Happy Betta Fish in Community Tank - Sorority Tank

This is my very first Betta set-up that I had a long time ago. I had a few female Bettas as well as some peaceful community fish in a planted tank. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ★★Follow me on my Social Media ★★ Become a part of the #CreativeCritters Click HERE to SUBSCRIBE (It's FREE): https://goo.gl/SkhMM6 ★CREATIVE PET KEEPING INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/creativepetkeeping FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/CreativePetKeeping/ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/KasiaPetKeeping PERISCOPE: @CreativePetKeeping SNAPCHAT: CreativePet Facebook FAN GROUP: https://goo.gl/plD97d ★CREATIVE PET VLOGS YOUTUBE: https://goo.gl/ec91IJ INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/creativepinkunicorn Feel free to TAG me in fanart YOU make! I love to see your work! #CreativePetFanArt

Happy Betta Fish in Community Tank - Sorority Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 37

Betta 15 years ago 154,169 views

This is my very first Betta set-up that I had a long time ago. I had a few female Bettas as well as some peaceful community fish in a planted tank. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ★★Follow me on my Social Media ★★ Become a part of the #CreativeCritters Click HERE to SUBSCRIBE (It's FREE): https://goo.gl/SkhMM6 ★CREATIVE PET KEEPING INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/creativepetkeeping FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/CreativePetKeeping/ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/KasiaPetKeeping PERISCOPE: @CreativePetKeeping SNAPCHAT: CreativePet Facebook FAN GROUP: https://goo.gl/plD97d ★CREATIVE PET VLOGS YOUTUBE: https://goo.gl/ec91IJ INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/creativepinkunicorn Feel free to TAG me in fanart YOU make! I love to see your work! #CreativePetFanArt

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Most popular comments
for Happy Betta Fish in Community Tank - Sorority Tank

Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 7 years ago
Click here to SUBSCRIBE (It's FREE): https://goo.gl/SkhMM6
I am posting 3 NEW videos a week!
Check out my Baby Betta playlist: https://goo.gl/zQzKr8
Sheila - 7 years ago
Hi can i keep only 3 female betta in my aquarium someone said i need 5 but my tank is only 30 litres a i have a biger tank that is 65 litres but i have guppies and platys and other tropical small fish neon tetra.
Tony V
Tony V - 7 years ago
you can try, but make sure you have a separate home to move them into in case it doesn't work out. if they bite each other constantly, that's gonna create more stress. In the wild, they can run and hide very easily
Katpoop KATPOOP - 7 years ago
can any one help me with the issue in my tank with the filter suction its to strong for my betta
Something Fishy Juno
Something Fishy Juno - 7 years ago
do you inject co2 here?
Fish Life
Fish Life - 7 years ago
who is watching this un 2017
Maria Railean
Maria Railean - 7 years ago
So that's a 10 gallon tank?
Peach Platoe
Peach Platoe - 7 years ago
is it fine if I put my female and male veiltail betta fish in a community tank with my platys?
Yoonmi Kim
Yoonmi Kim - 7 years ago
Short answer: No.
Longer answer: If long term definitely not. If short term to breed, you need a breeding tank with no other fish.
katie wolfy
katie wolfy - 7 years ago
Peach Platoe if u put a male and a feamle in a community tank then they can have hundreds of baby's ps not a god idea
Brianna  Mundwiller
Brianna Mundwiller - 8 years ago
1 gallon for a female and 3 for a male that's my rule
og_bobby stew
og_bobby stew - 8 years ago

10. comment for Happy Betta Fish in Community Tank - Sorority Tank

Musical Mustang
Musical Mustang - 8 years ago
I have a baby sunfish, 2 actually. They are pretty swift. I wanted to have a betta sorority. Having 2-3 females and 1 male (possibly) any suggestions?
Yoonmi Kim
Yoonmi Kim - 7 years ago
Waaaayyy too small of a tank. I hope you upgraded to a 55 and ditched the idea of having the betta in the same tank.
Musical Mustang
Musical Mustang - 8 years ago
I have a 10 gallon tank btw and I'm planning to plant it
Michael Piccirillo
Michael Piccirillo - 8 years ago
Great video, I tried putting 2 female Betta's together in a 20 gallon and of course one of them kept chasing and nipping at the other one, maybe getting more females might disperse any aggression. You could also recommend getting those awesome 5 & 8 Gallon Glass Fish Bowls. They are much bigger than any 1 gallon & they're cheap. You could add a micro filter to work or a DIY sponge filter.

Zile Grobar
Zile Grobar - 8 years ago
yes should have at least 5 females
og_bobby stew
og_bobby stew - 8 years ago
can I keep male betta with other small fish like Tetras?
Memewhore - 8 years ago
og_bobby stew I do my male betta is doing great in my community tank with : Neon Tetra, Rosy Minnows, and some Dwarf Frogs
Tiara And Chase
Tiara And Chase - 8 years ago
They're so pretty ^.^
Alexis Schneider
Alexis Schneider - 8 years ago
Actually I have my own 0.5 gallon tank and it's actually cleaner than my 5 gallon with my Dumbo Halfmoon Male Betta and he's pretty happy and the tank is really clean
Mr. Purple
Mr. Purple - 8 years ago
Alexis Schneider It's almost always better to keep a betta in at least a 2.5 gallon because even if your water quality and parameters are good, you would need decorations to hide in and that little amount of space wouldn't even be enough to swim around in.
Bella and Bettas
Bella and Bettas - 8 years ago
I think thats more like a 20 gallon
Pnut Oink
Pnut Oink - 8 years ago
Hi I have one male betta on a 6 gallon tank could I add more fish or just keep him by itself
RightWingReefer - 8 years ago
U can add other fish. Stuff like mollies or something. I have kept betas with so many different types of fish even guppies. I have bred them as well.
Pnut Oink
Pnut Oink - 8 years ago
+Creative Pet Keeping thanks what about a tiny catfish. it's just cause my betta looks so bored maybe he needs a buddy lol but thanks for the info.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
+Pnut Oink It would be best to keep him by himself but you CAN divide the tank in half with a barrier and get another male.
Lemon King
Lemon King - 8 years ago
How many fish are suitable for a ten gallon? Bettas and maybe some others?
Betta Fish :D
Betta Fish :D - 8 years ago
+Lemon King 5 females, at the most. :3
erikhicks07 - 9 years ago
DON'T DO IT - it's going to end up in eventual disaster every time. Either the more dominant fish will start killing others or the fish will start dying from stress/disease. I've poured lots of time and money into trying this. Please - just don't do it.
erikhicks07 - 8 years ago
good luck
Crazy fish
Crazy fish - 8 years ago
I have a sorority and it's perfectly fine I also saw you on floraveins video saying the same thing
Crazy fish
Crazy fish - 8 years ago
I have a sorority and it's perfectly fine I also saw you on floraveins video saying the same thing
Raymond Cendana
Raymond Cendana - 9 years ago
how many bettas did you have?
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+Raymond Cendana Right now I have two males in separate tanks. I have new videos of them on my channel :)

