 7 years ago
There gonna eat each other:(
Alison Gymnast11
Alison Gymnast11 - 7 years ago
In the tank, the fish look like their flying
Bret Dobbs
Bret Dobbs - 7 years ago
my betta died today so im getting a new one and im so excited btw love your vid
Bret Dobbs
Bret Dobbs - 7 years ago
aww so cute
Angie Camacho
Angie Camacho - 7 years ago
You support Petco and pet smart
Fishy Lps
Fishy Lps - 7 years ago
How much was the ten gallon from Walmart I really need to know

10. comment for GETTING NEW BETTA FISH!!

Kimberley Grossnicklaus
Kimberley Grossnicklaus - 7 years ago
you can add the females together if u like
XxDasiy MspxX
XxDasiy MspxX - 7 years ago
you are so pretty!!! I love your vids!!!!
My Vuong
My Vuong - 7 years ago
My betta fish dead :( it a male
roup - 7 years ago
my eyes are burning from thay gravel...

jk idc its urs not mine xd
midnight - 7 years ago
I got cut checking for jagged edges on one of those squidward houses R.I.P you should check too for safety incase the betta gets cut
Adelynn McKenney
Adelynn McKenney - 8 years ago
that's alot of fish...
Darryl Moore
Darryl Moore - 8 years ago
dont you know you have to pair betas even male and females before they are put in a tank or bowl together?,................those nips and bites you see they are giving each are not for play they will eventually rip of a balancing fin or something ,.............long story short they will kill each other
BE LS - 8 years ago
why would you put them together?
Dog_ Life_2016
Dog_ Life_2016 - 8 years ago
littlemisssierrra - 8 years ago
You shouldn't have in such big tank they can't breathe in it it needs to be small
Emma's Animal Adventure
Emma's Animal Adventure - 7 years ago
littlemisssierrra I have my betta in a 40 gallon tank the like big space they don't live in puddles they have an organ called a labrith that makes them breath so they can breath if you don't know about something then do say anything you'll give people the wrong idea and they will miss treat there fish

20. comment for GETTING NEW BETTA FISH!!

Andriana Dube
Andriana Dube - 8 years ago
You can't to put 2 betas together they I'll fight
Nyx Ravenshade
Nyx Ravenshade - 8 years ago
cool Bettas! I have 3 boys, an elephant ear named Zar-Charag, an all white crowntail named Snow, and a new veil tail i haven't named yet. good luck with your Betta keeping!
XcuteFoxyGameing X
XcuteFoxyGameing X - 8 years ago
and sunny.D
XcuteFoxyGameing X
XcuteFoxyGameing X - 8 years ago
Xoxo Randomness
Xoxo Randomness - 8 years ago
Do guppies or goldfish need heaters? Also, would a goldfish and a guppy get along as tank mates
Yoga Pradenta
Yoga Pradenta - 8 years ago
Animals are Life
Animals are Life - 8 years ago
Banana and neon
xXKayleePlayzXx - 8 years ago
I know it is already 2017 but I personally would have done for the white one: either CloudPuff or Moonlight, and for the yellowish-white one: Sunshine or Marshmellow
galaxy star
galaxy star - 8 years ago
LOL I have the same filter!
Kimmie Kim
Kimmie Kim - 8 years ago
wut are you doing they will kill each other
C . H Films
C . H Films - 8 years ago
Kimmie Kim chill

30. comment for GETTING NEW BETTA FISH!!

bellavirus drowned
bellavirus drowned - 8 years ago
You had 19 babies at the time? Well I got two pregnant female mollies by accident and they both had around 40 babies each + I have around 20 convict cichlid babies XD
spiceygirl59 - 8 years ago
I have three goldfish and I am thinking of giving them this 5.5 gallon thank they are in a small one rn but the 5.5 doesn't have a lid. I have a filter. Is it ok to go without a lid ? Thanks
the sun is a deadly laser
the sun is a deadly laser - 8 years ago
ShadeofDeath Oh yeah, definitely not 3 in a 2.5. Lol it's alright
ShadeofDeath - 8 years ago
Oh I'm sorry, I thought you were answering the original comment, the
person was asking if they could put three goldfish into a 5.5 gallon.

And I agree that the minimum for a betta is 2.5 gallons, I just got a little angry since I thought you were saying you could put three goldfish in a 2.5 gallon xD

