Betta 9 years ago 332,883 views
hi everyone :-) this video will tell you everything you need to keep your betta living a long and happy life! if i’ve made any mistakes, please let me know politely! betta checklist: - 1+ gallon tank with hood and light (they can jump) - dechlorinator/conditioner - food - filter - thermometer - heater - substrate (gravel, marbles, sand, etc) - decorations (at least 1 they can hide in) - plants (silk, live, or soft plastic) - net for water changes set up: 1. wash hands 2. rinse off everything with warm water (NO SOAP) 3. place everything in the tank where you want 4. fill your tank with water & add water dechlorinator/conditioner 5. put filter, heater, and thermometer in 6. make sure temperature is in between 72-82 F 7. cycle your tank (cycle time depends on gallons, at least 24 hours) 8. let your betta acclimate for at least 15 minutes 9. release and let your betta explore it’s new home! betta dos and donts: - do not put two male bettas or one male/one female in one tank (they prefer to live alone) - do not go smaller than a one gallon tank (if possible, go bigger!) - do not put bettas in direct sunlight - do not put bettas in a new tank unless it has cycled for at least 24 hours - do not fill the tank up to the lid (they need air) - do not overfeed, feed only twice a day with a small pinch of pellets - do not feed bloodworms more than once a week, this is a TREAT, not daily food - do realize bettas will live a long life if taken care of properly (this is a commitment) - do 100% water changes once a month and 25% water changes every week - do keep the pH level around 7 - do have fun with your betta!
Exactly!! So why even get a betta at this point if you can't provide space for one. (Not trying to be rude).
i live in MN and the norm for winter is like 5 below its soo cold
great vid btw this really helped me
I don't think standard flake/pellet foods would cut it. Bettas in their natural habitat survive off of bugs that live in and land on the surface of the water, so foods with lots of fish-based ingredients and, like you said in the video, fishmeal or shrimpmeal are probably not that good. if I had to recommend anything, Nutrafin Bug Bites are a good staple. Supplement diet with things like frozen or dried food (blood worms, mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, tubifex, etc..) Live food is also good, though it comes with a few risks, i.e. possibilities of bringing in pathogens and parasites that can make your fish ill (it can also happen with frozen but it's not as likely)
And how much you feed really depends on how much you feed every time, so since a simple "feed X times a day" isnt very specific, I say go by how the betta looks. Feed once a day, only feed until your betta looks full: gently rounded belly, doesnt bulge outward or doesnt sink inward. Always fast the betta one day a week to prevent constipation.
I noticed you put cycling in the description as happening over 24 hours? Cycling is a much longer process and can take anywhere from 4 to 8 WEEKS. It's..a somewhat complicated process and a bit time consuming to fully explain, so maybe not good to put in a video? But you can always make a separate video to refer to, or just link in the description to a good reference for how to cycle: hopefully a fishless cycle, fish-in cycle is just inhumane and unnecessarily difficult. Another thing; do NOT do 100% water changes, that kind of high-volume change can stress out the fish too much and shock the tank. 25 percent weekly water changes are fine, maybe a 50% once a month for a deeper clean but I wouldn't go any higher than that. To make sure that the tank is in good conditions, you'd also need a test kit. API has a great one, the Master Test Kit, which has everything you need to check all of the parameters. On a side note, don't use chemicals like "pH Correct" or "Ammonia Remover." Those tend to dramatically change the water chemistry and stress fish out even more. Changes like those are meant to be made gradually and are done through proper water changes and tank maintenance. The only really necessary chemicals are water conditioners and mineral additives (for if you use distilled or RO water)
I also tend to avoid using those refillable filter cartridges. I've found that filling the filter with some sort of biological filter media (bio-foam, bio-balls, sponges, ceramic rings, etc) is good enough, just as long as the media isn't too compact, so it allows water to flow through it easily. The refillable cartridges, the ones with activated carbon, should only be used after finishing treatments of medications.
Overall, everything else is alright. And don't worry, I've seen the comments so I'm not gonna bash you on it haha, just wanna say that I personally dont put a betta in anything smaller than a 10 gallons, 5 gallons is okay though. Bettas can be put in much larger tanks, so long as the tank is not too tall or the current is too strong. Both factors can stress the betta out and, over time, cause illness or can drown the betta (yes, a betta can drown oddly enough!)
Sorry for the essay, but I saw a few mistakes in your lists and...well, y'know the saying, go hard or go home ^^; This isn't meant to be condescending in any way, I just wanted to pack in as much info as I could. I noticed you said you were deleting this video and possibly remaking it, hopefully any of this (if not already mentioned) was helpful in some way!