20. comment for Happy Betta Fish in Community Tank - Sorority Tank

justdefacts - 9 years ago
Did you say you added a male Betta as well? Did it not fight with the females or did you choose a docile male to add?
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+justdefacts Its was one of those rare situations where I had a really docile male. He was not interested in mating..just got along with everyone.
Scott Wilson
Scott Wilson - 9 years ago
Good video however in a 10 gallon tank like this I would suggest doing a 25% water change weekly and clean out the filter far less often as it has good bacteria your fish have built up in it (completely dependant on your filter) if it's a wet/dry filter it'll probably need less cleaning, a small internal filter may need to be cleaned weekly. Make sure your betta has lots of hiding places because if they fight in a community tank they need somewhere they can get in to cover and break the line of sight of the attacker. If you're thinking about starting up in the aquarium hobby i'd never advise getting anything less than a 5 gallon tank, which is around 1ft x 1ft x 1ft, that's what I started with and it doesn't take up much room but it enough for your fish.
Jahan Cader
Jahan Cader - 9 years ago
I have 1 male Betta in my tank with 2 angel fish 2 black tetras and 2 black ghost knife fish is my tank safe?
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
Oh wow..thats HUGE!
Scott Wilson
Scott Wilson - 9 years ago
+CreativePetKeeping I've had a black knife ghost fish before, they are beautiful! Mine wasn't aggressive, he was quite shy actually. Great fish, but...to my detriment I found that once in adulthood they grow to about 40 cm's...i'd suggest a 100 litre tank at least - not sure what that is in US gallon!
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+Jahan Cader The angelfish might attack the betta as they grow up... Im not sure about the knifefish as Ive never owned one ..hmmm
red fairy
red fairy - 9 years ago
Hi! I need help. I have a 30x30x35 tank. A 30 liters/8 gallons tank. The thing is, i have 1 betta and 2 neon tetras. I was naive in getting fish without research. I do not know anyone that has a large aquarium so they can just adopt them. My question is, will it be fine to keep them in my tank? Should i add more neon? If i should, is 4 or 5 neons fine? Pease help. Thanks!
katie wolfy
katie wolfy - 7 years ago
red fairy u should have up to 5 neon at least and yes neon tetras are the best fish to put with betta fish becuse they can swim fast so they cannot get nipped and also they are small and they don't nip
Scott Wilson
Scott Wilson - 9 years ago
+red fairy Just keep an eye on them, I found it was the opposite way round and I've had neon's fin nip a male betta before.
red fairy
red fairy - 9 years ago
Awesome! Thanks so much for your advice! I am still on nitrogen cycle.. maybe after a week or less the tank can be safe for them. :)
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
I think it should be ok..just make sure u do 25% water changes..at first twice a week an then from then on once a week. Will help the tank handle the fish.
red fairy
red fairy - 9 years ago
Thanks for the reply! I bought plants.. no fakes. :) I will be planting them tomorrow. Yes, i am planning to add 3 more if it is possible to join them together. Is it okay to join them in my 30 liter tank? I tried to find someone who has 60 or bigger tank, but i do not know any unfortunately.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+red fairy Neons are schooling fish do they do better in a group. If you had 5 that would be ideal. Do u have plants in the tank (fake or real)? They should be fine with the betta ..if he is being too aggressive u can always put him in a large breeding container temporary giving ur neons some peaceful time to adjust to the tank. Generally ..male bettas eventually learn to mellow out and get used to their tank mates over time.
benjitanzhiwen - 9 years ago
For this tank do you use CO2?
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+benjitanzhiwen nope but I have in other tanks
Nadia Brown
Nadia Brown - 10 years ago
I have 1 male beta and 5 other fish that you mentioned
TM3000 - 10 years ago
It's a beautiful ten gallon tank.  God bless!
etcano - 10 years ago
Seriously you should do a video about your tank, what plants you have and how you maintain them. Awesome tank by the way.
Gabrielle Flynn
Gabrielle Flynn - 10 years ago
what a nice tank. I can image it would suit the betta's natural habitat quite well with all the plants and top covering
dexter costales
dexter costales - 10 years ago
i have 5 female bettas and 6 black mollies in a 5 gallon tank with many natural plants,but my one female betta is very agressive should i remove her in the betta sorority tank or not?...she try to compete my biggest female betta and she got nipped...what should i do?

30. comment for Happy Betta Fish in Community Tank - Sorority Tank

sammyjn15 - 10 years ago
Typhoon, my half moon Betta doesnt mind guppies or the sword-tail I did put a female red paradise gourami in the tank and he got his ass kicked, but now he seems fine with her
Sonny Clark
Sonny Clark - 11 years ago
could I just have all female bettas? in a community 20 gallion tank? or maybe 4 female and 1 male in a 20 gallion tank
or could i have 3 neon tetra 3 female bettas and 1 male some one please help me im geting a 20 gallion tank soon please help!
A Betta Future
A Betta Future - 8 years ago
I wouldn't put a male in there
Sonny Clark
Sonny Clark - 11 years ago
how big is a community would a 20 gallon work
Rose Sakura
Rose Sakura - 11 years ago
I'm getting a ten gallon tank later today and in a few days some neon tetras because they are awesome
April Moyer
April Moyer - 11 years ago
This video is what inspired me to set up my 56 gallon planted betta tank!
Must Luv fish
Must Luv fish - 11 years ago
I moved my baby femaile betta in to my 20 gallon tank but the danios bother her sometimes she seems to leave all the guppies alone but the blue one she likes to nip at and she doesn't seem to like the tropical fish flakes do you think she just has to get used to the new food cause I can't put a crushed pellet in their the other fish will eat it in a blank of an eye
katie wolfy
katie wolfy - 7 years ago
Must Luv fish or u could feed you betta with blood worms with tweezers
katie wolfy
katie wolfy - 7 years ago
Must Luv fish this is pretty hard but if u wanted u could put her in a large breeding container when feeding or u could start to feed brime shrimp alot of bettas love brime shrimp so yeah and it's safe for guppys to eat and other tropical fish hope I helped
Deepa Bhatt
Deepa Bhatt - 9 years ago
+Mafe :3 my betta is spoilt like that too
Must Luv fish
Must Luv fish - 10 years ago
ok thanks
Mafe :3
Mafe :3 - 10 years ago
With my betta i feed him induvidyaly with twezers.Feed her bloodworms bettas are carnivors
Dee Foley
Dee Foley - 11 years ago
thank you for such clear informative non -prejudice information. after watching 50+
other videos i feel confident about putting my betta in with my other fish.your video
was the best of all. thanx
T Moore
T Moore - 11 years ago
Why do you say batta like a retard
Aramis Duarte
Aramis Duarte - 11 years ago
I'm gonna try and do this with a 10 gallon tank.
Ashish Amin
Ashish Amin - 11 years ago
hey, what are those upside down plants, and how did you get them to stay like that
Reanna Smith
Reanna Smith - 11 years ago
Hey I was planning on putting my betta in a 10 gallon community aquarium he is a male with three male black skirted tetras I heard they would work but I'm concerned about them biting my bettas tail I heard the males can grow up to three inches in the store but two online so I'm also wondering how many would you recommend to keep with my betta
Dom Ex
Dom Ex - 11 years ago
yes they do , they just dont have eyelids so u cant see when they are..
Dom Ex
Dom Ex - 11 years ago
fin rot would be evident on all fish in a tank.
Dom Ex
Dom Ex - 11 years ago
I would check your water ammonia and nitrites , active fish usually hide in a patch of less polluted water because they dont like the polluted stuff, answer is water change at least 50% , and clean out filter sponges by rinsing them in used tank water so not to kill the bacteria on them
Dom Ex
Dom Ex - 11 years ago
In all honesty the amount of Oxygen produced by the plants is negligable , however live plants do suck up nitrates, but i would advise a water change of 10% every week, rather than larger infrequent water changes, This will help the fish stay healthy as they will be less shocked when the water chemesty changes
Jewels - 11 years ago
would i be able to get a female betta and an angel fish?
TheCheese909 - 11 years ago
In a 10 gallon aquarium with as many fish as are in it (even though there are live plants and a filter) water changes should be done every week with a gravel vacuum. Vacuuming out the poop (cause filters dont take care of that) from the gravel and taking at a minimum 20% of the water out, every week. The bigger the tank, the less you'll have to do these water changes.
TheCheese909 - 11 years ago
Also be careful keeping them with Tetras as Tetras, like Neons, Fruits are fin nippers and will actively go after male Betta fish. Barbs are also fin nippers, they are complete instigators and will actively go after your males.
TheCheese909 - 11 years ago
If you're going to keep a sorority of females make sure your aquarium is large enough, a 20 gallon is better than a 10 gallon, not only because of the space but also because of the bio load (how much they poop) and they should never be kept in less than 5. The more girls the more the aggression is spread out and the more peacefully they will live together.
TheCheese909 - 11 years ago
They do great with silk plants but should not be kept with plastic plants. Also, of course, live plants are the best.