Sorry for the confusion!
the sun is a deadly laser
the sun is a deadly laser - 8 years ago
ShadeofDeath I have done my research and I have owned multiple bettas. I'm 100% correct. 2.5 gallons is the minimum for the cycle to complete. :)
ShadeofDeath - 8 years ago
If you haven't done your research, don't give advice
the sun is a deadly laser
the sun is a deadly laser - 8 years ago
C . H Films it actually isn't too small. 2.5 gallons or more is fine.
the sun is a deadly laser
the sun is a deadly laser - 8 years ago
spiceygirl59 It's actually not too small of a tank, 2.5 gallons or more is fine. I recommend a lid because he could jump out/escape. If you have any animals, he could get eaten or hurt as well. You want a lid with LED lights because they need light for 6-8 hours a day.
C . H Films
C . H Films - 8 years ago
spiceygirl59 WAY TO SMALL
Jessica Argaez
Jessica Argaez - 8 years ago
Where did you get that hexagon tank the little platy was in?
Kuba Klimkow
Kuba Klimkow - 8 years ago
koyam bojowniki
Tcchapman Tc
Tcchapman Tc - 8 years ago
white chocolate
Sasha Zatuchny
Sasha Zatuchny - 8 years ago
my fish looks so simillar, it is yellow and purple just like hers. The only difference is the tail, mine is flowy
Hailey - 8 years ago
My sister got a half gallon tank for her beta fish
jillian ober
jillian ober - 8 years ago
Hailey poor fishyyy
Taylor Henson
Taylor Henson - 8 years ago
Feisti for the baby
kayce 10
kayce 10 - 8 years ago
Abby babby
Musically queen Nobrega
Musically queen Nobrega - 8 years ago
The first video to maybe my name could be Marissa
Annika Bozentko
Annika Bozentko - 8 years ago
You should name the white one pearl
Jacqueline Baker
Jacqueline Baker - 8 years ago
They are beautiful I love them
Thea Callahan
Thea Callahan - 8 years ago
What brand was that first 10 gal tank??
Grace Kravis
Grace Kravis - 8 years ago
Your so stupid you can't have more than one betas I know
Insanious - 7 years ago
Google ‘Betta Sorority Tanks’ :,)
Mammal Channel
Mammal Channel - 7 years ago
Grace Kravis I have had 5 females thougther they did fine they even stud up for each other if they got a new tank mate they would make sure no one was bullied in a way
Mammal Channel
Mammal Channel - 7 years ago
Grace Kravis Your so stupid if u don't know some can go thougther
The Holy fish keeper
The Holy fish keeper - 7 years ago
My Vuong its been proven wrong
My Vuong
My Vuong - 7 years ago
Grace Kravis you stupid you could put female together thing first
Carmen Navarro
Carmen Navarro - 7 years ago
Grace Kravis yes u can but only females
Anna Elston
Anna Elston - 8 years ago
Grace Kravis yes, you actually can. mellow female betas can live together in sorority tanks. know what your talking about before you say it.
Deerwing - 8 years ago
Grace Kravis yes you can with 3 females
Taylor Henson
Taylor Henson - 8 years ago
Actually you can you just have to introduce them slowly and you can have as many as you want as long as they have room to swim around.
GOKU X - 8 years ago
you can have more then one female Betta in one tank as long as the tank is 10 gal or more and is not over crowded
female Betta tip - get them young and when adding new Betta watch and see if thy will accept her if not remove her and you might not be able to add any more Betta
COOL X xx - 8 years ago
mango and lemon lime
letherface sawyer
letherface sawyer - 8 years ago
emmie loves ya
emmie loves ya - 8 years ago
I'm late, I would have named one Sherbert, and the other Starburst
Smite 2
Smite 2 - 8 years ago
Kayla do u have a cousin named cort?
That One Equestrian
That One Equestrian - 8 years ago
Love the fish! also we have the same name xD
Yogita Nathan
Yogita Nathan - 8 years ago
i thought u cant hav more then one in a tank
Insanious - 7 years ago
You should do some research if you’re planning on putting Bettas together, it’s quite a process.
Yogita Nathan
Yogita Nathan - 8 years ago
well i just got 2 more betta
That One Equestrian
That One Equestrian - 8 years ago
females can go together

50. comment for GETTING NEW BETTA FISH!!

