How To Clean the 3 Gallon Tetra Halfmoon Aquarium

Today, I show you how I clean my 3 Gallon Tetra half moon aquarium that my female (longfin veiltail) betta Journey lives in. Although this video is geared towards this aquarium, the steps I do for this tank are the exact same steps I use to clean my other aquariums. I did not scrub down the sides of my aquarium because there was no algae buildup. If your tank has algae buildup, run a sponge or damp cloth on the sides of your aquarium to remove it. Do you clean your tank a different way? Let me know down below. This was a requested video. Leave any requests you may have in the comments below! Music by

How To Clean the 3 Gallon Tetra Halfmoon Aquarium sentiment_very_dissatisfied 21

Betta 8 years ago 35,977 views

Today, I show you how I clean my 3 Gallon Tetra half moon aquarium that my female (longfin veiltail) betta Journey lives in. Although this video is geared towards this aquarium, the steps I do for this tank are the exact same steps I use to clean my other aquariums. I did not scrub down the sides of my aquarium because there was no algae buildup. If your tank has algae buildup, run a sponge or damp cloth on the sides of your aquarium to remove it. Do you clean your tank a different way? Let me know down below. This was a requested video. Leave any requests you may have in the comments below! Music by

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Most popular comments
for How To Clean the 3 Gallon Tetra Halfmoon Aquarium

Gamer boy2007
Gamer boy2007 - 7 years ago
Gr8 vid
Madison Marsh
Madison Marsh - 7 years ago
Nice video
Max Krisna
Max Krisna - 7 years ago
Love your vid..
Jeff Brennan
Jeff Brennan - 7 years ago
Tang tors of your beta fish tanks great video
Christie Rodriguez
Christie Rodriguez - 7 years ago
I have a 3 gallon halfmoon tank like journeys but I have no gravel siphon. what should I do?
Molly Gray
Molly Gray - 7 years ago
Christie Rodriguez buy one
Sara Hiebert
Sara Hiebert - 7 years ago
Christie Rodriguez get a tube or gas siphon and tape half a bottle to the end. It makes a perfectly good siphon. There are diy videos on how to make them too
Julie Brown
Julie Brown - 7 years ago
What kind of heater and filter do you have in that tank? I have something simpler as yours. But can't find the right size for my half moon tank.
Molly Gray
Molly Gray - 7 years ago
Julie Brown the filter comes with this tank but I'm not sure what heater she uses
Russel kelly
Russel kelly - 7 years ago
When I do this for my tank, (which is about the same kind) should I also turn off my filter? And how often do you do these cleanings thx!
Claire  Boyce17
Claire Boyce17 - 7 years ago
What a great video! Thanks for the information!
Betta Central
Betta Central - 7 years ago
I take all the water out and put the pebbles in a strainer and rinse and scrub them.

10. comment for How To Clean the 3 Gallon Tetra Halfmoon Aquarium

Xara - 7 years ago
What heater do you use? Is it one you need to monitor closely if it doesn't regulate the temperature and shut off if it gets a little warm or turns on if it gets too cold?
John Anthony Esparza
John Anthony Esparza - 7 years ago
did u call your betta she?
Yesenia Ramos
Yesenia Ramos - 7 years ago
What type of gravel cleaner do you use and where did you purchase it?
TheAilaS - 7 years ago
Yesenia Ramos it's an Aquarium Gravel Vacuum or siphon vacuum gravel cleaner. You can buy them everywhere (Petco, Petsmart or any petshop)
BetterBetta - 7 years ago
I'm not sure what to call the specific type, but it's just a generic one that is simply the long tube and then the cylinder at the end, with no fancy suction parts built in. I got it from Walmart :)
shane maloney
shane maloney - 7 years ago
How often do you do these water changes? Just curious bcause i got a 3 gallon as well?
BetterBetta - 7 years ago
+shane maloney I aim to do all my water changes about once a week :)
CoolgirlHK - 7 years ago
Dose your tank get cloudy the next day ?? Because I just put my betta in a ten gallon and the next day my water was cloudy like I can barely see threw the other side . Like I can see the other side but not that clean what should I do ???!
Fish Girl
Fish Girl - 7 years ago
CoolgirlHK - 7 years ago
Fish Girl oh okay thank you !
Fish Girl
Fish Girl - 7 years ago
I use Tetra WaterClarifier it looks really cool when you put it in
CoolgirlHK - 7 years ago
Fish Girl what brand ??
Fish Girl
Fish Girl - 7 years ago
CoolgirlHK get a water clarifier at Walmart
Mammal Channel
Mammal Channel - 7 years ago
Lucky u have your fish in the kitchen/dinning room
Mika Chan
Mika Chan - 7 years ago
i have the same tank thanks for ur help ur bettas are beautiful
BLB13films - 7 years ago
Betta Central
Betta Central - 7 years ago
My betta has lived for about 4 years without a heater and is still alive.
BetterBetta - 7 years ago
Glad to hear your betta has lived 3 years! My oldest betta lived until about 2years and 7months (also without a heater/filter or the 2.5+ gallon tank everyone recommends fishkeepers use). I can't seem to keep a betta alive past a year and a half with my heater/filter and large tank set up. However, as my channel is about betta care, I choose to use what most people recommend and share that knowledge based on what I've learned, not what I've done. People with heaters can unfortunately have their bettas live only 2 weeks. Others don't use heaters and luckily have their bettas live 3+ years like your betta. Heaters aren't necessarily a 'lie', among many fishkeepers they believe it is a requirement. Others feel they are not needed. I personally have seen bettas of mine significantly increase their activity level after I added a heater, and others act no differently. Like tank size, it's up to the fishkeepers what they choose to use when caring for their betta fish, it's your pet and no one can tell you how to care for it- within reason of course. Also, I'm Canadian too- it DOES get pretty cold! Haha. Happy Canada Day!
Aquarium Show
Aquarium Show - 7 years ago
Nice. Your tanks are beautiful. I see you got over the bowl.
*Determined 2Win*
*Determined 2Win* - 7 years ago
They sure are!
Endfinx - 7 years ago

