HOW TO: Make Tap Water Safe for Fish

Fluval Water Conditioner makes tap water safe for fish by neutralizing toxic heavy metals and removing harmful chlorine and chloramine. It features a patented stress relief formula and is also effective at protecting scales and fins from inflammation and infection caused by common scrapes and abrasions. • For use with new tank set-ups and water changes. • Removes chlorine and chloramine (found in tap water and toxic to aquatic life). • Provides a protective coating to fish scales and fins. • All-natural; will not harm plants, animals or humans. To learn more, visit:

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Betta 11 years ago 63,973 views

Fluval Water Conditioner makes tap water safe for fish by neutralizing toxic heavy metals and removing harmful chlorine and chloramine. It features a patented stress relief formula and is also effective at protecting scales and fins from inflammation and infection caused by common scrapes and abrasions. • For use with new tank set-ups and water changes. • Removes chlorine and chloramine (found in tap water and toxic to aquatic life). • Provides a protective coating to fish scales and fins. • All-natural; will not harm plants, animals or humans. To learn more, visit:

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Most popular comments
for HOW TO: Make Tap Water Safe for Fish

Ruby Wyrell
Ruby Wyrell - 7 years ago
I accidentally put tap water in my tank with fish in it. I immediately put a ton of prime. Will my fish be ok
Sebastain Lover of scary
Sebastain Lover of scary - 7 years ago
Ruby Wyrell if you put too much he will die

R.I.P my boy fish he was great in life and will be forever in our hearts and enjoying the afterlife
It's Your Boii Jigsaw
It's Your Boii Jigsaw - 7 years ago
Can I use prime for this? Can I put the tap water in my tank and add the prime would it still work? How long would I have to wait until It's safe to be able to add my fish in the tank?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
We recommend Fluval Tap Water Conditioner, it not only neutralizes unwanted substances like Chlorine and Chloramine but chelates metals while protecting and relaxing your fish, the most comprehensive package!
Grace '
Grace ' - 7 years ago
How much are we supposed to add at 500 ml?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Grace, please follow the dosing instructions found on this product page:
Artslourds - 7 years ago
Hi, can use this with my clownfish?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
yes, this product is safe for all aquariums. Note that when dosing a marine tank with a skimmer you should turn off the skimmer for a few hours then ensure the skimmer is working as expected when turning it back on as it can temporarily cause some extra foaming.
Clorox bleach squad
Clorox bleach squad - 7 years ago
Can I use distilled water?
Clorox bleach squad
Clorox bleach squad - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics thank you
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
We recommend using reverse osmosis water to soften freshwater through dilution to the target level you need for soft water preferring species for example. For marine aquariums it is strongly recommended to use pure R/O water to add your marine mix to.
NUUBIE TheNoob - 7 years ago
how to use this? i have a betta
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Just follow the on label instructions, here is the product page link on for your convenience:
Maricruz Legorreta
Maricruz Legorreta - 7 years ago
can i use it for goldfishsss?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Yes absolutely.
Lilmoonlight - 7 years ago
Is it safe to add your fish right after you put it in your tank water
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
You should give the aquarium time to start cycling and one way would be to dose the water with the Fluval Biological Enhancer:
J Gamez
J Gamez - 7 years ago
My left ear enjoyed this