Chloe Mcmurry
Chloe Mcmurry - 8 years ago
Rainbow and sunset
Ellie Tidwell
Ellie Tidwell - 8 years ago
dose she live in Laguna hills
CookieB Jelly
CookieB Jelly - 8 years ago
Cupcake name one of them cupcake
M Stoltz
M Stoltz - 8 years ago
How many tank do you have wow!!!
Linda Hill
Linda Hill - 8 years ago
Are Betta fish freshwater?
virtual riot
virtual riot - 8 years ago
fred my blue fish gives me luck peace
Jake Avila
Jake Avila - 8 years ago
Beautiful fish and beautiful person ;)
RedFoxTheGamerGirl - 8 years ago
I'm really excited my family fish just had babies and there's 5 of them. I hope they all survive because there's only two other fish there really big though and mean. My dad always had little caves in the tank and a little house so there okay :)
AJ GAMES - 8 years ago
Lilly Davis
Lilly Davis - 8 years ago
Your pronouncing it wrong , the way you pronounce veil is meat, the way your mom said it was veil like a brides bail which is correct because they have a long flowing tail , not a tail made of meat
Lilly Davis
Lilly Davis - 8 years ago
Veil* not bail
Jonnyg11 - 8 years ago
People say she is crazy for putting 2 betas in the same tank. She put 6 and 2 guppies in the same tank. R.I.P
Jonnyg11 - 8 years ago
Woah there was a half moon double tail in there those fish are rare to find I never find them in my petco that I go to.
sxrcxsm_ - 8 years ago
can u name the red one fish because i had one exactly like that when i was young called fish
The Journey
The Journey - 8 years ago
i love u kayla! u were on CJs live stream and u went to go look at my channel and i wanted to say im a big fan and i love u!
Xxbattlebee53653 Xxxx
Xxbattlebee53653 Xxxx - 8 years ago
If it's a boy: zack | if it's a girl: reena
Eazymoney 5832
Eazymoney 5832 - 8 years ago
6 bettas in one tank u crazy their gonna kill each other
Studio Souky
Studio Souky - 8 years ago
+Trinidizzle No, females not :)
Perfect Pets
Perfect Pets - 8 years ago
+trinidizzle “fukyewtrinity” not usually it just depends on the betta:)
lol - 8 years ago
+Rexala females are just as aggressive as males
Alex Taylor
Alex Taylor - 8 years ago
"betta sorority tank" Google it. 5+ female bettas in one tank works.
David landwerlen
David landwerlen - 8 years ago
girl bettas don't kill each other
Sre_ Rich
Sre_ Rich - 8 years ago
too small for sorority.
my crazy family 101
my crazy family 101 - 8 years ago
from Walmart LED kit
my crazy family 101
my crazy family 101 - 8 years ago
I have the exact same fish tank
alexis loves madelaine
alexis loves madelaine - 8 years ago
I want to get a betta! Can someone give me a little beginners guide/ dos and donts? Thanks! I just don't want to mess anything up
Shark Bait
Shark Bait - 8 years ago
+Alexis' A :Alexis: that's a beautiful name! Happy life with your Atlas ❤️
Breanne Tipper
Breanne Tipper - 8 years ago
+Alexis' A :Alexis: awwwww! Atlas is what I've been planning to name my snake
alexis loves madelaine
alexis loves madelaine - 8 years ago
I have a beautiful HMDTC, his name is Atlas and he lives in a heated, Filtered 2.5 gallon tank!
Breanne Tipper
Breanne Tipper - 8 years ago
In my personal opinion, bettas do best in 2.5 or more gallon tanks. Heated and filtered. Bettas are prone to jumping out of tanks so make sure it has a lid. Bowls, no matter what gallonage (because I know there are large bowls out there) I do not recommend. The rounded sides distort their vision and stress them out. 3 or more female bettas do best as a sorority though males have to be kept separate. Male and female bettas do not mix either. If you are making a sorority, it's advised that you have lots of hiding places for the females and expect some fighting when they first meet, they are like a wolf pack and have to sort out dominance. Some females don't work with the sorority, being to dominant to fit in to the hierarchy. And when first introducing a new betta it's advised that you quarantine for a week at least and then float the female in the sorority to see how she interacts from inside the betta cup. I can't think of any other advice right now but I will come back to it
Shark Bait
Shark Bait - 8 years ago
Don't listen to those myths about how they live in puddles in the wild. They do not lol. So you'll need a 2+ gallon tank, heater (tropical fish need heated water 80°F), lots of decor so the betta feels secure, and a filter. Blood worms are the best food. Do noottttt get a tiny "betta bowl", they cannot thrive in those. The bigger your tank, they happier your betta :)
julie pham
julie pham - 8 years ago
Buy a fish tank that is more that 1 gallon (the bigger the tank, the happier your fish will be). You should have a filter, heater, lights, and conditioner to treat the water. Do water change every week. Don't overfeed your fish. If you buy a male it should live alone, female can live with other females. Leave the lights on in the daytime and off at night.
My Little Zoo
My Little Zoo - 8 years ago
There's a bunch o youtube!
Pabu Boyer
Pabu Boyer - 8 years ago