50. comment for Happy Betta Fish in Community Tank - Sorority Tank

Pond Scum Productions
Pond Scum Productions - 11 years ago
Thank you! Subbed!
Mattie Styles
Mattie Styles - 11 years ago
fake plants have a possibility of snagging and damaging the betta fins. plus live plants look prettier!
Thaddius Leiber
Thaddius Leiber - 11 years ago
Wow, good job! I had heard you can do two males as long as the tank is large enough and plenty of hiding places so each can have their own territory. Glad to hear it's working for you!
Thaddius Leiber
Thaddius Leiber - 11 years ago
From what I have read, yes you can, but it is best to keep them together in large numbers and start them together young so they can establish a "sorority". Sometimes, if they are too old or too few numbers there will be excessive aggression and one more may die of stress.
Thaddius Leiber
Thaddius Leiber - 11 years ago
A Clown Fish (Nemo/Marlin) and a Regal Blue Tang (Dory) are both marine/saltwater fish, whereas Betta splendens is tropical/freshwater. So no, you cannot have those in the same tank. If you want a similar look, a Clown Loach is a good-looking freshwater fish (I have one in my community tank) and perhaps an Angelfish for a "Dory" lookalike.
Nick Rivera
Nick Rivera - 11 years ago
Hiii I wanted to know is it okay if I put a clown fish & a bluish yellow (dory) fish with my betta ?
Orlando Torres
Orlando Torres - 11 years ago
Hello CreativePetKeeping!!!. How do you feed your Betta??? I have one in a 55G and it seems that he can't see the bits I droop for him. He just swim and swim But in the last 4 days I have't seem hem eating at all. He seems preety fine. Thank you.
Robin Morrisen
Robin Morrisen - 11 years ago
Fish don't sleep
TheOrangePlaty - 11 years ago
I have a blue male Betta Fish in a 100L tank with Platys and he gets along fine with them even though they have fairly long fins. He doesn't even go for the Platy young.
ragnarokable45 - 11 years ago
you can keep females together?? tahts crazy!
Prince Rhem
Prince Rhem - 11 years ago
much bigger then a 10 more like a 30-40 gallon
Agaptos - 11 years ago
I bought a betta and just noticed his right fin is missing....I have him in a 100gallon community tank.....I was thinking of returning him but ...but ...but my conscience kicked in and made me not to...will it grow back? since he keeps swimming around i cant get a good look on to what extent the fin is missing....any advice?
moldy bug
moldy bug - 11 years ago
I like that tank
dianavntura_ - 11 years ago
what a beautiful tank & fishes :) Do u know where i could buy a female betta in miami? Petco barely has any females :c
Christopher Hale
Christopher Hale - 11 years ago
I have a 29 gal aquarium....I have 5 females and 2 male betta's.....LOTSA hiding places......have had NO probs!.....for over 4 monthes.....as long as there are plenty of hiding places.....I find it fine.....
Logan - 11 years ago
A place where I keep any fish that don't seem to get along with the rest.
Davin Sanchez
Davin Sanchez - 11 years ago
what do you mean by a time out tank
Davin Sanchez
Davin Sanchez - 11 years ago
used to have a similar aquarium.
LPSJanna - 11 years ago
Thanks for the tip. ^_^
Logan - 11 years ago
Everytime I upgrade to a larger tank I keep my older tank, I use a 5gal as a hospital tank, and a 10gal as a "time out room".
Logan - 11 years ago
Not usually, it'll be far less work and stress for you if you just subdivide your tank, but I HAVE seen 2 males coexist, it is rare though.
LPSJanna - 11 years ago
Thanks so it's ok to keep 2 male bettas together? :))
Logan - 11 years ago
Addendum: keep about 2 feet between the tanks to start with, slowly moving them a few inches closer every day... if after a couple days they both still look like they want to rip eachothers fins off... then subdivide the tank.
Logan - 11 years ago
you can try it, people get their panties in a bunch when people even so much as stress a betta out... it's an animal, it can handle a little stress, just make sure you give both betta's a hiding place (a wall or better yet a castle or skull) so if they get ansy they can run and hide... if that doesn't work you might have to divide your tank.
Logan - 11 years ago
African Dwarf Frogs make good betta buddies... just be certain you are buying ADF's and not african CLAWED frogs... theres a vid on here somewhere of an ACF eating a betta... This is also a good way to justify(not that you should need any justification) putting your betta in 5-10g... ADF's have very minimal impact on bio-mass too.
Crysta Floyd
Crysta Floyd - 11 years ago
I love Your Whiter Female Betta. Beautiful.
As Good As New
As Good As New - 11 years ago
I bought a baby male raised him to grow 2" bright vivid lovely healthy colors get personality. So one day I thought he's alone a lot I'll get a buddy for him read up got a tetra as recommended. That lil think was a menace nipping at my bettas fins. It stressed him to the point of fin rot. Needless to say the tetra is gone and now about 2 mons after I started the treatment for fin rot my fish is himself again the tetra f&.ked up his fins but they are coming in nicely .
As Good As New
As Good As New - 11 years ago
DO NOT GET A TETRA Or any fish Bettas don't like other fish they prefer human interaction. I had a baby male
LPSJanna - 11 years ago
Hello,recently this year I found an old aquarium about 5 gallons i think and so I decided to get a male betta(named Atlantic). After a few weeks though my mum bought me another betta which is also a male(named Flame). I am keeping Flame in a bowl and I feel sorry for him. Do you think if I placed Flame in a small container and placed that container in the tank with Atlantic,they would get used to each other? Sorry if this is kind of confusing. :P
doglovervt99 - 11 years ago
Hi :) I want to set one of these up but i don't quite know what i would do if it didn't work out. And also how do i introduce them? Thanks and i LOVE your videos by the way!
reesiecup3 - 11 years ago
Halfmoon tails tend to be a big target for even the most docile of tank mates due to the fact that they appear to be a giant flowy piece of flake food. While it's possible the tank just needs a good water change and some time for your bettas fins to regrow, I suggest not only doing a water change but if possible, adding in more hiding places for your betta. Also, instead of using harsh medication on your fish to help regrow fins, adding fully dissolved aquarium salt will aid in healing naturally
moe jem
moe jem - 11 years ago
This his how to keep a betta , i love this, i started tearing up :')
bettafish blue
bettafish blue - 11 years ago
Cool vid. What is the green looking moss plant in your tank?
IHVHandmind - 11 years ago
What are the floating plants you have on the water's surface? Is that frogbit?
BettaFishRUs - 11 years ago
Wow! That was very informative, even though I knew most of it. Thanks for the awesome video! :D
Alexa Jones
Alexa Jones - 11 years ago
That looks wayyyy bigger than 10 gallons. How many bettas are in your tank?
Suraj Ganapathy
Suraj Ganapathy - 11 years ago
which is the plant thats' wrapped around the wood as well as floating ??
Alandria - 11 years ago
This is how betta's are supposed to be kept, not in stupid small containers.. smh
thejenders - 12 years ago
Can I put my male betta in a 20 gallon tank with guppies and fantail gold fish? Will all of those fish be able to live together? I have my tank but have not gotten any fish yet. Thanks :)
Darth & Kali
Darth & Kali - 12 years ago
My betta is happy as can be, he is such a happy, active fellow, who clearly needed friends, so I threw him into my active 30g tank with 2x clown loaches, Ottos, Mollies, Platties, and neon tetra. That Betta is swimming all over the place, playing with the others, coming up to eat worms out of my hands with the others and even playing in the bubbles. He has a plant setup near the top corner where he goes to rest. Happiness=Lots of plants and caves and a sand-bowl for everybody to have privacy
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 12 years ago
Well, I prefer live plants because they help maintain the tank by getting rid of the waste and they provide oxygen for the fish. Although fake plants are ok as well. Try to provide as many hiding places for your fish so if the betta do bother then then they can get away.
Bluebelle Sarah
Bluebelle Sarah - 12 years ago
I love seeing well cared for Betta fish, your tank looks amazing! :D such a refreshing change from the small unheated bowls you see on here so much! Check my Fighter out on my channel if you have time and let me know what you think :)
Sebastien Boudreau
Sebastien Boudreau - 12 years ago
female are not agresive
Bailey Holder
Bailey Holder - 12 years ago
What size tank are these guys in?
Tanner Jedi
Tanner Jedi - 12 years ago
Can bettas live happily with an anacharis plant? My betta got stuck in mine and almost ripped his tail. Should I take it out?
Kimberly H.
Kimberly H. - 12 years ago
Ooh well I have a male betta And i dont know if hes sick or just bored i Made a video of him and uploaded it and i thought i could keep my Female beta in his tank ( that only lasted a day when i saw the damage SHE did to his fins ) but i would liek an Expert opinion If you wouldnt mind ^^
sunshineandish - 12 years ago
nice video :) bettas are great..trouble makers but great haha
TaishaMcGee - 12 years ago
Those are some seriously happy and lucky fish.
Cass Reynix
Cass Reynix - 12 years ago
Can you keep platy with betas in a 30 gallon tank.
bob poopy
bob poopy - 12 years ago
nice tank are bettas good with a 5 gallon tank? and how often do u feed bettas

