How NOT to set up a betta fish tank

This is how NOT to set up a betta fish tank! I recommend getting a heater and or a filter for you tank as well. Enjoy! i apologize for being so voice usually is not very loud. idk why... BTW this is a joke. i will make a new one soon to show u how to really set up a betta tank. LOL

How NOT to set up a betta fish tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 61

Betta 9 years ago 10,762 views

This is how NOT to set up a betta fish tank! I recommend getting a heater and or a filter for you tank as well. Enjoy! i apologize for being so voice usually is not very loud. idk why... BTW this is a joke. i will make a new one soon to show u how to really set up a betta tank. LOL

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Most popular comments
for How NOT to set up a betta fish tank

wolfiestarlight aj
wolfiestarlight aj - 8 years ago
I have the same water conditioner
Bethzy Guizar
Bethzy Guizar - 8 years ago
This was probably late at night and she didn't want anyone to hear her
Fins and fur Bettas and bunnies
Fins and fur Bettas and bunnies - 8 years ago
I can't hear you stupid
slickpaw07 Aj
slickpaw07 Aj - 8 years ago
All I hear is wind
Jonathon Lastname
Jonathon Lastname - 8 years ago
Are you ok? I can't hear you properly girl!
syed shah
syed shah - 8 years ago
are u talking to yourself
InfinityPets - 8 years ago
Not really a bad set up it kinda meets the requirements
Brylees Life
Brylees Life - 8 years ago
InfinityPets I know right its fine . Just not a 1 gallon
Jeff Brennan
Jeff Brennan - 8 years ago
I'm sorry but what I can't hear you
CorgiPlush - 8 years ago
I can hear her perfectly I don't get why y'all makin a big deal. She is a perfect pet owner also LOOK AT THE TITLE AND DESCRIPTION

10. comment for How NOT to set up a betta fish tank

Mammal Channel
Mammal Channel - 8 years ago
this was acuatly how TO PROPERLY set up a tank right
Brylees Life
Brylees Life - 8 years ago
hurt animal abusers paws Well not in a 1 gallon. My betta is almost 3 years old never has had a heater and just change the water every ones a week by the way my 3 year old betta is fine the way this is my other channel this channel of mine if just for cloths and fashion not for animals like my other one Eva the crazy dog a pet care. So what is wrong with it hurt animal abusers paws
yamaha is daaa best
yamaha is daaa best - 8 years ago
Eva the crazy dog and pet care ummmm....???? im sorry are you looking for attention? GO FIND IT SOMEWHERE ELSE
Mammal Channel
Mammal Channel - 8 years ago
well not with a 1 gallon
noelle veblen
noelle veblen - 8 years ago
Eduardo Ceja
Eduardo Ceja - 8 years ago
I could not hear what she was saying
Krystal ymk
Krystal ymk - 8 years ago
I put my volume all the way on high and I still couldn't hear him or she talking
GalaxyCat 799
GalaxyCat 799 - 8 years ago
U can see in the vid that it's a girl XD
Jenna Reynolds
Jenna Reynolds - 8 years ago
You need to let the water set for 24 hours then aclamate the fish to the water for 15 mins them put him in
Brylees Life
Brylees Life - 8 years ago
JennaTube Not trying to be rude but I never let my fishes water sit for 24 hours and one of them is almost 3
Alissa Michaela
Alissa Michaela - 8 years ago
Not for bettas. You can add them in immediately after acclimating them and conditioning the water
Akila Alom
Akila Alom - 8 years ago
cannot hear a word that came out your mouth.
Jesus Loera
Jesus Loera - 8 years ago
I have the same tank
random person
random person - 8 years ago
what's wrong with the video, stop being such haters
X Pets & Me X
X Pets & Me X - 9 years ago
Love this video x
Yeng Lee
Yeng Lee - 9 years ago
Lol props to you for understanding! But as I said your water wasn't cycled!
kavein86 - 9 years ago
wtf!? is this supposed to be an ASMR fish tank set up. LOL!
Kaleb Rinehart
Kaleb Rinehart - 8 years ago
I honestly thought I was the only one who thought of him while watching this lmao
Purplesnowball 13
Purplesnowball 13 - 8 years ago
xD this is so weird

20. comment for How NOT to set up a betta fish tank

Canter the Moon
Canter the Moon - 9 years ago
Jeez can you talk any quieter
Mikaela Winkleblack
Mikaela Winkleblack - 9 years ago
I can not hear what you are saying .
ItzArmzGaming - 9 years ago
Tank is small dont have a filter poor fish and oh yeh u dont need heaters for betta fish
Brilliant Bettas
Brilliant Bettas - 8 years ago
You do need a heater for a Betta
Noelle Price
Noelle Price - 9 years ago
Read the description and title!!
John RandomYT
John RandomYT - 9 years ago
it said how to not
Jessica's Nerd Life
Jessica's Nerd Life - 9 years ago
+Creepz GamerHD you need a heater, they are tropical and do well at 78 - 80 degrees. you cant guarantee that steady temp without a heater. large temperature fluctuations can make the fish sick or not live as long. But you dont NEED a filter, as long as you are doing the right amount of water changes and of course live plants would help instead of plastic.

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