10. comment for HOW TO: Make Tap Water Safe for Fish

Kayli Elizabeth
Kayli Elizabeth - 7 years ago
This works right when I out it in correct? Do I need to take my fish out if I put this in or would I be able to apply this right to the water? If I'm using this to fix the Chlorine from my tap water how long should I wait to put my Oscars back in?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Yes it instantly neutralizes chlorine. When adding it to replacement water during a partial water change it is most effective to add it while the tap water is going into the bucket as it is very well mixed in. If you have just filled a new aquarium with water and have added the conditioner we advise an hour or so of allowing the filter to circulate the water and to ensure the heater is properly functioning etc...
QUEEN_BRE - 7 years ago
Is Jungle Clear Water solutions good to use for a betta fish if I use tap water?
QUEEN_BRE - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics thanks for the advice! : )
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
We recommend Fluval Tap Water Conditioner.
lavantais blake
lavantais blake - 7 years ago
Can I add this after I add the tap water to my aquarium.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
You can but the best is adding it to the bucket and mixing it well as you do.
MAC'sGAMING - 8 years ago
does this remove ammonia from the tap
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
It breaks the bond between ammonia and chlorine,effectively reducing the toxicity of lethal chloramine. To remove ammonia you need to use ammonia remover in your filter (zeolite). Also remember that Fluval Biological Enhancer contains 5 very effective strains of nitrifyers, you need to dose with that as well to ensure you constantly converting ammonia to a much less harmful end by product (nitrate).
Renee Schnall
Renee Schnall - 8 years ago
How much do I put.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Please follow the on label instructions, they are detailed. If you require more help please let us know or visit
Kimberly Dipenta
Kimberly Dipenta - 8 years ago
Makes you wonder about ph necessities for living organisms like fish and Chlorinated water safe for Humans????
LA Torres
LA Torres - 8 years ago
How long do I wait before putting the fish after adding water conditioner to tap water?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Patience is always best. 24hrs. after adding conditioner and ensuring the heater and filter are working properly is best. Adding Fluval Biological Enhancer is strongly recommended as well as is the inclusion of some established filter media from a healthy aquarium to ensure you biologically seed your new aquarium.
sxittles_jam - 8 years ago
does this work with turtle
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Yes it is safe to use with a turtle.
zYpa Hacks
zYpa Hacks - 8 years ago
I have no money for that! any cheaper treatment?
AlphaWolf- Gaming
AlphaWolf- Gaming - 7 years ago
How can you not afford it? Not being rude btw.
zYpa Hacks
zYpa Hacks - 8 years ago
+The.Bunny.Nursery I really love pets..I am just starting to care of them while life is poor
CookieHam27 - 8 years ago
And they should have a cheaper one ( i buy the 5 dollar one in pets supplies plus )
CookieHam27 - 8 years ago
Kingseeker GAMING no money for that? Then don't have a pet! If you can't care for an animal don't have it
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Depends on the size of bottle, $5.49 CDN for a 120 ml bottle.
zYpa Hacks
zYpa Hacks - 8 years ago
+Fluval Aquatics In how much?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
We suggest at minimum you use a tap water conditioner, they are inexpensive.
Roger Ramirez
Roger Ramirez - 8 years ago

20. comment for HOW TO: Make Tap Water Safe for Fish

Gemene - 8 years ago
It might just be my headphones, but your basically saying:
"Fuck your right ear"
SUBHUMAN .COM USA - 8 years ago
Hiya I was just wondering if your product is the same as nutrafin aqua plus I noticed on my bottle of fluval aqua plus that both products are distributed by hagen are they the same product.
Also on the instructions of use it says to make tap water safe add 5ml per 40l and for complete protection of scales and fins add 10ml Does this mean i have to add 15ml to 40 litres to get both or does the 10ml cover both.
SUBHUMAN .COM USA - 8 years ago
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Yes, it is the same product. AquaPlus is now under the Fluval brand. To your second question, 10 ml will cover both.
Golden State Warriors Fan
Golden State Warriors Fan - 8 years ago
doses this help with ammonia
Karl Burton
Karl Burton - 8 years ago
I notice he skipped this question dunno about this product but after using api conditioner ammonia spiked research sodiumthiosulphate it breaks down clorine its cheap on ebay can treat thousands of gallons for a £1 this will cause ammonia sodiumthiosulphate is all these products are
Grace Coffman
Grace Coffman - 8 years ago
I got betta conditioner from the store can I also use it for my parrot cichlid?
Elijah Whooper III
Elijah Whooper III - 8 years ago
Can I use this with my initial fill with using tap water in my saltwater tank
Elijah Whooper III
Elijah Whooper III - 8 years ago
+Fluval Aquatics thanks for the reply and yes you are correct my skimmer is bubbling up Ayer I use the conditioner.. aqueon water conditioner I use so now I'm just turn it off and hope it stop bubbling
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
+Elijah Whooper III If you are referring to Fluval Tap Water Conditioner, yes you can. Note that it will affect protein skimmer operation so you should leave it off for a few hours. We would suggest Chlor-X-Change as the better product for conditioning tap water for a marine aquarium. Ultimately, using R/O water is best for water quality in a marine aquarium, in which case no water conditioner is required.
Krusty Sentai
Krusty Sentai - 8 years ago
Could this work 4 turtles? Plz answer
Krusty Sentai
Krusty Sentai - 8 years ago
good. Thank You So Much! :)
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
+RockBandStyles - GD Fluval Water Conditioner is safe for turtles.
denverchow - 8 years ago
SuperZandersmom - 8 years ago
weird question but what color is this conditioner ? Mine is almost the color of a light "honey" and not clear like most water conditioners I have used in the past. I didn't know it ifs suppose to be this way or if I ended up with some old stuff.
vapelife vapereview
vapelife vapereview - 8 years ago
and how long till i put my fish in i just did a water change about 45min ago
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
+bass slayer1178 Assuming that you have used Fluval Tap Water Conditioner and that the temperature of the water equals the temperature in your aquarium, you can do a partial water change with your fish in the aquarium.
JR - 9 years ago
I have a 10 gal fresh water tank my ph is 7.9 how can I lower it to about 6.5 to 7.0 I have discus tetras mollies angel fish I tried using ph down and did a 15 percent water change but my ph keeps reading 7.9
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 9 years ago
+PreludeBB6JDM To understand why your pH keep bouncing back to 7.9, you need to test the water to find out the KH or carbonate hardness level. Mollies would be happier in alkaline water, and so we would recommend keeping them in at your current pH. The rest of your fish would do better in a pH that is between 6.5 and 7. You will likely need to soften your water, preferable by dilution with R/O water, which will enable you to more easily lower the pH. Make sure to do this gradually; do not effect a pH change of more than .5 units per day.