100. comment for Happy Betta Fish in Community Tank - Sorority Tank

Masha Malinowska
Masha Malinowska - 12 years ago
I've set up a 20 gallon aquarium with over 14 plants and two little cave like decorations. Could I put six females and one male together?
boston6781 - 12 years ago
Sorry I think your fish has fin rot. But if your fish has clumped fins it very likly for it to be stressed, most often by high levels of amonia or nitrite. If your betta's fins are becoming shorter and shorter then it may be fin rot since the tail is the coudual fin. Try medication and also there are some types of medication that causes fin rot to slow down for a while which can help your betta recover.
Gabriel GE 123
Gabriel GE 123 - 12 years ago
Hey, what kind of lamps do you use? They do help plants grow, don't they? And also, what kind of plant is it that is resting on top of the water, the one with little roots?
CynHng - 12 years ago
I love all of your Videos, and the way you explain in this video :) keep it up! btw, may I know the title of the music u use in this video? :D thx!
FareezLovesMe - 12 years ago
One of the most beautiful tanks I have seen anywhere. It has been a pleasure watching your videos. And thank you for giving your bettas a wonderful home.
fernygee89 - 12 years ago
Ive had them in the same tank for a while and they didnt do that and it turns out it is fin rot
Anthony Chun
Anthony Chun - 12 years ago
Guppies? The guppies are probably are nibbling on the fins, this is REALLY bad, keep it in a seperate tanks
fernygee89 - 12 years ago
Kay thanks
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 12 years ago
Hmm....maybe it might be fin rot. That is when their fins become smaller. Changing some of the water, and vacuuming the gravel as well as adding some medication should help.
fernygee89 - 12 years ago
i need to ask something i bought a halfmoon betta about 2 months ago and put it into my 20 gal tank with some guppies and platys my betta used to be very active and have very bright colors but about 2-3 days ago it started to lose the brightness of the color and be come less active it now is usally in the corner doing nothing and its fins have seemed to gotten smaller any idea of whats wrong?
Lee OfBacup
Lee OfBacup - 12 years ago
I was told off lots of people not to put my female in my community tank with all my other fish. My tank has 3 Black Widow Tetras, 6 Albino Widow Tetras, 6 Neon Tetras, 2 Algae Eaters and of course my female Betta. They have all been living happily for around 16 months now without any cause for concern. No fighting or fin nipping. So I would recommend to any one to give it a go. In my opinion it is a lot better than keeping it in a tiny, cramped tank all on its own.
gamester90 - 12 years ago
wow i wanna mate my betta but thares no females so 030
Zeke Ramirez
Zeke Ramirez - 12 years ago
are they still alive
Texas Hobby Man
Texas Hobby Man - 12 years ago
Yes to all, although the algae eater depends on what type. If it's a small tank, don't get a plecostomus, get a few corydoras catfish or ottocinclus catfish. Plecostomus catfish can get huge, and can be quite aggressive as they age.
TheManicPixie - 12 years ago
African Dwarf Frogs are fine with Bettas. I had like two of them with my female a few years ago and they got along. If you put bettas in a community tank, make sure it's bigger (I've got mine in a 10 gal that I plan to add to) and that you have little hiding places and plants for the other fish. NEVER keep a betta with fish that have bright colors or long flowing fins because the bettas will harass them and nip at the fins. In the end, though, it depends on the betta's personality.
HoltonStudios - 12 years ago
i know its 1 month late and u properly dont care but my betta murdered my mollies so that was my experience, thought u should know :)
Slim Tim
Slim Tim - 12 years ago
Awesome video, very helpful and informative. Didn't know if could Bettas with other fish or not. You said get females and have tetra.
abbeyboxer2010 - 12 years ago
Would you be happy if you were left to live inside 1 crowded space? No, and bettas wouldn't neither.
abbeyboxer2010 - 12 years ago
Bettas would be more happier if they had bigger space to swim...
Spidertetra42 - 12 years ago
why u no make fish videos any more?
TheMrObsanity - 12 years ago
Everything is okay except I'm not to sure about the Mollie. You should look into it more before you try
Ponquit Quinton
Ponquit Quinton - 12 years ago
mollies will not go with bettas, most male bettas will think of the mollie as competition as they also have long fins, the betta will think it may be another male and attack it. this is what I have read from many sources, hope it helps
drawingdazer10 - 12 years ago
oh, ok but i dont know anyother nethod i was just saying that to be on the safe side XD
pulmoneb - 12 years ago
can red eye tetras live in a fish bowl
lexcouple82 - 12 years ago
I have a betta like that with a stripe like that
Tongtiew Siri
Tongtiew Siri - 12 years ago
I think betta fish cannot live together in the same tank T_T
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 12 years ago
Im not really sure about the mollys. From experience I know they do well with tetras and algae eaters. I have never owned African Dwarf Frogs, so Im not sure about that either.
Becca Hahn
Becca Hahn - 12 years ago
The angel fish would kill the betta...
TropicalKIng1990 - 12 years ago
realy cool i would like the same set up for my tank :)
debinforties - 12 years ago
It's great how you found a way to make Betta fish more happy than just being all alone in one tank. I always feel so sorry for the ones who are in those tiny little jars and must be so sad or even bored out of their minds. Fish need to have lots of room and companions to entertain them. Great idea!
pedro penaloza
pedro penaloza - 12 years ago
woah i thought iht wuz lik a 20 gal! nice tank tough!
drawingdazer10 - 12 years ago
you can put them in the same tank as long as you put a screen inbetween them leaving about 3/4 of the tank for the females and 1/4 of the tank for the male ONLY if you have at LEAST 10 gallons otherwise don't do it. Also remember 1 inch length= 1 gallon.
tori wilson
tori wilson - 12 years ago
dont get tetras!! tetras are fin nippers and will try to eat the bettas fins. either the tetras are gonna get eaten or the bettas gonna be finless
Bob Benji
Bob Benji - 12 years ago
Love you vids good advice check mine out please
Bryce Couture
Bryce Couture - 12 years ago
what kind of plant is the stuff floating at top of water
Sailor Williams
Sailor Williams - 12 years ago
How many female betta fish can i keep with a male betta fish for the 15 gallon i am getting once i get $5.22? Please reply! ;)
betta fish
betta fish - 12 years ago
its 20 gallon
betta fish
betta fish - 12 years ago
thats not a 10 gallon thats like a 20 gallon witch im getting
warmaster5128 - 12 years ago
i figured it out first get a good size breeding net at petsmart or were ever you live then put them in your tank with the net and evry here and there let them out but keep a close eye on them and if they act fine just keep watching and if they snap at a fish just put that one back in the breeding net thats how i did it with my beta but i dont have that betta any more cause it died of age but just do that and maby you can get them to not pick on the other fish
Rizkwin - 12 years ago
what if i put a male and female in a community tank??
ShamuAquariums - 12 years ago
just dont put tem with rainbow sharks or redtail sharks or the bettas' fins will be gone !
Vani Jay
Vani Jay - 12 years ago
Yes, I just put my Betta in my community tank of 55 gallons, and everything is going great! It's a beautiful turquoise blue that gets lighter blue toward the tail. It really stands out! I have many rocks and plants for hiding spots and distinct separated areas for the fishes
OverloadtheBass - 12 years ago
The betta lives in tiny puddles on the side of the road when there is no water during the sumer. So even if it is in a bowl it is still living in a five star resort. Also your fish's fins are really badly torn, this can cause major amounts of stress which can cause outbreaks of ich, finrot, and other diseases.
OverloadtheBass - 12 years ago
jake monroe
jake monroe - 12 years ago
You know whats really fun is jus before u get ready to explode pull it out and skeet into the tanks the fish really enjoy a little snack and its fun to watch them fight over it taste like chicken the protein makes them live loner ive been feeding them this way and mines been alive for two years. Have fun happy beta ppl
idk makeup
idk makeup - 12 years ago
Hey I have question. So, I'm setting up a 10 gallon aquarium, in which I plan to put 3 platys and a betta. Does it matter which I introduce first? Thanks!! :)
4felix1999 - 12 years ago
Okay Thankss.
LegitimatelyBrown - 12 years ago
Hey some of the female bettas look a bit torn. Is that normal?
LegitimatelyBrown - 12 years ago
i think 10 gallons is the smallest with 5 bettas max unless you add some snails and/or snails
Limcamilka - 12 years ago
