DIY Betta Fish BIN Aquarium on a LOW Budget... PC MERCH AVAILABLE HERE: https://paulcuffarobrand.com Clothing Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/paulcuffarobrand/ P.O BOX: 8293 Jupiter FL, 33468 Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/paulcuffaro/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/paulcuffaroo?lang=en&lang=en SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKFtfFitaK83yBc0rlg9m1A?view_as=subscriber Camera Gear: Canon G7x Mark ii Thanks for Watching! Like, Share, and SUBSCRIBE for more videos!

HOMEMADE BETTA FISH AQUARIUM!!! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 155

Betta 6 years ago 51,678 views

DIY Betta Fish BIN Aquarium on a LOW Budget... PC MERCH AVAILABLE HERE: https://paulcuffarobrand.com Clothing Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/paulcuffarobrand/ P.O BOX: 8293 Jupiter FL, 33468 Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/paulcuffaro/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/paulcuffaroo?lang=en&lang=en SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKFtfFitaK83yBc0rlg9m1A?view_as=subscriber Camera Gear: Canon G7x Mark ii Thanks for Watching! Like, Share, and SUBSCRIBE for more videos!

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Most popular comments

Ali Khan
Ali Khan - 6 years ago
Plastic plants are bad for the betta cause it’ll tear its fins, use either silk plants or live plants
princess Luna kusuma
princess Luna kusuma - 6 years ago
i want to taste nick's cake
DUB.REXY21 - 6 years ago
Nothing against you Paul, but I think you should stop with Small Aquarium stuff. Your giving others false hope. But I suppose this is the internet and that means we can do whatever you want.
HESHDOGG sk8 - 6 years ago
Are you gonna add any decor to the pool ponds. Maybe some rocks or driftwood for them to hide by. But good stuff.
bass masters !!
bass masters !! - 6 years ago
The positive comments
bass masters !!
bass masters !! - 6 years ago
You are the best YouTube er can I please win
Crypti_cal - 6 years ago
Great tank and video!
bass masters !!
bass masters !! - 6 years ago
You are the best YouTube er keep up the awesome work
Will Vainisi
Will Vainisi - 6 years ago
I'm new to the channel but I love your videos. Keep posting always. You are so positive and I enjoy coming home from school to watch


gowtham shari
gowtham shari - 6 years ago
which age did you start your youtube channel?
dragon gaming
dragon gaming - 6 years ago
It's my birthday on the 22nd so can you give me a positive comment
Katie Jo S
Katie Jo S - 6 years ago
yesterday i found a 10 gallon tank in my basement and my betta being in a .5 gal bowl i was super excited because his life wasnt great in the bowl and the bowl was always dirty i also found some gravel, a light, and some plants so i brought up all of that and my dad and i got the tank set up and relocated him to my bedroom today i got him one of the leaf hammocks too, and i plan to redesign his tank later when i have some more $$
Crimson Red Gremory
Crimson Red Gremory - 6 years ago
I feel like that white betta is a male
I thought all female bettas has short tail
dematric yang
dematric yang - 6 years ago
What if the fish jumps into the filter
Zachary Harsanje
Zachary Harsanje - 6 years ago
Okay love the concept of the video but for as knowledgeable as you are about bigger species of fish I think you need a tad bit more experience with little fish ie. betta fish. The fish you kept calling “her””she” is definitely a male. Females have shorter fins closer to the body where as males (which is what you most definitely have) have longer more angelic fins. This is not meant to be rude I enjoy all your videos just wanted to point that out.
Zachary Harsanje
Zachary Harsanje - 6 years ago
Also the plants you use might look nice in the tank/bin but they are actually bad for bettas. The rough plastic they are made out of can rip the bettas fins because they’re so delicate. Try to use plant that are made out of silk or smooth surfaces that don’t have rough edges
Damian Pk
Damian Pk - 6 years ago
I don't think u understand anything about fish care tbh.. u and your friend doing stupid things for those poor fishes... God..
Nicolas Quinonez
Nicolas Quinonez - 6 years ago
Thank you for your videos you are making your fans more responsible with the animals peace BTW please shout me out...
Mirsa Toledo
Mirsa Toledo - 6 years ago
Bro I think I have a crush on Paul... but I also might have a rush on Nick?
This is E
This is E - 6 years ago
My birthday is tommorow and I’m building a pond as a birthday gift to myself


Jase The Fish Guy
Jase The Fish Guy - 6 years ago
U don’t need a heater for a betta
Eva Parker
Eva Parker - 6 years ago
At some time in the future are you going to replace your two folding pons with waterfalls ponds?
imjustagirl !
imjustagirl ! - 6 years ago
Nice it shows how creative people can get not only that but can show how affordable compare dhow my 2.5 gallon which for that which is plastic and only a cheap filter for 60 bucks was terrible compared to your diy tank so this is great for younger viewers
gustavoh cisterna
gustavoh cisterna - 6 years ago
Eres muy bruto para tomar las cosas
Keep making all the awesome videos I like all of the pond one especially the what was it mini moo that was awesome never have had a shout out it would be awesome if you gave me one if not that's still ok love your channle.
TheFiretruck41 - 6 years ago
nick is hilarious
Rudeboi Rasta
Rudeboi Rasta - 6 years ago
Why u keep calling a male betta a "she"
Matthew Finemore
Matthew Finemore - 6 years ago
wait a second, did anyone else notice that today is the 11th when this video came out but at the beginning of the video it says September 12th, lol just so everyone knows im not hating, I just noticed lol
Lugh On The Loo
Lugh On The Loo - 6 years ago
"Just like a fish tank, even cooler!"
Uhm, yes plastic can realease toxins over time even the ones that say "BPA FREE." There's no cooler way of putting fishes in glass tanks or in ponds than in plastic bins.
Please put out good and proper info to your wide audience about fishkeeping because it really helps.
Don't view this as hate, this is just constructive criticism.
Ben H
Ben H - 6 years ago
That's not cycling


ethan getsler
ethan getsler - 6 years ago
Your vids are the best been watching for 2 years keep up the great work pual
Sandra Wilber
Sandra Wilber - 6 years ago
Is the plastic safe for the fish?.. I like this idea..
Exposem Ye
Exposem Ye - 6 years ago
betta are a lot hardier than you think. they're air breathers thats why people dont need to keep them in filtered tanks. i watch a lot of breeders who dont keep them in big aquariums with filters. its not needed. in the wild they live in rice beds.
SyKo - 6 years ago
Here before 100k. Paul keep up the amazing work.
Sorry I can not get to the videos right away.
Satya Sophat
Satya Sophat - 6 years ago
Paul!!!!! I love ur channel so much.... I've watched all ur vids u r amazing thank u love u
By Khaotic
By Khaotic - 6 years ago
Thank you for the positivity you bring along with your channel and your endless inspirations!
Tank Boss
Tank Boss - 6 years ago
put betta fish in the mini pond
Icy Family
Icy Family - 6 years ago
Hi there Paul!
Marlie Burgess
Marlie Burgess - 6 years ago
i went to PetCo the other day and bought a 10 gallon fish tank with a heater, filter, a light and top for the tank included for 50 dollars, the same amount that you spend on a plastic tub and some decorations not even including how much the fish was , and over all I spent 60 dollars on a tank with fish and live plants that only costed 10 dollars more than your plastic tub from Walmart
Henry Landaverde
Henry Landaverde - 6 years ago
lol love ur vids but fyi it's a Male not a female
Logan V
Logan V - 6 years ago
Don’t use self checkout. You are supporting the replacement of cashier jobs
Maria Morales
Maria Morales - 6 years ago
I did that
scotty 298
scotty 298 - 6 years ago
Hey paul will love to get a possitive comment shout out love the vids keep it up bro
Gabriel Bourcier Blake
Gabriel Bourcier Blake - 6 years ago
How is this aquarium homemade... ?
Nathanael Rukiehn
Nathanael Rukiehn - 6 years ago
U should get more bass
Shaira Lyella Ambrosio
Shaira Lyella Ambrosio - 6 years ago
Where's Luna? any updates?
Marlie Burgess
Marlie Burgess - 6 years ago
im not hating at all but you could literally buy a actual fish bowl and decorations for the price of that plastic container and the extra stuff you got , maybe a few dollars more, I don’t under these “homemade” videos at all
Marlie Burgess
Marlie Burgess - 6 years ago
you could buy a 10 gallon fish tank with everything that you got included maybe just a few dollars more for the same price that you spent on that “homemade” stuff that you won’t even find at your house, these types of videos don’t make sense
PYRO TOAD - 6 years ago
I’ve been watching for over 5 months and love the lit videos!!
The Blue BlobFish
The Blue BlobFish - 6 years ago
Call me crazy, but couldn't you use distilled water and spring water for the tank because they both lack chlorine.


