HOW TO: Care for Betta Fish

Aquatic expert Tom Sarac introduces different varieties of betta fish and offers helpful tips on caring for this popular fish species, including ideal habitats, food preferences, water conditions and more.

HOW TO: Care for Betta Fish sentiment_very_dissatisfied 523

Betta 10 years ago 1,287,948 views

Aquatic expert Tom Sarac introduces different varieties of betta fish and offers helpful tips on caring for this popular fish species, including ideal habitats, food preferences, water conditions and more.

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Most popular comments
for HOW TO: Care for Betta Fish

Nikola Srdic
Nikola Srdic - 7 years ago
I used to have a purple betta fish named Flounder but he died cuz mom plaxed tap water
My horse Stole my channel
My horse Stole my channel - 7 years ago
great pet store but make sure when you sell the bettas that they get tanks over 2.5 gallons ;)
Jasmine yancy
Jasmine yancy - 7 years ago
they dont meed light right?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Jasmine, the fact that the fish is not attacking and consuming his food has us more under the impression that temperature is too low. Please revert back with the temperature after having checked with a thermometer.
Jasmine yancy
Jasmine yancy - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics is he saving it for later? lol or he just doesnt like it?
Jasmine yancy
Jasmine yancy - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics oh ok its crazy because i just gave him food. he will chew it tgen spit it our whats that about
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Jasmine, that would work but we prefer one to two times daily. Less at each meal if its twice daily. Look for his stomach just rounding out slightly, its difficult to generalize in terms of time. Variety is important. If the fish does not eat for two days occasionally due to leaving on a weekend for example, don't worry it is not an issue.
Jasmine yancy
Jasmine yancy - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics ok thank you. should i feed him every other day 2wice a day?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Jasmine, hopefully the bowl is at least a gallon or more. You should have a thermometer to check the temperature daily, if it is less than 77 degrees F or 25 deg C you should get a heater, there is a Marina betta heater available, very important to check temperature on a thermometer daily. Surviving and thriving are two different things. To help the fish thrive make sure to get control and maintain temperature, change the water every 2 days with prepared water that is of the same temperature as the container. Make sure to feed a variety of foods, Fluval Bug Bites (Betta Formula) and quality frozen food (your local fish store can help with frozen food suggestions).
Jasmine yancy
Jasmine yancy - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics Thank you for taking the time out to write me. this is my first fish but i dont have a fish tank i have a fish bowl so theres no light. The guy said he could survive the fish bowl. if i put a plant in there then he wont have much room for him. Can he survive in the fish bowl i dont want him to die
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Jasmine, bettas do require light to be active and feed like most other fish. That said diffused room light is ok. What is really important is temperature, 78 to 80 deg F and good water quality, regular water changes. Live plants need lighting and do help water quality, would be good to consider keeping live plants with your betta.
Sunny Macwan
Sunny Macwan - 7 years ago
One of the most abused fish. Good to see proper tanks for them.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Sunny, may we add also one of the most misunderstood families of fish. The Betta spelndens is so popular many over look the number of other very interesting species of great aquarium fish the genus Betta has to offer, we hope we informed accordingly in the video.
Dakeyah - 7 years ago
what can i feed my betta fish? because i accidentally got him fish food and i won’t be able to go to the store until after tmmrw : (
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Regular tropical fish food flakes or micro pellets are fine. Variety is key, try Fluval Bug Bites Betta Formula next time you visit the store, great food and provides bettas with insect protein, in fact it is the number one ingredient!
Lucifer DarkDevourer
Lucifer DarkDevourer - 7 years ago
My right ear's deaf or sth
Rebecca Ericson
Rebecca Ericson - 7 years ago
Sure they can be kept in a 1/2 gallon tank.  I can keep my dog in a cage her whole life as well but I'm sure she'd like to actually move and stretch.  I didn't see any of those fish swimming, because they can't.  I wish companies would stop selling these fish bowls, don't call it anything other than a square fish bowl, and saying that the fish is happy.  When a fish has space he will move and take up the entire tank.  Put him in a 5 gallon and he'll swim the whole 5 gallons.  I'm not saying have a 29 gallon and only have one fish in it but be nice and a good owner.  We had an extra 10 gallon tank and It's amazing how active our guy is.  He has a filter, a heater and plants.  Please, reconsider purchasing these milk jugs.  Please Fluval, reconsider the size that you are selling and upgrade the size to at least a 2 1/2 gallon.  So many of your other products are good quality, why do you sell things that are clearly for profit only and not for the well being of the animals?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Rebecca, we agree bigger is better, that is why we cover a number of other options in the video. However, the bettas in the marina cubus tanks are swimming about and with the right maintenance their comportment, health and condition clearly reflect a healthy fish, also covered in the video. As for fish using the entire aquarium that is really dependent on the species, Tanganyikan shell dwellers are quite content to stay within an area of a few square inches of their shell, this due to the fact that in the wild this is the safest strategy for them. We could go much deeper into this topic but in the end Fluval offers a number of great options for bettas and we fully support larger habitats (and suggested them in this video), with heaters and the proper husbandry practices that we recommend in the video. We also show other species of bettas, B. macrostoma for example certainly does need an aquarium of 20 to 30 gallons that should contain a natural type scape with live plants and driftwood.
kent allan Relloto
kent allan Relloto - 7 years ago
can I ask what is the size of your small tank for betta
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Kent, we assume you are asking about the Marina Cubus tanks that we show, they are 3.4L. That said we do offer other sizes of tanks that are shown in the video, do consider them as well, more interesting as they offer a little more room which allows for greater plant and set up choices, for example the 6.7L Marina Betta aquarium. Do make sure frequent water changes are done and you use a heater and thermometer to maintain the 78 to 82 deg temperature range preferred by bettas.
Cheryl McCormick
Cheryl McCormick - 7 years ago
There in w/other fish like gold fish

10. comment for HOW TO: Care for Betta Fish

Cheryl McCormick
Cheryl McCormick - 7 years ago
Can betta fish be in a 7 gal. tank they keep dying !!!
I love hamsters 100
I love hamsters 100 - 7 years ago
I think that a one gallon is too small, you should aim for 2.5 but a fiver would be recommended, but the bigger the better.
Grayson E Lawrence
Grayson E Lawrence - 7 years ago
I recently got the fluval sea 13.5 gallon saltwater aquarium. Would this be a good tank for a peacock/clown mantis shrimp? Any help is appreciated.
Grayson E Lawrence
Grayson E Lawrence - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics ok thank you, and I was planning on not adding tankmates so that would be Perfect
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Given the aggressive nature and size that this species can achieve (up to 6 inches), it is if it is the only inhabitant. Note it is not reef compatible.
Preston plays Pioquinto
Preston plays Pioquinto - 7 years ago
i have that fish they are fighting they are two Colours one is red and two is blue
Madison Tomczak
Madison Tomczak - 7 years ago
I got my fish in Feb and now it’s November and it’s still alive and happy :))
Jessica Ryan
Jessica Ryan - 7 years ago
1 gallon is far too small for perminant living. they need a minnimum of 2.5 gallons
Jessica Ryan
Jessica Ryan - 7 years ago
It is stated around the internet that 1 gal is a minimum but that Betta thrive better in 2 and a half and up
I can say it is far better then the cups I’ve seen Betta been kept in
Jessica Ryan
Jessica Ryan - 7 years ago
I understand this video has been up for years now, but I do believe it is fair I question the advice given here. Of course I also understand care standards in fancy’s do change, just food for thought in fish care. I do appreciate the fact this video had a lot of information and time put into it but sometimes it’s hard to get everything right without question ☺️ keep up the good work
Jessica Ryan
Jessica Ryan - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics the issue is that it is mentioned that 1 gal tanks are a option for bettas , which is misinformation and is in fact well under half the size of the minimum standard recognised amongst the fancy online. These fish would struggle to find enrichment in a tank that size and to say they are ok to be in tanks half the size of a widely recognised minimum standard is troubling as people may go out and buy these tanks, or even smaller, which in turn will lead to compromise in the quality of life for the betta in question.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Jessica, we do offer a variety of betta tanks, some alternatives are covered in this video. That said, the 3.4 Marina cubus we show do house healthy well conditioned bettas that are doing excellent! Marina betta heaters are available and with a water change every other day no issues with any nitrogenous water content.
BlasterICe - 7 years ago
Question! My Betta keeps going to the surface to take a gulp of air. Is that normal?
BlasterICe - 7 years ago
I see, thank you very much :D
Jayla White
Jayla White - 7 years ago
Don’t worry every single betta out there does that. Instead of them breathing the oxygen in the water (like goldfish) they take breaths from the surface:)
BlasterICe - 7 years ago
Oh I see, thank you so much! This my first so im kind of afraid if it gets sick.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Yes it is as it is an anabantid.

Azhar Abbas
Azhar Abbas - 7 years ago
MsEvilone01 - 7 years ago
1:49 mine looks kinda like that one just much smaller
Pixled heart
Pixled heart - 7 years ago
I'm getting a baby beta fish tommarow and this video helped alot. Thank you

20. comment for HOW TO: Care for Betta Fish

Horticulture and Bonsai est2005
Horticulture and Bonsai est2005 - 7 years ago
think iv gone deaf canthear a thing
SnakeOil25 - 7 years ago
I used to keep my 3 bettas in 5 gallons tanks, each had their own until one of my tanks cracked so i have to keep my least aggressive male with my female, im really lucky cause the two completely ignore each other, waiting still after i move to replace his tank

Good video wonderful advice for people new to the hobby
litongtong - 7 years ago
There so cute!
Kiwi's pets!
Kiwi's pets! - 7 years ago
Umm there is no sound
SpunkyRO !
SpunkyRO ! - 7 years ago
Someone help! About 2 months ago I got a betta fish and it was doing fine but after about a week it stopped eating and swimming around and I found it dead the next morning. I thought it was because I didn't have a heater and my house was kind of cold. So I got a heater and a new fish. And the same thing happened. Had it for a week and it stopped eating and swimming and died. So I upgraded to a 5 and 1/2 gallon tank, got plants and a cave, along with the heater and got my third fish. The guy at the pet store said I didn't cycle my tank so I did before I put my new fish in. I got her on Wednesday and yesterday (Tuesday) I noticed she wasn't eating her food. So I thought it was because of the kind of dirty water. So I did a about a 80% water change. I also had set some water in a bucket aside prior so it had a chance to grow some good bacteria. So I had about 1 gallon of the old water and like 1 gallon of the water that was sitting out and the rest new water. I conditioned it and everything. Btw I didn't scrub the sides of the tank or the plants so there would be some good bacteria left. So after I cleaned the tank I acclimated her for about 40 minutes and let her in she was swimming around and stuff but still wouldn't eat. Today (Wednesday, exactly a week from when I got her) she just sits on her betta hammock leaf and doesn't eat. ALL DAY! I'm scared she is going to die tomorrow please someone tell me what I'm doing wrong. This pattern keeps repeating itself with my fish
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Try some defrosted frozen blood worms and let us know, sorry for the late reply.
Jayla White
Jayla White - 7 years ago
What do you normally feed her?
SpunkyRO !
SpunkyRO ! - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics she is moving around a lot more! But still not eating
SpunkyRO !
SpunkyRO ! - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics okay thanks I'll do that and let you know
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Start by bringing the temperature up to 80 degrees F over a couple of days and see if that helps. Some thermometers can be off by a few degrees, if yours is and its actually 72 to 73 that would clearly explain the sluggishness of your Betta, let us know please.
SpunkyRO !
SpunkyRO ! - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics yeah I do it is at 76
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
You do have a thermometer yes? No temperature reading is mentioned in your post, please let us know what temperature the tank is at?
SpunkyRO !
SpunkyRO ! - 7 years ago
She hasn't eaten in almost 3 days
Preston Duff field
Preston Duff field - 7 years ago
thought i broke my headphones
Dragon ball Goku
Dragon ball Goku - 7 years ago do check out my blue betta fish
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Thank you for sharing, the fish look healthy but you will need to move the angel fish to a larger aquarium.
miasworld1865 gaming
miasworld1865 gaming - 7 years ago
wow finally some pet store people put betas in a tank and not in a cup lol
Bribri Gutierrez
Bribri Gutierrez - 7 years ago
I had a beta fish but it died there so cool
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Unfortunate to hear, a heater and thermometer is necessary for keeping bettas to maintain 78 - 80 deg F or 25 to 27 deg C.
Rumah Cupang
Rumah Cupang - 7 years ago

30. comment for HOW TO: Care for Betta Fish

boo 23
boo 23 - 7 years ago
My half moon enjoyed with video
Snow White Vlogs/does random stuff Forever
Snow White Vlogs/does random stuff Forever - 7 years ago
Is their a green one?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Yes there are green bettas.
Jacoby Williams
Jacoby Williams - 7 years ago
I have 2 beata one is blue and red and one is just blue
Ras Tandi
Ras Tandi - 7 years ago
Buy White me... Folow my instagram rastandi1048. Colection betta from Indonesia
April Her
April Her - 7 years ago
Get to the point
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
April, we apologize for testing your patience :) however, the betta family is larger than many are aware of, just trying to provide an overall view and helpful advice on the many options you have within.
J In The Bay
J In The Bay - 7 years ago
The left ear enjoyed this video
My Pets
My Pets - 7 years ago
Great video! I just did a beta care video too and I tried to explain everything in simple terms! Beautiful fish by the way!♥️
Cooper Morrison
Cooper Morrison - 7 years ago
fxpiano channel ID
fxpiano channel ID - 7 years ago
In Indonesia we call them "Cupang" :p
MarkJoshua Oliver
MarkJoshua Oliver - 7 years ago
Hi i'm wondering if i leave the male in with the fry since day 1 of breeding will the fry not get aggressive when they get to adult size or just the females are good and separate the males ? also got vids on breeding them. :D
MarkJoshua Oliver
MarkJoshua Oliver - 7 years ago
got it :D
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Mark, just as a helpful reminder, make sure to cover the tank with a full glass lid to ensure air temperature is the same as water temperature, critical in the first few weeks for new fry.
MarkJoshua Oliver
MarkJoshua Oliver - 7 years ago
oh that was fast replay and yeah ill do so.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Mark, congrats on the breeding. The male should be removed as soon as the fry are free swimming. As for the fry you will have to set up multiple jars to isolate the males as they become visibly different. You can raise them in one gallon jars to a developed size, get ready to perform daily water changes...The females can be raised in an appropriate sized tank for the quantity of fish, the odd overly aggressive female may have to be isolated.
My Bettas life
My Bettas life - 7 years ago
Hi Great video
Alexander Price
Alexander Price - 7 years ago
i love that black and red betta fish
fish tank arowana fish
fish tank arowana fish - 7 years ago
LetsplayZ - 7 years ago
Is filtered water ok or do you need water conditioning
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Please be specific as to how the water has been filtered?
Well Wild
Well Wild - 7 years ago
Hey, have a look at this great Chart of different types and ways to distinguish between bettas:
ralph jenzel Yalung
ralph jenzel Yalung - 7 years ago
every when the water changes in tank?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Ralph, let us know which aquarium you are referring to? We show and discuss a number of them in this video.
Raindrop Services
Raindrop Services - 7 years ago
Some good info here. Thanks.
Gage Doomfield
Gage Doomfield - 7 years ago
PLZ SOME ACTUAL EXPERIENCED BETTA FISH EXPERT RESPOND TO THIS. I have my crowntail betta in a 10 gallon tank... Is there such thing as a tank that is too large for him (he is a male crowntail) Should i get him some tank mates for such a large tank for him? I keep 9 common goldfish in a 10 gallon right above him (YES IM AWARE THIS IS CONTROVERSIAL BUT I CANT AFFORD THE HUGE 200 GAL TANK THEY NEED.) Do bettas get lonely? Or is he fine the way he is? I and my brother saved 2 betta fish from Wal-Mart. I was considering adding around 3 to 5 neon tetras to such a tank. Is this ill advised? I mainly care for goldfish and they are always active compared to my betta. Will adding tetras or maybe even one of my goldfish stress the little guy out? PLZ RESPOND
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
We do not advise keeping goldfish with a betta, very different temperature range preferences as well as size and feeding habit incompatibilities. As for keeping any fish with a betta due to a concern of a betta being lonely, not necessary. In fact Bettas usually do better on their own, they can be aggressive and conversely their fins are subject to nipping by other fish. They are seemingly quite content on their own. If you feel adding some fish makes better use of a 10 gallon which is certainly enough room to do that in, we advise a group of 3 or 4 of a small species of corydoras catfish.
Antonie Griezmann
Antonie Griezmann - 7 years ago
Guys what is the difference between
Betta fish and Fighter fish??
Are they the same?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Antonie, a Siamese Fighting fish is a Betta splendens. There are of course a variety of different species of Bettas, as per some of the examples we show in the video.
Chantel Elizabeth
Chantel Elizabeth - 7 years ago
Loved this video, thank you so much. I actually acquired my Betta just today :) I'm very excited, I've always wanted a fish ever since I was young. I also did some research before I purchased my fish, and surprisingly, both of my local pet stores knew very little about this fish, which was unsettling. The "tanks" they held the fish in were filthy, super tiny, no bigger than a coffee mug, and placed right next to each other with no dividers.
I love how you care for each fish as well, if only other pet stores did the same. I'm curious though, I read somewhere that half a gallon, or even one gallon is not enough for a betta, and they had suggested a 2.5 gallon instead. Would you agree or disagree; I don't want to keep my fish in a tank that may be too small for him...
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Lina Kyle, half gallon or up is appropriate for Bettas. It's all about the care that you will give it (water changes weekly or even twice a week, water treatment, etc.).

50. comment for HOW TO: Care for Betta Fish

calin morales
calin morales - 7 years ago
Do you have any of your fish for sale?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Unfortunately, we do not sell any of our fish.
john patrick tiquis
john patrick tiquis - 7 years ago
question : if youre going to breed betta's if its ok that they have others fish besides them? like a cleaners fish or anything?

i remove the female because the male start to attack the female they have been together for almost 4 days together with the other fish communals
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
John, only the male betta in the breeding tank, 5 to 10 gallon, half to two thirds full with a tight fitting glass cover (you need to make sure that the fry breathe air the first time that is the same temperature as the water (about 78 to 80 F, you need a thermometer and heater) or you will lose many of the fry. The female is conditioned separately and then placed in a half gallon jar approximately in the male's tank. A conditioned female ready to spawn will be bulky, have a white nipple protruding from her vent area and get dark with bars and actively approach the male with gills flaring when the male displays to her as he dashes around the jar in excitement. Make sure there are hiding places in the breeding tank, glass bottom makes it much easier for the parents to pick up any stray eggs after spawning embraces when they are spawning and blowing the fertilized eggs into the bubble nest. Some floating live plants are usually a good idea as well. Once spawning is complete remove the female. Give the male a few days with the next, when the fry are free swimming remove the male, then the real work starts! Good luck!
Sharlene Martin
Sharlene Martin - 7 years ago
so pretty
Kerry Mccarthy
Kerry Mccarthy - 7 years ago
How often do you recommend feeding Betta Fish ?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Twice as day, as much as they'll eat within 2 minutes.
Jr Eds
Jr Eds - 7 years ago
Betta fish are going to adapt so much there gonna be able to breathe our air for like 5 hours
syed hassan
syed hassan - 7 years ago
The minimum tank size for betta fish is 2.5 gallons
Liljemxox - 7 years ago
The amount of times I have watched this
David Wong
David Wong - 7 years ago
Play online chess for FREE ~~~
Your Boi
Your Boi - 7 years ago
I have 42 bettas and Im a breeder and I absolutely learned specially that I or my bettas live in a five gallon tanks and three 30 gallon tank for my females in sorority tanks and I absolutely hate when petco and petsmart are abusing the fish where they live in a small cups not even a one gallon and this store is absolutely take a good care about there bettas and I love your planted tanks but most of my bettas are dumbo halfmoon and some koi galaxy plakats
ZoZo Asia
ZoZo Asia - 7 years ago
The fish are very beautiful, I like
Jxssie Playz
Jxssie Playz - 7 years ago
I have a paradise male
Water Boy
Water Boy - 7 years ago
The way he says Indonesia bother me... " END-OH-KNEE-Z-AH" its " IN-DOUGH-KNEE-JEE-A"
frow234 - 7 years ago
My beta was in rough conditions when i got him but i spent almost 300 dollars on a 8 galon and comforts for him a gentle filter and a heater and hes a happy camper. My 7 dollar fish turned into a few hundred dollar fish. Why people think its right to keep them in a .5 gallon is beyond me and pet stores should not legally be able to keep them and cups and to be able to sell them with such small tanks is obsurd thats a myth that they live in such small environments. This pet store does an incredible job for caring for them and that should be requirments for all pet stores. How the hell is it legal to keep them in cups right next to echother without even dividers.
Arno Hefer
Arno Hefer - 7 years ago
Do you have to do water changes if you have a filter?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Yes absolutely. While a filter lends plenty of support to better water quality, water changes remove dissolved waste, very important. Thinking of aquariums under 30 gallons this is really not much water to change every two to three weeks.
Tanzie The Ragdoll
Tanzie The Ragdoll - 7 years ago
Honestly I haven't met a Betta yet that likes flake food, I just recently talk to the breeder and they definitely need blood worms every day so frozen blood worms are the way to go or freeze dried that of been soaked pellets once a week
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
If you watched the video you have, all the bettas you see in the video eat flakes with gusto! That said variety is important so feeding floating betta granules along with a variety of frozen and FD foods is recommended.
jewell wheeler
jewell wheeler - 7 years ago
Where can I get these tanks?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Jewell, most retailers that sell tropical fish keeping supplies do stock at least some Fluval aquariums. We show a number of tanks in the video, which in particular are you asking about? On line retailers offer many of these aquariums as well.
Atiya Isra
Atiya Isra - 7 years ago
Thanks! This helped me a lot!
Leliah Dark
Leliah Dark - 7 years ago
what the hell. How come I can only hear this through my left earphone
ritenour12 - 7 years ago
Do betas need plants in the aquarium? I'm going to be getting one soon for a five gallon I'm not using and my local pet store dosnt sell real plants so I'm wondering if its okay to have a bare tank?
Jayla White
Jayla White - 7 years ago
Put plants in your tank. You can order some online. Bettas like to hide and without anything in the tank they will feel stressed
S Childers
S Childers - 7 years ago
its a week maximim
Hey, It's Elena!
Hey, It's Elena! - 7 years ago
My tank is about twice that size. Betas like to swim a lot.
ComeOnTary - 7 years ago
Enrique Flores
Enrique Flores - 7 years ago
Whats the name of the fish in the thumbnail?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Betta splendens.
Wobbe gong
Wobbe gong - 7 years ago
Do betters only build a bubble nest when there are plants, I just added some lucky bamboo to my betters aquarium and he made a bubble nest
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
They will build a bubble nest regardless of plants being present or not.
Tony - 7 years ago
do i have to redo the water every 2 days if i have a filter?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Small partial water changes are always recommended. 10% every 2 to 3 days would be optimal.
Angel Carreño
Angel Carreño - 7 years ago
This makes me miss my betta fish so badly :'(
Dingo von Doggington
Dingo von Doggington - 7 years ago
How long do they live?
Jayla White
Jayla White - 7 years ago
Dingo von Doggington if taken care of they can live around 5 years!
Charlie Yang
Charlie Yang - 7 years ago
Didn't know there was more than one species of betta fish
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Charlie, it is a very interesting and somewhat diverse genus of fish, have fun exploring the different species, they are fascinating!
Донецк Аква
Донецк Аква - 7 years ago
alice Gibson
alice Gibson - 7 years ago
I just got one and I am gitting another one but male or female one
Reflection Tube
Reflection Tube - 7 years ago
Balthazar Bratt
Balthazar Bratt - 7 years ago
I got 2 betta fish a red male and blue male they are little so the blue one always bothers and bites the red one so we separate them putting glass in the middle of the fish tank.
Jimena Cuevas
Jimena Cuevas - 7 years ago
What fish should I get a better or guppy's
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Jimena, sorry, you must have meant a betta vs guppies. What size is your aquarium, you have a heather, thermometer, filter, we assume?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Jimena, please explain, we are not quite sure what you are asking here?
Vic Kikimen
Vic Kikimen - 7 years ago
I thought my right earpiece is broken.
emdoesit :p
emdoesit :p - 7 years ago
I wish pet stores could keep bettas nicely, like this.
Kati Casey
Kati Casey - 7 years ago
The tanks are a little bit small, but at least they're better than the cups that chain stores use.
Sophie Clark
Sophie Clark - 7 years ago
I'm getting one this arvo !!
alex bomb
alex bomb - 7 years ago
Betta can survive without filter?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Yes but does need good water quality of the right temperature range, so regular water changes and a heater if you cannot sustain a water temperature range between 77 to 80 deg. F (25 - 27C).
dfzurichch - 7 years ago
No sound?....
Julius joensuu
Julius joensuu - 7 years ago
dont put bettas in the edge series because they might drown if they dont find the small hole where there is atmosferic air and because the filter output is also there would you want to swim up a waterfall to get air? i dont have anything against the tanks nor fluval they are great Company just dont put bettas in the edge tanks
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Julius, no reason to worry, betta also have gills like other fish and can breath dissolved oxygen as well, no risk of drowning, they may in fact be kept in any Edge aquarium inhabited by potentially compatible fish.
Uno Talamor
Uno Talamor - 7 years ago
Can I add other fishes with Betta?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Please watch the Betta Tank Mates Video.
VulcanXIV - 7 years ago
omg those bettas are freaking huge. oooooooh my gooooooo
LiAngelo Ball
LiAngelo Ball - 7 years ago
What is the left headphone the only one working for this video LOL
Md Jahed
Md Jahed - 7 years ago
aquarium sige pls
NAVANEETHAN - 7 years ago
what is the cost of betta fish
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
The cost varies by market and the grade level & variety of the male Betta splendens you are considering. In general a male veiltail Betta splendens is $3.00 to $5.00 US in many stores. You can also check pricing on line within your country for a more accurate price range.
Frany - 7 years ago
Thomas Press
Thomas Press - 7 years ago
You need a 2.5 gallon tank for bettas
ᏚNᎾᏔᎷᎪN - 7 years ago
Your beta fish is best
prism560 - 7 years ago
i thought they were called beta fish
Luke Conner
Luke Conner - 7 years ago
Filter company but doesn't have filters on tanks
david dior
david dior - 7 years ago
Luke Conner dumbass
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Other than the Marina cubus betta tanks that have there water changed every other day all the tanks in this video are filtered.