Please help me one of my guppies is pregnant and part of her tail and top fin is turning black, is this part of her pregnancy or just late coloring coming in should I be worried head her for 2 months now please help.
4felix1999 - 12 years ago
keeping female betta fish together is okay as long as there in a big tank right? like what would be the smallest you could go 20? ^^
Limcamilka - 12 years ago
Someone please respond to my question, please
Limcamilka - 12 years ago
Ya same here, got 20g tank with 3 guppies, 2 neons, 4platys 2 Cory catfish. Can Klerk male betta in it? And what to look for when buying calm betta?
kondakor1998 - 12 years ago
@CreativePetKeeping can i put my one male betta in a 20 gal tank with about 18-20 other fish 3 platties and tettras but two of my tetras are the long skirt one so will my betta kill them? also my aquarium isnt too theroughly planted as yours so any advice would help. cheers. Zoltan K
TheEmpowered787 - 12 years ago
Is thaf mondo grass in the center?
violinman - 12 years ago
So how was the interaction between your females and male betta in the same tank?? Does he try to go after them all the time?? Very informational video btw. Thank you!!
minihorses10 - 13 years ago
I have a 1.75 gallon tank and my betta just died today at 6:30 am so I am getting two more fish
kuronorocks - 13 years ago
Wow!!! That's a ten gallon tank? :D I'm having such high hopes now for my ten gallon tank I just bought today. I've done so much research lately on fish and I went out and bought a ten gallon tank, So far I have two plants in it, a Anubias and a fern I can't remember the ferns name at the moment but yeah! Also the bottom is lined with sand, I couldn't stand the idea of those hard rocks. Its still in the cycling process so no fish in it yet. After seeing this I'll have so many plans for mytank :D
caiya - 13 years ago
Ate those plants real? What kind ate they?
Jordy Legge
Jordy Legge - 13 years ago
hey i gotta 3 or 5 gallon bowl with one female betta, 2 aquatic frogs, and a snail. can i put another betta in it? my current betta just seems a bit bored and lonely :(
AquaMarine Crayon
AquaMarine Crayon - 13 years ago
i have a 7 gal tank, ya i know weird, but i have 1 male betta, 1 albino cory cat, 1 emerald cory cat, which i think is going to die which i got from petsmart and i specifically told them not to give me that one, and 2 female guppies and i havent had too much tail nipping, just a little on my female with the longest tale, so i think if youre going to put bettas with guppies make them females.
Gary Storey
Gary Storey - 13 years ago
Lampeyes are not a tetra, they are a type of Killifish
yersi gonzalez
yersi gonzalez - 13 years ago
@brycecouture1 You can add Corys,rasboras, or Ottos.
Michael Korhummel
Michael Korhummel - 13 years ago
That does not look like a ten gallon
Shawana Jefferson
Shawana Jefferson - 13 years ago
I have 11 goldfish with my betta's , my bettas just ignore them lol
Bryce Couture
Bryce Couture - 13 years ago
what type of other fish can be in a betta community tank if the betta is a male , and i thought tetras were fin nippers?
chisme121 - 13 years ago
ive always pronounced it as "bay-tah" i thought saying "bett-ah" sounded to belligerent lol also to the vid owner your females all look amazing i have 1female, 2males and my co-aquarist has 2 females and 1 male (all seperated) but apon seeing this i may look for another
jstorly - 13 years ago
@4kaiyo Your mom should not have algae eaters with goldfish. If she has an algae problem, she should get a bristlenose plecostomus or snails. Whatever you do, don't get a common pleco. Any pleco besides the bristlenose will hurt the goldfish.
jstorly - 13 years ago
I tried putting my female betta in a community tank with some danios, rasboras, gouramis and corys. She ignored everything else but went straight for the corys! Weird. Well, she's in a 5 gallon tank by herself now and she craves human attention. Her bf is in a three-gallon filtered bowl. He's way too hard on the female. They both have lots of plants and are happy.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@warmaster5128 Sounds like a good idea :)
warmaster5128 - 13 years ago
@CreativePetKeeping yea i got a 20gallon tank and i took the betta out and put it into a 1 gal tank so he would not bug the angel fish and i will just see if it eats the neon tetras
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@warmaster5128 Angle fish can be territorial and are known for eating neon tetras when they grow up, they also need a large and tall tank to develop properly so Im not sure.
warmaster5128 - 13 years ago
if i were to get a angel fish would the betta kill it i have 5 tetera neons and 1 male betta
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@PaulzStar Ive never heard anyone in Chicago say "Bay-tah". There are different ways to say it. Depends on where ur from :)
PaulzStar - 13 years ago
Good video. I agree with keeping bettas in a community tank and I am currently keeping 1 male betta in a 50 gallon tank with other fish. Also, the correct way to say betta is 'Bay-tah'. Sounds like you are saying 'bedda' all the time and missing the distinct 't' sound.
joleen - 13 years ago
@CreativePetKeeping my mom has an algae eater in her butterfly tail gold fish tank and it keeps picking on the goldfish, so wouldn't something like that be too annoying for the betta's ? would corries be calmer? i am going to look up those plants. also would you think i should get some more girls ? like 2-3 so they are in a bigger number ? because i know they do better with picking on eachother when they are in larger numbers there is an alpha female though, the male is also submissive to her.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@4kaiyo One thing is to try and get some Anubis, its a strong plant that does not need a lot of light and the bettas like to sleep on it. It seems like you got a good set up for your tank. U can also get some bottom feeders like corries or algae eaters if needed. Just be careful because if you don't give your algae eater extra food then they might try to eat your plants (algae wafers).
joleen - 13 years ago
hi, i love your tank ! well my question is this.. i have two female betta's and two males and i actually have been keeping my two females with one of my males (after trying to breed and seeing the male isn't interested in either and seemed happier being with the girls) the tank is a 10 gallon it has a lot of plants and hiding places in it and i am getting live plants soon, any tips you can give me ?
Phill Gustafson
Phill Gustafson - 13 years ago
i love your betta tank! i hope someday i could have this many bettas!
Peru - 13 years ago
@CreativePetKeeping Yes, will try doing that. Thanks again for your advice. Well, I must share this. i had a bad experience keeping a shrimp and Betta together. The shrimp co-existed with the Betta for over a month. Unbelievably stayed hidden for that long in my heavily planted tank.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@pkoppart Im glad the filter thing worked out. But you have an interesting problem with the neons. I keep a betta with neons in a tank and ive never had that happen. Hmmm... have u thought of feeding smaller amounts but two to three times a day. If they are less hungry then they might be less aggressive.
Peru - 13 years ago
@CreativePetKeeping Thanks. I changed the filter and the Betta is calm now. However, a new problem has come up. The Neon Tetras have become a lot bolder than they were before. When its feeding time, the Betta usually comes up staring at me, and during that time, the Neons are nipping at my Betta fish fins -- as if to say, "Get out of the way Betta, we too want to eat" ...its only during the feeding time, this is happening. Other times, the Neons dont dare get anywhere close to the Betta.
CzechMateTraining - 13 years ago
I love your video, you sound like a pro! ;-) Nice nice
Elizabeth Song
Elizabeth Song - 13 years ago
what kind of plants do u have in this tank?
sepa8310 - 13 years ago
my female killed my male=(
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@Proud2bBritish22 They can survive like that but it just shortens their lifespan.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@Proud2bBritish22 You cant keep bettas with goldfish because they are cold water fish while bettas are tropical fish that need warm water. If the water isnt 78 to 80F the metabolism of the betta will be slow so basic things like digesting food will be hard for them and they will live a much shorter life. The goldfish should be in a tank by themselves with 10 galons per goldfish. They like water that's 68 to no more then 72F. Its just not good to mix these fish.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@Proud2bBritish22 Well keep the males separate but I would put a male and females in the bigger tank, can u get a heater for it as well?
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@SwayLocks XD
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@Daymo02 as long as u plan it out you can make it work :)
