GIANT Girl Betta Fish and her little guy

Our girl Beta is so much bigger than she was when we first got her... in fact her name is "Tiny" but she is one of the biggest female Beta fish I have ever seen. Our male, named Sparks, is new and so small. But he still is building a bubble nest though if I did try and put them together she would kill him for sure. And she is a SHE all you commenting experts. She layed eggs. Female female femal just weird tale on that female. egg spot is there and eggs too ... doesn't that means she has to be a she?

GIANT Girl Betta Fish and her little guy sentiment_very_dissatisfied 48

Betta 14 years ago 40,207 views

Our girl Beta is so much bigger than she was when we first got her... in fact her name is "Tiny" but she is one of the biggest female Beta fish I have ever seen. Our male, named Sparks, is new and so small. But he still is building a bubble nest though if I did try and put them together she would kill him for sure. And she is a SHE all you commenting experts. She layed eggs. Female female femal just weird tale on that female. egg spot is there and eggs too ... doesn't that means she has to be a she?

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Most popular comments
for GIANT Girl Betta Fish and her little guy

Donna McDonell
Donna McDonell - 10 years ago
Beautiful fish!!!
Bree Thompson
Bree Thompson - 10 years ago
NamasteZen1 - 10 years ago
Also, make sure to add aquarium salt (Epsom) to the tank in the quantity it calls for per gallon. One more thing...I'm your other videos you recommend pellets. Pellets are actually very bad for Bettas, and they are carnivores. the best food for them to eat is Brine shrimp, Freeze dried blood worms and the occasional pea which is good for their organs and intestinal tract. You can use flakes, but I would never use pellets..they are junk.
NamasteZen1 - 10 years ago
First of all, I strongly believe you have two males there. Regardless of that, my main concern is their lack of space. People need to educate themselves and stop Betta abuse. It is proven that Bettas love space and live much longer with 10+ gallons. Betta bowl abuse is so sad, they deserve the space..and they love to swim and explore a large environment. PH balence, water treatment and a heater is very important. They can do well without a filter but I do however highly recommend a "whisper filter" (as they don't like the noise of a regular one). They thrive in temperatures between 76 and 82 degrees. They also love plants and hideaways. These fish are intelligent, beautiful creatures who should NOT be confined to a half a gallon bowl/tank. I cannot stress this enough. Please buy a tank and a heater at the very least. You will be amazed to see how they will swim and flourish. Bettas actually aren't sedentary...People just keep them in such confinement that they have no room to move. Mine are in a 30 gallon tank with a divider and boy do they swim! They follow the sound of my voice, love interaction with me and have flourished since I have rescued them from the bowl of hell they were each living in. Can they survive in a bowl that size...yes.....but not for long, and it is not okay.
Porygon Zeta
Porygon Zeta - 10 years ago
I got a female called Skyrim, she is white, black, and blue.
ronald ino
ronald ino - 11 years ago
fanofaestallings - 11 years ago
Finally! Someone believes me. Thank you so much! It is frustrating especially when I don't have her on video dropping eggs to show off.
fanofaestallings - 11 years ago
Thank you.
drmgrl11 - 11 years ago
how is that creepy... -_-

