hi everyone :-) this video will tell you everything you need to keep your betta living a long and happy life! if i’ve made any mistakes, please let me know politely! betta checklist: - 1+ gallon tank with hood and light (they can jump) - dechlorinator/conditioner - food - filter - thermometer - heater - substrate (gravel, marbles, sand, etc) - decorations (at least 1 they can hide in) - plants (silk, live, or soft plastic) - net for water changes set up: 1. wash hands 2. rinse off everything with warm water (NO SOAP) 3. place everything in the tank where you want 4. fill your tank with water & add water dechlorinator/conditioner 5. put filter, heater, and thermometer in 6. make sure temperature is in between 72-82 F 7. cycle your tank (cycle time depends on gallons, at least 24 hours) 8. let your betta acclimate for at least 15 minutes 9. release and let your betta explore it’s new home! betta dos and donts: - do not put two male bettas or one male/one female in one tank (they prefer to live alone) - do not go smaller than a one gallon tank (if possible, go bigger!) - do not put bettas in direct sunlight - do not put bettas in a new tank unless it has cycled for at least 24 hours - do not fill the tank up to the lid (they need air) - do not overfeed, feed only twice a day with a small pinch of pellets - do not feed bloodworms more than once a week, this is a TREAT, not daily food - do realize bettas will live a long life if taken care of properly (this is a commitment) - do 100% water changes once a month and 25% water changes every week - do keep the pH level around 7 - do have fun with your betta!

HOW TO SET UP A BETTA FISH TANK | ESSENTIALS sentiment_very_dissatisfied 594

Betta 9 years ago 332,883 views

hi everyone :-) this video will tell you everything you need to keep your betta living a long and happy life! if i’ve made any mistakes, please let me know politely! betta checklist: - 1+ gallon tank with hood and light (they can jump) - dechlorinator/conditioner - food - filter - thermometer - heater - substrate (gravel, marbles, sand, etc) - decorations (at least 1 they can hide in) - plants (silk, live, or soft plastic) - net for water changes set up: 1. wash hands 2. rinse off everything with warm water (NO SOAP) 3. place everything in the tank where you want 4. fill your tank with water & add water dechlorinator/conditioner 5. put filter, heater, and thermometer in 6. make sure temperature is in between 72-82 F 7. cycle your tank (cycle time depends on gallons, at least 24 hours) 8. let your betta acclimate for at least 15 minutes 9. release and let your betta explore it’s new home! betta dos and donts: - do not put two male bettas or one male/one female in one tank (they prefer to live alone) - do not go smaller than a one gallon tank (if possible, go bigger!) - do not put bettas in direct sunlight - do not put bettas in a new tank unless it has cycled for at least 24 hours - do not fill the tank up to the lid (they need air) - do not overfeed, feed only twice a day with a small pinch of pellets - do not feed bloodworms more than once a week, this is a TREAT, not daily food - do realize bettas will live a long life if taken care of properly (this is a commitment) - do 100% water changes once a month and 25% water changes every week - do keep the pH level around 7 - do have fun with your betta!

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Most popular comments

OzzyFB - 7 years ago
How many fucking ppl need to comment the same shit about a 1 gallon tank being to small? I'm sure she gets the point...
Skyler Trexler
Skyler Trexler - 7 years ago
SkillzHubYT my Betta is a 30 gallon he swims everywhere and got up to 6 1/2 inches he lives it
SkillzHubYT - 7 years ago
Betta fish like 1 gallon tanks
the super sand guy 64
the super sand guy 64 - 7 years ago
OzzyFB c ,,
Skyler Trexler
Skyler Trexler - 7 years ago
Jaz 99 and we do all animals not just Betta we don’t get fish in that much we only get like farm animals dog cats birds (eagles etc) crocodiles stuf like that
Skyler Trexler
Skyler Trexler - 7 years ago
Jaz 99 I don’t “ Rescue Bettas” I just happen to buy one in a store again and here he is 5 yrs old
Jaz 99
Jaz 99 - 7 years ago
Skyler Trexler just saying, 'rescuing' bettas from pet stores isn't really much smarter than keeping one in a 1 gallon tank.
Skyler Trexler
Skyler Trexler - 7 years ago
Natalie Lauren lol that tank looks so small compared to my Betta, my Betta is in a 35 gallon, if you don’t believe me check my Instagram @all_my_amazing_pets and also I’m an animal rescue and do all animals but it’s true that a 1 gallon is small! Your doing a whole care guide but your biggest mistake is the stupid aquarium
OzzyFB - 7 years ago
Jaz 99 lol u just got so defensive over something not even intended for u chill out bro don't take urself too seriously or one day you'll wake up with ur head rammed all the way up ur arse
OzzyFB - 7 years ago
Was talking about Brenley
OzzyFB - 7 years ago
Jaz 99 my bad fuck face didn't mean to @ you
Jaz 99
Jaz 99 - 7 years ago
OzzyFB What? I'm pretty sure I can. If you're seriously referring to that typo in one of my previous comments I can't imagine what a pathetic idiot you must be. Seriously, who has the time to look through YouTube comments in search of typos, just to shame someone for their incorrect English?
OzzyFB - 7 years ago
Jaz 99 lol u clearly can't speak English mate
Brenley Equestrian
Brenley Equestrian - 7 years ago
OzzyFB Because she clearly did not to get research.
Jaz 99
Jaz 99 - 7 years ago
Andrew and friends No offence what? That doesn't say anything about whether the fish is happy or not. That's the thing with pets: they can't scream when they're unhappy. People will think they are happy because they're alive and show "true colours", but see my point. Every tank inbetween 3 and 10 gallons is cheap as hall, so why not grant your Betta this??
Arex Productions
Arex Productions - 7 years ago
OzzyFB i got a 1 gallon tank and mai fish is showing true colors
Natalie Lauren
Natalie Lauren - 7 years ago
yes i am planning on it, thanks. i haven't gotten around to it but honestly the advice i give is not going to kill all the fish in the sea. "completely false" is definitely an over exaggerated comment.
Jaz 99
Jaz 99 - 7 years ago
Natalie Lauren Well that's good to hear then, didn't see that before my previous comment. 10 gallon is really ideal, but you should really take the video down to avoid confusion, or maybe just update it?
Jaz 99
Jaz 99 - 7 years ago
It would be good if when really gets it and changes her behaviour, But the fact that this video is still up proves otherwise. This way this completely false care guide still misleads many people to think 1 gallon containers or plastic plants are okay.
Natalie Lauren
Natalie Lauren - 7 years ago
Shey's Betta thanks for that. i'm actually deleting the video to fix my mistake, not because i hate criticism. if i did i would've turned off the comments and prevented myself from seeing your comment shey. oh and also i bought a 10 gallon tank about a year ago. cheers!
Ernie Lomas
Ernie Lomas - 7 years ago
Jacx_ kilux no
Ernie Lomas
Ernie Lomas - 7 years ago
ziljin no
Holly O
Holly O - 7 years ago
lol! I saw her small tank, and I thought "here we go. They're going to tear her apart." sigh Everything else she says is pretty good though. :)
Kermit Mc
Kermit Mc - 7 years ago
The same thing happens to me
OzzyFB - 7 years ago
Jacx_ kilux no shit lol
Shey's Betta
Shey's Betta - 7 years ago
maybe not delete the video but accept criticism and give your fish more space??
Artemi S
Artemi S - 7 years ago
Natalie Lauren where did you got your bed it simply caught my attention
Artemi S
Artemi S - 7 years ago
OzzyFB your bed got my attention where did you got it
Jack_ kilux
Jack_ kilux - 7 years ago
OzzyFB that's complete sarcasim
OzzyFB - 7 years ago
Jacx_ kilux oh really? Thanks for letting me know bro I hadn't realised
Jack_ kilux
Jack_ kilux - 7 years ago
OzzyFB yh it's way to bloody small for a betta
OzzyFB - 7 years ago
ziljin I'm sure it is mate that's not my point wt I'm trying to say is that she doesn't need a million comments saying the same thing for her to understand that 1 gallon is too small. One or two would easily get the message across :)
ziljin - 7 years ago
OzzyFB 1 gallon is way too small!
America Castro
America Castro - 7 years ago
Omg right!!! It's sooooo fucking ANNOYING!! Scrolling thru the comments and like 95% of them are about that
Natalie Lauren
Natalie Lauren - 7 years ago
my point exactly. sometimes i think people just copy and paste other comments lol (im gonna delete this video in the future bc of the comments smh)
Ina Uverud Finnerud
Ina Uverud Finnerud - 7 years ago
I you cant afford a bigger tank you shouldt have it
Amberly Jackson
Amberly Jackson - 7 years ago
Thanks for the vid i am getting a betta for chritamas
LemonSunSet AJ
LemonSunSet AJ - 7 years ago
People probably can’t afford or have enough space for more than a 1 gallon tank. Solution: don’t get a fish if u can’t care for it properly
Cosmically Bella
Cosmically Bella - 7 years ago
This is a really good video! The editing was smooth, and you really deserve more subs!
aesthetic_ error_
aesthetic_ error_ - 7 years ago
Exactly!! So why even get a betta at this point if you can't provide space for one. (Not trying to be rude).
Kimy-Melody G
Kimy-Melody G - 7 years ago
is 20 gal too big for a betta? i got it on sale
Lucymineplay 101
Lucymineplay 101 - 7 years ago
i live in MN and the norm for winter is like 5 below its soo cold
great vid btw this really helped me
killer slowpoke
killer slowpoke - 7 years ago
oofh incoming wordbomb, sorry bout this:

I don't think standard flake/pellet foods would cut it. Bettas in their natural habitat survive off of bugs that live in and land on the surface of the water, so foods with lots of fish-based ingredients and, like you said in the video, fishmeal or shrimpmeal are probably not that good. if I had to recommend anything, Nutrafin Bug Bites are a good staple. Supplement diet with things like frozen or dried food (blood worms, mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, tubifex, etc..) Live food is also good, though it comes with a few risks, i.e. possibilities of bringing in pathogens and parasites that can make your fish ill (it can also happen with frozen but it's not as likely)
And how much you feed really depends on how much you feed every time, so since a simple "feed X times a day" isnt very specific, I say go by how the betta looks. Feed once a day, only feed until your betta looks full: gently rounded belly, doesnt bulge outward or doesnt sink inward. Always fast the betta one day a week to prevent constipation.

I noticed you put cycling in the description as happening over 24 hours? Cycling is a much longer process and can take anywhere from 4 to 8 WEEKS. It's..a somewhat complicated process and a bit time consuming to fully explain, so maybe not good to put in a video? But you can always make a separate video to refer to, or just link in the description to a good reference for how to cycle: hopefully a fishless cycle, fish-in cycle is just inhumane and unnecessarily difficult. Another thing; do NOT do 100% water changes, that kind of high-volume change can stress out the fish too much and shock the tank. 25 percent weekly water changes are fine, maybe a 50% once a month for a deeper clean but I wouldn't go any higher than that. To make sure that the tank is in good conditions, you'd also need a test kit. API has a great one, the Master Test Kit, which has everything you need to check all of the parameters. On a side note, don't use chemicals like "pH Correct" or "Ammonia Remover." Those tend to dramatically change the water chemistry and stress fish out even more. Changes like those are meant to be made gradually and are done through proper water changes and tank maintenance. The only really necessary chemicals are water conditioners and mineral additives (for if you use distilled or RO water)
I also tend to avoid using those refillable filter cartridges. I've found that filling the filter with some sort of biological filter media (bio-foam, bio-balls, sponges, ceramic rings, etc) is good enough, just as long as the media isn't too compact, so it allows water to flow through it easily. The refillable cartridges, the ones with activated carbon, should only be used after finishing treatments of medications.

Overall, everything else is alright. And don't worry, I've seen the comments so I'm not gonna bash you on it haha, just wanna say that I personally dont put a betta in anything smaller than a 10 gallons, 5 gallons is okay though. Bettas can be put in much larger tanks, so long as the tank is not too tall or the current is too strong. Both factors can stress the betta out and, over time, cause illness or can drown the betta (yes, a betta can drown oddly enough!)

Sorry for the essay, but I saw a few mistakes in your lists and...well, y'know the saying, go hard or go home ^^; This isn't meant to be condescending in any way, I just wanted to pack in as much info as I could. I noticed you said you were deleting this video and possibly remaking it, hopefully any of this (if not already mentioned) was helpful in some way!


Devin Collins
Devin Collins - 7 years ago
hi i have a betta but he is in a plastic fish bowl with gravil and a plant thats it
McKenna Barnette
McKenna Barnette - 7 years ago
"If yOu cANt AffORd a BiGgEr TanK TheN yoU sHouLdN'T oWn a FiSh"

Yes. Let's let them all perish in tiny unheated, unfiltered cups at the store instead of giving them a filtered, heated, developed environment.

maca maca
maca maca - 7 years ago
1 gallon to small
maca maca
maca maca - 7 years ago
First you put sand then plants then filter then water
Deena Myles
Deena Myles - 7 years ago
Ur not wrong or anything but plastic plants are not recommended the best is live plants
Mattie417 - 7 years ago
I love how she said not to wash gravel or decor with soap but when she washes he hands she uses soap. Come on man!!
Mattie417 - 7 years ago
Do not change the water 100% ever doing this with kill all the good bacteria leaving nothing to fight ammonia
Mattie417 - 7 years ago
Cycling a tank for 24 hours isn’t enough you need to cycle for a week or so
Sian Hingston
Sian Hingston - 7 years ago
I'm sorry but if you don't have the money or the space for the correct size tank, you can't properly care for the fish... And you shouldn't be having one.
J Peveto
J Peveto - 7 years ago
You need a filter dude. Gosh. The minimum for a Betta tank is 2.5 gallons..although the should be in a 5 gallon at the smallest.
Lydia Lisi
Lydia Lisi - 7 years ago
I like your Video! I plan to get a Betta boy. You may have your fish in the small tanks... I don't exactly agree to the choice, but I'm not going to rant. I plan to give my Betta a 10 gallon. he will have a palace! he will be the king of his watery home! Bettas are aggressive and have the attitude of being dominant and being the king of the sea. I will give him a sea to rule.
Kendra Voracek
Kendra Voracek - 7 years ago
You do have all most have everything right but you should have at least at 5 gallon and there not expensive.


caronicole - 7 years ago
i always recommend feeding betta fish just once a day :) i feed my fish 5 days out of the week since they can easily be overfed, and that's not healthy for them, just a tip!
Bettafish Lover7
Bettafish Lover7 - 7 years ago
Make a video about fin rot
Bettafish Lover7
Bettafish Lover7 - 7 years ago
I love your videos please make another video
XxashbearxX __
XxashbearxX __ - 7 years ago
I’m sorry I’m not a hater but California does not get cold I live in the north Canada if you think California is cold come to Canada for the winter
Natalie Lauren
Natalie Lauren - 7 years ago
oh god LOL maybe to you california doesn't get cold but to a betta it definitely gets cold
Richard Palacios
Richard Palacios - 7 years ago
Mine is in 75 gallon tank and that's way to small. I take them to Thailand twice a year to get natural water and dirt. If you don't do this you SHOULD NOT OWN BETTAS !!!!!
Rodney lerue
Rodney lerue - 7 years ago
This was so helpful! I didn't know that there tanks needed a light and a heater!
Elliott Blackhurst
Elliott Blackhurst - 7 years ago
Here’s a question what type of cells are bacteria and what types are non cells
Elliott Blackhurst
Elliott Blackhurst - 7 years ago
You need to keep ur heater in 24/7/365(366 on leap years)
Elliott Blackhurst
Elliott Blackhurst - 7 years ago
Or else there will be a temp spike which could kill ur fish
Elliott Blackhurst
Elliott Blackhurst - 7 years ago
Money...2.5 gal is like $25 and they’re small
Hearts Broken
Hearts Broken - 7 years ago
Thank you so much!