100. comment for HOW TO: Care for Betta Fish

-Bellapup- Cosmic
-Bellapup- Cosmic - 7 years ago
Petco, Pet-Smart start taking notes
david dior
david dior - 7 years ago
can i permanently keep a betta in a 1 gallon tank? if so, how much water changes do i have to do??
Jayla White
Jayla White - 7 years ago
Please put it in at least a 2.5 gallon if you want it to live happy
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
You can, making sure you respect the correct temperature range of approx. 77 to 80 degrees F. If no filter is present changing 50% of the water weekly is recommended, same temperature water and should be conditioned with Fluval Water Conditioner.
Karen windspirit
Karen windspirit - 7 years ago
finally someone that knows how to say the name correctly!!!!!!!!
györgyi papuga
györgyi papuga - 7 years ago
Erina - 7 years ago
Tips on controlling algae?
Jayla White
Jayla White - 7 years ago
Have a filter, do frequent water changes, and you could get some snails :)
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Erina, we produced a helpful 7 minute video on the subject, please have a look and enjoy, thanks for reaching out:
Ji Hour
Ji Hour - 7 years ago
His tanks are clearer than my future
Ji Hour
Ji Hour - 7 years ago
I only put the right earphone,,,,untill I saw the comments!!!!
Gorgeous Bettas
Gorgeous Bettas - 7 years ago
I wish other pet stores would treat their bettas like you guys do! I respect how you actually care, and spend more than $50 on the fish supplies and the tank itself, these fish are lucky to go to a store like this! another think I really love is how you put a divider! Thank you so much for the info and the care you put in for your bettas!
ADAM WETZEL - 7 years ago
What is the name of that tank, and price?
ADAM WETZEL - 7 years ago
Thanks! :)
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Half moon or the delta tail, the two are being explained at that point, half moons have a 90 degree angle to their caudal fin, the edge that meets the body is more or less perfectly vertical, the delta tail has a slight angle to that fin.
ADAM WETZEL - 7 years ago
The tank at 1:13 with the betta on the left. Sorry for not being specific
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Adam, there are quite a few tanks in the video, can you give us a time reference point in the video so we can respond accurately please, thanks.
BeeKing - 7 years ago
Can betta fish have colored light
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Yes, you can have lighting that includes blue and red LEDs for example. In order to appreciate the beauty of your betta you would be best off incorporated white light as well.
Savanna F.
Savanna F. - 7 years ago
Is it ok to put a avocado seed that has started to sprout in with the betta's?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Savanna, interesting question, we have not tried it but if you do not see the seed leaching any strong fatty film onto the surface of the water it should be ok, it is doubtful there would be any toxic effects from 1 seed (as large as it is).
sari nava
sari nava - 7 years ago
:( my Betta fish died for some reson it ate its self so can i get a like ;-; :((((((
Dennis Alimuin
Dennis Alimuin - 7 years ago
is it possible to keep a Beta and Gold Comet in one tank?
Dennis Alimuin
Dennis Alimuin - 7 years ago
Thank you very much for that info.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
It is not recommended due to the very different temperatures preferred as well as the fact goldfish get large.
Việt betta black dragon
Việt betta black dragon - 7 years ago
Joshua Liang
Joshua Liang - 7 years ago
just saying in Asia in fish farms where fishes are kept and bred,almost all the fishes have less space and the water is quite dirtyand with no heater . probably that's what the fish need to thrive because they seem to breed fish easily
Amy DePatie
Amy DePatie - 7 years ago
So very helpful! Thank you or putting this together.
GuntheyGuntherStella Magic101
GuntheyGuntherStella Magic101 - 7 years ago
Casually watching this while chilling with my betta I really watched this just to see the variety of tanks they have for when I get my bettas a new tank
Betta Addict
Betta Addict - 7 years ago
I was wondering if you could help me, I've had a betta, Illy, for about 6 months. He's super healthy and happy and super into everything that goes on in my bedroom.

But he has this weird red thing sticking out of his right gill. It's always been there, from day 1. The woman I rescued him from says it was there in the pet store, too. She only had him for like a week, so I'm inclined to believe her.

It doesn't seem to be causing him any pain or interfering with his life in any way. I figured it was just a deformation of his gill, and gives him character. But I'm curious if you might happen to know what it is or if you've ever seen anything like it. It's the only video I have uploaded.

Water parameters: 2.5 gallon tank
Ammonia: 0
Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: 4
PH: 7.6
Temp: 81.2 degrees

I also have another picture of him that shows it at, under Cast of Characters. Thank you!
Aileen아일린 - 7 years ago
so at this dollar store, they have a shelf where they sell betas and it looks like they don't even care for them, they are in those small plastic cups with lids on them and it seems like they dont even feed the fish, i'm first trying to learn to care for them, and then save one of those fishes because i feel so bad ;;
trashi momi
trashi momi - 7 years ago
stop pronouncing betta like bedda! it is pronounced Bay-Da!
Jayla White
Jayla White - 7 years ago
No he is pronouncing it right
Angela Butler
Angela Butler - 7 years ago
Angela Butler
Angela Butler - 7 years ago
freshlyunreal - 7 years ago
Why is everyone saying that this is a pet store? He specifically said that its fluval headquarters.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Dominique, thank you for your comment, we appreciate your attention!
Itzel Alvarado
Itzel Alvarado - 7 years ago
That first Halfmooon is absolutely GORGEOUS!
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Yes agreed!
Phoenix MULTI-GAMER - 7 years ago
I litterly only heard one word
El_Enano_Ktm - 7 years ago
hello fluval, where did you get the gravel/substrate in the marina cubus? do you sell it?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Unfortnately it has been discontinued.
Estella Trygg
Estella Trygg - 7 years ago
I had a beta fish when I was younger. He was blue and I named him blueberry. I don't think I kept him in a correct cage or anything. He was in maybe a 9" tall, 10" long, and 4" wide rounded tank with colored rocks and a plant-thing. We did clean his tank pretty often, but only gave him pellets. He didn't grow, but I loved him. I was in kindergarten or first grade so I didn't really understand anything.
Song Gia
Song Gia - 7 years ago
where to get a female betta ?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Any fish store that sells male bettas should be able to bring in females for you.
Aldo Fernandes Azevedo
Aldo Fernandes Azevedo - 7 years ago
Never change all the water...30%only...once a week...Seachem Prime, Food once a day small portion, not all it can eat, Tropical Supervit granulet...Usually my bettas leave 2 to 3 years so believe it!
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
It is recommended to change a greater % if the water is conditioned and when a betta is being kept without a filter. Fluval recommends Fluval Tapwater Conditioner as it provides protection for fish while calming them during stressful periods vs. many competing products. Feeding two times a day a small portion is in fact a better option as fish like other animals do better when fed a few small meals daily vs one. For the ultimate betta food Bug Bites with its number one ingredient being an insect, a very natural food source for bettas.
Bettas And More
Bettas And More - 7 years ago
Ryan Thomas
Ryan Thomas - 7 years ago
One gallon cube, meh. 5-10 gallon glass with a bio wheel. Change the water every two weeks. Up your Betta game.
Eat A rat
Eat A rat - 7 years ago
Unfortunately my Betta fish Luna passed after a quick water change the heat temp went from 60 degrees to 80 degrees along with me not changing the water. Also if I use a Betta conditioner 2-3 times a week is it ok to change my 2.5 gallon tank every week instead of 3 days? I also don't want to stress him out as he is new to my home.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Betta Conditioner is meant to be used only with water changes, not as an alternative to them.
Pineapple Princess
Pineapple Princess - 7 years ago
what is he saying at 7:18 ?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Heat for proper betta metabolism and tropical almond leaves for natural betta water conditions (Nutrafin Betta Conditioner does contain Almond Leaf Extract).
lxxnxnthxglxss k
lxxnxnthxglxss k - 7 years ago
i used to put a mirror beside my betta to thrill him up (we call it siamese fish or fighting fish here)
Renee Andrews
Renee Andrews - 7 years ago
My Betta is in 5 gallon tank with a heater filter and plants. He's a teal blue half moon with a real body and translucent fins. his name is tessla
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Renee, nice! Thanks for sharing, sounds like your betta is well cared for.
My horse Stole my channel
My horse Stole my channel - 7 years ago
Bettas need at least 2.5 gallons but that's my opinion I breed and rescue bettas
HamsterKitty449 - 7 years ago
Really well made video!
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Thanks for the compliment! We enjoyed doing it!
Gamerkid1057 - 7 years ago
I have a veiltail male
AsianGamer - 7 years ago
Let's Talk Boxing
Let's Talk Boxing - 7 years ago
I'm putting 2 Betta fish in a 10 litre is that okay?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
If they are male Betta splendens and there is a divider separating them it is. If they are females you don't need the divider, most of the time females are tolerant of each other.
Ro0ster - 7 years ago
Skip to 5:18 for the care/keeping of Bettas...previous to that, its all about the different species.
Guitar T
Guitar T - 7 years ago
where can i get seaweed, finally got the spec iii in blk with the BLUE light, also, where can I get a small snapping turtle...I saw a kid with one
in 1955
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Caulerpa can be found at local fish stores that specialize in marine fish and corals. There are laws concerning the keeping of local wildlife, you should check into that in regards to a snapping turtle. In our opinion there are better choices for turtle keeping vs. snapping turtles.
Eren Salinas
Eren Salinas - 7 years ago
where did you get those lights
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
If you mean the small LED lights on the Marina Cubus betta tanks, they are included with the aquarium.
ColorfulSalad - 7 years ago
It makes me so happy that you guys have them in actual tanks!!
musicalmarion - 7 years ago
So what's all the advice about keeping bettas in no less than 5 gallons?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
If you are referring to our recommendation in that regard it would pertain to when you are keeping other fish with a male Betta splendens.
Aurora Santana
Aurora Santana - 7 years ago
Hai do do your fish have a heater and a filter I don't think
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
The bettas in the larger tanks do, our aquatic room is kept at 77 degrees F so it is not necessary. The tanks are all filtered except for the marina betta cubus tanks, they receive water changes every 2 to 3 days which ensures good water quality.
Bill G
Bill G - 7 years ago
Thank you for not saying Beta.
Ruthven78 - 7 years ago
proper care? dont keep on in a container smaller than 2.5 gallons
Tech Noir
Tech Noir - 7 years ago
I only had one earpiece and I was like did my sound just die
Red Wolf
Red Wolf - 7 years ago
I really want a Betta but my main problem is the heater. Where they'll be often gets cold so I know I'll need one.
FRUiTY BiRDS - 7 years ago
Guys subscribe to me
bob Dude
bob Dude - 7 years ago
your earbuds are still good. it's the left one you needed tonight
AQUA Mexx - 7 years ago
Nice :)
Smartest_Smartie - 7 years ago
young artist03
young artist03 - 7 years ago
Khmer song

Khm Eric
Tracee Lee
Tracee Lee - 7 years ago
Thanks for the good explanation for my betta..! His name is Blue ;)
Sen zon
Sen zon - 7 years ago
Is 18 gallons to much?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
No, that is fine. In fact it would allow you to keep a nice variety of live plants.
Canatrice A
Canatrice A - 8 years ago
I need advice. My Betta's are turning red! I have no idea why. I feed them different foods. Any help is great!
Canatrice A
Canatrice A - 8 years ago
Thank you
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Please send images to , we'll have a look and see if we have any helpful suggestions for you.
Billy West
Billy West - 8 years ago
Subtle lighting guys
Abdul Rozid
Abdul Rozid - 8 years ago
gak suka
candyflosscrown - 8 years ago
How big would you say this tank is Im hopping its the minimm requirements for a beta fish if not Ill just get a bigger one
Waffles The Leopard Gecko
Waffles The Leopard Gecko - 8 years ago
My right ear likes this idk why
Elle RedBetta
Elle RedBetta - 8 years ago
I have baby betta and im getting a pleco soon to go with her but a pleco needs a filter will it kill my baby betta
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Use a small internal filter like a Fluval U1, that should be fine.
Felipe Sánchez V.
Felipe Sánchez V. - 8 years ago
soooooo boring!
Diana Daniels
Diana Daniels - 8 years ago
I plan to get a Betta and want about a five gallon tank. I've seen horizontal and vertical ones. Which is more appropriate for a Betta? Thank you.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
For 1 male betta it would not matter in 5 gallons, go with what you prefer, the betta will be fine. Make sure you incorporate a heater and thermometer to maintain the right temperature and you can use a small submersible filter like a Fluval U1 for example.
deekshith NR
deekshith NR - 8 years ago
it is nice
Sam West
Sam West - 8 years ago
what are the do's and dont's of keeping a betta fish? x
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Sam, please watch the video, we feel we have covered what you should do and commented on some common myths about keeping bettas. If you have a specific question please ask.
Maja Lewandowska
Maja Lewandowska - 8 years ago
i really enjoyed to wake someone of video about betta fish, i was wondering if you could do a video about female betta when pregnancy
and more information about it
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Breeding bettas is certainly alot of fun and can be challenging in fact. Thank you for the suggestion, we will add it to our list.
FuZzY-03 - 8 years ago
at 8:00min we saw the fluval edge with an betta fish.
The Fluval is completly filled, isnt that bad for the fish, because he also breathes air?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
The betta does have gills and as such can and does breathe dissolved oxygen in water as do other tropical fish. The Edge does have sufficient exposed water surface for a betta that chooses to access oxygen at the surface should it want to .
ChubbyTerp - 8 years ago
I love Betta's there awesome I can pet mine
Spiritoffire3003 - 8 years ago
did he say betta macrastoma ? cause the one i found in the internet look completly different
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
We did say Betta macrostoma and that is what the larger species is, they are fairly young mind you, the color of the male will intensify with maturity.
Vishal Jadye
Vishal Jadye - 8 years ago
do u provide an air pump im each of the tank?==ryt nw m petting 2 males...
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
It is not necessary for bettas, keeping them at the right temperature is and they are. The larger tanks are all equipped with power filters.
Chris Swilley
Chris Swilley - 8 years ago
no sound at all.
Neo Da Betta Fish
Neo Da Betta Fish - 8 years ago
They take better care of their fish than most stores
Raphael Souza
Raphael Souza - 8 years ago
Where do they get these beautiful bettas I can't find any
Derek Williams
Derek Williams - 8 years ago
PLEASE if you choose to get a betta DO NOT PUT THEM IN LESS THAN 2.5 GAL TANKS! Smaller tanks and close to nothing in the tanks stress out the fish. Honestly I keep mine in a 5gal tank and he is so happy.
Cr-a-cray Dong
Cr-a-cray Dong - 8 years ago
I have a betta fish
angel reyes
angel reyes - 8 years ago
Hello can anyone help me i want to get a betta fish but my neon tetras died can this be bad for the betta? Or should i buy a new tank?
angel reyes
angel reyes - 8 years ago
Fluval Aquatics i think its because the fish i had created to much waste and made the water toxic
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
It is hard to assess your situation without knowing what type of tank you have, how was the water treated & tested to help pinpoint why your tetras died and avoid the same problem with a new betta fish.
wokeaf - 8 years ago
trollingonaot - 8 years ago
I just got a healthy small half moon male BETTA fish. will it grow?
Althea Margarette Halili
Althea Margarette Halili - 8 years ago
I want to ask. It's okay to combine a female betta fish in same aquarium??
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Hi again, there is a multitude of decorative plants and ornaments available to use with Bettas. I would recommend you speak to your local retailer to see what would best fit your aquarium.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Hi One male and one female Betta can be put together for breeding purposes, but only for a brief amount of time as they will also begin fighting.
Althea Margarette Halili
Althea Margarette Halili - 8 years ago
And what plants may I use to my 3bettas in their aquariums???
Prince Castillo
Prince Castillo - 8 years ago
I repeated 100 times
Abyss Walker
Abyss Walker - 8 years ago
i own 11 bettas and im basically a 14 year old kid and is it ok if i use a unused water gallon
for each fish? because only 7 of thhem live on the gallons and others are in the 1.5 nestle
ice cream container?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Hi Abyss, We will always recommend a safe environment for any fish, so you should visit your local pet retailer to see if they have any small Betta safe containers that they could offer you at a reasonable price.
Joyce Wolan
Joyce Wolan - 8 years ago
ok so i got a beta he was getting three pellets a day, with one down day, i watched your video and thought since you were fluval you knew what you were saying, so i started feeding him on your schedule you suggested , he got sick and died in four days from over feeding , people dont listen to this video , a beta should be feed once a day, thats it, thanks a lot for your assisted suicide
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Joyce, we are very well aware of what we are recommending and feeding a betta small feedings a couple of times a day is not an issue, sorry for your loss but we feel it is related to something else entirely.
taker bond
taker bond - 8 years ago
i'm looking for like an iphone box cover
Fishmeup - 8 years ago
im happy that you used dividers and a bigger tank(:
seanix jayde
seanix jayde - 8 years ago
Only one minute in and I'm already very unhappy with this. Those tanks are not even a gallon. In the wild bettas live in rice parties which are thousands of gallons of water. You need at least a 2.5 gallon tank for a single betta. 5 gallons is generally preferred because it's easier to cycle and to maintain that cycle. Bettas need heaters because they come from Indonesia and Thailand where the water is 80 F year round. 65 and 70 F water is not going to cut it. You need low flow filters because the rice parties have water flow. In a small tank like that, you need to do at least 75% water changes every single day otherwise the ammonia is going to get very high and cause fin melt, ammonia burn and even fin rot. Please do not try to sell this tiny thing to people for bettas. The only thing this "tank" is good for is Marimo balls. Please don't put up videos that have false information. A betta may live 2 or 3 years in that thing but in proper care they will live to be six years old. Your video does not educate people properly and I am very dissapointed.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
The wild bettas we show in our video are in fact in 15 gallon or more aquariums, with heaters and filters as those species do come from conditions that certainly are different from the fancy domestically farmed strains of Betta splendens (that do not exist in the wild, their wild ancestors do but they are a far different fish) you see in the rest of the video, although I am sure you noticed some of the Betta splendens we showed in larger aquariums as well. We certainly do advocate several full water changes a week for bettas in smaller tanks with no filters and do in fact have Marina Betta heaters in the Marina Cubus tanks we show, our aquatic room by the way is kept at about 77 deg. F, in fact no heater is really necessary in that instance. We offer and demonstrate the keeping of bettas in larger options within this video as well. The information we convey in this video is accurate and of benefit to our viewers.
Mitchell Hendricks
Mitchell Hendricks - 8 years ago
Why wont my male betta spread out his beautiful fins and tail like he did when i first got him
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Mitchell, don't forget to get a thermometer as well, we forgot to mention that below.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
A 2.5 to 5 gallon aquarium with live plants, a heater and a mini submersible filter is a nice set up for a betta. If you can find them, a few pieces of tropical almond leaves (1/4 of a leaf is fine for a 2.5 gallon) that are sold by some fish specialty stores is a natural leaf found in wild betta habitats that imparts natural tannins bettas really enjoy.
Mitchell Hendricks
Mitchell Hendricks - 8 years ago
Whats the best size tank to have him in
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Mitchell, temperature is where you need to start, is there a thermometer in your betta tank? Maintaining a temperature within 77 to 80 deg F is strongly recommended. Regular water changes with conditioned water and preferably a filtered aquarium are best. Please visit you local knowledgeable fish store to review, they should be able to help you out.
Iriys Wolfe
Iriys Wolfe - 8 years ago
Should I turn the light off at night simulating the sun, or just keep it on????
Kiki K
Kiki K - 8 years ago
+Iriys Britner yeah, they're pretty smart fish, theres this fish school training kit for Bettas and goldfish that's so cute lol
Iriys Wolfe
Iriys Wolfe - 8 years ago
Kiki K oh ok thanks! I didn't know you could train them! Hahah
Kiki K
Kiki K - 8 years ago
The Bettas have a concept of day and night. They will sleep at night so try to keep them on a schedule. Right when the light goes on my Betta knows it's training time (I'm training him to jump and swim through hoops)/ Breakfast time. Right before the light goes off its dinner time. :)
Iriys Wolfe
Iriys Wolfe - 8 years ago
Fluval Aquatics --Thank you so much!!!
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Turning it off at night is best but leaving a night light on in the room for transitioning is recommended to avoid abrupt potentially startling darkness for fish.
Haruka Mines
Haruka Mines - 8 years ago
do you have elephant ear bettas ???
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
No we don't, they certainly are a new interesting domestic variation though...
oktoplayer ORIGINAL
oktoplayer ORIGINAL - 8 years ago
beautiful betas you are king of betas
Leon Lionheart
Leon Lionheart - 8 years ago
i have looked at the Fluval Edge Aquarium, it looks amazing and is my first choice, but reviews say that this tank isnt good for bettas becuse it means to be filled all the way and bettas need to breath air. Is that true?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Bettas have gills like other fish to breathe dissolved oxygen as well as being able to use their labyrinth organ to take in oxygen by gulping it at the waters surface, no that is not true.
crack_head_fox - 8 years ago
how does a company like fluval have algae infested tanks
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
There is no infestation of algae, there is a trace of algae on two of the tanks containing java moss, certainly not an infestation. The lighting is bright in those tanks and we had transferred some java moss into that tank as you will note we are keeping groups of these wild betta species together. Keen observation on your part for sure but a little overstated when you mention "infested".
crack_head_fox - 8 years ago
around the 3:43 mark that looks like green slime algae all over your plants
crack_head_fox - 8 years ago
around the 3:43 mark that looks like green slime algae all over your plants
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Please let us know where you see algae in this video, the time please.
Landon Lee
Landon Lee - 8 years ago
i had some tiny tropical glo fish
and quess what