i think one should be max and the other should be alex,
Coco Cream
Coco Cream - 8 years ago
omg your fish is so pretty hope its doing well
colorstorm52 - 8 years ago
i am planning to buy 2 female betta's a crowntail and a veiltail can i put them in a tank oh and p.s. i love your videos and i think that you and cj are the best have a good day
Rachel b
Rachel b - 8 years ago
You cannot put two or three female BETTAS together they will fight to the death you need AT LEAST 4 it helps to spread the agression
LovesSongz - 8 years ago
I would recommend dividing the tank in half if you have a 10 gal.
My Little Zoo
My Little Zoo - 8 years ago
I didn't think you could keep two beta's together! Maybe it's a rumor or something!!
Alpha Bloom
Alpha Bloom - 8 years ago
if I am seeing correctly I think you have the same size tank and same types of fish :O
Nelson Perez
Nelson Perez - 8 years ago
your crazyy you put 2 bettas in the same tank
Nutella 13
Nutella 13 - 8 years ago
eRa Vise bettas can be put with other fish, but they can't be 2,3,4,5 betas in the same tank
Rhees Arsenault
Rhees Arsenault - 8 years ago
+My Little Zoo glad we cleared that up
My Little Zoo
My Little Zoo - 8 years ago
+Mush Arsenault I didn't know they were females sorry!
Rhees Arsenault
Rhees Arsenault - 8 years ago
Female sororities are fine together, but males are territorial so you cannot put them with other females or males unless they are not aggressive to each other, but even then I wouldn't
iWuvHuskys - 8 years ago
+My Little Zoo female bettas aren't that aggressive
My Little Zoo
My Little Zoo - 8 years ago
That's what I thought!
Muhib Maknojia
Muhib Maknojia - 8 years ago
hey does anybody know why does my betta goes near small bush and rest in it
Sre_ Rich
Sre_ Rich - 8 years ago
I have my betta in 55 gallon heavy planted tank with neon tetra(2 female)
Dharla DIY'S
Dharla DIY'S - 8 years ago
Name the white betta fish Pearly cause its white and precious as a pearl
David Jackson
David Jackson - 8 years ago
very cute fish
NightWing the Umbreon
NightWing the Umbreon - 8 years ago
0:20 pregnant betta
NightWing the Umbreon
NightWing the Umbreon - 8 years ago
+Emma Randomness I know they do I've done Betta breeding before
emmie loves ya
emmie loves ya - 8 years ago
Bettas have eggs, you're crazy. I'm guessing it is just obese
Jc Michoacano
Jc Michoacano - 8 years ago
nice tank
ONOLION _ - 8 years ago
I have a crowntail Betta male
RIL3Y Bo.0
RIL3Y Bo.0 - 8 years ago
So cute!!
Leonard  Doolin
Leonard Doolin - 8 years ago
I have a great name and it's Madison
n0x - 8 years ago
your bettas are beautiful!
Madeleine LR
Madeleine LR - 8 years ago
you didnt investigate before gettin the bettas??
Suelo Rider
Suelo Rider - 8 years ago
I have 16 (betta fish) fighting fishes in my house and where do you love Kayla R I live in Singapore
Aquarium Boy123
Aquarium Boy123 - 8 years ago
Lots of bettas
Suelo Rider
Suelo Rider - 8 years ago
Please subscribe me
Suelo Rider
Suelo Rider - 8 years ago
Jenna and marbles
YG Treece
YG Treece - 8 years ago
Looks like she just added tap water
Grill Fish
Grill Fish - 8 years ago
I rely like your fish
Amanda P
Amanda P - 8 years ago
awesome job!! and don't forget it is veil not 'veel' tail :)
Kylie - 8 years ago
How much was your tank?
Shannon Minnis
Shannon Minnis - 8 years ago
OK ppl think that all male Betta fish will attack and kill like every fish in the tank and should be given there own small tank.But not all will kill bc we used to have two male Betta's and they never killed any fish and I got more and put them in a tank and they still don't kill.
Heather Flint
Heather Flint - 9 years ago
omg alot of fish their so nice!
RandomJENN - 9 years ago
they have such pretty pastel like colors! if i get a fish like that, i would name her/him pastel :3
RandomJENN - 9 years ago
+BlueRoseStudio xD haha i should
Kacey Tristelle
Kacey Tristelle - 9 years ago
You should name it something cooler :)
Kayla Rigattieri
Kayla Rigattieri - 9 years ago
My name is Kayla and i 5 betta fish
Emily Wescott
Emily Wescott - 9 years ago
How did you get your baby fish in that container and how did you get them out out of the big fish tank
Emily Olmos
Emily Olmos - 9 years ago
I don't know about the baby's
Emily Olmos
Emily Olmos - 9 years ago
I prefer my hand because it you hurt it with the net you can't fix it with your hand you can.
Emily Olmos
Emily Olmos - 9 years ago
You get them out with your hand or net.
Kacey Tristelle
Kacey Tristelle - 9 years ago
What i do is grab a cup and take them out.easy
Betta Bet
Betta Bet - 9 years ago
Too anyone who thinks it's fine to put 2 bettas of any gender together. You CANNOT. Put only 2 bettas together of any gender. If you have a 10-20 gallon you can put 5-7 female bettas together heavily planted. so don't be rude to other people. Check your facts before you try to argue with false facts.
tatum - 8 years ago
A 10 gallon is too small for a Sorority
A Betta Future
A Betta Future - 9 years ago
Opal and Pearl