Naomi'sAnimals - 7 years ago
Walter Favi
Walter Favi - 7 years ago
Hey. I heard that a 1 gallon tank is too small? Lol
Trevent ;-;
Trevent ;-; - 7 years ago
I don’t have a betta but I have 3 minnows
fire fredd
fire fredd - 7 years ago
All the ppl that is saying 1 gallon is too small here question. ARE YOU A FISH.
Brendan Pasker
Brendan Pasker - 7 years ago
My tank isn’t even a gallon.
mynamesray - 7 years ago
Logan you are my hero you mean the world to me
Tony Kart Racer
Tony Kart Racer - 7 years ago
1 gallon for a betta is perfectly fine....... just HUSH all you people complaining!
Gina Guerrero
Gina Guerrero - 7 years ago
I like you videos you a big help
Chris T
Chris T - 7 years ago
I need a GF like you
Madison Stater
Madison Stater - 7 years ago
Just so y'all know 1/2 a gallon tank is a good size for just one betta fish
Volt88 Gaming
Volt88 Gaming - 7 years ago
Subscribe to my channel plz
Manuel Bences
Manuel Bences - 7 years ago
I recommend 5 gallons
Bossray Twotiimes
Bossray Twotiimes - 7 years ago
I'm all for a little constructive criticism but when we are just targeting a person that told us they were a beginner or not an expert I can't support that because what I know of the fish community is that for the most part fish keepers help each other and instead of Target in someone they help them up and help them gain knowledge not Target then because they don't have that knowledge now I will agree that I don't really like that she's doing it to tour are you spreading a few false statements but she has tried her best to address those statements for the ones giving her a little bit of creative criticism I can understand that but for the ones that are straight bashing her and her tanks there is no need for that we are a fish community we help.... not put down ( at least that's what I thought)
Legendarybirds YT
Legendarybirds YT - 7 years ago
Your not Setting it up tf
Legendarybirds YT
Legendarybirds YT - 7 years ago
Bitch like I’m that dumb
Juan Chacaj
Juan Chacaj - 7 years ago
Wht don't you have a handle on your door
volcano lava
volcano lava - 7 years ago
Tanner brangard shirt and logen your my hero song like it you agree
WesleyAPEX - 7 years ago
I live in Dallas. The last thing i need is a heater.
Justin Yang
Justin Yang - 7 years ago
Everyone in the comments think their so smart lol
Carmella Ziober
Carmella Ziober - 7 years ago
my fish tank for my betta only has 1 plant and i want more plants


Canada .slime
Canada .slime - 7 years ago
I got the same tank but mine is blue
Ryan Wloch
Ryan Wloch - 7 years ago
"If the betta decides to lay down on the bottom". So is it dead
My Pets
My Pets - 7 years ago
Great video! I just did a beta care video too and I tried to explain everything in simple terms! Beautiful fish by the way!♥️ the only thing I disagree with is that a beta needs at least a 2.5 gallon! Still a great video though!!
My Pets
My Pets - 7 years ago
You just got a new subscriber!!
Michael E. Crawford
Michael E. Crawford - 7 years ago
If you can't afford a good enough tank then you probably can't afford how to keep a betta alive
Juan Perez the bean
Juan Perez the bean - 7 years ago
imma get a 3 gallon tank for my betta maybe add ghost shrimp
Lisette Garcia
Lisette Garcia - 7 years ago
2.5 gallons for a betta is a good size. Y'all be acting like she should get a 50 gallon for one betta fish
Kennedy Jones
Kennedy Jones - 7 years ago
when you try to read the comments but there all the same
Zoe E Lopez
Zoe E Lopez - 7 years ago
i see that she has a small tank. yes a 2.5 gallon is the minimum but for real now. do you think this fish is dead? no. the water and tank is clean, the fish is healthy, so you people commenting super rude stuff about that need to process that in your mind. you should be glad she isn’t telling you to just keep it in a cup.
Brenley Equestrian
Brenley Equestrian - 7 years ago
Here is a do: buy a 2.5 - 5 gallon tank.
Don't: Buy a 1 gallon tank.
Do: cycle for at least 1 week
Don't: cycle for at least 24 hours
Do: buy a test kit
Don't: don't buy a test kit
Do: buy a heater no matter where you live
Brenley Equestrian
Brenley Equestrian - 7 years ago
Cycle for 24 hours? Hm hm yeah well I am still cycling mine and it's been 2 weeks and it still isn't done. So
Brenley Equestrian
Brenley Equestrian - 7 years ago
All you have to do is look up "Minimum tank size for betta" seriously it's not that hard.
Brenley Equestrian
Brenley Equestrian - 7 years ago
oh my god no you need 2.5 - 5 gallon for 1 fish please get a new tank!
Brenley Equestrian
Brenley Equestrian - 7 years ago
"Betta fans" You mean Smart People?
Jake Farrell112233
Jake Farrell112233 - 7 years ago
Thank you so much
Ur the first person that is not a big hobbiest YouTuber that has actually done there research
lifeis?Umakeit - 7 years ago
thank you! I loved your video and it was helpful. your amazing. ohh and your tanks looks great. I have a one gallon to.
Adi R8
Adi R8 - 7 years ago
This music is from Logan you my hero
BC Girl
BC Girl - 7 years ago
if someone can afford to buy at least a 5 gallon, then they shouldn't buy a betta fish! :)
Mia MANTON - 7 years ago
Why are u f'ing giving her hate! Well u make a 24hour video of telling all u know it all reasons, and! You all are complaining aboutthe tank, how it has to be a bigger tank and all, ithink she knows what to do and not do (including:how she can take care of her pets).why are all u mean people saying if she cant get a bigger tank then she should'nt have animals, well bitches mabey u dont deserve one since ur hating on someone u have NEVER MET! well up ur asses, all u know it all bastards!
Christian Pineda
Christian Pineda - 7 years ago
Hello! This really helps! I wanted to ask whete did you buy your tank? I'm going to be a new owner of a Betta Fish! It is a gift from a friend of my moms :). I'm very excited for it!
ROARING EAGLE - 7 years ago
I have 10 gallons for 1 beta
Jack_ kilux
Jack_ kilux - 7 years ago
This was uploaded in 2015 and people are still yapping on
Yui Rio
Yui Rio - 7 years ago
Stop commenting about tank is too small, I'm sure she knows it, or probably this is a temporary tank for the fish, the tank is at least better than people who keep fish in small cup, but I do partially agree with people who said if she doesn't wants to waste money for a 2.5 gallon tank, she should not keep it, but as I said, this tank might be temporary, so she might move it to a bigger tank.
Logan Ham
Logan Ham - 7 years ago
everyone hating on her cause she said a one gallon tank if you watch it she corrects herself with a message so stop hating one someone who is trying to help, she isn't an expert.
Emily Olivia
Emily Olivia - 7 years ago
If you can't afford it or have the space for it you shouldn't get one.
Kailyn Paauwe
Kailyn Paauwe - 7 years ago
2 gallon!!!
TheFreakingFishGuy - 7 years ago
A 2.5 gallon is minimum and If you can't afford what may be 1.50 bucks more then font waste the betrays time and just save up the money and maybe then if you get money for chores then buy bigger like a 5 gallon or a 10 gallon
Lynn X
Lynn X - 7 years ago
Where did you buy it?
pita merah
pita merah - 7 years ago
hi.... do you have instagram? what's the name? thanks :)
Waffle Kitsune
Waffle Kitsune - 7 years ago
Thank you for this. I want to ask my mom(we are animal collectors.. 1 dog, 7 cats, and around 30 chickens..) for a betta fish since it's been around 6 years since we've last had some and I want to be responsible and have an animal completely to myself since my sister is moving out in a year or two so I'll definitely have enough room to have one.
(Also don't worry my cats aren't evil and they don't normally try messing with fish)
Charlie Yang
Charlie Yang - 7 years ago
Okay guys!!! We get the fucking point that a 1 gallon is too small.
SHUT UP!!!!!! She even points it out that a 2.5 is much better. God!!!!
Brenley Equestrian
Brenley Equestrian - 7 years ago
I'm so sorry. It is really NOT that hard to get a 2.5 gallon. It is about like oh what 15 dollars? :/
Charlie Yang
Charlie Yang - 7 years ago
Shut up. Literally 90% of the fucking comment section is that. We don't need you to comment when 1,253 other people said it. GET THE FUCK OUT!!!!!!!
Orca Agar
Orca Agar - 7 years ago
Who heard Logan Paul u are my hero in the background ??!?
Derpalotl :-P
Derpalotl :-P - 7 years ago
Doesn't sound like she did a lot of research...
Kyle Chen PV
Kyle Chen PV - 7 years ago
logan you are my hero, you mean the world to me
CraftsandcookingwithViolet! - 7 years ago
how much money did you spend? I am looking to buy a beta and I was wondering how much money I need.
Red Production
Red Production - 7 years ago
FacePalm Why I forgot buy that tank.. :|
Moose Thestrawberry
Moose Thestrawberry - 7 years ago
This was AN AMAZING vid
Wolfie Lps
Wolfie Lps - 7 years ago
I'm watching this video and my Betta just died
Kelsey Lovejoy
Kelsey Lovejoy - 7 years ago
I love how so many people are like "a one gallon isn't big enough!! You need at least 2.5 sweatie:) :) :)"
K 3 N D R A
K 3 N D R A - 7 years ago
I have that same tank
415bigk - 7 years ago
Do say betta. Dont say beyta
Danielle L.
Danielle L. - 7 years ago
Great vid! I'm getting a betta soon!
Katpoop KATPOOP - 7 years ago
filters also oxygenate the take
Jr Eds
Jr Eds - 7 years ago
You should use filter media and other water care products. Like zhyme ect
anna banana
anna banana - 7 years ago
2.5 gallons is not a fucking lot of money, this videos dumb
Chaz inator
Chaz inator - 7 years ago
My brother got a beta fish, I ran out of turtle food u can guess what happened next

Chaz inator
Chaz inator - 7 years ago
I have a water bottle,dirt,and a piece of grass will it work?

Cookie Cat
Cookie Cat - 7 years ago
if someone cant afford a 2.5 gallon tank they should not get a fish because i got a three gallon tank for 24 dollars off Amazon not to mention the supplies and fish added up to be 140 dollars.
Joshua - 7 years ago
I live in vegas where its always 100-110 and I have AC
Maya Hillman
Maya Hillman - 7 years ago
My betta lives in a 20 gallon tank by himself and he loves it


Hudson Soccer
Hudson Soccer - 7 years ago
In the wild one betta has a territory of up to 3 feet to them self!
Hudson Soccer
Hudson Soccer - 7 years ago
You need a 3 gallon minimum
if you cant afford a 2.5 gallon tank or bigger then you shouldnt own a betta fish as simple as that. You should not let money restrict whether your fish will live or not either get 2.5 or bigger if ya cant then dont at all
Rafael M.
Rafael M. - 7 years ago
btw bettas don't need a filter bcz they are native to southeast Asia and there water is murky so they prefer murky waters
William Stennett
William Stennett - 7 years ago
Logan you are my hero like if you know what I'm on about
Luis Plingo
Luis Plingo - 7 years ago
You must test your Water many times before you put any fish or alive animals in(ph) and you don't know how to set up a tank ,you are not responsible!!!!!
Luis Plingo
Luis Plingo - 7 years ago
A net is NOT optional ,you need it
Chantal Kowalczyk
Chantal Kowalczyk - 7 years ago
You have no idea how to set up betta tank. Don't watch it guys, just waste of time.
Erik Christianson
Erik Christianson - 7 years ago
Betta fish require a min. of 2.5 gallons not 1 retard!
Rumer Priestly
Rumer Priestly - 7 years ago
It is not pretentious to say that an animal needs space, that's preposterous. It's cruelty to your animal to put it into something too tiny and cramped for it, and a betta won't be healthy, happy and thriving in a tank too tiny for it. If you cannot afford the bare minimum it needs to survive, then you cannot afford the animal!
americangirlxoxo - 7 years ago
Thanks for the advice
Cossette Ervin
Cossette Ervin - 7 years ago
Honestly I would say you should do 3 gallons or higher! If people can't afford a bigger tank they should have a betta fish. If you can't afford a slightly bigger tank it's likely you can't afford the necessities you would need for a happy healthy betta!
Cossette Ervin
Cossette Ervin - 7 years ago
*shouldnt have a betta fish!
Andrew Payne
Andrew Payne - 7 years ago
What's with all the haters ? 1 small fish alone doesn't need to live in a huge giant tank!! That's like like 1 person living in a huge pimped out mansion, yeah it would be great but it's necessary for your survival!!
Dingo von Doggington
Dingo von Doggington - 7 years ago
Lol thanks. I asked my mom today and she just said, sure and im like, WOOOOOO!!!!
Oscar ARZ
Oscar ARZ - 7 years ago
The point of having a fish to me is starting a ecosystem not to put a fish in 1 gallon of water. Your missing out in all the fun into having a fish as a pet
Nuria - 7 years ago
How much would all the stuff be including the fish but not including the tank.
Gabriela Gutierrez
Gabriela Gutierrez - 7 years ago
While the tank is cycling, can the Betta stay in the container that it came in? Or should I get the Betta when the tank is ready?
Bj bros
Bj bros - 7 years ago
She missed the obvious reason for a hood to stop the dam fish jumpin out
Daija Weekley
Daija Weekley - 7 years ago
Actually they at the VERY least 3.5 gal. Light 6-8 hours a day. They have to have to have a filter with a low flow because they are not good swimmers. They need to have a water heater 78 degrees please ☺️.
USE YOUR GLUTES - 7 years ago
A 1 gallon is fine for most Bettas, also stop saying "if they can't afford it, they shouldn't get it"
It A LOT better then the tiny cup they come in, her fish looks generally happy.
She takes great care for her fish, she got anything you could need. A filter,tank,water conditioner.
She decorated her tank nicely, much like the natural habitat they were originated from. If you comment hate on this comment, I won't care it won't change my perspective.
Ava Morneault
Ava Morneault - 7 years ago
I just bought all of the stuff in the video like 20 minutes ago and I didn't even know this video existed
Animals Supreme
Animals Supreme - 7 years ago
I get the whole point "you shouldn't get a pet if you can afford it" but if the fish seems completely normal healthy and has everything else it needs then why not. Also why is everyone commenting 1 gallon is too small I'm sure she has seen/ has gotten the point.
Jonathan Tonova
Jonathan Tonova - 7 years ago
A 2.5 gallon tank isn't really that big
Ubaldo Andrade
Ubaldo Andrade - 7 years ago
Is the song in the background hero by zirik
H U N T E R - 7 years ago
To those complaining about the wrong tank size: The fish is still living obviously. It looks healthy. The water is clear.
Ava Quirk
Ava Quirk - 7 years ago
Don't just put different kinds of fish in with your betta
Xmona X
Xmona X - 7 years ago
I want to die
Bri _19
Bri _19 - 7 years ago
Logan you are my hero background music
Catherine Flores
Catherine Flores - 7 years ago
So you said you're not an expert, so i'm not too mad, by now i'm sure you know your stuff.
1.) 2.5 is the minimum, i'd prefer a 5 gallon just because it's plenty of room and they're more active
2.) make sure the filter has low flow, bettas aren't good swimmers
3.) a heater is necessary bettas like they're water at a stable 78°
4.) for goodness sake cycle your tanks before buying a fish, and cycling is not letting the tank's filter run for 24hrs, cycling is having built up the right amount of bacteria in the filter to eliminate bad things in the water that are deadly to fish which are ammonia, nitrite, and high levels of nitrate.
4.) buy a test kit!
5.) check water levels,
Ammonia should be 0
Nitrite should be 0
Nitate should be 0-10
Ph should be around 7.4
6.) there are ways to cycle a tank in a day, you can buy freshwater bacteria to cycle it. (Tetra Safe start is a good one)
7.) did i mention how important it is to cycle your tank?
Brandy Duran
Brandy Duran - 7 years ago
the people in the comments should just stfu it's not like shes keeping the betta in a damn water bottle y'all are over reacting i mean it's just a fish
Frandom 101
Frandom 101 - 7 years ago
Thank you this was very helpful
Lilly Boehm
Lilly Boehm - 7 years ago
I also don't know if you should feed your fish twice a day, but IDK because I have guppies
Lilly Boehm
Lilly Boehm - 7 years ago
I have this tank for guppies.
local buzzkill
local buzzkill - 7 years ago
Fuck I understand that a 1 gallon tank is probably too small but she doesn't need everyone on the damn planet to tell her that. Simmer down, geeez
Faith Sarah
Faith Sarah - 7 years ago
She already made her point about the size of the tanks geez
Raptor25o - 7 years ago
OMG I have a 5 gallon tank that is the same brand Aqueon and I just brought it home from school a couple months ago it was a big Community tank and it had a shrimp a red fin shark three green tiger barbs and two zebra danios I've had bettas in the past and my mom has ever since forbid me to have a beta but if I ever do get one my 5-gallon is the Go to Tank
kush link
kush link - 7 years ago
Jack_ kilux
Jack_ kilux - 7 years ago
I thought zircon made this music for his music video logan you are my hero
ayeee !!!
ayeee !!! - 7 years ago
Golden Gray
Golden Gray - 7 years ago
Also the price difference between 1 and 2.5 gallons is only a few dollars isn't it?
Golden Gray
Golden Gray - 7 years ago
Minimum minimum is 2.5 gallons. My bettas also love a few different frozen foods like brine shrimp, blood worms, mysis shrimp, and beef heart! You can buy them frozen in pet stores. I know at least at Petsmart, it's in the freezer that holds the frozen mice and rats.
That one Fangirl
That one Fangirl - 7 years ago
It is ideal to have a 2.5 gallon but a betta fish that has a good care taker is better living in a 1 gallon then a plastic cup like they have at most pet stores. I think she's doing a good job talking care of it .
Craft Stars
Craft Stars - 7 years ago
Ozzyfb I don't think you need to swear I think there is some kids on this channel.
ちゃんアレクサ - 7 years ago
You should get the 1 gallon tank temporarily and then get a bigger tank :) thats what i did! I got a 3.5 gallon yesterday and its currently running the water for 24 as directed in the instructions
Diani Valencia
Diani Valencia - 7 years ago
ohh mahh gaaaahhhhd. Are you for real ppl im pretty sure they won't die in a 1 gal tank like chill have u seeeeen what they keep them in at the pet store if anything that would be an upgrade.
Ethan's Gaming
Ethan's Gaming - 7 years ago
Great video ty and I will
Camila Productions
Camila Productions - 7 years ago
A lid is important because bettas can jump out of the water also
Nicholas Bennett
Nicholas Bennett - 7 years ago
If you can't afford a bigger tank then don't buy the fish ?
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 7 years ago
I got a betta fish today and his name is Cory
안나 Oh
안나 Oh - 7 years ago
Um you shouldn't wash your hands with soap when setting up or touching the water inside the tank. Soap has chemicals that may harm your Betta.
MaryRav EquineForever
MaryRav EquineForever - 7 years ago
I have a beta heater and a 3 gallon tank were I live the hottest is 30 degrees and the heater is meant for a betta so it should be fine plz reply if not
MyFishyLife - 7 years ago
Will a 2.2 gal tank work?
King Slayer
King Slayer - 7 years ago
are you gud bro
GearzMC - 7 years ago
My Berta doesn't eat flakes at all. I don't think he considers them to be food at all.
Hey it's Avaya
Hey it's Avaya - 7 years ago
I have a 10 gallon tank for my betta and those are really cheap and if you can't afford a 2.5 you're just pretty much doing animal cruelty I mean when I first got my betta fish I had a 5 gallon tank and I thought that was too little so I moved to a 10-gallon and I think the 5-gallon was only $15
NatYT. - 7 years ago
U should never do full water changes with betas
Katie Fair
Katie Fair - 7 years ago
Minimum is 2.5 gallon. Its not 'pretentious' its just caring about animals. If you cant afford the setup, dont own one.
So tips: flakes arent recommended for small tanks just because they will dirty the water conditions very fast. If you have a big tank than its not a big deal but smaller tanks its easier for pellets. Try to soak them before you feed them to your betta so they dont swell in his stomach. Harder for digestion.
Heater is still necessary just so there isnt major fluctuation in temp at night and such. Also, its 78 degrees minimum.
It'sJanaenae's Life
It'sJanaenae's Life - 7 years ago
And i have the same tank but mine is black
It'sJanaenae's Life
It'sJanaenae's Life - 7 years ago
I got a betta fish yesterday
ParsimoniousTV - 7 years ago
They have 3 gallon tanks for only $30 on Amazon and they don't take up much space at all.
J.NessSoReady - 7 years ago
I thought Betta was cooler way of saying better
Pet Keeping
Pet Keeping - 7 years ago
A betta fish actually needs 2.5 gallon minimum. Heated and filtered tank.
Liam My name is jeff Persson
Liam My name is jeff Persson - 7 years ago
You need at least 10 gallon tank at least
Autumn Lee
Autumn Lee - 7 years ago
would the sand make it a lot mlre dirty?? I use sand for my bearded dragon.
Natalie Lauren
Natalie Lauren - 7 years ago
i dont think it would make it more dirty but it might be harder to clean. make sure to get aquarium sand if thats what youre looking into
cutsiefruits ThreeTwoOne
cutsiefruits ThreeTwoOne - 7 years ago
One thing that I would change is that you want to have and established tank or biological media from another established tank so the nitrogen cycle can run smoothly :) aside from that I loved your video!
Baebygirl Lizzy
Baebygirl Lizzy - 7 years ago
If you can't afford to buy the tank… pick another hobby, please
creative footprint
creative footprint - 7 years ago
The minimum for Betta fish is 2.5 and if somebody can't afford to buy at least that... they should have own a fish
Jenn - 7 years ago
Animals Rule2016
Animals Rule2016 - 7 years ago
I have live plants and my betta Cosmo loves to lay on them
Animals Rule2016
Animals Rule2016 - 7 years ago
Mine is 21 litres
jfries_ 22
jfries_ 22 - 7 years ago
if you can't afford more than a 1 gallon, pick
Maddie Paules
Maddie Paules - 7 years ago
I have a tank that is less than a gallon and my beta is fine he is happy and he swims a lot and if he was unhappy I would move him but he is happy
Reptile Catcher13
Reptile Catcher13 - 7 years ago
I have the same tank in the background
Haya Nass
Haya Nass - 7 years ago
Guys stop!!!! She is trying,she even said that she is not an expert on fish and that's ok!!! So everyone just chill !
UmbreonXSylveon - 7 years ago
release your pokemon
Abbas Alshannan Alshannan
Abbas Alshannan Alshannan - 7 years ago
hi my name is Ali and i liked to arm wresting people and not too much people can win when they playing with me let me tall something do not take too much just do get thing amperten like what is yo shold not do to your fish tank i like betta fish
Brendan Bastian
Brendan Bastian - 7 years ago
What type of filter packets do u use for that filter i have the same one and I forgot what type
Johnovan Dupper
Johnovan Dupper - 7 years ago
natalie lauren, when are u going to upload a new video! please upload a new video! youre a great youtuber!
Lucero Aguirre
Lucero Aguirre - 7 years ago
a one gallon is actually an OPTION, I watched the how to care for a Betta fish video by Fluval
Hailey Rae
Hailey Rae - 7 years ago
The minimum is 2.5 gal. If people dont have enough money to get a 30 dollar tank, they shouldn't be owning a betta
jenna whiteley
jenna whiteley - 7 years ago
I've had 6 Betta fish in my life time. and I have always used a one gallon tank. they have all lived 3 or 4 years. so I believe a one gallon tank is okay as long as you don't have so much stuff in your tank. all I have in my tank is a thermometer, a flat Rock, and a single plant. my Betta now is at 2 years old and he healthy and happy. so a one gallon tank can be okay.
Zamiiz - 7 years ago
Fish are VERY VERY expensive. Heaters, filters & media, air stones, substrate. and god forbid your fish gets sick, you'll be buying like 50$ worth of meds. If you cant afford a tank higher than one gallon than get ready for suffering
Why am I like this
Why am I like this - 7 years ago
The minimum is a 2.5. That's final. If you can't afford a 2.5 gallon tank you shouldn't have a betta at all.
Stacy Dawson
Stacy Dawson - 7 years ago
you need to do more reasearch on betta fish.
Christine_eava - 7 years ago
1 Gallon tanks are like 2 bucks lol who ever can't afford a 2 dollar tank they can afford a fish
Christine_eava - 7 years ago
The background song tho lol
Logan you are my hero
You mean the world to me