Shine Bright ASMR
Shine Bright ASMR - 6 years ago
I thought betta fish die when you you tap water... because mine did
Trini Taylor
Trini Taylor - 6 years ago
Thank you for posting I'm new but your videos always brings me joy so thank you your my favorite YouTuber
Tybeetus Hobbies
Tybeetus Hobbies - 6 years ago
Love your videos man you have inspired me to make my own, I just filmed first video today and now getting ready to edit the video- p.s the date is wrong its September the 11th : )
Piranha X Tank
Piranha X Tank - 6 years ago
U inspired me to make a craw fish tank
J J - 6 years ago
Ummm it’s the 11th right?
CleverGirl Pets
CleverGirl Pets - 6 years ago
I’d love to see you do a mini planted tank for a betta! Bettas love plants. The box is super handy though!
Ty Baron
Ty Baron - 6 years ago
your videos are amazing paul and they have inspired me to bild my own ponds. keep up the amazing work and time you have for these videos
twin kaylee
twin kaylee - 6 years ago
Not bad
Blood cell Human
Blood cell Human - 6 years ago
Love you videos you inspired me to get to fishtanks and a pond you should. Do a saltwater aquarium
Toby smith
Toby smith - 6 years ago
Awesome video Paul. I love this series. Keep up the good work.
Garry Marceau
Garry Marceau - 6 years ago
Paul I love your videos your are so creative and original I never get bored of your videos and I plan to keep watching them forever
Diego Lazaro
Diego Lazaro - 6 years ago
Get a led light
Busta Memes
Busta Memes - 6 years ago
How old can the pig get
cichlid guru nyc
cichlid guru nyc - 6 years ago
Nice setup buddy .and he not she .nice male betta fish
xxx legacy
xxx legacy - 6 years ago
Been here since I want to say 5 or 6k but keep up the good work and stay safe and positive
Some Salty Bois
Some Salty Bois - 6 years ago
ThatLow2V - 6 years ago
Shoulda used tank water to cycle it faster
Busta Memes
Busta Memes - 6 years ago
Spider man was in the background
HobbyMann Playz
HobbyMann Playz - 6 years ago
you should put only fish that start with the letter P in the new pool pond!
Kyle Massey
Kyle Massey - 6 years ago
Plastic tank + heater = disaster just saying
CALEB R CLAAR - 6 years ago
Is Nick your brother?
Blake Larrison
Blake Larrison - 6 years ago
Name it Sam
Rose Snow
Rose Snow - 6 years ago
I love your Channel you inspired my to get my own pet fish! :D
Aidan Conilogue
Aidan Conilogue - 6 years ago
Do you have to have a heater for a betta fish?
cassie alonzo
cassie alonzo - 6 years ago
hi paul im watching you over here in the philippines
hope to see u soon
godbless you .
Curtis Wegener
Curtis Wegener - 6 years ago
I use one of thoughs tiny heaters on my 75 and it somehow working great. Wow
Canadian fishin' freak
Canadian fishin' freak - 6 years ago
Can you show a video on how you edit your videos plz
D Hammes
D Hammes - 6 years ago
It is pronounced Berta NOT BATTA!!!! AHHHHH
Reece Tyler
Reece Tyler - 6 years ago
He seems like the type of person who does something for someone and makes sure they are reminded of it
Mariah Kumher
Mariah Kumher - 6 years ago
maybe the next one you can make a pond out of a 55 gallon storage bin? XD
Michael campbell
Michael campbell - 6 years ago
You should make the worlds biggest Betta fish tank
RANDOM STUFF - 6 years ago
Josh’s Life
Josh’s Life - 6 years ago
Use distilled water with aqua start for lack of chemical water contains bad ph nitrates and chemicals fish don't like and can stress them
Finatic - 6 years ago
It’s a banger
Panthers1nation Keep Pounding
Panthers1nation Keep Pounding - 6 years ago
My male betta is in a 100 gallon tank
miz catzi
miz catzi - 6 years ago
You know that is a male, right? Ugh.
Khaid Thoriq
Khaid Thoriq - 6 years ago
Why you not get silver play button
Adrizela Perez
Adrizela Perez - 6 years ago
Nick. Is. A. Furry.
Brandon Lemus
Brandon Lemus - 6 years ago
Lol he said he wouldn’t put a betta in something that small but he used to have them in something even smaller then that
Ben Landeross
Ben Landeross - 6 years ago
It’s reallly fucking annoying how everyone freaks out when you put a fish in a tank get overrrr it people he puts the fish back in a safe tank makes sure the tank water is good he is not putting any fish in any danger at anytime so shut the fuck up you overgrown pussys
Super Smelly Bob
Super Smelly Bob - 6 years ago
It's a he...
Richard Briley
Richard Briley - 6 years ago
I'm a little lost...How did you post a video on 9/11/18 and yet the title states it's 9/12/18?
Redpanda 2037
Redpanda 2037 - 6 years ago
Your the best Paul love your videos keep doing what your doing.
Andrew McArthur
Andrew McArthur - 6 years ago
ok but its not homemade, its just everything in a normal betta fish aquarium in a tote box. I generally like your videos, been watching since may, but I need to speak out about this one. beyond my comment, the people who are talking about cycling tanks, and plastic plants are right, they are under all your videos and you should listen to them, they aren't haters they are just trying to help.
damien correia
damien correia - 6 years ago
I wouldn’t put that log in there cause beta have a tendency to get stuck in hollow decor
JAY Cena
JAY Cena - 6 years ago
Thats a male betta tho right
Sooraj N
Sooraj N - 6 years ago
supereb setup. U are a creative person who inspired me to keep betta
Potato Tomato
Potato Tomato - 6 years ago
When the video takes place in the future
Paul why and how did you time travel?!
Bryan Cooper
Bryan Cooper - 6 years ago
I Stan iKON & YG Fam _
I Stan iKON & YG Fam _ - 6 years ago
That's not a female betta....