20. comment for How To Clean the 3 Gallon Tetra Halfmoon Aquarium

Emily Bell
Emily Bell - 7 years ago
wonderful video....but should i get a glass tank,or a plastic one because-i don't want bpa leaching into the water :p
velvetheart7683 - 7 years ago
Oh Please!
Summer Surfs
Summer Surfs - 7 years ago
super video (:
FUNNY SH#T - 7 years ago
Nice ass
BestBetta - 7 years ago
FUNNY SH#T ur a fucking pervert, so FUCK THE HELL OFF BITCH
FUNNY SH#T - 7 years ago
Dan's sad dimple __ what's wrong with being honest
Emma's Animal Adventure
Emma's Animal Adventure - 7 years ago
FUNNY SH#T fuck off
Stefany Gomez
Stefany Gomez - 7 years ago
You're beautiful
Ashley Garcia
Ashley Garcia - 8 years ago
Where did you purchase that scuba diver ? Really love the decorations you have
Ashley Garcia
Ashley Garcia - 8 years ago
BetterBetta I have must lucked out they don't sell it any more
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Ashley Garcia Thank you! The scuba diver ornament was from PetSmart. Most of my ornaments are! :)
Gage Zabala
Gage Zabala - 8 years ago
if you had to choose between 5 or 6, 2 inch fish, or a betta what would it be? just curious...
Jazmin Bretado
Jazmin Bretado - 8 years ago
Good video
bmp902 - 8 years ago
I like your video very much. It teaches a lot. One tip, I do it the old fashion way. However, it is a longer way. When you re-fill the tank up use only cold water, cold water contains less rust from the pipes and harsh chemicals. No need for chemicals, for cholorine because you let the filter and heater run for 24 hours. After this time as passed it is very safe to add your fish back into the tank.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+bmp902 Thank you! I'm glad my video helped. I've heard a few other people that clean their tanks your way. :)
Jax Trax
Jax Trax - 8 years ago
I liked your video.
I was wondering about your filter... when and how do you do it?
What is the filter made up of and what parts do you change or clean?

BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Jax Trax For the most part, I leave the filter alone in order to not disturb the beneficial bacteria. About once a month, I'll change out the filter cartridge. After a month of use, it's starts to lose its effectiveness. I'll just switch it out for a new one, and that's really all I do! If you feel you want/need to clean the filter every time you do a water change, rinse the filter media in water that came out of tank- the 'dirty' water- in order to keep as much bacteria on the filter as possible! :) Hope this helps!
animaux Lover
animaux Lover - 8 years ago
Can you do a video on how to clean all your tanks??
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Sure! I have a few videos lined up and it will take a bit to edit, but I can get it done :)