Lol like if you know what I'm talking about
Petlover2017 123
Petlover2017 123 - 7 years ago
No 1 gallon! 2.5 gallon fish tank is perfect. It is like this because in the wild they live in streams that go on for miles and miles.
Macky Lee Taylo
Macky Lee Taylo - 7 years ago
puro ka daldal..wala kang actual demo
Emma Anthony
Emma Anthony - 7 years ago
Can I put mine in a bowl
Gemma Viret
Gemma Viret - 7 years ago
here is a do or don't. Don't try making these vids where you can't even say the truth about Bettas.
Gemma Viret
Gemma Viret - 7 years ago
I am just saying your fish is going to die soon. it has the worst fins and it has a disease. I have had about 5 betrays and I know what is happening because I have spoken to vets about betrays and they are suppose to look much more colourful than that.
Natalie Lauren
Natalie Lauren - 7 years ago
when this video was made, i just got my betta. once they are comfortable and happy and grow older, they become much more colorful...and that is what happened.
Gemma Viret
Gemma Viret - 7 years ago
I mean Betta.
Huy Nguyen Ho
Huy Nguyen Ho - 7 years ago
I kept my beta fish in 10 gallon without any other fish and he happy
LongliveNarnia22 - 7 years ago
Where did you get the gravel/floor rocks from this video?
Sara Fongemie
Sara Fongemie - 7 years ago
dont use big substrate like marbles because if they lay on it it could fall on them and they breathe at the top of the tank so you get were I'm going (saddly learned from experience)
Monkey Nut
Monkey Nut - 7 years ago
A plastic 2.5 gallon brand new no light no filter cost me 6 quid.. the sun is the light bulb. And the heater 10 quid.

I would say 1 gallon not enough space... buuuut all you fish keepers.. how long did it take for you to upgrade... no long.. that 1 gallon for the single betta becomes 400 gallons with an Arowana in a couple of years. Encourage people into the hobby!!
Lindsey Sheppard
Lindsey Sheppard - 7 years ago
Check out the Nitrogen Cycle for fish tanks. Also very important before adding your Betta
Jesus Es mi pastor
Jesus Es mi pastor - 7 years ago
keep Bette fish in big tank at least 10 gallons
Randomness with me
Randomness with me - 7 years ago
This video was so useful as I am a first time betta fish owner (of at least I am planning to get one really soon). ❤️
Prizim Dude
Prizim Dude - 7 years ago
I have a small real plant and a small s pongebob pineapple and pretty soon I'll have a vidieo reviewing it
Prizim Dude
Prizim Dude - 7 years ago
my tank is 2.2
Berenice Reteguis
Berenice Reteguis - 7 years ago
your clearly not an expert the fish needs a bigger tank !!!
trashi momi
trashi momi - 7 years ago
We have the same tank ;) (aqueon minibow 2.5)
but mine is in black trim :D
taxu - 7 years ago
Please please please don't get a 1 gallon tank. If you're getting one that tiny because of finances, I got a 10 gallon tank for $2 at a garage sale. Look around, if not at a garage sale then maybe Craigslist. Don't let your fish suffer.
KatlynElizabeth21 - 7 years ago
I really really recommended you get the minimum of a 2.5 gallon tank for you Betta I have mine in a 5.5 gallon with 2 snails and 3 gost shrimp and it's so pretty and such a better space for a betta I really don't recommend keeping anything in a 1 gallon other then if you're watching fish, doing a 100% water change or something like that :)
Ack Mccallum
Ack Mccallum - 7 years ago
hi natalie i have a halfmoon mustard gas he is so preety
Liam does stuff 12
Liam does stuff 12 - 7 years ago
2 or 5 gal
Cyann Etienne
Cyann Etienne - 7 years ago
Plz cume back we miss you
Awesomeness Mm
Awesomeness Mm - 7 years ago
It's 2.5
kat tekla
kat tekla - 7 years ago
also change your bio cause 1+ gallon tank um no 2.5 GALLON TANK MINIMUM
kat tekla
kat tekla - 7 years ago
taking your betta out for a full water change each time stresses it out a lot, it can kill it. why do you do that lmao, just do 15% water changes once or twice a week. you only have a 2.5 gallon
pixellover 2000
pixellover 2000 - 7 years ago
The minimum is at least 2.5 I am pretty sure
jenny lane
jenny lane - 7 years ago
that tank killed several fish i had to not use the air filter
Princess Lim
Princess Lim - 7 years ago
I'm not that rich probably poorer than u and I can afford a 5 gallon tank
Laura Lo Mango
Laura Lo Mango - 7 years ago
Where did you get your tank?
Pluto Gaming
Pluto Gaming - 7 years ago
I found this video extremely helpful! Thank you!
Elly's colorful world
Elly's colorful world - 7 years ago
You are good
Rae MacDonald
Rae MacDonald - 7 years ago
thank you loved the video
Klaudia Parulska
Klaudia Parulska - 7 years ago
arwww I love the way you said "leave a POLITE comment" :)
Awesome video and very helpful :) Thanks for the tips
Guitar T
Guitar T - 7 years ago
please, show the tank
Kaylen Llanas
Kaylen Llanas - 7 years ago
the minimum..MINIMUM....for a beta fish should be a 2.5 a lot of people underestimate these little guys. Also they need a low-flow filter because they are not good swimmers :) so please dont get a betta fish if you can care for one properly
Hannah Stromstedt
Hannah Stromstedt - 7 years ago
they need atleast a 2 gallon tank
Evan Roussy
Evan Roussy - 7 years ago
My betta is in a bowl
Princess Lunchbox
Princess Lunchbox - 7 years ago
The biological process of cycling takes a few weeks minimum and up to a couple months. Do your research before trying to educate people. Giving such misinformation is extremely irresponsible and means every person who watches your video, thinks after 24 hours their tank is good to go and then kills their fish has you to blame.
Jackieee - 7 years ago
I am thinking of getting a betta fish :) Thank you for the tips. Does anyone have anymore tips?? :D
Crybaby - 7 years ago
DO NOT PUT YOUR BETTA IN A 1 GALLON TANK . 2.5 gallon is the minimum. If you have the room and money, get a 5 gallon or 10 gallon tank.
ALittleCupcake - 7 years ago
A Betta fish may survive in a 1 gallon tank, but they won't thrive.:(
Amandy Pandy
Amandy Pandy - 7 years ago
You can NOT have a beta in direct sunlight or keep it in the tiny cup you got it in! Also, you can NEVER put two betas in one tank!
Amandy Pandy
Amandy Pandy - 7 years ago
Cold?in California?what about Michigan?
Amandy Pandy
Amandy Pandy - 7 years ago
Cold?in California?what about Michigan?
Nathan Woof!
Nathan Woof! - 7 years ago
at petsmart there is 3.5 gallon that comes with a hood, light, and a filter for like $20 to make the betta happy ☺
Sophie Williams
Sophie Williams - 7 years ago
cycle for 24 hours?... is that when you buy a new tank or when you've already set it up before? I think I'm missing something here, I'm looking into getting a betta for the first time (or any fish for that matter)
Lisa Ramirez
Lisa Ramirez - 7 years ago
Can u guys just read the comments!!! At least a million people have already friggin commented it's too small so don't waste your time saying the same shit all over again it gets super annoying
Al Faiz Pasha
Al Faiz Pasha - 7 years ago
Hi, from where do you Buy that 1 G Tank.....
Dean Cook
Dean Cook - 7 years ago
Somebody has probably commented this but I would like to cycle a tank for a minimum of 2 weeks
Jupiter Productions
Jupiter Productions - 7 years ago
This was super helpful. I recommend when watching this make a shortlist online and then write it down, and get the items later!
Uriel Barrera
Uriel Barrera - 7 years ago
So much research, she got the first thing wrong.
Natalie Lauren
Natalie Lauren - 7 years ago
opinions change. make ur own video if you hate mine so bad
Devin Offical
Devin Offical - 7 years ago
I can use my 20 gal right ?
Aleena G
Aleena G - 7 years ago
I need a better betta tank THANKS oh and btw don't get the Aquion split betta tank for 2 bettas (that's what I have now) it's really bad there's a lid on it (I have a boy and a girl) when you try to take of the lid they will sence the presents of the other fish and want to kill them or mate with them my dad lifted it to feed my female and she jumped right over and landed on the counter she could have gotten hurt
courtney michelle
courtney michelle - 7 years ago
It really truly annoys me when people say, don't put your fish in a bowl/ small tank when they're having fish shipped in boxes, ya I guess they're only in there for a couple days. Pfft ya no, most fish that get shipped are from other countries and if you're like me you live in America, that is waaaaaaay to long for a fish to be in a box with no light no food. Although the box says live animals or fragile it doesn't mean they're technically going to be safe, I'm not hating, I'm also not a fan of goldfish bowls. I know this is very irrelevant but all I'm trying to say is, betas/fish don't need jumbo Mumbo tanks that your fish won't even know where to go, 1 gal is enough me personally I have my 1 in Betty's in a 3 gal. For every inch of fish is how many gallons.
ちゃんアレクサ - 7 years ago
If the water is being filtered, when do i have to clean it?
PRESLEY PAGE - 7 years ago
My betta fishes name is pearl and Finley
Keyonna Burtt
Keyonna Burtt - 7 years ago
5 gallon or more not a 1 gallon
Mezza Mez
Mezza Mez - 7 years ago
I really hope that you do an updated version of this video because no fish should be put in a 1/2.5 gallon tank. AT ALL. A minimum of 20 litres is preferred. You shouldn't believe everything that the internet tells you just because of where they are from. The net may say that they can survive in a small nano tank however they won't live a happy life
ZoutAlors - 7 years ago
room temperature is about 70. betas can't handle below 72!
ZoutAlors - 7 years ago
if you dont have space for a beta, then don't get a beta.
Giraffe Gamer101
Giraffe Gamer101 - 7 years ago
They at least need a 2.5 preferably 5 gallons or higher
Delia K
Delia K - 7 years ago
Background music please
Shaye Evans
Shaye Evans - 7 years ago
it takes a lot longer than 24 hours to cycle a tank! up to 8 weeks is more like it.
GOGIRLS! - 7 years ago
At what temperature does the water need to be ? Like warm or cold ???? Please tell me
Rokky B
Rokky B - 7 years ago
I would say baby bettas are good for a one gallon tank :) Otherwise those tanks are for travel.. I own three baby betta fish with my college roommate and they love it :-) This summer though when I go home they're all getting bigger tanks (: <3
Roodle De Noodle
Roodle De Noodle - 7 years ago
You forgot to add bigger tanks are better for bettas (fish I general) and not to add other fish until you have at least a 10 gallon ready
Kaden McInnis
Kaden McInnis - 7 years ago
Also don't get black gravel if makes the tank always look dark. I have 2 bettas and they are all different species. I have Walter, Ruth, and Kevin
i.strat_ - 7 years ago
Bettas AT LEAST should have 2.5+ gallons. My female is in a 5 gallon bow front.
Sage Swain
Sage Swain - 7 years ago
If you cannot buy a 2.5gal or more, plus low-flow filter, plus a heater then don't get a beta fish please
Ani Nelson
Ani Nelson - 7 years ago
This is way to small! If you did do reasearch the Minuim is at least 5 gallon if you can't afford don't get a betta ! Seriously don't get a betta if you don't have the room please do not post this if you don't know what your doinh
ItsCece - 7 years ago
Do you need a net cause I don't have one
Dora Got Deported
Dora Got Deported - 7 years ago
Brittany Barbosa
Brittany Barbosa - 7 years ago
my betta fish is in a 10 gallon all to him self and he loves it, he swims and swims endlessly. his color is bright, he eats well... i have a heater a nice filter soft plants a hammock. everything he needs and he is so so happy. i love my lil gus
Brittany Barbosa
Brittany Barbosa - 7 years ago
if you don't have the space and money, don't buy the fish.
T. A.
T. A. - 7 years ago
saw ur video,I pretty much bought the same tank,supplies u did. thnx,cute shirt!
Mysmall petshop
Mysmall petshop - 7 years ago
FRUiTY BiRDS - 7 years ago
Guys please check my new video!
Sunnykitty 4554
Sunnykitty 4554 - 7 years ago
You also need a heater
Sunnykitty 4554
Sunnykitty 4554 - 7 years ago
Wait sorry nevermind you mention that
shanice turner
shanice turner - 7 years ago
how to tell if ur Betta has fin rot?
jaydens kreations
jaydens kreations - 7 years ago
how much was everything and also great vedio!!
FRUiTY BiRDS - 7 years ago
GUys subscribe to me
andrea love
andrea love - 7 years ago
If u can't afford to get a proper tank , then don't get betta fish
Taylor Neff
Taylor Neff - 7 years ago
I would try and give them at least 5 gallons, but that's just my opinion. Great video!!
Blake Silverman
Blake Silverman - 7 years ago
do you need a thermometer?
Zane Lyons
Zane Lyons - 7 years ago
I use to have this tank the water gets dirty quick the filter is bad
Nyan Cat
Nyan Cat - 7 years ago
hello i need help i got my bettas about 7 months from a dollar store. i got 2 bettas but i got the second one about 2 weeks later. i have had bettas in the past again 2 fish and kept them in bowls they lived about 1 1/2 but one die at a year because my special needs cousin came for Christmas and when i wasnt looking he got one of my fish put it in his mouth and then a cup with coke and then gurgled it in his mouth my dad notice told him to spit it outin the bowl then he change the water he lived until morning but any way my new fish when i got him i didnt know and got him a 0.4 tank not even a gallon i didn't do research them my sister sister wanted one so i got another but this time the store had 1 gallon tanks so i got one for my other fish and left him the old one but one day i did research and i couldn't sleep i felt soo bad and couldn't wait to go to the store to get gravel and plants th ey smelled alot like plastic so i washed the with a bit of soap and i only put the plants in one of the tanks because if one died cause of the plastic then at least the other one wouldn't and also i got conditioner for the water i dont have a filter or heater but personally think i dont need them 1. because i live in California so its always hot and 2. i don't mind cleaning the water every week and the fish love it because i take then out side cheak out my videos to see the before and after of my fish temmie from undertale and majin buu or buu from dragon ball z also can some give me tips on how to improve im on a budget so make it cheap plz i dont have any videos of the fish with the plants just gravel but i will make one oh also they both have 1 gallon tanks bye and thank u for ur time
Nyan Cat
Nyan Cat - 7 years ago
Tommie Bear yeah why is my fish getting peach-ish color on his gill and chin the blue one
Tommie Bear
Tommie Bear - 7 years ago
Those are awesome names! If you ever have any more questions about fish feel free to ask me.
Nyan Cat
Nyan Cat - 7 years ago
Tommie Bear names : temmie the blue one majin buu the purple/pink one and wow your fish looks amazing and your drawing i also draw but just amine/dragon ball z
Tommie Bear
Tommie Bear - 7 years ago
His names jasper :3 I cant upload a video but heres a picture of him
Whats your fishes names?
Nyan Cat
Nyan Cat - 7 years ago
Tommie Bear thanks could you make a video of your betta and whats his/her name:)
Tommie Bear
Tommie Bear - 7 years ago
I'm glad hes happy and doing well! Thats definitely a good amount of water to change.