Dustin Densmore
Dustin Densmore - 6 years ago
I love you many pawns and I also made one of my own with a crawdad and I love your videos thank you for posting
james jurassic raptor
james jurassic raptor - 6 years ago
I love your videos because they are so inspirational keep it up paul
Candy Merley
Candy Merley - 6 years ago
your the best i hope you never stop
CJ Doura
CJ Doura - 6 years ago
Instead of Paul cuffaro you are pond cuffaro keep up the good work
Ryan Scott
Ryan Scott - 6 years ago
Paul Ive been watching you for a year know on Youtube, I remember you catching Thump and I even remember Whiskers. Paul you're my favorite Youtuber, Keep up the good work
Mario Perez
Mario Perez - 6 years ago
Do you still have your batta fish Thomas
Sundram Chellapah
Sundram Chellapah - 6 years ago
Thank you for all these inspiring videos!
Logan Greeno
Logan Greeno - 6 years ago
Paul with another banger keep up the great work
Nikolais Moraiti
Nikolais Moraiti - 6 years ago
I love it!!! Betta fish are my favorite and you are the sweetest!!!! I can't wait for the next one!!!
Kirsty Edment
Kirsty Edment - 6 years ago
Love watching all your videos from Scotland Paul, such an inspiration keep up the good work <3
Alex Martinez
Alex Martinez - 6 years ago
Wait did you not do a nitrogen cycle for the water for the beta fish
Rileyisntcool - 6 years ago
you're so positive. its freaking great.
Andi Dang
Andi Dang - 6 years ago
shorter and longer is better
Ghost K
Ghost K - 6 years ago
Been here since 90 k man
Owen Cavanagh
Owen Cavanagh - 6 years ago
You have inspired me so much! Ive decided to get a 10 gallon and its great.
OmarDe Savage
OmarDe Savage - 6 years ago
Doesn’t he also have to wash the decorations before putting them in the “aquarium “
The ReAl NinjA
The ReAl NinjA - 6 years ago
fun fact betta's can live without aerator hehehe
The liFe OF the Alarcrans
The liFe OF the Alarcrans - 6 years ago
Ten nice
Christian Humaran
Christian Humaran - 6 years ago
Grant Miller
Grant Miller - 6 years ago
Hey Paul love your vids I subbed keep up the dope work
Wyatt Wessman
Wyatt Wessman - 6 years ago
I got a 20 gallon for $47 lol
Smurphy - 6 years ago
I just bought a new 40 G tank today, you helped me get back into the hobby, thanks Paul ❤️
dragonwolf2004 TheHowler
dragonwolf2004 TheHowler - 6 years ago
I love series it's really cool
EJG-23 - 6 years ago
Love your vids
6 speed
6 speed - 6 years ago
Your better off just buying a 10 gal aquarium for $10.
LSS Outdoors
LSS Outdoors - 6 years ago
Good job on the vid plz keep doing more vids
Kaine Bassett
Kaine Bassett - 6 years ago
If you're going to do this for real make sure the container you buy is clear because this kind of plastic is never going to give you a good side on view.
Madison Dodson
Madison Dodson - 6 years ago
Your date is wrong it is september 11th 2018
apache wild
apache wild - 6 years ago
Yow video getting stale you keep doing same thing over and over .step your game up or else
Dominik Mittelstädt
Dominik Mittelstädt - 6 years ago
Nick is such a cool guy. Well i like this Video. I enjoy every New Video of your channel. Thank you for what are you doing Paul. You are awesome.
Play Everything
Play Everything - 6 years ago
Paul it’s the eleven not the twelve
joshua habersham
joshua habersham - 6 years ago
u cool bro i wish i had a pond like u
Haran Laksh
Haran Laksh - 6 years ago
Paul I’m a huge fan of fishing and love fishkeeping too after school I actually have some enjoyment in watching ur amazing videos. Keep uploading never stop
Victor Lopez
Victor Lopez - 6 years ago
Love your video you have helped me with my pond
Armando Ebk
Armando Ebk - 6 years ago
No one likes these videos u only do these when u dont have content.
Salt Life Addiction Miami
Salt Life Addiction Miami - 6 years ago
Great work!!!! awesome video!!!
NATALIE LOPEZ - 6 years ago
These comments look very fake...
Juan Rocha
Juan Rocha - 6 years ago
Nick made a mess
yaa digg
yaa digg - 6 years ago
Paul please get that bass for the other video
James Fernandez
James Fernandez - 6 years ago
Bruhh u r awesome u have inspired me and some of my friends we have been wanting to make a pond but we can't but I love ur videos
Parker D
Parker D - 6 years ago
Loving it Paul!
dat b0i
dat b0i - 6 years ago
I heard that your dont supposed to put plastic plant in betta tanks, i think its because it can rip the tail off
Brandon the Lego builder
Brandon the Lego builder - 6 years ago
Woah this video is from tomorrow
Ethan Cinelli
Ethan Cinelli - 6 years ago
You are my favorite YouTube so I am going to bye your camo hat
TBNRclaymore18 - 6 years ago
Hey Cuffaro’s, quick tip to save some money for your aquarium is to buy Seachem Safe. 1/4 tbps of Seachem Safe neutralizes the chlorine and chloroform’s of over 100 gallons of tap water.
JOSEPH GERARDI - 6 years ago
you have inspired me a lot and inspired me to get my own bass and you have done so well and just keep grinding you will hit a million soon brother.
Gavin Seaver
Gavin Seaver - 6 years ago
Just an excuse to buy decor
justien espera
justien espera - 6 years ago
I think its ok not to put a heater for betta fish.. But its good idea for the aquarium congrats
KJAYS - 6 years ago
How many of these little “homemade” aquariums can you make? Its getting old mate
Spicy Salsa
Spicy Salsa - 6 years ago
I had a lot of cool looking betta fish when i was 12...i didnt have proper tanks for them so i ended up selling them...i had a male blue moon and a blood moon....idk if thats there actual names tho..but thats what the guy told me...i got them for 80 pesos each...they were my favourite out of 15 other betta fishes...too bad i had to sell all of em...really happy to see u make a big ass tank for one betta fish..also in ny country we call them fighting fish
Attackoftheman - 6 years ago
SHOW MORE BETTA VIDEOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OZARK OUTLAW - 6 years ago
Good video
Raymond Carter
Raymond Carter - 6 years ago
Your videos help me out so much with my fish love your videos been here since the first mini pond!!
Sammy Isnadin
Sammy Isnadin - 6 years ago
Hey Paul you inspire me to build my own pond and have and my own fish tank keep up the good work.
algerome28 - 6 years ago
It also shows that people should not get a betta Or any fish if they dont have the right stuff. Idk why you have to do some impulse buys then toss em out after the video. It just shows kids how to waste money. Instead of making these kinds of videos, make videos of you learning how to take care of fishes, showing how to PROPERLY start a tank. Coz all youve shown are impulse buys. U buy lots and lots and lots and lots of fish but NEVER SHOW how you care for them PROPERLY or show how to do fish keeping PROPERLY. This is just a BAD channel for kids to watch. Not a good example for future fish keepers. Puts a bad rep for fish keepers like the rest of us.
Maren Way
Maren Way - 6 years ago
Cool idea for a video! Just wanted to mention that the betta is a Male!
Brad3n_ boss912
Brad3n_ boss912 - 6 years ago
The little filter isn't supposed to be under water all the Way
Galactic Beast
Galactic Beast - 6 years ago
I love your channel keep up the good work
Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan - 6 years ago
Th is was trash don’t upload if this is the garbage you’re producing
Lizzy B
Lizzy B - 6 years ago
I want to adopt you. Love the videos!
Bloopdork7 - 6 years ago
Great job on the aquarium. Keep up the good work.
alexia Garcia
alexia Garcia - 6 years ago
I love your vids pual and every time i tell my older sis " oh Paul made a new vid" she is like "wait the really cute fish guy" and i am like "yes sis the really cute fish guy" live your vids paul keep up the good work
Marcus Gamer
Marcus Gamer - 6 years ago
I’m watching the previews videos and I’m watching this video and Lulu is so big compared to the old videos!! xD
Julian Vera
Julian Vera - 6 years ago
And you are super inspirational and I look forward to watching your videos
Julian Vera
Julian Vera - 6 years ago
Feed the cichlids
Bunnystorm 101
Bunnystorm 101 - 6 years ago
love yours vids proud to be a cuffaro
courtlyn life
courtlyn life - 6 years ago
its 11 not 12
Baleigh Cote
Baleigh Cote - 6 years ago
Love watching your videos every time I get a notification it makes me excited
vexicorn - 6 years ago
i love tour videos so much i wrote a book about you and i made a pond and got so much insparation
It'sboungo 23
It'sboungo 23 - 6 years ago
Keep up the great work and I would like to have a pond like yours
stanley lin
stanley lin - 6 years ago
i love your viedos
Natasja Autar
Natasja Autar - 6 years ago
Kool keep it up Paul
kevin coughlin
kevin coughlin - 6 years ago
I was very sick but this cheered me up so much keep up the amazing work
Arif Abdul
Arif Abdul - 6 years ago
Lisa Winship
Lisa Winship - 6 years ago
I love your videos dude you rock
Nico Matteucci
Nico Matteucci - 6 years ago
Absolute think your videos are awesome
Jesus Enriquez
Jesus Enriquez - 6 years ago
Love your vids keep up the good work always make my day by putting a smile on my face, inspired me to get my own tank.
Swincess - 6 years ago
I’d be careful with plastic plants, they can tear fins easily! Oh, and that’s a male betta haha
AdrianTV - 6 years ago
I love to do this to my betta fish thank you paul for doing this SICK! Videos.
Shamon Washington
Shamon Washington - 6 years ago
It said on the title sept 12
David Jaimes
David Jaimes - 6 years ago
Cool tank
You can make a empty box into something awesome
BOBBEE - 6 years ago
40 bucks? You could just bought a tank lol
Mason Mosley
Mason Mosley - 6 years ago
I love your channel, definitely the best YouTuber and you deserve your own show on fish
milly fish
milly fish - 6 years ago
I love making things to tats why you are my favrit youtoder
Johnathan Mangall
Johnathan Mangall - 6 years ago
You can tell the guy is is “making the tank” is SOOO annoyed with Paul
Evan Sherwood
Evan Sherwood - 6 years ago
Have you ever thought about putting a Betta in your mini pond? I know they can be aggressive but in a body of water that big they should be fine. Plus it might be a cool addition. By the way I love your videos!!
Evan Sherwood
Evan Sherwood - 6 years ago
Caroline In the mini pond? What would eat it?
Caroline - 6 years ago
Evan Sherwood that betta would get eaten so fast
Edward Schudel
Edward Schudel - 6 years ago
Hey dude still love your
Videos and keep the cool aquariums and please shout me our but not needed
Master Yi
Master Yi - 6 years ago
shoutout from the Philippines <3
awesome dude
awesome dude - 6 years ago
I can't wait to come home from school and watch your videos
Miguel - 6 years ago
Luv these type of vids
sara garcia
sara garcia - 6 years ago
Pls do more of these videos
Sir Kumquats
Sir Kumquats - 6 years ago
Guess Paul needs to pay rent
Lucy Timms
Lucy Timms - 6 years ago
I love your videos I sit and wait for them to come out love you so much carry on with what you are doing
Steffen Adams
Steffen Adams - 6 years ago
I love you and your channel I'm sure you will hit 5.k
jason silvers
jason silvers - 6 years ago
Hi Paul luv the vids but do u still have your snake and if u want to get into aquatic reptiles/amphibians I’m studying herpetolgy and need to get a few of the species I have and I can give them to u if u want them but I really luv your channel my number is +17066719427 and I do this a lot so let me know
jack butson
jack butson - 6 years ago
Hey Paul, i love your videos every day I get home from school i just hope that you posted to cheer me up. :):)
Callista Diehl
Callista Diehl - 6 years ago
I love the idea and not knocking your creativity buuuuuut i got a 10 gallon starter kit at Wal-Mart for like 30$...
Chris meh
Chris meh - 6 years ago
More like home aids
Marshall Bordelon
Marshall Bordelon - 6 years ago
Hey poul l love your vids we get stronger every day keep up the good work
SaltlifeGirl - 6 years ago
I love your videos Paul you are an inspiration thank you for always making the best content! I look forward to watching your videos everyday and i would literally be so happy if I won a shout out!!!
Jaxson Ricketts
Jaxson Ricketts - 6 years ago
I wanna win so bad to also it would mean a lot to me if you could do a meet up in la California p.s. you a like my favorite you tuber
ClassicBenjiYT - 6 years ago
Finally u made a video
Aaron - The Epic Leader
Aaron - The Epic Leader - 6 years ago
I love it Paul but I hate that u did white on white
Bryce Vlogs
Bryce Vlogs - 6 years ago
Always putting a smile on my face :)
ed h
ed h - 6 years ago
Hey guys, the beta with long fins is a male not a she.
sea King
sea King - 6 years ago
Haarshit Sukumar
Haarshit Sukumar - 6 years ago
All this is cool, but why can't you give us an update about what happened to the koi you had!?
DreamWalker - 6 years ago
They were probably killed hes not a real good judge of character on fish he throws together I really loved him when he first came on but he kinda acts like CATCHEMALL N RAWWFISHING WHO ARE HORRIBLE PPL that love watching fish kill eachother n I watched him dragging fish up from the bottom of the sea just to watch the eyes pop out n stomach come out of the fishes mouth all the while laughing.
Jordan Kroening
Jordan Kroening - 6 years ago
Love the homade betta. Tank! But it needs a light so one can see the fish better!! From Jordan mom
Jamar Hotep™
Jamar Hotep™ - 6 years ago
Can you buy me M&M's?!
Nessa Gomez
Nessa Gomez - 6 years ago
maple fall should be the name because fall colors
IRedFox 11
IRedFox 11 - 6 years ago
Such a good idea! Great job!!
It’s ya boi Meme boi
It’s ya boi Meme boi - 6 years ago
Beta fish don’t need huge space that container is kinda overkill
It’s ya boi Meme boi
It’s ya boi Meme boi - 6 years ago
Irena Wolfrom I’ve seem betas raised in 2 liter tanks and they do just fine but I’ve never really seen anything about how much they actually need
Irena Wolfrom
Irena Wolfrom - 6 years ago
It’s ya boi Meme boi they need 2.5 gallons minimum, most people say 5 gallons
babbs wal
babbs wal - 6 years ago
Cichlid update???
Taylor Shortt
Taylor Shortt - 6 years ago
Btw when you get new decor you need to boil it first.
Juan Gonzalez
Juan Gonzalez - 6 years ago
Keep up the good work. I love your videos if you inspire me to make pons
Bryan Roman
Bryan Roman - 6 years ago
Lest go pc
PYRO TOAD - 6 years ago
I’m here bro siiiccckkk video.
Jason B
Jason B - 6 years ago
You've made this exact video like 5 times already. Running out of content?
Carlos Gutierrez
Carlos Gutierrez - 6 years ago
Its a he
LUIS TORRES-SOLANO - 6 years ago
this videos are cool I like them
please I want to win
Madison Heard
Madison Heard - 6 years ago
Love your videos, keep doing what your doing
supercharged820 - 6 years ago
Love the vids
Luis -sama
Luis -sama - 6 years ago
Me personally I wouldn't put a beta/ any fish in anything smaller than a 10 gallon. But that's just my opinion.
Brandon Lemus
Brandon Lemus - 6 years ago
Neel Singh that is so sad it’s like putting a human to live in a small closet.
Neel Singh
Neel Singh - 6 years ago
Brandon Lemus Thank you for saying that