30. comment for How To Clean the 3 Gallon Tetra Halfmoon Aquarium

Kyndra Powell
Kyndra Powell - 8 years ago
Do you add bacteria when you first set up a tank or do you let it build up over time? Also, I have always waited 24 hours before putting my fish back into his tank after a water change due to the water conditioner. Is it safe to put your fish back in right after adding the water conditioner?
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Kyndra Powell I usually acclimate my bettas before putting them back in the tank, for around 15 minutes, to get them used to the temperate change, etc. I found that has worked fine! At the time I made this video I let the bacteria grow over time, however now I use a bacteria supplement to get it started! Both options have successfully cycled my new tanks, I haven't lost any fish during cycling. Hope this helps! :)
Super Kyle
Super Kyle - 8 years ago
Lots of pets, I'm guessing she's single.
Thëriziino - 8 years ago
you must get all the ladies with those pickup lines bro
Nikki Hoffman
Nikki Hoffman - 8 years ago
Great video. Excellent instruction, really enjoyed!
Ryan Dryer
Ryan Dryer - 8 years ago
Love the decorations!!
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Ryan Dryer Thanks! :)
BestBetta - 8 years ago
How often do you do your water changes? I'm planning on getting this tank that's why you I'm asking.
BestBetta - 7 years ago
Lorie Drach hey! I do my water changes every two weeks, that’s why worked for me. So you can follow it but u can do it as often as it works for you. Sydney,(betterbetta) does hers every week, as to,d in a q and a video. Hope this helped!
Lorie Drach
Lorie Drach - 7 years ago
did you get a reply? I' also needing to know.
Sean McTaggart
Sean McTaggart - 8 years ago
I have a 10 gallon glow fish tank and I do a 10% water change on it every week.
Cit Laly
Cit Laly - 8 years ago
Sean McTaggart How many fish are in that tank? If you have more than 2( not bettas, but other fish in general), then you might want to take out more water.
Agustin Torrens
Agustin Torrens - 8 years ago
You're beautiful!
BestBetta - 7 years ago
Emma's Animal Adventure
Emma's Animal Adventure - 7 years ago
Agustin Torrens finally someone who isn't saying something about her ass this is a nice way to say she is beautiful
PET_ENTHUSIAST22 - 8 years ago
Just a tip, you should always acclimate your fish before releasing it into the different water as sudden change in water temperature can put your betta into tons of stress:)
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+PeT_EnThuSiasT101 Thanks for the tip! I received a few tips to do that shortly after uploading this video, so I can happily say I've been acclimating my betta ever since this video was uploaded. :)
Leo the Lion
Leo the Lion - 8 years ago
That ass
Betta Central
Betta Central - 7 years ago
BestBetta - 7 years ago
Leo the Lion go fuck your mom for that ass you perv.bitch
Emma's Animal Adventure
Emma's Animal Adventure - 7 years ago
fuck off perv go fuck your grandma and her saggy ass
smoonie717 - 8 years ago
Hi there! I just got this exact tank. When you perform a water change, do you unplug the filter as well? I was thinking I would just tighten the water control knob that controls the filter and the bubbles instead and stop the flow that way during a water change.. But i wasn't sure if that would cause any issues. Please let me know if i should just unplug it completely instead?