I do have some fish, I have a betta in a five gallon tank and 3 fancy goldfish in a 40 gallon tank.
Nyan Cat
Nyan Cat - 7 years ago
Tommie Bear also i brought plants but the blue one hates them i put 3 but they fit great he has plenty of room to swim (considering he has a one gallon tank) but if he bumped into one he would flare and act really paranoid (for a fish) so i took them out and he was happy if i were to let him get used to them he would kill himself lol so he only has gravel in the tank like in the video but hes happy do you have any fish
Nyan Cat
Nyan Cat - 7 years ago
Tommie Bear i change the water every Saturday i change 75 too 100 percent depends on how willing my fish are to get in a cup and thanks for checking out my channel if you have questions plz reply i dont mind answering ☺
Tommie Bear
Tommie Bear - 7 years ago
Please never wash anything that goes into your tank with soap as it can kill them even if you rinse it really well.
I really think you should try and get at least 2.5+ tanks for your fish as anything smaller really isn't good for them.
As for money, pet stores have sales all the time so you could check online for them, or they will often price match for other stores. Also you could try saving up money because no matter what keeping fish isn't gonna be "cheap"
May I ask how much water you change every week? also i checked out your channel and your fish are very pretty!
Anael Brodski
Anael Brodski - 7 years ago
Hey Natalie,
I am getting a betta fish on Friday and I've been doing tons of research about them! I came across this video and can I say I am in love with it! You told me the basics about a tank that I have been searching for. I really like this tank but I have a few questions to ask if you don't mind answering:

1) where do you get you tank(I am in love with this one) I have a Petsmart and Petco both close to my house

2) is cycling really needed (my betta owner friend said that she didn't cycle her tank and her betta has been fine)

3) how often should I do water changes and what supplies should I use?

4) I'm not sure if you know this but how do you identify if your betta has fin rot or any other illness?

thank you so much if you can help me out!

P.S I know that I'm kinda late as this video is 2 years old:)
Momo's Mini Zoo
Momo's Mini Zoo - 7 years ago
Did anyone notice that during the part where it says to release your fish into the water she wrote "release your Pokémon"
Haley Sanders
Haley Sanders - 7 years ago
Get this.. I have a beta fish in a bowl no filter nothing like that. I do water changes quite often. I have had my beta FOR 7 YEARS.. Less is better people.
BlackDayDream - 7 years ago
how much is 1 degree as celsius
WoLfGlam - 7 years ago
Look if your can't afford at least 2.5 gallon tank which will cost $30 or less than that don't even bother owning an animal I'm not trying to be mean but I hate seen small fish treated like that
Laura Hughes
Laura Hughes - 7 years ago
If your tap water does not have chlorine in it should you still condition it?
Sofia Font
Sofia Font - 7 years ago
Pinkie unicorn
Pinkie unicorn - 7 years ago
If u can't afford a 2.5 gallon tank then plz choose another hobby:)
how to draw
how to draw - 7 years ago
omg cheese
Paige Taylor
Paige Taylor - 7 years ago
Cheese's Sexy Neighbour cool :D
Pinkie unicorn
Pinkie unicorn - 7 years ago
Splashy And Bubbles YT yes I do watch her, but I watch Cheese mostly, bc he's my neighbor
Paige Taylor
Paige Taylor - 7 years ago
david dior
david dior - 7 years ago
Cheese's Sexy Neighbour yeah, just let those bettas at the petstore die in little cups, rather than in a 1 gallon tank
Bettafish Lover7
Bettafish Lover7 - 7 years ago
love your videos
Bettafish Lover7
Bettafish Lover7 - 7 years ago
I really love this video #bettalove
Betta Josh
Betta Josh - 7 years ago
I would say the minimum is really 2.5 gallons. 1 gallon is only 4 litres and I can't imagine my bettas living in that!
Betta Josh
Betta Josh - 7 years ago
Correction (it's less) 3.79 litres*
Nicole Riply
Nicole Riply - 7 years ago
I can afford a bigger tank but i already have a 1 gallon tank so should I use it or buy a bigger one
Kaeli Lagerquist
Kaeli Lagerquist - 7 years ago
They need a 2.5 gallon minimum. 1 gallon is way to small for any fish of that size with all the decorations, plants, etc. Having fish and keeping up with them is expensive. If you can't afford a good sized tank, that means you probably shouldn't have a one until you can afford all the stuff that comes with owning fish.
haileyyrose - 7 years ago
Do you keep the heater on all day & night?
And do you have to keep the light on at all?
Max Moore
Max Moore - 7 years ago
Im Pie
Im Pie - 7 years ago
this bgm sounded like most baking videos
miss-megative - 7 years ago
"People can't afford a bigger tank" I just spent $14.99 on a 10 gallon at PetSmart for my divided betta tank. The 1 gallons were like 7 or 8 dollars. Is that really a huge price jump? Nah fam. It's not lol. Maybe do a quick google search before making a really ignorant statement like that.
Carter nutt
Carter nutt - 7 years ago
Don't wash your hands with soap before handing anything going in your tank. You should rinse off your hands with water.
Mimi Frogbutt
Mimi Frogbutt - 7 years ago
They need 2.5 gallons minimum
My Point Of View
My Point Of View - 7 years ago
Would 17 gallon be too big for one betta, or is it just fine?
JASONIFACATION - 7 years ago
the EXTREEM MINIMUM is the tank she has, but your fish would like a 2.5
JASONIFACATION - 7 years ago
wait............ she prob has a 2.5. my bad!
don't hurt the smol beans
don't hurt the smol beans - 7 years ago
do not forget to put in water conditioner no matter what water you use
Earth Bound Betta
Earth Bound Betta - 7 years ago
I saw that in the description box you said that you should wait 24 hours to cycle the tank, please do more research and then you'd know it takes (most of the times) 4-6 weeks to cycle a tank, letting the water sit for 24 hours isn't really gonna do much at all. I also saw you said that you need to do 100% water changes once a month, but 100% water changes are not actually the best for your Betta especially as often as once a month, please please do more research before trying to inform others on fish keeping when you are giving false information!
Joseph Skyes
Joseph Skyes - 7 years ago
Dear all keyboard warriors, she said you can get a 1 gallon.not get a 1 gallon. She said if possible get a 2.5 gallon. I know that a Betta woul prefer a 1 gallon tank over a half a cup of water.i own 5 Betta a All in 3 gallon tanks. My 3 female are in a 15 gallon which is male is in a 3 gal.and my aggressive female is in a 3 gal I do actually think that female Betta can be in a less than 2.5 science they produce less waste and are much smaller.i would say get a snail as they help clean your tank
Joseph Skyes
Joseph Skyes - 7 years ago
Sorry I suck at typing
Thotie Princess
Thotie Princess - 7 years ago
Finally a non boring betta tutorial
leah brennen
leah brennen - 7 years ago
i have a 2 gallon tank... is it ok for my betta?
leah brennen
leah brennen - 7 years ago
update: i have recently invested in a 5 gallon tank for my betta, and he seems very happy! i feel bad i didnt get a bigger tank earlier.. thank you for the feedback.
Crazyloveforanimals 16
Crazyloveforanimals 16 - 7 years ago
leah brennen "is it ok for my Betta" I personally think under 5 gallons is EXTREMELY difficult to maintain proper water parameters, temperature and overall space for the fish. I think a 2 gallon tank is negligent and on the verge of abuse. A large tank around 10 gallons can look beautiful and be heated filtered and live planted. I personally have a 3 year old Betta that has been living in a 10 gallon and absolutely thriving. A small tank may allow a fish to survive for a short period of time but a large tank will let a fish thrive.
Sxpphire Slimes
Sxpphire Slimes - 7 years ago
If u can't afford at least a 2.5 gallon tank, you shouldn't even own a betta!
Tianna Bianca5
Tianna Bianca5 - 7 years ago
Question, please answer back because I'm getting a betta fish and I need to know this, how to u add the ph and like what do I need for that cause I'm confuse with ph, sorry
Endfinx - 7 years ago
I have a 11.4 leiters of a tank he lives alone but on Friday he gets 3 neon tetras and another betta in my 3 gallon tank
Lura 1254
Lura 1254 - 7 years ago
you need the lid because the betta likes to jump so she dosent jump out of the water, not to keep your animal fur out of the water
please learn about betta before you take them and they have feeling to so dont buy 1 gallon tank because she or he will not be happy
Catherine Murphy
Catherine Murphy - 7 years ago
I have a 1 gallon tank for my baby betta and a 0.5 for my second baby betta. Both are thriving, healthy, and happy. I think it is ok, but I am looking to buy new tanks for them. I plan on getting new tanks with a light and filter that are 1.5 gallons. I keep them on the second floor on a bookshelf. That is why I have smaller tanks then the average 2.5 gallon, I'm excited to get them!
Crazyloveforanimals 16
Crazyloveforanimals 16 - 7 years ago
Catherine Murphy so you knowingly had one fish in an unideal situation then purchased another and put it in even smaller confinement? Where is you logic? I am utterly disappointed with the human race. Your reasoning behind abuse is you want to put them on a specific shelf for your own enjoyment. 1.5 gallons is unacceptable under any circumstances. I truly hope your fish find a more intelligent care taker.
Ali Aihz
Ali Aihz - 7 years ago
plus 3 couples breed :)))))
Ali Aihz
Ali Aihz - 7 years ago
I have a 500 gal applied 10 male 10 female ALL PEACEFUL is it ok?
Affirmativ - 7 years ago
i hope this girl actually stops buying betta crap and tries to take care of more challenging fish than bettas, and buys a bigger tank
Training Canines
Training Canines - 7 years ago
That tank is WAY too small..
Lara Sari
Lara Sari - 7 years ago
thank you so much for this!!
weird lizard
weird lizard - 7 years ago
This video is almost completely wrong! Do more research before housing a Betta fish!
May Pop Kpop
May Pop Kpop - 7 years ago
I have that bed it's from Ikea
Brylee Huntoon
Brylee Huntoon - 8 years ago
Great video! Keep up the good work:)
Brylee Huntoon
Brylee Huntoon - 8 years ago
I was also gonna add that if the water in your tank is too hot or cold, you could also dump out a little bit of the water and add hotter or colder water:)
Kendall Brown
Kendall Brown - 8 years ago
For those who are criticizing her for the tank size.... it's better to save the animal from the pet store less than .5 gal little plastic cup....I'm sure they would be way happier in a 1 gal than a tiny plastic cup with absolutely nothing else in it.
Andrea Kae
Andrea Kae - 8 years ago
No! This is all bad information. Taylor Nicole Dean did a pretty good video about proper betta care. That is one example of a YouTuber who has some good information about betta keeping. I'm sorry but this video is really not good.
Andrea Kae
Andrea Kae - 8 years ago
Wow, who doesn't have enough space for even a 5 gallon tank? It is about the size of a textbook really. How do you not have room for that?
CookieHam27 - 8 years ago
You can't wait 24 hours. Bettas will die in that cup. They can just go back in in about 30 minutes or 15.
Jensen Bell
Jensen Bell - 8 years ago
the crafty guy
the crafty guy - 8 years ago
omg your so cute
Alyssa The Alyssum Vlogs
Alyssa The Alyssum Vlogs - 8 years ago
ima get a 13 or 20 gallon tank i want my fish to have plenty of space i go b the dumb rule 1 fish 5 or 10 gallons depends on size if small 5 gallons per fish if large 10 gallons per fish
My horse Stole my channel
My horse Stole my channel - 8 years ago
Actually the minimum would be 2.5 not trying to be rude just helping
Izi's animal kingdom
Izi's animal kingdom - 8 years ago
Rebecca Garrow
Rebecca Garrow - 8 years ago
Does anyone else think it is weird that she said that the white hooded tank is he tank by there is clearly another tank right next to her in the background? Like if you agree
Alli Macdonald
Alli Macdonald - 8 years ago
I've heard a lot about this "cycle" but what is it exactly? how does it start? will it start automatically or do I have to do something to start it? why is it important?
Lolz 73839
Lolz 73839 - 8 years ago
I got 3 beta fish with a 57L tank is that okay
seanix jayde
seanix jayde - 8 years ago
Your 1 gallon is absolutely not adequate for a betta at all. The minimum is 2.5 gallons. If you can't afford at least that then you should not be owning a betta. You need heaters and filters as well. They come from Indonesia, Thailand, and Malaysia where the water stays around 80F year round. They need low flow filters because they live in rivers and rice patties which both have water flow. 72F is too cold for bettas. Temp needs to be between 78F and 84F. Please do not post videos with false information.
Jasmine Polson
Jasmine Polson - 8 years ago
you are correct but you can just buy some water at the store and let it set and put it in after 24 hours and betas don't need heaters
Camryn Clusker
Camryn Clusker - 8 years ago
1 gallon is cruelty. Even 2.5 gallons im not happy about, 5 gallon should be minimum. Fish have 5 month memory's and they know how big their tank is. They like to explore and have heaps of space.
Dennis Prince
Dennis Prince - 8 years ago
Thank you I have not set up a tank in so long I'm ashamed to admit!I just purchased a 4 gallon tank with a heater & filter. I have watched at least 7vids and yours was the most informative! Thank you again!
Dennis Prince
Dennis Prince - 8 years ago
I'M retired any additional info I would be thankful @
Pratyusha Mondal
Pratyusha Mondal - 8 years ago
Hello..i had a betta fish the day befor yesterday and had some colourful chip stones(smaller than your stones) for his aquarium...the stones had a bad smell maybe because colouring so i washed the stones so well like so many times until you could see clear water even if u shake those stones in water....that bad smell was almost gone but still had a little bit smell on the stones....but as i had cleaned the stones so clearly so many times i used them in my tank and filtered the tank for 24 hours....but still from the surface of the aquarium water if i try i can smell that bad smell of that stones a little bit....i don't know how to get rid of them....can those stones harm my fishes because of that smell or something??i'm a bit worried!please help
DA_weak_kid Vlogs
DA_weak_kid Vlogs - 8 years ago
Can I get 10 likes for my dead beta fish it was blue and today it was its b day ) :
Connor Zerka
Connor Zerka - 8 years ago
I prefer pellets. They're so much easier to clean then flakes.
OLIVER TOSTADO - 8 years ago
i would not use the decoration hider rock thing my betta got caught inside and died because he couldn't get the food
CookieHam27 - 8 years ago
You suck on research. They need at LEAST a 5 gallon. Or if u can't afford that, the very very very very very minimum of all the minimums is 2,5
CookieHam27 - 8 years ago
If you can't afford one or have the space, DONT GET A BETTA!
Sophie Bassett
Sophie Bassett - 8 years ago
Great vid don't care bout the haters!
Bryana zzstu Basch
Bryana zzstu Basch - 8 years ago
i got that for my betta then he died of stress a week later so good luck.
•Sophia Slug•
•Sophia Slug• - 8 years ago
HOLY SHIT( I don't usually swear but I'm just super mad rn) SHE SAID that she thinks that the minimum is 1 gallon BUT she also said please please go higher than that if you can THEN she said the correct minimum is 2.5 and please do that cause it's best for the fish