100. comment for GETTING NEW BETTA FISH!!

Clearly.Josie - 9 years ago
Name the first one you held up baby and the second one sherbert
Narai Esparza
Narai Esparza - 9 years ago
I have a 20 gallon Tropical fish tank and also one female betta and its SpongeBob themed!!!! I have Squid word and SpongeBob's house also I have Patrick sponge bob and sandy figures, I also have a spongebob background!!!(:
GamingWizie - 9 years ago
I guess she is pretty obsessed with beta fish
LylacProductions - 8 years ago
Obsessed is a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated :)
Slimey Kitten
Slimey Kitten - 9 years ago
Ugly poop
Kacey Tristelle
Kacey Tristelle - 9 years ago
You are the one who is.
anne yambao
anne yambao - 9 years ago
the tank looks like squidward paradise
??Simeon Curtis
??Simeon Curtis - 9 years ago
cool fish
GottaLoveBreyerHorsies - 9 years ago
You need a heap more plants than you have, your bettas would have less tears and be more comfortable and likely to live longer lives. It's best to have the plants so dense that you can't see from one side to the other of the tank. Just a heads up. Always research before acting, ^^
notnatural - 9 years ago
My beta fish is not very active and only stays on the top of my tank in one spot. I just got her. I got a heater and a hiding spot and a filter for her. Could someone tell me what's wrong with her.
nicole calderón
nicole calderón - 9 years ago
She might be a little stressed because it is a new tank and a new habitat. The same thing happened to my adult male betta.
LovesSongz - 9 years ago
I wish my Petco & Petsmart had bigger bettas, they only sell baby females :(
Tori Fan
Tori Fan - 9 years ago
or if you put them in a diffrent tank and i got one because my gold fish died ;(
Tori Fan
Tori Fan - 9 years ago
if you get 2 don't because if you put them in the same tank they will fight sooooooo don't....
Miguel Castillo
Miguel Castillo - 8 years ago
Only males will fight females can be in groups I learned from experience
Cats&Potions - 9 years ago
Seems like a great video, couldn't watch the whole thing because of the iirritating music playing non stop
Karo - 9 years ago
You have a bad akvarium!!! This akvarium isn´t good for bettas, because you haven´t aquarium plants for them!!!! And there is a large temperature !!!
steve serval
steve serval - 9 years ago
its actually "aquarium"
Julian McKay
Julian McKay - 9 years ago
no filter=ammonia disaster
BettaGodwin -
BettaGodwin - - 9 years ago
If i could call them ...
the first one showed ( in the car) I would call rainbow
and the second one ( in the car showed) I would call Fanby
Lifewithpets - 9 years ago
Your female Betta's are gorgeous!
Jack Menard
Jack Menard - 9 years ago
The Squidward house killed 2 of my angel fish :(
Courtney Trujillo
Courtney Trujillo - 8 years ago
+My Little Zoo Your welcome :D
My Little Zoo
My Little Zoo - 8 years ago
+Courtney Trujillo ok thank you! :)
Courtney Trujillo
Courtney Trujillo - 8 years ago
+My Little Zoo The fish probably got traped or someting
My Little Zoo
My Little Zoo - 8 years ago
What is wrong with the squid ward house?
Courtney Trujillo
Courtney Trujillo - 9 years ago
+Jack Menard subscribed to you
Courtney Trujillo
Courtney Trujillo - 9 years ago
+Jack Menard I got my fish yesterday and I was going to buy that but I did't because I already got it some fish is named Angel. I am so so sorry you lost your fishes.Thanks for sharing that.
Firdaus Muhd Nur
Firdaus Muhd Nur - 9 years ago
your fish is nice female#betta fish
Aquatic squid
Aquatic squid - 9 years ago
Miguel Castillo
Miguel Castillo - 8 years ago
Females can be together I learned from experience,only male will fight each other
Remmi manga ink
Remmi manga ink - 9 years ago
the new beta thats wite with the yellow egdes id name it french vanilla, and the other one with the purple coloring, arora
Remmi manga ink
Remmi manga ink - 9 years ago
I have 3 beta fishes. my big fat one is named potato, then I got a pretty pink and white one with big fins that remind me of angel wings, his name is klause. and my last one was like a lavender color but turned blue, I named him registeel
yami barocio
yami barocio - 9 years ago
u should name the white with gold sunshine
Mia Provenzano
Mia Provenzano - 9 years ago
What do you use to edit your videos?
FATON FATON - 9 years ago
Megan L
Megan L - 9 years ago
moonshine, cream, or coconut.
Hannah Schwaz
Hannah Schwaz - 9 years ago
you really shouldn't put both of them to gather because theyfight ro there death
5 The Sheep
5 The Sheep - 8 years ago
+Molly Hawken its called a sorority which is pretty much a group of female bettas
Molly Hawken
Molly Hawken - 9 years ago
Only males do but she still shoudnt put them together it stresses them
Betta Fish Heaven
Betta Fish Heaven - 9 years ago
Hey loved the video will you please check out my channel?
rare coin collector!
rare coin collector! - 9 years ago
violet for this first one
Teneshia Gillard
Teneshia Gillard - 9 years ago
you have a dream tank I would love to have a tank like that and I am going to make my tank like that 55 gallons worth
Rose Feather
Rose Feather - 9 years ago
its looks like its a rainbow fish :3
tanya alexander
tanya alexander - 9 years ago
Hi i also got new betta fish
Aaron Lewis
Aaron Lewis - 9 years ago
Good video!
I subbed :D :D
UNIQUE MIRANDA - 9 years ago
What about muffin thats what i named my last betta which died in about 6 years
Jackie Homs
Jackie Homs - 9 years ago
Also how do you know what kind of betta fish you have? I got a baby make at the store but it didn't tell me what kind he was
Lauren Walrath
Lauren Walrath - 9 years ago
When bettas are "baby's" you can't always tell what kind they are, since they may be too young, as in your case. Hope that helped(:
Jackie Homs
Jackie Homs - 9 years ago
Can someone describe what a "sorority" is? When talking about the fish. And also I thought bettas fought?
5 The Sheep
5 The Sheep - 8 years ago
+Madi Waters you can't add a male to a sorority
Animal Lover
Animal Lover - 8 years ago
+Jackie Homs it is where female Bettas live in one tank together you can also add one male