Thank you! Look forward to hearing your response.
smoonie717 - 8 years ago
BetterBetta Thank you so much! Love you channel and your bettas!!
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+smoonie717 Tightening the knobs would be your safest option, and it won't cause any issues while doing the water change. The worry you have with unplugging the filter is having the air stone backflow and accidentally pull water into the pump. If you have a check valve that's not an issue, but simply turning the filter down with the knob is what I would recommend. :)
Jose Romero
Jose Romero - 8 years ago
Very koo tank .. beautiful
Bel Sky
Bel Sky - 8 years ago
Your videos are SO helpful. One question, I just set up this tank for my betta Chad, and I don't know how often to clean this tank.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thanks! I clean my tanks about once a week.
Aaryaa choksi
Aaryaa choksi - 8 years ago
Is there another way to pull out the water ? Not from our mouth ! But another way ??
Fenu S
Fenu S - 8 years ago
+BetterBetta mine has a thing that you sqeeze to get started
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Yes and no. You use your mouth to start the suction, but the water doesn't actually ever touch your mouth. With that specific tube, you need a large tank in order to flip the tube completely upside down inside the tank- it's difficult to explain in words, but with small tanks like these, the tube doesn't fit- so using you mouth is the only way. You could scoop out the water using a bucket, and vacuum the substrate with a clean turkey baster too. There is another type of gravel suction for sale that is made differently and only needs to be 'squeezed' in order to start the suction, so if you haven't purchased any gravel suction yet but are looking for one, that is another option too :)
Chris Kidd
Chris Kidd - 8 years ago
Thanks for the video. I got the square one and have two regular fish (not bettas lol), because I wanted to familiarize myself with the whole process before buying a 29 or maybe 65 gallon tank. That's a big vacuum for such a small tank. What did people do to clean the gravel before these gravel suckers? Seriously I'm curious? As a kid I had two ten gallons ones and sometimes cleaned the gravel in the sink. No idea what I was doing except that I knew to not put a new fish in without leaving it in the store bought bag 30 min first. BUT my main question? The pump...I swapped first out at Walmart and they kept the whole new tank and just gave me the new pump. It was rattling and all kinda stuff. Pump is good now but weak. I also heard to get a check valve but now even with only not quite 3 feet of line, it's so weak that it mostly bubbles and not pours. Thankfully the pump is quieter. Would no check valve and a shorter hose be better? If I understand check valves, how much harm could really be done if it did siphon? I watched another video that recommended turning pump off in these tanks when feeding because the food does go straight to the bottom if it's on and pumping good. What do you think? Check valve or no? How much line? Thanks for video :)
Chris Kidd
Chris Kidd - 8 years ago
OK I'm done commenting after this ha ha. I had water tested and they said it had too much ammonia because I have two freshwater fish and it's only a gallon and a half, and with the decoratioms, which are also too big, it's not that much. But they are doing good and I am cleaning it more often. Too much fish waste. I was just learning with this tank though and it's been a perfect learning experience before getting a 29 or 55 gallon one. Thanks for responding. A lot don't, and it will help your channel greatly. Again, much appreciated. Giving this tank to someone who only wants one beta only.
Chris Kidd
Chris Kidd - 8 years ago
Thanks. I'm not sure why my pump is foaming at the top after putting a filter in, even a clean one after a couple of days. I came in yesterday and the little towel under it was soking wet and kind of put a little buckle mark on the dresser. I thought tank was leaking. I took it in bathroom and sit it there and realized that if it was leaking it had to be cracked, which it isn't and hasn't leaked anymore. This is the second pump I've had for this square three gallon tank. My line is only about 2 ft long though, but the tank is crystal clear. One vid said to turn these pumps off when feeding (which I do and it helps) becaue the power of it sucks the food to the bottom fast. Maybe I'll put up quick vid. No idea where the water came from though.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Chris Kidd I personally do not use check valves. Their main purpose is to stop water from siphoning back into the pump, which if that happens, will usually break the pump as the pump is not waterproof. However, siphoning will rarely happen, it only is a risk if there is a power failure or a breaker is tripped. Check valves are fairly inexpensive, so if you feel safer having one it isn't very costly. As far as cord length, my tubing is quite long, I've never cut it. I don't think the length would effect the performance at all.
DerpyDino - 8 years ago
did Horatio ever flare at journey?
DerpyDino - 8 years ago
ok thank you for replying
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Not while they were in their tanks side by side, but during water changes he'd flare at her if I accidentally put the cups too close together. :)
155DJJ - 8 years ago
Did you speed up the voice.....You talk too fast......blah blah blah
jacky kah
jacky kah - 8 years ago
How often do you clean the fish tank?
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
I clean my tanks once a week :)
marielephant1 - 8 years ago
i didn't know females could have longer fins and tails
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Yep! They are certainly less common, but they definitely can. They are just known as 'long finned females' when researching them on YouTube, Instagram, etc. There are reputable sources too - like breeders and such- that post a few videos on them :) The longer finned female just are hard to find apparently!
alice f
alice f - 8 years ago
We are new to being fish owners and I have so many questions. Petsmart is not helpful at all. Hope you can help! Our first Betta died after a month so I am trying very hard to get it right this time :( You don't need to clean the insides of the glass walls? I think I've been doing it all wrong. I don't have a filter and I change 20% of the water every 3 days and once a week I do a 50% change. But at the 50% change, I take everything out and rinse everything including decorations under tap water. I don't use gravel either, just the glass marble things. Am I killing our fish?! also, do you like the 3 gallon half moon tank more or the 5? I'm shopping for a new tank and can't decide. I have just been using a 1.2 gallon tank and have not been able to get a filter running where the suction is not too strong for my Betta so that's why I think I need a bigger tank. I even tried the same filter as your 3 gallon half moon tank. It's suppose to be for 1-3 gallons and our Betta had to swim so hard against it. I feel he almost got sucked in!
alice f
alice f - 8 years ago
Thank you very much for your reply! I feel a bit more confident with what I'm doing now. I am leaning more towards the 5 gallon too but am just worried about the filter being too strong for our Betta. I will have to look into that valve thing you mentioned. I didn't know such a thing existed. Thanks!
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Sorry to hear you lost your first betta :( Unfortunately, it seems that your betta must have had a hidden illness, because your tank cleaning schedule seems perfectly safe. I used to practice the same schedule when my bettas were in 1 gallon tanks, and my past betta lived 2 years and 7 months in those conditions. I do not think you are doing anything wrong. I've also used those glass beads as a substrate before, and 9 times out of ten they are completely safe for aquariums - and if they weren't, it would have been printed on the label, so if the label didn't say anything when purchasing them, they are perfectly ok to use for fish. Many may say that 1.2 gallon tanks are too small, but with proper water changes the water quality shouldn't become an issue. You are looking into upgrading, and that's great. The five gallon tank is better quality as it is glass, and it is also brighter, so overall, that tank is slightly better. However I buy the 3 gallons too because they weigh less and can sit on smaller stands, and are also more affordable than the 5 gallons - plus, the filter in the 3 gallons is weaker, and better for weak swimmers. I agree that tanks less than 2.5 gallons are hard to find a good filter for- right now the frequent water changes are definitely your best bet! Also, not sure if you are using a flow control valve thingy for your Tetra filter- I use one and I majorly adjust the flow, so its relatively weak. That might help too! Hope this answered your questions!
alice f
alice f - 8 years ago
Oh sorry. I just read the description and realized you explained why you didn't clean the sides
Brooklin Mercedes
Brooklin Mercedes - 8 years ago
im sure a TON of people have said that Journey is a boy, and she really really looks like a boy!! I absolutely loved you video!! Very very well explained on each step it takes to successfully clean a betta tank!!!
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thank you! I'm glad you thought so! And yes, Journey has definitely fooled a lot of people - even me at first, honestly - but hours of research prove she's just a long fin female. They're less common of course, but certainly 'real' - they've even been bred :)