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@pkoppart So when the filter is off they are calm? U can try a sponge filter, that one causes the least water disturbance.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@PonyGurl99 I agree on everything but I think some water movement from filter is ok as long as the betta isn't pushed around. In my old and new betta tank Ive never had a problem. My logic is that even calm waters in Thailand will have some movement (during wind and rainy season). Just my opinion.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@JcmJanah 1. I prefer tanks with filters....its less work and less stress because u don't have to take the fish out to clean a bowl 2. there are different fish foods for different fish because they have different nutrition needs .. its like if I fed my dog cat food...my dog might live on it but its not the best 3. You dont need live plants if u dont want, I just like them because its extra filtration and looks nice
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@JcmJanah I feed them once a day for most of the week and for the weekend they get fed twice. Also I sometimes skip one day. I heard it was good for bettas.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@lifehackertips Ive noticed that depending on which part of the US ur from people say it differently. In from the northern part, Chicago. All the people around me...including in fish stores say it that way.
lifehackertips - 13 years ago
why do you keep saying "beddas"?
Peru - 13 years ago
i have one male Betta plus 4 Neons' in a 6 Gallon tank. They do fine. But I have one serious question- whenever i turn my Filter on, my Betta is after all the Neon Tetras.....i have no idea why.. is it because it gets stressed out? The flow is not that bad though....
PhishyGutz - 13 years ago
Twenty gallon is even better. :)
Daymo02 - 13 years ago
Thank you for posting this vid. I had no idea that bettas could go together in the same tank with out killing each other.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@guitarhamster102 I dont remember how much I had..I think about 6 or 7. The bigger the group the better
guitarhamster - 13 years ago
thats cool. I'm always afraid of putting females bettas together. if i have a 10 gallon, how many female bettas can i have?
Fabulous - 13 years ago
@CreativePetKeeping i got a betta and he is betta than ever with my 3 angels
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@fabihanski do a little more research as Im not sure if a betta would get along with an angel fish.
Fabulous - 13 years ago
i wanna get a male batta can i keep it with my 2 angels corys and my single pleco?
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@shivrockmusic thats too much fish for a 10 gallon tank. One angelfish needs a minimum of a 20 gallon tall tank.
Kofi Carter
Kofi Carter - 13 years ago
@SwayLocks u could have just said Ellen DeGeneres
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@bturtle06 Sounds like a good idea, just make sure to have a lid on the tank so that don't jump out. :)
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@MyFishCare101 I would put him in a breeding container for about a week. Then I would let him swim around the tank for a few minutes a day so he could get used to the females and put him back in container. (he was very easy to scoop back in the container lol) I did that for a few days so he could swim with the females but not get a chance to get aggressive. Lastly do not let ur male make a bubble nest. If he makes one destroy it because it makes him want to breed. No bubble nest = calmer male :)
MyFishCare101 - 13 years ago
I want to buy a 20 gallon aquarium and keep some females with a male. I am obsessed with bettas XD How did you introduce the male to the females?
Bethel Calgary
Bethel Calgary - 13 years ago
the 2nd container in the vid is the one i have
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@Ettio137 thats good advice, thanks.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@77Joedude For a 10 gallon tank I would go for no more then 10fish unless you have extra filtration and change the water more frequently. If you can get up to 6 females that would be great for lowering the aggression. You might want to keep the male in a breeding container at first because he might be too excited to see the females. That way he can get used to them without attacking them.
Joe Millott
Joe Millott - 13 years ago
hi, i have a male crowntail in a 5 gallon tank and 3 females in a 10 gallon tall tank with a few harlequins, i was just wondering if i could move him into the bigger tank with the females for permanent, i would buy a few more female to llower the stress levels (i saw a gorgeous double tail female in the shop today :3) would this be okay for all the fish and how many females would i be able to keep? thankyouu btw nice tank ;)
dobbsywobbsy - 13 years ago
@CreativePetKeeping thank you!:)
Hess B
Hess B - 13 years ago
@CreativePetKeeping....... Thank you.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@dobbsywobbsy I think 4 females and 1 male should work
dobbsywobbsy - 13 years ago
@CreativePetKeeping thank you!:) Do you know how many I could keep?:)
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@dobbsywobbsy as long as you don't allow them to mate and don't get a male that's too aggressive
dobbsywobbsy - 13 years ago
If I have a Betta in a 5 gal tank can I give him any female bettas? Thank you:)
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@slickwillie111 yes, just get them some community fish tropical flakes of any kind
Hess B
Hess B - 13 years ago
Thanks for the info. Do the Betta's eat the same flakes as the tetras/ community fish since they are in the same tank?
dobbsywobbsy - 13 years ago
Very sensible! Although I think the minimum tank size should be 5 gal and for all watchers; you need to filtrate and heat you tank like this person did.:)
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@myPs3RuLeZ123 ur safer if u get 5 or more
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@lotmsdani 50% every week is a bit much unless u overstock ur tank. I do 20% and it has worked well for years.
lotmsdani - 13 years ago
Even with a filter 10 gallon tanks require at least a 50% water change once a week.
madmax92gsx - 13 years ago
how do u clean your tank? i mean with all the live plants and all
kittysparkleeyes - 13 years ago
super video, i keep a female betta with a shoal of neons, and shes very happy i think female bettas are soo underated and i am going to get another girl for my other tank. i have a male who lives on his own in a 2 gallon tank and tbh, i would not want to keep him in a smaller environment than this.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@iou577 Because they are fighting for territory. Ive heard that in very large tanks (55 gal and higher) they establish territories and do not fight unless it is for a female. Its the same when people put male roosters in a ring and they fight too. Thats what I believe.
nedsmob81 - 13 years ago
u r a good person... u gave them life... wat it feels like to be living...
PuganPoo - 13 years ago
Can you tell me what type of filter you got,I bought a 20-40 gal for mine and now I have read it is too strong(i haven't bought my Betta (first ever) yet,trying to cycle the tank first so my Betta doesn't die.
Gigi Perrusquia
Gigi Perrusquia - 13 years ago
great video!
Boby Bobby
Boby Bobby - 13 years ago
sounds like chick from american pie sry i had to say that
AirsoftandFish - 13 years ago
Nice tank! Planted tanks are just stunning... Im gonna make one of my tank planted. Nice music also, this is Enya right?
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@kenneskl09 In that tank I had Lamp Eye Tetra but in my new tank I have a male betta with guppies. Its safer with tetras though because they swim faster and have short fins.
wild_wolf44 - 13 years ago
someone accidentally hit the dislike button. great video!
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@TheBearHugs12 Pet store employees are often misinformed. You can keep bettas with other fish. I have this video and another one to prove it.
TheBearHugs12 - 13 years ago
i just went to the pet store today and they said leave my male betta byhimself and my female beta with the other kinds of fish. but they say that all bettas think they are the prettiest fish in marine life. so, how do you keep more than 1 female betta in the tank without a divider?
neejhmoo88 - 13 years ago
are you hot !! your voice kind of sexy ? i think?
astod3 - 13 years ago
reminds me of Marshmallow...
X e n u x
X e n u x - 13 years ago
Whats the name of the plant floating in your tank? o.O
Roy Patton
Roy Patton - 13 years ago
@Peidmonte89 use Arganite sand or whatever its called fromt he pet store dont use regular sand ... if u plan on breeding.. u need a low water level (like half a tank) and a long tank with lots of hiding places for the young fry .. also u need to have the correct feeding regiments ready... its not easy and is extremely tough for the beginner. i suggest joining up on bettafish (dot) com , and ask your questions there, they have breeders and the betta experts there ... can be more helpful then me
Peidmonte89 - 13 years ago