my betta ate it
Juan Aguirre
Juan Aguirre - 8 years ago
i thought my headphones were broken
Kristof's Exotics
Kristof's Exotics - 8 years ago
I just made a very simple guide to Betta fish care to keep your pet Betta Fish happy and healthy.
K Deritis
K Deritis - 8 years ago
Great video! Very informative.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Thank you!
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 8 years ago
I have 6 betta fish and I don't have enough time for them.and no I didn't buy them I'm pet sitting them,I don't know what to do
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Please watch the video and if you need more guidance an on line search on the basics of betta care will help.
Michael Bonet
Michael Bonet - 8 years ago
What does it mean when he says a fish breathes "Atmospheric Air"?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Bettas also have gills like other fish which does equally allow them to take in dissolved oxygen present in water, no it is not true. It is also not true from the perspective that bettas will find the open area in the center rear of the Edge.
KnifeEdgeHeli - 8 years ago
Fluval Aquatics I've read a lot of people saying that Bettas are not suited to the Edge, as when it's filled up, they can't get Air at the top (except in the whole). Is this true?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
We mean the air that we breathe above the water. The betta can use its gills to take in dissolved oxygen in the water like other fish or it can take in atmospheric air by gulping the air at the waters' surface and use the oxygen in that thanks to its' labyrinth organ.
Alexa K
Alexa K - 8 years ago
I have the same fish in 2:10
Pinkie unicorn
Pinkie unicorn - 8 years ago
The tanks are too small for the bettas
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Fluval offers many options in tank sizes for bettas, some larger some smaller, it's all in the husbandry and conditions you provide them with, the tanks size variation we demonstrate are very suitable for the domestic "farmed" Betta splendens we show. As for the wild bettas that are shown, note the larger tanks that are fully planted etc...we had just about all those species breeding, clear sign the fish are finding their environment ideal.
Jhendka P.
Jhendka P. - 8 years ago
holy cow this is the best channel! every aspect is of great quality, I cant stop watching!
Faith Kat
Faith Kat - 8 years ago
A 1 gallon tank is to small
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Faith, while we do recommend larger aquariums for which Fluval offers some great options in fact Betta spendens is a commercially developed and farmed fish which when kept in good water quality of the right temperature and fed a varied diet will do well in 1 gallon, it is mostly about the husbandry, Betta splendens that is purchased commercially is in fact not a wild fish.
Ton Master
Ton Master - 8 years ago
Bettas like others fishes must live in big tank with other females and even others males along side others kind of fishes...Bettas don't ask you to put them in stupid little cubic...I don't know why some idiot people think they're happy there like imprisoned person
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Sorry but that is poor advice and is not recommended, regardless of what you may have seen at a particular point in time. The level of aggression a domestic Betta splendens can execute towards a female can be extreme, in fact the opposite is sometimes true. Betta splendens that is typically sold in stores are commercially reared and as such for many generations are kept apart this way, their wild ancestors have not and in most of their cases there is no issue with wild fish in housing males with females in large enough planted tanks, like the wild species we show in our Fluval Betta Care video.
Ton Master
Ton Master - 8 years ago
Male and female live well in comunity tank since female ones are pacific like another doesn't mean all males won't be territorial with certain amount of female but the way you adorn your tank with some labyrinth and hideout in a13 or more galons tank a male with a 3 female is a good room for them...look for it to see how many successful cases there are on youtube
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Male betta splendens should not be kept with females, other than when they are to breed and even then supervision is required.
Bryon Ferl
Bryon Ferl - 8 years ago
My Beta is blowing bubbles that float to the top hes a all red male
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
A male betta building a nest is a good and natural sign, it usually indicates that conditions are right.
ajay khara
ajay khara - 8 years ago
Very cool !! Come check my ajay out sometime!!
Kid In A Shed
Kid In A Shed - 8 years ago
what was the small cube tank called????
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
The Marina Cubus.
faqih alam
faqih alam - 8 years ago
you called it ikan cupang in indonesia
Blossom Buddies
Blossom Buddies - 8 years ago
I would like to thank you for keeping them in tanks that are decent. they aren't big enough for a "nice life" but they are much better than the tiny cups at petsmart and petco
Blossom Buddies
Blossom Buddies - 8 years ago
Fluval Aquatics well good job you are doing very well (also Lily is my bunny's name)
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Lily, thank you, we do encourage keeping bettas in larger tanks when possible and always strive to support good husbandry, water changes, the right temperature, good diet and more, all of those are actually the most important to provide for the fishes well being.
Alejandro Alvarez
Alejandro Alvarez - 8 years ago
Where do you get those tanks
Alejandro Alvarez
Alejandro Alvarez - 8 years ago
Fluval Aquatics yeah but some of those tanks are kinda expensive and I don't have that much money
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Alejandro, please visit and select your country, then click on the support tab and please contact us, we will be pleased to assist you finding the aquarium and other Fluval products you are interested in.
Legit Lizard23
Legit Lizard23 - 8 years ago
I have a betta in a 13 gallon with four cardinal tetras and 3 sword tails is that ok?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Yes we see no issues with that.
Makayla dinoo
Makayla dinoo - 8 years ago
Can I put a betta in a 10gallon tank?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
the cringiest channel ever
the cringiest channel ever - 8 years ago
what water? spring? didn't really get the explanation.
the cringiest channel ever
the cringiest channel ever - 8 years ago
Fluval Aquatics ok thank you so much! if I get one I'll post a video of it on my channel. :)
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Yes most tap water is fine if you treat it with a good water conditioner like Flvual Tap Water Conditioner. Make sure to keep your betta at the right temperature, within 77 to 80 degrees F is preferable.
the cringiest channel ever
the cringiest channel ever - 8 years ago
Fluval Aquatics well my friend got to tell me u u use tap water and water conditioner. is that right?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
If you forward the time indication on the video we'd be pleased to do a better job at explaining what we meant. You may be referring to the KH range recommended, which is 3 to 5 degrees of carbonate hardness (KH), the easiest way to soften is in fact use R/O water and dilute your tap water with it if necessary to get within that hardness range, hope that helps, if not please let us know the exact time in the video.
dirtybishop - 8 years ago
hi there.. I bought some iron rich (black coloured) sand substrate for my Betta 28ltr tank. one pet store worker said that it's a really bad idea since the Betta won't like it. I'm planning on live plants.... does anyone have solid knowledge on this ? thanks :)
dirtybishop - 8 years ago
Fluval Aquatics it's called "Pisces iron sand". a product from new Zealand. very very fine dark sand. getting toward a mud like consistency but actually sand. I have it in a brand new fluval tank btw :)
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
While it is hard to comment on a substrate we do not have details on we could say that if the substrate is relatively inert and does not impart dissolved substances into the water it should be ok, if it does react than it is not the best choice.
tshering sherpa
tshering sherpa - 8 years ago
how much ruppees for betta fish in yout country in our nepal is cost less only 100 hundred
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Here in Canada for example, bettas depending on the grade of fish and fin type involved can vary from approximately $5.00 to $50.00 for a male.
Totem Paul
Totem Paul - 8 years ago
Real video starts at 5:40
OblivionDusty - 8 years ago
Can I turn the light off it's glass container when I go to bed
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Yes, you certainly can.
OblivionDusty - 8 years ago
Do I change the water if have a filter?
OblivionDusty - 8 years ago
Fluval Aquatics thank you for replying I am gonna change out the water right now it's all foggy
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Yes partial water changes are always recommended, typically 10 to 20% every two weeks.
Vion - 8 years ago
i have mine in a normal glass bowl
Roxanne H
Roxanne H - 8 years ago
How many gallons do you suggest for one Male to be happy with a few cats? I have limited space. Is 5 Gallon plenty? Also, I have information that suggests that feeding 2 x a day is optimal. My beta loves to eat! But just a very tiny amount at a time. What is your take on feeding frequency?
Roxanne H
Roxanne H - 8 years ago
Thank you for your reply. Ok. Ill get him around a 5 Gal. tank. I was thinking Plat or Corydoras : )
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Hi Roxanne, a 5 gallon aquarium is plenty, make sure it has a heater + themometer and you maintain a temperature between 77 to 80 degrees F. Keep the water current low, if you are using a power filter it is usually best to select the lowest flow rate. When you say cats, do you mean catfish, as in corydoras or? Bettas do have small stomachs so 2 or 3 feedings a day is fine, in fact for most tropical fish other than larger predators that feeding frequency is recommended.
Moksh De
Moksh De - 8 years ago
Moksh De
Moksh De - 8 years ago
Moksh De
Moksh De - 8 years ago
FA Moksh De
BluuKitt - 8 years ago
I'm gonna try to rescue a female betta from a pet store. Mine takes beautiful care of all the animals......except the bettas.
Clélia O'CONNELL - 7 years ago
If they love animals try to talk to them, it might work. :)
Charlie Yang
Charlie Yang - 7 years ago
please don't. You buy 1 fish and they replace it with more fish
BluuKitt - 8 years ago
Alex Lent ok I got a male instead they only had one tiny adult female
Darby's Drawings
Darby's Drawings - 8 years ago
That's usually how it works
Muhammad Pope
Muhammad Pope - 8 years ago
My betta jumped outta his tank a few days ago, he was still alive when I found him, and he lived for about 12 hours after I found him but then died
RiceNoodles - 8 years ago
those tanks are too small in my opinion they should be in a minimum of a 2.5 gallon tank
Elizabeth Mandile
Elizabeth Mandile - 7 years ago
Kristen Grobler well if you absolutely cannot get another tank it should be okay. Are you sure you can't get another?
Kristen Grobler
Kristen Grobler - 7 years ago
i live in new zealand and cant get a 2.5 gallon tank as we go in liters. i have my betta in a 9l tank which is about 2.38 gallons. is this okay?
Elizabeth Mandile
Elizabeth Mandile - 7 years ago
RiceNoodles it's not an option. It's a fact.
peachy - 7 years ago
RiceNoodles lets just say, that you have lived in a medium sized house you whole life, with 27 other kids, then you move to small house by yourself. It's all you need!
xEndiePearlx - 7 years ago
BLEACH DRINKER this is not a store he even said in the video it's not a pet store its fluval headquarters
SharkFace MLG
SharkFace MLG - 7 years ago
They wouldnt like a larger tank if they were in a small one their whole life
Dora Got Deported
Dora Got Deported - 7 years ago
At a store it is fine because they're not living in them forever. I see comments from this store telling people to get the correct things for a fish.
itsIssy - 8 years ago
Rice Noodle Army it's definitely better than living in a cup like in Walmart, petsmart and petco
RiceNoodles - 8 years ago
Its just I cant help but feel some sympathy for those fish as they have been kept in such a small tank. I do understand that they are farmed but still...
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
That is a matter of opinion. It is important to note that the bettas we do feature in our cubus tanks are Betta spendens which are fish that are basically farmed and domestically developed, they do not exist in the wild in this form and have been raised and fully acclimated to this type of habitat. You will note that the wild species of bettas we discuss and show are set up in planted aquariums and are larger.
Robert Kowalke
Robert Kowalke - 8 years ago
Plakat is what they are called in Tailand and old Siam which means Biting or Fighting fish. It is NOT a seperate family of Betta's. The Southeast Asia breeders put plakat in front of betta so no matter who is viewing their sale sight they know what fish it is.

Don argue people look it up please.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Correct, the short finned Betta spendens does exist and is bred in a form identified as the Plakat which has its origins in Thailand and is the "fighting" form.
n8rm - 8 years ago
Quick question. my wife and I just got a Fluval spec 5gal with a veiltale Betta which we love. Are cycling went great we didn't want to rush it at all and the results were great. my question is should our filter output spout face upwards to keep the water towards the top not so stagnant? We have it set like that and our Betta seems to like the little bit of current. thx for any info
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Directing the output nozzle upwards is recommended.
The Shmuck
The Shmuck - 8 years ago
The thumbnail is what my fish looks like
King Kaler
King Kaler - 8 years ago
I was wondering what the email for fluval is
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
please visit and select your country, then go to the contact page, you can directly contact us by email from there.
Gamma Games RNW
Gamma Games RNW - 8 years ago
Who's right headphone is the only one working on this vid
King Kaler
King Kaler - 8 years ago
Is it ok to keep them in a 0.33 gallon tank that's what I can afford or a giant vase at home
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
At least a half gallon or more is preferable.
TheHolyPotato - 8 years ago
That's way too small for a betta to thrive in. Sure it may survive, but it's not likely to be happy. If it's all you can afford right now, keep one in there, but purchase a larger tank as soon as possible. ( minimum 1 gallon ) A giant vase may suffice for now, but as long as it's large enough and you don't place plants in it.
King Kaler
King Kaler - 8 years ago
I really want to own one so if I can know that whould be great
Mark Quadrozzi
Mark Quadrozzi - 8 years ago
Tom that was a great video. Cleared up some confusion I had on the Delta, Halfmoon thing. I love the gravel that you used in the tanks, a type that I have never been able to find. Do you know where I could buy that type?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Mark, thank you! It was a video I really enjoyed doing. The gravel in the Marina Cubus betta tanks is black beach gravel as was marketed under our now no longer really existing Geo
System brand...unfortunately probably almost impossible to find in Canada only at this point.
peace smile love
peace smile love - 8 years ago
I just got a dumbo half moon betta he is so beatiful
Raven Shine
Raven Shine - 7 years ago
peace smile love have you named him?mines Gill and Bubbles.
Ravenpawfan 161
Ravenpawfan 161 - 8 years ago
Hello. I am a first time Betta owner. My Betta has a 20litre(Australian) tank with some plants, a filter and a thermometer. I am hoping to get him a cave soon.

I was wondering how often you would change a 20 litre tank?. I have heard 1 a week and every 2 days, so how often exactly should I change that sized tank?

Also how often would I feed him, you guys said to feed him 3 times a day which I have been doing. I have also heard a once a day. What is better?

Thank you for your time. I hope I haven't been too much of a bother.
Ravenpawfan 161
Ravenpawfan 161 - 8 years ago
+Fluval Aquatics Thank you.
I have been cleaning his tank every week with the siphon. Although after we clean there is still a lot of debris left in the tank, poo, old food ect. Is this normal after a clean/water change?.
We are still getting used to how to properly use the siphon to get the best results.

I am getting him some tankmates soon too so I have checked on compatible tankmates for Bettas. I don't want to get him a freind hes going to eat
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Thanks for asking. Doing a partial water change of 20% every 2 weeks would be fine for 1 male betta in 20L of water with a filter. As for feeding, bettas have small stomachs, so 2 to 3 times daily what he quickly consumes is fine.
Hasan Sohani
Hasan Sohani - 8 years ago
How do you know how to know the exact temperature
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
You need an aquarium thermometer, all aquariums with tropical fish should have one.
leah brennen
leah brennen - 8 years ago
Beautiful fish. You are taking amazing care of them.
LJS - 8 years ago
I would kill for some of them betta macrastoma r u selling any?
RiceNoodles - 8 years ago
That happened to my friends guppies
LJS - 8 years ago
Fluval Aquatics hope u have luck in the future in breeding my email is so we can talk some more about a future sale maybe? hope 2 hear from u soon
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
We hope you would not do that :), we'd gladly give you a few fry if we had any, the male keeps swallowing the eggs when they spawn, no success yet in getting any fry from them...
Nova ntal
Nova ntal - 8 years ago
I keep my house at 78 degrees my fish looks very happy
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
They certainly should be, that is an ideal temperature for many tropical fish.
Owaise Faizee
Owaise Faizee - 8 years ago
I need a female betta how much its rate in india?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
You would have to check the price in India, they will not be expensive.
Jacob Williams
Jacob Williams - 8 years ago
The he says betta
gangwin pabellon
gangwin pabellon - 8 years ago
can I put 2 betta on 1 tank?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
If you divide the tank then you can keep one male betta on each side.
Rexsi - 8 years ago
My Betta only lives in a .8 gallon tank cuz I couldn't afford a bigger one :(
Rexsi - 8 years ago
Okay Thank you very much!
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Follow the instructions in the video, regular water changes, correct temperature, proper diet and you will maintain a healthy betta.
Danette May
Danette May - 8 years ago
Fluval Aquatics I dont mean to nit pick but I was wondering if there is a way for you to redo the sound to this video, I am unable to hear what is being said. My 10 year old son just got a betta for a gift and I would really like to know what the information is that you were saying. Thank you
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Hi Danette, sorry to hear you are unable to hear the content, we have over 629,000 views on this video and have not come across this comment before, perhaps there is an issue related to your computer? We just checked to be sure, all clear on our end.
Charlene Dominguez
Charlene Dominguez - 8 years ago
I just a male betta today...I wanted to give him a unique I name him after the greek god of water "Poseidon" ...he is red and blue..

now for my two questions..

1) I forgot to add a tree while I was at the pet I can add the tree without killing him??? I would think the tree need to be clean...

2)what is a good filter you can recommend for my little friend Poseidon?
Charlene Dominguez
Charlene Dominguez - 8 years ago
daniel pippitt thank you so much daniel...I will be sure to get that
daniel pippitt
daniel pippitt - 8 years ago
yes. get a 2.5 gallon tank. they have filters heaters and lighting for them. but just a bare tank will run you about 10-15 dollars
Charlene Dominguez
Charlene Dominguez - 8 years ago
Thanks so much...
One more question...I don't like the size of the tank I have you think 1 gallon is too small for Poseidon???
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Hi Charlene, that is pretty small to install a filter in. You may want to consider a small aquarium sponge filter and very small aquarium pump.
Charlene Dominguez
Charlene Dominguez - 8 years ago
Fluval Aquatics Thank you so much for responding. I have a one gallon aquarium.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
You can certainly add an aquarium plastic plant if you wish, it will not harm your betta, just rinse before installing it. The filter would be determined by the size of tank your betta is in, please let us know.
Dee Jones
Dee Jones - 8 years ago
mine (bugsy) looks identical to yours at 6:50 just way older lol bugsy is going on 8 now and still going as strong as day 1 in his own 10 gallon now (he had a 2.5 before)
scoobydoo316us - 8 years ago
QUESTION: i bought a betta that was labeled baby male. it is growing out its tale but is getting points on the top and bottom tail. how do you know if its going to be a crown tail vs getting tail rott? it acts totally healthy. making a big bubble nest. swims to me for attention. so seems good health.
Marlon Vasquez
Marlon Vasquez - 8 years ago
scoobydoo316us if the fins look ragged and have holes, could be fin rot, if all indents are equal and Don't change, and there is no distinct color change, it is a crowntail
Cat Love
Cat Love - 8 years ago
When I had my first fish it was just like the thumbnail but it's dead because my cat ate him and his name was bubbles
alexispresso - 8 years ago
Who taught ther right earphone is broken
Yen Xion
Yen Xion - 8 years ago
Question: Ok so i have a 48-gallon tank. i have a fair few plants and a Cambodian temple statue for the tank as well as a few rocks. i would like a community tank of 1 male betta and a few guppies (6 ish) can anyone give me some advice please!!!!!!!!!
Yen Xion
Yen Xion - 8 years ago
Thanks. yep changed my mind. can you please have a look at this combination:

x3 panda catfish
x6 neon tetras
x1 betta
x3 balloon mollies
x12 platies
(apologies for poor fish name spellings. please read it would really help!!!!!)
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
That is a very large tank for that community, we would still advise not selecting male guppies with large fancy tails when keeping them with a betta.
The Rex life
The Rex life - 8 years ago
It's more effort to take care of these than actual kids...
Marlon Vasquez
Marlon Vasquez - 8 years ago
The Rex life it's literally less effort for me, ALOT less effort
Gemene - 8 years ago
It is just me, or did this just just say Fuk your right ear with my headphone?
Flooper Squid
Flooper Squid - 8 years ago
I need help... I recently purchased a 10 gallon tank for my betta after doing research on how to properly keep them. I've ran into several problems, but the one which I have yet to be able to come up with a solution to. The filter that came with the tank is too strong and gave my fish problems. I looked into buying a different filter but I have not been able to find one I could buy, mainly due to the gentle filters I am looking for being only fit for smalerl tanks and the filters fit for my tank size being too strong for my betta. Should I consider buying a smaller (but still a good size) tank for my betta which could support a good filter, or would this not be a good solution? I have no desire to go filterless either, and would appreciate any help!
Layla Xo
Layla Xo - 8 years ago
Flooper Squid you can use a water bottle to slow down the flow
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Why not try some natural decorative structure like driftwood positioned in front close to the filter output to diffuse the current?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Why try some natural decorative structure like driftwood positioned in front close to the filter output to diffuse the current?
Nessa 13
Nessa 13 - 8 years ago
look at all these lowlifes talking about "i love my Betta " stfu i kill fish for fun
Uno Drinks Bleach Because Of Shane
Uno Drinks Bleach Because Of Shane - 8 years ago
You take very good care of these fish,great job!
Lisa Lover
Lisa Lover - 8 years ago
i have a crown tail Betta his name is Dakota
Afnan Photo
Afnan Photo - 8 years ago
in my country betta fish priced at usd 0.45
Rufkneck - 8 years ago
can i put a betta in a peacefull comunity tank 125L
Rufkneck - 8 years ago
can i put a betta in a peacefull comunity tank 125L
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
1 male betta can be kept in a peaceful tank but you do need to survey what happens. Faster moving species that can fin nip are not good tank mates for example and some male bettas are more aggressive than others, bottom line is you must be prepared to isolate the betta just in case.
bomberbang - 8 years ago
my betta is a solid colored boring looking crowntail, and hes rather retarded. love him though, rescued him from a filthy cup at walmart among other dying or dead bettas. been to hell and back with this betta, he was at death's doorstep the first few days after i bought him, but i was able to nurse him back to health and now his colors are booming as he actively moves back and forth in his heated and filtered planted 2.5 gallon tank.
Grayson E Lawrence
Grayson E Lawrence - 7 years ago
bomberbang yay! Fishy hero! Good job man
TheFishesDishes 16
TheFishesDishes 16 - 7 years ago
Good for you :)
Gaboon Viper
Gaboon Viper - 7 years ago
Good job
nolin j maurer
nolin j maurer - 7 years ago
you're a hero
Vindictive Potato
Vindictive Potato - 7 years ago
bomberbang Nice!
Anglo Fyrd
Anglo Fyrd - 7 years ago
Thank you! You're a hero.
- Emiluy -
- Emiluy - - 8 years ago
bomberbang this comment made my day
Kamil Olczak
Kamil Olczak - 8 years ago
Don't forget to cover your tank - not because them jump out - it's to help them have warm air above the surface to breathe
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Kamil, good point but much more relevant to fry that are just starting to develop their labyrinth organ, not so important to adults but is still a good thing for them.
ThatXoneXguy - 8 years ago
is it OK to keep my beta in the plastic cup from Walmart?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
It is not recommended, we recommend at least a gallon of water, if not more, small 5 gallon aquarium, with heater and thermometer. Filtration is of course always a better idea as well.
samantha weird
samantha weird - 8 years ago
NO , pls don't do that !!!
Disney Toys R 4 Fun
Disney Toys R 4 Fun - 8 years ago
My Betta fish is so ugly compared to yours.
Adam lyzwa
Adam lyzwa - 8 years ago
And do you need a pump / Bubeler for the beta from them to stay alive
Adam lyzwa
Adam lyzwa - 8 years ago
+Fluval Aquatics thanks man
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
No it is not necessary as bettas can breathe atmospheric air. That said temperature is important for these fish, make sure to keep them between 77 to 80 degrees F/ 25 to 27 degrees C.
Adam lyzwa
Adam lyzwa - 8 years ago
What is the name of the fish on the tumb nail
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Betta spendens. It is a super delta tail variety.
Katherine Venes
Katherine Venes - 8 years ago
Love that you are keeping the Bettas in humane and comfortable conditions instead of the tiny bare racks of boxes so common.
raggedyanngirl 45
raggedyanngirl 45 - 8 years ago
can I add another fish with my betta some kind of tropical fish
raggedyanngirl 45
raggedyanngirl 45 - 8 years ago
Neon tetras with betta
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
You can, if you are keeping the betta in a 3 gallon or larger tank why not try a couple of dwarf corydoras, they don't compete for the same swimming space and are very peaceful.
Mini Mixers
Mini Mixers - 8 years ago
Does anyone know any good uk fish tank brands for Betts?
Donna - 8 years ago
Pets @ Home have some really good smaller tanks in suitable for bettas, nano's, retros, hex and half circle tanks but best buy would be the 20g cube tank that's on offer ATM, £55 which includes filter, heater and overhead LED light.
Rufkneck - 8 years ago
Fluval are in the uk
That Serb
That Serb - 8 years ago
Never mind
That Serb
That Serb - 8 years ago
Hunter& Zac I have a 16g tank with 7 neon tetras, 2 honey gouramis, 3 panda corydoras, 1 betta and 3 platys. Everything is fine, the only fish that killed my neon tetras were swordtails. The betta only likes to attack the broccoli XD
Velister Vaz
Velister Vaz - 8 years ago
I have 3 Bettas in a seperate small tanks 8 months back and they are trained by me and doing fine u asshole u don't teach the professionals what to do
Basket ball Gone wild
Basket ball Gone wild - 8 years ago
Velister Vaz
Velister Vaz - 8 years ago
as if Bettas told u they are happy! unless you pay for the big tanks haha
Timi Air
Timi Air - 8 years ago
That Serb
They don't, bettas are beautiful and sell quickly; they're also doing a lot better than some stores which may keep their bettas in tiny plastic pots (not much bigger than the betta itself, no bigger than your average cup of water,) or worse, keep them with other fish in small community tanks where the other fish have different needs or are fin nippers. Basically this store is doing a really good job at caring for their fish, you can see how healthy they are by looking at the activity and colours :)
That Serb
That Serb - 8 years ago
Timi Air ok, that is true but I hope they don't keep them in such small tanks for a long time
Timi Air
Timi Air - 8 years ago
That Serb
It's a pet store, they need to keep them in small tanks in order to be able to keep more in stock. Pet owners should have done the research on the fish before buying so they will likely be sold to someone wit at least a 5 gallon tank that has been cycled ready to go :)
Jordz Van 6299
Jordz Van 6299 - 8 years ago
What is the difference between the fluval spec 4 and the new spec 5?
wcslim760 - 8 years ago
I don't know either but I have a fluval edge 6 gallon which I really enjoy
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Jordz Van 6299
Jordz Van 6299 - 8 years ago
Fluval Aquatics I only have access to the old fluval 5 would say it's worth to get the old one?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
The honeycomb pattern print on the side of the filter compartment and the new and improved light, for full details here is the link to the SPEC V on
Falcon Lover
Falcon Lover - 8 years ago
I thought you were suppose to keep bettas in 2.5+ gallon tanks but you keep some of them in 1 gallons
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Hi Steven, Betta splendens can be kept in a half or one gallon cubic or desktop-sized tank designed specifically for this fish. For more information, consult our article on the care and history of the Betta.
Lord Astral
Lord Astral - 8 years ago
Betta fish are small land mammals that are semi-aquatic. They prey on jellyfish that inhabit Australia, their native home. They are known to migrate to Antarctica where they feed on ice deposits and are also known to swallow penguins whole. They are passive animals, so it is completely safe to put two males in a tank together. They are known to eat crabs in their homeland and thrown up and eat it again. They sometimes throw rocks at other fish that are mean. hope you learned something!
Kiki The hamster
Kiki The hamster - 7 years ago
Leilicorn no honey no
blondedog3 - 7 years ago
no one is going to stone anyone until I blow this whistle...... ;-)
Planet Earth
Planet Earth - 7 years ago
Lord Astral what opposite information!!
rand0mn33ss - 7 years ago
Leilicorn I was kidding about them dying. They're all totally fine. The guppies came out of the same tank at the pet store so they're familiar with each other and stick together. The betta interacts a little bit, but not aggressively. If he was aggressive, I'd actually remove the guppies. (The betta's my favorite.
Leilicorn - 7 years ago
rand0mn33ss moniter the rank closely, if you see the betta being aggressive and chasing the fush, remove him. Sometimes bettas can live with other fish, but some are simply to aggressive
rand0mn33ss - 7 years ago
Justine Oh no, I just did that today! THEY'RE GONNA DIE!!!
Justine - 7 years ago
damn i wanted to put a beta with some guppies, but i don't want them to get stoned to death :(
Flipst3r767 - 7 years ago
Wow I didn't think people had such large sticks lodged in their rectums.. Lighten up, laugh a little. Guy was making a harmless joke.
Leilicorn - 7 years ago
PotatoMaGobinus - 7 years ago
Amy K It's a joke you humorless prick
Amy K
Amy K - 7 years ago
Luce Ferox Aura what makes you actually take the time to write something like that.? i guess you didnt get much attention. just to let you know you dont want bad attention. try another route
Anji Mac
Anji Mac - 7 years ago
Luna Dragneel
Luna Dragneel - 7 years ago
Is that legit the only thing you noticed which was wrong XD
Gemsiey - 8 years ago
Luce Ferox Aura bettas aren't from Australia....
dave x
dave x - 8 years ago
Cool fish
Stacey Martin
Stacey Martin - 8 years ago
It's prenoneced bay-ta
MrKazuma52 - 8 years ago
Bettas I think are one of the most common fish to get for new fish keepers and also has probably one of the toughest jobs of correct information to them as well. I have always hated how the majority of fish stores keep the betta in the little container, I know they are hard to store in mass amounts but surely there was a better way to store them.

I generally would recommend a 5.5-gallon tank as a good tank size for a single betta however if you do it correctly, you can have a betta in tanks down to .5 gallons, though I wouldn't recommend keeping them there long term. I think they do best in 2.5-5.5 gallon tanks and can do great in larger shallow tanks as well!
Alicia Giron
Alicia Giron - 8 years ago
What size tank do they have those Bettas in? does anyone know where I can get them? (the square ones that are showed in the beginning) I got a bowl, (o do not have the fish yet btw) but I like that square tank better.
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 8 years ago
if you have to ask why would you want your pet to live a long life then you shouldn't be getting any pet accept a plant or a rock.

it matters a lot because in to small of a tank the animal will suffer from poisoning itself with its own unless you are cruel or a selfish person you should at least provide the animal with its basic care requirements.
Velister Vaz
Velister Vaz - 8 years ago
why do u want your betta to live for 9 years? btw u buy a big tank or small it doesn't matter a fish dies when it's time comes!! as how we die so buying a large tank wont guarantee your betta that it might stay tommorow
Doomshine - 8 years ago
I have the small tank, I added real plants (one Lucky bamboo and one Aegagropila linnaei) I have a small heater to maintain to 27 degrees. I'm thinking to change 1 to 2 time each weeks the water. I thought to add a second Aegagropila.It should be ok dont you think?
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 8 years ago
it doesn't matter if they are changed frequently there isn't enough space for the ammonia to be broken down so in between water changes the fish would experience a ammonia spike.

the min tank size is 2.5 and in smaller tanks filters are a must because you need a beneficial bacteria power house breaking down the ammonia.

just because a betta is alive doesn't mean they are fine.bettas are hardy little fish and can take quite a bit of abuse.but just cause they can take it doesn't mean they should and you should owes strive for a thriving.also a few years doesn't tell me much cause if it's less then 4 years you did kill your betta.since the average for a properly cared for betta is 4 to 5 years.although can live longer and I had one live to be 9 years old.
GrandMaster$wank - 8 years ago
These small tanks build up ammonia incredibly fast, your friend's betta most likely had an incredibly painful and slow death. They need at least a 5 gallon aquarium to thrive.
Alicia Giron
Alicia Giron - 8 years ago
What all do I need to set up. Healthy environment for a betta? I want to get one, but I also want to be prepared before purchasing a pet. Will the gallon need a filter and air pump? Because my friend has a fish and it died because it needed air I believe. It kept going on top gasping for air. I just want to purchase a tank that will be a good size but not take up much space. Is 1 gallon enough to have a healthy, long living betta? Or should I get a 2 gallon? If I get plants inside, will I need a pump or a filter? I would love step by step instructions on how to set up a betta environment and how to do water changes and such before purchasing one. I love the tank set up in this video, so that's why I'm asking how to achieve it
PokeGamerEXE YT
PokeGamerEXE YT - 8 years ago
can you put female betta fish together?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
If you are referring to Betta splendens you would only do that when breeding them, otherwise you keep them apart. In the right set up you can keep groups of Betta splendens females together. In the video you are shown other species of bettas that can be kept in groups.
Cat King
Cat King - 8 years ago
I have a blue Betta fish that Iv had almost for 3 days so I'll make shure to clean the tank
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Please make sure to use conditioned tap water and ensure that you are keeping the betta at a consistent 77 to 80 degrees F, temperature is very important.
Liliana Rodriguez
Liliana Rodriguez - 8 years ago
hello. thanks for sharing. can i mix my betta with 2 small crabs.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Crabs are scavengers, just how small are those freshwater crabs? It might be a concern.
Liliana Rodriguez
Liliana Rodriguez - 8 years ago
my betta is not as big as the ones you have his tail its smaller
Jay Bacay
Jay Bacay - 8 years ago
does bettas need filters?
Jay Bacay
Jay Bacay - 8 years ago
+Fluval Aquatics thanks for the reply! Im planning on buying a one betta for a 2.5 gallon tank.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Not necessary if you change the water a couple of times a week (if it is a smaller container of approximately a gallon) and ensure you meet the details we mention in the video. What is very important is consistent temperature, they prefer 77 to 80 deg. F.
aamir khan
aamir khan - 8 years ago
i have 18 fighter fish
Ninja Of The Darkness
Ninja Of The Darkness - 8 years ago
do you really need to have the light? cuz when i had betta fish in thailand, i just have em in a bottle with just leafs
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
As long as ambient lighting is sufficient for the fish to feed you really don't need a light. That said a light does help with seeing their beautiful colors and if you wish to keep some live plants it is important. In Thailand yes, absolutely, many bettas are kept that way and live healthy long lives with no worries about temperature, thanks for sharing.
Alpha Raptorhunter
Alpha Raptorhunter - 8 years ago
My left ear enjoys this.
Jeffrey Lee
Jeffrey Lee - 8 years ago
what kind of plants do you have in there?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
At the beginning of the video where we show the bettas in betta cubus tanks the plants are anubias nana, very hardy plant that does well with minimal lighting.
Robert. - 8 years ago
My friend had a large tank of 2 male bettas who grew up together and share the same tank. It's a 20 gallon. They seem to share the tank but one eats in one side and the other eats on the other side never close.
Dylan Mckerley
Dylan Mckerley - 8 years ago
i love aidio only coming from the left side of my headphones
Jessica Fernandez
Jessica Fernandez - 8 years ago
This was quite an informative video. Thank you for posting.
ben perez
ben perez - 8 years ago
question is distilled water good to use
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Distilled or Reverse Osmosis water is good to use to dilute tap water or other water if you wish to soften it. This is a desirable method of dropping harness values as you are doing so with pure water and not exchanging ions as you would with water softener resins that can cause issues with subsequent ionic imbalances. Using it exclusively is reserved for marine tanks where you want to start with pure water to avoid nitrate and phosphate issues, the marine salt you add contains all the necessary elements saltwater fish require.
ChiaMin1365 - 8 years ago
I heard mineral water works...
Alexandra Utke
Alexandra Utke - 8 years ago
No, please do not use distilled water. Distilled water doesn't have the minerals and nutrients that tap water has. But, when using tap water make sure that you buy water dechlorinator, or you could kill your fish.
BraZZa BoYd
BraZZa BoYd - 8 years ago
i remember when i was little i knew nothing about bettas so i bought 2 males and then i got sad because they fought until they both died
Savannah Brown
Savannah Brown - 8 years ago
I really love the display tanks, you have for your single bettas. How spoiled! I know mine would just love that! <3
Whitney Davis
Whitney Davis - 8 years ago
Fluval is awesome i love their nano tanks. The only complaint i have is the filter flow was way to strong for my betta, even on the lowest setting. However, i got creative with a piece of sponge and that took care of the problem. I have both the 2.5 and the fluval spec. Both are really awesome little tanks, quiet and really sleek looking. Will be purchasing more products from them again. Thanks :)
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Hey Whitney, that is pretty creative, thanks for sharing. Bettas love floating live aquatic plants, if you wish a clump of floating hornwort for example can also serve to diffuse water current while providing the benefits live aquatic plants do, shelter and water quality support....
Red Lazuras
Red Lazuras - 8 years ago
a 1 galllon is extremely cruel.
Jasmine Cardinal
Jasmine Cardinal - 8 years ago
I'm so glad this place doesn't keep their Betta in tiny little containers
Noah Wade
Noah Wade - 8 years ago
dont put them in tiny tanks like that @Fluval Aquatics
Donna - 8 years ago
You'd think they would give proper advice, but as any other business, this is about money, promoting their tiny 1g tanks. Shame on you Fluval, good with any other products but shit for any and all betta advice.
thewanderingrex - 8 years ago
can't you just use a better filter rather than changing water so often?
thewanderingrex - 8 years ago
Thank you!
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Waste goes into solution while nitrate levels do accumulate. Regular water changes are strongly recommended, regardless of the filter(s) being used.
Arty Kitty
Arty Kitty - 8 years ago
I'm getting a Betta:-)
Dolphin 101
Dolphin 101 - 8 years ago
I used to a Betta fish but it died.
Iana 30
Iana 30 - 8 years ago
Will my fighting fish kill my snail if i put it in the same bowl??
Kita Chanel
Kita Chanel - 8 years ago
bowl?? fish need a lot more room that a bowl and its a myth that they don't need a big tank
PIAS MTP - 8 years ago
shouldnt go in a bowl at all.... it should be in a cycled tank that is at least 2.5 gallons
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
No, it should not.
Louise Kazzam
Louise Kazzam - 8 years ago
Can any fancy bettas be housed together ? Is it possible to get non aggressive bettas ?
ChiaMin1365 - 8 years ago
you can house non aggressive male betta with other fish, not other bettas...
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Hi Louise, if by fancy you mean keeping more than one male Betta Splendens together, no you cannot. They are commonly called Siamese Fighting Fish for a reason. Females, on the other hand, when provided with hiding areas such as live plants, can be kept in groups in large enough aquariums. We do cover other species of bettas in the video including betta imbellis, more commonly known as the peaceful betta.
Jess W
Jess W - 8 years ago
I love this video and I love my Betta! So happy :$
Miss sarang
Miss sarang - 8 years ago
its hard to take care betta fish..
Miss sarang
Miss sarang - 8 years ago
ChiaMin1365 thanks for advice..i will..
ChiaMin1365 - 8 years ago
please watch video on how to mate.... dun simply put them together...><
ChiaMin1365 - 8 years ago
means it's mating time...XD
Miss sarang
Miss sarang - 8 years ago
apple snails? eww..
Miss sarang
Miss sarang - 8 years ago
if betta fish release bubbles..what its mean? both female n male with different tank..
ChiaMin1365 - 8 years ago
try apple snails...XD
Dom Pinto
Dom Pinto - 8 years ago
aesyakirin if you think betta fish are hard to care for you really shouldn't be looking into getting fish. Betas are some of the easiest fish to care for. I have mine in a nice 10 gallon tank, eventually wanna get him some friends (bottoms feeders and stuff to help keep the tank clean) really happy to have him
I'm Not Important
I'm Not Important - 8 years ago
It's actually really easy to take care of a betta fish
Mariel Morente
Mariel Morente - 8 years ago
Thanks, this vid is very helpful! i have a Betta named Louie. xx
Cific - 8 years ago
Going to get a male and a couple females betta fish on Monday, with that some neon fish and another type which I don't know the name of but crawls the floor and eats the algae and fish waste
Amazing Gaming
Amazing Gaming - 8 years ago
Hello, I have a question...
My brother has had to bettas but they both died his first Bette died after Halloween and his 2nd bettas died yesterday..
The first died from my cousin feeding it to much but what about the second Betta fish..? We did everything we cleaned the tank but he wouldn't eat his pellets or flakes it blood worms we had some pretty large rocks on the bottom of the tank we think 1 fell in his body and he broke his arm and couldn't get a breathe..
Any ideas what could've happened because my first Betta fish is still alive from Christmas rip sky lander and sky lander junior :,(
ualuuanie - 8 years ago
I tried having betas but they die pretty quick. Usually when its fully grown and beautiful it will last around 6months then it will fade and finally turn all grey and die. May I know what is the lifespan of these fishes please?
Donna - 8 years ago
Marlon Vasquez It may be cheaper but it's certainly not ethical or humane to keep a betta in a bowl for many reasons. One that's totally dismissed is the actual
design of the bowl itself (even big bio-orbs for that matter) there's actual scientific studies/research done on the flaws of this design which make it unsuitable for any aquatic life.

When I get time later I'll find that paper and post link.
Marlon Vasquez
Marlon Vasquez - 8 years ago
what you could get is a bowl (ik people say it's cruel but it's cheaper) and add gravel and add golden pothos to the bowl, it serves as a natural filter, cleaning out chlorine, using the Betta's waste as fertilizer, and keeping a steady pH, as a bonus, you can clean your bowl less, mine is still living, almost a year and a half of having him, he's dark blue.
Donna - 8 years ago
A happy healthy betta that is thriving in a big tank with filtration, heat, live plants and stimulus will live to 8-10 years.