50. comment for How To Clean the 3 Gallon Tetra Halfmoon Aquarium

Patrycja Jay
Patrycja Jay - 8 years ago
Don't know if you did this video already but maybe a tour of all the tanks? Btw love ya
Patrycja Jay
Patrycja Jay - 8 years ago
+BetterBetta oh ok.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thanks! I do have a tank tour up! I think I have about four of them? I have a Tank Tours playlist on my channel page, too, if you're interested in watching them all at once :)
Dandi's Den
Dandi's Den - 8 years ago
I heard you only need to do a 25% water change on a 3G tank. Also, i've been hearing those half-moon tanks are bowing in the back, are you having that trouble?
Nicole Hitt
Nicole Hitt - 8 years ago
Dia's Den well my fish just died from doing 25% water changes once a week to much ammonia and bacteria came into the tank I have a 3 gallon had a filter
Dandi's Den
Dandi's Den - 8 years ago
Okay. That's informative. I was told to do a 50% on a 1G and i did that at least once a week and I think it killed my betta. The reviews i was reading on the tank made it sound like the bowing was serious and the lids weren't fitting anymore. I actually like the look of a square one, but my room is going through a make-over so i can't get another tank until after that's done.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Dia's Den There are actually a wide range of opinions on how much water to change. Some say 25%, some say 50%, and some, like me, say 75%. It's really up to you to decide what you feel best doing. It also depends on how often you perform water changes - less frequent water changes require larger water changes :) As far as the tank goes, the back does bow very slightly, but it doesn't affect the tank at all- the lid is a little tricky to get on, but once it's on you'd never notice any bowing was happening. It's nothing major.
VioletNinetales - 8 years ago
i am planning on picking up this tank, because ive had a betta in the past who lived in my 20 gallon aquarium with tetras and cat fish, who died last year and I want to go back to having a betta again. ive heard from reviews that the back bowls out a little because the plastic is thin and struggles to withstand the pressure of 3 gallons of water, and that the lid has trouble staying on, as well as the bubbler tends to float. is this tank a good tank?
VioletNinetales - 8 years ago
oh ok thanks, I noticed some complaints about the lights not lasting very long and how noisy or how bad the filter is. I personally turn lights in my fish tank on for an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening so its not that big of a deal that I shouldn't leave my lights on all the time however
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Overall, I'd say a it's a good tank. I haven't had any issues with the bubbler floating, but I can say the lid part is partly true. The lid stays on well, but it's a little tricky to get on due to the back bending slightly. I would still recommend the tank, though, despite this, as it's not a major issue.
PET_ENTHUSIAST22 - 8 years ago
Just a tip, you must practice acclimating with ur betta before putting it in the will be good:)
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
I now acclimate them after receiving a few tips like this. It probably is best! :)
Frank K
Frank K - 8 years ago
how often do you need to change water if it looks clear
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
I clean my tanks every week, sometimes every week and half. Even when your tank appears clean (clear water) there is still going to be ammonia buildup, so it's best to clean it using the same schedule whether your fish is particularly messy that week or not :)
casey childs
casey childs - 8 years ago
I have a half moon from Api, similar to your terra tank. I do not remove my betas- they prefer to stay in their tank and I let them. By now, they know what I am doing and my betta shimmer is hilarious. He likes to get in my way on purpose when I clean his tank. So I have to playfully move him out the way. But I have live plants so I don't clean my gravel and I only do 25% water changes. If alge forms, I just get the net or sponge to clean it. Maybe you should invest in love plants as well. That way you don't have to do a deep cleaning every time as well. The plants really help my tanks stay clean
Someone Else
Someone Else - 7 years ago
casey childs the very first time I did a water change for my betta he was CONSTANTLY in the way. Had to check out everything. I had to purposely avoid scooping him up or hitting him with fresh water.
Allison Pets
Allison Pets - 7 years ago
This comment is so late, but just wanted to say my fish much prefer staying in the tank while I clean every week. They definitely get more stressed out if I try to move them into a separate container during water changes :) Whatever works for you though! Every fish is different!
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+casey childs I have left my bettas in the tanks once or twice when I want to be faster, and I have some that like to run and hide and others that also like to get in the way :) I actually just placed an order for live plants two days ago - so I should have some in about a week! :) Recycling the fish water is pretty smart, I'd never have thought of that. I could see why it would significantly help plant growth.
casey childs
casey childs - 8 years ago