@CreativePetKeeping cool, i always personally found sand to look better. I want it to be as natural looking as possible. I had a tank a couple of years back. It was also fresh water but had pebbles and plastic plants. I want to learn how to put real plants in a tank. My old tank was cool but some of my fish killed each other after the guys at the aquarium place told me they would be fine! x1 Bichir, x1 Gar, x1 Jack Dempsey, x1 Red Lobster x1 Columbian Shark in a 29 gallon.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@Peidmonte89 I would put 5 or more. You can use sand, I have that in two of my tanks and it works just as well :)
Peidmonte89 - 13 years ago
@rwpatton thanks much for the info, it is appreciated. how many females should i put in a 10 gallon tank? also can i use sand instead of pebbles for the aquarium? thanks.
Roy Patton
Roy Patton - 13 years ago
@CreativePetKeeping males will build bubble nests on their own, their really is no way to stop them from doing it.. its a natural thing to do .... this is why theyre seperated from females unless theyre spawning... and then if they do spawn after the fry are laid into the bubble nest, u remove the female before the male kills and eats her... then once the fry get old enough u have to remove the male so he doesnt attack them...
Roy Patton
Roy Patton - 13 years ago
@Peidmonte89 be warned ... Male Bettas will attack females when not spawning, also in females... make sure i have a large enough tank they can claim their own area..if theyre bunched up it is possible they will fight, females can be just as aggressive to each other as males... when u first introduce the females there will be some "pecking" going on as they establish who is the dominate and their territories int he tank .. ...
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@Peidmonte89 Try to get more females if possible. The more the better. When things work out with them then you can consider getting a male. Don't let him build a bubble nest, if he does he will want to mate.
Peidmonte89 - 13 years ago
would it be ok to get 3 or 4 females and 1 male in a 10 gallon tank or would the males attack the females too?
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@MyFishCare101 YAY!
MyFishCare101 - 13 years ago
I have a male betta in a ten gallon aquarium. A new female with teared fins (from the shop) in another ten gallon aquarium Another male in a 30 gallon pond. And my other male in a 150 gallon pond. Say no to bowls!
rubex117 - 13 years ago
very nice video all bettas look happy.but where can you buy a cheap community tank i really want one
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@jeep3000gt You should buy a breeding container (I used it with my bettas in another video) and put your male in there for about a week or two while the females get the whole tank. That way they can get used to each other and not fight. Be very careful when u choose your fish and provide lots of hiding places. Good luck :)
Rachel Rockwell
Rachel Rockwell - 13 years ago
@MyGoldfishCare101 I was just reading on another site that glowlights don't do well with bettas. :( Keep looking, though, it's just second-hand information.
zezima2300 - 13 years ago
I got male betta and bala shark they get along
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@Juieta111 I try to buy them at once if possible. If you have a small amount they might be too aggressive twords each other. Any plants are fine, I like to use a lot of anubis because they are strong and don't need a lot of light.
tim bromme
tim bromme - 13 years ago
@CreativePetKeeping haha and not to mention goldfish crap A LOT
SeleneMoon - 13 years ago
Thanks for spreading awareness of having creatures in a bigger container! ^_^
fish - 13 years ago
What type of moss is this, is it riccia? And are the floating plants duckweed or what? I'm redoing my 10g with my Betta and these plants look nice... so.... *shrugs*
Brandi Travis
Brandi Travis - 14 years ago
hi i have three female bettas and 1 ten gallon tank. i also have a breeder trap and have tryied many attemps to try and put 2 togeather and i can't even make it that far.2 halfmoons (tht may be the problem bc i have herd there more egressive) and one veil tail. any tips?
TheHermitcrab101 - 14 years ago
my betta lives happily with 2 pygmy cories
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 14 years ago
@pirlygiry you cannot put goldfish with bettas because goldfish are cold-water fish and bettas need warm water.
JDCredible - 14 years ago
can i put my betta with 3 neon tetras 2 hatchet tetras and 2 mollies
timegrrl - 14 years ago
I'm getting ready to start an aquarium, but I think Bettas are so beautiful, so I'm thinking about having a tank for one. I agree with the idea of a larger tank. They are fun and graceful swimmers to watch... They should have room to swim around. :)
King Jotun
King Jotun - 14 years ago
Is there a good way to deduce how aggressive the betta is before you give him tankmates? My nearby pet shops sell all the bettas in separate containers, so I cannot see how they respond to other fish. Also, would a betta be less aggressive depending on how much space it has? I have a ten-gallon aquarium that I plan to use to how the betta and, possibly, tankmates.
Shaik Azrin Daud
Shaik Azrin Daud - 14 years ago
I have a male betta with 5 tetras and 4 rumny nose tetras... it has been 2 months. So far the tetras are still alive.
Ken M
Ken M - 14 years ago
Ducks deserve no love. None.
CorgiInfinity - 14 years ago
What is the name of the plants floating at the top? They are very pretty.
Shortstakes Tran
Shortstakes Tran - 14 years ago
@SFBoxers I knew that. I was concerned because he always stayed on top. But he's swimming around now that I've added Java moss. :) Also thanks for the advice, I'll look into getting plants that float at the top for him
Risktacer - 14 years ago
@figure261 uhhm, I might not want to tell u this , but i will, I think what you thought were female bettas, were male plakkat bettas, Regular Male bettas are easy to distinguish from females, while male plakkat bettas have short fins and look alot like female regular bettas, they were also bred to fight and have sharper teeth than regular bettas which is why you saw blood everywhere......
TheBlondebabe19 - 14 years ago
Those female bettas are beautiful.
Shortstakes Tran
Shortstakes Tran - 14 years ago
@CreativePetKeeping Ok, thanks for the info! :)
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 14 years ago
@lonleyon3 Some bettas are more laid back so that's why urs gets along with the guppies. Staying at the top of the tank is ok as long as he eats and looks healthy.
Shortstakes Tran
Shortstakes Tran - 14 years ago
I keep my Betta with my guppies and they get a long fine. But when I had him with just my Cory cats he went after them. Also my Betta likes to stay at the top of the tank, is that normal? None of my other Betta's ever did that.
JETSTA916 - 14 years ago
at 26 seconds, it looks like the size of my 20 gal long.
Krishna Balroop
Krishna Balroop - 14 years ago
eurasianchica - 14 years ago
What kind of plants did you use and how much lighting was there? I'm sorry to hear about the bettas :( Also another question- it is a lot of stress on the cycling tank if many bettas are added at once, so how many should I add at a time?
sayurasem - 14 years ago
wow what container is the one mounted to the wall?? (half spehere)??
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 14 years ago
@SpiritHourglass you are right. It does depend on their personality. Some bettas seem more mellow then others.
Mayor Leo
Mayor Leo - 14 years ago
@CreativePetKeeping You aren't exactly correct, I have an awesome Betta called Ninja, I recently got three neon tetras to be tankmates with him, he brutally murdered two of them in a timeframe of 7 hours. He was relentless and hunted them down killed them, it may actually depend on the personality of your betta fish whether it's a good idea for him to have tankmates. Beside all that, nice video!
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 14 years ago
@wolverine1865 you can try to put in more bettas but only if you put medicine in the tank to kill any bacteria that might have killed the other fish. If you want to put neons then you need to put a whole school of them 6-10 so that your betta cannot harras a single fish.
wolverine1865 - 14 years ago
i recently lost 2 of my 3 bettas out of my 10 gallon tank. dont know why they died, nothing wrong with the water. well the tank looks empty with just the single betta in, so i want some other fish but i dont know what. he is pretty nasty and i tried putting a neon in with him and he killed it.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 14 years ago
@jannettacool no, they will kill each other unless you separate them with tank dividers :(
B. Jen
B. Jen - 14 years ago
but their fins are still nipped, and are these bettas still together?
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 14 years ago
