Heater for Betta Fish? Water Temperature
Betta 11 years ago 9,623 views
http://amzn.to/2B9n62k - This is the perfect heater for smaller Betta tanks. A lot of regular aquarium heaters are too powerful. Marina Betta Heater: http://amzn.to/2B9n62k Question: Do I need a heater for my aquarium with one male betta fish? I think I don't need one because the fish seemed fine in the store. Purigen works pretty well too, but I found it doesn't totally clear up the water unless its in a slow flow canister filter. You can usually pick up an off brand power head for cheap, you can even use a smaller bottle and put the set up behind plants. Even a diy purigen reactor would do the trick 😊 you tube is full of diy videos. My favorite is the Monster Fish keep channel. the Dude is full of great info. I went with that one because it was inexpensive and you really dont need much flow. The little basket on the bottom fits right into a 1ltr soda bottle. Cut the bottom of the soda bottle of and full empty bottle with filter floss. You can put a bag of purigen in there with the filter floss too. Btw, get polyester filter floss for a pillow from Joan's Fabrics. Its so much cheaper. Betta Fish Best Filter? Needed for Aquarium?https://youtu.be/UsFz1hMVckQ None of those care much for water current do they? You might be better off with the slow flow one. I wish I had a picture of the tank that I use this kind of set up on. The water is pristine. I have a 65 gal salamander tank, a 40 gal albino Cory catfish tank. A 40 gal tropical freshwater tank, a 30g salamander tank, a 20 gal salamander tank - I keep a LOT of axolotl salamanders. Any plant experts able to help. My ferns and swords are looking a bit sad at the moment. Lights are on for 8 hrs. Heater is set at 26c (outside temp is currently 28-30c in Australia). Dosing with flourish, excel and iron every weekly water change. Ferns have holes in them. And swords are starting to turn brown and die off. Only thing that seems to be doing fine are the anubias and vale grass. I got 4 Otocinclus the other day. They seem happy, there is still some algae, but when I come around they swarm the glass. Are they hungry or friendly. Others I had didn't give me the time of day. I’m starting a new 12g tank and have been running the filter media in my existing 55g for about ten days. This morning I transferred it into the new tank and just now did a water test. I’m reading 0-0-0 for ammonia-nitrites-nitrates in the new tank so I checked the 55 and got the same. They are both planted, so is that why I have no nitrates? Wondering if I’m ok to add some residents to the new tank yet. I have snails I want to move from the old tank and then I’m getting a new fish, so I guess I could add the snails and see what happens?
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