Please watch the actual video and listen to her before calling her an evil demon or devil or pet abuser!
Watch the vid if you don't believe me
Kimy9 - 8 years ago
I'm only 12 and I got my beta a 10 gallon
Endfinx - 8 years ago
I got a 3 gallon tank can I put him in it I thought it was a 2.5 gallon tank
Izzy Marie
Izzy Marie - 8 years ago
What kind of gravel do you have?
Because I can
Because I can - 8 years ago
Can you please start making more videos because I love your videos, your so funny
Sophie Martel
Sophie Martel - 8 years ago
I've seen others commenting the same thing, 2.5 gallons is the bare minimum, and if you can't afford that then you should not have a betta fish. Get an animal when you are financially stable and can get a tank with capacity for the fish. Plus, I don't think it's "pretentious" to want to be able to give the animal a good life.
ToxicTurtle - 8 years ago
you have no excuse. you can afford a mac, you have room for a bigger tank. your betta will have a reduced lifespan in that tank
ToxicTurtle - 8 years ago
you can get a 20L or 5g tank for $30
Because I can
Because I can - 8 years ago
ToxicTurtle with a filter and heater because that is normally the most expensive stuff
Bettas Forever
Bettas Forever - 8 years ago
I'm sorry but nobody has said anything about the fact that filtering your betts tank (wich is a little small by the way I think 2.5 is minimum I do understand but still) I'm not trying to be nasty or hateful but filtering your Berta's tank does not cycle it to cycle it you need... Well... Tank water that's already been cycled... And to cycle water u need to let ur betta... Well... Poop. Cause the fishes waste creates ammonia wich creates nitrite wich creates nitrate so without fish waste the filter isn't cycling the water. Just thought I would let you know. Although it does make the water more oxygenated wich improves the water it does not cycle it. Thanks, take good care of your Betta fish :)
Cit Laly
Cit Laly - 8 years ago
Did she die or something? Lmao she hasn't uploaded in months!
The Pham Entertainment
The Pham Entertainment - 8 years ago
Cutest little fish
LittleSproutlings Nursery
LittleSproutlings Nursery - 8 years ago
Im naming my fish Baldwin
Autumn Reinsch
Autumn Reinsch - 8 years ago
I find when I keep bettas, they do better in a smaller tank. I had a male in a 20g long and he died in days while the one in the crappy fluval is still alive
Lorraine Mc Keown
Lorraine Mc Keown - 8 years ago
Love you all
Unknown N
Unknown N - 8 years ago
The most expensive part of having fish is getting a tank and decorations for it so if you want a fish save up for a proper tank
MagmaPlayer ROUSSETT
MagmaPlayer ROUSSETT - 8 years ago
i hate this video
Esreal Delgado
Esreal Delgado - 8 years ago
I got a digital thermometer, I just couldn't trust the two that you mentioned (no offense of course)
Bella Marek
Bella Marek - 8 years ago
You should get a bigger tank, I have a 20 gallon for mine that I'm soon going to split just a recommend
big bazonga
big bazonga - 8 years ago
no. bettas need at least 2 1/2 if you dont have the money or space for that dont get a betta.
alexis sattlefield
alexis sattlefield - 8 years ago
Berta fish aren't strong swimmers anyway so they don't need a big tank with a super filter.
Foxgirlgamer - 8 years ago
No hate but I wouldn't recommend a 1-gallon tank for any fish. If the people don't have space or money then the shouldn't get the fish because even just 1 betta coast a lot of money. I know that sounds mean but if you get a horse and you don't have space or money for it don't get it. Also, you shouldn't have the lights on all the time. Your betta needs to sleep so a light isn't needed. As long as the get at least 5 hours of light they should be fine. Other than that it's a great vid. :)
3llie n0rdquist
3llie n0rdquist - 8 years ago
I have a fifteen gallon tank with a male Betta, five neon tetras, and three emerald Cory catfish. I love my tank so much.
cute. yup
cute. yup - 8 years ago
bro the minnunum is 2.5 go do ur research
Cant Tell
Cant Tell - 8 years ago
Oh and one last question can I just put some colored sand will my beta eat the sand?
Anastasiya Badi
Anastasiya Badi - 8 years ago
I had a 1 g tank for a while but then I got a 2.5 g and my fish seems so much active :) I love the set up of your tank btw
Adam Smith
Adam Smith - 8 years ago
Is a 1gallon tank even a thing?
TheWiseKnight - 8 years ago
what about the fish cycle?
AMAN SHARMA - 8 years ago
Poppininy - 8 years ago
Can you leave links for all your stuff and supplies?
Ali_daboss52 - 8 years ago
Be-tah not bay-tah
JUKE179r - 8 years ago
jeezus khrist...
Fun page
Fun page - 8 years ago
I actually have 10 gallon tank can I keep one betta fish in that tank???
Cupcakes and Chevron
Cupcakes and Chevron - 8 years ago
Fun page yep! Sounds great to me. I am so happy that you are an intelligent individual that is willing to do research to take exceptional care of an animal. Thank you very much!
Fun page
Fun page - 8 years ago
I have two plants and 2 other things . Is that good enough??
BTW thanks
Cupcakes and Chevron
Cupcakes and Chevron - 8 years ago
Fun page definitely! My betta fish is thriving in his 10 gallon planted, heated and filtered tank. Just make sure he has plenty of places to hide :)
skillet_ music
skillet_ music - 8 years ago
2 times a day no no
skillet_ music
skillet_ music - 8 years ago
Jake - 8 years ago
All you need is a 2 gallon for one betta. Honestly I don't get why people think you need more. They don't get big at all tbh.
Cit Laly
Cit Laly - 8 years ago
FinestZoneFilms It's like living in a closet. You can survive, but you won't be happy.
Kittyangel 5
Kittyangel 5 - 8 years ago
A 1 gallon that's not nearly enough
My milkshake brings all the Cats to the yard
My milkshake brings all the Cats to the yard - 8 years ago
6:54 release your Pokémon
Aria Birchsmith
Aria Birchsmith - 8 years ago
If you can't afford the animal, obviously don't get the animal/fish
GD WhiRlpOl
GD WhiRlpOl - 8 years ago
I have a 0.7 gallon tank, love it
GD WhiRlpOl
GD WhiRlpOl - 8 years ago
Cupcakes and Chevron my fish loves this tank and also I didn't have a lot of room, so don't judge
Cupcakes and Chevron
Cupcakes and Chevron - 8 years ago
Nathan Tidball I personally think that is animal abuse. Why would you put any living creature in an environment that small? I would recommend a 5-10 gallon tank that is heated and filtered.
King Kaler
King Kaler - 8 years ago
How much did your tank cost
Kylee Canaday
Kylee Canaday - 8 years ago
This was very helpful when coming to setting up the tank. Thanks!
Uno Drinks Bleach Because Of Shane
Uno Drinks Bleach Because Of Shane - 8 years ago
I got the fluval spec 2.6 gallon tank for my betta
Obscurities make my Personality
Obscurities make my Personality - 8 years ago
I fed my fish about once every two days and he lived four years
Brooklin Mercedes
Brooklin Mercedes - 8 years ago
I already know all of this, but I enjoy watching betta care videos
Ruby Rose
Ruby Rose - 8 years ago
The worst advice ever please get a 3 gallon.
Wade Wilson
Wade Wilson - 8 years ago
What a lot of people here don't realize is that Betta's do not need a "minimum" of 5 gallon aquarium. They aren't schooling fish that need a minimum size. A 1 gallon tank is sufficient provided that there is a heater that is not too powerful, a sponge filter, weekly water changes and some sort of small plant and it will prosper despite what people think. These types of Bettas were bred to display these colors for aesthetic purposes (the wild variants are much different than these ones) and this has caused the Betta's to become very very poor swimmers. They dont swim around a ton like most schooling fish do.

It's also quite ridiculous to spend hundreds of dollars on equipment for a Betta when most of the equipment is useless.
Lynne Bass
Lynne Bass - 8 years ago
1 gallon is WAY too small
The barebareBARE minimum is 2.5 but the best is 5-10 gallons. Don't have animals if you cant care for them.
yamaha is daaa best
yamaha is daaa best - 8 years ago
a betta tank needs to cycle for around a week at the least. i normally love your videos but this one seems really off. 1 gallon is the min. a betta can survive but as a betta youtuber you should know that bettas thrive in an enviroment 2.5 gallons and up, otherwise you shouldnt get a betta.
Mary Schalow
Mary Schalow - 8 years ago
you need to tell every 1 not to use soap :)
R6playz McDubs
R6playz McDubs - 8 years ago
I had a beta and he died i was 8 im 11 know and have another one and he has lived for a good 1 half year
Sea Newt
Sea Newt - 8 years ago
For such a young lady, you're an awesome YouTube personality! Enjoyed learning from this and other videos!
山本ヨーヨー - 8 years ago
Cycling usually takes up to a week actually, even with very small tanks
1 gallon is too small though

You need to acclimate fish for a lot longer than that (by adding small amounts of water from your aquarium to the bag)