Yes. Let's let them all perish in tiny unheated, unfiltered cups at the store instead of giving them a filtered, heated, developed environment.
Don't: Buy a 1 gallon tank.
Do: cycle for at least 1 week
Don't: cycle for at least 24 hours
Do: buy a test kit
Don't: don't buy a test kit
Do: buy a heater no matter where you live
Ur the first person that is not a big hobbiest YouTuber that has actually done there research
(Also don't worry my cats aren't evil and they don't normally try messing with fish)
SHUT UP!!!!!! She even points it out that a 2.5 is much better. God!!!!
A 1 gallon is fine for most Bettas, also stop saying "if they can't afford it, they shouldn't get it"
It A LOT better then the tiny cup they come in, her fish looks generally happy.
She takes great care for her fish, she got anything you could need. A filter,tank,water conditioner.
She decorated her tank nicely, much like the natural habitat they were originated from. If you comment hate on this comment, I won't care it won't change my perspective.
1.) 2.5 is the minimum, i'd prefer a 5 gallon just because it's plenty of room and they're more active
2.) make sure the filter has low flow, bettas aren't good swimmers
3.) a heater is necessary bettas like they're water at a stable 78°
4.) for goodness sake cycle your tanks before buying a fish, and cycling is not letting the tank's filter run for 24hrs, cycling is having built up the right amount of bacteria in the filter to eliminate bad things in the water that are deadly to fish which are ammonia, nitrite, and high levels of nitrate.
4.) buy a test kit!
5.) check water levels,
Ammonia should be 0
Nitrite should be 0
Nitate should be 0-10
Ph should be around 7.4
6.) there are ways to cycle a tank in a day, you can buy freshwater bacteria to cycle it. (Tetra Safe start is a good one)
7.) did i mention how important it is to cycle your tank?
So tips: flakes arent recommended for small tanks just because they will dirty the water conditions very fast. If you have a big tank than its not a big deal but smaller tanks its easier for pellets. Try to soak them before you feed them to your betta so they dont swell in his stomach. Harder for digestion.
Heater is still necessary just so there isnt major fluctuation in temp at night and such. Also, its 78 degrees minimum.
Logan you are my hero
You mean the world to me
Lol like if you know what I'm talking about
I would say 1 gallon not enough space... buuuut all you fish keepers.. how long did it take for you to upgrade... no long.. that 1 gallon for the single betta becomes 400 gallons with an Arowana in a couple of years. Encourage people into the hobby!!
but mine is in black trim :D
Awesome video and very helpful :) Thanks for the tips
If you cannot buy a 2.5gal or more, plus low-flow filter, plus a heater then don't get a beta fish please
Whats your fishes names?
I do have some fish, I have a betta in a five gallon tank and 3 fancy goldfish in a 40 gallon tank.
I really think you should try and get at least 2.5+ tanks for your fish as anything smaller really isn't good for them.
As for money, pet stores have sales all the time so you could check online for them, or they will often price match for other stores. Also you could try saving up money because no matter what keeping fish isn't gonna be "cheap"
May I ask how much water you change every week? also i checked out your channel and your fish are very pretty!
I am getting a betta fish on Friday and I've been doing tons of research about them! I came across this video and can I say I am in love with it! You told me the basics about a tank that I have been searching for. I really like this tank but I have a few questions to ask if you don't mind answering:
1) where do you get you tank(I am in love with this one) I have a Petsmart and Petco both close to my house
2) is cycling really needed (my betta owner friend said that she didn't cycle her tank and her betta has been fine)
3) how often should I do water changes and what supplies should I use?
4) I'm not sure if you know this but how do you identify if your betta has fin rot or any other illness?
thank you so much if you can help me out!
P.S I know that I'm kinda late as this video is 2 years old:)
And do you have to keep the light on at all?
please learn about betta before you take them and they have feeling to so dont buy 1 gallon tank because she or he will not be happy
Please watch the actual video and listen to her before calling her an evil demon or devil or pet abuser!
Watch the vid if you don't believe me
BTW thanks
It's also quite ridiculous to spend hundreds of dollars on equipment for a Betta when most of the equipment is useless.
The barebareBARE minimum is 2.5 but the best is 5-10 gallons. Don't have animals if you cant care for them.