A betta that's just surviving in a 5g or less with no filtration, or heat, or one but not the other with fake plants and doesn't have cycled water, any beneficial bacteria with ammonia spikes every other day will usually survive/live around 1,2 or 3 years, they die a slow death from not being given what they need to thrive.
Oscar Montez
Oscar Montez - 8 years ago
ualuuanie from a light research trip to google it seems that a common note amongst owners is 3 to 5 years.
Jules Askalotl
Jules Askalotl - 8 years ago
wow really informative video!
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Thanks, Jules, glad you enjoyed it!
Jj Ek
Jj Ek - 8 years ago
Well, I can tell you how to improperly care for a Betta fighter fish. Break up with a spiteful girlfriend, and leave it at her apartment.
Emily Petersen
Emily Petersen - 8 years ago
I clean my betta's tank every sat. I've had them before and have always cleaned their tanks this way, my last one lived about four or five years. Is it okay to clean them once a week like this?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Hi Emily, that is a very long lived betta, obviously you must be meeting their food and temperature requirements, no need to change what you are doing, well done!
Miguel Castilli
Miguel Castilli - 8 years ago
Yes it is
RonitAholic - 8 years ago
AcidBlackLove86 - 8 years ago
hi, i was thinking of getting a small tank and i wanted to know, do bettas not require an air bubbler? i noticed there aren't any whenever i go to the pet store or have seen them displayed. Would an aerator not be benficial for them?
Christopher Nai
Christopher Nai - 8 years ago
They dont need aerators
AcidBlackLove86 - 8 years ago
hi, i was thinking of getting a small tank and i wanted to know, do bettas not require an air bubbler? i noticed there aren't any whenever i go to the pet store or have seen them displayed. Would an aerator not be benficial for them?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
While bettas do have gills, which do allow them to take in dissolved oxygen as an anabantoid, they do possess a labyrinth organ which allows them to breathe atmospheric air which makes an aerator unnecessary. The most beneficial things you can do for your betta are regular water changes, keeping them at a controlled 78 -80° F and providing a varied beneficial diet.
Jaxson Madison
Jaxson Madison - 8 years ago
My left ear enjoyed this video
Fennec Foxina
Fennec Foxina - 8 years ago
They drown their bettas with their "High quality fluval tank"
Fennec Foxina
Fennec Foxina - 8 years ago
I hate the way you talk, pronounce betta right... god.
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 8 years ago
there is no one way to pronounce betta's basicly tomato tomahto.
Paphiline - 8 years ago
It's ok people say betta different sometimes just please chill
Louise Ledwith
Louise Ledwith - 8 years ago
would a 10 litre tank be okay for one betta fish?
galaxy star
galaxy star - 8 years ago
Put some shrimp in there stupid, the simplest thing is they need a 5 gallon heated tank ( best filtered, heated. )
Ash Lilyvale
Ash Lilyvale - 8 years ago
Betta's actually do better and live longer the bigger the tank. its a myth that they like to live in small tanks.
Av_cali - 8 years ago
whats a good fish that can do well with a betta in that particular tank that does not require filtration?
Stealth Bird
Stealth Bird - 8 years ago
Platys do very well.
Av_cali - 8 years ago
+HAR PER thanks for the input
har poon
har poon - 8 years ago
but ive got a 10 gallon tank
har poon
har poon - 8 years ago
i put an albino catfish in with mine and they get along, just wouldnt suggest putting another beta in with it
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Which tank are you referring to? If you mean the smaller betta cubes, these are meant to house only one betta.
Amber Dyson
Amber Dyson - 8 years ago
Don't put any other fish with your betta, they are fighting fish
Tiger Boss11
Tiger Boss11 - 8 years ago
You guys keep bettas in much better homes thin dose cups like at petsmart petco and peatland
Meowth and Victini lover Forever!! X3
Meowth and Victini lover Forever!! X3 - 8 years ago
lilytheartist03 - 8 years ago
My betta will be in a 5 gallon with a filter. Is that ok? I will change the water once a month or so
Charlie Yang
Charlie Yang - 7 years ago
At least do a water change once a week
the compilation dude
the compilation dude - 8 years ago
GrapedByGorilla if you're not willing to give your betta the best life he/she can have, why even have one? fish are living beings and need the best care possible.
I Love Cake
I Love Cake - 8 years ago
GrapedByGorilla ok thanks
Allosaurus - 8 years ago
+Rae English not exactly. If you check your water and it is fine then no. You should test the water once a week and then change if needed.
I Love Cake
I Love Cake - 8 years ago
Dramatic11 I thought you need to change the water once a week?
Allosaurus - 8 years ago
+Lilytheartist03 I just moved mine to a 10 gallon community and he is doing great with the other fish
lilytheartist03 - 8 years ago
+Charivari Idk who ur talking 2 but I did research before I got mine so obviously not me...
Charivari - 8 years ago
Please, do not get fish if you don't know stuff about them. 100% water changes... my god...
mia animals150
mia animals150 - 8 years ago
ok just saying
Allosaurus - 8 years ago
+Mia animals101 I already addressed this.
mia animals150
mia animals150 - 8 years ago
bettas love to live in 5 gallon tanks
mia animals150
mia animals150 - 8 years ago
why would that be crul
lilytheartist03 - 8 years ago
+PugLifeGames ok thanks
Allosaurus - 8 years ago
+Alex Coates 20 liters is fine. I though she had a 1 gallon tank :/
Alex Coates
Alex Coates - 8 years ago
20 litres is plenty for one Beta? So not cruel is it?
Allosaurus - 8 years ago
+Carly Vezz If it is not cycled there is no beneficial bacteria to get rid of. That means ammonia just builds up without anything to get rid of it. Please read the previous comments and learn before you comment please.
Carly Vezz
Carly Vezz - 8 years ago
+PugLifeGames DO NOT do 100% water changes!! You're getting rid of all the good bacteria!
Allosaurus - 8 years ago
+Lilytheartist03 oh good job with the five gallon. Basically it is the fish goes to the bathroom and bacteria eats it. You really need to read up on it its hard for me to explain. Just look up nitrogen cycle on YouTube or online and you will learn.
lilytheartist03 - 8 years ago
+PugLifeGames and u said "3 gallon or up" I have a 5...
lilytheartist03 - 8 years ago
+PugLifeGames I have a 5 gallon and idk what a nitrogen cycle is! I have a filter like with a charcoal thing in it is that ok?
Allosaurus - 8 years ago
+Lilytheartist03 also btw do believe everything you read? If I told you a full grown rabbit can live in a ten gallon tank. It can sit in a small space and you can feed and give them water and they can sleep in there but is it really good? Would you want to live in a closet your whole life? Yeah. Treat living things how you wanna be treated. Are you happy in an adequate house? Do you want a mansion? Give your fish a mansion! Do you think he is happy in a teeny apartment living without a filter or heater? Make things right.
Allosaurus - 8 years ago
+Lilytheartist03 when did I say I wanted you to keep him at the store and let him die? I just said that he would be healthier if you had a three gallon or up and use the nitrogen cycle. The nitrogen cycle makes sure that when the Betta poops or pees instead of being ammonia it is eaten by bacteria and your fish is healthier and it is easier on you to not change 100% all the time. As long as your changing the water often and he is happy and your tank is adequate it's fine I guess, if you want to get say a ten gallon tank please cycle and think about what you want before you get it. If you your research you can provide proper care. My HMPK male lives in a 10 gallon tank split in half where he has plenty of space and hiding places along with stagnant water for the most part. He is in tip top condition and I am training him to do tricks as well which you can't do in a 1 gallon. Now I know you saved your Betta fish but if you could cycle a tank and move him there that would be the best.
lilytheartist03 - 8 years ago
+PugLifeGames umm I read somewhere that they can have 1 gallon and be fine (I'm not of course going to do that) so what do u want me to do spend 50 dollars on a huge tank set up...? My betta is small and he is happy. The thing is, he could've lived in a plastic cup at meijer, (he was dying when we got him but now he is healthy) or live with me. We weren't PLANNING on getting one, but we knew we had a better tank set up than a cup with some filthy water in it.... So did u want me to leave him to die...?
Allosaurus - 8 years ago
+Lilytheartist03 you should have cycled your tank and if you didn't you should do 100% water changes twice a week or more. If you cycled it once a week with only a portion of the water would be fine. You should learn all you can about the animal you want to purchase before purchasing. Also read up on the nitrogen cycle.
lilytheartist03 - 8 years ago
+Fluval Aquatics Thanks! :)
lilytheartist03 - 8 years ago
+Don Suomi It's not cruel. My betta named blue loves his tank he always swims around and is very active and shiny. So stfu and leave if your gonna be a jerk cuz I'm not in the mood.
Don Suomi
Don Suomi - 8 years ago
Besides the fact it's cruel, you mean?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
That sounds fine. Don’t forget a heater and thermometer. Enjoy!
HairyGaz - 8 years ago
I'm getting a betta for the first time what breed should I get
Paulina Espinoza
Paulina Espinoza - 8 years ago
We can't put different fish that aren't bettas together in a large tank right?
Paulina Espinoza
Paulina Espinoza - 8 years ago
+Christopher Nai do you have an Instagram?
Christopher Nai
Christopher Nai - 8 years ago
What do you use?
Paulina Espinoza
Paulina Espinoza - 8 years ago
+Christopher Nai yeah sure
Christopher Nai
Christopher Nai - 8 years ago
If you want, we could keep in contact and share.
Christopher Nai
Christopher Nai - 8 years ago
You are welcome :)
Paulina Espinoza
Paulina Espinoza - 8 years ago
+Christopher Nai okay thank you means a lot!
Christopher Nai
Christopher Nai - 8 years ago
i have corydoras and my betta doesnt disturb them
Christopher Nai
Christopher Nai - 8 years ago
algae eaters are usually at the bottom so the betta wont disturb them much as compared to other fish
Paulina Espinoza
Paulina Espinoza - 8 years ago
+Christopher Nai thank you I know I could do that but where am I gonna put the algae eater if I don't have an extra tank? That's the problem my betta doesn't seem aggressive at all
Christopher Nai
Christopher Nai - 8 years ago
u can float the algae eater in the fish tank while its still in the bag when u buy it. This way the betta can see it first and get used to it. If u float it for a few hours and the betta is still flaring at it , you have a aggressive betta
Paulina Espinoza
Paulina Espinoza - 8 years ago
+Christopher Nai I'm kind of scared, I want to buy an algae eater and put it in with my betta but I don't have an extra tank if they don't like eachother so idk what to do.
Christopher Nai
Christopher Nai - 8 years ago
Yes u can, but check which fish that can be together first. I have a betta fish with 4 neon tetras, 2 corydoras and 1 female swordtail
ViPeR Op
ViPeR Op - 8 years ago
The minimum is fucking 2.5
Caren Hall
Caren Hall - 8 years ago
Can I ask are these guys supposed to change colors? When I bought my latest boy, he had a black body, in a day he's becoming an all purple crown tail. He's in a tank now, sponge filter and 2 plants on purple gravel, some baby cory cats will move in with him shortly.
ChiaMin1365 - 8 years ago
some ya... if you get a marble one you'll see them change from white to brown....@@ but black to purple is quite acceptable, mayb it is dark purple and it faded?
Simply Third Street
Simply Third Street - 8 years ago
My betta lived 6 years. I always kept Indian almond leaf in his tank. I wonder if that helped. Seems average is 2-4 years.
Grayson E Lawrence
Grayson E Lawrence - 7 years ago
Simply Third Street my old betta, Rainbow lived 6 years
Marlon Vasquez
Marlon Vasquez - 8 years ago
Simply Third Street I have golden pothos in mine, but mine is a bowl, I still have it, a year and a half, the golden pothos act as a natural filter as it absorbs chlorine and uses the Betta's waste as fertilizer, to keeping the bowl relatively clean.
lucidly dreaming
lucidly dreaming - 8 years ago
city_builder - 8 years ago
i had a betta last me 5 years. im thinking about sueing the pet stor again because i got a sick fish and almost half of the ones they had were sick.
Jessica Weideman
Jessica Weideman - 8 years ago
citybuilder forget the monetary reimbursement. think about the quality of life that these beautiful creatures live in, at most pet stores!!!
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 8 years ago
you wouldn't make money you would lose money for a frivolous law suit.
city_builder - 8 years ago
long as im making money i would say its a good reason to sue.
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 8 years ago
sometimes pet stores can't help it.sometimes fish will get stressed during shipping or they were sick at the farm and the farm didn't notice and shipped them.

really not something to sue over.
city_builder - 8 years ago
almost all there fish were sick
Dom Pinto
Dom Pinto - 8 years ago
citybuilder that's honestly retarded to sue a pet store for getting a sick fish.
7elephantastic - 8 years ago
Should I turn off the lights of my aquariums at night?
Donna - 8 years ago
Yes, all fish need at least 4 hours minimum of darkness.
Morelia Jacobo
Morelia Jacobo - 8 years ago
Yes because with having the lights turned off he/she knows that it's "night" time. I noticed this after my betta was active even when it was night but it was because of a small night light.
Maria Hood
Maria Hood - 8 years ago
when do i know when my crowntail betta is mature ?
Katie Jackson
Katie Jackson - 8 years ago
I love how u guys put your fish in a tank!
Wong Tong
Wong Tong - 8 years ago
Do you still have to change the water if the tank has a filter?
ChiaMin1365 - 8 years ago
yes, but you can reduce water change to once a a quarter or half water change...
Aqua News
Aqua News - 8 years ago
+Oakley Washington agreed
Faith Martin
Faith Martin - 8 years ago
Those are pretty !!
Jade - 8 years ago
DebTim A CANADIAN Girl - 8 years ago
I just got my first Betta and I love him. I picked up a marina cube and it's just perfect. link to mine if you wouldn't mind telling me about him. I know he's a Crown Tail because that's what his cup was labelled
Salma Poindexter
Salma Poindexter - 8 years ago
Hello. I just wanted to say I have 2 female Betta fish. And one keeps chasing the other and sometimes I guess biting her. But when I put them in a small cup together to clean the tank. She doesn't chase her. Why is that? And when will she stop hurting her. ):
Joaquin Olvera
Joaquin Olvera - 8 years ago
I cant hear you sir
LaPieuvre Optimale
LaPieuvre Optimale - 8 years ago
I want the tank, where is it from?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
This is a Marina Cubus
MorganTheRat 4
MorganTheRat 4 - 8 years ago
My left ear loved this
jx592 - 8 years ago
I have a blue fish and Rest his soul the red one (both bettas), my 2 year old son appropriately named the blue one Thomas (the train) and the red one rocket ship (little Einstein's)
the other day I woke up to a dead fish, he was very unhealthy right from entering the tank, his tank was the dirtiest and was ALWAYS dirty. he never grew right and always secreted some kind of plaque like substance, it upsets me very much as I thought he was living a suffered life. And am just glad to know whatever was wrong with him is over with and whatever kind of pain he had is over... I don't know if there was something I could've done and I'd rather just not know, I feel guilty enough he died. I fed him ever day regularly and always tried to keep up with the filth he created, I just hope now he made it to fishy heaven.
the two fish would often play through the tanks as they were always placed side by side, and now even Thomas' attitude has declined, he plays less; sleeps at the bottom more often and I've recently moved him near a window for some fresh air and sunlight, now I hope Thomas can grieve and move on. I regret ever buying them as much as I love them, I don't like the feeling I'm 'playing God' with these micro sized creatures...
it's different with my dog, as the dogs and cats I've had are always on a family status, trying to blend in as best as their goofy hearts can... I don't want condolences or anyone's sympathy/empathy, I just searched Betta Fish and clicked the top result to document this story... I do tank whomever does read this, and appreciate the time to read a stranger's chapter of life
Rocket ship, the red Betta Fish
jx592 - 8 years ago
*thank, sorry I have fish on the brain now
Bobby Wood
Bobby Wood - 8 years ago
Insanely thankful for these tips! We just got our seven year old daughter her first pet, a beta. Great advice!
Setya Hayudha
Setya Hayudha - 8 years ago
from indonesia!!! visit Indonesia south east asia, thats beautiful fish is from my country
Chikens AreGood
Chikens AreGood - 8 years ago
I remember my parents bought me a betta fish and i loved it so much and had no knowledge of how to care for it and it passed away while a was asleep and i felt like a terrible person and not worthy of owning another pet.....this happened almost 14 years ago when i was 8 and i still remember it very well you can say im traumatized & it sucks
Ann Holms
Ann Holms - 8 years ago
because betas are so hard to take care of.. I spent alot on my half moon but really they live in mud puddles in the wild, screw that whole change the water every 2 days thing.
Bubbly Bettas
Bubbly Bettas - 8 years ago
Hey guys!!!!! If you are love beta fish is much as I do, come and check out my channel, bubbly betas. I have tons of new videos and in information that is essential to getting a beta fish and helping it survive. We are adding videos every Monday and Saturday, and we started two days ago. Please come and view our videos, subscribe, and like. Thank you very much!
Ayanna English
Ayanna English - 8 years ago
I HAD a betta named Peter lasted a good year idk how long they can live but yeah...he was blue
I Love Cake
I Love Cake - 8 years ago
Ayanna English I have a Betta Fish called Reuben bur, Peter is a good name good job for picking that name you are a.good owner
lucidly dreaming
lucidly dreaming - 8 years ago
Aww peter
Sean Pyles
Sean Pyles - 8 years ago
Sorry for your loss. Peter sounds great
David Woods
David Woods - 8 years ago
What if your beta fish is in still water, but it is changed regularly?
WaterspoutsOfTheDeep - 8 years ago
Thanks for the video lots of information which I like. That small fluval tank looks really cool. Wish they were out when I was a kid. Would one of those small fluval be ok for a beta and a few neons and small algae eater? Some people are saying a small school of neons, algae eaters and those small frogs are ok with betas if the tank isn't too small.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
By 'regular', we presume you mean a few times a week. This is fine.
ProudConservative - 8 years ago
Did you say change the water every 2 days?
HighRollahz808 - 8 years ago
+Fluval Aquatics thank you for replying!
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Hi, a partial weekly water change sounds perfectly fine for this set-up.
HighRollahz808 - 8 years ago
+Fluval Aquatics what if I have a male elephant ear betta in a 7.5 gallon with a filter, heater, anubias plants, and Marimo moss balls? How often would you recommend a water change? I do once a week. Should I do more?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
If you are keeping a male betta in a small container with no filter, the instruction was every few days, two to three times a week with conditioned water of the correct temperature.
Gabriela Torres
Gabriela Torres - 8 years ago
Hey I was wondering if I could put orbees in my betta tank? If you don't know what orbees are they are tiny beads that you put in water and they grow into kind of soft, squishy balls.
Frank Vergara
Frank Vergara - 8 years ago
Great setup you guys have for your Bettas.
Sam Smith
Sam Smith - 8 years ago
What is the substrate that you have in the Marina Cubes and also in the 23l edge?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Hi Sam, thanks for asking. That's black beach gravel, which we marketed under another brand. We like it so we continue to keep it in some of our own aquariums, but sadly, it has been discontinued and is no longer available.
Green Sheep
Green Sheep - 8 years ago
is it just me or does this video pan to the left hadphone
Harley Queen
Harley Queen - 8 years ago
I have a female feeder guppy in a 6.5 gallon tank, can I add 1 male betta? Also, I have an airstone, is that bad for the betta? And should there be little or many plants? (Artificial plants.)
Chode - 8 years ago
The ar stone is completely unnecessary for betas since they're labyrinth fish. They have an organ called the labyrinth which allows them to breathe oxygen from the surface
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
It might be okay. Some bettas are more aggressive than others. The male betta will eat guppy fry if he catches them. Plants are great for most fish and certainly for bettas and guppies. The airstone is fine to use with a betta, but if the air input is strong, it may prevent him from building a bubblenest. However, unless you would be breeding him with a female this in itself is not an issue.
Furious Flame
Furious Flame - 8 years ago
My right ear feels left out
Neil De Jesus
Neil De Jesus - 8 years ago
Wow, my right ear seems to be broken
Dane Fife
Dane Fife - 8 years ago
I have a 10 gallon tank with 1 cory catfish and 3 guppys why many female betta can I add to my tank?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Do you mean how many? Note that the betta will eat guppy fry and may harass the guppies. Your safest bet would be to choose a safer fish such as some platys or perhaps small tetras or rasboras, although these fish will also predate the guppy fry.
Gabriela Torres
Gabriela Torres - 8 years ago
They really know their stuff, great keeping, and all their fish look happy and healthy!
Joey Freedom
Joey Freedom - 8 years ago
the more you know knowledge is king
Randy Urias
Randy Urias - 8 years ago
This is a fantastic video. Thanks for putting stuff like this out!
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
You're welcome, and thank you for your support!
Fabiënne vlies
Fabiënne vlies - 8 years ago
i'm considering taking a few bettafish, but can i combine a few females with algae eaters?
Fabiënne vlies
Fabiënne vlies - 8 years ago
+Fluval Aquatics thanks for the advice!
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Yes, if your aquarium is 10 gallons or larger and you have decorative structure and good plant growth, we would say the risk of any serious fighting is quite low. As some Bettas can be more aggressive than others, we advise that you be vigilant and monitor for bullying in case you need to isolate the Betta.
Melonie Jen
Melonie Jen - 8 years ago
Fluval is bae lol guys listen to him
Melonie Jen
Melonie Jen - 8 years ago
Everyone please do a ton of research on betta fish before you get one and get at least AT LEAST a five gallon tank for the happiest and healthiest betta possible. A ten gallon tank is the more recommended for whichever breed. Don't fall for things Pet Smart might tell you such as .5 gallon tanks are perfect for them.
Melonie Jen
Melonie Jen - 8 years ago
+AveyLithia Sigh I know a lot of people buy fish without knowing much on how to properly care for them but glad you're researching. Fluval is bae lol go with his set up first then make adjustments as you learn more about the little fish. Water health is KEY. I kinda don't like how people buy other people pets as gifts, its irresponsible.
AveyLithia - 8 years ago
I'm getting to learn this the hard way. Someone I knew got one for their child and the first thing I did was do research and speak to a friend who cares for fish (Have zero experience handling fish, so learning as much as I can ASAP)
Josh Kaminaris
Josh Kaminaris - 8 years ago
Is a 10 gallon tank good for a betta and 7 neon tetras?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Yes, that is fine. We suggest some live plants and decorative structure as well. Some Bettas can be aggressive, we suggest you be vigilante, especially in the first few weeks.
WordsWordsWords - 8 years ago
What was the low light plants you suggested?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Anubias nana, java fern, java moss and cryptocoryne sp. are all good choices.
Gale W
Gale W - 8 years ago
Water question-is it okay to use water that has been through a water softener? We have well water and a softener but we have unsoftened water in our outside faucets.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
If you add salt then we would assume it is a sodium ion exchange resin. The pH and hardness test kits you have should work.
Gale W
Gale W - 8 years ago
ok thanks. I have no idea where the resin is from. It's a culligan water softener and we add salt from time to time but have never replaced anything else in it. Can I use my pool chemicals to test the water (obviously the chemicals wouldn't touch the aquarium water-just the sample I remove). I wasn't sure if they would work the same way. I have ph and hardness tests in it. I may add a companion fish at some point (not a betta-some other small fish). I'm excited-my daughter and I each bought a 5 gallon fluval spec and it's our first time using fluval.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
You can request that information from the company the resin is purchased from. KH is carbonate hardness, the form of hardness that is directly implicated in a stabile pH (Nutrafin offers a KH test kit - Not to worry, keeping a Betta is not complicated. You will very likely be fine by mixing 75% softened water with 25% regular tap water. We mention the KH value because testing it is really the only way to know. Make sure you use Fluval Biological Enhancer as instructed on its label ( With 1 Betta and proper care (water changes, etc), ammonia and nitrite will not be an issue.
Gale W
Gale W - 8 years ago
Is there a test for that? I've only heard about testing for ph and hardness (and ammonia, I guess but that's not related to the water before it goes into the tank). I'm hoping it's not going to be too complicated. It's been a while since I had a tank and I remember not liking the big water changes so that's why I just got the 5 gallon this time.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Yes, it usually is. We would suggest finding out which ion is given off by the resin in exchange for water hardness. Mixing some mineralized water to maintain a KH level of 20 to 40 ppm is recommended.
cosmo_rebeljdal97 - 8 years ago
My left ear enjoyed this..
Dj Lightning
Dj Lightning - 7 years ago
Oml I thought I was gonna have to buy another pair of earplugs
Vivianna does yt
Vivianna does yt - 7 years ago
cosmo_rebeljdal97 oh LOL
Vivianna does yt
Vivianna does yt - 7 years ago
cosmo_rebeljdal97 huh?
RANDOM STUFF WITH RF3 - 7 years ago
cosmo_rebeljdal97 it was my left ear for me
C Jamroz
C Jamroz - 7 years ago
TheBettaChannel 14 z
Charlie Yang
Charlie Yang - 7 years ago
its my right ear for me
TheFishesDishes 16
TheFishesDishes 16 - 7 years ago
Dominic Liberto
Dominic Liberto - 7 years ago
my right ear..
Lemon Thumb
Lemon Thumb - 7 years ago
My left ear is almost deaf I had it on full volume lol
Haven Hunt
Haven Hunt - 7 years ago
my batta fish look nothing like these ones!!
he's a small guy
Michael Quezada
Michael Quezada - 7 years ago
i just noticed that lol
Madhav Valiyaparambil
Madhav Valiyaparambil - 7 years ago
I thought my headphones were broken!
Aquatica Tropic
Aquatica Tropic - 7 years ago
LORD WINTER - 7 years ago
learn to spell
Aquatica Tropic
Aquatica Tropic - 7 years ago
it wasnt until you pointed it out that i realised my right ear was doing nothing lol
Colton2017 - 7 years ago
cosmo_rebeljdal97 me to
Retrogamer - 7 years ago
Thank god I ain't the only one
KGM Sisters
KGM Sisters - 7 years ago
Broofy AO
Broofy AO - 7 years ago
My left ear was also pleased by this video, though the right felt a bit left out :(
My horse Stole my channel
My horse Stole my channel - 7 years ago
cosmo_rebeljdal97 I know lol
Jillian Widener
Jillian Widener - 7 years ago
cosmo_rebeljdal97 I was about to comment that until I saw this lol
BonJourTami - 7 years ago
Mine are ACTUALLY broken so I had no idea lol
Apollo reptiles
Apollo reptiles - 7 years ago
cosmo_rebeljdal97 mine too
Tracy Lee
Tracy Lee - 8 years ago
I thought my earphones are broken!
Elias's screen
Elias's screen - 8 years ago
cosmo_rebeljdal97 I didn't know what you talking about till I put on my other earphone
Chaotic Dusk
Chaotic Dusk - 8 years ago
cosmo_rebeljdal97 I know right
wokeaf - 8 years ago
meowey55 - 8 years ago
cosmo_rebeljdal97 he was on the left side most of the time :)
ChiaMin1365 - 8 years ago
pull the attached part outside abit, i get to hear on both ear doing so....XD
Alexandra - 8 years ago
+Eric Bobis i thought da same lol
Stacey12 Stacey
Stacey12 Stacey - 8 years ago
Eric Bobis
Eric Bobis - 8 years ago
haha. if i ddnt see ur coment i tot my headfonz are broke, hehe
Aqua News
Aqua News - 8 years ago
+Art Kat same
Art Kat
Art Kat - 8 years ago
+Nikolina Stegnjaic it happened with u 2 I was like o crap my head phones are Brocken
Nikolina Stegnjaic
Nikolina Stegnjaic - 8 years ago
ravindra Bastari
ravindra Bastari - 8 years ago
they know how to take care of bettas, im impressed
largon 03
largon 03 - 8 years ago
i used to grow these back in my country Dominican Republic. i had a big tank so they can swim and grow their tails nice and long. i had all colors, red, blue, green purple. wow this takes me back :)
Cinnamon Buns
Cinnamon Buns - 8 years ago
Do I have to have a LED light?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
No, you do not require an LED for your fish. A regular light source will suffice.
Emma Moreno
Emma Moreno - 8 years ago
I love how you give them actual tanks other than cups like in normal pet storw
Rebecca Ericson
Rebecca Ericson - 7 years ago
Our Wal-Mart still does.  So does our Meijer.  One of them (sorry, I don't remember which, but it was ironically next to the frozen foods) was even selling German blue rams and black convict cichlids.
E.X.R.X LOrd
E.X.R.X LOrd - 7 years ago
Gojida it’s still very unlikely which is progress!!
Squareballs s
Squareballs s - 7 years ago
been in such store i both hate these stores now i always say something about it wich makes me think 5 times before going there next time. they shouldnt be kept in small plastic boxes pretty sad. unfornetly in my country fish stores are based on human needs wich is cheap everything is cheap not taken care of propperly even themselves sad human pigs
TwentyØne Pusheens-I MAKE THESE HIGH HEELS WORK - 7 years ago
Emma Moreno I just got a tank since o got a betta fish today.
Karin Franklin
Karin Franklin - 7 years ago
Mine is in 15 gallons with some danios, shrimp, and snails. With more room for him to swim, there's more opportunity to see his beautiful, flowing fins in action. As for the tank mates, he doesn't bother them, nor they him. He did look like he wanted to go after the shrimp when we first introduced them to the tank, but they are really fast and he's totally given up.
AnimalLifestyle - 7 years ago
Robyn Carter Agreed
Matthew Calero
Matthew Calero - 7 years ago
Robyn Carter Keep in mind that this looks like a store, so this set up is likely supposed to be temporary until someone buys the bettas. I'd say for a temporary set up 1 gallon would be okay with proper care, especially for a fish store that needs to make as much room as possible. At least they have more stimulation and room to swim than in the cups, and the people actually seem to know what they're doing and care about the fish compared to say Wal-Mart.