Females usually don't fight those are male that is why you can't have to males but you can have two female or a male and a female
Savanna & Animals
Savanna & Animals - 9 years ago
+Jackie Homs  female bettas can be put together. A sorority is a community tank with female bettas, sometimes you could put other kinds of fish in the sorority also. like guppies, neon tetras...
CloudsOfRainbow16 - 9 years ago
shaky ass hands
JulieBea L
JulieBea L - 9 years ago
Cute fish, but don't put the bettas in one tank... they will bite and kill each other... They are known as fighting fish...
A Betta Future
A Betta Future - 9 years ago
+David Beck well depends if you want hundreds of babies.... And it's hard to judge if a male is mellow in the store
David Beck
David Beck - 9 years ago
+Betta fish 936 they can actually but only one mellow male
A Betta Future
A Betta Future - 9 years ago
+David Beck I never said that females couldn't go together
A Betta Future
A Betta Future - 9 years ago
+David Beck and males can't go in sororities...
A Betta Future
A Betta Future - 9 years ago
+David Beck um how was I stupid I knew that, I have one...
JulieBea L
JulieBea L - 9 years ago
+David Beck no need to call me dumb.
David Beck
David Beck - 9 years ago
+Betta fish 936 And u can add a male in there
David Beck
David Beck - 9 years ago
+Betta fish 936 yes u can stupid it's called a sorotit
A Betta Future
A Betta Future - 9 years ago
You can put females together just not males also you can not have boys and girls together
Sharon szeto
Sharon szeto - 9 years ago
it's called a Betta sorority
David Beck
David Beck - 9 years ago
Not 2 males*
David Beck
David Beck - 9 years ago
U r so dumb you can put several female Bettas together with one male. But boy 2 males which I did once but I have a 50 gallon tank so the established territory
Savanna & Animals
Savanna & Animals - 9 years ago
+JulieBea L  its called a sorority
Maryanne Mcdaniel
Maryanne Mcdaniel - 9 years ago
I have the same tank for my male betta. the filter that came with mine flooded alot
Jimin Mochi
Jimin Mochi - 9 years ago
I think the squid ward house looks so cute love the video!
Feebee Online
Feebee Online - 9 years ago
I likes it
Luna harmony 1987
Luna harmony 1987 - 9 years ago
Soo cute
Kendall Ward
Kendall Ward - 9 years ago
my pet stores don't sell females
Collins Johnson
Collins Johnson - 9 years ago
I recently got the same tank as you! I'm planning on having a betta and neon tetra tank. If you have any advice i would appreciate it! :^)
Jenny Macgregor
Jenny Macgregor - 9 years ago
Hey I'm a newbie with fish I got a 22 litre tank on Christmas and I'm getting quite a lot of fish today and I'm getting tropical fish ....I'm going to start getting more tanks and more fish !
imasmolcactus - 9 years ago
Kayla I have a betta fish, and just some tips and warnings:
DO NOT put 2 betta fish in the same tank. Betta fish are also called Siamese Fighting Fish. They will kill eachother.
DO NOT have your betta fish look in a mirror. I know it sounds crazy, but it's true. If you have it look in the mirror, it may puff up and get stressed out.
I don't like that you put 2 betta fish in the same tank, they will hurt eachother.
Yoon Ki
Yoon Ki - 9 years ago
+Emily Wescott it depends. You can't put 2 males together, but 2 females are fine.
Emily Wescott
Emily Wescott - 9 years ago
I have two Bettas in one tank they don't kill each other
Anna B
Anna B - 9 years ago
+gamerkitty621 I had 2 females in a 90litre for years till they both passed on. They got on great!
Tori Anna
Tori Anna - 9 years ago
+DA COOKIE MONSTA ok think what you want to think
Tori Anna
Tori Anna - 9 years ago
You can put two females together but not a male and male
imasmolcactus - 9 years ago
Oh wait. You put them in separate tanks.
Jack smith
Jack smith - 9 years ago
Can i have a betta sorority in a 20l tank? I know people say 10 gallons but if it has enough hiding places and i only have 4 or 5?
Jack smith
Jack smith - 9 years ago
+Candy Animalz I have a 54l (2ft long) tank and have added 6 neon tetras. might go with just one female and id love a ram pair if they would get alomg with a betta.
Candy Animalz
Candy Animalz - 9 years ago
A 10 gallon is a great size for a sorority is you don't have too many ladies in there and a 20 gallon can be too big/ good and the same time depending on the size of your females
jill valentin
jill valentin - 9 years ago
no. 10gal is actually a horrible size for a sorority. 20gal is the absolute minimum for a sorority
Cyn_BossLady Official
Cyn_BossLady Official - 9 years ago
Did they die from the batta fish
Y Howlter
Y Howlter - 9 years ago
Bettas aren't ever suppose to be in the same tank.. Even if the fighting is to the minimum. It can stress out the fish :/
5 The Sheep
5 The Sheep - 8 years ago
+Cousinn AJ male Bettas cannot be paired though, as they do fight. Females can be paired.
5 The Sheep
5 The Sheep - 8 years ago
It's something called a sorority, which is a group of female betta fish. It's completely fine to establish a sorority. Please get your facts straight before you comment on a video.
Stella Morris
Stella Morris - 9 years ago
I did see a female Betta that was lavender and mint green and she was very pretty at my local pet store
simtitan1 - 9 years ago
Cute Bettas! Watch out though, Bettas tend to nip anything with long fins. Also, those LED lights tend to fail after a year or two. I had one that had half of the LEDs just fail, and another that went really dim. Have you considered live plants for them to hide in? They really need their line of sight broken up quite a bit if your keeping more than one female, and live plants are great for that, plus live plants absorb some of the nitrates from the tank, which means healthier fish. Also, thank you for giving them a good size tank, too many people just stick a fish in a half gallon tank these days.
Udana Fonseka
Udana Fonseka - 9 years ago
Love the tanks and the beautiful fish. You are very pretty and the vlog is "feel good"!
NEB Barnes
NEB Barnes - 9 years ago