You wouldn't believe how many people keep their betta in less than 1/2 gallon tanks.
Brandon Lemus
Brandon Lemus - 6 years ago
Luis -sama the minimum for a betta is 5 gallons
Aden Brady
Aden Brady - 6 years ago
Hey, Paul been here since 100k!! love the videos just wanted to say that I look forward to all your videos and I hope to one day have a pond of my own. Currently working on getting a 55 gallon tank! any ideas for fish im kinda stuck on ideas. love the vids!!!!
heather vestal
heather vestal - 6 years ago
Stoarge bins are fantastic for emergency setups and quarantine tanks.
Morgan1lol renee
Morgan1lol renee - 6 years ago
Did anyone else see that it said September 12, 2018 instead of September 11, 2018
Maddisen Toon
Maddisen Toon - 6 years ago
I’ve read somewhere that Betta fish like being confined. That’s why they are in the small cups when you buy them.
Rayhan Shifad
Rayhan Shifad - 6 years ago
Caroline Buckingham
Caroline Buckingham - 6 years ago
Love the new look.
Great design.
Btw love you vids and I hope you never stop
Darkwoodsluke - 6 years ago
Love your videos watch them every single day
Jilo Mell
Jilo Mell - 6 years ago
Does nick have Instagram ? If so what is it!”
Thagame Freak
Thagame Freak - 6 years ago
Love the videos I hope 2 win
Chance Kramer
Chance Kramer - 6 years ago
what do you use for you editing software
Cate D.
Cate D. - 6 years ago
Do a tour of Nicks house!!!
President E
President E - 6 years ago
That’s a male
Tripp Mays
Tripp Mays - 6 years ago
Could’ve gotten a 10 gallon for like 10 or 15 dollars. More space and looks way better, for a little but more money
FishForever27 - 6 years ago
What even is a homemade aquarium? You did the exact same thing you would do with any tank, except you used a cheap bin :/ not sure how that makes it “diy” or “homemade”
dominique padilla
dominique padilla - 6 years ago
FishForever27 it probably would have been cheaper to buy a 10 gallon during the dollar per gallon dale
Garvin Beeten
Garvin Beeten - 6 years ago
Logan Paul have a pig like you
danatnotts - 6 years ago
pick me pick me pick me..great videos paul
Evan Mayer
Evan Mayer - 6 years ago
Paul you are just wow
Tripp Mays
Tripp Mays - 6 years ago
It’s the 11th not the 12th
Matthew Turner
Matthew Turner - 6 years ago
I with I had your backyard! love your vids i always look forward to seeing them And you are my favourite youtuber
FishForever27 - 6 years ago
I don’t think you understand the chemistry of cycling a tank. You don’t add any ammonia to the water to cycle, so how in the heck are bacteria that eat (for lack of a better word) ammonia and convert it to nitrite and then nitrate if they don’t have a food source? Letting the tank sit for a few days is VERY different from actually cycling it, which by the way would definitely take more than a few days. At LEAST a week. I don’t expect you to respond to this because you regard experience fishkeepers’ advice as “hate”, but you need to understand what you’re doing isn’t working. I enjoy your videos, but it frustrates me when you put out content to a large audience that advertises the wrong thing to do. Just try to listen to those who are trying to help you, and don’t advertise th fact that you’re doing something. You should be giving the right information to people.
Laurel Branch
Laurel Branch - 6 years ago
FishForever27 I agree, but if you look at the filter media, it looks like it's been used before. Nick said he already had the filter before he bought the aquarium, so maybe it was already mostly cycled. It sure looked pretty well used!
wrs88 - 6 years ago
Exactly! I've probably been keeping fish as long as some of these kids have been alive and it makes me cringe! I mean I was 14 when I got my 1st tank, and yeah made mistake,s but you gotta do research and learn like I did. Ignoring Constructive criticism and then doing the same wrong things over and over, just shows a lack of maturity IMO. I'm going to get so much hate for this haha.
Neel Singh
Neel Singh - 6 years ago
Lugh on the Loo don't forget Rob and Mike! They have pretty good advice
Lugh On The Loo
Lugh On The Loo - 6 years ago
Some of the young fishkeepers really don't know how to take proper care of fishes. Yes, he's famous and friends with Zac but it doesn't mean he's a pro already. He needs to look up to Cory, Kasia, Rachel and the other pros who's been on this business for so long and they are very informative and teach us fishkeeping stuff, plus they don't brag. Did I forget to mention King of DIY also? He's awesome too!
wrs88 - 6 years ago
The only comments that don't have his likes on it are ones telling him he did something wrong haha. Like yours! He only likes the ones that say he is awesome! I mean sometimes I like watching the videos, but some things are just false info that he tells. I also dislike the bragging about how much money he can spend on fish, etc. PLUS that betta is clearly a male, not a girl. Yet it's called a she....
Aqua Man Fishing
Aqua Man Fishing - 6 years ago
plus he didn't even wash the Made In China Walmart Container but He washed the Gravel inside It. So overtime that Plastic will Release Toxins.
DreamWalker - 6 years ago
I agree has alot to learn n never listens ive tried to help him to but was looked upon as a hater had children telling me I was a hater who knew nothing of tanks n was help US or some crap LOL now I just try to gently throw in a bit of info here n there as he really thinks hes a good fish keeper n it breaks my heart for the fish he kills with arrogance. I never see him measure anything either he just squirts stuff in like water conditioners he never uses cycling products which HE REALLY NEEDS TO KEEP A GALLON OR 2 OF NIGHT OUT II BY MICROBELIFT N AMMONIA PRODUCTS AS WELL.
Jason B
Jason B - 6 years ago
He has no idea what he's doing and probably doesn't care. Just in it for the views. This is like the hundredth time he's "cycled" a tank buy letting it run for a few days or just adding existing tank water. Literally has no clue. He's also made this exact video like 5 times already. There's also nothing homemade about this lol
Daybird Aviaries
Daybird Aviaries - 6 years ago
How much bigger was it, Paul?