30. comment for HOW TO: Make Tap Water Safe for Fish

Zombie Gaming
Zombie Gaming - 9 years ago
I've bought some of this and just changed my water, is it safe for to add this directly to the tank or should I wait till next time and mix it in with the water in the bucket?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 9 years ago
+Zombie Gaming You can do either, however mixing this into the new water is the most effective way to use this product.
Golakoti veera raghava rao
Golakoti veera raghava rao - 9 years ago
Rae S
Rae S - 9 years ago
how long do you wait before the water is conditioned? is it immediate?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 9 years ago
+Aurelia Segura Yes, it is immediate. As your bucket is filling with tap water, add the recommended dose of conditioner and let it mix in thoroughly.
Golakoti veera raghava rao
Golakoti veera raghava rao - 9 years ago
my tank is 450 litres aquarium only discus fish. Fulval tap water conditioner 40ml is best my aquarium are tell me ple
I am waiting tell me your suggestions for me.
Thank you
Golakoti veera raghava rao
Golakoti veera raghava rao - 9 years ago
Thank you
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 9 years ago
+Golakoti veera raghava rao If no chloramines are present, then dose at the rate of 5 ml per 37.8 L for the amount of water changed during a partial water change.
NintendoGaming7356 - 9 years ago
can you put this in the tank? or is it meant just for water changes?...
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 9 years ago
+NintendoGaming7356 This product is meant for water changes, but there are beneficial compounds that can help fish that have just finished a disease treatment or have suffered damage from an attack or from transport (i.e. torn fins, missing scales, etc.).
空条承太郎 - 9 years ago
What happens if I overdose?
Dave OG Miles
Dave OG Miles - 9 years ago
what tank is that tom ?
Dave OG Miles
Dave OG Miles - 9 years ago
oh thats the F tank
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 9 years ago
+Dave OG Miles Thanks for asking. This is the Fresh Aquarium and Cabinet Set.
Ironiic zero
Ironiic zero - 9 years ago
im sorry but after prime everything else seems pointless
Coolrh13 - 9 years ago
Does it help cloudy water and will it harm the fish if there is to much
Coolrh13 - 9 years ago
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 9 years ago
+Coolrh13 This product will not harm your fish in the event of overdose. For clearing water, we offer Fluval Bio Clear or Quick Clear. You'll need to determine what the cause of the cloudiness is first and choose the right product to help clear the water. If you are using a Fluval canister filter, and you're seeing floating particles, try a Polishing Pad. If this clears it up, you can then remove the pad and replace with your usual filter media or a fresh pad.
Jeanne B
Jeanne B - 10 years ago
Hi. I just purchased a 19ltr Fluval Chi aquarium. Could you please give me some guidance on the dosing of Fluval water conditioner and biological enhancer for my new tank and its ongoing maintenance. There was no instructions on the bottles I bought. Thanks so much.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 10 years ago
Hi Jeanne, you can find dosing instructions on these products on our Website. Click through to the respective product page.
If you don't find the specific information you're looking for, let us know and we'll be happy to help.
vidi67 - 10 years ago
I have a question about neutralizing the chlorine when you do partial water changes . I replace weekly 25% of the water in my fish tank . Do you advise me to treat the water before adding in the fish tank or treat the water in the fish tank together with the water I didn't take out from the tank?
vidi67 - 10 years ago
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 10 years ago
It shouldn't matter based on typical chlorine concentrations. However, to be sure, treat before adding the new water back to your tank. You would only have to dose for that volume of water.
Kristen Taylor
Kristen Taylor - 10 years ago
can you use fluval ammonia remover in saltwater tank? 
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 10 years ago
Hi Kristen, great question, thanks for posting. Ammonia Remover is for freshwater use only.
Gus kennedy
Gus kennedy - 10 years ago
ive got this stuff  10ml treats 40 litres how much should i put in to treat 7 litres
Gus kennedy
Gus kennedy - 10 years ago
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 10 years ago
Hi Gus, 1ml treats 4L. You can safely use 2ml.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 10 years ago
+saurabh thombre yes, this product is safe for all aquariums. Note that when dosing a marine tank with a skimmer you should turn off the skimmer for a few hours then ensure the skimmer is working as expected when turning it back on as it can temporarily cause some extra foaming.
Kaled harbi
Kaled harbi - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics could i pour it while the fish are in the tank , i just cleaned the water today
MikeJerry - 9 years ago
+FLUVAL Aquatics I just completely freaked out cause my BM5 just started going mental after dosing this product! phew, thanks for this info! I should've read on this before rather than finding out by walking into a room that smells like rotten eggs! ahh!
saurabh thombre
saurabh thombre - 10 years ago
is it safe for 80 liter fish tank ??
Keresztes Nándor
Keresztes Nándor - 9 years ago
ofc its safe:) use in any aquarium,any size, see dosage info before adding to youre aquarium
Jack Swan
Jack Swan - 10 years ago
i have a new tank and a new turtle do i add this fluval to the water before or after i out it in the tank?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 10 years ago
Hi Jack, thanks for your question. Fluval Water Conditioner is safe for the turtle. Add it before the animal is placed in the tank.
Dave OG Miles
Dave OG Miles - 10 years ago
i realy like fluval so much more of choice and thay do big filters too like the fx5 and fx6
Dave OG Miles
Dave OG Miles - 10 years ago
is it ok to use with gold fish yes ? or no
Dave OG Miles
Dave OG Miles - 10 years ago
oh good ile buy some of that then thanks
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 10 years ago
Yes, it's okay.
samuricexful - 10 years ago
So do you just poor it in and bam, it's good to go?  Or does it need time/should I stir it?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 10 years ago
Shake well before using. Pour in the quantity as instructed on the packaging. You can stir if you like, but yes, basically, it is good to go.
Glenda Steel
Glenda Steel - 10 years ago
We would like to keep a bottle of treated tap water on hand for regular top-ups in our Fluval Edge 46 litre tank (we find the water level naturally drops a little daily).  How much conditioner should be added to a 1 litre bottle and should it be stored in the fridge?  Also how long would a bottle of water prepared like this keep for?  Many thanks - Mrs Glenda Steel
Glenda Steel
Glenda Steel - 10 years ago
+FLUVAL Aquatics Thank you so much and for making it so easy to use for a novice fish keeper like myself! Warmest wishes - Glenda
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 10 years ago
Hi Glenda, thank you for the question. We advise that you keep the bottle closed; there is no expiration if nothing enters the water, and there is no need to refrigerate it. The dosage for chlorine neutralizing is 0.5ml per gallon or 3.78L. It would be fine to add 0.25ml per one litre of water. If your tap water has chloramines, then add 0.5ml.