But yes, I agree, bettas should be kept in 2.5 gallons or greater for a permanent home.
Robyn Carter
Robyn Carter - 7 years ago
They're still far to small. That looks to be about a gallon. Bettas need 2.5 at a MINIMUM, with 5 gallons per betta recommended.
Chaotic Dusk
Chaotic Dusk - 8 years ago
thefoxloving Player Yeah and they keep dividers between the males so they don't try to attack eachother and get stressed
A and S Life
A and S Life - 8 years ago
thefoxloving Player IKR I hate the cups
Mireya Seymour
Mireya Seymour - 8 years ago
+Bickie Ditch It's definitely bizarre and disturbing. Because there's no one there to help you and no one there to take care of the fish.
Bickie Ditch
Bickie Ditch - 8 years ago
Mireya Seymour I saw it not long ago, like a year atm. I had actually never seen a betta before and seeing these living things in such small containers was so bizarre to me :^v There were also only like 2-3 of them randomly placed on these mostly empty shelves and they seemed to just be in the middle of nowhere. needless to say it was a very bizarre experience, lol
Mireya Seymour
Mireya Seymour - 8 years ago
+Gojida That's awful.... I live in Canada and I haven't seen Wal-Mart keeping fish since I was in high school like 8 years ago
Gojida - 8 years ago
Mireya Seymour some Walmart still do that :(
Mireya Seymour
Mireya Seymour - 8 years ago
thefoxloving Player Wal-Mart used to have fish and would keep all different kinds in tanks and small cups. It was awful. Fish would be floating around, half-dead or there would be skeletons in the tanks. I'm glad they stopped selling fish.
Roshelle BONUS!
Roshelle BONUS! - 8 years ago
Angerin757 - 8 years ago
I have 5 different types of food for my betta, 10 gallon tank with white sand and black lava rocks, he also has a betta leaf hammock. However, I can't get him to breed! He attacks females and everything he see. Maybe he doesn't like that female? Maybe I need to buy him more females? No idea.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
We would suggest watching some YouTube videos specific on breeding Bettas. The female must be conditioned and she must demonstrate willingness to approach a male that has built a nest. She will approach him from within her container, show an obvious white nipple from her vent and she will get darker and flare her gills when she sees him. Furthermore, you will have to endure watching the female get chased and attacked somewhat as it is not unexpected for the female to sustain some fin damage during mating. Slightly soft acidic water is best, and make sure there are plants and places to hide. A well sealed tank is also recommended in order to maintain equal water and air temperature to support the fry post hatching. Temperature should be a constant 78 – 82 degrees F.
Trina Portner
Trina Portner - 8 years ago
can I put a male and a female betta together without them hurting each other
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
It is only recommended to keep male and female Bettas together for breeding purposes, after which you should separate them again. We would not recommend keeping them in the same tank permanently.
Haziq Viego
Haziq Viego - 8 years ago
my betta have some white spot on its my betta okay?do this fish needs light because i didn't install any light
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
This sounds like Ick. You will need to get a heater, ensure that you keep the temperature at 78 – 80 F and start a treatment for the parasite immediately. Temperature is critical for bettas, make sure you monitor with your thermometer daily.
Hanlu Cao
Hanlu Cao - 8 years ago
My betta has been with me for two years now... he's a darling. I'm definitely looking forward to purchasing him a larger, fancier home. He's in a ~2.75 tank presently, and I play him Mozart to keep him relaxed.
Geek Chorus
Geek Chorus - 8 years ago
Remember folks, when buying live plants, BEWARE OF THE SNAILS!! Lost a great 20 gallon tank to hundreds upon hundreds of snails!! I rinsed the plants off before I put them in and everything. Goddamned snails ruined my best Betta tank!!! See it in it's glory!
Flo Green
Flo Green - 8 years ago
Love the tank's.
Richiko06 - 8 years ago
hi what a nice display you have there! I had a question related to your breeding. My male red purple and blue fin double tail betta splenden Valentino is ready to spawn and has been building a bubble nest for awhile now so I was wondering if you guys are able to breed him with one of your females? thanks!
Ivy & pets
Ivy & pets - 8 years ago
It sad how people think a tank under 2.5 gallon with no heater is sufficient for a betta.
Flo Green
Flo Green - 8 years ago
I've never used a heater for my betta and he lived for 7 year's. That's a very long life he was very happy with no heater. I've just don't use heaters unless I'm buying Angel fish or neon's , and guppies ect. but never for hardy fish, they do great without a heater.
Ryan Duminiet
Ryan Duminiet - 8 years ago
I am getting one soon, so excited!
Teneshia Gillard
Teneshia Gillard - 8 years ago
totally cool as fuck aquariums. you are the best I ever seen. I love fish tanks. some tanks I wish I could live In an yours are the one an the best. ancient Taiwan secret I heard of you a breeder of this like me that if you release some of them back into their natural habitat that you will have good luck
Big Red Studios
Big Red Studios - 8 years ago
Yo fluvals sound guy should be fired.
Rae Antenor
Rae Antenor - 8 years ago
+FluvalAquatics wher can I get those little LED lights that yo used for the small betta tanks? Those single circular lights. Thanks!
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Hi there, the light featured in the video is the LED light that comes with the Marina CUBUS Glass Betta Kit (Item 13485). LED unit 13420 is sold seperately and has a similar effect. We invite you to consult our Dealer Locator tool to find a dealer near you!
Goldfish Trees
Goldfish Trees - 8 years ago
That pet store has really good care for their bettas wow
nikil chotuck
nikil chotuck - 7 years ago
Goldfish Trees !
Phan Howell
Phan Howell - 7 years ago
Right?Still small tanks for each one but still better than a cup
That One Equestrian
That One Equestrian - 8 years ago
+Fat Brontosaurus The wet spot is my favorite since all the fish are all happy and healthy :)
That One Equestrian
That One Equestrian - 8 years ago
+Fat Brontosaurus Never heard of it
Thëriziino - 8 years ago
I know this comment is old, but That One Equestrian Have you even gone to Pets On Broadway? They take very good care of their fish and have a really nice selection. I've never been to The Wet Spot before, but now I might have to, lol
That One Equestrian
That One Equestrian - 8 years ago
+ILikePewPewin I go there all the time
That One Equestrian
That One Equestrian - 8 years ago
+ILikePewPewin I know :)
ILikePewPewin - 8 years ago
+HorseY Rae that place is called The Wet Spot
That One Equestrian
That One Equestrian - 8 years ago
I go to a fish store in Portland Oregon that sells all kinds of fish! They even sell eels! I always get my bettas from there and they put each in a gallon tank. In my opinion, you should go to at least a 1.5 or a 2 gallon tank but a gallon is way better than a cup!
Jess W
Jess W - 8 years ago
Betta's are great pets. They are beautiful and require little care. Just the water regulation and once a day food. It's absolutely a wonderful thing. I love their display!
Goldfish Trees
Goldfish Trees - 8 years ago
+selah Slag cant*
Goldfish Trees
Goldfish Trees - 8 years ago
+Ash Lilyvale yeah that's the reason I get bettas from those pet stores, I like to give bettas a way better home then they have, I hate seeing the poor bettas in there, one of the pet stores I went to had baby bettas in cups, one was dead the others were very cold, babies need heaters otherwise their digestive system can work well, have a baby from there in a two gal heated tank, I just hope in the future the pet stores take better care of their bettas,
Ash Lilyvale
Ash Lilyvale - 8 years ago
+selah Slag
definatly for a pet store to keep them. i always see the poor things in cups, not able to swim properly and just sitting at the bottom.
Goldfish Trees
Goldfish Trees - 8 years ago
+Ash Lilyvale yeah they are wrong, I just mean that they have way bigger and nicely decorated tanks than usual pet stores, I have five bettas myself and they're each in a two gallon or more tank
Ash Lilyvale
Ash Lilyvale - 8 years ago
for the pet store its good but its wrong about betta's liking small tanks. a 5 gallon tank and up are perfect for bettas. alot of his pet stores tanks dont have heaters either and unless the room is warm the fish could die if the water is too cold. betta's can live up to 4 years if taken care of and alot of people think they have short lives because the poor fish are always cramped in tiny bowls with no filter or heater.
Aqua News
Aqua News - 8 years ago
Your are correct
Stephanie Parke
Stephanie Parke - 8 years ago
i like going to animates...its like a nz version of fluval aquatics when it comes to fish
Goldfish Trees
Goldfish Trees - 8 years ago
+Damaris Flores yeah all the pet stores I go to do that (I only go to three lol)
Damaris Flores
Damaris Flores - 8 years ago
I agree I go to some pet stores and they put there beta fish in a cup
MikeeThe Gamer
MikeeThe Gamer - 8 years ago
How about betta enisae can they live together
Pabu Boyer
Pabu Boyer - 8 years ago
do betta fish NEED a filter?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Filtration is not necessary for Bettas if the water is changed frequently.
MyNamesAli - 8 years ago
My left ear enjoyed this
Linda Wade
Linda Wade - 8 years ago
This is horrible. Bettas have 3 feet of territory in flowing, warm water in their natural habitat. This tank is much too small, plus they need filters and heaters. They are tropical fish.
Michelle Chen
Michelle Chen - 8 years ago
Do they need filters?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
+Michelle Chen Betta Fish do not necessarily require a filter. In an aquarium with 1 small fish, it is easy to maintain quality water with frequent and regular water changes. An aquarium with a filter would be ideal; however one male Betta can live safely without a filter if you do regular water changes.
Amy-Lee Boulay
Amy-Lee Boulay - 8 years ago
I have a betta fish! His name is Oni!
sri harsha
sri harsha - 8 years ago
awesome decoration of aquarium betta fish--
TheOrangefan13 - 8 years ago
can you keep bettas with kuhli loaches in a 45 gallon tank (36 high by 11 1/2 depth by 18 high after bottom substrate). I hear different things from different sites. I am trying to set up a 45 gallon aquarium with 8-10 corries half ember half albino, and hoping to build a midground 11/2-2 inch substrate for them to rest on. I plan on feeding the cories there for awhile so they will grow accustomed to it and begin to live there half of the time atleast, so 5-7 kuhlis can have the bottom. Sounds like alot of fish but my beta has his own bamboo plant and betta log at the top which he owns. My tank is sitting at 77 (I will try to get it alittle higher, and i am running a nat geo 185 gallons per hour pump, although I could go a second pump if needed as well with that many fish.
TheOrangefan13 - 8 years ago
+Fluval Aquatics Thanks thats awesome!
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
+TheOrangefan13 Yes, you can keep Kuhli Loaches with a Betta in that aquarium. If your Betta is healthy and feeding well you can leave the temperature at 77F, which your Corys will also appreciate.
Rina! - 8 years ago
I love my betta. His name is Mutiny, he's a dark blue veiltail, he's in a 5g bowfront tank with some java moss and lots of hides, and I love him to pieces. :3
Madisyn Nicole
Madisyn Nicole - 8 years ago
After treating water with conditioner, when is it safe to move my betta into the new water?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
+Madisyn Nicole You can place your Betta in the new water within minutes of treating it. Just make sure that the temperature of the water is between 77 to 80F.
Cody's Fishes
Cody's Fishes - 8 years ago
Awesome video!
Wasif - 8 years ago
Ok guys I need help!!!! So I just got a betta fish and it has everything, except a filter. I coukldint afford one so I will have to wait. But scince I dont have a filter, how mnay times should I clean my bowl? like once a week or once a day???? PLEASE HELP!
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
+WasifMC Cleaning twice a week will be sufficient. Make sure the temperature of the water is between 77 to 80F, which is what a Betta requires. You should also condition the water with Fluval Water Conditioner.
Wasif - 8 years ago
Yes I did
Sir Ratman
Sir Ratman - 8 years ago
+WasifMC one gallon is a bottle of coke mate, there is nothing at least about it. You went out and bought a bowl and put your fish in. I hope you at least did the nitrogen cycle
Wasif - 8 years ago
Hey atleast its like 1 gallon or so
Sir Ratman
Sir Ratman - 8 years ago
So first of all, you bought a BOWL, so you can't put anything in there.
Now go sell your betta fish and get a starter kit for about 50, and if you can't afford it well you can go fuck yourself to the moon buddy because you've probably killed off your fish
But if you don't care, then clean it out every few days
Andreanne Vezina
Andreanne Vezina - 8 years ago
Fish > cats
Kevin Arehart
Kevin Arehart - 8 years ago
say I need your help, my Betta been laying down most of the time that the water in the tank seems to be a little foggy, still do you know what to do?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
+Kevin Arehart Hi Kevin, we would suggest performing a water change with a water conditioner such as Fluval Water Conditioner. Make sure that you have an appropriate heater and thermometer to ensure that you are keeping your Betta at between 77 to 80 degrees. Check for signs of disease - clamped fins, dust-like spotting, white spots or bulging eyes. If you are unsure of diagnosing illness, check with your local aquatics shop and they can recommend the appropriate treatments.
Car Kicks
Car Kicks - 8 years ago
did anyone come here because faze rug fish died
splash gaming
splash gaming - 8 years ago
Your lucky you get to work with pets and fish
EAH BARBIE DIY - 8 years ago
I didn't get half way through and nothing helped me. He just shows you betta fish
Marlene Martinez
Marlene Martinez - 8 years ago
I have the same betta as the youtube video picture
Alaura Baldassari
Alaura Baldassari - 8 years ago
I just got a betta bed for him to lay on so he didn't have to lay on the rocks but so far he has just been curious and hasn't layed in it..I have a question, the water in his tank is super cold, around 73•.. Should I get a heater for him?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
+Alesha Zebra Yes, you should definitely get a heater for your tank and maintain a temperature of 78 F. In order to get better use of the Betta bed, you could move it to the surface so that he can build a nest under it. This is what a male Betta would use a leaf for in nature.
jessica horner
jessica horner - 8 years ago
this was a perfect description of good betta care, Thank YOU
Rhythm F.
Rhythm F. - 8 years ago
why sarcastic? is this bad advice?
jessica horner
jessica horner - 8 years ago
+Katie Shawula ;-; yah
Katie Sara
Katie Sara - 8 years ago
I hope your being sarcastic...
Yeniffer Peguero
Yeniffer Peguero - 8 years ago
Rylie Attrell
Rylie Attrell - 8 years ago
Would I be able to put a betta fish within a community tank ?
Rylie Attrell
Rylie Attrell - 8 years ago
+Fluval Aquatics okay thanks for the advice I don't think it would work as I have 5 cherry barbs
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
+REAPERBOI69 You could try, however many different fish will take the opportunity to nip at the Bettas’ fins. Some species (for example Barbs) are not recommended tank mates. It could work if you have an aquarium with peaceful, slower swimming fish that has live plants and structure to it, but you will have to monitor the situation to make sure everything is OK.
Captain Capellini
Captain Capellini - 8 years ago
Your aquarium has actual tanks for the betta fish, the one near me are smaller than a drinking glass each, they're just tiny boxes and the betta fish can barely move around.
Rosa Stevenson
Rosa Stevenson - 8 years ago
these tanks are too small as well but better than what you're describing
S.S - 8 years ago
Your fish tanks are so cool,I only have a cup
Kelsey Koetz
Kelsey Koetz - 8 years ago
Bettas actually need 2.5 gallons, 5 five gallons is even better.  They live in huge bodies of water so why would a half gallon cube be sufficient at all?  Please stop spreading lies.
Kelsey Koetz
Kelsey Koetz - 8 years ago
+KaiuoRift I'm only mentioning the fact that those 1 gallon tanks are not ideal for bettas as a forever home. What is your problem?
Kai - 8 years ago
+Kelsey Koetz You're stupid..
Kelsey Koetz
Kelsey Koetz - 8 years ago
+KaiuoRift How am I stupid?
Kai - 8 years ago
You're stupid.
CraziePeerson - 8 years ago
Hey! Fluval.. i am planning to go for a vacation for 2 weeks and no one's going to feed my betta, what do you recommend on doing for my betta?
CraziePeerson - 8 years ago
I have him in fluval edge 23l. I am too shy to ask my friends and neighbor so i will try the automatic feeder. Thank you fluval
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
+John Lexber Louise Ramos Is the Betta in a small tank or container? You could drop him off in his habitat at a friend or neighbors’ place. If the Betta is in a small aquarium, the best solution is an automatic feeder, and we would assume any lighting you have is already connected to a timer.
Exhoe - 8 years ago
My left ear enjoyed this video
Gazoonia - 8 years ago
Also is the LED light all the heat that's needed or would you need a heat mat as well?
Gazoonia - 8 years ago
+Fluval Aquatics Ah, okay. Thank you!
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
+Gazoonia The LED light does not radiate heat downwards, so you would need to add a Marina submersible heater as well as a thermometer. A heat mat could work, but make sure you monitor the water temperature regularly as this is not a large volume of water and any slight change in room temperature can affect it.
Gazoonia - 8 years ago
What did you say the fish tanks that the first bettas were in are called?
Gazoonia - 8 years ago
+random BEAST I discovered that later. Thank you though!
random BEAST
random BEAST - 8 years ago
I wouldn't get this tank he is soooo wrong
A minimum tank size for betta is 2.5 gallon but this is for a decent life
For a good life they need at least 5 gallon
People say just because they can live in small tanks they are happy in them but they are not
Gazoonia - 8 years ago
+Fluval Aquatics Thanks!
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
+Gazoonia The tank is the Marina Cubus Glass Betta Kit.
मयुर पवार
मयुर पवार - 8 years ago
Can i use bottle for betta fish ..bottle is big about 4.5 ltr. Guide me for setup and fish care..Thank you ..and nic info you provide its very helpful..
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
+मयुर पवार It is not necessary as Bettas breathe atmospheric air and take in dissolved oxygen. Gentle aeration is really all that should be required.
मयुर पवार
मयुर पवार - 8 years ago
in bottle their is any need of air pump ?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
+मयुर पवार If the size and shape of the bottle allows for proper access and heating, and the bottle complies with our recommendations on Betta care, it can be used. Regular water changes, temperature and proper diet are very important factors.
Lizzyroma awsomeness
Lizzyroma awsomeness - 8 years ago
so if u put them together in the same bowl they just get excited but they wont attck eachother?
J M AND T SQUAD - 8 years ago
I have a hard time breeding them
Chinese Chick
Chinese Chick - 8 years ago
Where are the girl bettas?
Silly Bettas
Silly Bettas - 8 years ago
i have a baby betta right now and really healthy
Brooke.h - 8 years ago
Can you breed beta fish
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
+Brooke Harris Yes, Bettas are considered an easy fish to breed. For more informtion on this subject, consult our article on the care and history of the Betta.
Günter TV
Günter TV - 8 years ago
if i have a 20 liter aquarium how often do i have to change the water?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
+Günter TV For a 20 liter aquarium with 1 male Betta, we would recommend a 20% water change once every two weeks, however, a 20% water change on a weekly basis is also acceptable, if this is your preference.
Günter TV
Günter TV - 8 years ago
so i have to put a teabag or smth with dry almond leaves in it right?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
+Günter TV Almond leaves are great for Bettas. They are available in tea bag format.
Brian Anuvattanachai
Brian Anuvattanachai - 8 years ago
What species of plants should I keep with bettas and also how big of a water change should I do?
Brian Anuvattanachai
Brian Anuvattanachai - 8 years ago
Thank you so much it really did help!!!
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
+Brian Anuvattanachai Java moss and fern can be adhered to a small piece of decorative driftwood, they will eventually grow on to the wood. Crypts require a fine gravel or coarse sand substrate. Hornwort can just be left floating/suspended. We always encourage live plants; they are great for water quality and add a natural element for your fish. Enjoy your Betta!
Brian Anuvattanachai
Brian Anuvattanachai - 8 years ago
+Fluval Aquatics another question if you don't mind sorry I have so many questions. How would you keep those kinds of plants in a betta tank?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
+Brian Anuvattanachai That’s good to hear! You can go with a standard water change schedule of 20 to 25% every 1 to 2 weeks. With regards to which plants will do well under LED lighting, this is more a question of spectrum and amount of light. As you have a 2.5 gallon tank and are keeping a Betta, we would advise against using a strong light source. Stick with lower light level plants, like certain species of Cryptocorynes, Java Moss, Java Fern, etc.
Brian Anuvattanachai
Brian Anuvattanachai - 8 years ago
+Fluval Aquatics my betta fish is living in a 2.5 filtered gallon aquarium and also two more questions what is the minimum tank size for a betta and what plants would do best under LED lighting?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
+Brian Anuvattanachai A Betta will not disturb live plants. When selecting plants for your aquarium, you need to consider how much light they will receive. Floating hornwort will do well under modest lighting, or if you prefer a lower light level you could consider a species of cryptocoryne. Water changes are contingent on the size of the tank you are keeping your Betta in. Is it a filtered aquarium or a smaller 1-2 gallon container?
Tetra Aquariums
Tetra Aquariums - 9 years ago
I have a 64 liter tank for my birthday would it be ok for a betta sorite?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
+Dominic and cats 64L is the perfect sized tank for a Betta fish, however please inquire about friendly tank mates with the store associate.
Gemini Pewpew
Gemini Pewpew - 9 years ago
Got me at Macrostoma ;P
First First
First First - 9 years ago
Where could i sell a food for fish from Poland? Is there any special places in Germany? Something malls? I have a TROPICAL products basicley. More information on
Tim Semic
Tim Semic - 9 years ago
Thank you Tom Sarac and Fluval. I was looking for best practice methods for Betta keeping and was very pleased to find such comprehensive information in your video. I took a lot of notes. I use RO water with alkaline buffer and Replenish in my planted aquariums to best create a hospitable environment for the inhabitants, so I especially appreciate you mentioning the optimal dKH range. Temperature, feeding, light, water quality, filtration, you pretty much nailed it. I would have liked to have heard more in depth about recommended plants and how best to provide a Betta bed. Overall great job! Thank you very much!
Alan Surgeoner
Alan Surgeoner - 9 years ago
Ikeep my Betta in a 16litre tank with a little neon tetra who has no tail. I took him from my main tank when he had a white spot at his tail> I know it was not Ich and thought it was neon tetra disease( a parasite that seems to only affect tetras -mainly neons) I kept him in a little container with a dose of methylene blue every couple of days when I changed the water. I didn't hold out much hope for the little guy and actually thought about putting him to sleep,but I am so glad I didn't because as time went on the little guy kept going and going. he wouldn't eat for over a week unless he nibbled when I didn't see, but after 6 weeks he was still going so I put him with some other neons and a couple of zebra danio's but they kept chasing him ,so I put him in a bag and floated him in the betta tank. Once I was sure he would not nip at the neon I let him loose. He can't swim the best but he manages to get around and has been in the betta tank for a couple of months now with no drama. I learned a great lesson all over again and that is when keeping fish -Be Patient. things don't always just happen overnight in the fiahworld.
POV Antagonist
POV Antagonist - 9 years ago
hi i have a 55 gallon tank can i keep one beta and some guppies in there for food?
Potato Killer
Potato Killer - 9 years ago
5.5 gallon or 55 gallon?
RebelFan2012 - 9 years ago
this guy says Beta like the guy from the commercial says DiaBeetus
Jazzy Harvey
Jazzy Harvey - 9 years ago
is it true you can keep female bettas together ?
Jazzy Harvey
Jazzy Harvey - 9 years ago
+Fluval Aquatics okay thank you so much for the advice :-)
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 9 years ago
+Jazzy Harvey Yes, but be prepared to deal with the odd bully. Some female bettas might be a little too aggressive and you may have to isolate them. Make sure your aquarium is no less than 10 gallons and that you provide plants and other hiding places for them. Usually it will work out OK, however the odd nipped fin is to be expected.
Jazzy Harvey
Jazzy Harvey - 9 years ago
+Vanessa Levite thank you so much 
i am getting a ten gallon tank 
would it be okay for 2-3 females ?
Vanessa :L
Vanessa :L - 9 years ago
+Jazzy Harvey yes they don't fight and do well together :)
Logan Taylor
Logan Taylor - 9 years ago
Ralph Contridasjiiio
Ralph Contridasjiiio - 9 years ago
beautiful fighting fishes huh...can i get one of them...
Nuha Elhady
Nuha Elhady - 9 years ago
What tank or bowl with the light is he using
Nuha Elhady
Nuha Elhady - 9 years ago
+Fluval Aquatics thanks
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 9 years ago
+Nuha Elhady The tank featured in this video is the Marina Cubus. The light is included in the purchase of the tank. We invite you to consult the Hagen website for more information
Brianna Delira
Brianna Delira - 9 years ago
can I use purified water for my betta?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 9 years ago
+Brianna Delira If by purified water you are referring to filtered tap water (carbon and particulate filtration), the answer is yes. Bettas live well in soft to fairly hard water and within typical tap water pH ranges. Treatment with a water conditioner is usually all that is necessary for tap water.
Huzar1683 - 9 years ago
buy a betta water conditioner from your local aquarium store to ensure correct ph and water conditions then i use filtered tap water
Cobalt - 9 years ago
9:08 that looks WAY too much food. I feed my betta maybe 4 pellets max a day and skip a day a week to help with digestion. Giving it 10+ worms is overkill.
Khaizer Wasi
Khaizer Wasi - 9 years ago
I'm just family we keep his fish well, thanks
Princess Summer
Princess Summer - 9 years ago
Super delta tail male was absolutely beautiful
Bluefiredraco 11
Bluefiredraco 11 - 9 years ago
thank u
colorguardwith brandon
colorguardwith brandon - 9 years ago
Betta fish came from Thailand,Laos,Cambodia and Vietnam and they live in the Mekong River and also they live in rice fields. The real (original) name of the betta fish were called Siamese Fish.
Lyn Huang
Lyn Huang - 9 years ago
Does anyone knows what brand tank this is? Thanks
Lyn Huang
Lyn Huang - 9 years ago
+Fluval Aquatics - thank you!
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 9 years ago
+Lyn Huang Hi Lyn, this is the Marina Cubus.
fatcat sneezing
fatcat sneezing - 9 years ago
gabe newell has changed profession!!!!
Visvajit Jayanarayan
Visvajit Jayanarayan - 9 years ago
i am getting a betta fish! Any breed suggestions you guys might want to give?!
Linda Wade
Linda Wade - 8 years ago
Crown tails are gorgeous. Try to get a twin tail if you can. It has two tails. They're really cool
Visvajit Jayanarayan
Visvajit Jayanarayan - 8 years ago
Alina Sykes
Alina Sykes - 8 years ago
Kitty B
Kitty B - 9 years ago
PS: I have a air pump for his water but no filter.
Kitty B
Kitty B - 8 years ago
I had a air pump in my tank for 4 months and never seem to bother him. He even started to sleep under it. But last week he died. So looking for another one soon.
john aston
john aston - 8 years ago
+Kevin Hirlinger bullshit
You Jerry
You Jerry - 8 years ago
Yes but its been scientificly proven they prefer still water
Kitty B
Kitty B - 8 years ago
Im new to the fish worl  but I think maybe the water in the tanks are different than the water   where they came from.  I mean the air quality?
You Jerry
You Jerry - 8 years ago
I'm pretty surprised how long your fish has survived. They come from rice patties with perfectly still water
Kitty B
Kitty B - 8 years ago
Serious?  I have to check  in to this..Mine has had a air pump for the last 3 months.
You Jerry
You Jerry - 8 years ago
+Kitty B Air pumps are bad for bettas they have a organ that makes them breathe from the surface
Kitty B
Kitty B - 9 years ago
I have a double tailed male betta. I have had him for 2 months. He came from Petco. Well he has done pretty good up till about 3 days ago. He has been struggling to swim, sometimes go on his side and mainly stays at the top of the water, like trying to get all the air he can. he is in a 3 1/2 gallon tank and I use distilled water when changing his tank. I have got him flake food, pellets and dried shrimp. He seems to like the flake food better but he does not seem interested in eating now. any suggestions?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 9 years ago
+Kitty B Hi Kitty, that's great to hear. We're happy we could help.
Kitty B
Kitty B - 9 years ago
Thank you so much for your time and info.  I can use this info when contacting the water department. As of now  he seems to be better, swimming normally and his appetite has picked up.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 9 years ago
+Kitty B KH is temporary hardness, or carbonate hardness. It is typically measured in degrees of hardness (dKH) or in mg/L or ppm as calcium carbonate (CaCO3) (1dKH = 17.9ppm or mg/L). Carbonate hardness is also referred to as alkalinity which is the measurement of the capacity of water to neutralize an acid, known as buffering capacity.