Oh! I also recycle my used fish water. I pour it in my outside plants! Best fertilizer ever! My plants have actually gotten bigger sense I started pouring the dirty fish water in them.
rachelpstudios_official - 8 years ago
please please do a video on how to move bettas into a neon tetra tank! please i will love you forever
rachelpstudios_official - 8 years ago
Thanks for your help ^.^. I've done it now, betta are pretty calm fish! I put both of the heaters on the same temp waited for both of them to hit 26 then I moved my betta into a container and added water from the new tank and the old one and then I moved him. He chased the tetras at first but he calmed down, he is breathing heavily which I'm worried about but yeah. (I moved him yesterday). He is now in a 5 gallon tank with a catfish and tetras :) Subscribe.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
I can try! I won't be able to get it out for about a month, but if you don't mind waiting I could try to get it done :)
Zar Who?
Zar Who? - 8 years ago
Great video!I have the same Tetra Whisper filter :)How often do you change the cartridge?
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thank you! I change it approximately once every month-and-a-half :)
Pamela .Congdon
Pamela .Congdon - 8 years ago
What kind of heater do you use?
Pamela .Congdon
Pamela .Congdon - 8 years ago
+BetterBetta okay thanks
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
It's a National Geograhic 10w Submersible.
Orly Rubin
Orly Rubin - 8 years ago
how many times to you clean the tank
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
I do a full tank clean every other week (Sunday morning), however if I see I need to do it sooner, I will :)
Shaun Luna
Shaun Luna - 8 years ago
Your fish are all males. Just letting you know because i wasnt sure if you knew since you kept calling journey "her" . Nice vid!
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thanks for Watching! Actually, in my most recent video I went over how Journey is in fact a girl based of fin shape and other physical characteristics.She is what is known as a long fin female, they are actually quite common now- you can find lots of pictures on Instagram and YouTube, from reputable people (even breeders). :)
Ashley Fenimore
Ashley Fenimore - 8 years ago
When you clean a Betta tank it's always best to do a 100% water change because they easily get infections such as ich and basic fungal infection I don't mean to be rude about this but other than that u take awesome care of your bettas I own 16 bettas and they all have that 5 gallon tank that ur others r in
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thank you! Actually it's recommended to do frequent 25-75% water changes opposed to less frequent 100% water changes. Full water changes can change the parameters of your tank too much and are risk to shocking your betta. 100% water changes are only needed when major changes are taking place in your tank.
the lazy fish keeper
the lazy fish keeper - 8 years ago
i was bored so i watched your video i was on the edge of my seat.will she catch the betta?. are there sharks in the water?
will she refill the tank in time .... if you film this again the guys would like to see a tank top...... just say'in
any way you did not mention if you do this daily, weekly, bi-weekly, mothly yearly, just when the mood strikes you
Nachtblatt - 8 years ago
Why is everbody putting just plastic plants in? You should buy real plants they are way better and healthier for the fish. Also ist looks prettier...
Nachtblatt - 8 years ago
+BetterBetta Good to hear! Thanks for answering my question :)
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
I'm currently in the process of researching live plants because I do plan to start using them. Checking the light/CO2 and other requirements for them first, to make sure they are in the optimal environment. I love the look of them too, plus they are easier on a betta's fins. People start using plastic plants because they love how they can add color to a tank if they aren't a fan of the natural theme, but I'd still encourage silk over plastic. Also, I know some people who say they dislike real plants because they have to do upkeep. I'm excited to start live planting though, as I do agree that when done right, natural planted tanks can be absolutely beautiful.
NightSky TV
NightSky TV - 8 years ago
So true i done this many times
Kate V
Kate V - 8 years ago
how often do you clean the 3 gallon?
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
I clean it every week-2 weeks. It requires weekly in the summertime because the of the brighter sun that comes through the window by my tank. If I do it two weeks, I check the water parameters a week in and every so often after that to make sure they are still safe for her. :)
InfinityPets - 8 years ago
I subscribed
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thank you! :)
Jason Wilhelm
Jason Wilhelm - 8 years ago
I just got the same fish tank thanks so much I subscribe
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thank you! I'm glad it could help you! :)
Cindy oreolover
Cindy oreolover - 8 years ago
@BetterBetta What heater do you use for your bettas? I'm looking for a heater for my betta but I've seen many reviews about people's fish getting burned so I don't know which one to get... Which ones would you recommend? I have the same aquarium as you.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