1 gallon is too small though
You need to acclimate fish for a lot longer than that (by adding small amounts of water from your aquarium to the bag)
Please research more about fish before keeping them, although you've done a much better job than a lot of people haha
Least he's not in a bowl
But yes, please research properly
I have been keeping different types of community tanks, bettas and cichlids. I am very knowledgable on the subject and know for a fact that Bettas live comfortably in a 1 gallon tank if cared for properly. I have been in the hobby for 10 years. My father has been in the hobby for 30 years and we have agreed on this about Bettas.
In Norway the required size is 60 Liters (15 Gallons). I can't understand why anyone would want any smaller, and if its about money then maybe one shouldn't own a fish?
That's what I was thinking, if you can't afford to give your pet the best care ever don't get a pet! You wouldn't buy a dog if you couldn't afford everything he needs! If you don't have money don't get a pet, which might be sad or harsh but you can get 2.5 gallon tanks at petsmart for about 15-20$ my 3.5 gallon tank was 30$ at petsmart and it came with a filter and extras!
I knew a coworker that did exactly that and kept a betta in a small bowl on his desk at work. It was unfiltered, no heater, but it lived healthily for 2 years and grew to 3 inches. It would often build bubble nests and always had an appetite.
First of all, cycling is not letting your tank sit for 24 Hours, it is a process that can take anywhere from 2-6 Weeks. Letting your tank sit will only remove chlorine from your water, which is good, but not the last step in having an established aquarium. Cycling refers to the Nitrogen Cycle, which is establishing a beneficial bacteria in your filter media. By doing this, you can convert the toxin, ammonia, which fish produce, into the toxin nitrite which can be further converted into less toxic nitrate. With frequent Partial Water Changes, the nitrates can be removed. Live plants do help with the removal of nitrate, but PWCs are always needed. Without a cycled tank, the toxins will take over and kill your fish.
Secondly, Bettas should have, at very bare minimum, 2.5 Gallons. Anything less than that is animal cruelty. However, 2.5 is still not the most ideal home, and they should have 5 Gallons to thrive and live the expected lifespan of a betta. (2-4 Years). I currently keep a betta in a 5.5 and he happily patrols it. I am planning to soon upgrade him to 10 Gallons. That's like a Betta Mansion! If you can't afford a betta home 2.5 Gallons +, then you shouldn't have a betta.
Thirdly, Bettas are not Pokemon. Lol, I know it was a typo. Once I was in school and I was thinking about computer labs, but we were writing about where frogs lived. (This was like 3rd Grade). Anyway, I wrote down that they lived in computer labs! Okay, enough stories. I hope you take my suggestions into considerations. >.<
Also, maybe make an updated version with the new knowledge that I have supplied you with. Thanks!
Thank you for not trashing her... at this point. :)
The point of owning a pet is to be selfless and to give love to something living. Deciding to get a pet you can't afford to properly care for is selfish af & irresponsible af.
Natalie knows I have had Bettas for over 25 years and have been breeding and selling for 15 specializing in Dumbo Crown Tails. NOT ONCE HAVE I CHIDED HER OR TROLLED HER! I have never tried to educate her as she is doing fine on her own and is not afraid to ask questions. I happened on this video by chance and found her so unique and adorable I became a fan. Why are you really here?
Timothy Smithour had a valid question.
So please, If you cannot say anything nice, do not say anything at all. You are an adult woman and it is time you stop this hogwash.
Why not create your own channel? You can upload your very own videos shooting down all of those 1 gallon people, minors and nice, pretty people you despise so much!
Just leave our beloved Natalie alone.
P.S. - why are you soooo angry? Telling people that they should not have fish instead of being NICE and encouraging, you crush them. Hard. Karma really does have a nasty bite.
This is akin to trolling.
"random shoving against plastic tank noise*
"right there"
dying XD
bettas r gonna be happy
Honestly a 2.5 gallon is around 10$ at petsmart, it's cheaper then the fish itself! You are very right, buying new filter cartridges every 2-3 weeks, then buying food, conditioner, house bills get more money added on, it's not that simple as it seems to people who don't research!
These tiny tanks make great breeders, great single female tanks and just fine for baby or small males (some breeds, like standards, are always tiny), while you learn care and water changes. While doing that, you can save your pennies for a 5 gallon. These are also great for young children. Under 10. This is a good choice when teaching them pet care. "You want a fish? You need to do this on your own." I have mentioned that I got one of these for my 6 year old niece until I had a spare 5 gallon. What I did not mention is that I gave her 3 feeder fish (goldfish). About an inch each. So in total the same length as a healthy male Betta. Low and behold, while learning fish care, she overfed in the first two weeks and lost a fish!
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