Kitty B
Kitty B - 9 years ago
Thank you.  I have made a call to the water department  and the 2 people I spoke with did not seem to know what KH values meant. Is there something that also refers  to KH  that they would know?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 9 years ago
+Kitty B Probably okay to do. Let us know what the pH and KH values are.
Kitty B
Kitty B - 9 years ago
Do you suggest that I would use 1/2 distilled and 1/2 Tap  with adding some conditioner to the water?  Would this be  ok?
Kitty B
Kitty B - 9 years ago
Yes I called and was told our water was very hard.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 9 years ago
+Kitty B Hi, KH is a measure of carbonate hardness. It is known as temporary hardness, responsible for buffering pH and stabilizing it. It's always a good idea to have a pH and KH kit.
Keeping a fish in 100% distilled water is not a good thing. The temperature should be in the range we mentioned above. As for city water, you could check with your municipality; they should be able to tell you what the hardness and pH levels are.
Kitty B
Kitty B - 9 years ago
what  does  KH -5-7 mean?   thanks
Kitty B
Kitty B - 9 years ago
Yes, I have one of those thermometers in his tank and watch that it stays close to the red markings  on it.  He has a air machine  but not a filter system.  Iv been told at petco  that using distill water was best, thats the only reason I always   completely change his tank with that.  Im not sure of our city water  here  so I was nervous  about tap water.  I live in Wyoming close to the rockies, (if that makes a difference)  The blue betta fish in the video is twins to the one I have.  yesterday I change his tank.  also I have a live plant in his water  but now seems to be changing colors, looks like the plant is dying out  in some areas on  it.  this morning he is still  staying mostly at the top  I tried feeding him, but it seems like a struggle for him to eat? 
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 9 years ago
+Kitty B You should not be using 100% distilled water. For example, if your tap water has a KH of 5 to 7, use 50% distilled to 50% tap. Temperature is key for feeding - are you in the 77 to 80°F zone?
SnowflakeLane - 9 years ago
Keeping betta in a half or one gallon tank is awful. Something people have to understand is, the betta naturally live in small rivers and rice patties. When it gets dry, they can get stuck in a puddle for about 2 or 3 days, they they try jumping out and into a larger puddle until it rains again. Betta fish can be stuck in a puddle for about a week until there is rain. But just because they CAN survive in a small puddle or tank doesn't mean it is healthy for them. You should have them in AT LEAST a 2.5 or 5 gallon planted tank, which is the very best for betta fish. Don't let companies mislead you, this isn't okay for betta fish.
Raequel Suina
Raequel Suina - 7 years ago
Their in a store, they won’t keep them forever. It’s actually a lot better than Jars or in a bowl like most pet stores have them in.
Raven Shine
Raven Shine - 7 years ago
I have 2 bettas,Gill and Bubbles,when I got them they were in pods smaller than my thumb!Now I give them very nice tanks,they love them!
SnowflakeLane - 9 years ago
Usually you can return tanks within a month. I hope that this helps. :)
datdrkskngrl - 9 years ago
I just bought a betta for my child and they told me a half gallon was good because they live in puddles. So mad I spent money on a tank that I need to now get rid of
T-Zay - 9 years ago
It's really stressful for the betta splendens in such tiny tanks... why stick them in such tiny cubes when you have such beautiful, sizable tanks for the other species? They're setup beautifully btw.
T-Zay - 9 years ago
+Fluval Aquatics Understandable. I think because a lot of us don't have time to be dancing around the delicate water parameters of a smaller tank. Multiple changes in a week are a real hassle. Thank you for your response~
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 9 years ago
+tazia hall The bettas are not showing any signs of stress in the smaller betta tanks, if taken care of as we recommend. While we fully agree keeping them in filtered 5-gallon tanks and up is always best, we do suggest water changes at least twice a week, with conditioned water of the right temperature.
Lander Dale Torres
Lander Dale Torres - 9 years ago
Will betta be happier without any tankmates?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 9 years ago
+Lander Dale Torres We don't feel that it really makes difference. Bettas kept alone or with other fish seem to exhibit the same or generally similar behavior. When we say 'other fish', we refer to other bettas.
Emma Notman
Emma Notman - 9 years ago
it depends on the betta, i have two and one has an outgoing personality and he has 2 zebra danios and 2 shrimp in his, but my other one will only live peacefully with an apple snail. it depends on his aggression, tank size, and coverage (plants and ornaments)for incase your betta gets annoyed with his tank mates.
Krista2882 - 9 years ago
Although the only comment I have is that they are best kept in tanks larger than one gallon. And nothing smaller, ever.
Krista2882 - 9 years ago
This is great! Thanks for educating people on how to care for betta fish. Betta fish care is so widely misunderstood, so this was great to see. I also enjoyed the different varieties of bettas.
Stella Lim
Stella Lim - 9 years ago
Am I The Only One That Can't Heqr The Sound?
Banana Rawr
Banana Rawr - 8 years ago
Use the right ear phone or both ^^
charlotte Ganz
charlotte Ganz - 9 years ago
+Stella Lim no me too :/
Stella Lim
Stella Lim - 9 years ago
Brother Sister
Brother Sister - 9 years ago
I have a betta fish, his name is Zan... He's not doing so good, he is in one of those tanks that you just pour the water in to and it just pushes the icky water out. Anyways, he is getting red, raw places on his fins and tail and he had this a while ago too but healed, is there anything I can do to help him?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 9 years ago
+Brother Sister Your description sounds like this fish needs an antibiotic treatment. Keep the temperature between 77 and 80°F, make sure to change the water regularly, and feed a varied diet. First step should be treating him unless he is healed as you mentioned, then just follow the general advice provided.
shubhajit chakraborty
shubhajit chakraborty - 9 years ago
Shameless promotion. There is no such information that people don't know, but yes of course there are information about Fluval tanks, fluval food, fluval wild bettas, fluval splended bettas, fluvals all expensive bullshit
Weenie Hut Jr's
Weenie Hut Jr's - 9 years ago
where do you get these gorgeous Bettas? all I can find at all the Petco's/LFS's/Petsmart's I've ever been etc all have ugly Walmart quality Bettas that all look the same. sometime's select Petco's will have a step above that quality but they aren't very pretty either.
crywulf44 - 9 years ago
+Weenie Hut Jr&#39;s They might look drab because they're unwell (which is normally the case in lower end pet stores)
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 9 years ago
+Weenie Hut Jr&#39;s Hi, these are from a wholesaler who imports various wild betta species from Asia.
Jimbo GameZ X
Jimbo GameZ X - 9 years ago
I had a betta fish it died after 2 weeks of having it i dont know how he died
It had
A tank 15l (3 or 4 gallons)
The night before it died white stuff appeared onto of the water my mum describe it " the water turned scummy"
On the Thursday it died. Can you help me and tell me how he died!!!?
Jimbo GameZ X
Jimbo GameZ X - 8 years ago
+Sir Ratman yes I did my tank was cycled for 1 week
Sir Ratman
Sir Ratman - 8 years ago
Let me guess, you didn't cycle your tank?
Vidyut Periyasamy
Vidyut Periyasamy - 9 years ago
Something has probably entered the water or like the heater burst, maybe some type of fungus, you have to describe it more...
Jimbo Jack
Jimbo Jack - 9 years ago
betta don't need a filter
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
I feel that Bettas could get a bit more then one gallon. In my opinion 2.5 gal is ideal as larger quantities of water are easier to maintain..especially for beginners. I'd love it if these tanks came with a gentle filter and heater. I think that it would be easier for beginner fish-keepers to maintain a steady temperature as well as stable water parameters. Instead of full water changes every 2-3 days ..with a filter partial water changes could be made and the filter will help maintain the water quality. My concern is that after cleaning the ammonia levels are zero and then they will build up and spike as the small tank never gets a chance to cycle. Therefore the fish never gets stability. Sure ..they are bred to deal with it.. but I feel like we can provide a better habitat in captive settings.
Beyond that I love your products and what you guys do at Fluval. Keep up the good work!
AlexanderKrah - 8 years ago
+Creative Pet Keeping I agree. My betta Heinrich loves his 2.5 gallon tank.
My21ChemicalRomancez Pan!cAt9InTheAfternoon
My21ChemicalRomancez Pan!cAt9InTheAfternoon - 9 years ago
i have a male twin tail halfmoon. but he isnt feeling too well D:
My21ChemicalRomancez Pan!cAt9InTheAfternoon
My21ChemicalRomancez Pan!cAt9InTheAfternoon - 9 years ago
he has been dead for like a month now
Huzar1683 - 9 years ago
What temperature do you keep your water? Also how big is your tank
My21ChemicalRomancez Pan!cAt9InTheAfternoon
My21ChemicalRomancez Pan!cAt9InTheAfternoon - 9 years ago
i have a flter condtoner and a heater. (i key sucks)
Huzar1683 - 9 years ago
you have no filter and a little ass tank and u dont use betta water conditioner and perhaps even the water is too cold
Heey J
Heey J - 9 years ago
Sorry what was the two things to condition the water? 2 things to add in?
Sir Ratman
Sir Ratman - 8 years ago
Blood and mucus
Uniqu3 - 9 years ago
Wouldn't the small opening of the edge for air be unsuitable for a Beta fish?
Mario Roz
Mario Roz - 9 years ago
+Uniqu3 They'll be OK as long as there is enough room between the lid and the water level for them to breathe
Jr Maldonado
Jr Maldonado - 9 years ago
I do 90% water changes every 3 weeks. as long as the test trips pass and water temperature is correct with a heater & filter/oxygen bubbles then it's safe to add your fish in!
Jayden Kim
Jayden Kim - 9 years ago
Hello everyone, I currently have one betta. Could everyone check on my channel and see if it I'm doing things right?
skyy blue
skyy blue - 9 years ago
Can you keep Bettas in a comuniy tank.
BindiAndFriends - 9 years ago
you could try introducing a betta with other fish but do it safely like putting it in a tank right next to it or putting putting putting one of this boxes you put in the tank.
BindiAndFriends - 9 years ago
it depends.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 9 years ago
+skyy blue Hi, we invite you read our article on the history and care of Betta fish:
Harry creasian
Harry creasian - 9 years ago
I'm indonesian, and i never know the betta at 04:40.. What part of Indonesia?
Mike Johnlo Sayat
Mike Johnlo Sayat - 9 years ago
Harry creasian
Harry creasian - 9 years ago
+FLUVAL Aquatics Thank you. My friends told me that it's from borneo and sumatera. On 6th february they will collect some specimens and I'll try to breed them. Wish me luck
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 9 years ago
+Harry creasian Hi, we obtained the fish from a wholesaler who imports various wild betta species from Asia (Indonesia). We are not aware of the original shipping location.
Chris Correa
Chris Correa - 9 years ago
Literally all of the beta fish I find in my local pet stores are sick or plain looking. I really wish I can find some of these beautiful specimens.
Sugared Suggies
Sugared Suggies - 9 years ago
if you get one from.the pet store you can brighten his colors, heal his damaged fins, and bring him back to health by feeding him frozen baby brine shrimp, dried krill, and white worms. I breed betas and the very first betas I got were sickly from petco. looked terrible. now they look amazing and are 4 years old.i don't breed those 2 anymore though due to age
Marlene Martinez
Marlene Martinez - 9 years ago
Hello I am think of buying beta fish and I want to know how many gallon fish tank I should get for one betta please help I want to buy on one Tuesday the 26 of January
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 9 years ago
+Marlene Martinez Hi Marlene, we invite you to consult our article on How to care for Betta fish. This should give you some good tips that may assist you with your purchase decision.
MariEve - 9 years ago
Grover Mitchell
Grover Mitchell - 9 years ago
Very care informative video. I was given a Male Betta for Christmas and loved it so much that I ended up buying two more. (separate tanks of course)
the compilation dude
the compilation dude - 8 years ago
Flo Green actually, smaller tanks can build up ammonia (toxic) way faster than bigger tanks, and require more water changes. also you can't see your betta's full personality in a small box.
Flo Green
Flo Green - 8 years ago
+Katie Shawula ;-; I like these tank's, I'm getting mine a 3 gallon, bigger tanks are harder to take care of, and I've also kept them in bowl's, which was about 4 gallon's it was a really big bowl.
Katie Sara
Katie Sara - 8 years ago
At least 5 gallon tank mkay
Fadli adiputra
Fadli adiputra - 9 years ago
In Indonesia they sell this "cupang" fish (Indonesian names for betta) literally everywhere, and yeah it's really awesome fish :)
Doug Macduff
Doug Macduff - 9 years ago
Hi. Actually, I am using spring water, let it sit one hour+ and place him back in. I will consider a female. Though at first, I had this blue betta and 2 very very small fish the retailer suggested. They got along very well, but the tiny one died soon after and the other small one also passed on. The tank is now clean. So I'm not using tap water, but can you say. This tap water is from my well. Then add the Fluval liquid?
Doug Macduff
Doug Macduff - 9 years ago
I have well water. I can use this water? do 8 add Aquasafe? I'd like to add a female to my 3 gallon tank. I have gravel, 2 green bushes. I have one blue betta. it is a male, right?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 9 years ago
+Doug Macduff Given you are using well water, we do recommend adding Fluval Tap Water Conditioner, and understand your pH and water hardness levels by using appropriate test kits. Please also inform yourself on keeping male and female bettas together as this is usually done for breeding purposes only.
Mara Lee Gilbert
Mara Lee Gilbert - 9 years ago
Thank you for this video - I have a question: I found some mossy covered rocks as well as what seems to be laver seaweed attached to rocks growing in the salt water basin near my home - would these plants fair well in a betta tank? Would they be harmful to a betta fish? thank you so much!
Mara Lee Gilbert
Mara Lee Gilbert - 9 years ago
+FLUVAL Aquatics Ok - thank you! Will leave the marine plants where they are! :-)
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 9 years ago
+Mara Lee Gilbert Your betta is a freshwater fish, and putting in plants or any life from a marine environment would likely be fatal to it, and would cause pollution. We advise you not to do this. Plants are great for bettas and most fish in general, so a good option is some low light-requiring anubias nana that you could actually gently tie to some decorative pebbles. The root system will grow onto the pebble or rock surface.
Louise Mhrill
Louise Mhrill - 9 years ago
I just got a betta fish and it seems to becoming a bit discoloured and does not swim around the tank much anymore. what is happening and what can I do??
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 9 years ago
+Louise Mhrill Hi Louise, what is the water temperature ?
Chloe Champenois
Chloe Champenois - 9 years ago
Can't here shit
Guilea Bliss Lamanero
Guilea Bliss Lamanero - 9 years ago
i need girl figthing fish....
sandra los Angeles de charly
sandra los Angeles de charly - 9 years ago
+gravedigr12 call their store corporate number report it.
gravedigr12 - 9 years ago
+OverlordSheepie there's a pet smart in Canada in Winnipeg they take such awfull care of there betas that every last one that was for sale was so sick id assume there all dead now. it should be against the law to sell them in the containers there shipped in its cruel and a sure death sentence.
sandra los Angeles de charly
sandra los Angeles de charly - 9 years ago
+OverlordSheepie I'm going to start a petition. In a way yes I'm rewarding them but then again I didn't get them for that reason I did it because they deserve better. each of my fish has their own personality. It amazing to see how happy they get when I lift up the lid or even call them yes call them and they come all excited to where Im at.
OverlordSheepie - 9 years ago
+sandra los Angeles de charly That's good you gave them a better home, but you're technically still rewarding the company by buying their "product".
sandra los Angeles de charly
sandra los Angeles de charly - 9 years ago
+OverlordSheepie that happens to be the reason we got them. I couldn't stand to see them in those conditions. The albino male has brown stains, the blue males fins are melting away and the female had white cotton patches. We treated and got them better then we rescued a fiddler crab who got the blue one sick all over. We where given false info on how to care for him so here we go again treating. Each have their own tanks. And I have called customer service to report them. Their words where take them back and get another. messed up right.
OverlordSheepie - 9 years ago
+sandra los Angeles de charly ew, walmart?  They need to be not allowed to sell Bettas.  I've seen them in horrible condition there.  The best place to buy bettas in my opinion is Petco.
sandra los Angeles de charly
sandra los Angeles de charly - 9 years ago
+OverlordSheepie wal mart has been carrying the beautiful females
sandra los Angeles de charly
sandra los Angeles de charly - 9 years ago
+OverlordSheepie I'll put pictures on my g+ her pink is subtle lining her body between her find and body.
OverlordSheepie - 9 years ago
+sandra los Angeles de charly Cool
sandra los Angeles de charly
sandra los Angeles de charly - 9 years ago
+OverlordSheepie mine is a beautiful green and pink female.
OverlordSheepie - 9 years ago
+Guilea Biss They sell female fish, but they aren't sold quite as much as the males in stores because they are less colorful.
Joseph Vail
Joseph Vail - 9 years ago
Wow! really nice to see betta keepers raising them with their well being in mind...keep up the good work!
webkinzsigs 4ever
webkinzsigs 4ever - 9 years ago
NEB Barnes
NEB Barnes - 9 years ago
I have mine in a 10 gallon tank. He keeps swimming back in forth on one side of the tank. As if he sees his reflection and he is also flaring. Theres nothing there. Should I be worried? I heard if they are hyped up too much they can die of stress. I would like to use a filter, had one in there but it was too strong. My beta kept getting stuck to it. Which filtration system should I use thats not too pricey. Thanks.
Jack smith
Jack smith - 9 years ago
My fish did this for a while when i got him. moved him from a 12L to a 20L and he relaxed alot more :)
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 9 years ago
+NEB Barnes There's no reason to worry about his swimming pattern. Provide some floating plants for him to consider building a bubble nest under, which is an activity healthy male bettas naturally engage in. Consider installing an internal filter to direct the current so as to minimize movement without issue.
Keanu's Aqua life
Keanu's Aqua life - 9 years ago
so I have a 1.3 gallon tank with 5 neon tetras in it and 2 corydoras. Can I put a betta with them?
Cobalt - 9 years ago
+Keanu Delamper LOLOLOL at your tank ahaha that's horrible that'd suck to be a fish in that sorry thing
Ralf Nuggs
Ralf Nuggs - 9 years ago
+sstuttering I agree, a betts deserves at least 5 gallons at leasttttt, that's what I keep my betta in and I wish I had a 10 gallon for him. That being said a 1.3 gallon is too small for any amount of tetras
sstutters - 9 years ago
absolutely not. your tank is overstocked as is!! 5 neon tetras cant even be in a 1.3 gallon, let alone 2 corys. those corys get HUGE and need a HUGE tank. just a betta can barely be in a tank like that.
Dang - 9 years ago
Just got my betta today, but he doesn't seem to do much; he's just hanging behind the aquarium heater. He came out for food but went back to hanging near the heater afterwards, should I be worried? Tank is 5 gallons and has been cycled.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 9 years ago
+Bobby Cheezpuffs Yes, the new Vista aquarium is a great option to consider. Remember, tank mates have to be chosen carefully. Fast moving, aggressive species can fin nip and some bettas can be aggressive toward calmer and slower-moving fish. A little caution is warranted.
Dang - 9 years ago
Do you guys supply tanks that are sufficient enough to house a betta in a community setting? I'm hoping to upgrade his home to a larger one. So far his only buddies are two ghost shrimps--which he will occasionally approach but never nip. Which tanks do you recommend getting if I want just one other fish species in with him?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 9 years ago
+Bobby Cheezpuffs Hi Bobby, clamped fins, a lack of appetite, and lethargy are signs of a sick fish. It doesn’t sound like that applies here. He is likely just getting used to his new environment. Enjoy your betta and thank you for sharing :)))
Dang - 9 years ago
He's fine now. I guess he was just a little nervous, but now he's swimming around and very curious. Tank is 76 degrees and there are two ghost shrimps with him. My only concern is that he doesn't flare. I've held up a mirror to him and all he does is swim around and then ignore it. The only time I've noticed him flare was when a ghost shrimp got in his way and when he saw me for the first time. Since then, he hasn't flared. I bring this up because a friend of mine told me that can be a sign of a sick betta. That is my only concern, otherwise he seems fine.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 9 years ago
+Bobby Cheezpuffs Are there are other fish in the aquarium? Which species are they? What is the temperature in the aquarium?
Redwan Apon
Redwan Apon - 9 years ago
my half moon betta's some part of tail is missing,i think its fungus attack.what should i do?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 9 years ago
+Redwan Apon Isolate him and treat with aquarium salt and an aquarium remedy for fungus. Make sure the temperature is within the recommended range and change the water frequently.
andy foster
andy foster - 9 years ago
I'm looking to get a beta and was looking at both the spec and the edge. I was told that the edge isn't the best tank to use as the beta likes to come to the surface for oxygen and the edge has a very small hole in the top with the water flow coming through it. So is the spec the better option?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 9 years ago
+andy “squishysquid” foster Bettas have gills and can breathe dissolved oxygen, so the surface area of the Edge aquarium is not an issue. We have kept and observed many male bettas in our Edge model without experiencing any problems. Differing points of view are based not so much on observation or a clear understanding of the fish and its physiology, but more on what some believe or think a betta likes to do. That said, both aquarium setups work well and the fish will be equally at ease in either.
Ibrahim's Vlogs
Ibrahim's Vlogs - 9 years ago
I have a betta its a halfmoon
Aldo Fernandes Azevedo
Aldo Fernandes Azevedo - 9 years ago
Very nice fishes!
Bima Ibnu
Bima Ibnu - 9 years ago
berapa harganya
Phatjira Emma Parsons
Phatjira Emma Parsons - 9 years ago
I was born in Thailnd
Gone to the Huskey World
Gone to the Huskey World - 9 years ago
I have a Male Crown Tail Betta
Oliviaxx - 9 years ago
The way he says betta
Charlie Yang
Charlie Yang - 7 years ago
I'm still going to say
bae-ta instead of bet-ta
Meow - 7 years ago
Editedit LOL
Editor Edited It
Editor Edited It - 8 years ago
It's only "bee-ta" if you were in special classes.
RoflJoker1994 - 8 years ago
no fucker it's pronounced "bee-ta"
ginatae1986 - 8 years ago
+Oliviaxx no problem.
Oliviaxx - 8 years ago
+ginatae1986 oh ok! thank you 
ginatae1986 - 8 years ago
+Oliviaxx that's a common misconception. It is pronounced Bet-ta.
Oliviaxx - 8 years ago
+ginatae1986 wait isn't it pronounced bae-ta?
ginatae1986 - 8 years ago
That is the correct pronunciation.
Aditya Dananjaya
Aditya Dananjaya - 9 years ago
Hey man, I'm from Indonesia, so there's a lot of experienced betta breeders out here. I'm friends with a guy who loved betta since he was a child, and he and his clients won many championships for their bettas. I bought to bettas from him, one female and one male. He said that it's ok to keep the water a little dirty, and it's ok if the water has algae because it fits in with their natural environment, and will make them more comfortable. In fact, one of his champion bettas' tank hasn't been cleaned for 4 months, and the betta is really healthy, and is looking really good. What's right and wrong here?
Fluval Aquatique
Fluval Aquatique - 9 years ago
+Putu Gede Aditya Dananjaya Secondary Student Being from Indonesia, you're fortunate to have local water conditions likely suitable for betta keeping. There is a difference between organic accumulation in a limited amount of water that we keep fish in and the natural environment that contains huge reservoirs of water that is naturally purified (or should be without man’s intervention). That said, we do advise regular water changes and the other tips we provided in our betta care video. Good luck and thanks for your comments. This provides some perspective for those that often do not consider the natural environment.
sharfuddin shariff
sharfuddin shariff - 9 years ago
sir why is my betta fish blowing bubbles
Fluval Aquatique
Fluval Aquatique - 9 years ago
+sharfuddin shariff He is likely building a bubble nest. This is what the Male betta will do to attract the female in order to spawn. Nest-building is usually a sign of good health, and the males will typically do this.
sharfuddin shariff
sharfuddin shariff - 9 years ago
thank you and ill now subscribe for ur channel
sharfuddin shariff
sharfuddin shariff - 9 years ago
please suggest a fish to add with betta
KingCross - 9 years ago
I kept some plecos with my betta, and they're buds, they don't fight
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 9 years ago
+sharfuddin shariff Betta fish are often not good tank mates. Their long fins are targets for other fish and they often chase other fish depending on the individual. One of the best choices would be a species of corydoras because they are peaceful and will not compete with the betta for food or swimming space. Make sure to feed your cory cat properly (sinking small pellets) and keep a fine substrate for it. No course gravel or similar.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 9 years ago
@Holly Dinh, we recommend keeping the fish in a half or one gallon cubic or desktop-sized tank designed specifically for this fish.
Jessica Ryan
Jessica Ryan - 7 years ago
half or one gallon is WAY too small! poor advice.
Rebecca Ericson
Rebecca Ericson - 7 years ago
A half gallon?  By the time you put substrate and a small plant in there there's no space for him to swim not to mention the water would get nasty!  You might as well do a full water change when you do it, I could replace all of it by filling up my 4 cup measuring cup twice.  That's the amount of water you should drink every day.  How can you heat the water in such a small tank?  That advice is absolutely absurd, no wonder the fish are dying so soon.
Matt Cline
Matt Cline - 7 years ago
Taylor's Cheese I figured. Happens to me all the time. It just sounded funny to me.
Taylor's Cheese
Taylor's Cheese - 7 years ago
Matt Cline whoopsie, I'm german so my phone sometimes corrects words the wrong way
Matt Cline
Matt Cline - 7 years ago
Taylor's Cheese yes make sure to but them.. Lol..
Taylor's Cheese
Taylor's Cheese - 7 years ago
You should put them in a 2.5+gal tank!
Matt Cline
Matt Cline - 7 years ago
sandra los Angeles it's a pet shop. I'm sure he knows all this..
wow your info
wow your info - 7 years ago
Raven Shine
Raven Shine - 7 years ago
I put mine in 2.5,is that ok?
Blorp - 7 years ago
If you want the fish to have no quality of life and die from ammonia poisoning then keep them in a one gallon tank. You need AT LEAST a 5 gallon, but that is even pushing it.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Please review the video, we do show a number of suitable small desk top type tanks, some in excess of 2.5 gallons and do recommend them as well.
Brandon Russell
Brandon Russell - 7 years ago
Bigger tank = healthier fish
That One Equestrian
That One Equestrian - 8 years ago
+Clone 1 It's better to have filters for any fish whether they need them or not
Clone 1
Clone 1 - 8 years ago
seanix jayde You don't need filters for betta fish and the light can be good heaters
seanix jayde
seanix jayde - 8 years ago
Fluval Aquatics I'm very dissapointed in you for providing false care instructions. Especially about the tank. How would you like to live in a half a gallon tank? That's not even big enough to put a filter and a heater in!!!!! The minimum is 2.5 gallons but 5 gallons is what you should be keeping a betta in at MINIMUM considering that in the wild they live in rice patties that are THOUSANDS LF GALLONS OF WATER. same on you. I will not be buying your products after watching this video
The double dog Dare
The double dog Dare - 8 years ago
Fluval Aquatics there minimum size tank is a 2.5 gallon
Christopher Nai
Christopher Nai - 8 years ago
+Rae Antenor You are welcome! :) Happy to help!
Rae Antenor
Rae Antenor - 8 years ago
+Christopher Nai it's never too late! :) thank you so much <3
Christopher Nai
Christopher Nai - 8 years ago
Hi, i know its 6 months ago, but those LED lights come in a set with that tank. Its called Marina Cubus Glass Betta Kit.
Rae Antenor
Rae Antenor - 8 years ago
+FLUVAL Aquatics where can I get those LED lights that you used for the small Betta tanks? Those little circular ones that just clip on the tanks. Thanks!
That One Equestrian
That One Equestrian - 8 years ago
+symmetrical_A1 in my opinion, I was not exaggerating. I was just saying that you want to have a decent size for your fish so they stay happy and healthy
Wasif - 8 years ago
+Fluval Aquatics Ok guys I need help!!!! So I just got a betta fish and it has everything, except a filter. I coukldint afford one so I will have to wait. But scince I dont have a filter, how mnay times should I clean my bowl? like once a week or once a day???? PLEASE HELP!
symmetrical_A1 - 8 years ago
+fins , hooves ,n, paws
"a half or one gallon is WAY too small" the "WAY" (especially in full capitals) is over-exaggerating, and is unnecessary. 