50. comment for HOW TO: Make Tap Water Safe for Fish

Ricky Wen
Ricky Wen - 10 years ago
Will the overdose cloud the water? It had happend to my tank with some other brand water conditioner.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 10 years ago
No, it will not cause cloudiness even if overdosed.
84latinray - 10 years ago
Is this good for saltwater top off
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 10 years ago
Fluval Water Conditioner temporarily will affect your skimmer performance. Stick to RO water for saltwater top off.
Daniel Aguirre
Daniel Aguirre - 11 years ago
If adding directly to the water, do I supposed to dose the whole volume of the tank right?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 11 years ago
Hi Daniel, to remove chloramine, 5 mL treates 37.8 L (10 US Gal), and to remove chloramine and to protect scales & fins, 10 mL treats 37.8 L (10 US Gal).
Daniel Aguirre
Daniel Aguirre - 11 years ago
The directions said, use 5ml for chlorine and 10ml for chloramine I dnt understand:(,so should I be using 10ml per 5 gallons everytime I do water change?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 11 years ago
Chloramine is a compound that is formed when a municipality adds ammonia to chlorinated tap water. This is done in some cities that have poorer water quality, and is very toxic to fish. Inquire with your municipality's water filtration dept. if this is a standard practice. If it is, you will need to increase the dose, as instructed in the video. We would also recommend using zeolite or ammonia remover in your filter, and changing it regularly.

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