Timothy Naser
Timothy Naser - 6 years ago
Love your channel Paul keep it up
Kamil Tyski
Kamil Tyski - 6 years ago
Best channel Paul, best. Keep up the great work! Spread tha positivity! And yeah U could upload 10 times a day ;)
Jake Andersen
Jake Andersen - 6 years ago
today is 9 11 not 9 12
Fredbear 97
Fredbear 97 - 6 years ago
Filter ?
fishing savage
fishing savage - 6 years ago
Great video
Anthony thegamerandmore
Anthony thegamerandmore - 6 years ago
i just came from school can you make a 9-11 fish tank
Kharon Horsey-Scott
Kharon Horsey-Scott - 6 years ago
Frekky Edit Tools
Frekky Edit Tools - 6 years ago
I want your pig. I’m a ask my mum for one. Also I hope I win!
Tristan Cotton
Tristan Cotton - 6 years ago
Love the videos you do a great job of inspiriting me to get my first fish tank
Michael Dixon
Michael Dixon - 6 years ago
September 12th?
Abode Hasanat
Abode Hasanat - 6 years ago
Logan Paul copied you when he bought a pig lmao
xd Jarshack
xd Jarshack - 6 years ago
Love your videos and because of you I am going to build a pond
Theo Nator
Theo Nator - 6 years ago
Beta can cut their fins on plastic plants like that.
lemor sayas
lemor sayas - 6 years ago
your the best paul please make video of mollys
Toxic outdoors Hayden
Toxic outdoors Hayden - 6 years ago
Love the little skits u put on with Nick also could u make a blooper vid been here since 55k thanks keep up the good work brother
Micheal Alexeyenko
Micheal Alexeyenko - 6 years ago
the 9/11 setup for disaster
slime parakeet
slime parakeet - 6 years ago
Lo ve your channle you inspired me iv be en héroe sence 100k also 1000 your a héro toó
The New Aquarist
The New Aquarist - 6 years ago
Get some sort of lid betta fish love to jump out and die!
lee antonio
lee antonio - 6 years ago
Use prime you will save a lot of money
Bryn Jones
Bryn Jones - 6 years ago
Great video Paul keep up the good work and inspiration
Thomas Volpe
Thomas Volpe - 6 years ago
Where’s Nero
Darth Gamer
Darth Gamer - 6 years ago
I think that's a male betta but it's whatever it's not my fish
Darth Gamer
Darth Gamer - 6 years ago
Yeah I'm petty sure that's a male bc if u look up female opal bettas their fins r much smaller than that
XxtoothxX 83
XxtoothxX 83 - 6 years ago
Being new to this channel I've watched a lot of your videos so keep up the good work
Sockune - 6 years ago
slime parakeet
slime parakeet - 6 years ago
Thank you for insiring me i started liking fish forma you thank you so much
Auston Roeder
Auston Roeder - 6 years ago
Great video man!
Alvin Gayo
Alvin Gayo - 6 years ago
That’s cool! Why didn’t I think of that! Thanks for the idea!!! BTW, I always enjoy your videos!
Victor and joel
Victor and joel - 6 years ago
I made a custom betta tank from PetSmart it cost me $20 and I got a tank rocks and a fish and it was one gallon and that's pretty good you're wasting your money Paul but I still love you Channel
Irena Wolfrom
Irena Wolfrom - 6 years ago
Victor and joel bettas need 2.5 gallons minimum
emiley miller
emiley miller - 6 years ago
Not trying to sound like a negative Nancy but You could just bought a 10gallon. Aquarium for that price! Lol with said I like the idea for alternative ideas. Love your video and your awesome!
Golden Fish Tanks
Golden Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Great idea!
Alfie Hewes
Alfie Hewes - 6 years ago
Nice video
José Iovany Cubilla
José Iovany Cubilla - 6 years ago
Is best lol a paul cuffaro
Aurelia - 6 years ago
can u make a vid on how to clean a tank/set up and how to make sure you don’t shock you fish when u put the fish into the clean tank
WhosAlpha - 6 years ago
Pretty sure that's a he Paul haha
Ellis Portman
Ellis Portman - 6 years ago
I just got a really nice fish tank and you inspired me to get it thanks Paul keep it up
Ruckouzz i
Ruckouzz i - 6 years ago
It s a boy not a girll!!!!!!!!!!!
RagúNation - 6 years ago
Ho else eats wile watching his vids
Bolt - 6 years ago
Some would argue that lulu is dinner
Isaac Iglesias
Isaac Iglesias - 6 years ago
Fyi you posted September 12 and it's September 11
GaMeFreAk - 6 years ago
You forgot to wash the rocks
Miguel Martinez
Miguel Martinez - 6 years ago
U should try and find any crabs that u had put in the minipond
Kaleb Mitchener
Kaleb Mitchener - 6 years ago
I didn't here a beep when he scanned the skittles
maria Jabeen
maria Jabeen - 6 years ago
A five year old could do that!nothing special!btw all your d.i.y.s are pretty shit to be honest.but gud on u for giving the betta a bigger enviroment.
Gavin Daugherty
Gavin Daugherty - 6 years ago
You should go and save all the bettas at Walmart That would be a good video
Macy Grizzle
Macy Grizzle - 6 years ago
I feel like people give you a lot of shit for no reason
Kristen Franklin
Kristen Franklin - 6 years ago
Great video!
Molly's Life
Molly's Life - 6 years ago
hi Paul, i just want you to know that you are now a section of my life. you help cure my depression and help me through hard rough times. you are a natural. thank you so much for helping me.
- Noah
Atrociousbear 219
Atrociousbear 219 - 6 years ago
0:42 nick is a furry lmao
Paul buy a ball python
Paul buy a ball python - 6 years ago
Great video, keep up the amazing work.
Nieve Stevenson
Nieve Stevenson - 6 years ago
You inspire me everyday to get into fish keeping and I hope I’ll have as many fish as you one day
kris198921 - 6 years ago
this video seems like a money grab
wet trout
wet trout - 6 years ago
please read about cycling a tank. a few days does NOT cycle a tank.... neither does the water contain the cycle! please please read about the nitrogen cycle
kesean harrington
kesean harrington - 6 years ago
Aaron Scarborough the only way to “instantly” cycle an aquarium filter is to transfer seeded media into the new filter; using sand or gravel from an establish tank can help as well, but not a steadfast way.
wet trout
wet trout - 6 years ago
Aaron Scarborough out of all of my years of fishkeeping, how have i not heard of this? (sarcasm...)

do you even understand what cycling means?
wet trout
wet trout - 6 years ago
OSSO oops hahaha what a numptie
Aaron Scarborough
Aaron Scarborough - 6 years ago
Umm u can instantly cycle a tank research plz before u throw ur opinion
OSSO - 6 years ago
He also had a top on it lol
Imapuddles1 - 6 years ago
September 12? Unless you tryna skip 9/11 then what was that?
Enthusiastic Fisherman
Enthusiastic Fisherman - 6 years ago
Bro you're such an inspiration! Everyone hit the like button for ya boy Paul Cuffaro!
Antonio Garcia
Antonio Garcia - 6 years ago
Your the best paul cuffaro ❤❤
wet trout
wet trout - 6 years ago
sorry but what was the point of buying a plastic bag? you literally bought a frickin box!
Jose Angel
Jose Angel - 6 years ago
You should get another betta or do another video about bettas
Fishing King
Fishing King - 6 years ago
Hey Paul love your vids keep up the great work
Brock Killian
Brock Killian - 6 years ago
I love your videos man, keep up the great work.
Almero Hamming
Almero Hamming - 6 years ago
Luv your vids Paul, love u fish! Thanks for all of your positive vibes! I literally cannot wait for evert video of yours to pop up on my cellphone
ShamelessPlugs - 6 years ago
Love ur vids paul keep it up!!!!
francis pepin
francis pepin - 6 years ago
I love your videos I'm one of your biggest fans I love love love you who made but what fish tank with beta fish inside or in the squad but still incredible I'm one of your biggest fans and I love you video and I can't wait to see your next video I just love love love love love love your videos so yeah love your videos and my name is Sharlie
AragonGaming - 6 years ago
Hey Paul! I’m new to your channel and i just wanted to say i love it and i cant wait to get a tank of my own! I’ve decided to get a 5 galon tank for my bedside desk, with a Betta. I’ve watched all your videos from the last 8 months as well as some online research in order to have a successful beginning. I’ve decided to have it planted with live plants and i was wondering what you would recommend?
Lil Lit Alpha
Lil Lit Alpha - 6 years ago
Wow Paul you really changed! You cycled it, put a heater and a filter in it and a 9 gallon aquarium! Makes me proud
slime parakeet
slime parakeet - 6 years ago
Awsome vídeo so cool
Dolphinia Gamer
Dolphinia Gamer - 6 years ago
Hey Paul, I absolutely love your videos, I have actually been thinking about wanting to build a homemade Betta aquarium myself, but never done it, so your videos provide so much information for me to make sure I build a proper aquarium for a Betta or any fish. Also, if you see this post can you please provide any extra tips and guidance like maybe what is the best food, is it better to own a female or male, etc?

