How To Clean the Top Fin 20 Gallon Aquarium

This video demonstrates how I clean my Top Fin 20 gallon aquarium that I keep as a tiger barb tank. These steps can be applied to other brands and sizes of tanks. To see a similar, more-detailed version of this video I posted just over a year ago, where I clean my 3 gallon betta tank, then here is the link: PLEASE NOTE: The fish community is FULL of different techniques, preferences, and opinions. Feel free to share yours in the comments below, but keep in mind that just because someone does something differently than you, it doesn't automatically make it wrong. Please be respectful to other commenters! Constructive criticism, however, is ALWAYS welcome. It's how we learn and improve! Thank you for watching! I try to post videos every week to every other week. Find Me on Instagram: officialbetterbetta I post much more frequently on my Instagram. Music by (Main) and YouTube Audio Library (End).

How To Clean the Top Fin 20 Gallon Aquarium sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1

Betta 7 years ago 3,429 views

This video demonstrates how I clean my Top Fin 20 gallon aquarium that I keep as a tiger barb tank. These steps can be applied to other brands and sizes of tanks. To see a similar, more-detailed version of this video I posted just over a year ago, where I clean my 3 gallon betta tank, then here is the link: PLEASE NOTE: The fish community is FULL of different techniques, preferences, and opinions. Feel free to share yours in the comments below, but keep in mind that just because someone does something differently than you, it doesn't automatically make it wrong. Please be respectful to other commenters! Constructive criticism, however, is ALWAYS welcome. It's how we learn and improve! Thank you for watching! I try to post videos every week to every other week. Find Me on Instagram: officialbetterbetta I post much more frequently on my Instagram. Music by (Main) and YouTube Audio Library (End).

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Most popular comments
for How To Clean the Top Fin 20 Gallon Aquarium

Osvaldo Rojas Canada
Osvaldo Rojas Canada - 7 years ago
a clean mine but the water looks cloudy n the top looks idk how to explaine it like tick wather
Forza Madness
Forza Madness - 7 years ago
I watched your video because I might get one
ItzJoseph - 7 years ago
Cool video I subscribed
Rudell Huff
Rudell Huff - 7 years ago
What about changing the filter
BetterBetta - 7 years ago
+Rudell Huff I don't change the filter cartridge every time I clean the tank, and it wasn't time to change it when I filmed this video :) I do change it whenever it needs to be done though!
Mr Penguin
Mr Penguin - 7 years ago
growth on those objects are very good!its mostly important to clean sand/gravel/tank glass when cleaning because some fish like feeding off of the objects and it also keeps the water clean if you keep it in low amounts :D
BestBetta - 7 years ago
It's al-jee, not al-gi! I thought I'll help you out there lol not to be mean that you don't know because some people are kind of sarcastic and mean while saying that.
Brynne Guyer
Brynne Guyer - 7 years ago
Sometimes it seems like a chore for me, but I CAN'T STAND IT when people help me. I'm a super busy person, and occasionally my boyfriend will help me with water changes while I'm getting ready for us to go out or he'll do one while I'm doing another. It's not that he does a bad job either. I am just super particular, and for some reason I feel like I have to do it by myself. I do it by myself most of the time, so when someone else offers to help, it's super difficult for me to actually let them do anything besides carry buckets.
Mr Penguin
Mr Penguin - 7 years ago
Make a no maintenance fish tank if you have a good bacteria colony a number of water changes you have to do are none if you have fast evaporating water/good bacteria/plants/fish
as long as they don't poop a lot of course

I've personally only done a water change once and it killed all my guppies but when I got an loach and only added water to the tank I never had to do anything but minor maintenance to the tank saving me so much time I've had the tank for about 3 months with the loach and he hasn't show signs of sickness and he's/she (i don't know) is always happy :D
Gilmar Oliveira
Gilmar Oliveira - 7 years ago
Good morning Better Betta Do you still have your Bettas?
Gilmar Oliveira
Gilmar Oliveira - 7 years ago
Nice. U should do an update video of them.
BetterBetta - 7 years ago
Yes, I do! :) I have 3 bettas- two that share a divided tank, and one in a community tank :)
ShyerLady - 7 years ago
Its kinda neither for me. Its a chore, but I dont complain cuz its for the fish.....Hey, how did you cycle your betta tanks?

10. comment for How To Clean the Top Fin 20 Gallon Aquarium

pancudowny - 7 years ago
You should see how I clean my 20-gal... Even with methods I've employed to make it easier, it's still a chore because of what-all I may use for one method or another. However, there is a few tips I can recommend from my methods to ease maintenance of yours...
Aquarium Show
Aquarium Show - 7 years ago
Your tank looks amazing. Nice job with the cleaning.
BetterBetta - 7 years ago
Thank you! :)
Dolphincutie World
Dolphincutie World - 7 years ago
Hi, It's good to see your video upload. I hope you are doing good and all your bettas too. I do like cleaning mine they ate only 5 gallons but sometimes I have to be in the Sad..right...oh well...
naomi smith
naomi smith - 7 years ago
I like cleaning my fish tank but I don't like doing it in a rush I like to take my time and enjoy my fish great video
BetterBetta - 7 years ago
I'd say it's the same way for me. I always seem to wait to clean my fish tanks until it's late, or I'm super busy. If I clean my tanks when I actually leave time and energy for it, then I don't dread it- but it always ends up feeling like a chore because I procrastinate WAY too much! :)
the lazy fish keeper
the lazy fish keeper - 7 years ago
the tank looked just fine how are the leds holding up. i know in mine i had 2 die on me
cleaning the tanks it's part of keeping fish. but enjoying the view afterwards is always a plus
stay well
BetterBetta - 7 years ago
Thanks! So far I haven't lost any LEDs. They're holding up well, and my tank is about 7 months old - I've had it since December 2016. Very true that the view afterwords makes it worth it! :)
Fluff,Fins And Feathers
Fluff,Fins And Feathers - 7 years ago
I like cleaning my fish tanks, but sometimes when I'm really tired I don't like to do it, but when I'm done it always makes me feel happy to see my fish enjoying their clean tank
BetterBetta - 7 years ago
I definitely agree! :)
Gilmar Oliveira
Gilmar Oliveira - 7 years ago
Fluff,Fins And Feathers same here
hammy_fins - 7 years ago
I personally find cleaning fish tanks is a chore. Mainly I guess is because I'm weak so I hate carrying the bucket of clean water from the bathroom to my room. I enjoy cleaning them if I'm changing the decor up, I rarely do that though. Lol
bettafriends254 - 7 years ago
Prince Ruby Red
Prince Ruby Red - 7 years ago
i enjoy cleaning some tanks more than others for reasons i dont even know
AlphaWolfForever - 7 years ago
I usually enjoy cleaning my tanks, but recently I had an algae problem, so that was annoying. Lol.

20. comment for How To Clean the Top Fin 20 Gallon Aquarium

AlphaWolfForever - 7 years ago
Beautiful fish!
BetterBetta - 7 years ago
Thank you! :)
Warren Price
Warren Price - 7 years ago
hi BetterBetta Even though i don't have a 20 gallon tank this is going to help me a lot with my other tank!
Thank you so much! BTW i love your videos there so inspiring and helpful for keeping my betta alive!!
Thank you SOOOOOO much!
BetterBetta - 7 years ago
Thank you! I'm so glad to hear that you found it helpful! You're welcome! :)

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