Please research more about fish before keeping them, although you've done a much better job than a lot of people haha
Least he's not in a bowl
But yes, please research properly
DAN UK - 8 years ago
the moment you open the bag the ammonia gets more toxic. the dip method is bad. always use plop and drop method. 1 gallon is too small though
Charlotte Pearson
Charlotte Pearson - 8 years ago
If you can't afford a suitable tank you shouldn't get a fish!
IvanManzo_ - 8 years ago
She said that the minimum for 1 is 1 gallon you can only keep one if more they well fight tell death
Black PinkBts
Black PinkBts - 8 years ago
I had a better fish but then the plastic coral reef cut my fish open and white stuff came out my dad flushed it down the toilet it has been 5 years later and I'm getting a new fish I was in grade one back then
Black PinkBts
Black PinkBts - 8 years ago
I mean betta fish on better fish LOL
Horse Luv
Horse Luv - 8 years ago
Yeeaa I'm gonna need a heater for my tank because I live in Alberta and it gets to FREAKING MINUS FOURTY AT NIGHT and at day is minus
Mekong Giant catfish
Mekong Giant catfish - 8 years ago
you needed a heater in the first place
Horse Luv
Horse Luv - 8 years ago
Dhamalamadingdong Dracass EXACTLY! I'm dumb you smart.... Or are we both smart
Kaelynn - 8 years ago
Me to, Alberta has a broken weather-tron
Horse Luv
Horse Luv - 8 years ago
To mines twenty...
Cai Bednarik
Cai Bednarik - 8 years ago
The minimum is 2.5-5. 1 gallon is abuse! and they don't need food twice a day!
LPS Funky 2005
LPS Funky 2005 - 8 years ago
No :/ minimum 2.5 gallons
Chloe Lynch
Chloe Lynch - 8 years ago
The minimum is 2.5 gallon. They are not the expensive, and if you can't afford one, thennn you most likely shouldn't have one.
Baby goose The funny duck
Baby goose The funny duck - 8 years ago
No you have 2000k
Afra Shanaz
Afra Shanaz - 8 years ago
Hey Natalie!! I have a question for u is ur fish still alive I mean is it still alive in the 1 gallon tank I want to get a Betta fish and I was just wondering!!! :)
Afra Shanaz
Afra Shanaz - 8 years ago
+Mandy Pants Thanks for the advice I was gonna buy a 1 gallon but now I am gonna change my mind and buy a 5 gallon.
Mandy Pants
Mandy Pants - 8 years ago
Afra Shanaz please get at least a 2.5 gallon tank! Preferably a 5 gallon tank. They really need the space to swim around.. and do better research then this girl did on some real aquarium keeping sites..
Mary Harper
Mary Harper - 8 years ago
The bare minimum tempature for a Betta is 74°. Any colder can make them sick, since they don't regulate their body heat.
DPineAppleSquad - 8 years ago
I have a one gallon fish tank for my betta and he is really happy and swims around a lot
Kid Gamers
Kid Gamers - 8 years ago
Is a small bowl okay
Kid Gamers
Kid Gamers - 8 years ago
Mandy Pants
Mandy Pants - 8 years ago
Kid Gamers NO! The absolute minimum is a 2.5 gallon, preferably a 5 gallon tank.. You can usually get them as a starter kit with a filter, lid, light and almost everything you need, for an affordable price.
dr. whis
dr. whis - 8 years ago
Somone said bettas breath water
Alex Ketter
Alex Ketter - 8 years ago
I would suggest a 2.5 as a minimum but good video.
emdoesit :p
emdoesit :p - 8 years ago
The minimum is technically 2.5
Ally Koh
Ally Koh - 8 years ago
you need more than 2.5 gal
Akeel Hamza
Akeel Hamza - 8 years ago
Thanks for the video☺
Connor Winfield
Connor Winfield - 8 years ago
Bettafsh care defiantly isn't something you didn't research properly or decided you knew more than anyone else.the ABOSULUTE MINNIMUM tank for a bettafish is a 2 and 1\2 gallon tank and even then a 5 gallon would be better.a 2.5 gallon tank at petsmart is only 7 DOLLARS!
Jalen W
Jalen W - 7 years ago
connor what the fuck are you talking about. you on that stuff again?
RICK LETT - 7 years ago
Connor - BRAVO! You really nailed it. (from a 50+ year aquarist)
LateoJack - 7 years ago
Wade Wilson are you a breeder?
Connor Winfield
Connor Winfield - 8 years ago
Well I'm glad that you think you and your dad know more about bettas then anyone else,but you are not correct. Putting bettas in a 1 gallon tank is like you being in a small bedroom,and yes you can live in it,but is it really best for your bettas?
Wade Wilson
Wade Wilson - 8 years ago
Connor Winfield
I have been keeping different types of community tanks, bettas and cichlids. I am very knowledgable on the subject and know for a fact that Bettas live comfortably in a 1 gallon tank if cared for properly. I have been in the hobby for 10 years. My father has been in the hobby for 30 years and we have agreed on this about Bettas.
Connor Winfield
Connor Winfield - 8 years ago
I agree with you 100%!
Connor Winfield
Connor Winfield - 8 years ago
Hmm I would but see It wouldn't efect people as much as it would if I directly contacted them
Connor Winfield
Connor Winfield - 8 years ago
Actually they do,obviously you haven't done your research properly either and you are abusing a living creature that needs a proper sized habitat just like us,picture yourself as a betta and and just imagine being shipped halfway around the way world to a farm in a bag that doesn't even have enough room for you to turn around in then your placed in a cup on a conveyer belt that brings you to a station were humans examine you to tell how much your worth then in another cup were you stay for about a week then your placed in a bucket with green water to stimulate you and then you are put in another bag and shipped to a petstore witch puts you in a cup and BTW bettas love being in acup at first because they have clean water and food and some space but after a while begin to hate it cause it is abuse if you don't understand what the bag that bettas are shipped in then eres a trend on YouTube where people ship themselves in boxes and its like that but instead of 1 day shipping it takes from 3-7 days with nothing not even food. Then after a while at the petstore in a cup an inexperienced idiot comes and grabs you of the shelf and brings you home with him\her and puts in you in a 1 gallon tank witch again the betta is happy about because of the space but this time the betta never gets out of that into a larger aquarium and will die much sooner then it should. So that's the life story of her betta and yours. I hope that you consider that bettas or any fish are living creatures before you buy them.
Wade Wilson
Wade Wilson - 8 years ago
Bettas can prosper in a 1 gallon tank. I have kept a variety of fish, Bettas included and in my experience Bettas do not need a 5 or 10 gallon tank.
Kaelynn - 8 years ago
If you don't like the way she does it make your own goddamn video
Sonja Pelkonen
Sonja Pelkonen - 8 years ago
Connor Winfield i was literally so shocked when she said a 1 gallon tank would be okay. WHAT? it's absolutely disgusting to keep any fish in that small of a tank. if you cant afford/have the space for in my opinion atleast a 5 gallon tank(the tank she has would be an ABSOLUTE minimum) then don't get a goddamn fish. they're living beings and deserve to be taken care of the same as any other animal. keeping a dog in a tiny space 24/7 would be considered animal abuse.. there's really terrible and uninformed people out there.
LittleMsHege - 8 years ago
Seems way too small :(
In Norway the required size is 60 Liters (15 Gallons). I can't understand why anyone would want any smaller, and if its about money then maybe one shouldn't own a fish?
TheZoo 1993
TheZoo 1993 - 8 years ago
5 gallon is the least anything else is pure cruelty.
Ruby Rose
Ruby Rose - 8 years ago
Hi I am a beginner to but you should never put any type of fish in a 1 gallon tank it is sad and can stress them and will get ick.
susanht67 - 8 years ago
Minimum size isn't based on the pet owners budget, it's based on what the breed of fish actually needs to support itself. Different fish have different needs based on size, fins and how they breathe. The minimum recommended size for a Betta is 2.5 to 10 gallons. This size allows for the type of fish a Betta fish is to function and have the best chance of being healthy. If a person cannot afford the minimum then they should wait to purchase the fish or choose another type of fish. Many years ago some wise ass decided it was pretty cool to market Bettas much like goldfish. As decorations for the room, much like we put plants or knick knacks. No one knew better but fish experts have set us straight over the years but some merchandise sellers still try to sell all in one Betta systems that are too small. It's kind of a waste of money and besides kind of being cruel, it kills the Betta early so you have to buy more. Do the research. Lots of fun cheap ways to do a proper size tank. Just do a fun update.
Bob J-M Gervais
Bob J-M Gervais - 8 years ago
ok, this thank is way to small even for a betta. i like the part when the betta explore the tank... in like...two seconds because the tank is so small... 10 gallons is a good beginner size, smaller then that is just cruel, except for shrimps and snails.... so 1 gallon is a good tank for 2-5 shrimps max, but not a betta. better give more space to your fish then not enough...
Minecraft, Roblox and more
Minecraft, Roblox and more - 7 years ago
Bob J-M Gervais nah. 2.5 is good for a betta
Thomas Kimmel
Thomas Kimmel - 8 years ago
I actually read, the smaller the tank the better. Bettas get exhausted from swimming too much, since there fins are so long. That results in stress for the fish. 2.5 gal. seems to be rite.
Betacare 101
Betacare 101 - 8 years ago
what about blood worms
Shuai Zhou
Shuai Zhou - 8 years ago
U washed ur hands with soap ?? That's a big nono instead u should rinse ur hands in the tap water and dry it use a towel. Soaps might not come off ur hands that easy so just use tap water
SeddyPHaze - 8 years ago
my betta has been alive for a year and a half......... what about yours
All New Stuff
All New Stuff - 8 years ago
Natalie Lauren how do i select a good strong and healthy betta
Blah - 8 years ago
If you can't afford a 2.5 gallon aquarium which is the actual minimum for a Betta, you should not have any animals. I don't care how cute it is, if you can't give a sentient being what it needs to thrive, don't get it.
2 crazycousins
2 crazycousins - 7 years ago
Blah shut up
Blossom Buddies
Blossom Buddies - 8 years ago
Blah I might temporarily use a clear storage bin when I get mine. It's big enough since my old bowl is only about 1.5 gallons (this is before I ever researched or anything) I really want one soon but after breaking her leg my bun has been costing a lot since we took her to the best vet in the state.
Jake - 8 years ago
Yeah 2.5 gallons is the minimum and they will actually do ok in it too. They really don't need too much space.
Anonymous Person
Anonymous Person - 8 years ago
That's what I was thinking, if you can't afford to give your pet the best care ever don't get a pet! You wouldn't buy a dog if you couldn't afford everything he needs! If you don't have money don't get a pet, which might be sad or harsh but you can get 2.5 gallon tanks at petsmart for about 15-20$ my 3.5 gallon tank was 30$ at petsmart and it came with a filter and extras!
Mini Mixers
Mini Mixers - 8 years ago
not that I'm trying to be mean, but a one gallon is a little too small. Yes, I know you are a great fish owner and I know you keep the water really clean but how would you feel as a fish living in a little tank. :) I'm not trying to me mean :))
Dougyy - 7 years ago
i just got my betta fish yesterday :p and the heater was too much for the small bowl plastic tank thing i had, and the water got too hot and it died :(
MaddisonRose - 8 years ago
Mini Mixers, I think that was her opinion but she doesn't go by her own opinion. She still goes by the rule books because she knows that's best for her betta. She said she believes 1 gallon is the minimum but she owns a 2.5.
Kaelynn - 8 years ago
I like that you are saying you disagree in a nicer way than some people
arandomsonofabitch - 8 years ago
Mini Mixers I'm just saying thx because the rest of the comments are just being so rude to this girl and saying she has no experience. You were very kind, thanks :D
Deacon Ortiz
Deacon Ortiz - 8 years ago
They need more space
Edwin Castillo
Edwin Castillo - 8 years ago
yo cheap ass ikea bed frame is wack and basic as fuq
harambe - 8 years ago
So many dumb idiot you need 30 gallon fish tank for a beta fish because these fish live in a huge place in japeness
Gpod Joe
Gpod Joe - 8 years ago
"2.5 gallon is too small, Bettas need 80 gallon minimum" - white people. And no Bettas don't come from Japan they originate from southeast asian rice fields where the water is shallow and is tropical temperature, you're the dumb idiot
Emilie Cardinal
Emilie Cardinal - 8 years ago
just letting you know that bettas are more comfortable with 2+ gallons ☺
Calizaar - 8 years ago
But if you cant afford a decent size tank why own a betta?
Rumer Priestly
Rumer Priestly - 7 years ago
david dior the more you buy animals from places that treat them terribly, the more animals they will stock and treat terribly. Why do so many people not understand the basic concept of supply and demand? Don't buy them from bloody cups!
david dior
david dior - 7 years ago
cool, just let them die in cups, because cups are always a better place for a betta to live in, i TOTALLY get ur point
Pro Pets
Pro Pets - 8 years ago
Hello! My sister and I just started this channel, pro pets. It's been a long time dream to start a youtube channel about pets, ( fish, geckos etc. ) We started last night and have already posted our first 2 videos :) You were one of the inspirations to start our channels! Anyways, please, if you guys could view our videos, it would mean the world to me!
Jeremy Mullins
Jeremy Mullins - 8 years ago
I want to get a betta fish and I have been doing my research and just wounding if 5 gallon take is good?
Naira Cortes
Naira Cortes - 8 years ago
Jeremy Mullins 5 gallon tank is wonderful! The smallest you can go ok a betta is 2.5. :)
Laurie Paquin
Laurie Paquin - 8 years ago
don't put your tank near a window please...
Patrick Navarro
Patrick Navarro - 8 years ago
hey you forgot to add destile water
haileyyrose - 8 years ago
Thanks for making this video this is very helpful! If you Have a light and a heater do you keep it on all the time?
haileyyrose - 8 years ago
Finnley McFish oh okay
Andrea McFish
Andrea McFish - 8 years ago
TheKawaii Panda lights should go out at nighttime. Bettas are one of the very few fish that actually sleep.
Chicken Gamer
Chicken Gamer - 8 years ago
Can you put your fish in after 18 hours
Mandy Pants
Mandy Pants - 8 years ago
Chicken Gamer the tank needs to cycle a lot longer than that, usually at least a week or two (up to a month) to lower nitrates.
Kaley Lowrey
Kaley Lowrey - 8 years ago
try not at all to get the fish in the air it will die faster
jackfer8 - 8 years ago
is it safe to put an amethyst geode in a betta fish tank?
Patrick Navarro
Patrick Navarro - 8 years ago
and also you can teach a Betta tricks like to jump through a hoop!
Patrick Navarro
Patrick Navarro - 8 years ago
thanks for the info I am getting a Betta today!!!!!
Keesha Codling
Keesha Codling - 8 years ago
Thank you for your help, great video
Tasmiyah Warakhwala
Tasmiyah Warakhwala - 8 years ago
is it adviceble to keep betta fish in a fish bowl
res0408 - 8 years ago
Small fish bowls require daily 100% water changes. The new water must be same temperature and dechlorinated. If you don't have time for daily water changes, at least add the appropriate amount of water conditioner to detox the old water . However the water must be changed the following day.

I knew a coworker that did exactly that and kept a betta in a small bowl on his desk at work. It was unfiltered, no heater, but it lived healthily for 2 years and grew to 3 inches. It would often build bubble nests and always had an appetite.
IceFyre Gaming
IceFyre Gaming - 8 years ago
Definitely not, I would recommend at least 2.5 gallons
Lirbs - 8 years ago
Hello! I feel like a few things in this video need be corrected. Please don't take this in a harsh way. Thank you!

First of all, cycling is not letting your tank sit for 24 Hours, it is a process that can take anywhere from 2-6 Weeks. Letting your tank sit will only remove chlorine from your water, which is good, but not the last step in having an established aquarium. Cycling refers to the Nitrogen Cycle, which is establishing a beneficial bacteria in your filter media. By doing this, you can convert the toxin, ammonia, which fish produce, into the toxin nitrite which can be further converted into less toxic nitrate. With frequent Partial Water Changes, the nitrates can be removed. Live plants do help with the removal of nitrate, but PWCs are always needed. Without a cycled tank, the toxins will take over and kill your fish.

Secondly, Bettas should have, at very bare minimum, 2.5 Gallons. Anything less than that is animal cruelty. However, 2.5 is still not the most ideal home, and they should have 5 Gallons to thrive and live the expected lifespan of a betta. (2-4 Years). I currently keep a betta in a 5.5 and he happily patrols it. I am planning to soon upgrade him to 10 Gallons. That's like a Betta Mansion! If you can't afford a betta home 2.5 Gallons +, then you shouldn't have a betta.

Thirdly, Bettas are not Pokemon. Lol, I know it was a typo. Once I was in school and I was thinking about computer labs, but we were writing about where frogs lived. (This was like 3rd Grade). Anyway, I wrote down that they lived in computer labs! Okay, enough stories. I hope you take my suggestions into considerations. >.<