I use the National Geographic 10w submersible heater. I swear by it :) I too heard those reviews and was hesistant to buy them, so I bought the NatGeo one and I'm extremely pleased. It keeps my tank at a stable, safe temperature. I have one in each of my bettas tanks and I personally wouldn't use any other heater after trying this one. I love how it turns on and off automatically and doesn't need to be unplugged when it heats up to avoid overheating. Saves me from worrying about it when I'm out all day. :) I'd highly recommend it! PS: Not sponsored. I literally do think it's the greatest small-tank heater ever. :)
Silly Bettas
Silly Bettas - 8 years ago
I am redoing my youtube channel
101Iheartmoondancer - 8 years ago
Just came across your channel, seems fairly new-ish. I like your videos. Subscribed! :)
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thank you so much :)
lykrawrNstuffz - 8 years ago
If you don't mind me asking, how much was your 3 gallon and where did you get it?
lykrawrNstuffz - 8 years ago
Thanks so much!
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
It was $40 CAD and I got it at Walmart :)
Dolphincutie World
Dolphincutie World - 8 years ago
Awesome video! :)
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Mr.Rookie Aquarist
Mr.Rookie Aquarist - 8 years ago
great video, but u should let your tank cycle for few minutes even when doing 75% , this helps and i always let may tank cycle for at least a day. i also have a betta and other fishes,and do clean your filter media and ornaments with same tank water as it does not destroy the beneficial bacteria. But by the way its nice video
Mr.Rookie Aquarist
Mr.Rookie Aquarist - 8 years ago
pleasure, i am also new to the hobby learned few tips from you tube
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thanks for the tip! I'll definitely put this into consideration for the next time I clean her tank :) Glad you liked the video regardless!
SamsHappyMail - 8 years ago
Lol at the end with Sophie
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Yep, after I refused to let her chew the gravel siphon she thought she'd try to get away with drinking the warm water I had already put water conditioner in. :p
JC Fish Family
JC Fish Family - 8 years ago
This was such a great video, especially helpful because I have the same tank :)
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thanks! That's true - I remember seeing that tank in your videos :)
BestBetta - 8 years ago
Lol struggles of being short and not having any strength
BestBetta - 8 years ago
+BetterBetta thank you so muchhhhh!! I will be very thankful for this. My Betta is sadly at the pet store. I got my Betta exchanged and got a white Betta!! I named him Spirit! But I'm still not satisfied though.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Sounds like a case of columnaris :( It's often caused by poor water conditions but their are many strains of it. Some can be cured, and some unfortunately can not. Stress can make your betta a target for the bacteria. Collosal could have been slightly stressed from his rehoming and made him susceptible, but there isn't much you could have done in this case to prevent it. Although you didn't see any warning signs, maybe always have aquarium salt in your home in case something ever pops up with any future fish. Be careful not to have it always in your tank though. As for now, clean everything down, especially any shared equipment like nets and such because most illnesses are very contagious among fish. I'm still so sorry that you lost your betta. SIP Collosal :(
BestBetta - 8 years ago
+BetterBetta I had him in a 1 gallon, heatered and filtered! I do water changes 1 time a week, which I did last Saturday. I'll try to describe my betta as much as I can.He had white type of fuzz/fur on his whole body! It was both sad and disgusting.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
I'm so sorry that this happened! :( Unfortunately without pictures it's hard to pinpoint exactly the type of fungus and then the cause of it. With your fish being relatively new to you, it likely was not your fault! Please don't blame yourself for this as it is impossible to tell when and where your fish got sick. Most fungal infections are caused by either contaminated live/frozen food, and/or infrequent water changes, both which could have happened in the pet store, or in your home. It depends on the kind of illness where it came from - did you notice white stool whilst cleaning his tank, him swimming erratically around his tank, or rubbing his body against ornaments? Is there anything on your betta that wasn't there before? How big is his tank and is it heated? Did he have tank mates that he could have caught this from? This will hopefully give us a better insight on what hurt your fish. I am so sorry that you lost your betta, I know how hard it is to lose your pet, especially to something other than old age. :( <3 SIP
BestBetta - 8 years ago
+BetterBetta I need some help!!!!!! When I came this morning to feed my fish my poor baby was dead!! I have 7 more days to return the fish to them!! But the pet store said it was fungus!! I have no idea why this happened!!
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
I'll see what I can do :)
BestBetta - 8 years ago
+BetterBetta Can you do a tutorial on how you clean your marimo ball tank?
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
The struggle is very real haha
Aquarium Boy123
Aquarium Boy123 - 8 years ago
Great video! This will help a lot of people!