Please do not take this seriously, i just want you to know not to swarm people who are usually inexperienced and post their fishes (on youtube) in tanks smaller than 2.5 gallons.
That One Equestrian
That One Equestrian - 8 years ago
+Apple Works how was I exaggerating?
symmetrical_A1 - 8 years ago
+fins , hooves ,n, paws

Please do not over exaggerate over the tank size/volume. at least it's still better than a 500ml fish bowl.
That One Equestrian
That One Equestrian - 9 years ago
a half or one gallon is WAY too small. I would recommend a 2.5 but my male betta is in a 10 gallon with two frogs and three minnows! They are happy in it so in my opinion bigger is better:) Also I want to say that you really know your stuff!
Ironiic zero
Ironiic zero - 9 years ago
+JacksonFowlerTV I'm not really surprised to be honest.
JacksonFowlerTV - 9 years ago
+Fluval Aquatics Seriously Fluval? For someone who makes good products you give shocking advice. 2.5 Gallons in the absolute minimum.
Cameron Dale
Cameron Dale - 9 years ago
+sandra los Angeles de charly bio load isnt so much of an issue for siamese fighting fish (bettas) in small tanks it just means more water changes and filtration is required. A bigger issue would be stress while in the wild these fish do live in low oxygen small ponds and pools in rice paddy feilds they will get stressed in a tank thats anything less than 20 litres (5 gallons) and this will effect their health
Krista2882 - 9 years ago
Half gallon is tooooo small!
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 9 years ago
+Mark Dale Yes, absolutely, the can. They have gills that are fully capable of taking in dissolved oxygen from the water.
Ironiic zero
Ironiic zero - 9 years ago
+Mark Dale they have a special organ called labyrinth which they use to breath atmosphere air. Acts like a lung basically but yes they can breathe underwater of course.
Cameron Dale
Cameron Dale - 9 years ago
+FLUVAL Aquatics you mention quite a few times in the video that gulp air at the surface but they can also breath water aswell?
sandra los Angeles de charly
sandra los Angeles de charly - 9 years ago
+Ironiic zero oh disregard I see the other flu val guy made the comment. my comments where for him.
Ironiic zero
Ironiic zero - 9 years ago
+sandra los Angeles de charly now I never said anything about keeping them in small boxes like 2.5 gallons and under.

I keep my betta in a 30 gallon tank. What I'm saying is that they don't have a big bioload. Even in a 5 gallon tank by themselves, which I have also done, it was manageable.

sandra los Angeles de charly
sandra los Angeles de charly - 9 years ago
+Ironiic zero I have done my research. also as stated before my b.f. believed this. we kept our so called nano fish in a nani tank followed directions to a t only to find out it was a "ploy" to buy them. so through research talking with old breeders we found out why he got sick. with in 3 days you can see the amonia in the water. I was changing/cycling every 3 days. also had the proper filter with the current cut (placed a cut clean water bottle to minimize current . proper heater. nitrates right good bio load. conditioned water etc. this was caused because of the small tank and yes the amonia they produce.yes through both their gills and poop. it makes no sense to put them and keep them in such a small tank its a death sentence and insures they are miserable, stressed etc.
Ironiic zero
Ironiic zero - 9 years ago
+sandra los Angeles de charly every fish produces it in the gills. Not only their gills but in the shit and urine.

However, bettas are nano fish, so they have a very low bioload which means they don't product alot of ammonia.

I say not alot of ammonia.
sandra los Angeles de charly
sandra los Angeles de charly - 9 years ago
This is why they are more prone than most to get sick from as well as amonia burns
sandra los Angeles de charly
sandra los Angeles de charly - 9 years ago
+Ironiic zero​ yes they do to be exact they produce it through their gills.
Ironiic zero
Ironiic zero - 9 years ago
+sandra los Angeles de charly bettas do not produce alot of ammonia. they are nano fish, their bioload is about the same as an Otto or a tad bit more.

the only research they should be in a 5 gallon tank is because of swimming space.
sandra los Angeles de charly
sandra los Angeles de charly - 9 years ago
betta fish produce mass amounts of ammonia a proper tank is and should be no less than a 5 gallon with yes conditioners. The bigger find means it's harder for them to swim. They can live years with proper care also do not forget to tell your buyers that if they buy a beta when they do their set up make sure the filter is a low flow due to currents which they hate and can cause stress and damage to fins.
Jack smith
Jack smith - 9 years ago
+FLUVAL Aquatics His water is pretty much perfect and the temp is at a stable 80F but ill see what they say.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 9 years ago
+Jack smith We would advise you check with your local fish store to see which antibiotics they have that could help this fish. Make sure the temperature and water quality are within expected values for bettas.
Jack smith
Jack smith - 9 years ago
+FLUVAL Aquatics Okay thank you, what medicine would i use to treat this? I have interpets anti internal bacteria medication, would this work or do you recommend something else?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 9 years ago
+Coligex Gaming You may have heard that betta fish live up to 5 years but we feel 2 to 3 years is a more reasonable expectation provided the right environment is present. Go with lower light-requiring plants like Microsorum and Anubias nana in a Fluval Edge aquarium. Regular 2 to 3 mm gravel is fine with these types of plants as they are anchored to wood or rocks. Do regular water changes at temperature of about 77 to 80°F, keep only non-aggressive tank mates if desired (i.e. corydoras cats), feed a varied diet, which could include small floating pellets, FD blackworms, Frozen Brine Shrimp, Frozen Glass worms, etc., and as we mention in the video, live food such as live small juvenile mosquito larvae; It's amazing to see the condition of bettas fed live food, even occasionally! Bettas are easy to care for, so above all, enjoy!
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 9 years ago
+Jack smith We don't have any past experience with this particular condition, which could be due to inbreeding in cases where scales grow over the eyes. We are doubtful a medication or environmental change would have much effect. Thanks for the offer to check out your video, which we did, and we see what appears to look like swollen eyes due to bacterial infections that would require antibiotic treatment, so not 'diamond eye' in this case.
Coligex Gaming
Coligex Gaming - 9 years ago
+ FLUVAL Aquatics hey I am getting a betta for my birthday and we're gonna get one of the edge tanks. I'm gonna be using some live plants since their best for the betta but I'm wondering how to keep the plants alive. what type of substrate do I need for my betta tank. do I need any special soil or sand for the plants or would rocks be ok for the plants and fish. also is there any good tips on how to make you betta live a long and healthy life. I know they only normally live two or three years but I have heard that under correct care they can live up to 5 years
Jack smith
Jack smith - 9 years ago
Was wondering if you knew much about the diamond eye condition in betta fish. My fish has it and i have tried banana leaves to help cure it but it hasn't been very successful so far. It happened within a 2 week period and he had been very ill leading up to it scratching against the gravel i got the water right now but he is partially blind now and struggles to find his food. advice would be appreciated. If you need to look there is a video on my chanel
Jack smith
Jack smith - 9 years ago
Was wondering if you knew much about the diamond eye condition in betta fish. My fish has it and i have tried banana leaves to help cure it but it hasn't been very successful so far. It happened within a 2 week period and he had been very ill leading up to it scratching against the gravel i got the water right now but he is partially blind now and struggles to find his food. advice would be appreciated. If you need to look there is a video on my chanel
AllAboutFishies Sweets
AllAboutFishies Sweets - 9 years ago
Thank you I will setup a low tech tank for them in a 5-10 gallon tank! I don't know maybe will setup hightech but I am gaining interest in them. So far i am just researching
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 9 years ago
+SweetFish Head We don’t see any problem with this idea. It should be a very nice addition.
AllAboutFishies Sweets
AllAboutFishies Sweets - 9 years ago
I have a high tech planted tank, can I place my male double tail betta in it? So far I see them in low tech tanks, I wanna raise them in high tech tanks since I have doing it for a
long time
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 9 years ago
@Holly Dinh, do you know what the room temperature is? Contact our Customer Service department and we'll be happy to send you a thermometer so you can report back with the water temperature.
Holly Dinh
Holly Dinh - 9 years ago
My tank water can get a little cold. I don't have thermometer or heater and my mum refuses to buy one. I'm starting to worry
Vickie Escarpita
Vickie Escarpita - 9 years ago
my mom was the same way, so I bought my beta fish Sidley one while online shopping. That way my mom didn't know I bought it.
Tom H
Tom H - 9 years ago
dear Fluval aquatics,
I have a 60 litre Marina fishtank, right now in the fishtank I have some tetras and cherry shrimps and also some pinnochio shrimps. I was wondering if I mix a betta fish into the fishtank will they be too aggressive and kill my other fish or is it alright to at least have 1 as all my fish grow up to I think maximum 2-3cm so not very big but by the looks of your utube video betta fish seem quite big.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 9 years ago
+Tom H We would not advise it. We suspect the betta might nip at the shrimp.
Building Bridges Financial Firm
Building Bridges Financial Firm - 9 years ago
Do you sell the small box aquarium?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 9 years ago
+Building Bridges Financial Firm Hi, the tanks featured in the video are the Marina Cubus. You can find more information on our Hagen Website:
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 9 years ago
@rampage lolzz, Betta splendens can be kept in a half or one gallon cubic or desktop-sized tank designed specifically for this fish. For more informtion, consult our article on the care and history of the Betta.
Ong Junwei
Ong Junwei - 8 years ago
PIPOCA THE UNICORN - 8 years ago
Ong Junwei Bettas have a labyrinth organ, they breathe oxygen
Ong Junwei
Ong Junwei - 8 years ago
Fluval Aquatics hey,why dose my betta come up for air
Lonely Hound
Lonely Hound - 8 years ago
Fluval Aquatics can you make a video about plants that are good to be with a betta!!!!!!
rampage lolzz
rampage lolzz - 9 years ago
Is it okay to keep betta in half gal tank?
BusyPetKeeping 101
BusyPetKeeping 101 - 9 years ago
No the minimum you can give them is 2.5 and the largest is 10 gallon
TRbetta - 9 years ago
My red dragon halfmoon betta looks exactly the same as the one in FLUVAL headquarters
Jerzelle W
Jerzelle W - 9 years ago
Hi, i just got a betta yesterday together with a new tank that is 9 Litre big. There are gravels, fake plant, heater, filter, pellets, water starter and water conditioner that comes with the tank. I set the temperature to 26°C and turned on the filter/pump. The betta was swimming around yesterday but today, he is just staying near the surface of the water and being really still. I offered pellet this morning but he didnt take any. I'll get fresh food for him but I'm not sure what else I can do and what's happening, please advise, thanks!
Lauren Allen
Lauren Allen - 9 years ago
He may just be getting used to his new home maybe try turning off the filter for a little bit and interacting with him also bettas need heaters they are freshwater tropical fish
MrClassicCar - 9 years ago
I think the betta needs a bigger aquarium...
Joseph Borges
Joseph Borges - 9 years ago
Great video
Richie Kamats
Richie Kamats - 9 years ago
I am getting beta fish what types should i get ?
Richie Kamats
Richie Kamats - 9 years ago
ok I got one its cool
09k 6QQ
09k 6QQ - 9 years ago
I don't think it matters
MapleLeafFan 34
MapleLeafFan 34 - 9 years ago
it is pronounced Bae ta
Harley Allen
Harley Allen - 9 years ago
my left ear hurts thxs to u
Daniel Wilson
Daniel Wilson - 9 years ago
Ye betas don't prefer small tanks
Chelsea Samantha
Chelsea Samantha - 9 years ago
how long should u keep the light on , during the day for betta fish?
09k 6QQ
09k 6QQ - 9 years ago
Sometimes 8-10 that's what I heard
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 9 years ago
+Chelsea Samantha A normal photo-period of 10 to 12 hours is perfect.
Angelica isme
Angelica isme - 9 years ago
thank you for the advice. I now have five betta as you can see on my channel

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