Also, maybe make an updated version with the new knowledge that I have supplied you with. Thanks!
Stef Styl
Stef Styl - 8 years ago
well a 1 gallon is better than a cup!!!
Dave Games
Dave Games - 8 years ago
nvm i got 1 gallon,you know how male betta fish have beards,mine looks rotten and i'm really scared he might you the solution to that and do berta's need a filter
Sethu Durga Prasad Gattu
Sethu Durga Prasad Gattu - 8 years ago
you r beautiful
Dave Games
Dave Games - 8 years ago
is .5 gallons okay
Vicky B
Vicky B - 8 years ago
The other reason you want a lid for a betta tank is because betta are known jumpers. I had one that jumped all the time. He died when he jumped out of his holding area while I was cleaning his tank and changing his water.
Honeysimmer - 8 years ago
my family runs off rain water do I still need a conditioner
Daisy Servera
Daisy Servera - 8 years ago
Honeysimmer I would suggest it just in case. Pollution may be in it since it's rain water so I would still use it. I'm not too familiar with using rain water though because it's illegal to do that where I live. Good luck
Anaia Baker
Anaia Baker - 8 years ago
thanks for helping the beginers but just to help the minimum is 2.5 gallons
Erez Heiman
Erez Heiman - 8 years ago
2.5 gallon tank MINIMUM!
Katie- Lynn
Katie- Lynn - 8 years ago
LOVE YOUR BETTA! My opinion is that the MINIMUM tank size for a betta is 2.5 gallons but if you have money to spare PLEASE buy a 5 gallon tank and up if you want your betta to be happy and healthy :)
T. T
T. T - 8 years ago
Thank you so much for this video (:
Jonathan Loba
Jonathan Loba - 8 years ago
Does a betta fish need a water pump?
IceFyre Gaming
IceFyre Gaming - 8 years ago
I assume that you mean a filter, and in that case no a filter is not required for bettas as long as you change the water regularly
jay bogs
jay bogs - 8 years ago
where I can buy that kind of tank in here philippines??
joshua bastidas
joshua bastidas - 8 years ago
I love it
Bautista Mark
Bautista Mark - 8 years ago
How much in Philippines is that tank and gravels?
The Animal Report
The Animal Report - 8 years ago
1 gallon is too small for a beta fish. 2.5 gallons is the bare minimum
Memes 12
Memes 12 - 7 years ago
The Animal Report what about 3 gallons?
Arctic Winter
Arctic Winter - 7 years ago
AikosAudio "The smaller the tank the less you need to change to keep a healthy betta" Acctually you would need to do water changes A LOT. However I was told the minimum was 5 gallons.
Xara - 7 years ago
The Arctic Hamster the minimum is 2.5 gallons for a beta. One gal per inch of a fish. I would go with 3 gallons if your wanna give it more room. Only because water costs a lot. Smaller the tank more you have to change it to keep a healthy beta but they will get depressed at one point.
Arctic Winter
Arctic Winter - 7 years ago
Catalina Mejia The minimum is 5 gallons
Teddy Agni
Teddy Agni - 7 years ago
Violet Harmon no
Catalina Mejia
Catalina Mejia - 7 years ago
Fish GAMING that the recommend not the minimum
Violet Harmon
Violet Harmon - 7 years ago
Jonathan Cyrus Francisco no chlorine right?
Jonathan Cyrus Francisco
Jonathan Cyrus Francisco - 7 years ago
I keep my betta fish in my swimming pool
Little Bit of California
Little Bit of California - 7 years ago
Jess Barker yes it is !
Jess Barker
Jess Barker - 7 years ago
The Animal Report no it isnt said by a person who owns 15
Summer Folster
Summer Folster - 7 years ago
The Animal Report I agree
Christine_eava - 7 years ago
I have a 3.5 gal tank he's happy in there
Emily Ann
Emily Ann - 7 years ago
The Animal Report that is like a no duh she an idiot
Little Bit of California
Little Bit of California - 7 years ago
CodyHeuer not my comment from before
Datb0i829 - 7 years ago
The Animal Report can they swim more than they did in a cup yes so they can
Luz Molina
Luz Molina - 7 years ago
The Animal Report i also have a 2.5
joshua thomas
joshua thomas - 7 years ago
The Animal Report I have a really young betta I have had from fry. in a tetra 1.5. but when he gets bigger. he will go in a 10 gallon
Little Bit of California
Little Bit of California - 7 years ago
The Animal Report I had a beta in a 2 gal and he wasn't happy
Nutty 16
Nutty 16 - 7 years ago
The Animal Report 2 gallons is the minimum
Fish GAMING - 7 years ago
no no no its 5 gal
Katrina C
Katrina C - 8 years ago
#TheAnimalReport - As the first reply to your comment said and I will reiterate differently, Natalie said that 2.5 gallons IS the bare minimum. _I wish you had read all of the comments before marching in here with your user name and adding fuel for the trolls currently on a rampage of bullying Natalie on YouTube. Please read the comments around here and help us stop this problem. :)
Betta, animals, and more
Betta, animals, and more - 8 years ago
The Animal Report she said that's only the minimum... so
Sam Hargis
Sam Hargis - 8 years ago
What heater do you recommend ?
Sad Memes And Evil Schemes
Sad Memes And Evil Schemes - 8 years ago
Hey! i just got a fish named kojo and he died of cotton-wool disease... i have no idea how the hell he got it. i had him in a 10 gallon tank with a filter and a heater. i was also sure to add the right amount of conditioner. i just got another betta named Nova but im really scared to put him in his new tank because what happened to Kojo. plz help D:
Melanie Martinez
Melanie Martinez - 8 years ago
1 gallon is terrible and not the minimum, you don't know your stuff.
Charlie Yang
Charlie Yang - 7 years ago
1v1 me bro
Ella - 7 years ago
NaturalBeauty214ever - 7 years ago
Melanie Martinez you don't either
Skylar McLeod
Skylar McLeod - 7 years ago
BestBetta fuck being nice, bro. if ur gonna be kind be kind to the fish. fishes deserve kindness, not humans.
BestBetta - 7 years ago
young crybaby yea but where did u learn all this from? From research, and videos. So basically, again,IF YOU DON'T HAVE ANYTHING NICE TO SAY, DON'T ANYTHING AT ALL!
Melanie Martinez
Melanie Martinez - 7 years ago
Alyssa Jacobson Totally, me stating you should do weekly 10% water changes, needing water conditioner, diet conisiting of brine shrimp, pellets, blood worms, and flakes (not that recommended). Minimum 2.5, and you don't think its true look up Taylor dean Betta fish video because she says it and shes a marine biology major, real plants on better in the tank, they need 82-86 degree water with heater. Yup terrible vid k
Alyssa Jacobson
Alyssa Jacobson - 7 years ago
young crybaby well maybe it's you who don't know your stuff. I'd love to see YOU post a Betta fish vid. XD IT WILL BE TERRIBLE
Melanie Martinez
Melanie Martinez - 7 years ago
Completleysparky Its not the absolute minimum though
Completleysparky - 7 years ago
young crybaby she said that, but the ABSOLUTE minimum is 1 gallon, not that she recommended it
Catherine Murphy
Catherine Murphy - 7 years ago
young crybaby I have a 1 gallon tank for my baby betta and a 0.5 for my second baby betta. Both are thriving, healthy, and happy. I think it is ok, but I am looking to buy new tanks for them. I plan on getting new tanks with a light and filter. I'm excited to get them!
BestBetta - 7 years ago
young crybaby done!
BestBetta - 7 years ago
young crybaby I'm gonna report you
Katrina C
Katrina C - 8 years ago
You seem nice. Natalie wants people to give them more room and mentions always that the kit she is showing is sold as a boxed kit for Beginner Betta Owners. I have seen it. It is packaged by Tetra. I bought one for my 6 year old niece. And when I had a spare 5 gallon, I upgraded her. She made this video for others. Her personal tank is different.
Thank you for not trashing her... at this point. :)
Melanie Martinez
Melanie Martinez - 8 years ago
Alex Morton She said "stop acting like your an expert because your not" Its you're!!!! Goodness gracious
Melanie Martinez
Melanie Martinez - 8 years ago
AyanPlayz - Minecraft And More Cool
Ayan Playz
Ayan Playz - 8 years ago
young crybaby I'm going to update to a bigger tank when he gets bigger
Ayan Playz
Ayan Playz - 8 years ago
young crybaby I'm going to update to a bigger tank when he gets bigger
Melanie Martinez
Melanie Martinez - 8 years ago
Alyssa Jacobson Also, its "YOU'RE" DUMMY!
Melanie Martinez
Melanie Martinez - 8 years ago
Alyssa Jacobson Omg please look at Taylor Dean's betta fish care basics dumb bitch!
Melanie Martinez
Melanie Martinez - 8 years ago
Alyssa Jacobson Wait? did he tell you he's happy with his tank?
Alyssa Jacobson
Alyssa Jacobson - 8 years ago
KatieB22 I'm so with ya
Ayan Playz
Ayan Playz - 8 years ago
Alyssa Jacobson I agree with you
Alyssa Jacobson
Alyssa Jacobson - 8 years ago
DPineAppleSquad- nice! I don't really have space for a 80 gallon aquarium, and my fish is happy with his one gallon. Young crybaby needs to learn to be humble.
Alyssa Jacobson
Alyssa Jacobson - 8 years ago
young crybaby- Stop being so mean. You said you started out with a three gallon and said a one gallon sucks? I have a one gallon for my betta and he just swims around happily. So stop acting like your an expert because your not. Maybe YOU don't know YOUR stuff so just stop cyber bullying this girl and keep to yourself.
Allison Pets
Allison Pets - 8 years ago
The point of owning a pet is to be selfless and to give love to something living. Deciding to get a pet you can't afford to properly care for is selfish af & irresponsible af.
Maddie Snow
Maddie Snow - 8 years ago
What a useless point. People who don't have the money or space just shouldn't buy a fish at all, so selfish.
Ayan Playz
Ayan Playz - 8 years ago
OwenBowen222 same
Katrina C
Katrina C - 8 years ago
+young crybaby Ms. Young, as an educated woman, I have to admit that I am confused. You are "obviously" a schooled fish owner (heheh 'schooled' see what I did there?), and have no rationale as an ADULT woman for watching Natalie's videos except to ridicule her. <- As far as I can tell. She makes it VERY clear that these are absolute minimums and FOR BEGINNERS.
Natalie knows I have had Bettas for over 25 years and have been breeding and selling for 15 specializing in Dumbo Crown Tails. NOT ONCE HAVE I CHIDED HER OR TROLLED HER! I have never tried to educate her as she is doing fine on her own and is not afraid to ask questions. I happened on this video by chance and found her so unique and adorable I became a fan. Why are you really here?
Timothy Smithour had a valid question.
So please, If you cannot say anything nice, do not say anything at all. You are an adult woman and it is time you stop this hogwash.
Why not create your own channel? You can upload your very own videos shooting down all of those 1 gallon people, minors and nice, pretty people you despise so much!
Just leave our beloved Natalie alone.
P.S. - why are you soooo angry? Telling people that they should not have fish instead of being NICE and encouraging, you crush them. Hard. Karma really does have a nasty bite.
PinkZephyr - 8 years ago
Every time I have maintained a betta fish, I have gone 2.5 or above in tank size, but if you can only have 1 gallon, it's FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR better than what they are kept in at the pet stores. You can still take care of them, feed them, give them a heat, medicine, etc. It's inhumane to leave them at the pet store at all in the conditions they are kept in. I wish people would try as hard as they can to get more ideal situations to reach the 2.5 gallon minimum, but having plants, hiding spots, solidarity, and more space is better than what they are kept in at petsmart or petco.
Kim Tov
Kim Tov - 8 years ago
young crybaby Thanks for sharing I was going to get a 1 gallon tank, I'll try 3 gallon
Melanie Martinez
Melanie Martinez - 8 years ago
Timothy Smithour I watch all of her videos
Melanie Martinez
Melanie Martinez - 8 years ago
Melanie Martinez
Melanie Martinez - 8 years ago
Timothy Smithour
Timothy Smithour - 8 years ago
Since you obviously know how to set up a betta fish tank, why are you watching this video?  ¯\(ツ)
Katrina C
Katrina C - 8 years ago
There is absolutely no need to comment just to be pernicious.
This is akin to trolling.
田蔚志 - 8 years ago
Animal Lover rest Ea8 I'll too b。
Allison Pets
Allison Pets - 8 years ago
For me, anything less than 5gal is cruel. But I understand where she is coming from and she can always upgrade to a bigger one in the future.
Kaelynn - 8 years ago
Thank you DPinappleSquad and Anita P. You guys understand where she's coming from.
Kaelynn - 8 years ago
In case you are deaf she said SHES NOT CLAIMING HERSELF TO BE AN EXPERT. She also said that you should go bigger. If you think she doesn't know her stuff make your own video to tach people your way. Because for new betta owners like me we don't know if she's right or wrong.
Who said I was an angel?
Who said I was an angel? - 8 years ago
Animal Lover it's supposed to be a joke lol
Melanie Martinez
Melanie Martinez - 8 years ago
+•BabyDory• What? They need at least 2.5
Who said I was an angel?
Who said I was an angel? - 8 years ago
Ikr they need at least 80 gallons
DPineAppleSquad - 8 years ago
Animal Lover she said that for the people who don't have the money or space you dumbass
Anita P.
Anita P. - 8 years ago
Robert Mata
Robert Mata - 8 years ago
Erin the Gecko
Erin the Gecko - 8 years ago
I have a 10 gallon but it is plastic not glass is this ok?
Attack_On _Levi
Attack_On _Levi - 8 years ago
I don't have a filter for my Betta, so I clean it's bowl once a week. Also, what breed is your Betta, it's super cute! Mine is a Half- moon.
weird lizard
weird lizard - 7 years ago
Please please please PLEASE don't house your betta in a bowl! Do your research before housing them! They need a 5-6 gallon tank but 2.5 is the bare minimum and a terrible option still.
Mandy Pants
Mandy Pants - 8 years ago
Attack_On _Mockingjay you should really be doing it every 3 days vs once a week, since you don't have a filter. It keeps the ammonia and nitrate levels down so your betta doesn't get stressed or diseased.
Dilynn Leidhoff
Dilynn Leidhoff - 8 years ago
2.5 gallons is good just plz no fish bowl
Liam Wilson
Liam Wilson - 8 years ago
How much did the tank kit cost with the filter??
Madison Rose
Madison Rose - 8 years ago
I just got a male beta and I put him and my goldfish together and he is flaring at my goldfish. Is that bad?
Laurie Paquin
Laurie Paquin - 8 years ago
Madi Rose dont put a goldfish with à beta...
Maggie May
Maggie May - 8 years ago
Your Betta might injure/kill your goldfish if you don't separate them
Springfeel's Wife
Springfeel's Wife - 8 years ago
StevenG281 - 8 years ago
I don't understand why my water pump barely works, its the second on ive bought, can you help me?
Frank TheTank
Frank TheTank - 8 years ago
one gallon? Buy some snails but no fish!!!
Awesome_D - 8 years ago
Where did you get your tank????
Pepper Pet
Pepper Pet - 8 years ago
Ok DONT TAKE THIS IN A MEAN WAY. I have owed bettas for years and I have had a lot of experience. First of all bettas come from GIANT rice paddy Friday in Thailand where the water stretches for miles at a time so the minimum is 5 gallons. Please don't put them in a tiny bowl or tank because it will make them extremely unhappy and they will have no enrichment. Also they need heaters, they come from super hot areas and can't live a good and healthy life with out a heater. Also just because your room is a good temperature does Not mean their tank is the same temp. Water is way colder than air. Also just saying if someone can't afford or have enough room for a good tank means they should not get a betta. Also I recommend the omega one betta pellets because I have them and they are great, also they kind of sink so they don't cause bloat from your betta gasping too much air while eating at the surface of the water. Please be carful because they can choke on pellets. Hope this helps!
Rainbow26 - 8 years ago
Taylor dean is a better youtube
anfarlamb - 8 years ago
" like-"


"random shoving against plastic tank noise*

"right there"