10. comment for GIANT Girl Betta Fish and her little guy

Chris Edwards
Chris Edwards - 11 years ago
Perhaps the male was bubble nesting (google image it for a picture) the bubbles might look a bit like eggs.
maja6049 - 11 years ago
For the trolls in here this is female and period!She is beautiful :).I had the same giant female only mine was red but she died one months ago :(.He is also adorable.I wish them a good health so you can enjoy in this beautiful fishes for a long time :).And for the others who are trying to be smart in here read,watch or find on google about giant beta fishes!Don't insult and be polite or just don't watch!
fanofaestallings - 11 years ago
thank you witchysis31 for the link. I can not explain how I have two giant Beta Females. If you look at my more recent videos and check out Phee Phee she is just as huge. And I have video of her eggs around the tank. She laid them several times and ate them. However she looks just like my older female Beta fish. Egg spot and all. I will look at the link though as it is a mystery to me. Can males lay eggs? Maybe there is some odd swordtail fish thing going on where they change over one you.
Tina Kingsley
Tina Kingsley - 11 years ago
those are both males females dont have as long fins as those do and are not as big there is a site called betta fish dot com that shows males next to females of all species of betta the females are never that big
fanofaestallings - 12 years ago
Actually I am married. These videos were young my son's idea. My brother met his wife on an online dating site. EHarmony I think.
fanofaestallings - 12 years ago
Hum... blonde yes. Dumb? Maybe maybe not. Guess you'd need my IQ right. It's mensa level.
fanofaestallings - 12 years ago
made me smile. Thanks.
fanofaestallings - 12 years ago
Thank you!! Ah hah!
fanofaestallings - 12 years ago
Thank you!!!
fanofaestallings - 12 years ago
All those out there that feel I made a mistake calling my female a female please watch a new Betta video. Phee Phee is the same size and looks just like this female. But I actually have her laying eggs. They both had egg spots.. I am not trying to doubt any Betta Fish specialist as I am not one. I just really want to learn why a male would have an egg spot and drop eggs? Thanks.

20. comment for GIANT Girl Betta Fish and her little guy

fanofaestallings - 12 years ago
Hi maniacaldenzen22, I have another Betta fish now named phee phee. She is the same kind of Betta as the one in this video. She is huge. Has an egg spot and even drops eggs. Recenty she dropped a ton of them and didn't eat them all. I had to really clean up her tank. I guess her fins do not look like a femal but she is one. Please watch any recent Betta video and let me know the comparisons. Thanks.
Antonio Ayala
Antonio Ayala - 12 years ago
That female can step in that males home when ever she wanted if she could the male would be like i can't stop big mama lool
ManiacalDenizen22 - 12 years ago
The betta on the right is a King Male Betta. King males look like females when they are young and their fins are relatively short so sometimes they appear to be female, grow a lot bigger than most bettas. Females also have much shorter fins. I worked as an aquatic specialist.
Audra Mcfarland
Audra Mcfarland - 12 years ago
I agree with the first guy! Male bettas have the two longer fins on there belly in there front. Female bettas dont. Sorry to burst your betta bubble.
Tina Strack
Tina Strack - 12 years ago
I breed show bettas and bettas of top quality, I know my stuff...You have two males there...
Blaze Gamer
Blaze Gamer - 12 years ago
i have a beutifull goldfish
fanofaestallings - 12 years ago
I have seen some beautiful female betta. Fun fish.
fanofaestallings - 12 years ago
Lyon Denzeus
Lyon Denzeus - 12 years ago
are u trying to make them gay ?
devondino09 - 12 years ago
i agree