@dajahsi1 Ive never seen firebelly toads with bettas, what an interesting idea. Do they eat fish though? I am making sure because I would suggest a small school of tetras (neon teras, lamp eyed tetras..ect) but Im not sure if the frogs would eat them or not. Pretty much any tropical fish that do not have long colorful fins will be ok. The idea is that they should be able to swim faster then the betta to avoid it.
eurasianchica - 14 years ago
those are beautiful fish. I have goldfish right now and have been thinking about getting bettas for a while (of course, in a separate tank!) "comment, rate, and subscribe" makes me miss the old youtube that had ratings.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 14 years ago
@1funguy ur very welcome, hope it turns out well
Sanka Coffee
Sanka Coffee - 14 years ago
thanks for posting. I have been an aquarist for about 3 years. i have a 26 gallon community tank. i just bought the 8 gall biorb and i am going to purchase a betta. i believe i am going to buy a male first. then i do want to put some other fish in eventually so thank you for the tips on this and your other video.
wolverine1865 - 14 years ago
@preciousbaby87 my betta jerry eats betta pellets and a bit of prawn once a week. bowser eats micropellets, brine shrimp, bloodworms and prawn. bettas usually live 3 to 4 years, but with good care, they can live for 8 years or more. with good care goldfish can live for 20 years or more
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 14 years ago
@preciousbaby87 You can get betta flake food but they also like bloodworms. You just need a good filter, heater, and light. Everything else is up to you. A betta can live up to 3 years, im not sure how long goldfish live.
bayoubimmer - 14 years ago
@ChedderHead42 Most fish see shrimp as food, so it has nothing to do with its aggressiveness it would display to other fish.
fruitydino$ - 14 years ago
1:10 beautiful betta right there ;)
MsBenzadrine - 14 years ago
Beautiful tank :) what plants did you use? im really interested in modeling a tropical tank on yours, its just so pretty :D
Susan Rose
Susan Rose - 14 years ago
Nice job. It makes my heart glad to see Bettas in tanks. My questions are: Are your plants real? And if so, are you injecting C02? Are you using plant fertilizer? Thank you :)
Cher Kay Pombuena
Cher Kay Pombuena - 14 years ago
hey, i have a little male crowntail betta, im really worried about him because at the tip of his fin, theres a bulge that looks almost like a pile of bubbles inside of it, i dnt know what to do ;^; and im also thinking about getting some neon tetras as tank mates for him, i dont really know much about fish tanks or anything, all i know is that betta's are supposed to have room temp. waters and can eat bloodworms, are tetras good? if not, what other fishes would u reccomend?
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 14 years ago
@laynegarza95 Im glad we share the same ideas about betta keeping :) I actually don't have the tank anymore...its a tank I had a few years ago. The male got a bit beat up by the females when he wanted to mate with them so he gave up and they didn't bother him after that. I made sure to get the most laid back male I could find.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 14 years ago
@ChedderHead42 Hmmm...he might be as some fish are just more aggressive then others. You can always buy some fish and keep him in a breeding container in your tank for a few days. That way he can see them but not attack and get used to them. This is just an idea as Ive always taken the time to pick the most peaceful Bettas from the pet store so I never had big aggression problems. So honestly Im not too sure...
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 14 years ago
@petzfan123 if you want a small tank (1-5 gallons) then just get one male. But if you want to keep them in a big tank (10 gallons or more) then get some females ..you can get them in different colors :)
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 14 years ago
@taylorswift751767 Glad you like them :) Hmmm... you might be better off getting some tetras because with Bettas you need a group so the aggression is evened out. If you have just 2 then I think they might fight. My personal opinion (from experience) is that you need a minimum of 4 bettas.
seyvouty chan
seyvouty chan - 14 years ago
Ok look, I have a betta fish and he is by himself. He looks like he could use some friends. So, what I was looking for was a video or article on keeping betta fish in community tanks. I have a 20 tank with fruit loops,(It's a type of tetra.) And 1 platy which I am getting more soon, with 2 silverfin tetras. So, after watching this and reading more about it, I know that I can move on with it. Thanks for your help Creative Pet Keeping! I owe you one.
seyvouty chan
seyvouty chan - 14 years ago
Ok look, I have a betta fish and he is by himself. He looks like he could use some friends. So, what I was looking for was a video or article on keeping betta fish in community tanks. I have a 20 tank with fruit loops,(It's a type of tetra.) And 1 platy which I am getting more soon, with 2 silverfin tetras. So, after watching this and reading more about it, I know that I can move on with it. Thanks for your help Creative Pet Keeping! I owe you one.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 14 years ago
@sooner102 THANKS!!!! I might start to make regular videos every week. Might actually talk into the camera from time to time to discuss some important topics. I don't know if I can do something as long as 30min yet but I am defiantly considering making more videos. Thanks for the support :)
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 14 years ago
@FlightlessWish I can understand why u think that since they are aggressive. But if a tank is 10 gal or larger and has lots of plants things usually turn out ok.
Tessa Turtle
Tessa Turtle - 14 years ago
I really disagree with keeping a betta in a community tank. It works, but they don't act their best. I believe they should be by themselves. But after watching this I guess it's okay to do this. Thank you.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 14 years ago
@sooner102 Thanks :) And a plant video would be nice.. I will have to plan that for the future
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 14 years ago
@TheEbonyshadow1 try getting a school of fish like cardinal tetras, neon tetras, zebra danios, or red eye tetra (I had those in my tank).
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 14 years ago
@Shaney1337 that often happens, if you have plants and hiding spots in the tank things should be ok. I will post a video on how to help bettas that get a bit too beat up recover while still being in the tank so the other fish see them. I'll look for it today and try to post it.
TheEbonyShadow1 - 14 years ago
@gpeden yes i keep 1 male betta in a 10 gallon tank, he's very happy.... but lonely
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 14 years ago
@everyloss Im glad :)
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 14 years ago
@gpeden123 you can keep one fish in a tank, you can also get some fast swimming fish like neon tetras or zebra danios. They will be too fast for your betta to hurt. Just make sure you have something covering the top of your tank as their defense mechanism is to jump out of the water and they can sometimes accidentally jump out of your tank.
Paige Rosalind
Paige Rosalind - 14 years ago
I love your description :)
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 14 years ago
@BeboelKapo2010 I actually got it for free, my neighbor was going to throw it out
Bebo1Tyme - 14 years ago
Thats a nice tank!!! How much was it?
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 14 years ago
@JulianSurf3rPR thank you :)
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 14 years ago
@JulianSurf3rPR as long as your algae eater has a place to hide he should be ok. It depends on the type of smaller fish you want to add. If they are fast swimmers and you provide some hiding places for them such as plants they should be ok as well.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 14 years ago
Really? haha my mistake. Its 10 gal
1Shepard1 - 14 years ago
That looks like one happy community of Bettas. Check out my Male & Female, however, mine live in vases.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 14 years ago
I'll be looking foreword to it :)
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 14 years ago
Im happy that you think that :)
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 14 years ago
Yup, a lot of people don't realize that because fish stores always talk about Betta bowls. But if you think about it in the wild Bettas co exist with other fish. If you go to a GOOD fish store you will see female Bettas in large tanks with lots of other fish. Also starting a fish tank may be some work at first but once you establish a tank you have to do very little. Nature takes over :)
Benia Zouras
Benia Zouras - 14 years ago
I didn't realize betta fish could live in a community. Mentioning the more stable temperature and less maintenance is also very practical for pet owners to know.

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