dying XD
Angel Rodriguez
Angel Rodriguez - 8 years ago
More videos please
Jason Tello
Jason Tello - 8 years ago
Thanks for an actual honest video
Melanie Martinez
Melanie Martinez - 8 years ago
It's not honest. Flakes cause diseases and dirty water. 1 gallon is a terrible size and is the not the minimum requirement and she doesn't know about Betta fish.
nelly lynna
nelly lynna - 8 years ago
Betta fish is one of the easiest fish to take care of you don't need that much item and a fish bowl is enough than a tank . You don't need filter for this fish .
Andrea McFish
Andrea McFish - 8 years ago
Imagine being in an air tight room, there's oxygen in there and its all fine but eventually you start to use up your oxygen and it becomes hard to breathe, eventually theres very little oxygen and you begin to suffocate because you're poisoning yourself. Then after suffering and suffocating a little bit someone pumps fresh oxygen into the room but you've still sustained brain damage from lack of oxygen and your lungs are damaged from struggling to breathe. Theres clean oxygen now but from there being very little oxygen for a bit its physically and mentally damaged you. You can still function normally and move fine but it hurts a little bit... This continually happens until you're eventually a Vegetable, your brain no longer works properly, you can't move and you die sooner than you were supposed to. What a shame. NOW imagine that same scenario BUT theres this lovely little pump in the room that keeps oxygen levels good and fresh. You still get fresh oxygen every now and then but you're not suffocating anymore! THIS IS WHY YOU NEED A FILTER.
TheHarmlessCactus - 8 years ago
Riley Shumaker Yes it is necessary. If your fish don't have one, ammonia, nitrite, and, nitrate levels will get higher.
Riley Shumaker
Riley Shumaker - 8 years ago
A filter is not neccesary but it is still nice to have one to keep the water clear.
DarkSideOfSpace - 8 years ago
nelly lynna oh okay... well my apoligies T_T
nelly lynna
nelly lynna - 8 years ago
FarAwayInABlueGalaxy lol why the fuck you so rude? I have a beta fish in a 5 gallon tank and plants with no filter . My fish is living for two years now and it's healthy I change the water once every twice a week when there's foam on top
taylor •
taylor • - 8 years ago
nelly lynna Yes, you do need a filter. If you don't have a filter you'd have to do water changes everyday because the water would slowly become toxic.
DarkSideOfSpace - 8 years ago
nelly lynna Infact fishbowls are really bad for bettas and will kill them slowly! Bettas can get stressed out in fishbowls and ammonia will build up and KILL them. They like to be in a big open fish tank like in a 5 or 10 gallon fish tank.
DarkSideOfSpace - 8 years ago
nelly lynna You're so ignorant! You shouldn't even own a fish! You should know the science behind an aquarium!
Andrea McFish
Andrea McFish - 8 years ago
nelly lynna Please do not listen to this person, they obviously don't know what they're talking about. 1. Minimum 2.5gallons. 2. Filter. 3. Heater. 4. Plants or decorations for your tank. If you dont have any of these DO NOT GET A BETTA.
-ˏˋolivia ˎˊ-
-ˏˋolivia ˎˊ- - 8 years ago
nelly lynna they can SURVIVE it, but they dont like it. they get extremely depressed.
soft flooffypuppy
soft flooffypuppy - 8 years ago
yes you do. please do research on this fish please
DeadlyxXxNightShades - 8 years ago
Keeping your betta in a bowl is killing your betta. Ammonia gets built up and harms your fish. That's what's produced from the fish's waste and uneaten food. Would you like to live in a dirty environment?
Natalie Lauren
Natalie Lauren - 8 years ago
you're right, betta fish are one of the easiest fish to have survive. but surviving at the bare minimum is not living, and a fish bowl with no filter isn't even minimum; just cruel.
Abby Laventure
Abby Laventure - 8 years ago
make more videos that was cool
bettas r gonna be happy
Kenzie Elyse O.
Kenzie Elyse O. - 8 years ago
my betta died this morning... i watched this video, so much i did wrong..... im so sorry he lived in a glass bowl with rocks and little fake plants. no heater or filter... sorry Bean.. you will be missed
DarkSideOfSpace - 8 years ago
Kenzie Elyse O. Sorry for your loss! But its important to know that betta fish need heater and a filter! A bigger tank is needed too! Sooo... Yeah!
DarkSideOfSpace - 8 years ago
Kenzie Elyse O. Sorry for your loss! But its important to know that betta fish need heater and a filter! A bigger tank is needed too! Sooo... Yeah!
Attack_On _Levi
Attack_On _Levi - 8 years ago
Mine lived in a glass bowl too, it lived for about a year and a half. Betta fish are Japanese fighting fish that live in room temp streams, so the cold water wasn't good, but if that was your first Betta, that's ok, you didn't know :) R.i.p Bean
Kenzie Elyse O.
Kenzie Elyse O. - 8 years ago
also his water was like ice, super cold, my fault.. a pet that counted on me for his every need, and i failed........ every one makes mistakes, but this one really got to me
hello natalie i just bought 2 betta fishes can you help me to take care of them i am only 12 please help
hello natalie i just bought 2 betta fishes can you help me to take care of them i am only 12 please help
Salamander - 8 years ago
Guys, chill. It's a fish. Fish do not have the brain capacity to feel pain, so shit the fuck up. "They're suffering! They need like 20 gallons!" BITCH THEY LITERALLY CAN NOT SUFFER
Koala Kid 23
Koala Kid 23 - 8 years ago
they need at least a 2.5 gallon tank
Japhn Daeniell Abrigo
Japhn Daeniell Abrigo - 8 years ago
Brine shrimps are the best food for bettas
Daniela Alvarez
Daniela Alvarez - 8 years ago
I want a betta fish
Attar Singh
Attar Singh - 8 years ago
Oh yeah by the way nice videos and just let me no about Pokemon figures small ones
Attar Singh
Attar Singh - 8 years ago
Can you do a video of a Pokemon fish tank like at Walmart I saw Pokemon small figures and I was thinking to put them in the tank but then I was thinking it might harm my betta and it lives in a 1 gallon bowl and please please please make a video about a Pokemon fish tank like Pokemon decor please please please
Cheryl Lynn
Cheryl Lynn - 8 years ago
Is it ok to use bottled spring water for a beta? ...and not use conditioner ?
Molly Madness
Molly Madness - 8 years ago
Ya I see that 1 gallon tank in the background
Skylar McLeod
Skylar McLeod - 7 years ago
Natalie Lauren no excuse den
Tina Trinh
Tina Trinh - 8 years ago
Natalie Lauren Jill,
Natalie Lauren
Natalie Lauren - 8 years ago
i did have a one gallon tank yes, and i never said i didn't have space. i was talking about other people
lola - 8 years ago
it should be 5 gallons if you don't have the money or space don't get a betta
ArianaTheRat - 8 years ago
Betta's normally grow to 2.5 inches so the minimum is 2.5 gallons.
lola - 8 years ago
it should be 5 gallons if you don't have the money or space don't get a betta
AScoopofSprinkles - 8 years ago
Is a 3 gallon tank a good size?
Laurie Paquin
Laurie Paquin - 8 years ago
AScoopofSprinkles 3 gallons is good for a betta(:
AScoopofSprinkles - 8 years ago
Sadly, I don't have the space for a ten gallon.
Cupcakes and Chevron
Cupcakes and Chevron - 8 years ago
Yes it is ok. But I think that a ten gallon tank is a perfect option if you have the space.
Paige Cooper
Paige Cooper - 8 years ago
I don't have a heater or a filter and I have had mine for 3 years
Grace M
Grace M - 8 years ago
I have a six gallon tank and I originally had a regular filter, but I ended up getting an under gravel filter. From my experience they work.better than the regular filters. I used aqueon tropical fish color enhancing flakes, and have three fake plants and two hiding spaces, I also only fed my betta one a day, and with everything, my Berta fish lived for 3 years
Grace M
Grace M - 8 years ago
*once a day
Weslin Camden
Weslin Camden - 8 years ago
If you don't have the space or money for a 2.5 gallon aquarium, you shouldn't have a fish. Besides a filter and heater will cost as much as a tank that small anyways. Might as well get a 2.5 gallon (The smallest I've ever seen that comes with a filter.) And don't skimp on a heater, if your house isn't higher than 78 degrees F, you need it. Betta fish will die from being kept in room temp. water after some time.
Marissa Camper
Marissa Camper - 8 years ago
This was very informative just bought a beta fish today and I'm really glad I watched this video!!! Again very informative!
ColorAmber - 8 years ago
If you dont have the space or money for a tank any bigger than 5 gal you shouldn't even own a betta. If you do have those you have no excuse. Please get a bigger tank and a water chemistry set so your fish isn't swimming in poison if you haven't already. Thanks.
Ernestina Aboagye
Ernestina Aboagye - 8 years ago
Ernestina Aboagye
Ernestina Aboagye - 8 years ago
I have a question,do u need to use soap when washing the tank
Natalie Lauren
Natalie Lauren - 8 years ago
no, never use soap! soap is toxic to fish and you should never use it. just rinse it or use a white vinegar solution if you need to
JCWP Gaming
JCWP Gaming - 8 years ago
If you can't afford higher than a gallon tank. Then you can't afford to keep a tank running.
vaporwave - 7 years ago
JCWP Gaming I got a ww2 German tiger tank
RICK LETT - 7 years ago
Or live in a bathroom with a non-working toilet.
Joey Phillips
Joey Phillips - 7 years ago
JCWP Gaming I'm
Legendary Nacho
Legendary Nacho - 7 years ago
Saltine Cracker Sadly lights will not heat up the water ask your mom if she could live in a large closest with only room for you to sit and stand with dusty air and cold temp
Saltine Cracker
Saltine Cracker - 7 years ago
I tried explaining to my mom that they need a bigger space and I have enough space but the biggest she would get me is a 1.1 gal... I feel so bad for my beta. also she didn't think they needed a filter or anything so I only have an air stone and no heater... I try keeping my tanks lit on hoping that it will generate some heat.
Jenn - 7 years ago
the minimum of a tank for a betta is 2.5 gallons. its OK, but if you can afford a bigger one, go for it.
Legendary Nacho
Legendary Nacho - 7 years ago
Anonymous Person lmao never replace a filter cartridge, it has beneficial bacteria you should only ever replace it every 6 months, you rinse the cartridge in your own tank water when you change your water and put it back in
Summer Folster
Summer Folster - 7 years ago
JCWP Gaming exactly thank you. Can't afford to keep your fish happy and healthy don't get it plain and simple
BeeKing - 7 years ago
Anonymous Person oh snap. I only have walmart and petco and got my 2.5 gallon tank for 23
Houfirane Soule
Houfirane Soule - 7 years ago
JChhhWP Gaming
Anonymous Person
Anonymous Person - 8 years ago
JCWP Gaming
Honestly a 2.5 gallon is around 10$ at petsmart, it's cheaper then the fish itself! You are very right, buying new filter cartridges every 2-3 weeks, then buying food, conditioner, house bills get more money added on, it's not that simple as it seems to people who don't research!
JCWP Gaming
JCWP Gaming - 8 years ago
+Megan Deutschlander how is it not true. With the money you would normally spend on food and water conditioner. You could save up for something bigger than 1 gallon.
kittenjewel101 - 8 years ago
great video and you can keep a betta in a one gallon but they will most likely ve stressed and you will have to keep up a routine of at least doing partial like 20% water change every other day or 90% every week and that is also stressfull on the fish and alot of work and worrying if ur betta will die and the prettier they r most times the less hardy cause there bred for cuteness not hardyness and yes listen to this girl no hard plants only silk or a plastic ome with no sharp edges if u can cut a nylon with it dont use it! i rly hope this helped people and know that i recomend a 10 gal it will easily cycle so no worries and if ur betta is docile and u have experience u can keep ur betta with other fish even guppies if u want to know more plz let me know ive been thinking of making a pet channel as i just got a new hamster as well and i reasearched the hell and experience lots of animals
Crazy Rat Lady139
Crazy Rat Lady139 - 8 years ago
I love your videos! I am getting a Betta fish tomorrow and I've been up all night doing research lol
Blaze R3con
Blaze R3con - 8 years ago
Nice video, great for beginners tank is a little small, 5 gallon is recommended not that big, sorrry... anyways I noticed a filter in the tank behind you, what filter is that ?
Cupcakes and Chevron
Cupcakes and Chevron - 8 years ago
+Warpilike I have a top fin filter and it works great!
Blaze R3con
Blaze R3con - 8 years ago
+Betta Plus thanks I'll try it
Betta Plus
Betta Plus - 8 years ago
+Betta Plus oops I meant I know you weren't talking to me *
Betta Plus
Betta Plus - 8 years ago
+Warpilike I know you weren't talking but I recommend a national geographic filter ! I have one and it works really well
All Animals Here
All Animals Here - 8 years ago
2.5 is the minimum
Blaze R3con
Blaze R3con - 8 years ago
bigger is always better tho
Katie Jackson
Katie Jackson - 8 years ago
So if u can't afford over a 1 gallon tank, THEN DONT GET A FISH
Nora Schlegel
Nora Schlegel - 8 years ago
This Tank is not big enough for a beta fish. Or any fish for that matter
Arctic Winter
Arctic Winter - 7 years ago
GOAT because the people who make them only care about money and not the welfare of the animal
GOAT - 7 years ago
Then why tf is it being sold
GearzMC - 7 years ago
A Neon Fish would be happy in a tank a 2.5
AnimalProductions - 7 years ago
Nora Schlegel yes!! Bettas need to be in at least 3.5 gallons...which are still quite small. I kept my Betta caboose in a 5 gallon!
CookieHam27 - 8 years ago
the crafty guy it can be 2.5 but bettas don't like it at all
Katrina C
Katrina C - 8 years ago
I may not approve of the use of "stupid" (I am old. heh.) but, you are right.
Katrina C
Katrina C - 8 years ago
#The.Bunny.Nursery Report them to the ASPCA then. Good Grief.
Katrina C
Katrina C - 8 years ago
Now, that - is bad, and..... how is that possible? +Cat Person is not fish friendly.
Katrina C
Katrina C - 8 years ago
+Lorelai Johnston It is fine for a few months while your baby grows. I have been breeding and selling for decades. Which, if anyone has taken a tiny moment to notice - is splattered all over these comments now that I have been answering questions and attempting to stop this awful trolling, swearing and name calling that Natalie does not deserve
These tiny tanks make great breeders, great single female tanks and just fine for baby or small males (some breeds, like standards, are always tiny), while you learn care and water changes. While doing that, you can save your pennies for a 5 gallon. These are also great for young children. Under 10. This is a good choice when teaching them pet care. "You want a fish? You need to do this on your own." I have mentioned that I got one of these for my 6 year old niece until I had a spare 5 gallon. What I did not mention is that I gave her 3 feeder fish (goldfish). About an inch each. So in total the same length as a healthy male Betta. Low and behold, while learning fish care, she overfed in the first two weeks and lost a fish!
If you Love Taylor Nicole Dean soooo much, stay with her and her videos.
the crafty guy
the crafty guy - 8 years ago
The.Bunny.Nursery you're stupid
CookieHam27 - 8 years ago
FinestZoneFilms NOPE. They need at least a 5 gallon or that's abuse
CookieHam27 - 8 years ago
taylor holman nope it's 5
Jake - 8 years ago
It's enough room for a betta.
taylor •
taylor • - 8 years ago
Lorelai Johnston the bare minimum for a Betta is 2.5
SmartThrob - 8 years ago
+Lorelai Johnston it is fine
walmart - 8 years ago
But are they happy tho? probably not
Nora Schlegel
Nora Schlegel - 8 years ago
+Cat Person that's really too bad... Poor fish
Lorelai Johnston
Lorelai Johnston - 8 years ago
+Cat Person You have a 2.5 with two Betta?...
walmart - 8 years ago
the tank she has is ok for a betta. i would get maybe a 5 gallon but that tank is alright. Anything smaller than a 2.5 is not ok.
Lorelai Johnston
Lorelai Johnston - 8 years ago
+Megan Deutschlander No, it is not.
Lorelai Johnston
Lorelai Johnston - 8 years ago
+Megan Deutschlander No, it's not. Look at Taylor Nicole Dean and her Betta.
Megan D
Megan D - 8 years ago
It's fine.
Lorelai Johnston
Lorelai Johnston - 8 years ago
No. Don't put a Betta in a 2.5. They need space!
walmart - 8 years ago
The minimum for a betta is 2.5 so that tank is ok. Bigger is better tho.
All Animals Here
All Animals Here - 8 years ago
The tank she used was 2.5 gal
Logan Scott
Logan Scott - 8 years ago
My only main issue with this video is no mention of the nitrogen cycle. Many people loose their new companions to uncycled tanks. Please do your research on the nitrogen cycle and how to properly establish and maintain it for the life of your fish. It can make a tremendous difference in the health and can often times be the difference on if they live or die. I am no expert but I have two 10 year old fan-tail goldies that are pretty much my world.
Natalie Lauren
Natalie Lauren - 8 years ago
thank you for your comment! back then i wasn't familiar with the nitrogen cycle but i will admit i am still pretty confused around the subject. i know about ammonia and nitrate and all that but how do i know the water is safe without buying test strips? i checked them out in store and they can be $40+! if you could leave an explanation about how to cycle a tank (that i can understand lol) i will be more than happy to include it in my updated version of this video. every website and explanation has been a bit hard for me to understand :/
wildchild422 - 8 years ago
I've had my betta for 2 years and he was in I'd say a 1 gallon tank (advertised for Bettas) did my research after all these years sadly and saw I was doing it all wrong! Obviously my fish lived and was okay lol but he seriously upgraded. I got him the 5 gallon version of your tank and the same water heater and a silk plant! He's so happy now. But question: how do you like your filter (we have the same one), how often do you change the filter? And finally how often do you change the water (or should I for my 5 gallon tank?)
Natalie Lauren
Natalie Lauren - 8 years ago
this makes me so happy!! i'm glad you researched your stuff. the filter is okay but i change the cartridge once every month, i do 25% water changes once every two weeks
Tuhpowano - 8 years ago
Not all beta fish need warm water. My beta fish live in cold water but no really cold and I had it for 10 days and he is still ok.
ArianaTheRat - 8 years ago
I have a female betta who's been alive for almost a year. I don't have a heater. She's very active and explores her tank a lot. She goes right to the top when I drop some food in. They don't really need a heater.
Cupcakes and Chevron
Cupcakes and Chevron - 8 years ago
+ARGOT Hi! I would like to help you! How big is your tank/bowl? Do you have a filter or a heater? How often do you clean the tank/bowl and how do you go about it? I am just a fish lover that wants to help another fish lover out. :)
All Animals Here
All Animals Here - 8 years ago
That's not fair to your betta, he may be alive, but he's suffering
Tuhpowano - 8 years ago
+Oakley Washington ya I know but it was the manger of the store and ya u may think I am starting a fight but trust I ain't. My beta fish is a room temperature kind of fish so it is fine I am am glad that he is cause he is always so happy and in the night he sleeps. And I am glad that he is ok. He is my first fish after all and my 18 year old sister is an expert with fighting fish and she is good with him to.
Tuhpowano - 8 years ago
+Natalie Lauren I don't know. Now I am confused cause it is my first fish and the store where I bought it from they said cold water and it will always change to room temperature and the fish will be OK.
Natalie Lauren
Natalie Lauren - 8 years ago
betta fish are very hardy fish, they can take very bad conditions but will still survive. just because a betta seems okay in cold water it does not mean they are thriving. cold water can weaken immune systems and exposes them to more diseases than warm water. bettas are tropical fish, which mean they are adapted to warm temperatures. overall, just give your betta warm water lol
Pi pi And pie
Pi pi And pie - 8 years ago
that tank is way to small just cause they can live in it doesent mean they thrive e.g a dog can live in a small cage for its life but uts detrimental to it.
xOGx-B4L15T4 - 8 years ago
The minimum minimum is 2.5 gallons any less is too hard to maintain as nitrate, ph all that stuff become hard to control. And also it swings easily and cleaning is hard. Some stores have dollar per gallon sales so u can get a 10 gallon for 10$. Its super easy to clean and u can add fish and start a community. Also a heater for a 10 gallon is good as it doesnt only heat the tank it makes sure it stays that temp. This will make ur betta live atleast a year if u take good care! I love animals and cant bear when their suffering. I live this channel she cares so much!
Manny Blackstar
Manny Blackstar - 8 years ago
Natalie. how much litres or gallons was your tank you showed in this video? and how can I put a water heater in a 1 gallon tank?
Natalie Lauren
Natalie Lauren - 8 years ago
2.5 gallons, and yes you can as long as you keep track of the temperature. heaters in 1 gallon tanks are very tricky, it can overheat easily
Julie Vargova
Julie Vargova - 8 years ago
Do you think it's necessary to have a filter in a 2.5 gallon tank housing only one male betta? I do a 100% water change once a week
Cupcakes and Chevron
Cupcakes and Chevron - 8 years ago
Hi! I do think that it is necessary to have a heater and a filter In any betta tank. Also 100 percent water changes should not be done on a regular basis. It is actually quite hard on a fish to lose all of its water at once. Instead you should do 25 percent water changes once a week. Also I personally think that a 2.5 gallon is too small. A much cheaper option is to get a plastic tub from Walmart. It is cheap and will make keeping fish easy peasy! :)
Anita P.
Anita P. - 8 years ago
If you can't afford to get a good size tank (10+ g) then don't get a betta.
Good Boy
Good Boy - 7 years ago
It doesnt matter its her fish
Jalen W
Jalen W - 7 years ago
10+ gallon tank for ONE betta LMFAOOOOO bitch get the fuck out of here. my betta will be just fine in a 3-5 gallon tank
how to draw
how to draw - 7 years ago
Anita P. 2.5
LateoJack - 7 years ago
Attack_On _Levi gold fish needs 20 gallon for the first fish then add 10 every other fish you add
Melanie Martinez
Melanie Martinez - 8 years ago
No fish can go in bowls.
Melanie Martinez
Melanie Martinez - 8 years ago
Shut up you stupid troll. Its just stating facts. You don't know shit about anything.
Attack_On _Levi
Attack_On _Levi - 8 years ago
I agree, but there are other fish that can go in smaller bowls/tanks. I have 1 Half-moon Betta fish and 1 goldfish(separate bowls) and the goldfish I have is tiny, I'm sure they can survive in smaller, but I would recommend getting a larger bowl/tank because of course it's more comfortable for the fish if it has more room :)
Kenzie Elyse O.
Kenzie Elyse O. - 8 years ago
im such a bad pet owner
GrimmLock Gaming
GrimmLock Gaming - 8 years ago
How about you don't be a cunt.
All Animals Here
All Animals Here - 8 years ago
(2.5+ g)
Vaibhavi Daby
Vaibhavi Daby - 8 years ago
I have the same fish and same colour ....:-)
Dragon Sin
Dragon Sin - 8 years ago
"1 gallon they need like 80"

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