HOW TO KEEP A BETTA SORORITY! Multiple bettas in one tank

A brief how to, on keeping multiple female bettas in one tank. No less than 5 females NEVER ANY MALES No less than 15 gallons Heavily planted with hides and decor Something I forgot to mention is heavily filter your betta sorority and do at least one 50% water change a week. Plant source- @h2oplants Betta source- @spacecityfish

HOW TO KEEP A BETTA SORORITY! Multiple bettas in one tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 5

Betta 7 years ago 3,014 views

A brief how to, on keeping multiple female bettas in one tank. No less than 5 females NEVER ANY MALES No less than 15 gallons Heavily planted with hides and decor Something I forgot to mention is heavily filter your betta sorority and do at least one 50% water change a week. Plant source- @h2oplants Betta source- @spacecityfish

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Most popular comments
for HOW TO KEEP A BETTA SORORITY! Multiple bettas in one tank

Harry Stark
Harry Stark - 7 years ago
Nice tanks. I actually have a 15 gallon I've been meaning to try a sorority with. Thinking of getting 5 or 6 with either some tetras or Cory's. Don't know how well a sorority will mix with other community fish but I'm hoping they won't bother them.
Lynn Nguyen
Lynn Nguyen - 7 years ago
May I ask where you got your rimless tanks?
Robert Chanthavong
Robert Chanthavong - 7 years ago
Absolutely gorgeous, your tanks!
Autumn Wilk
Autumn Wilk - 7 years ago
What do you recommend for tank mates in a sorority tank?
SeahawksFan - 7 years ago
that red one in the top left tank looks like a male, i heard sometimes males get an egg spot, i would double check because she has long fins
SeahawksFan - 7 years ago
okay, just wanted to double check because that would be scary
Aqua Girl Talks
Aqua Girl Talks - 7 years ago
That’s Francine. I’ve had her since she was just a wee baby. Check my Instagram @a_betta_world to see more of Francine. I have many long finned females. Francine is a female veiltail
funjoyexpress ion
funjoyexpress ion - 7 years ago
hi i just you wanted to ask you that are you single
Juan Pablo San
Juan Pablo San - 7 years ago
J Macho
J Macho - 7 years ago
Can you do only males bettas ? And if is yes, how do you start it?
Aqua Girl Talks
Aqua Girl Talks - 7 years ago
No never
AnimalsByA - 7 years ago
for a 15 gallon- 6 females
for a 20 gallon- 8 females
for a 30 gallon- 12 females
for a 40 gallon- 16 females
for a 50 gallon- 20 females
for a 60 gallon- 24 females
for a 70 gallon- 28 females
for a 80 gallon- 32 females
for a 90 gallon- 36 females
for a 100 gallon- 40 females
Obviosly for the higher number of gallons maybe one or two more females than the limit is fine but each female should have 2.5 gallons or more.

10. comment for HOW TO KEEP A BETTA SORORITY! Multiple bettas in one tank

AnimalsByA - 7 years ago
I just wanted to say, yes, no less than 5 females is okay but your tanks are so overcrowded. I have a 20 gallon and I only have 6 females in it. The most I would keep is 8,, which gives each female 2.5 gallons exactly. If you have more than 8 females in a 15 gallon its way over crowded. Please fix this and I will gve you a thumbs up but for now you have a thumbs down.
Aqua Girl Talks
Aqua Girl Talks - 7 years ago
Naira Cortes
Naira Cortes - 7 years ago
I’m so happy you made a video! I stalk your IG.
Justina Fife
Justina Fife - 7 years ago
I learned a lot from this video, sometimes I have to put African Cichlids in quarantine for being overly aggressive (I did this with my convict (female), she is now doing a lot with better with the parrots)
David's Fish Tanks
David's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
You seem like a great fish keeper lots of nice tanks great video thanks for sharing !
C K - 7 years ago
The tank is beautiful and so are you
Kye Hills
Kye Hills - 7 years ago
This is the first time i've ever seen betta's living harmoniously together. I also originally thought that the females were more dull in colour, I stand corrected. your tanks look awesome so vibrant and lush. are the curved tanks you have 60cm?
Aqua Girl Talks
Aqua Girl Talks - 7 years ago
Kye Hills hi, thank you. They are less than 60cm. They are around 19”.
Ej Cagle
Ej Cagle - 7 years ago
Great video! Can’t wait to watch more. Thanks for the good information!
tammy bella jorrak cagle
tammy bella jorrak cagle - 7 years ago
Thank you! I’m wanting to start one. Please more videos lol I want to have all the knowledge as possible before starting. I follow you on Instagram. So beautiful! Oh please a list of medication I should have on hand at all times.
uohtreB - 7 years ago
Great video.. your tanks are stunning. What is your Instagram?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Excellent Information! You should post more for sure!!

20. comment for HOW TO KEEP A BETTA SORORITY! Multiple bettas in one tank

Aqua Girl Talks
Aqua Girl Talks - 7 years ago
Jacob Chrem thanks Jacob
Lisa k
Lisa k - 7 years ago
Nice video! Came just in time because im thinking about setting one up
Aby F
Aby F - 7 years ago
Aw. You're so kind and sweet. Great video! I would love to see future videos that involve co2 tips, and planted aquarium tips.
Decode Via
Decode Via - 7 years ago
I love your instagram and I just had to see you in the video! ❤ you inspired me to create my own betta sorority and I am soooo thankful for this!!
Aqua Girl Talks
Aqua Girl Talks - 7 years ago
Decode Via thank you so much !!!
Kenenth Perez
Kenenth Perez - 7 years ago
"And i won't support it" hahahah
AquariumCop - 7 years ago
Great tanks and info! ☑
Family FishKeeper
Family FishKeeper - 7 years ago
Really great :) I’m so glad you made a new video .Love them!
Devils Vengeance Gaming
Devils Vengeance Gaming - 7 years ago
Awesome video as always :) Just2fluffy here
Aqua Girl Talks
Aqua Girl Talks - 7 years ago
Thanks so much for watching
Aquarium Wave
Aquarium Wave - 7 years ago
your tanks look really nice
Cesar Alexander Martinez
Cesar Alexander Martinez - 7 years ago
Amazing! Yours tanks are perfect!

30. comment for HOW TO KEEP A BETTA SORORITY! Multiple bettas in one tank

MELODY MUNRO - 7 years ago
Aquarium salt is another option to medication should you have another outbreak with your bettas.Calamanus worms cannot tolerate salinity.
Aqua Girl Talks
Aqua Girl Talks - 7 years ago
Great to hear! That’s why I recommend the salts first!
MELODY MUNRO - 7 years ago
Oh okay...heard you wrong. I have never had to use medication on my fish. I have used melafix once or twice but mainly I use salt and water changes. I'm in Australia and I think our tough quarantine and import laws filter out a lot of diseases.... and we are not allowed to sell live fish on which also limits the transfer of disease.
Aqua Girl Talks
Aqua Girl Talks - 7 years ago
Not calamnus worms. Columnaris BACTERIA
Ryan Mikaelson
Ryan Mikaelson - 7 years ago
Great video Jess!!! Loved it ♥️♥️♥️♥️

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