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thanks, I hope so!
Silly Bettas
Silly Bettas - 8 years ago
Greart video me and u should both do a callab about the 5 gallon i have to same for my male and my 3 ghost shrimp
Silly Bettas
Silly Bettas - 8 years ago
+BetterBetta ok
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
I would, but I have videos planned all the way into mid November! It would be a long time until I'd be able to post my half.
arkimsilence5854242 - 8 years ago
Thanks for the quick respond to my comment! Great video :) i just picked up the tank for my beta
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Glad I could help! :)
Blazing Bettas
Blazing Bettas - 8 years ago
this video was so great!! Very good quality!
Blazing Bettas
Blazing Bettas - 8 years ago
+BetterBetta ok:) That's good!
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thanks! And I think so. I've been keeping an eye on them, but all advice I get on it suggests it may just be a natural color thing. It doesn't match any illness. I found a video of another long finned female betta on YouTube, and that betta had the exact same spot, exact same size, in the exact same place, so I'm thinking it may just be a part of her. I'll always watch it though :)
Blazing Bettas
Blazing Bettas - 8 years ago
Also, are Journey's scales ok?
Bright-BlueBerry - 8 years ago
I loved this video!! It was very informative.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thank you! :)
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Great video. I loved the fact you did step by step instructions. I personally would not do such a large water change especially in a small tank. Because the tank and filter are small you bacterial colonies will be smaller so doing such large water changes will cause damage to them. Larger tanks can stand it but even then 75% would not be recommended. I do 25-30% weekly water changes on all my tanks large and small. Also I acclimate the betta before putting them back in. Acclimating is not just about getting the temperature the same but acclimating the fish to the new water parameters etc. I float the cup in the water and add a little tank water over 10-15 minutes. I like the way your tank is decorated and all your Bettas are beautiful! Keep the videos coming!!
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Definitely not butting in! In the fish hobby there are tons of different opinions and it's good to know a few of them :) Thanks for sharing yours!
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
You're not butting in at all. I think it's good to share information. We all have different ways of doing things and it's very often, not one size fits all. For my tanks 25-30% works very well and all water parameters are where they need to be. For you it's more and for Betterbetta it's 75%. It's always good to see what others do.
LunareSage - 8 years ago
Water changes in cycled aquariums are to remove/lower the nitrate concentration. I think the amount you need to remove weekly depends on how quickly nitrates rise in your tank. In smaller tanks it is generally recommended that you do 50% water changes at least once a week and anything lower than a 5 gal I think it is increased to 50% twice a week or more. But it really depends on those nitrates and how your tank handles them (which can differ between all tanks, there is not set rule to this!). Though personally I would do a min of 50% in a 3gal since nitrates are going to rise a lot faster in that smaller tank, or you could do 30% and just increase the number of water changes you do in a week. I do 50% water changes in all of my five 5gal tanks, sometimes a little bit more a week and about 20% in my 40gal and it appears to keep everything in check fairly well. But if you want a better idea of how much water you need to remove from your tanks a week I'd monitor the nitrate levels and see for yourself. :) (sorry if it seems I'm butting in, but I thought I'd share a little from my own experiences since this can get a little tricky ^^;)
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Ok, thanks.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thanks :) I use the Sony Digital HD Handycam AVCHD .
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
+BetterBetta Can I ask what camera you use for your videos? They always look so good.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thank you! And thanks for your help! I'll remember to acclimate her from now on. Even though I know to acclimate a betta to a new tank, I suppose this is the same kind of thing. And I can't remember the source I got the information to do the 75%, but I'll scale it back now to around 30%. Thanks again ! :)
Havens Animals
Havens Animals - 8 years ago
Awesome video! (Just a tip, it's best to let your betta acclimatize before letting it out into the water. This means to allow the betta's cup to sit in the water, so that the temperature in the cup water and tank water become exactly the same. Even small changes in water temperature can throw your betta into shock.) :)
Havens Animals
Havens Animals - 8 years ago
:) Glad I could offer some assistance
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thanks for the tip! I generally get the water the same temperature, but I suppose it couldn't hurt to acclimate them anyway. :) I'd hate to shock her due to an preventable problem.

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