P.S. this is just my channel name, my real name is Quin.
sean Whittle
sean Whittle - 6 years ago
A nother dope video paul awesome mini tank u rock would love to win a shout out keep up the good work look foward to your next video
Grace Grant
Grace Grant - 6 years ago
you really shouldn't get plastic plants,not only do they hurt your fish, but the open cuts you will have to deal with can lead to infections and even more problems.
Felipe Torres
Felipe Torres - 6 years ago
SPA_! Vamos a ver como me va haciendo mi pecera ...inspired by you Paul...keep posting!
Emily Olson
Emily Olson - 6 years ago
Can u film a video of u feeding the all of your fish and more
Jack Mathew
Jack Mathew - 6 years ago
Yo i do not think that that betta is a female
Frazzle Playz
Frazzle Playz - 6 years ago
Congrats on 531 subs and to see a smile on my face and yours from day one
Martin Charbonneau
Martin Charbonneau - 6 years ago
Love be your home made aquarium
Jaden smith
Jaden smith - 6 years ago
Wow now you rinse the rocks xd
Elijah Wells
Elijah Wells - 6 years ago
It's September 11th not 12
Jose Morales
Jose Morales - 6 years ago
Thank you
Hazders - 6 years ago
Hi love ur channel lol I’m out bye
Jdawg12407 - 6 years ago
Best youtuber ever!!! You taught me how to keep my turtle! Can I get positive comment shoutout
namra sarfraz
namra sarfraz - 6 years ago
paul where are your big koi fishes.I can't see them in any of your pond.
loved your videos best of luck :)
Michael Brokaw
Michael Brokaw - 6 years ago
Yessssss, I get out of school and get to watch a cuffaro vid!!! I love your channel paul!!!
Jeffrey First
Jeffrey First - 6 years ago
I love you videos you inspired me to make my own fish tank can I be in a video please
Alone Wolf
Alone Wolf - 6 years ago
This is always great
F!nAl 3
F!nAl 3 - 6 years ago
Love your videos man.
I come home from school and watch your videos...
You are inspiring me so much that I've even started my own fish channel. I love your creative mind and hope you never stop.
Shondell Harris
Shondell Harris - 6 years ago
This channel is the best #cuffaro4life
Mitchell Stotts
Mitchell Stotts - 6 years ago
Paul your the best keep up the good work
Frazzle Playz
Frazzle Playz - 6 years ago
Love your videos keep it up
Glitch AD
Glitch AD - 6 years ago
Nice video today, I love betas myself and try my best to educate people about them. I have a beautiful male similar to nicks. Accept my male has blue shimmer on him and he's a plakat malfmoon. I have mine in a 10 gallon. But I really wanna get a 20 gallon long and make a female betta community tank.
Backyard Gardening
Backyard Gardening - 6 years ago
You are the best please shout me out. I would love to be shouted out
Collin Morgan
Collin Morgan - 6 years ago
Hey man you bring me joy to my world when I watch your vids
Rooney Rooney
Rooney Rooney - 6 years ago
Hey Paul I love your vids so much. Thank u for being alive bro.
Charlie Sear
Charlie Sear - 6 years ago
i think you are better than tanked
B's Aquatics
B's Aquatics - 6 years ago
You do realize that just letting water sit for a few days doesent cycle it right? The cycle begins when you add ammonia to the water, you get away with not cycling it because you keep them in big tanks but you need to tell your audience that you need to cycle it more.
Isaac Iglesias
Isaac Iglesias - 6 years ago
I would have never thought of using plastic box as a fish tank. Enoy Nick! Love the video
Korey Saye
Korey Saye - 6 years ago
Juan Ortiz
Juan Ortiz - 6 years ago
You made my day when I got back from school
johnny collins
johnny collins - 6 years ago
Love ur videos congratulations to 500k keep going
Yato - 6 years ago
Hey Paul is the catfish u got with the jumper catfish still alive
Ben Cheatley
Ben Cheatley - 6 years ago
im so building this when i get the chance, thanks paul
Jesus Ramirez
Jesus Ramirez - 6 years ago
Paul you are so positive you deserve to shout out your self
Mitch - 6 years ago
Heater+plastic tub= not a good idea
Elvis Swagger
Elvis Swagger - 6 years ago
Did you consider to make a high budget aquascape with co2 and ferts??
Marquez Dumas
Marquez Dumas - 6 years ago
Paul I really love all the videos and my favorite is the turtle and your pond videos and I even got the same eastern box turtle as you I love you videos keep up the good work
Jordan C
Jordan C - 6 years ago
sept. 12 ??
josh hw
josh hw - 6 years ago
Pls can I I win I love u so much
Iván Farré
Iván Farré - 6 years ago
Hey Paul thanks for uploading these sick videos I can’t wait till you post at 4 also thanks for inspiring me to get a fish tank
De'Antae Paris
De'Antae Paris - 6 years ago
It is the 11th
YoungPondKeeper fish
YoungPondKeeper fish - 6 years ago
bettas like to live in small jars because they barley move and also they dont need filters but you made a nice tank and nice vids
YoungPondKeeper fish
YoungPondKeeper fish - 6 years ago
+freddie dart you do the same
freddie dart
freddie dart - 6 years ago
YoungPondKeeper fish do a bit of research kid
Lorenzo Bonomo
Lorenzo Bonomo - 6 years ago
Hey Paul I've been watching you for a while now and you inspired me to build a pond finished about a month ago
Lorenzo Bonomo
Lorenzo Bonomo - 6 years ago
Lorenzo Bonomo
Lorenzo Bonomo - 6 years ago
Can I catch a follow on insta? @lorenobonomo_ I'll email you pics of it too
Bradley's Daily Vlogs Dawg
Bradley's Daily Vlogs Dawg - 6 years ago
Hey I love your videos I think I found about you like 1 month ago but I do t know how I could thank you enough you have the best videos and keep up the good work I hope I can visit you one day because I live in Florida
Martlol 32
Martlol 32 - 6 years ago
insects galore
insects galore - 6 years ago
lyan boi its da 12
Marvel Geak
Marvel Geak - 6 years ago
here before the fish nazis hate on this video
Jomz - 6 years ago
Thats a male betta fish
Marci Spaulding
Marci Spaulding - 6 years ago
Your awesome! Wish we had cool pleco in our area!
Abdul Omar
Abdul Omar - 6 years ago
Love u
Devyn Peppers
Devyn Peppers - 6 years ago
You should use aqua clear filters save money on filter cartridges and you don’t lose the beneficial bacteria every time you change the filter cartridges
Shane Mcquillan
Shane Mcquillan - 6 years ago
Paul make a vid on how to set up at terra tank and also love the vids
kim k
kim k - 6 years ago
Love your videws
pony centaur
pony centaur - 6 years ago
HAVE You considered doing 'raffles' with the aquariums you make? Like without the fish, and mail the stuff you make to folks.
isaiah seoane
isaiah seoane - 6 years ago
Love your videos.never thought fish could be so interesting
Lobitito 07
Lobitito 07 - 6 years ago
Esther Roman
Esther Roman - 6 years ago
Hi you make my day all the time
Les Abiera
Les Abiera - 6 years ago
NICK B....Is Love
x I Wolfy x
x I Wolfy x - 6 years ago
I wanted to watch a video about your Betta fish!
Deadpool - 6 years ago
What happened to your snek
Dylan Cowan
Dylan Cowan - 6 years ago
Love your vids hope to be like you one day
Ryan Wilson
Ryan Wilson - 6 years ago
But it's frosted. That would impede your view
Stumack - 6 years ago
Nice idea, wouldnt use it as display, but really good to quaranteen or growing out small fish.
Cherish Mob
Cherish Mob - 6 years ago
Today’s the 11th of September
joshua fonseca
joshua fonseca - 6 years ago
Love the videos Paul keep up the great work
emily •
emily • - 6 years ago
Interlaken Como
Interlaken Como - 6 years ago
Paul Nick = Smexy!!!
Kyleigh Wilkinson
Kyleigh Wilkinson - 6 years ago
Good job making the homemade betta tank. Love your videos. You are so inspiring and now I have 4 goldfish and I’m hoping to have a lot just like you
Lionblaze Wang
Lionblaze Wang - 6 years ago
Wow, that's a big tank, you're lucky my biggest tank is only a 29 gal because my mom think they're too expensive :(
Elisa Rose
Elisa Rose - 6 years ago
I really admire how passionate you are about taking care of your fish! Your videos are very cool and continue to interest me everyday.
John Campos
John Campos - 6 years ago
I’ve been here since day one bro. you still have shout me out. Keep up the good work though bro
TRASH AT FORTNITE - 6 years ago
What happened to the crabs
Charlie Kearley
Charlie Kearley - 6 years ago
Love your channel Paul . A little tip I noticed that your gravel moves about when your pour the water in put a bowl in the tank and pour the water in the bowl.
LeesaDeAndrea - 6 years ago
I have the exact same fake stump in my aquarium. Except I removed the plastic foliage.
Gillian Keown
Gillian Keown - 6 years ago
I was so confused why the bags looked like that, then I realized he’s not from California.
AlexH42 - 6 years ago
With $47 you could of gotten a starter kit that had everything in the cage example 10 gallon kit cost at least $35
Robert Smith
Robert Smith - 6 years ago
seems like ur running out of ideals when u buy ur house u shud change over to saltwater tanks to add diversity in ur vids
killinNchillin27 - 6 years ago
It’s 11 not 12 but great vid
OscarBL - 6 years ago
Hey Paul you inspired me to get my own mollie tank
Hoodrich Mook
Hoodrich Mook - 6 years ago
Keep up good work
Ava Briggs
Ava Briggs - 6 years ago
Congrats on 500 k Paul you are an amazing YouTuber I love watching your video keep up the good work
GJ sports
GJ sports - 6 years ago
Paul love your videos wish I had a pond like yours
Fishy_boy 396
Fishy_boy 396 - 6 years ago
Nothing about that sh** is home mad u bought every thing
TC Games
TC Games - 6 years ago
DreamWalker oh ok thank you
DreamWalker - 6 years ago
+TC Games ignore him he is having fun trolling you if you ignore it it will go away.
TC Games
TC Games - 6 years ago
Fishy_boy 396 no you didn’t and that is not funny you don’t even know me so back off
Fishy_boy 396
Fishy_boy 396 - 6 years ago
+TC Games I had sex with your mom
TC Games
TC Games - 6 years ago
Fishy_boy 396 that makes no sense if you don’t have anything nice to say then don’t say anything at all
Fishy_boy 396
Fishy_boy 396 - 6 years ago
+TC Games so did I dumb ass
TC Games
TC Games - 6 years ago
Fishy_boy 396 don’t be mean and by the way it’s made not mad and it’s you not u
Brianna Pillsbury
Brianna Pillsbury - 6 years ago
You can get a 10 gal starter kit at Walmart for 30 and then the 10 dollar heater and Bam. $40
Kiwi_91 - 6 years ago
Atleast it wasn’t a mini aquarium this time, those are the worse
Glass Heart
Glass Heart - 6 years ago
Cool idea
Bug Boy
Bug Boy - 6 years ago
Love your videos Paul. I hope I win.
Ryan Ward
Ryan Ward - 6 years ago
Over time that plastic is going to release toxic shit into the water...
Bryan Black
Bryan Black - 6 years ago
I am sure it went into a real tank after the video iirc Nicks dad owns a pet store.
Isaacsmalleymusic - 6 years ago
Theres always flawed to every chuffaro action
DreamWalker - 6 years ago
Let's hope he keeps up with his charcoal replenishing so that doesnt happen.
Debra Driskill
Debra Driskill - 6 years ago
and respect the golden rule
WheresmahDinhner - 6 years ago
Debra Driskill
Debra Driskill - 6 years ago
very body should be treated equliy
Bev Kenny
Bev Kenny - 6 years ago
Love your videos, I always look out for them. Keep up the good work. We need another road trip soon! Love watching your adventures!
MonkeY 26
MonkeY 26 - 6 years ago
Can you show all the feedings of your fish ?
Sonel Hidalgo
Sonel Hidalgo - 6 years ago
Daily watches I really like your videos.......
reel fish
reel fish - 6 years ago
Hi Paul this is awesome
Noahs Ark
Noahs Ark - 6 years ago
Did you ever find those crabs? That was a cool vid keep it going
Lionblaze Wang
Lionblaze Wang - 6 years ago
They're all dead
Carlos Montesdeoca
Carlos Montesdeoca - 6 years ago
Paul thanks for these great videos I come from school and watch them they are so cool by the way it says September 12 at the beginning
Eliza Harms
Eliza Harms - 6 years ago
Looks like a male, but some females are big
Ginger199 - 6 years ago
I love ur vids Paul, You have inspired me to get into the fishkeeping hobby! Thanks so much and have a great day!
Sawyer Scheu
Sawyer Scheu - 6 years ago
Hey I love the vids man it’s the 11th today but your vid is labeled wrong
B-Boy{NZ} - 6 years ago
Dang Paul you work hard keep doing what your doing from your biggest fan to his favourite YouTuber - Braydn
Mtl RAFA12
Mtl RAFA12 - 6 years ago
Whatsup paul i love your videos also wish u uploaded every day but i know its hard ive been here since like 80k love your videos also love watching the clip after the outro of a funny momentt