30. comment for GIANT Girl Betta Fish and her little guy

fanofaestallings - 12 years ago
Females add to their males bubble nest. I have a female now that has a few bubbles Now. Q
Jessica Tucker
Jessica Tucker - 12 years ago
the female is actually a male, it has a bubble nest
fanofaestallings - 12 years ago
Thank you. My Youngest female is getting really large too. Check her out in new videos. Her name is pheephee
Andy Yang
Andy Yang - 12 years ago
You are a dumb blonde. The End.
Samiran Roy
Samiran Roy - 12 years ago
both of em are males...
DJ KZU - 12 years ago
hunter ashber
hunter ashber - 12 years ago
well it looks like a male but if it is a female i'm surprised if havent seen one with a fan tail so very good job :)
hunter ashber
hunter ashber - 12 years ago
well it looks like a male but if it is a female i'm surprised nice job :)
Cherie Coco
Cherie Coco - 12 years ago
yea i had one female that looked just like her same size and color greenish black her name was shadow was the biggest one i had she was small when i got her and just grew so fast lol
AcidicAngel666 - 12 years ago
They're both males, even some males can have an egg spot but her fins are way too big to even be a Halfmoon/delta tail female! Trust me I've been breedin betta's for ages and some of my males have egg spots :) Just some advice, never put them together to breed as they'll just kill each other.
na1975te - 12 years ago
Dylan Troche
Dylan Troche - 12 years ago
cool fish
Ashley Medford
Ashley Medford - 12 years ago
im kinda uncomfortable.... what kinda creepy person videos there fish and treats them as if the fish care what she says.... if you are that lonely
TheBram1960 - 12 years ago
Males DO occationally have an egg spot! thats a male, females do not show the gill fans, this one has them, simples!
TheBram1960 - 12 years ago
Have to agree with the other comments, you have 2 male fish, sure 'she' would kill him, 'she' is a male, males can sometimes show an egg spot. looking at the fins alone, you definatly have 2 males. Its also showing the 'beard' around the gills. You should listen to the others on here and not put them together
tyyone gaskin
tyyone gaskin - 12 years ago
did u breed cuz male & female dont fight
Christy Stohl
Christy Stohl - 13 years ago
although, i don't agree with the size of their homes and lack of heater..
Christy Stohl
Christy Stohl - 13 years ago
@fanofaestallings sometimes juvenile males will have an egg spot actually. but it does go away. and i agree, sometimes females can get pretty large and have longer flowing fins, it's just pretty rare.
fanofaestallings - 13 years ago
@XxkillerxbunnixX. She has an egg spot... she is just big and old
fanofaestallings - 13 years ago
@amberjade11. Eh? Where you from? Just kidding. It's how I say it.

50. comment for GIANT Girl Betta Fish and her little guy

fanofaestallings - 13 years ago
@ModderRhu87. She has an egg spot
fanofaestallings - 13 years ago
A ton of comments I haven't had time to approve as they all say the same thing. Everyone thinks these are two males. Nope the big one is a female. Females can have color and fins. She has an eggspot and no male Betta fish has an egg spot.
c0wgirl727 - 13 years ago
research what females look like... They are not bright and colorful they are kinda plain looking maybe even greyish. I think you have 2 males
BriBri - 13 years ago
they are both males
Stardollor - 13 years ago
This is just sad.
Colt Johnson
Colt Johnson - 13 years ago
they are both boys
shrimptail - 13 years ago
they're both males. look at the size and shape of the fins.
HaikallP - 13 years ago
@schofieldg i think she is crazy
fanofaestallings - 13 years ago
We got a new male. Not sure I have time right now to mate him. Plus if you watch my videos he is really fierce and flares all the time at the smallest thing. Plus he bites.
fanofaestallings - 13 years ago
They like heater but if you live in a warm climate they don't have to have them. Depends on the water temperature which is checked. They are in get to know you tanks. Then its meet and greet tanks. Then its dad only tank time while he minds the nest and baby beta fish. Then its tiny tanks for all the boys. Then its to new homes and they can buy their own tanks. Tank happy?
Talamishni - 13 years ago
moron they need bigger tanks with heaters..
fanofaestallings - 14 years ago
They are not both males. Pet store fish expert confirmed it for me
fanofaestallings - 14 years ago
fanofaestallings - 14 years ago
@fighter4111 You are right. It didn't work. I got a small female and I am waiting for her to grow and get use to the male in a tank near by. Also setting up tanks and baby food.
Brendan Wu
Brendan Wu - 14 years ago
U know they are always suppose to be hungry and when they get used to u feeding so ya.also she will over power himnif they spawn so if u wanna spawn get a smaller one and condition her
fanofaestallings - 14 years ago
she is a girl. And she is always hungry. It's crazy. I put them together and well... they tried but it was a no go. She wouldn't release her eggs. The bubble nest was too weak I think and it fell apart as they chased each other. He tore her back fin in two. But she will be fine. It mends fast (her last male did that too). She tried to kill him so I pulled her out. She was so steamed she just kept swimming at him. He was tired and is just today starting to eat again. I think I will wait.
Luimeril - 14 years ago
WOAH! she's HUGE! much bigger than my biggest girl! you sure the male can wrap her? to get her a good mate, you might need to order a Giant PK girl. .____. her fins are very long. i almost wanna ask if she's a girl! xD aahh! i baby talk my boys and girls, too. especally my big girl, Lulu. lol

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