I am so frustrated! I just set up my betas 10 gallon tank. I followed the directions 7 drops to every gallon. I measured out 8 gallons to fill it up about an inch under the metal part. Don't want my Chet to jump out. But anyhow, he was not perking up once I put him in. So I took a water sample and had it tested at a pet store, they told me it had too much ammonia in it and to add another 1/2 teaspoon of the conditioner. So I did. And Chet was happy again, swimming back and forth. But this morning I found him stuck to the water filter where it sucks in the water. (thats the same filter system I had too) He must have gotten too close. I ended up taking it out. I don't want him to keep getting stuck on it. Anyhow, he is hardly swimming at all again. I don't know what to do. I hate to take more water out and have it tested, again. How do you know without measuring if you have enough conditioner in it? Should I add more drops? Poor Chet :( Any suggestions?
NEB Barnes
NEB Barnes - 7 years ago
I can't slow it down .But I did put plants in front of the intake and shower part of it and that helped.
Mabel Tœvy
Mabel Tœvy - 7 years ago
NEB Barnes if the filter keeps bugging you i would recommend a sponge filter. betta fish can't swim very well so a filter with a strong intake current can be dangerous. Can you slow down the current on your filter?
NEB Barnes
NEB Barnes - 8 years ago
I wound up putting a silk flower in front of the intake. He swims around the intake now totally avoiding it. Should have done that a long time ago.
Hannah Banana
Hannah Banana - 8 years ago
If your filter keeps sucking him to it then a good tip is to get some old tights/stockings, trim them to size and cover up the intake part with them and tie it to keep it secure so it works as a sleeve and prevents the fins getting torn too. :)
Grace Ahner
Grace Ahner - 8 years ago
males and female should only be together for breeding and nothing more. they cannot live together for more than that because they will kill each other
Aeryn Rayne
Aeryn Rayne - 8 years ago
Well my water conditioner says to add 14 drops for every gallon, maybe you might have read it wrong?
Fluff,Fins And Feathers
Fluff,Fins And Feathers - 8 years ago
+NEB Barnes so glad that they are all doing well, I have 2 fancy goldfish (a aranda and a calico) and a loach they are very cute, healthy, happy little fishes ☺
Aquatica Tropic
Aquatica Tropic - 8 years ago
Classic betta keeper
NEB Barnes
NEB Barnes - 8 years ago
+Victoria Krehbiel Alls well now with both my tanks. I finally got all the levels right. I have 1 Beta, 4 Neon Tetras, 3 Red Eyed Tetras and a small cory... I do water changes every week so that the ammonia and the brown bacteria are kept in check. All my fish are so happy now. I love watching them swim around. Just thought you all should know.
Fluff,Fins And Feathers
Fluff,Fins And Feathers - 8 years ago
water conditioner doesn't really take out the ammonia it's just for taking out chlorine and harmful chemicals in your water and provides your fish with a slime coat to keep it safe, you might want to get some beneficial bacteria solution to eat up the ammonia, it's more than likely that your filter wasn't cycled if it was brand new I used start zyme by jungle to get the beneficial bacteria to start growing in my goldfish tank. hope this helped and hope you fish is doing well.
Elijah Xiong
Elijah Xiong - 8 years ago
+Hamad Mohamed the male won't kill any fish if it lives with it it can live with a female if it is bred with it then they will stay together in a tank but the male will flare at the female but doesn't need to be a pair he just needs to look at the female for a week or so
Black Pheonix
Black Pheonix - 9 years ago
+Kayla R if u get a male give it his own tank because he will kill any fish
Kayla R
Kayla R - 9 years ago
I would suggest getting a new filter!! I hope that the fish gets better soon!!:(
Sam's Bettas
Sam's Bettas - 9 years ago
Your male betta looks just like mine!
Tatum Davis
Tatum Davis - 9 years ago
Love squidwards house!!!!!
Tatum Davis
Tatum Davis - 9 years ago
Firework is a great name for a crowntail beta!!
Angel Productions
Angel Productions - 9 years ago
So cool I love Bettas
Crazy Fish
Crazy Fish - 9 years ago
:) love your vids
kittenjewel101 - 9 years ago
And I subbed haha
kittenjewel101 - 9 years ago
I u can u should try keeping it a little cooler but that is better than temp fluctuations
RAMU RASSMAN - 9 years ago
RAMU RASSMAN - 9 years ago
rainbow chip chocolate chip
Homer Kabir
Homer Kabir - 9 years ago
How much are they are they cheap
sierra Podgurny
sierra Podgurny - 9 years ago
Betta scan range from 1-20$
Grenade Animates
Grenade Animates - 9 years ago
my betta loves the sponge Bob houses
Mr. Clutch
Mr. Clutch - 9 years ago
Can I please have some advice because I have a two bettas and one tank. One female and one male. I put them in a bowl together for a couple minutes and he started flaring at her and chasing her. I don't know what to do can you help me PLEASE
Mr. Clutch
Mr. Clutch - 9 years ago
Now I have good news so don't worry my female named Bubbles is back and lively again.She is lively again. My male will remain in a bowl until tomorrow were I can switch them. I will definitely get another tank so they can live happy and healthy lives again.
Mr. Clutch
Mr. Clutch - 9 years ago
Thanks im working on getting a heater. Yesterday I was going to get a heater but my female showed so much interest in me.You know that feeling when you cant leave them in the store right?
Kayla R
Kayla R - 9 years ago
+Kyra Swinney oh yea sometimes that happens but if it happens for more than a week you might want to change ur food that ur giving her or add a heater!
Mr. Clutch
Mr. Clutch - 9 years ago
I meant she wont eat
Mr. Clutch
Mr. Clutch - 9 years ago
I am worried about my female now. See,now eat and she will only swim when she goes up to get air.But I think she wont eat because it takes a few days for her to get used to me. that was how my male was.Anyway, do you think she is stressed out? Im not asking petco or anybody else because petco is always wrong and I don't know any fish experts except you
Mr. Clutch
Mr. Clutch - 9 years ago
thank you so much your the best :)