Keep it uppp
Emily Antal
Emily Antal - 6 years ago
I love your vids so much! Keep up the great work!
RyukinFINatic RyukinFINatic
RyukinFINatic RyukinFINatic - 6 years ago
It’s the 11th Paul lol
Mahendra Setaram
Mahendra Setaram - 6 years ago
SEVAL NASAN - 6 years ago
KD Films
KD Films - 6 years ago
Nick should start a channel
Maszek - 6 years ago
Jprd serio meczyć tak ryby
Kensy Jean
Kensy Jean - 6 years ago
I love all your fish and love your videos! I got a beta just the other day
Jennifer Williamson
Jennifer Williamson - 6 years ago
Thank you for being my son's inspiration to build a mini pond in my back yard we all love it we have a bass and a alligator gar and it is amazing watching them get fed and grow we love and support your channel.. thank you
Mk bikelife
Mk bikelife - 6 years ago
Have you ever ate bacon in front of lulu
Erik Schmidt
Erik Schmidt - 6 years ago
Love ur vidoes bro i have tanks my self lots of african peacock cichlids u need to get some bro it would be great. Great job tho
Bubblesy gabriel
Bubblesy gabriel - 6 years ago
S 10
S 10 - 6 years ago
Love the vids
Down_PLAYZ - 6 years ago
Love your videos!!
Congrats on your 530k subs.
Plss put me in your vid..
Ricco Saenz
Ricco Saenz - 6 years ago
I have one of those decors in my tank right now lol 1:46
kushal singh
kushal singh - 6 years ago
Uniqueness in your videos makes it the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sarah elizbeth mclendon
sarah elizbeth mclendon - 6 years ago
that is so cool
Talia’s Life
Talia’s Life - 6 years ago
Love your betta vids ❤️❤️❤️
Alex Soto
Alex Soto - 6 years ago
Love your videos always making my day
Draw with the king of art
Draw with the king of art - 6 years ago
Sup with the crabs man?
Charlotte Altland
Charlotte Altland - 6 years ago
Positive comment.....lol
Xafronica Jones-Puijn
Xafronica Jones-Puijn - 6 years ago
where did you put the rest of the guppies?
SEVAL NASAN - 6 years ago
I love your aquarium videos bro. Keep up the amazing work . Thanks for giving me the inspiration to own a tank of my own.
Keep up The good work bruh love The videos
Zavier Gooding
Zavier Gooding - 6 years ago
This video inspired me now want to get a betta fish
East coast Explorers
East coast Explorers - 6 years ago
Hey Paul, love the videos you inspired me to make my own pond and keep fish tanks. Keep up the good work.
fiber optic gaming
fiber optic gaming - 6 years ago
Paul never stop what you are doing you inspired me to get into the hobby and I look up to watch you after school thx
DreamWalker - 6 years ago
The heater he got is preset to like 70 degrees so not to worry I USED the containers though bigger as hospital tanks for my fish and for grow out tanks for my apple snails as well as BETTAS tanks its best to keep them with very little substrate n depend on heavy biological media with chemical media n mechanical you can buy little clear air driven corner filter that sit in bottom corner n you fill them with your choice of media I would use bio, mechanical,chemical, then white felt to polish your water. They are very good for BETTAS as they don't have a fast moving flow of water making your fish tired of trying to not get tossed around.
YourWaifuIsShitx - 6 years ago
NinjaLemur You can buy a protective cover for your heater! It’s probably much safer
maco5 broomes
maco5 broomes - 6 years ago
Love your videos
maco5 broomes
maco5 broomes - 6 years ago
Can u still find the shrimp and the crabs
Lionblaze Wang
Lionblaze Wang - 6 years ago
They're probably all dead, especially the crabs
Jasper Wasbeer
Jasper Wasbeer - 6 years ago
But i love your Chanel soo Much en try to helo you
andrew spencer
andrew spencer - 6 years ago
•Harriet• - 6 years ago
K M - 6 years ago
How big will lulu get?
OmarDe Savage
OmarDe Savage - 6 years ago
K M he should eat when it gets to max size ,the pig will get huge
AlweerEmre - 6 years ago
K M it will be pretty big but not as big as a meatpig
Brandon Luna
Brandon Luna - 6 years ago
Never ever put a fish in a plastic container no matter how big. because when warm water (the water is warm because they got a heater )stays in a plastic bin for a while the plastic starts releasing chemicals. That’s why every aquarium is made out of glass even the bowls.
Brandon Luna
Brandon Luna - 6 years ago
Yeah I totally support that Idea
Lionblaze Wang
Lionblaze Wang - 6 years ago
well at least he just shows us diy tanks and don't actually keep fish in them
Brandon Luna
Brandon Luna - 6 years ago
Lionblaze Wang yeah I know but the on they bought is not Acrylic
Lionblaze Wang
Lionblaze Wang - 6 years ago
Acrylic is a kind of plastic and a lot of tanks (mostly 500+ because it's cheaper) are made out of it with no harm to the fish.
MrsMoon Jelly
MrsMoon Jelly - 6 years ago
These videos makes me walk away from depression
Thanks a lpt
Cora Lynn
Cora Lynn - 6 years ago
I love your videos!!❤ Hope u never stop making them
Jasper Wasbeer
Jasper Wasbeer - 6 years ago
Noooo plz don’t use white gravel thats bad for the fish
Nina K.
Nina K. - 6 years ago
You always make me lough i love You poul
Zeke Lewandowski
Zeke Lewandowski - 6 years ago
530k! great job paul your the best,keep up the great work, and i agree with charlie exept I wish you could upload 500 times a day
Alfie Malin
Alfie Malin - 6 years ago
verry good video keep it up mate you make me smile☺☺
B-Boy{NZ} - 6 years ago
.plz do more I love these videos
Aquatopia Fish
Aquatopia Fish - 6 years ago
Or just get a 10 gallon tank lol...
JAFARDS channel
JAFARDS channel - 6 years ago
i wish you can post your daily vlog
that will be lite.. i always waiting for a new video everday
also i wanna win too !!!
makuta 90217
makuta 90217 - 6 years ago
paul how’d you post a video from the future?????
Brands hatch Racing
Brands hatch Racing - 6 years ago
That’s so cool
shair fishing
shair fishing - 6 years ago
Hey Paul loved the video u inspired me to build my own pond and get 3 aquariums
Vincent Milillo
Vincent Milillo - 6 years ago
Hi Paul I wish I could go to college to be you. Keep up the good work. #road to 1 million
sneakapikachu - 6 years ago
yes Paul said so himself in one of his older videos. something like he left school to be home schooled and then stopped to do YT instead
DreamWalker - 6 years ago
+sneakapikachu is that true? OMG
sneakapikachu - 6 years ago
but he is a high school dropout
Victoria - 6 years ago
Wait.. That heater will not melt the plastic?
Sam Myers
Sam Myers - 6 years ago
Love your vids like to watch them when i poop
OSSO - 6 years ago
Please let this be the next positive comment shoutout
Sarai K
Sarai K - 6 years ago
WowChili. com
WowChili. com - 6 years ago
Hey Paul ur awesome ur the best
Dillan Colwell
Dillan Colwell - 6 years ago
hey paul just wanted to let you know that whenever i watch one of your videos there is a smile that never leaves my face keep up the good work bud
Sarah Michael
Sarah Michael - 6 years ago
you should try and do a video about making the cheapest tank possible. you could go on craigslist or the letgo app and get super cheap glass tanks and filters! And DIY decor from the 99c store or thrift store. Just some ideas!! love your videos, keep doing what you are doing <3
kesean harrington
kesean harrington - 6 years ago
Sarah Michael instead of buying cheap decor at 99cent that can leak toxins into the water I recommend finding rocks that don’t have pesticides and other contaminated and using them
Hernandez Family
Hernandez Family - 6 years ago
always inspiring and funny please write back
James Stevenson
James Stevenson - 6 years ago
Nicks Betta fish is a white opal dumbo Ear Halfmoon Betta
Jamison Coulter
Jamison Coulter - 6 years ago
Been here since the gummy worms video and still love your videos and would love to see more like it. Keep up the amazing videos and the positive vibes
save bees
save bees - 6 years ago
Jacob Myers
Jacob Myers - 6 years ago
love your vids i watch them as soon as i come home from school
Ricardo Espinoza
Ricardo Espinoza - 6 years ago
Your videos are the best hope you keep on doing videos
Ancient Robot22
Ancient Robot22 - 6 years ago
You are the best Paul cuffaro
Homicidal Fish
Homicidal Fish - 6 years ago
Pretty sure that's actually a male beta fish, I could be wrong but based on the fun size it's probably a male. I mean, I should know this sense I am a fish
Homicidal Fish
Homicidal Fish - 6 years ago
Paul Cuffaro ah, I heard you say she towards the end and got confused. Also I slightly died when I got this notification :,)
Paul Cuffaro
Paul Cuffaro - 6 years ago
Homicidal Fish: it is a Male Opal
Mark White
Mark White - 6 years ago
Can you come to the mill pond in Crawley pls
TrollBall Sports
TrollBall Sports - 6 years ago
Make a homemade beta waterfall
Connor Playz
Connor Playz - 6 years ago
Love your vids Paul keep it up
Madison Daily
Madison Daily - 6 years ago
You go home for work? Good for you. Way to go.
camoman3434 - 6 years ago
You copied my comment not trying to Spears hate but still come on man
RikiJarno Fortnite
RikiJarno Fortnite - 6 years ago
I really like your video’s Paul keep up the good work and never stop.
Alma Resendiz
Alma Resendiz - 6 years ago
Go fishing.
Mike Mendez
Mike Mendez - 6 years ago
You are the best you make the best videos

The Bandinator
The Bandinator - 6 years ago
Hi Paul. Today I got my first Oscar. You are my inspiration for getting it. Thank you
gamer bro
gamer bro - 6 years ago
Why don't show the undwrwater footage of big pond
Sandra Edwards
Sandra Edwards - 6 years ago
❤️ Hi. Who ŵänna play with mê?
See mƴ profile ❤️ togdah.myvideoprofile.space
Neel Singh
Neel Singh - 6 years ago
THANK YOU!!!!!!!! I can't believe people actually do that (Placing them in bowls)
Rubelindo Perez Morales
Rubelindo Perez Morales - 6 years ago
Paul Cuffaro i think your right because if a betta fish is in a small aquarium its basically torcher.... I like all your videos keep up the ggod work and i hope your head is alright.
BSA aquascaping
BSA aquascaping - 6 years ago
Hey Paul can you search for me HOW TO CYCLE A TANK!!! Thank you!
Angler A.J.
Angler A.J. - 6 years ago
Great vid Paul! You make great content! #Cuffarofam
Johnmark Baquiring
Johnmark Baquiring - 6 years ago
Paul you should not put a plastic plant on betta it will damage their fins
Bagas Cahya
Bagas Cahya - 6 years ago
Nice set up.. but the minus is you cant see the bettas clearly.. because that tank made by a plastic with a little bid white colour..
ChimeraKnight - 6 years ago
DIY upgrades are the best. Bettas flow is deff too high, only needs one filter for happiest life!
algerome28 - 6 years ago
It also shows that people should not get a betta Or any fish if they dont have the right stuff. Idk why you have to do some impulse buys then toss em out after the video. It just shows kids how to waste money. Instead of making these kinds of videos, make videos of you learning how to take care of fishes, showing how to PROPERLY start a tank. Coz all youve shown are impulse buys. U buy lots and lots and lots and lots of fish but NEVER SHOW how you care for them PROPERLY or show how to do fish keeping PROPERLY. This is just a BAD channel for kids to watch. Not a good example for future fish keepers. Puts a bad rep for fish keepers like the rest of us. And thats not a female betta. Thats a halfmoon plus those plastic decorations will tear its fins apart. Betta owners/ fish keepers would know to use silk plants. Smh if Taylor Dean got shit for getting the wrong name for her monitor lizard andbgot it taken down then no one else should be an exception in the pet community for wrong information.
Aydisan Chandler
Aydisan Chandler - 6 years ago
I made my own rock cave. I went with my grandpa around the block a found some good rocks. Love your vids! Have a great day!
DreamWalker - 6 years ago
+Flame bringer no unless you are a very experienced fish keeper then you could in theory be able to do a female Betta sorority but they often fail so again NO. Males will fight to the death as will females and they will pick at other fish if put in a community tank 98%or so of the time removing the slime coat that keeps fish safe from bacteria n fungi in tanks water.
DreamWalker - 6 years ago
Jason B
Jason B - 6 years ago
Learn how to cycle a tank
Jayden Allison
Jayden Allison - 6 years ago
Paul Cuffaro hey plastic plants can cut and or damage Betta fins and gills it would be better to go with live or a fabric type
Dennis Farrer
Dennis Farrer - 6 years ago
Paul Cuffaro I hate seeing them in the small cups at fish stores. there should be a better way to sell those fish!
Ellis Portman
Ellis Portman - 6 years ago
Paul Cuffaro great video and you made me get my own fish tank
Flame bringer
Flame bringer - 6 years ago
Can you keep more than one female betta in the same tank?
FishForever27 - 6 years ago
Paul Cuffaro finally! I’ve been waiting for you to stop advertising keeping bettas in bowls was ok :/
Cole Rasmussen
Cole Rasmussen - 6 years ago
Love your video and please put me in your Positive Comments shoutout keep making videos
Hellen Serrano
Hellen Serrano - 6 years ago
A'tua Hy

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