Kayla R
Kayla R - 9 years ago
Female and male bettas cannot live together!! Only females can. That's why they are flaring! I would take them out as soon as possible
Turbogeek 21
Turbogeek 21 - 9 years ago
sweet tanks :)
KittensandMichaelClifford - 9 years ago
Omg Beautiful!!!
RobloxFunnies - 9 years ago
wow, that looks like a 20!
Spider Life
Spider Life - 9 years ago
for the betta the one u didnt name try geting a tetra whisper filter 1-3i stand for 1-3 gallon
SkylR - 9 years ago
OMG your bettas are soo cute sadly all the female betta at my local pet store are really dull and not colourful at all anyway if I'm really lucky I'm going to get a male betta tommarow yay!!!!
XKATIE CATX - 9 years ago
They should color up probably just really stressed :)
MiscellaneousRosie - 9 years ago
I LOVE your set up! Name suggestion would be candy floss for the first one, and sunshine for the second!
marielephant1 - 9 years ago
Be carful of the guppies with the girls. Guppies are fin biters :\
marielephant1 - 9 years ago
WOW, I have never seen females with such amazing colors. I bet you already named them, but Opal would be a great name! Their colors remind me of opals!
Jesus Cisneros
Jesus Cisneros - 9 years ago
i like your betta fish
Cheryl Dahl
Cheryl Dahl - 9 years ago
music's not good when you talking :(
jill valentin
jill valentin - 9 years ago
Kayla... 10gal is WAY too small for. sorority! also,, neon tetras aren't good tank mates for bettas because they require cooler temperatures. and your girls are/were certainly not enjoying it in there. see those dark stripes on some of their sides? that means that they are stressed out and going into a panic.
jill valentin
jill valentin - 9 years ago
im not saying that fish can't live in a 10gal im saying that a sorority can't live in a 10gal. and yes, there are steess stripes on some of them.
Kayla R
Kayla R - 9 years ago
Okay for one thing, they don't have black stripes on there sides in this video. 2nd thing, you must not know too much about Bettas because they can live in a ten gallon and that has plenty of room. 3rd I would love advice just please make sure it's accurate. Thank you!
About Betta Fish Tanks
About Betta Fish Tanks - 9 years ago
Nice bettas!
Alicia mango
Alicia mango - 9 years ago
I love fish so much! I don't have a filter tho, I just do water changes
cash x
cash x - 9 years ago
How do you earn your own money ( just curious?.) Might be weird because I own 4 hamsters and wanna to get glow fish with a glow fish tank . U .
cash x
cash x - 9 years ago
Okie thanks. :)
Kayla R
Kayla R - 9 years ago
Yea I earn mine because I get an allowance and I also earn from YouTube :)
Golden Holiday
Golden Holiday - 9 years ago
Name - Heaven Light ;(
Golden Holiday
Golden Holiday - 9 years ago
So cute ! I have goldfish Marianne xD
Lucy wainwright
Lucy wainwright - 9 years ago
How did u get ur betas to not fight and nice tanks there so pretty
micaela macatangay
micaela macatangay - 9 years ago
maybe oscar or starburst would be a good name :D
SM Aquariums
SM Aquariums - 9 years ago
Those soriaties
Ralph -
Ralph - - 9 years ago
that rainbow fish is so pretty
InfinityPets - 9 years ago
You have the same tank as me because my 15 gallon cracked
InfinityPets - 9 years ago
I love them earl and lavender
Djordje Popovic
Djordje Popovic - 9 years ago
love your videos
LiveLikeHeidi - 9 years ago
my fishtail is spongebob themed :D
LiveLikeHeidi - 9 years ago
+sierra Podgurny haha Thankyou! :)
sierra Podgurny
sierra Podgurny - 9 years ago
Oh, that tank must look pretty cool!
LiveLikeHeidi - 9 years ago
+sierra Podgurny omg fishtank!! * sorry haha I didn't realise it said that at the time!
sierra Podgurny
sierra Podgurny - 9 years ago
How did you get its tail like that?
Mikala lace
Mikala lace - 9 years ago
BusyBettas - 9 years ago
I love all of your tanks!!! Your female betta's are so pretty
Aquatic squid
Aquatic squid - 9 years ago
See you comment on evry Blazing Betts video your a good guy/girl
katherine gheerow
katherine gheerow - 9 years ago
+Kayla R hey nice bettas! i got 2 male bettas but seperate tanks my first one is a crown tail his name his maroon nickname is maroon 5 :3 my other one is a crown tail to i believe. his name his pluto nick name is comit or astroid
Cheryl Mason
Cheryl Mason - 9 years ago
+BusyBettas I see you comment on almost every beta video its really nice to see X3
Kayla R
Kayla R - 9 years ago
Omg thank you so much!!!
Mostafa Alutby
Mostafa Alutby - 9 years ago
can you do 37 gallon tank unbox vidio if you hit 2,000 sub
crazy fun beach bum
crazy fun beach bum - 9 years ago
I love your fish
Citlaly Gonzalez
Citlaly Gonzalez - 9 years ago
ok thank you right now I have a 2 gallon tank but I'm going to get a 10 galon thank and put neon tetras in there and some female bettas
Brooky-Lynn - 9 years ago
I love this vid!! For one female I think u should name her Jazz and maybe squid for the male!!
Amelia Forsyth
Amelia Forsyth - 9 years ago
Luna and Zues
Kayla R
Kayla R - 9 years ago
+Amelia Forsyth good names!!
Animal Lover
Animal Lover - 9 years ago
that tank is sooooooo pretty!!! I want it!!! anyway I love your new female bettas I wish I could get neon tetras for my sorority I also like your other sorority ♡:-):-):-):-)
Kayla R
Kayla R - 9 years ago
+Animal Lover thank you so much!!! and yay!! thank you!!!
Fur and Fins
Fur and Fins - 9 years ago
Great video I love your fish tanks ! Your betta sorority looks great!
Yeimi Morales
Yeimi Morales - 9 years ago
Are u going to sell any fish in the future like the guppies ??
Yeimi Morales
Yeimi Morales - 9 years ago
+Kayla R oh ok good luck
Kayla R
Kayla R - 9 years ago
+Yeimi Morales maybe in the future!! Im looking into breeding betas right now!
Citlaly Gonzalez
Citlaly Gonzalez - 9 years ago
Citlaly Gonzalez
Citlaly Gonzalez - 9 years ago
hi I am cjtlaly and I have to female bettas and so I pit them in together and one of them started to chase her and like they starter to fight and I see videos and they have ther femamle bettas together
Kayla R
Kayla R - 9 years ago
+Citlaly Gonzalez yes! you can have two female betas together. you might want to add a couple neon tetras or guppies to distract them at first
caitlin :p
caitlin :p - 9 years ago
You should name them Lana and Alan
Kayla R
Kayla R - 9 years ago
+Caitlin McKie Cool names!! and yea they are both girls haha and yes fish have genders
Bella and Bettas
Bella and Bettas - 9 years ago
Crystal, lavender, Haley:)
Olyvia 0427
Olyvia 0427 - 9 years ago
Twilight is a good name or Dawn :)
Olyvia 0427
Olyvia 0427 - 9 years ago
+Kayla R thanks :D <3
Kayla R
Kayla R - 9 years ago
+Olyvia 0427 oo good names!
Basically Lai
Basically Lai - 9 years ago
Ameena&Toffee - 9 years ago
Kayla R
Kayla R - 9 years ago
+CutiePieCrafts cool name!
Ameena&Toffee - 9 years ago
Yay I love vlogs x
Kayla R
Kayla R - 9 years ago
+CutiePieCrafts yay! thank you
Per Son
Per Son - 9 years ago
Laney midnight petal penny bubbles
Kayla R
Kayla R - 9 years ago
+Bryanna Cuevas cute names!!
Aniamal Kingdom
Aniamal Kingdom - 9 years ago
Kayla R
Kayla R - 9 years ago
+Aniamal Kingdom YAYYY

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